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Royal Decree 1387 / 2011, 14 October, Amending The Regulation Of The Law Of Management Of The Transports Land, Approved By The Royal Decree 1211 / 1990 Of September 28.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1387/2011, de 14 de octubre, por el que se modifica el Reglamento de la Ley de OrdenaciĆ³n de los Transportes Terrestres, aprobado por el Real Decreto 1211/1990, de 28 de septiembre.

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Law 16/1987, of 30 July, of Land Transport Management and its Implementing Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 1211/1990 of 28 September, have, by means of different formulas, allowed collaboration between carriers for the operation of the permanent regular services of general purpose travellers.

In this respect, Article 85 of the Regulation allows, by way of reinforcement, that dealers may use vehicles not attached to the concession to deal with increased traffic, be they of themselves or that they obtain by way of collaboration from other carriers.

On the other hand, Article 90 of the Regulation in question, based in turn on the third paragraph of Article 77 of Law 16/1987 on the Management of Land Transport, has allowed for a more stable collaboration between dealers, consisting of the use of the same vehicle to jointly serve the traffics of two or more regular transport concessions, which present contact points, without any continuity solution.

Reasons for business productivity and improvement of the quality of the benefits that the user receives from the set of the regular transport network advise, now, to further advance in the collaboration in the exploitation of the services that they are integrated, allowing the expeditions of a service to be able to attend to the traffics of another, and vice versa, collecting and leaving travelers in the stops that they have in common in those sections in which their itineraries are coincident.

Consequently, an article 90a is added to the aforementioned Royal Decree, establishing this new form of collaboration.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Public Works, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on October 14, 2011,


Single article. Amendment of the Regulations of the Land Transport Management Act, approved by Royal Decree 1211/1990 of 28 September.

A new Article 90a is added to the Regulation of the Land Transport Management Act, approved by Royal Decree 1211/1990 of 28 September, with the following content:

" Article 90a.

1. The Directorate-General for Land Transport may authorise shipments corresponding to one concession to cover another, collecting and leaving passengers at the stops it has in common with it in those sections where the routes of both are matched, provided that the agreement between the respective dealers is accredited, which they must jointly request.

2. In the granting of the authorization referred to in this Article and in the operation of the services carried out under this Article, the same rules shall be taken into account in the same rules as those referred to in Article 90 (2), (3), (4) and (5). 91, as soon as it is not contrary to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. "

Final Disposition. Entry into effect.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on October 14, 2011.


The Minister of Development,