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Royal Decree 1359 / 2011, 7 October, Which Approves The Relationship Of Basic Materials And The General Formulas-Tipo Of Revision Of Prices Of Contracts Of Works And Contracts For The Supply Of Manufacture Of Weapons And Modern...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1359/2011, de 7 de octubre, por el que se aprueba la relación de materiales básicos y las fórmulas-tipo generales de revisión de precios de los contratos de obras y de contratos de suministro de fabricación de armamento y equipamient...

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In compliance with the provisions of Articles 78 and 79 of Law 30/2007 of 30 October of Contracts of the Public Sector, the regulatory approval of the relationship of basic materials and of formulas for revision of the prices applicable to contracts falling within the scope of that law and subject to such a system of price review.

The price revision of the works contracts was regulated by Decree 3650/1970 of 19 December, approving the table of formulas-general rate of revision of the price of works contracts of the State and Autonomous Bodies for the year 1971, supplemented by Royal Decree 2167/1981 of 20 August, which extends the relationship of formulas. Furthermore, the price revision of the supply contracts for production was governed by Decree 2341/1975 of 22 August 1975 laying down the type of polynomial formulae to be included in the production contracts. of supplies and equipment of the Ministry of the Army when such contracts include price revision clauses, and by Order 78/1994, of the Ministry of Defense, of 26 July, establishing the polynomial formulas of price revision to be applied to the contract of acquisition of the individual soldier's equipment.

The new relationship of basic materials considerably extends the repertoire of materials included in the formulas, with respect to the one collected in the formulas so far in force, thus allowing a better and more precise the adequacy of the price review formulas to the actual cost structure of the various contracts, and reflecting the incorporation of new materials into the construction and construction processes. On the other hand, the labour force has been excluded from the relationship, the cost of which must not be included in the formulas, as required by the new Law in Article 79.

Despite the higher number of basic materials included in the formulas, the new regulation simplifies the price review procedure by consolidating, ordering and systematizing the regulation of the revision of the prices by formula, so far dispersed in various rules of different range and origin.

In the handling of this royal decree, a favorable report has been obtained from the Advisory Board of Administrative Contracting of the State.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on October 7, 2011,


Article 1. Relationship of basic materials to include in price review formulas.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 79.5 of Law 30/2007 of October 30, of Public Sector Contracts, the basic material relationship to be included in the price review formulas will be the one in the Annex. I.

Article 2. Approval of the formulas for price revision in the works and supply contracts for the manufacture of armaments and equipment.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 78.1 of Law 30/2007, the formulae applicable for the revision of prices in the works and manufacturing supply contracts shall be as set out in Annex II. The price revision formulas represent the values of the price indices of each material in the month corresponding to the period of performance of the contract, the amount of which is the subject of revision, as well as the Kt coefficient. for the review obtained from the formula, and the values of the price indices for each material on the date referred to in Article 79 (3) of Law 30/2007 are represented with the sub-index 0.

Single additional disposition. Extending the relationship of basic materials.

The relation of basic materials referred to in Article 1 may be updated by the Order of the Minister of Economy and Finance, prior to the report of the Advisory Board of Administrative Contracting of the State, demand the evolution of production processes or the emergence of new materials with relevant participation in the cost of certain contracts.

First transient disposition. Transitional arrangements for the application of the new formulas.

The price revision of contracts resulting from award procedures which would have already been initiated at the entry into force of this provision will be subject to the previously existing polynomial formulas which, their nature corresponds to them. For these purposes, it is understood that the award procedures have been initiated if the call for the contract award procedure has been published. In the case of procedures not subject to publicity, the date of approval of the file shall be taken into account in determining the time of initiation.

Second transient disposition. Transient index replacement regime.

If the entry into force of this Royal Decree is not available for the statistical series of prices necessary for the elaboration of the price indices of some of the basic materials included in the approved relationship In Article 1, until such time series is available, it shall be used for the replacement of the Industrial Price Index drawn up and published by the National Statistics Institute.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

As many provisions of the same or lower rank are repealed, they oppose the provisions of this royal decree and, in particular, the following provisions approving formulas-type of price revision:

Decree 3650/1970, of 19 December, approving the table of formulas-general type of price revision of the contracts of works of the State and Autonomous Bodies for the year 1971.

Decree 2341/1975 of 22 August laying down the type of polynomial formulas to be included in the contracts for the manufacture of supplies and goods of equipment of the Ministry of the Army when such contracts include price review clauses.

Royal Decree 2167/1981 of 20 August, supplementing Decree 3650/1970, of 19 December, on formulas-general type of price revision of contracts for works of the State and Autonomous Bodies for the year 1971.

Order 78/1994, of the Ministry of Defense, of July 26, establishing the polynomial price revision formulas that will apply to the contract of acquisition of the individual soldier's equipment.

Single end disposition. Entry into force

This royal decree will enter into force two months after its publication in the "Official Gazette of the State".

Given in Madrid, on October 7, 2011.


The Vice President of the Economic Affairs Government

and Minister of Economy and Finance,



Basic materials relationship to include in price review formulas

1. The basic materials to be included as a general rule in the price review formulas for contracts subject to this form of revision and the symbols representing their respective price indices in those formulas, shall be as follows:












Ceramic Materials.






Plastic Products.




Arids and rocks.


Materials steel




Explosive Materials.

2. The basic materials that will additionally be able to include the price review formulas of the supply contracts for the manufacture of armaments and equipment subject to this form of revision and the symbols that represent their respective Price indices in these formulas shall be as follows:




footwear manufacturing materials


Non-metallic mineral materials.

Materials and equipment electrical.




FORMULA 111. Reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.

Kt = 0,01At /A0 + 0.05Bt /B0 + 0.12Ct /C0 /+ 0.09Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,01Mt /M0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0,08Rt /R0 + 0,23St /S0 + 0,01Tt /T0 + 0,35

FORMULA 121. Road lighting.

Kt = 0.03At /A0 + 0.04Ct /C0 + 0.06Et /E0 + 0.09Ft /F0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0.03Rt /R0 + 0.18St /S0 + 0,02Tt /T0 + 0.22Ut /U0 + 0.3

FORMULA 131. Installations in tunnels.

Kt = 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.04Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0.03Ft /F0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0.01Qt /Q0 + 0.002Rt /R0 + 0.3St /S0 + 0.25Tt /T0 + 0.05Ut /U0 + 0.24

FORMULA 141. Construction of roads with firm of bituminous mixtures.

Kt = 0.001At /A0 + 0.05Bt /B0 + 0.09Ct /C0 + 0.11Et /E0 + 0.01Mt /M0 + 0.001Ot /O0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0.12Rt /R0 + 0.17St /S0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.39

FORMULA 151. Rehabilitation of firm with bituminous mixtures with preponderance, medium of bituminous materials (not including barriers and signage).

Kt = 0.33Bt /B0 + 0.05Ct /C0 + 0.14Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0.01Pt /P0 + 0.01Qt /Q0 + 0.15Rt /R0 + 0,01St /S0 + 0.29

FORMULA 152. Rehabilitation of firm with bitmixtures with preponderance to theta de materiales bituminosos (not including barriers and signage).

Kt = 0.4Bt /B0 + 0.07Ct /C0 + 0.14Et /E0 + 0.01Qt /Q0 + 0.14Rt /R0 + 0.24

FORMULA 153. Rehabilitation of firm with bituminous mixtures with very high preponderance of bituminous materials (not including barriers and signage).

Kt = 0.48Bt /B0 + 0.07Ct /C0 + 0.09Et /E0 + 0.001Pt /P0 + 0.15Rt /R0 + 0.2

FORMULA 154. Rehabilitation of firm with bituminous mixtures with medium preponderance of bituminous materials (including barriers and signage).

Kt = 0.24Bt /B0 + 0.07Ct /C0 + 0.12Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0.002Qt /Q0 + 0.12Rt /R0 + 0.14St /S0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.24

FORMULA 155. Rehabilitation of firm with bituminous mixtures with high preponderance of bituminous materials (including barriers and signage).

Kt = 0.34Bt /B0 + 0.04Ct /C0 + 0.13Et /E0 + 0.002Qt /Q0 + 0.15Rt /R0 + 0.002St /S0 + 0.3

FORMULA 156. Rehabilitation of firm with bituminous mixtures with high and high levels of bituminous materials (including barriers and signalling).

Kt = 0.41Bt /B0 + 0.06Ct /C0 + 0.09Et /E0 + 0.001Pt /P0 + 0.002Qt /Q0 + 0.13Rt /R0 + 0,03St /S0 + 0,01Vt /V0 + 0.24

FORMULA 161. Horizontal road signs.

Kt = 0.14Et /E0 + 0.33Qt /Q0 + 0.01St /S0 + 0.08Vt /V0 + 0.44

FORMULA 171. Vertical signage and beacon.

Kt = 0.04At /A0 + 0.02Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0.12Pt /P0 + 0.001Rt /R0 + 0.5St /S0 + 0.29

FORMULA 172. Metal safety barriers.

Kt = 0.02Ct /C0 + 0.003Et /E0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.001Rt /R0 + 0.73St /S0 + 0.19

FORMULA 181. Tunnels executed with tunneling.

Kt = 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.08Ct /C0 + 0.16Et /E0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.002Qt /Q0 + 0.07Rt /R0 + 0.12St /S0 + 0,02Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.49


FORMULA 211. Rail electrification, contact airline and associated systems.

Kt = 0.07At /A0 + 0.01Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,01Lt /L0 + 0,01Rt /R0 + 0.31St /S0 + 0.04Tt /T0 + 0.27Ut /U0 + 0.25

FORMULA 221. Railway stations (includes installations) with metalworking structure: Kt = 0.02At /A0 + 0,01Bt /B0 + 0,06Ct /C0 + 0,06Et /E0 + 0,02Ft /F0 + 0,02Lt /L0 + 0,02Pt /P0 + 0,02Qt /Q0 + 0.04Rt /R0 + 0,25St /S0 + 0.19Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.04Vt /V0 + 0.24

FORMULA 222. Railway stations (includes facilities) with mixed structure.

Kt = 0.07At /A0 + 0,01Bt /B0 + 0.05Ct /C0 + 0.04Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,01Lt /L0 + 0.04Pt /P0 + 0.15Rt /R0 + 0,18St /S0 + 0,04Tt /T0 + 0,05Ut /U0 + 0,02Vt /V0 + 0.33

FORMULA 231. Track assembly on ballast without material input by the contractor.

Kt = 0.002Bt /B0 + 0.01Ct /C0 + 0.2Et /E0 + 0.04Rt /R0 + 0.04St /S0 + 0.69

FORMULA 232. Track assembly on ballast with material input by the contractor.

Kt = 0.08Ct /C0 + 0.06Et /E0 + 0.01Pt /P0 + 0.23Rt /R0 + 0.45St /S0 + 0.17

FORMULA 233. Board assembly without material input by the contractor.

Kt = 0.06Bt /B0 + 0.23Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0.11Rt /R0 + 0.15St /S0 + 0.01Ut /U0 + 0.39

FORMULA 234. Board assembly with material input by the contractor.

Kt = 0.04Bt /B0 + 0.22Ct /C0 + 0,01Et /E0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.11Rt /R0 + 0.34St /S0 + 0.26

FORMULA 235. Path mount bases.

Kt = 0.002At /A0 + 0.05Ct /C0 + 0.08Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,01Mt /M0 + 0,02Pt /P0 + 0,15Rt /R0 + 0.25St /S0 + 0,02Tt /T0 + 0.08Ut /U0 + 0.31

FORMULA 241. Railway platforms with tunnels and viaducts.

Kt = 0,01At /A0 + 0.1Ct /C0 + 0.12Et /E0 + 0,01Mt /M0 + 0,02Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0.09Rt /R0 + 0,23St /S0 + 0,01Xt /X0 + 0,4

FORMULA 242. Railway platforms with preponderance of reinforced concrete structures.

Kt = 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.09Ct /C0 + 0.1Et /E0 + 0.01Mt /M0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.05Rt /R0 + 0.3St /S0 + 0.42

FORMULA 243. Railway platforms with preponderance of prestressed concrete structures.

Kt = 0,01Bt /B0 + 0,11Ct /C0 + 0.1Et /E0 + 0,01Mt /M0 + 0,02Pt /P0 + 0,1Rt /R0 + 0,28St /S0 + 0.37

FORMULA 244. Railway platforms with preponderance of tunnels.

Kt = 0.11Ct /C0 + 0.11Et /E0 + 0,01Mt /M0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0.06Rt /R0 + 0.17St /S0 + 0.03Xt /X0 + 0.47

FORMULA 245. Railway platforms without singular elements.

Kt = 0,01Bt /B0 + 0,11Ct /C0 + 0,15Et /E0 + 0,01Mt /M0 + 0,02Pt /P0 + 0.22Rt /R0 + 0.13St /S0 + 0,01Xt /X0 + 0.34

FORMULA 246. Platform and path.

Kt = 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.08Ct /C0 + 0.08Et /E0 + 0.01Mt /M0 + 0.001Ot /O0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.18Rt /R0 + 0,28St /S0 + 0,01Tt /T0 + 0.32

FORMULA 251. Signalling and telecommunications.

Kt = 0.03At /A0 + 0.02Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0.001Pt /P0 + 0.001Rt /R0 + 0.08St /S0 + 0.35Tt /T0 + 0.14Ut /U0 + 0.34

FORMULA 261. Electrical substations with equipment.

Kt = 0.01At /A0 + 0.02Ct /C0 + 0.04Et /E0 + 0.001Pt /P0 + 0.002Rt /R0 + 0.07St /S0 + 0.27Tt /T0 + 0.31Ut /U0 + 0.25

FORMULA 262. Electrical substations without equipment.

Kt = 0.03Ct /C0 + 0.06Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,01Pt /P0 + 0.03Rt /R0 + 0,11St /S0 + 0.22Tt /T0 + 0.16Ut /U0 + 0.37

FORMULA 263. Railway electrification: power transmission (average distance).

Kt = 0.03St /S0 + 0.51Tt /T0 + 0.22Ut /U0 + 0.24

FORMULA 264. Rail electrification: power transmission (large distance).

Kt = 0.01Pt /P0 + 0.06St /S0 + 0.31Tt /T0 + 0.06Ut /U0 + 0.56

FORMULA 271. Mobile telecommunications (civil work).

Kt = 0.04At /A0 + 0.04Ct /C0 + 0.03Et /E0 + 0.001Pt /P0 + 0.002Rt /R0 + 0.22St /S0 + 0.31Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.32

FORMULA 272. Mobile telecommunications (facilities).

Kt = 0.24Tt /T0 + 0.76

FORMULA 273. Fixed telecommunications and civil protection.

Kt = 0.01At /A0 + 0.01Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0.001Pt /P0 + 0.001Rt /R0 + 0.06St /S0 + 0.57Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.3

FORMULA 281. Traffic control facilities: security and communications.

Kt = 0.04At /A0 + 0.03Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,02Pt /P0 + 0.002Rt /R0 + 0.1St /S0 + 0.44Tt /T0 + 0.07Ut /U0 + 0.25

FORMULA 282. Traffic control facilities: conditions.

Kt = 0.002At /A0 + 0.02Ct /C0 + 0.001Et /E0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0.001Rt /R0 + 0.04St /S0 + 0.36Tt /T0 + 0.21Ut /U0 + 0.3


FORMULA 311. Dikes in a slope with protective mantle with a predominance of escorts.

Kt = 0.04Ct /C0 + 0.16Et /E0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.29Rt /R0 + 0.06St /S0 + 0.43

FORMULA 312. Tavalanche dams with protective mantle with a predominance of concrete blocks.

Kt = 0.21Ct /C0 + 0.13Et /E0 + 0.37Rt /R0 + 0,01St /S0 + 0.28

FORMULA 321. Vertical dikes.

Kt = 0.19Ct /C0 + 0.07Et /E0 + 0.3Rt /R0 + 0.15St /S0 + 0.29

FORMULA 331. Dredging in rock.

Kt = 0.21Et /E0 + 0.79

FORMULA 332. Dredging except rock.

Kt = 0.12Et /E0 + 0.88

FORMULA 341. Construction works in marine environments with a predominance of steel elements.

Kt = 0.03At /A0 + 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.05Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0.02Ft /F0 + 0.01Lt /L0 + 0.03Mt /M0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.01Qt /Q0 + 0.05Rt /R0 + 0,26St /S0 + 0.05Tt /T0 + 0.0234t /U0 + 0.1Vt /V0 + 0.32

FORMULA 351. Esplanades and port fillers without consolidating, with external supply source.

Kt = 0.34Et /E0 + 0.07Pt /P0 + 0.24Rt /R0 + 0.35

FORMULA 352. Esplanades and port fillers without consolidating, without external supply source.

Kt = 0.33Et /E0 + 0.23Xt /X0 + 0.44

FORMULA 361. Gravity springs.

Kt = 0.08Ct /C0 + 0.13Et /E0 + 0.01Pt /P0 + 0.27Rt /R0 + 0.12St /S0 + 0.39

FORMULA 362. Pile springs.

Kt = 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.06Ct /C0 + 0.12Et /E0 + 0.001Pt /P0 + 0.1Rt /R0 + 0.19St /S0 + 0.51

FORMULA 363. Table springs.

Kt = 0.03Ct /C0 + 0.1Et /E0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0.03Qt /Q0 + 0.03Rt /R0 + 0.45St /S0 + 0.33

FORMULA 371. Unassembled concrete pavements.

Kt = 0.18Ct /C0 + 0.15Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,01Mt /M0 + 0,01Pt /P0 + 0,02Qt /Q0 + 0.2Rt /R0 + 0.07St /S0 + 0,01Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.33

FORMULA 381. Urbanization and vials in port environments.

Kt = 0.04Bt /B0 + 0,11Ct /C0 + 0,08Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,01Lt /L0 + 0,01Mt /M0 + 0,01Ot /O0 + 0.05Pt /P0 + 0.1Rt /R0 + 0,16St /S0 + 0,01Tt /T0 + 0,02Ut /U0 + 0,39

FORMULA 382. Urbanization and vials in urban environments.

Kt = 0.03Bt /B0 + 0.12Ct /C0 + 0,02Et /E0 + 0.08Ft /F0 + 0.09Mt /M0 + 0.03Ot /O0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0.14Rt /R0 + 0.12St /S0 + 0,01Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.32


FORMULA 411. Power plants.

Kt = 0.07At /A0 + 0.03Ct /C0 + 0,01Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,01Pt /P0 + 0,02Rt /R0 + 0.13St /S0 + 0.45Tt /T0 + 0.11Ut /U0 + 0.16

FORMULA 421. Runways of flights and rolling streets on wavy terrain.

Kt = 0.001At /A0 + 0.07Bt /B0 + 0.09Ct /C0 + 0.23Et /E0 + 0.03Ft /F0 + 0.002Ot /O0 + 0.01Pt /P0 + 0.07Rt /R0 + 0.06St /S0 + 0.002Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.38

FORMULA 422. Runways of flights and rolling streets on flat terrain.

Kt = 0.03Bt /B0 + 0.03Ct /C0 + 0.27Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0.05Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0.22Rt /R0 + 0.04St /S0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.33

FORMULA 431. Aircraft parking platforms.

Kt = 0.07Bt /B0 + 0.13Ct /C0 + 0.13Et /E0 + 0.001Pt /P0 + 0.002Qt /Q0 + 0.1Rt /R0 + 0.07St /S0 + 0.003Tt /T0 + 0.0220t /U0 + 0.42

FORMULA 441. Reciting of flight tracks and rolling streets.

Kt = 0.15Bt /B0 + 0.03Ct /C0 + 0.16Et /E0 + 0.001Ot /O0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0.07Qt /Q0 + 0.07Rt /R0 + 0,03St /S0 + 0,02Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.42

FORMULA 451. Airport terminals.

Kt = 0.08At /A0 + 0,01Bt /B0 + 0.07Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0,01Ft /F0 + 0,01Mt /M0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0.06Rt /R0 + 0,26St /S0 + 0,06Tt /T0 + 0,04Ut /U0 + 0,02Vt /V0 + 0.32

FORMULA 461. Control towers in normal environment.

Kt = 0.002At /A0 + 0.05Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0.03Ft /F0 + 0.02Lt /L0 + 0.002Mt /M0 + 0.001Ot /O0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.03Qt /Q0 + 0.04Rt /R0 + 0.28St /S0 + 0.07Tt /T0 + 0.0220t /U0 + 0.03Vt /V0 + 0.34

FORMULA 462. Control towers in marine environment.

Kt = 0,01At /A0 + 0,01Bt /B0 + 0.07Ct /C0 + 0.003Et /E0 + 0.02Ft /F0 + 0.01Lt /L0 + 0.04Mt /M0 + 0.13Pt /P0 + 0.01Qt /Q0 + 0.1Rt /R0 + 0.18St /S0 + 0.04Tt /T0 + 0.05Ut /U0 + 0.01Vt /V0 + 0.29


FORMULA 511. High content in rocks and aggregates, steel and cement. More representative typologies: river lighting and restoration.

Kt = 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.06Ct /C0 + 0.05Et /E0 + 0.01Mt /M0 + 0.05Ot /O0 + 0.05Pt /P0 + 0.12Rt /R0 + 0.08St /S0 + 0.57

FORMULA 521. High content in rocks and aggregates, energy and steel. Representative rnas typologies: dams of loose materials and escorts.

Kt = 0.06Ct /C0 + 0.13Et /E0 + 0.002Ot /O0 + 0.13Rt /R0 + 0.08St /S0 + 0.001Xt /X0 + 0.57

FORMULA 522. High content in rocks and aggregates, cement and steel. More representative typologies: works with large volume of concrete, dams and canals.

Kt = 0.03Bt /B0 + 0.14Ct /C0 + 0.09Et /E0 + 0.002Ot /O0 + 0.15Rt /R0 + 0.10St /S0 + 0.001Tt /T0 + 0.46

FORMULA 531. High content in steel, electronic material and cement. More representative typologies: works of automatisms.

Kt = 0.07Ct /C0 + 0.002Et /E0 + 0.03Mt /M0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.05Rt /R0 + 0.42St /S0 + 0.13Tt /T0 + 0.26

FORMULA 541. High content in plastics, steel and energy. More representative typologies: works of modernization and transformation into irrigation and conductive of plastic derivatives.

Kt = 0.05Ct /C0 + 0.08Et /E0 + 0.15Pt /P0 + 0.06Rt /R0 + 0.14St /S0 + 0,01Tt /T0 + 0.51

FORMULA 551. High content in electronic material and steel. More representative typologies: electronic control and automation works.

Kt = 0.05Ct /C0 + 0.003Et /E0 + 0.06Rt /R0 + 0.10St /S0 + 0.23Tt /T0 + 0.01Ut /U0 + 0.52

FORMULA 561. High content in steel, cement and rocks and aggregates. More representative typologies: Inistalations and supply and sanitation pipelines.

Kt = 0.10Ct /C0 + 0.05Et /E0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0.08Rt /R0 + 0.28St /S0 + 0.001Tt /T0 + 0.46


FORMULA 611. Dredging works for the contribution of sands to beaches.

Kt = 0.09Et /E0 + 0.07St /S0 + 0.84

FORMULA 621. Artificial beaches with block spikes.

Kt = 0.26Ct /C0 + 0.09Et /E0 + 0.19Rt /R0 + 0.46

FORMULA 622. Artificial beaches with escort spikes.

Kt = 0.15Et /E0 + 0.25Rt /R0 + 0.60

FORMULA 631. Construction of boardwalks-without wood.

Kt = 0.14Ct /C0 + 0.04Et /E0 + 0.05Ft /F0 + 0.03Lt /L0 + 0.03Ot /O0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0.15Rt /R0 + 0.08St /S0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.44

FORMULA 632. Construction of sea walks-with wood.

Kt = 0.07Ct /C0 + 0.003Et /E0 + 0.04Ft /F0 + 0.19Mt /M0 + 0.08Rt /R0 + 0.03St /S0 + 0.56

FORMULA 641. Coastal conditioning works and coastal trails.

Kt = 0.06Ct /C0 + 0.003Et /E0 + 0.01Lt /L0 + 0.13Mt /M0 + 0.001Ot /O0 + 0.16Rt /R0 + 0.06St /S0 + 0.54


FORMULA 711. Works of afforestation.

Kt = 0.04Et /E0 + 0.11Ot /O0 + 0.09Pt /P0 + 0.76

FORMULA 721. Forest works with high wood and steel content.

Kt = 0.03Et /E0 + 0.10Mt /M0 + 0.07Ot /O0 + 0.05Pt /P0 + 0.09St /S0 + 0.66


FORMULA 811. Works of general construction.

Kt = 0.04At /A0 + 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.08Ct /C0 + 0.001Et /E0 + 0.02Ft /F0 + 0.03Lt /L0 + 0.08Mt /M0 + 0.04Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0.06Rt /R0 + 0,15St /S0 + 0,02Tt /T0 + 0,02Ut /U0 + 0.01Vt /V0 + 0.42

FORMULA 812. General building works with a high component of installations.

Kt = 0.04At /A0 + 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.08Ct /C0 + 0.001Et /E0 + 0.02Ft /F0 + 0.03Lt /L0 + 0.04Mt /M0 + 0.04Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0.06Rt /R0 + 0,15St /S0 + 0,06Tt /T0 + 0,02Ut /U0 + 0.01Vt /V0 + 0.42

FORMULA 813. General building works with a high glass component.

Kt = 0.04At /A0 + 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.08Ct /C0 + 0.001Et /E0 + 0.02Ft /F0 + 0.03Lt /L0 + 0.08Mt /M0 + 0.04Pt /P0 + 0.01Qt /Q0 + 0.06Rt /R0 + 0.10St /S0 + 0.002Tt /T0 + 0.0234t /U0 + 0.07Vt /V0 + 0.41

FORMULA 821. Construction works with a high component of metal materials and installations. Works of office building.

Kt = 0.08At /A0 + 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.05Ct /C0 + 0.001Et /E0 + 0.02Ft /F0 + 0.01Lt /L0 + 0.04Mt /M0 + 0.03Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0.03Rt /R0 + 0,18St /S0 + 0,08Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0.02Vt /V0 + 0.42

FORMULA 831. Building restoration works.

Kt = 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.05Ct /C0 + 0.001Et /E0 + 0.03Ft /F0 + 0.02Lt /L0 + 0.02Mt /M0 + 0.02Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0,08Rt /R0 + 0,11St /S0 + 0,04Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0,02Vt /V0 + 0,57

FORMULA 832. Restoration works for buildings with a high wood component.

Kt = 0.001Bt /B0 + 0.02Ct /C0 + 0.001Et /E0 + 0.03Ft /F0 + 0.02Lt /L0 + 0.10Mt /M0 + 0,02Pt /P0 + 0,01Qt /Q0 + 0,08Rt /R0 + 0,11St /S0 + 0,04Tt /T0 + 0,01Ut /U0 + 0,02Vt /V0 + 0,52



FORMULA 911. Cargo transport aircraft.

Kt = 0.17At /A0 + 0.06Et /E0 + 0.13Tt /T0 + 0.15Wt /W0 + 0.49

FORMULA 912. Passenger transport aircraft.

Kt = 0.18At /A0 + 0.05Et /E0 + 0.03St /S0 + 0.12Tt /T0 + 0.11Wt /W0 + 0.51

FORMULA 913. Fighter jets.

Kt = 0.18At /A0 + 0.06Et /E0 + 0.14Tt /T0 + 0.10Wt /W0 + 0.52

FORMULA 914. Armed cargo transport aircraft.

Kt = 0.21At /A0 + 0.05Et /E0 + 0.12Tt /T0 + 0.12Wt /W0 + 0.5

FORMULA 915. Helicopters from missions other than combat.

Kt = 0.14At /A0 + 0.05Et /E0 + 0.11Tt /T0 + 0.22Wt /W0 + 0.48

FORMULA 916. Combat helicopters.

Kt = 0.12At /A0 + 0.05Et /E0 + 0.11Tt /T0 + 0.22Wt /W0 + 0.50

FORMULA 917. Unmanned aircraft.

Kt = 0.13At /A0 + 0.05Et /E0 + 0.16Tt /T0 + 0.17Wt /W0 + 0.03Yt /Y0 + 0.46


FORMULA 921. Ships with steel hull for combat missions.

Kt = 0.04Et /E0 + 0.10St /S0 + 0.32Tt /T0 + 0.54

FORMULA 922. Steel hull ships for missions other than combat.

Kt = 0.05Et /E0 + 0.09St /S0 + 0.23Tt /T0 + 0.63

FORMULA 923. Ships with a composite hull.

Kt = 0.05Et /E0 + 0.20Tt /T0 + 0.16Wt /W0 + 0.59

FORMULA 924. Submarines.

Kt = 0.04Et /E0 + 0.05St /S0 + 0.43Tt /T0 + 0.48


FORMULA 931. Armoured vehicles support /link.

Kt = 0.05Et /E0 + 0.12St /S0 + 0.40Tt /T0 + 0.43

FORMULA 932. Combat carts.

Kt = 0.06Et /E0 + 0.17St /S0 + 0.25Tt /T0 + 0.52

FORMULA 933. Non-armoured vehicles.

Kt = 0.06Et /E0 + 0.22St /S0 + 0.07Tt /T0 + 0.14Wt /W0 + 0.51


FORMULA 941. Guns and heavy material.

Kt = 0.06Et /E0 + 0.26St /S0 + 0.04Tt /T0 + 0.64

FORMULA 942. Light weaponry.

Kt = 0.08Et /E0 + 0.18St /S0 + 0.74

FORMULA 943. Full shots organized.

Kt = 0.03Et /E0 + 0.08Mt /M0 + 0.20St /S0 + 0.14Ut /U0 + 0.18Xt /X0 + 0.37

FORMULA 944. Unorganized projectiles.

Kt = 0.03Et /E0 + 0.16St /S0 + 0.15Xt /X0 + 0.66

FORMULA 945. Cardboard

Kt = 0.05Et /E0 + 0.05Mt /M0 + 0.10St /S0 + 0.21Ut /U0 + 0.10Xt /X0 + 0.49

FORMULA 946. Non-metallic war artifices.

Kt = 0.05Et /E0 + 0.10Pt /P0 + 0.05St /S0 + 0.21Xt /X0 + 0.59


FORMULA 951. Electronic Warfare Material.

Kt = 0.04Et /E0 + 0.35St /S0 + 0.14Ut /U0 + 0.47

FORMULA 952. Optical War Material.

Kt = 0.06Et /E0 + 0.08St /S0 + 0.05Ut /U0 + 0.15Vt /V0 + 0.66


FORMULA 961. Individual textile equipment of the soldier.

Kt = 0.03Et /E0 + 0.52Ht /H0 + 0.45

FORMULA 962. Individual shoe of the soldier.

Kt = 0.002Et /E0 + 0.59Jt /J0 + 0.39


FORMULA 971. Short-range missiles.

Kt = 0.05At /A0 + 0.07Dt /D0 + 0.05Et /E0 + 0.002St /S0 + 0.25Tt /T0 + 0.002Xt /X0 + 0.02Yt /Y0 + 0.52

FORMULA 972. Long range missiles.

Kt = 0.04Dt /D0 + 0.04Et /E0 + 0.04St /S0 + 0.40Tt /T0 + 0.04Xt /X0 + 0.44