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Royal Decree 1496 / 2011, On 24 October, Amending The Royal Decree 187/2008, Of 8 February, Which Establishes The Procedure Of Integration In The Status Of Statutory Staff Of The Staff Of The Hospital Network D...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1496/2011, de 24 de octubre, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 187/2008, de 8 de febrero, por el que se establece el procedimiento de integraciĆ³n en la condiciĆ³n de personal estatutario del personal laboral de la Red hospitalaria d...

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The first transitional provision of Royal Decree 187/2008 of 8 February establishing the integration procedure in the condition of statutory staff of the work staff of the Hospital Network of Defence, in the wording given by Royal Decree 1739/2010 of 23 December 2010, provided for the conclusion of that integration process on 31 December 2011.

The Health Network of Defense is in a process of adapting to the territorial structure of health care delivery, which could affect the tasks of certain hospital centers, so it turns out necessary to extend the deadline for the integration referred to in the previous paragraph to be concluded in an appropriate manner.

In its virtue, a joint proposal of the Ministries of Defense and Health, Social Policy and Equality, with the authorization of the Vice President of the Government of Economic Affairs and Minister of Economy and Finance, according to the Council of State and prior deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 21 October 2011,


Single Article. Modification of Royal Decree 187/2008 of 8 February establishing the integration procedure in the condition of statutory staff of the staff of the Hospital Network Defense.

The first transitional provision of Royal Decree 187/2008 of 8 February establishing the integration procedure in the condition of statutory staff of the work staff of the Hospital Network of Defence, it is worded as follows:

" First transient disposition. Integration process.

The process of integrating the work staff of the Area of Specific Activities of the Hospital Network of Defense must be completed before 1 January 2013. "

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, 24 October 2011.


The Minister of the Presidency,