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Order Eha / 2656 / 2011, Of 28 Of September, By Which Is According The Emission, Coinage And Put In Circulation Of Coins Of 2 Euro Commemorative Of The Cathedral Of Burgos.

Original Language Title: Orden EHA/2656/2011, de 28 de septiembre, por la que se acuerda la emisión, acuñación y puesta en circulación de monedas de 2 euro conmemorativas de la Catedral de Burgos.

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Law 62/2003, of December 30, of Fiscal, Administrative and Social Order Measures, in Article 102, amended Article 81 of Law 42/1994 of 30 December 1994 on Fiscal, Administrative and Social Order Measures, giving new terminology in relation to commemorative and collector coins, in accordance with the terminology used in Community provisions and regulations.

In the new wording of Article 81, it is established, inter alia, that, as of January 2004, euro commemorative coins will be denominated in euro 2 euro coins intended for circulation, the national side of which will be will be different from the usual one and will be destined to commemorate a relevant event or personality. These coins shall be issued on the basis of the periodicity, volume and conditions required by their Community rules.

In that same provision it is established that the National Factory of Currency and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, without prejudice to the competences attributed to it in Law 10/1975, of March 12, of Regulation of the Metal Currency, with its corresponding amendments shall be made to the minting of the commemorative coins of 2 euro, intended for circulation, with the legends and motifs of the national side and the volume of the issue to be established on an annual basis by the Minister Economic and Financial Affairs, taking into account the criteria laid down in Community legislation.

In accordance with Article 21.10.c) of Royal Decree 1127/2008 of 4 July 2008, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Economy and Finance is developed, according to the wording given by Royal Decree 352/2011, March 11, the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda is attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, through the Secretariat of Economy and Finance.

Paragraph 6 of Commission Recommendation 2009 /23/EC of 19 December 2008 on the fixing of common guidelines for national faces and the issuance of euro coins intended for circulation, regulates the issuance of 2 euro commemorative coins intended for circulation.

Order EHA/2472/2009 of 8 September, which agrees to issue, mint and put into circulation euro coins intended for circulation of 1 and 2 euro and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents, regulates the euro coins

The commemorative 2 euro coin, which is regulated in this provision, is intended for circulation, but differs from the 2 euro currency regulated in Order EHA/2472/2009 of 8 September in the design of the front.

The national side, front, of this commemorative coin of 2 euro, will be dedicated to the cathedral of Burgos, continuing with the theme started with the Order EHA3423/2009, of December 9, of commemorative coins destined to to commemorate goods or places included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In its virtue, I have:

Article 1. Coinage agreement.

Without prejudice to the provisions of Order EHA/2472/2009 of 8 September 2009 agreeing to issue, minting and putting into circulation euro coins intended for circulation of 1 and 2 euro and 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Cents., it is agreed, for the year 2012, the issuance, minting and putting into circulation of coins of 2 euro commemorative of the cathedral of Burgos.

Article 2. Technical characteristics.

These coins shall be minted in accordance with the technical specifications contained in Council Regulation (EC) No 975/98 of 3 May 1998 on the nominal values and technical specifications of the euro coins intended for circulation.

Article 3. Legends and motifs of the coins.

As it is a bimetallic coin, the motifs are distributed in two zones of different alloy and color. The color of the outer circular crown is white silver and the inner yellow gold.

In the front, in the central zone of the coin, an image of the Cathedral of Burgos is shown. On the right, the mark of Ceca. Above the central image, in circular sense, the word SPAIN appears next to the year of coinage, 2012. Roding all the motifs and legends, in the outer circular zone of the coin, appear the twelve stars of the European Union.

On the common reverse of the currency, on the left side, figure the figure that represents the value of the currency. On the right hand side appear, from one end to the other, six vertical lines in which twelve stars overlap, each star being situated next to the ends of each line. On the right side is also a representation of the European continent. The right side of this representation is overlaid on the central part of the lines. The word 'EURO' is superimposed horizontally in the centre right of the common face. Below the O of the word EURO are the initials of the recorder LL, next to the edge of the right side of the coin.

In the song the inscription appears: 2 * *, repeated six times and oriented alternately from bottom to top and from top to bottom.

Article 4. Initial date of issue and entry into circulation.

The initial date of issue will be the first half of 2012.

Article 5. The release of the coins and the volume of the issue.

These coins will be admitted without limitation in public boxes, and between individuals, in accordance with Article 11 of Council Regulation (EC) No 974/98 of 3 May on the introduction of the euro, in the The wording of Council Regulation (EC) No 2169/2005 of 21 December 2005 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 974/98 of 3 May 2005 on the introduction of the euro shall not be obliged to accept more than one of the following: Fifty coins in each payment.

The maximum volume of these coins will be 8 million pieces, and can be extended by twenty percent if this is agreed by the monitoring committee provided for in Article 8 of this Order.

The National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda are authorized to allocate to the numismatic funds of the Museum of this entity up to a maximum of five pieces of the coins minted under this Order Ministerial.

Article 6. Relations between the Directorate General of the Treasury and Financial Policy, the Banco de España and the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda: general procedure for the minting and putting into circulation of metallic coins.

1. The coins will be minted, on behalf of the State, in the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, which will deliver them to the Banco de España as its manufacturing capacity permits. The Banco de España shall bring these coins into circulation, taking into account the needs of the market, but until the actual entry into circulation or its preliminary action is initiated, the coins shall remain in storage at the factory. National of Currency and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, at the disposal of the Directorate General of the Treasury and Financial Policy.

2. The Directorate General of the Treasury and Financial Policy, the National Mint and the Bank of Spain, and the Banco de España will agree on the formalities and documents that will accompany the deliveries of metallic coins to the latter by of the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, which will serve as a justification for their respective accounts.

3. The Banco de España shall bear the balance of the other accounts which may affect the same subject matter on its balance sheets, the situation of the metallic coin which it receives as a deposit for its subsequent entry into circulation.

4. The Bank of Spain shall forward to the Directorate-General of the Treasury and Financial Policy the information it requests, in order to obtain adequate knowledge of the accounts identified at this point. The monthly summaries and revenue and charges resulting from the same will be reflected in the quarterly account that the Banco de España has to pay to the aforementioned Directorate General, in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of Law 10/1975, of 12 of March, on Metallic Coin Regulation.

Article 7. Accounting application.

1. The payments made by the Banco de España to the Directorate-General of the Treasury and Financial Policy for the circulation of coins shall take as a basis the concept of 'net circulation', which will be the result of discounting the value of the face of the coin removed from the face value of the coin put into circulation. A positive net circulation shall entail the payment to the Treasury of that amount, which shall apply to the non-budgetary accounting concept 320.423 " FNMT Revenue. Coin issuance pending application ".

Conversely, a negative net circulation shall entail the charge to the Treasury of that amount applied to the said non-budgetary concept.

On the first working day of each month, the Banco de España shall draw up an accounting summary reflecting the movement of metallic currency received in deposit, circulation and withdrawal during the calendar month immediately preceding it. Except for the month of December of each year, in which the summary shall be closed on the last working day of the first fortnight. On the day following the issue of the monthly summary, the Banco de España shall pay or owe the current account of the Treasury at the Bank for the net amount resulting from that summary, as set out in the preceding paragraph.

2. The Directorate-General of the Treasury and Financial Policy, based on the provisions of Article 5 of Law 10/1975 of March 12 on the Regulation of Metal Currency, will grant the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda an advance intended to cover the cost of coin minting.

As the National Currency and Currency Factory-Real Casa de la Moneda refers to the documents justifying the cost of minting money that the amount of advance, the General Directorate of the Treasury and Policy Financial shall issue accounting document for the proposal for a non-budgetary payment order in the non-budgetary accounting concept 320,423 ' Income FNMT. Issue of metallic coin pending application "in formalisation and entry into the accounting concept non-budget 311.404" FNMT. Coin minting expenses, pending to be applied ".

3. At the end of the financial year, depending on the balance of the non-budgetary concept 320,423 " Income FNMT. Issuance of metallic currency pending application ", the following accounting documents shall be made by the Directorate General of the Treasury and Financial Policy for registration in the Accounting Information System of the General Administration of the State:

If the amount of the non-budget concept 320,423 " Income FNMT. Issuance of metallic currency pending application " is a creditor, the Directorate General of the Treasury and Financial Policy will issue a proposal for a payment order in formalization in this concept and income in the accounting concept of the Intervention State Administration General, 100.950 "Currency Acunation Benefit".

If the amount of the non-budget concept 320,423 " Income FNMT. Issuance of metallic currency pending application " is debtor, the General Directorate of the Treasury and Financial Policy shall process the file from the General Administration of the State's Budget of Expenditure, the payment of which shall be made in formalisation with revenue in this non-budgetary concept.

Article 8. Measures for the application of the order.

The Directorate-General of the Treasury and Financial Policy will adopt the measures that are necessary for the implementation of this Order, acting as a consultative body a follow-up committee, composed of representatives of the aforementioned Directorate General, Bank of Spain and the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This Order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, September 28, 2011. -Vice President of the Government of Economic Affairs and Minister of Economy and Finance, Elena Salgado Méndez.