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Order Eha / 2655 / 2011, Of 28 Of September, By Which Is According The Emission, Coinage And Put In Circulation Of Coins Of Collection Of The Third Series Of The Program "capital Of Province And Cities Autonomous".

Original Language Title: Orden EHA/2655/2011, de 28 de septiembre, por la que se acuerda la emisión, acuñación y puesta en circulación de monedas de colección de la tercera serie del programa "Capitales de Provincia y Ciudades Autónomas".

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Law 62/2003, of December 30, of Fiscal, Administrative and Social Order Measures, in Article 102, amended Article 81 of Law 42/1994 of 30 December 1994 on Fiscal, Administrative and Social Order Measures, giving new terminology in relation to commemorative and collector coins, in accordance with the terminology used in Community provisions and regulations.

In the new wording of Article 81, it is established, inter alia, that, from January 2004, euro collector coins, euro coins not intended for circulation, normally minted, will be denominated in euro. in precious metals, with a nominal value and design other than those intended for circulation. These coins shall differ significantly from those circulated in at least two of the following three characteristics: colour, weight and diameter.

In the same arrangement, the National Currency and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda (National Mint) is authorized to coin and market all kinds of coins. The coinage and sale of these coins will be agreed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which, in accordance with the Community provisions, will determine the characteristics of the coins, their facial values and the original dates. of the issue and, where applicable, the sales prices to the public.

In accordance with Article 21.10.c) of Royal Decree 1127/2008 of 4 July 2008, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Economy and Finance is developed, according to the wording given by Royal Decree 352/2011, March 11, the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda is attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, through the Secretariat of Economy and Finance.

Order EHA/1183/2010 of 4 May, which agrees to the Framework Programme for the issuance, minting and putting into circulation of "Capital of the Province and Autonomous Cities" collection coins, sets out the general criteria for application to the collection coins that make up the said programme of numismatic mints.

In the second half of 2011 will be issued the third series of "Capitals of Province and Autonomous Cities", dedicated to Burgos, Ciudad Real, Girona, Castellón de la Plana/Castello de la Plana, Cáceres, Lugo, Donostia-San Sebastián, Cordoba, Zaragoza and Leon.

In its virtue, I have:

Article 1. Emission agreement.

It is agreed, for the year 2011, the issuance, minting and putting into circulation of coins of collection of the third series of the Program "Capitals of Province and Autonomous Cities".

Article 2. Technical characteristics.

These coins will be minted in accordance with the technical characteristics set out in Article 3 of Order EHA/1183/2010 of 4 May, which agrees to the Framework Programme for the issuance, minting and putting into circulation of "Capital of Province and Autonomous Cities" collection coins.

Article 3. Designs and motifs of the coins.


In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle. To the right, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city BURGOS. Below, the mark of Ceca. At the bottom of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back, an image of the equestrian statue of the Cid Campeador is reproduced. To the left, an image of the towers of the Cathedral of Burgos. At the top of the coin, in capital letters, the value of the part 5 EURO. To the right, in descending circular direction and in capital letters, the legend CID CAMPEATOR. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

Ciudad Real.

In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle; below, the mark of Ceca. On the right, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city REAL CITY. At the bottom of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back, on the right side of the coin, an image of the monument to Alfonso X, founder of the city, is reproduced, accompanied by the legend ALFONSO X, in a circular descending and in capital letters. On the left side of the coin, the image of a window of the Cathedral is reproduced, accompanied by the legend CATHEDRAL, in a circular ascending and in capital letters. At the top of the coin, in two lines and in capital letters, the value of the currency 5 EURO. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.


In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle. To the right, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city GIRONA. Below, the mark of Ceca. At the bottom of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

A picture of the Onyar Houses is reproduced on the reverse. In the upper part of the coin, in circular descending and in capital letters, the legend HOUSES OF THE ONYAR; under, in capital letters, the value of the part 5 EURO. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

Castellón de la Plana/Castello de la Plana.

In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle. To the right, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city arranged in two lines, so that in the first line the legend CASTELL/CASTELLÓN appears, and in the second line appears from the PLANA, part common to the previous ones names. Below, the mark of Ceca. At the top of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

A picture of the Main Teatre is reproduced on the reverse. In the upper part of the coin, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the legend THEATER PRINCIPAL; under, in capital letters, the value of the part 5 EURO. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.


In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle. To the right, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city CACERES. Below, the mark of Ceca. At the bottom of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

A picture of the Arco of the Star is reproduced on the reverse. At the top of the coin, in capital letters, the value of the part 5 EURO. At the bottom of the coin, in capital letters, the ARCH OF THE STAR. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.


In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle. To the right, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city LUGO. Below, the mark of Ceca. At the bottom of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back, an image of the main facade of the Cathedral of Lugo and the Walls is reproduced. In the upper part of the coin, in circular and capital letters, the legend WALLS OF LUGO AND CATHEDRAL; under, in capital letters, the value of the part 5 EURO. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

Donostia-San Sebastian.

In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle. On the right, the mark of Ceca and, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIÁN. At the bottom of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back, an image of La Concha beach is reproduced. At the top of the coin, in circular and upper case, the legend PLAYA DE LA CONCHA; below, in capital letters, the value of the part 5 EURO. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.


In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle. To the right, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city CÓRDOBA. Below, the mark of Ceca. At the bottom of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back, the image of one of the doors of the Cathedral Mosque of Córdoba, accompanied on both sides by floral motifs of the facade, is reproduced. On the left hand, in two lines and in capital letters, the value of the part 5 EURO. On the right hand, in four lines and in capital letters, the legend CATHEDRAL MOSQUE OF CORDOBA. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.


In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle. To the right, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city ZARAGOZA. Below, the mark of Ceca. At the bottom of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back, an image of the Basilica of the Pillar is reproduced. In the upper part of the coin, in circular and in capital letters, the legend THE PILLAR; below, in capital letters, the value of the part 5 EURO. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.


In the front the shield of the city is reproduced. To the left, the legend SPAIN, in a circular ascending direction and in capital letters, except for the letter n, which appears in minuscule and within a circle. On the right, in a circular descending and in capital letters, the name of the city LEON. Below, the mark of Ceca. At the bottom of the coin, the year of minting 2011. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back is an image of the Royal Collegiate of San Isidoro de León. At the top of the coin, in capital letters, the value of the part 5 EURO. In the lower part of the coin, in circular sense and in capital letters, the legend SAN ISIDORO DE LEON. Surround the motifs and legends a pearl graffiti.

Article 4. Number of parts.



Expected Initial Tirade


Real City











Donostia-San Sebastian






These amounts may be increased or reduced in line with market demand and will be determined by a Follow-up Commission, made up of representatives of the Directorate General of the Treasury and Financial Policy, of the Bank of Spain and the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda. The Commission's decisions in this regard will aim to avoid significant differences between the face value and the numismatic value of these coins.

The National Currency and Timbre Factory-Royal Mint is authorized to allocate to the numismatic funds of the Museum of this entity up to a maximum of five pieces of each coin minted under the present ministerial order and, where appropriate, those industrial elements of their manufacture which, by the characteristics of the issue, are of numismatic or museological interest.

Article 5. Initial date of issue.

The initial date of issue of the coins will be the second half of 2011.

Article 6. Minting and putting into circulation.

The coins will be minted on behalf of the State in the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, which will deliver them to the Banco de España through the contribution of the representative documents of the coins. minted.

The National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda will pay the face value of these coins, which will be paid to the Treasury, and once acquired, will proceed to its marketing through the process indicated to continuation.

Article 7. Marketing process.

The National Currency and Currency Factory-Real Casa de la Moneda will proceed to the marketing of these coins, both in collections and in isolation, by itself or through entities contracted to the effect, which will be committed to to be regularly sold to the public, as well as for export.

Article 8. Sales prices to the public.

The initial retail price for each currency will be 30 euro, excluding VAT.

These pieces may be sold individually or as collections, in which case the price will be the sum of the individual prices of the pieces that form them.

In the event that, once this provision is in force, the official quotations of the markets corresponding to the precious metals used in their production and coinage, will experience fluctuations exceeding four years. (i) a percentage of the arithmetic mean of the daily contributions of the month preceding that effect, by modifying the values of the metals used and, therefore, the initial selling price to the established public, the Directorate-General for the Treasury and Financial, in accordance with such quotations, may revise the initial price of the currency, on the upside or the downside, prior to the report of the Banco de España and the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda.

Article 9. Measures for the application of this Order.

The Directorate-General of the Treasury and Financial Policy will take the necessary measures for the implementation of this Order, acting as a consultative body to the Monitoring Committee referred to in Article 4 of this Order.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This Order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, September 28, 2011. -Vice President of the Government of Economic Affairs and Minister of Economy and Finance, Elena Salgado Méndez.