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Resolution Of October 13, 2011, Of The General Secretariat For Universities, Which Published The Agreement Of The Council Of Ministers Of 7 October 2011, Which Establishes The Official Nature Of Certain Degrees Of...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 13 de octubre de 2011, de la Secretaría General de Universidades, por la que se publica el Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 7 de octubre de 2011, por el que se establece el carácter oficial de determinados títulos universitarios de...

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The Council of Ministers, at its meeting of 7 October 2011, adopted the Agreement establishing the official character of certain university degrees of Doctor and their registration in the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles.

Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October, establishing the ordination of official university teaching, provides, in Article 26, that the Council of Ministers ' Agreements establishing the official of the university degrees will be published in the "Official Gazette of the State".

In compliance with the aforementioned precept, this General Secretariat of Universities has resolved to have the publication in the "Official State Gazette" of the said Agreement, as an annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, 13 October 2011.-The Secretary General of Universities, Marius Rubiralta i Acaniz.


Agreement of the Council of Ministers establishing the official character of certain university degrees of Doctor and their registration in the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles

Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October establishing the ordination of official university teaching in Article 3 (3) determines that these lessons will be drawn up in the course of studies which will be be drawn up by the universities, subject to the rules and conditions applicable to them in each case. These curricula must be verified by the Council of Universities and authorized in its implementation by the corresponding Autonomous Communities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 35.2 of the Organic Law 6/2001, Universities.

By virtue of the above, certain universities have developed various doctoral programmes leading to the achievement of their doctorate degrees. These programs have obtained both the positive verification of the Council of Universities and the authorization for its implementation of the corresponding Autonomous Community.

Following the fulfilment of the necessary formalities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 26 (1) of the aforementioned royal decree, the present agreement of establishment should be raised to the Council of Ministers. of the official character of the titles of Doctor obtained after the above mentioned programs and their registration in the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles (RUCT). These certificates must also be accredited in accordance with the provisions of the standard.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, the Council of Ministers, at its meeting on 7 October 2011, agrees:

First. Establishment of the official character of the securities.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (3) of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October 2007 establishing the ordination of official university teaching, the official character of the Doctor's qualifications obtained after the completion of the doctoral programmes listed in the Annex to this Agreement.

These titles will be of official character and validity throughout the national territory, will have full academic effects and will enable, where appropriate, the performance of regulated professional activities, according to the rules that are applicable in each case.

Second. Publication of the curriculum.

As provided for in Article 26 (3) of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, in the new wording given by Royal Decree 861/2010 of 2 July, amending the previous one, the rectors of the respective universities they shall order the publication of the plans of studies leading to the procurement of the securities listed in that Annex, in the "Official State Gazette" and in the official journal of the Autonomous Community which corresponds to it.

Third. Registration in the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles.

The titles of Doctor, with express mention to the doctoral programs that, in each case, lead to their obtaining, will be entered in the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles (RUCT). Such registration shall take the initial consideration of accredited qualifications.

Fourth. Renewal of the accreditation of the securities.

The doctoral programmes leading to the obtaining of the official university degrees of Doctor will have to undergo the evaluation procedure provided for in Article 27 of the Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October 2007. in order to maintain their accreditation.

Fifth. Issue of the title.

Doctor's titles will be issued on behalf of the King by the Rectors of the corresponding universities, in accordance with the provisions of the current regulations, with the express mention of this agreement.

Sixth. Enablement for the adoption of measures for the implementation of the agreement.

By the Minister of Education, in the field of their competences, the necessary measures for the implementation of this Agreement shall be adopted.


Relationship of Doctorate Official Programs ordered by universities

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Autonomous University of Madrid

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The University of La Laguna

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Polytechnic University of Madrid

Official PhD Program in Chemical Engineering.

Official Doctorate Program in Maritime Technologies.