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Order Cul/3009/2011, From 3 November, Amending The Order Of 22 June 1995, Which Regulates The National Prizes Of The Ministry Of Culture.

Original Language Title: Orden CUL/3009/2011, de 3 de noviembre, por la que se modifica la Orden de 22 de junio de 1995, por la que se regulan los Premios Nacionales del Ministerio de Cultura.

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The Order of June 22, 1995, which regulates the National Awards of the Ministry of Culture, collects the national awards that are convened annually by the department, establishing the basic aspects of its regulation, by empowering the Directors-General to develop the aforementioned order by means of the corresponding award-winning resolutions.

Various circumstances advise the amendment of the said order, on the one hand, to proceed to the creation of two new National Awards, and on the other hand, to modify a point-in-time aspect of the composition of the jury in charge of failing each of the awards.

First, the consideration of the toy as an industry of cultural interest is an irreversible step towards the fair recognition of the toy as an essential element of the cultural heritage because of its pedagogical potential and its relevance in the development of a particular type of society, as well as its enormous value as a cultural product, and, therefore, as an activity worthy of the promotion and protection of culture, that article 149.2 of the Spanish Constitution entrusts the State as duty and essential attribution. The traditional quality of an entire professional sector, the wide implementation of this industry in our fabric of small and medium enterprises as well as the progressive international recognition of the toy as artistic work and its access to the Art galleries and museums, advise that the Public Administration lend its support and prestige to strengthen this sector with undoubted future projection. Among the measures to promote the toy industry, as cultural activity, which the Ministry of Culture can immediately address, it is timely and appropriate to create a new National Award for the Promotion of Creativity in the Toy, together with those already covered by the Order of 22 June 1995, by means of which the extraordinary merits of a professional of that industry, or of an undertaking or institution which has been outstanding for its work in the the dissemination of the cultural values of the toy.

Secondly, the transfer of powers from the Ministry of the Interior to the Ministry of Culture for the promotion and protection of bullfighting, carried out by Royal Decree 1151/2011 of 29 July, enshrines the consideration of the bullfighting activity as an artistic discipline, and a cultural product and, therefore, an activity worthy of the promotion and protection of culture, that article 149.2 of the Spanish Constitution entrusts the State as essential duty and attribution. Among the measures to promote bullfighting, as cultural activity, which the Ministry of Culture can address, the creation of a new National Award for Taurus, together with those already collected by the Order of 22, is appropriate and appropriate. June 1995, by means of which the extraordinary merits of a professional of bullfighting, in all their various manifestations (bullfighter, farmer, entrepreneur, etc.), or of a person or institution that has been highlighted, are recognized on an annual basis. for their work in favour of the dissemination of the cultural values of bullfighting.

Third and last, the purpose of this order is to amend point 4 (1) of the Order of 22 June 1995, which relates to the composition of the jury for each of the awards. With the idea of increasingly involving civil society in cultural management, it is considered necessary to extend the designation of cultural and professional entities specialized in each of the subjects covered by the awards, with the aim of the composition of the jury is represented by the majority of the cultural sectors and associations of recognized prestige that are linked from multiple perspectives to literary, artistic and cultural activities.

In its virtue, and taking into account the competences and functions conferred to the Ministry of Culture in Royal Decree 1132/2008, of 4 July, for which its basic organic structure is developed, I have

Single article. Amendment of the Order of 22 June 1995, which regulates the National Awards of the Ministry of Culture.

The Order of 22 June 1995, which regulates the National Awards of the Ministry of Culture, is amended as follows:

One. The first paragraph of the Order of the Ministry of Culture, of 22 June 1995, is worded as follows:

" First.

The following shall be convened annually with the character of national awards:

National Prize for Plastic Arts.

National Photography Award.

National Award for Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Property.

National Fashion Design Award

Spanish National Letters Award.

Six National Literature Awards, five of them, respectively for the modalities of Poetry, Narrative, Trial, Dramatic Literature and Children's and Youth Literature, and, the last, the National Prize for Young Poetry "Miguel Hernandez."

Spanish National History Award.

National Award for Best Translation.

National Award for the Work of a Translator.

National Comic Award.

National Enlightenment Award.

National Prize for Cultural Journalism.

National Award for Best Cultural Publishing.

National Award for Reading Promotion.

National Theatre Award.

National Award for the Performing Arts for Children and Youth.

Two National Music Awards, one for each of the modalities of Interpretation and Composition.

National Award for Current Musicians.

Two National Dance Awards, one for each of the modalities of Creation and Interpretation.

National Circus Award.

National Cinematography Award.

National Television Award.

National Award for the Promotion of Creativity in the Toy.

National Tauromaquia Award. "

Two. The third paragraph of the third paragraph of the Order of the Ministry of Culture, of 22 June 1995, is worded as follows:

" 1. The prize money will be of 40,000 euros for the National Prize of Spanish Letters; of 30,000 euros for the National Awards of the Plastic Arts, of Photography, of Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Property, of Design Fashion, Cinematography, Theatre, Performing Arts for Children and Youth, Dance, Music, Actual Music, Circo, Television, Works of Creativity in the Toy, and Tauromaquia; and 20,000 euros for the National Literature Awards in each of its modalities, from History of Spain, to the Best Translation, to the Work of a Translator, of the Comic, of Enlightenment, and of Cultural Journalism. "

Three. The fourth paragraph of the fourth paragraph of the Order of the Ministry of Culture, of 22 June, is worded as follows:

" 1. Each Prize shall be awarded by a jury consisting of a number of members not less than five and no more than seventeen, who shall be appointed by the Minister for Culture, on a proposal from each of the competent Directors-General, from recognized prestige in the activities covered by the respective national awards and, preferably, among those proposed by the institutions, academies, corporations and professional associations. In addition, a person will be part of the jury on the proposal of academic institutions and/or departments dedicated to the research from the perspective of gender, in order to guarantee to the maximum the suitability, competence and independence of the juries.

In jury proposals, gender parity must be maintained, and the mechanisms needed to ensure it will be established.

In addition, the persons awarded in the previous convocation of each of the prizes or, where appropriate, a representative of the awarded legal person, freely designated by the jury, shall be part of the jury. "

Single end disposition. Entry into effect.

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 3 November 2011. -Minister of Culture, Ángeles González-Sinde Reig.