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Resolution Of 21 Of October Of 2011, Of The Address General Of Half Natural And Political Forest, By Which Is Published The Agreement Of The Council Of Ministers Of 23 Of September Of 2011, By Which Is Authorizes The Inclusion In The List Of The Conven...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 21 de octubre de 2011, de la Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal, por la que se publica el Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 23 de septiembre de 2011, por el que se autoriza la inclusión en la Lista del Convenio ...

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The Council of Ministers, at its meeting on 23 September 2011 and on a proposal from the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, has adopted an Agreement authorising the inclusion in the List of the Convention of Ramsar (February 2, 1971), concerning Wetlands of International Importance, especially as aquatic bird habitat, from the Lagunas de Ruidera, as well as the redefinition of the limits of the site Ramsar Lagunas de Villafafila.

Your publication is generally available as an annex to this resolution.

Madrid, 21 October 2011. The Director General of Natural Environment and Forestry Policy, José Jiménez García-Herrera.


Agreement of the Council of Ministers authorising the inclusion in the List of the Ramsar Convention, concerning wetlands of international importance, especially as aquatic habitat, of the Lagunas de Ruidera, as well how to redefine the boundaries of the site Ramsar Lagunas de Villafafila


In accordance with the provisions of Article 2.5 of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar, 2 February 1971) and Article 49 of Law 42/2007, 13 December, Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, agrees to include in the list of wetlands of international importance of the Ramsar Convention of the Spanish wetland Lagunas de Ruidera, Ciudad Real and Albacete.


In accordance with the provisions of Article 2.5 of the Ramsar Convention and Resolutions VIII.13 and VIII.21 of its Conference of the Contracting Parties, as well as in Article 51 of Law 42/2007, of 13 of December, of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, agrees to redefine the limits of the Ramsar Lagunas wetland of Villafafila, Zamora, whose inclusion in the list of wetlands of international importance of the Ramsar Convention was carried out by Council of Ministers Agreement of 28 July 1989.

The location, surface, technical description, and floor plan of the perimeter (limits) of these wetlands are included as an annex to this proposal.


The content of this agreement and its corresponding annex will be published in the "Official State Gazette" for general knowledge.


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will also be responsible for its content and publication, as it would deposit the convention.

Synthetic Tab

1. Name of the site Ramsar: Lagunas de Ruidera.

2. Municipalities: Ruidera, Alhambra, Argamasilla de Alba, Villahermosa and Ossa de Montiel.

3. Provinces: Ciudad Real and Albacete.

4. Autonomous Community: Castilla-La Mancha.

5. Surface: 6.639,392 ha.

6. Central geographical coordinates: 38º 56 '23 "N/02º 51' 35" W.

7. Limits: The limits of the Ramsar site are as detailed in the map attached.

8. Summary description of the wetland: The Lagunas de Ruidera wetland is located in the central area of the Iberian Peninsula (Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha), on horseback between the provinces of Ciudad Real and Albacete, in the region of Campo de Montiel, and encompasses a total extension of just over 6,600 ha. It is a fluviolacustré system of unusual landscape beauty shaped by a chain of water represses that, by way of lagoons of blue and transparent waters with waterfalls and constant flows of water between they are installed in the upper reaches of Upper Guadiana. The set includes the typical karst formations accompanied by the very rare formations of tobas (which make up the natural dams), with the presence of several types of floristic communities associated with alkaline peatlands.

The origin, functioning and current structure of this wetland are the result of the joint action over thousands of years of various types of very unique physical-chemical-biological modelers: on the one hand, a the process of erosion loss of the material in the river bed (the erosive action of the water has been digging the river bed), which includes the typical karst modelling (the action of the water causes the dissolution of the carbonates) and, on the other hand side, a very rare process of accretion by precipitation of tobas (precipitation of carbonates in certain very special physical-chemical conditions that include an important participation of the photosynthetic activity), which form the natural dam structures that make up the closing of the lagoons. And all this at a spectacular scale in the area of the tobaceous formations: the whole system has about 25 Km of travel, in which at a level of approximately 120 m. 15 interconnected lagoons are being placed. Therefore, the Ruidera Lagunas constitute a very unique and unusual type of wet ecosystem, whose structural and functional complexity is comparable only at European level to the Plitvice Lakes in Croatia.

As for the floristic communities present in this space, it is important to highlight the dominance of the carophytes, which tap the funds of many of the lizards, as well as the existence of some species of flora with a high degree of threat (Lythrum baeticum).

In relation to the faunistic communities, the aquatic invertebrate fauna stands out, with abundance of coleopteros and chironomists and the presence of several species of threatened bivalves (Unio tumidiformis, Potomide littoralis). Among the vertebrates present in the area, especially the fish group: the fish fauna of this wetland is of great importance, both because of the number of taxa that includes (up to 17 different species), and for the proportion of Indigenous species present, the presence of 8 taxa of endemic fish of the Iberian Peninsula of very restricted distribution and high degree of threat (Cobitis paludica, Luciobarbus comizo, Luciobarus microcephalus, Luciobarbis) is confirmed. guiraonis, Iberochondrostoma lemmingii, Squalius alburnoides, Squalius pyrenaicus and Pseudochondrostoma willkommii), as well as 1 taxon endemic to the western Mediterranean also very threatened (Salaria fluviatilis). Also remarkable are the populations of bats, with the presence of species as threatened as the Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus Euryale), the Large Rat Bat (Myotis myotis) or the Cave Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii).

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.

Synthetic Tab

1. Name of the site Ramsar: Lagunas de Villafafila.

2. Municipalities: Villafafila, Revellinos and Villarrin de Campos.

3. Province: Zamora.

4. Autonomous Community: Castilla y León.

5. Surface: 2,713.8 ha.

6. Central geographical coordinates: 41st 49 '47 "N/05º 36' 00" W.

7. Limits: The limits of the Ramsar wetland are those detailed in the attached map, which are the ones established for the Zone of Use Limited in the Natural Resources Management Plan of the Natural Space Lagunas de Villafafila (approved by Decree 7/2005, of 13 January 2005, of the Junta de Castilla y León; BOCYL n. 12, of 19 January 2005).

8. Summary description of the wetland: The Ramsar Lagunas wetland of Villafafila is located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula (Autonomous Community of Castilla y León), and covers an extension of just over 2,700 ha. The site is located in the northwest of the province of Zamora, in the Municipal Terms of Villafafila, Revellinos and Villarrin de Campos.

The Ramsar Lagunas wetland in Villafafila is located in the center of the Natural Reserve of the Lagunas de Villafafila, a protected natural space that has a much larger extension and is characterized by two very different and valuable habitats: on the one hand the complex lizard (which corresponds to the surface included in the Ramsar List) and, on the other hand, that of the cerealist steppe.

The Villafafila Lagunas complex consists of several lagoons of saline, seasonal and steparian character. The surface that can be flooded varies according to the climatology, being able to reach in humid years up to the 500 ha. The most important lagoons are the Laguna Grande, the Laguna de Barillos and the Laguna de las Salinas. The central core of the endorheic basin is the Salado River, which connects the three lagoons of more entity.

The lagoons possess a type of vegetation influenced by the flood-desiccation cycles and by the high salinity of the soil, being some of the most representative species Scirpus maritimus, S. lacustris and S. littoralis.

The landscape in which these lagoons are framed is characterized by a smooth orography, with few slopes and wide horizons, where the cereal crops that make up what has been defined as the "pseudoestepa" predominate. " The ecosystem that constitutes an exceptional habitat for such emblematic species as the Avutarda (Otis takes).

Between the water sheet and the crops that make up the cerealist pseudoestepa, a band of natural vegetation is available, subjected to the temporal oscillations of the level of the waters of the continental Mediterranean climate and by is very adapted to variations in the concentration of the soil salinity. In this band, the rangelands of the Mediterranean salt steppe are developed, a habitat of community interest and a priority that characterizes the space to a great extent, in contact or forming an intricate mosaic with the praderas-juncales halophylés and the scrubland of the halophiles of Suaeda vera. These habitats are home to vascular plants of remarkable rarity in the Iberian continental zone, making it important biodiversity reserves.

However, the fundamental importance of these lagoons and their international renown are due, above all, to their aquatic bird populations, with the common Ansar (Anser anser) being the most emblematic and abundant species in the world. Today, with greenhouses whose average exceeds 20,000 copies per year, the presence of some threatened species such as the Common Cercet (Anas crescca) and the rabudo (Anas acuta) is also highlighted.

Administrative background on inclusion in the Ramsar List

Inclusion in the Ramsar List by Council of Ministers Agreement of 28 July 1989 (BOE No 110 of 8 May 1990).

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.