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Order Spi/2962/2011, On 20 October, Amending The Order Igd/2655/2010, On 1 October, Which Lays Down The Regulatory Bases For Granting The National Youth Award.

Original Language Title: Orden SPI/2962/2011, de 20 de octubre, por la que se modifica la Orden IGD/2655/2010, de 1 de octubre, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de los Premios Nacionales de Juventud.

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By Order IGD/2655/2010, of October 1 (BOE of October 14, 2010), the National Youth Awards were created, and the regulatory bases for their concession were established.

The third final provision of the said order provides that the Minister of Equality may issue the provisions necessary for the proper execution of the provisions of that order.

This jurisdiction has been attributed to the holder of the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 (7) of Royal Decree 263/2011 of 28 February 2011, to which it is attached the autonomous body Institute of Youth, with the legal nature, structure and functions provided for in its specific legislation.

In its virtue, I have:

Single item. Amendment of Order IGD/2655/2010 of 1 October establishing the regulatory basis for the award of the National Youth Awards.

Order IGD/2655/2010 of 1 October establishing the regulatory basis for the award of the National Youth Awards is amended as follows:

One. The first paragraph of Article 1 is worded as follows:

" 1. The purpose of this order is to establish the regulatory basis for granting the National Youth Awards, the purpose of which is to stimulate and acknowledge the trajectory and effort of those young people who, for their dedication in their work and their personal involvement, they highlight their commitment in different areas of society, in particular in the following categories:

a) Entrepreneurship initiatives in the field of employment.

b) Intercultural Communication.

c) Volunteering.

d) Equality. "

Two. Article 3 is worded as follows:

" Article 3. Recipients.

The National Youth Awards are aimed at young people of Spanish nationality, and all those with legal residency in Spain, who do not exceed the age of 30 years at the deadline of the presentation of the candidacies. "

Three. Article 4 is worded as follows:

" Article 4. Economic Allocation.

1. The awards are a recognition of young people engaged in different areas of social reality. Each of these categories will be awarded with a cash contribution of three thousand euros (3,000 €).

2. In addition, the jury may, if it considers it, propose the award of an honorable mention, without economic endowment, in each of the categories of the awards. "

Four. Article 5 (3) is worded as follows:

" 3. In addition to the application for the application, a memory must be provided, in which, in the introduction of the application, the Organization, Institution or Corporation that presents the application must explain why the candidacy it presents and to which it gives your support. Following the introduction, the specific action taken by the young candidate for which one of the prizes provided for in Article 1 of this order is chosen shall be set out. The action taken by the young candidate who should be the subject of exposure cannot be a reiteration of the content of the curriculum, in which it should be indicated because the action is considered to be a model; because the action is considered innovative as well as the positive impact of such action.

The memory will have a maximum of 30 pages in DIN A4 format, two spaces. In addition, all such documentation may be submitted which is deemed to be evidence of the action taken by the young candidates. "

Five. Article 7 (5) is worded as follows:

" 5. The Jury may propose, if it considers it, the award of an honorable mention, without economic endowment, in each of the categories of the awards. It may also propose, in a reasoned manner, that the prizes be left deserted. "

Six. Article 9 (3) is worded as follows:

" 3. The decision granting the award shall be made by the Director-General of the Youth Institute and shall contain the list of awards awarded in each category, as well as, where appropriate, the honorific particulars given in each of the awards. them. It shall also contain the rejection of the remaining applications and, where appropriate, the awards declared to be deserts. "

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, October 20, 2011. -Minister of Health, Social Policy and Equality, Leire Pajin Iraola.