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Royal Decree 1367 / 2011, From October 7, Which Created The Commissioner Of The Government For The Actions Derived From The Earthquake In Lorca.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1367/2011, de 7 de octubre, por el que se crea el Comisionado del Gobierno para las actuaciones derivadas del terremoto de Lorca.

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The magnitude of the earthquake in the municipality of Lorca on 11 May 2011 determined the approval by the Government of Royal Decree-Law 6/2011 of 13 May, containing the first and urgent measures, palliative and They are intended to restore a gradual return to normal in the municipality. Among the measures included in the aforementioned Royal Decree-Law, it is of an organizational nature, it is contained the creation of sendas commissions, mixed and inter-ministerial, in which the General Administration of the State, the Region of Murcia and the Lorca Town Hall.

In view of the need to continue the actions undertaken and to promote new developments in line with developments, it is necessary to combine efforts and strengthen coordination in the implementation of all measures. for the attainment of the intended purpose.

Therefore, it is considered necessary to have a body to take on board the proposal for the adoption of measures to repair the catastrophe caused, the higher impetus and the coordinated implementation of the actions carried out by the General Administration of the State and the entities of this subsidiary, as well as the cooperation with the Region of Murcia and the City of Lorca.

In its virtue, after the approval of the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, on a proposal from the Ministers of the Presidency and the Development of Public Administration, and after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on October 2011,


Article 1. Creation of the Government Commissioner for the actions resulting from the Lorca earthquake.

The Government Commissioner is created for the actions resulting from the Lorca earthquake to which the impetus, coordination, monitoring and, where appropriate, the proposal to the Government of the measures to be adopted by the State General Administration, in collaboration with the Region of Murcia and the City of Lorca.

Article 2. Government Commissioner for the actions arising from the Lorca earthquake.

The Commissioner will be appointed by the Government, by means of a royal decree, on a proposal from the Ministers of the Presidency and the Ministry of Public Works.

The Commissioner has the rank of Secretary of State, without his duties being paid.

Article 3. Dependency.

The Government Commissioner is functionally dependent on the Minister of the Presidency and organically of the Minister of Public Works.

Article 4. Competencies.

Corresponds to the Government Commissioner:

a) Propose to the Government, through the Minister of the Presidency, the necessary actions to repair the damage caused by the Lorca earthquake, as well as the superior impulse and coordination of its execution.

b) Raise regular reports to the Government on the activities developed and the results obtained.

c) Call and chair the meetings of the inter-ministerial commission created by Royal Decree-Law 6/2011, whose vice presidency corresponds to the Deputy Secretary of the Interior, and be informed of the actions and decisions taken by the mixed commission created by the cited Royal Decree-Law.

d) Receive the initiatives of the organs, entities, sectoral organizations and any other public or private associations or entities.

e) To obtain from the various ministerial departments, entities dependent on the General Administration of the State and the Delegation of the Government in Murcia, how much information is necessary for the fulfillment of their functions, and to convene as many meetings as required for this purpose.

f) All other functions entrusted to you by the Government.

Article 5. Office of the Government Commissioner.

The Government Commissioner will be assisted, in the performance of his duties, by an Office that will have the necessary administrative and material support from the various ministerial departments and the Government Delegation. in Murcia.

The Director of the Office will be appointed by the Government, by means of a royal decree, on a proposal from the Ministers of the Presidency and the Ministry of Public Works.

The Director of the Office shall have a rank of Director-General, without his/her duties being paid.

The office shall exercise the functions of the cabinets referred to in Article 10 of Law 50/1997 of 27 November of the Government.

Article 6. Extinction.

The Government Commissioner for the actions resulting from the Lorca earthquake will be abolished once the objectives that determined its creation have been met.

Final disposition first. No increase in expenditure.

The creation of the Government's Commissioner does not imply an increase in public spending, and the expenses incurred in its operation will be charged to the Ministry of Public Works ' spending budget.

Final disposition second. Powers of development.

The Minister of the Presidency is authorised to take the necessary measures for the development and implementation of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on October 7, 2011.


The Minister of the Presidency,