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Resolution Of 2 September 2011, Of The Presidency Of The Superior Council Of Sports, Which Publishes The Modification Of The Statutes Of The Royal Spanish Equestrian Federation.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 2 de septiembre de 2011, de la Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Deportes, por la que se publica la modificación de los Estatutos de la Real Federación Hípica Española.

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In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10.2.b) of Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport, the Board of Directors of the High Council of Sport, at its meeting of 25 August 2011, has approved definitely the modification of the Statutes of the Royal Spanish Horse Federation, authorizing their registration in the Register of Sports Associations.

In compliance with the provisions of article 31.7 of the Law of Sport and article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December on Spanish sports federations and the Registration of Sports Associations,

This Secretary of State agrees:

Have the publication of the amendment of the Statutes of the Royal Spanish Horse Federation, contained in the Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, September 2, 2011. -President of the Superior Council of Sports, Albert Soler Sicilia.


Statutes of the Royal Spanish Horse Federation


General provisions

Article 1.

1. The Royal Spanish Horse Federation (hereinafter RFHE) is a private associative entity, although of public utility, which is governed by Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the Sport, by Royal Decree 1935/1991, of 20 December, on Federations Sports Spanish, for the other provisions that make up the Spanish sports legislation in force, by the present Statutes and their Regulations and by the other rules of internal order that dictate in the exercise of their competences.

2. The RFHE has legal personality, full capacity to act for the fulfilment of its purposes and jurisdiction in the matters of its competence.

3. It has its own heritage and is not for profit.

4. The RFHE is affiliated with the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), whose Statutes it accepts and is obliged to comply with, of course, within the Spanish legal order.

The International and Spanish Olympic Committees (IOC and COE) are also present.

5. The RFHE does not accept any kind of discrimination, either by itself or its members, by reason of birth, race, sex, opinion or any other personal or social conditions or circumstances.

6. The RFHE is based in Madrid and its registered office in Calle Monte Esquiza, n. º 28, 3. To change the latter, within the municipal term, the General Assembly agreement will be necessary.

Article 2.

1. The RFHE is composed of the Federations of the Autonomous Field, in the case provided for in Article 9 of the present Statutes, the athletes, judges, technicians, designers of track-heads of track, and clubs, dedicated to the practice, control, Regulation, training, promotion and organisation of the sport in all its disciplines within the Spanish territory.

2. Activities are hypico: obstacles jumps, classical dressage, complete contest, racing, "gentlemen-riders", hooks, doma vaquera, "raids", volteo, "horseball", marches and equestrian tourism, adapted riding ("paraequestrian") , trec, and reining.

3. They also form part of the federative organization, the leaders and, in general, how many natural or legal persons, or Entities, promote, practice or contribute to the development of the hypico sport.

Article 3.

The scope of the RFHE's performance in the development of its own competences extends to the whole of the territory of the State.

Article 4.

It is for the RFHE, as its own activity, the government, administration, management, organization and regulation of the hypico sport.

In its virtue, its own:

a) Regular and control official state-wide competitions.

b) To represent the representation of the EIF in Spain, as well as that of Spain in the international activities and competitions held inside and outside the territory of the State. To this end it is the competence of the RFHE to select the athletes to be included in any of the national teams.

c) Authorise the sale or transfer, outside the national territory, of the televised broadcasting rights of the official competitions organised by the RFHE.

d) Formar, holder and qualify judges and technicians in the field of their competitions.

e) Vellar by compliance with the provisions governing.

f) Tutoring, controlling, and monitoring their associates.

g) Promote, organize and control sports activities aimed at the public.

h) Hire the personnel necessary for the performance of their duties and the provision of their services.

i) In general, how many activities do not object, undermine or destroy your social object.

Article 5.

1. In addition to those provided for in the previous article, as activities of the RFHE, the RFHE exercises, under the jurisdiction and tutelage of the Superior Council of Sports, the following administrative functions of an administrative nature:

(a) Qualify and organise, where appropriate, official activities and competitions at the State level.

For these purposes, the organization of such competitions is understood to be related to the regulation of the general framework of the same, as established by the corresponding federal rules.

b) Act in coordination with the Autonomous Federations for the general promotion of their sports modalities throughout the national territory.

c) Design, develop and implement, in collaboration, in their case, with the Autonomous Federations, the plans of preparation of the high level athletes in their respective sports disciplines, as well as participate in the drawing up the annual lists of the same.

d) Collaborate with the State Administration and the Autonomous Communities in the training of sports technicians and in the prevention, control and repression of the use of prohibited substances and pharmacological groups and methods regulatory in sport.

e) Organising or tutoring official international competitions to be held in the territory of the State.

f) Exercise the disciplinary authority of sport, in the terms laid down in the Law of Sport, its specific provisions of development, the present Statutes and its regulations.

g) Exercise the control of the grants awarded by Associations and Sports Entities under the conditions set by the High Council of Sports.

h) Run, if any, the resolutions of the Spanish Sports Discipline Committee.

2. The acts performed by the RFHE in the exercise of the functions referred to in the preceding paragraph may be appealed to the Superior Council of Sports, whose resolution shall exhaust the administrative route.

Article 6.

1. The territorial organisation of the RFHE is in line with the Territorial Division of the State in Autonomous Communities.

In its virtue, such an organization is made up of the following autonomic Federations:

1) Andalusian Territorial Horse Federation.

2) Aragonese Territorial Horse Federation.

3) Territorial Horse Federation of the Principality of Asturias.

4) Balear Territorial Horse Federation.

5) Canary Island Territorial Federation.

6) Cantabra Territorial Horse Federation.

7) Castilla-La Mancha Territorial Horse Federation.

8) Territorial Horse Federation of Castilla y León.

9) Catalan Territorial Horse Federation.

10) Extremendous Territorial Horse Federation.

11) Galician Territorial Federation.

12) Riojana Territorial Horse Federation.

13) Spanish Territorial Federation of Madrid.

14) Murciana Territorial Horse Federation.

15) Federation Horse Riding Navarre.

16) Federation Hipica Territorial Valenciana.

17) Basque Country Territorial Federation.

2. How much determines the paragraph above is without prejudice to the provisions of the first transitional provision of these Statutes.


From Territorial Federations

Article 7.

1. The Autonomous Regional Federations are governed by the current state legislation, by the Autonomous Community to which they belong, by its Statutes and Regulations and, in addition, by its own provisions of internal order.

2. In any case, the RFHE must be expressly recognized both the powers that are its own and the administrative ones that correspond to it, in one and the other case, according to the Law of the Sport, the Royal Decree on Spanish Sports Federations and the present Statutes and their regulations.

Article 8.

a) the Autonomous Regional Federations which have legal personality by way of provision or recognition of the respective rules of the respective Autonomous Communities, shall adjust their statutory rules, as far as is necessary, to these Statutes and must comply with the rules and instructions of the RFHE on the official competitions organised or tutored by it or which it delegates to them as soon as they exceed their territorial scope, as well as disciplinary matters, according to provided for in these Statutes.

Article 9.

1. The Autonomous Federations must be integrated into the RFHE so that its members can participate in official competitions at the state or international level.

2. The system of integration shall consist of the formalisation by each of the interested parties of an agreement to that effect, adopted by the body which, in accordance with its Statute, corresponds, and which shall be submitted to the RFHE, with the express declaration that they are free and expressly to the determinations which, in the exercise of the federative powers, are to be adopted in respect of that participation in competitions of such classes.

3. The following rules will apply to the integration produced:

(a) The Autonomous Federations shall retain their legal personality, their own and differentiated assets, their budget and their particular legal status.

b) The Presidents of the Autonomous Federal Federations will be part of the General Assembly of the RFHE, with the representation of those. In any case, only one representative shall exist for each Federation of Autonomous Community.

c) The sports disciplinary regime, in the case of official state-wide competitions, will in any case be that provided for in the Law of Sport, in the Royal Decree on sports discipline, in the present Statutes and in regulations, irrespective of the content of the provisions in force in the respective autonomous areas.

d) The autonomic Federations, integrated into the RFHE. They will be represented in the respective Autonomous Community.

4. There shall be no territorial delegation of the RFHE in the field of an autonomous federation where it is integrated into that federation.

Article 10.

1. The Federations integrated into the RFHE must provide the necessary information to enable them to know, at all times, the programming and development of the sports activities, as well as their budget.

2. They shall also transfer their statutory and regulatory rules to the Federation.

3. They will also provide the RFHE with the high and low levels of its athletes, clubs and affiliates, judges and technicians.

Article 11.

Without prejudice to the patrimonial independence and economic management autonomy of the Federations integrated into the RFHE, the latter shall control the grants received from or through the RFHE.

Article 12.

1. The RFHE, without prejudice to Articles 8 to 11 of this Statute, recognises the following functions to the autonomic Federations:

a) Represent the authority of the FHE in its functional and territorial scope.

b) Promote, ordain and direct the hypico sport, in all its disciplines, within its territorial scope, through the exercise of its own faculties and those expressly delegated by the RFHE.

c) Control, direct and develop the competitions within their scope.

d) Constituir the highest immediate sports authority for all its affiliated clubs and members

2. The Autonomous Federations of the Autonomous Communities, when they establish with the governing bodies of their Autonomous Communities agreements or conventions which affect matters within the competence of the RFHE, shall specify the prior and express authorization of the RFHE.


Of the clubs

Article 13.

1. Sports clubs are private associations, consisting of natural or legal persons, which aim to promote one or more sporting modalities, the practice of them by their associates, as well as participation in activities and sports competitions.

2. All clubs must register in the corresponding Register of Sports Associations and be approved by the RFHE in the terms provided for in the Federated Club Regulation Recognized by the RFHE.

3. The recognition for sporting purposes of a club shall be credited by the certification of the registration referred to in the previous paragraph.

4. To participate in official competitions, the clubs must register in advance in the respective Federation. This enrollment must be done through the autonomic Federations, when these are integrated into the RFHE.


Of the sportsmen

Article 14.

Athletes can be professional or amateur.

Article 15.

1. For federated athletes to participate in state-wide competitions, they must be in possession of a licence, issued by the RFHE, according to the following minimum requirements:

(a) Uniformity of economic conditions in each of the disciplines, estates and categories, the amount of which shall be fixed by the General Assembly.

b) Uniformity of content and data expressed according to different sports categories.

(c) The RFHE shall issue the licences within 15 days from the date of the application, after verification of compliance with the sporting requirements laid down for such issue, in its Statutes or Regulations.

2. Licences issued by the Autonomous Federal Federations shall enable such participation if they are integrated into the RFHE, are issued within the minimum economic and formal conditions laid down by the RFHE and communicate their expedition to the same.

For these purposes, the rating will be produced once the Federation of Autonomous Community, which, as provided for in the preceding paragraphs, enables participation in official activities or competitions State, at least, in the Spanish language, state official.

These licenses will reflect three economic concepts:

-Mandatory insurance as referred to in article 59.2 of the Law of Sport.

-The quota for the RFHE.

-Cuota for the Autonomous Federation.

The quotas corresponding to the RFHE will be of equal economic value for each sport discipline, class and category, and will be fixed by your General Assembly.


From the organs of the RFHE


General provisions

Article 16.

1. Government and representation.

a) Preceptives.

1) The General Assembly and its Delegate Committee.

2) The President.

b) Potestatives.

1) The Board.

2) The Executive Board of the Board of Directors.

2. Technicians.

a) Preceptives.

1) The Technical Committee of Judges.

2) The Technical Committee of Track Chiefs.

b) Potestatives.

1) Other Technical Committees.

3. Internal regime.

a) Preceptives.

1) Management.

b) Potestatives.

1) The General Secretariat.

4. Of federal justice.

a) The Sports Discipline Committee.

b) The Appeal Committee.

5. The committees of activities, collectives and members of the RFHE.

6. The Committees of a strictly sporting nature.

Article 17.

Are requirements to be a member of the governing and representation organs of the RFHE:

1. To be Spanish, without prejudice to what may be established as a consequence of the provisions of Treaties, international conventions or provisions that would be applicable in this field.

2. Have the majority of civil age.

3. Not being disabled for public office.

4. Have full capacity to work.

5. Not be subject to sports disciplinary sanction that you disable for it.

6. Not be immersed in the incompatibilities established legally or statutorily.

It will be a specific requirement for the members of the clubs, athletes, judges and technicians, to be in possession of their respective sports license in force.

Article 18.

All members of the federative collegiate bodies who are part of them by choice, shall have their term of office of four years, coinciding with the Olympic period in question and may, in any event, be reelected, except as provided for in Article 18.2 of this Statute.

1. In cases where, for all circumstances, they do not consume the term of office, those who fill the vacancies shall exercise the position for a period equal to that which they have taken away from the replacement of the replacement, which may not be submitted to a new election. Until the Olympic period for which they were elected elapses.

Article 19.

1. The sessions of the collective organs of the RFHE shall always be convened by the President or, by order of the President, by the Secretary General and, failing that, by the Manager. They may also be convened on a proposal from the members of the collective bodies to be determined in the statutory or regulatory rules.

2. The call for the collective organs of the RFHE will be carried out within the terms that in each specific case provide for the present Statutes. In the absence of such a provision and in cases of special urgency, the provision shall be made at least forty-eight hours in advance.

3. They shall be validly constituted, on first call, when the absolute majority of their members is present and, second, where at least one third is present. The presence of a quarter of the members of the General Assembly will be sufficient in third convocation.

All this will be without prejudice to specific assumptions in which these Statutes require a quorum of higher attendance.

4. It will be up to the President to direct discussions with his own authority.

5. Agreements shall be adopted by a simple majority, except in cases where the present Statute provides for a more qualified quorum.

6. A record shall be drawn from all sessions in the form provided for in Article 49 of these Statutes.

7. Votes against the agreements of the collegiate bodies, or the reasoned abstentions, shall exempt from the responsibilities which may arise from their adoption.

Article 20.

1. They are basic rights of members of the federal organization:

(a) Take part in the deliberations, freely expressing their views on how many issues are being treated or discussed within the body of which they are members and exercising their right to vote, stating, in their case, if they wish, the particular reason they issue.

b) To intervene in the federal tasks of the office or function that they have, cooperating in the management that is the responsibility of the organ to which they belong.

c) Know the content of the minutes of the organ sessions that they are a part of.

d) Other than, regulatively, to be established.

2. They are their basic obligations:

a) Concurrir, when formally cited for it, to meetings, unless the reasons for force majeure prevent it.

b) To carry out, as far as possible, the commissions entrusted to them.

c) Collaborate loyally in federal management, keeping, when necessary, the secret about the deliberations.

(d) Others to be determined by regulatory means.

Article 21.

1. Irrespective of the criminal, civil and administrative responsibilities which are generally enshrined in the Spanish law, the members of the various bodies of the RFHE are specifically responsible for the acts, resolutions or agreements adopted by that party, with the exception laid down in Article 19.7 of these Statutes.

2. They are also, in the terms provided for in the general sports legislation, in the present Statutes and in their regulations, for the non-compliance with the agreements any organs or commission of the faults provided for in the disciplinary regime sports.

Article 22.

1. Members of the RFHE's organs cease for the following reasons:

a) Expiration of the command period.

b) Emotion, in the cases in which it proceeds, as it is not a collective charge.

c) Dimission.

d) Incapacity to prevent charge performance.

e) Incur any of the causes of ineligibility listed in Article 17 of these Statutes.

f) Incompatibility, over-coming legally or statutorily

2. In the case of the President, the FHE will also be the vote of censure.

They will be requirements for this:

(a) To be formulated by a third, at least, of the members of the general assembly, formalizing individually for each of the proposers by reasoned and signed written, with which the copy of the national document will be attached of identity.

b) To be approved by the majority of the thirds of the full members of the General Assembly, without, in any case, the vote by mail is admitted.


Of the governing and representation bodies

Section first. From the General Assembly

Article 23.

1. The General Assembly is the top governing body and representation of the RFHE.

2. It is composed of the members who are determined at each moment according to the current electoral regulations. They will be part of it:

a) The Presidents of the autonomic scope Federations integrated into the RFHE.

b) Representatives of the clubs, athletes, judges, technicians, track-heads designers and other collectives, if any, in the proportion that the current electoral law establishes, chosen by free, equal, direct, and secret suffrage in the form that Articles 24 to 37 of these Statutes determine.

3. He may attend the sessions of the Assembly, with a voice but without a vote, the outgoing President of the last term.

4. The General Assembly may be convened in plenary session or in a delegated committee.

Article 24.

Clubs will be chosen from among those who meet the requirements set out in sports legislation in the field of elections.

Article 25.

Athletes will be chosen from among those who meet the requirements set out in the sports legislation in the field of elections, and in these Statutes.

Article 26.

The Judges shall be chosen from among those who meet the requirements laid down in the sports legislation on electoral matters, and in these Statutes.

Article 27.

Track-heads designers will be chosen from among those who meet the requirements set out in the sports legislation in the field of elections, and in these Statutes.

Article 28.

Technicians will be chosen from among those who meet the requirements set out in the sports legislation in the field of elections, and in these Statutes.

Article 29.

Representatives of other collectives, if any, shall be chosen from among those who meet the requirements laid down in the sports legislation on electoral matters, and in these Statutes.

Article 30.

The vacancies that will eventually occur in the General Assembly will be covered every two years by means of sectoral elections.

Article 31.

Will be general requirements to be electors and eligible:

a) Dealing with physical representations, having completed, respectively, the sixteen and the eighteen years and also, being in possession of a license, qualification or training, in the appropriate quality, at the time of the call for the elections, and have also had it in the previous year, crediting their participation, then and at the time of the elections, in competitions or activities of official character and state level.

b) Being clubs, those who at the time of the call are organizing and participating in competitions or activities of official character and state scope and have done so in the previous year.

Article 32.

The election of the club representatives will be carried out through the electoral district that is determined in every moment according to the electoral regulations in force.

Article 33.

The election of the representatives of the Judges shall be carried out through the electoral district that is determined at each moment according to the electoral regulations in force.

Article 34.

The election of the representatives of the Technicians will be carried out through the electoral district that is determined in every moment according to the electoral regulations in force.

Article 35.

The election of the representatives of the track-heads ' Designers will be carried out through the electoral constituency that will be determined in every moment according to the electoral regulations in force.

Article 36.

The election of the representatives of the collectives, if any, will be carried out through the electoral constituency that is determined in each moment according to the electoral regulations in force.

Article 37.

In the case of an election, through a state constituency of clubs and athletes, representatives of the same Autonomous Community may not exceed by more than 50 per 100 the proportion corresponding to them in the electoral census.

Article 38.

State-wide official competitions are organized under the jurisdiction of the RFHE, as well as those organized by the territorial Federations when they have delegated the RFHE, and are open to the the participation of sportsmen and women who have a competitive sports licence at the state level and comply with the minimum technical standards to be determined by regulation.

The autonomic field competitions will be those qualified as such by the Autonomous Federations in the exercise of their competencies.

Article 39.

1. It is for the General Assembly in plenary and with a necessary character:

a) Approval of the annual budget and its liquidation

b) Approval of the sports calendar.

c) Approval and modification of the Statutes.

d) The election and cessation of the President

e) The choice, in the form determined by Article 40 of the present Statutes, of their delegated commission, also corresponding to their eventual renewal.

2. It is also up to you:

(a) Authorize the lien or disposal of immovable property where the amount of the transaction is equal to or greater than 10 per 100 of the budget of the RFHE or 50 million pesetas, requiring the majority of the of votes present. These amounts and percentages will be reviewed annually by the Higher Sports Council.

b) Grant your approval to the role of President of the RFHE to be paid, as well as determine the amount of what you need to receive the same quorum as provided for in the previous paragraph.

(c) Meeting annually of the fundamental criteria governing the exercise of the regulatory authority of the delegated Commission.

d) Resolve the proposals submitted to you by the RFHE Board of Directors, or the assemblymen themselves, in numbers not less than 20 per 100 of them.

e) Constituting the Committees of specific disciplines deemed necessary.

(f) The other powers that are contained in these Statutes or that are given to you regulatively.

3. Cases or proposals submitted to the meetings of the President or the Board of Directors, up to forty-eight hours before the date of the sitting, may be dealt with in the Assembly, where there are grounds for special urgency, assistants, by absolute majority, lend their consent.

Article 40.

1. The General Assembly shall meet in plenary session, once a year.

2. The other meetings shall be extraordinary and shall be held at the request of the President, by agreement of the delegated Commission, adopted by the majority, or the request of a number of members of the Assembly not less than 20 per 100.

3. The convening of the Assembly shall be the responsibility of the President of the RFHE and shall be made at a time of 15 days in advance, except for the assumptions provided for in Article 19 of these Statutes. The notice shall be accompanied by the order of the day, as well as the documents relating to the cases to be dealt with, but the latter may be sent up to 10 days before the date of its conclusion or even to 40 days. and eight hours before the same, in the case of urgency provided for in point 3 of the previous article.

4. At the beginning of each session, three members of the Bureau shall be appointed with the task of verifying the minutes, which, with the approval of the President, will be lifted by the Secretary.

Section 2. From the Commission delegated to the General Assembly

Article 41.

1. The Delegation of the General Assembly will be composed of a minimum of 15 members plus the president, of which one third will correspond to the presidents of Federations of autonomy, another third to the clubs, and another third to the rest of the the estates, that is, sportsmen, judges and technicians.

2. The presidents of the regional federations shall be elected by and from among all of them.

3. Those who correspond to the clubs will be chosen by and from among all of them, without those corresponding to the same Autonomous Community having more than 50 per 100 of the representation.

4. Those who correspond to the remaining estates shall be, likewise, chosen by and among all the members of each of the units, in proportion to their representation in the General Assembly.

Article 42.

1. It corresponds to the Delegation of the General Assembly:

a) The modification of the sports calendar.

b) Modifying budgets.

c) The approval and modification of the Regulations.

d) Establish the Territorial Delegations ' Elections Regulations, which will be as closely as possible with the criteria governing such matters in the RFHE.

2. Any amendments referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) above shall not exceed the limits and criteria which the General Assembly may lay down, where appropriate, and the proposal on the same shall be for the sole or President of the RFHE or the delegated Commission, where the latter agrees by a two-thirds majority.

3. The Commission is also responsible for:

a) The elaboration of a report prior to the approval of the budgets.

b) The monitoring of the sports and economic management of the RFHE through the elaboration and presentation of an annual report to the General Assembly, on the memory of activities and the settlement of the budget.

(c) Authorize the lien or disposal of immovable property, where the amount of the transaction does not exceed the limits provided for in Article 38, and such agreements shall be adopted by the absolute majority of its members.

Article 43.

1. The Delegated Commission shall meet at least once every four months on a proposal from the President or two-thirds of its members, and its mandate shall coincide with that of the General Assembly.

2. Its convocation shall, in any event, correspond to the President himself and shall be effected at a time of 15 days in advance, except as provided for in Article 19 of these Statutes.

Section 3. From the President

Article 44.

1. The President of the RFHE is the executive body of the RFHE and holds its legal representation. In addition, it is the supreme management and administration organ of the RFHE.

2. Convenes and presides over the General Assembly, its Delegate Commission, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of the Board of Directors, and executes the agreements of all these bodies.

You also have the right to attend as many sessions hold any federal organs and commissions.

3. It is up to him, in general, and in addition to those laid down in these Statutes and in his regulations, to the functions not specifically entrusted to the General Assembly, to his Commission Delegate and to the Board of Directors, among which it is listed, But not limited to:

Grant general and special powers.

Order payments.

Name and separate staff from the RFHE.

Hire Services.

4. He will be elected every four years, coinciding with the summer Olympic years, by free, direct, equal and secret suffrage, by the members of the General Assembly. The candidates, who will not be required to be a member of that body, must be presented at least by 15 per 100 of those, and their choice will be made by a double-lap system, in the event that in a first no candidate reaches the absolute majority of the votes cast. No vote by mail will be valid for your choice.

5. It may not be re-elected President who has held such a condition for the three periods immediately preceding, whatever the actual duration of the term.

6. As long as he carries out his term of office, the President shall not be able to hold any office in another federal body, except in the case of his or her own body, association or club subject to the federal discipline or the Spanish sports federation. is that of Horse, and shall be incompatible with the activity as a judge or a technician, continuing in possession of its license, if it has, that it shall remain without effect until it ceases to hold the presidency of the RFHE.

7. He will preside over the General Assembly, his Delegate Commission, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of the Board of Directors with the authority that is his or her own position, corresponding to the direction of the debates; his vote will have the quality of the resolution.

8. In cases of absence, sickness or any other cause which temporarily prevents them from carrying out their duties, the President of the body concerned shall be replaced by the Vice-Presidents in their order, failing which they shall, and ultimately, by the oldest member, or by the oldest member if the older member is the same.

9. Where the President ceases to be in office, having completed the time of his term of office, the Board of Directors shall be constituted as a Gestora Commission and shall convene elections to the governing bodies and representation of the RFHE within thirty days, in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Regulation and the timetable for the elections, which will be definitively approved by the Board of Directors of the Superior Council of Sports.

If the President will cease for any different cause, it will proceed in accordance with the current electoral regulations, but limiting exclusively the process of choosing who will replace him, who will occupy the post. for the same time as it is for the replacement of the replacement, in addition to the rule provided for in Article 18.2 of these statutes, as far as this is concerned.


Of the potestative organs

Section first. From the Board of Directors

Article 45.

1. The Board of Directors is the complementary collegiate body of government and representation, which assists the President, and who is responsible for the management of the RFHE.

2. It shall be composed of the number of members to be determined by its President, all appointed by him, to whom his removal also corresponds.

3. The Board of Directors shall have at least one Vice President appointed by the President, who shall be a member of the General Assembly.

4. The Vice-President, or in the case of several, shall, in his order, replace the President in the event of absence, illness or other analogues.

5. They are the competencies of the Board:

(a) Approve and amend the rules of the internal regime of the RFHE and the functioning and development of sports activities, which do not constitute regulations attributed to the Delegate Commission.

b) Control the development and good end of the competitions of national and international order, in the cases that correspond to it.

c) Designate, on a proposal from the President, national selectmen as well as technical teams.

d) Grant honors and rewards.

e) Elevate the reasoned proposed CSD, when it considers that there are enough merits, to enter the Royal Order of the Sports Merit.

(f) The meaning of all the registration of clubs, athletes, technicians and auxiliaries.

g) Publish, by circular, the provisions dictated by the Board of Directors and the agreements it adopts in the exercise of its powers.

h) Grant the titles of President and Vice President of Honor to those people who have meant to render eminent services to the promotion and development of the hypico sport. Such appointments shall be ratified by the General Assembly.

6. The members of the Board of Directors shall cooperate equally in the management which it is responsible for and shall respond to it before the President himself.

7. The members of the Board of Directors will not be able to take charge of any other Spanish Sports Federation and will apply to them the incompatibilities provided by the current regulations.

8. Members of the Board of Directors who are not, at the same time, of the General Assembly, shall be entitled to attend the sessions of the General Assembly, with a voice but without a vote.

9. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once every two months, when decided by the Chair, to whom its convocation shall be responsible and the determination of the items on the agenda of each session. The minimum notice period shall be forty-eight hours. The agreements will be adopted by a majority of assistants, with the possibility of voting for the President's quality.

10. The members of the Board of Directors are specifically responsible for the acts, resolutions or agreements adopted before the General Assembly, which, if decided by the majority of two-thirds of those in full membership, may request his removal from the President of the RFHE.

Article 46.

An Executive Committee may be established within the Board of Directors, which shall be constituted by the Chairman and the members of the Board of Directors. The Secretary-General, if any, and the Manager shall be required to attend in a mandatory manner with a voice but without a vote.

The Board of Directors may delegate to the Executive Board all the powers conferred on the Board of Directors, provided that they are delegated.


Of the technical bodies

Section first. From the Technical Committee of Judges

Article 47.

1. The Technical Committee of Judges attends directly to the functioning of the Federal Judges ' Statute, and they correspond, with subordination to the President of the RFHE, the government, representation and administration of the functions attributed to them.

2. The Chair of the Committee shall be responsible for appointing the Chair of the RFHE.

3. The Technical Committee of Judges shall carry out the following


a) Establish the levels of training for judges.

b) To technically classify the Judges and to propose the membership of the relevant categories.

c) Propose candidates for international category judges.

d) Approve the administrative rules by regulating the arbitration.

e) Coordinate with the autonomic scope Federations integrated into the RFHE training levels.

f) Designate the Judges in the state-wide competitions.

g) Other duties delegated by the RFHE.

4. The proposals referred to in the previous paragraph shall be raised to the President of the RFHE for final approval.

5. The designation of the Judges for the various competitions shall not be limited by recusal or by any conditions of any kind, and those who are appointed shall not refrain from directing the evidence in question, unless there are grounds for force majeure to be weighted by the Committee.

6. The composition and working arrangements of the Committee shall be determined in accordance with the rules.

Section 2. From the Technical Committee of Track Chiefs

Article 48.

1. The Technical Committee of the Head of Track, directly attends to the functioning of the federative station of Heads of Track, and they correspond with subordination to the President of the RFHE, the government, representation and administration of the functions attributed to those.

2. The Chair of the Committee shall be responsible for appointing the Chair of the RFHE.

3. The Technical Committee of Track Chiefs shall develop the following functions:

a) Set the training levels of the Track Chiefs.

b) To technically classify the Heads of Track and to propose the membership of the relevant categories.

c) Propose candidates for International Category Track Chiefs.

d) Other delegates to the RFHE, or to be regulated by the RFHE.

4. The proposals referred to in the previous paragraph shall be raised to the President of the RFHE for final approval.

5. The designation of the Heads of Track for the various competitions shall not be limited by recusal or by any conditions of any kind, and those who are appointed shall not refrain from performing their duties on the evidence in question, unless reasons of force majeure are met by the Committee.

6. The composition and working arrangements of the Committee shall be determined in accordance with the rules.


Of the internal regime organs

Article 49.

1. The Secretary-General of the Federation, if any, appointed by the President and directly dependent on it, shall exercise the functions of the Fedeor and Advisor, and shall specifically correspond to the following functions:

(a) Raise minutes of the sessions of the General Assembly, of its delegated Commission, of the Board of Directors and of its Executive Committee, acting as Secretary of such bodies, as well as of the Commissions that may be created.

b) Exorder the appropriate certifications of the acts emanating from the merited organs.

c) Resolve the processing issues.

d) Vellar for the exact fulfillment of the federative organ agreements.

e) Other than what the President entrusts to him.

2. The appointment of the Secretary-General shall be optional for the President of the RFHE who, if he does not make such a designation, shall be responsible for the functions of the RFHE, and may delegate to the person he deems appropriate.

3. Their employment relationship will be the special character of the senior management staff.

Article 50.

The minutes referred to in point 1 (a) of the previous Article shall specify the name of the persons who have attended, the interventions, summarized, which they have, and any other circumstances deemed appropriate, as the result of the votes, with a specification of the votes for, the against, the individuals, if any, and the abstentions, and the text of the agreements adopted.

Article 51.

1. The FHE Manager is the ordinary organ of management and administration of the same. Its designation shall be the responsibility of the President.

2. These are the Manager's own functions:

a) Take the accounting of the RFHE, propose the payments and charges and write the balance sheets and budgets.

b) Exercise the economic inspection of all federal organs.

c) Exercise control of grants to be assigned to the Territorial Federations.

d) Exercise the staff leadership of the RFHE.

e) To perform the functions of the General Secretariat when it does not exist.

f) Any other that is delegated or entrusted to it by the President.

3. Their employment relationship will be the special character of senior management staff.

Item 52.

Committees may be set up to deal with the functioning of the collectives and their members, such as those of a strictly sporting nature, in the number deemed necessary.

The Presidents of these Committees shall be appointed by the President of the RFHE.

Article 53.

The functioning of the Committees referred to in the previous article, as well as the powers delegated to them by the RFHE, shall be laid down in the relevant Federal Regulations.


Disciplinary regime

Article 54.

1. The scope of the federative discipline extends to the infringements of the rules of the game or competition and of the general sports norms typified in the Law of the Sport, in its dispositions of development and in own legal order of the RFHE.

2. Actions and omissions which, during the course of the competition, violate, prevent or disturb their normal development are violations of the competition rules.

3. Other actions and omissions that are contrary to what they determine are an infringement of the general rules of sport or prohibit or prohibit them.

Article 55.

Sports discipline is governed by Law 10/1990, of October 15, of the Sport; by Royal Decree 1591/1992, of 23 December, on sports discipline; by the present Statutes, and by the federative regulation that the develops.

Article 56.

The RFHE exercises disciplinary authority over all persons who are part of their own organic structure; on clubs, athletes, technicians and managers; on the Judges and, in general, on all those persons and Entities that, being attached to the RFHE, develop functions or exercise positions at the state level.

Article 57.

The disciplinary authority that corresponds to the RFHE will be exercised:

1. For a Committee on Sports Discipline constituted within the RFHE and composed of a jurist of recognized prestige, appointed by the President of the RFHE and in whom the chairmanship of the Committee, a Vice President appointed by the President and two members appointed by the delegated Commission of the General Assembly of the RFHE.

2. Against the decisions given by the Sports Discipline Committee, it shall be brought before the Appeal Committee, composed of five members appointed by the President of the RFHE, two of them freely appointed by the President, and the three other persons appointed on a proposal from the Technical Committee of Judges, from the Commission delegated to the General Assembly and from the Board of Directors. He shall preside over the body chosen by and from among its members, and must, in any event, have the status of a licensed person in law.

3. For the purposes referred to in the previous paragraph, the RFHE shall require each of the bodies and bodies represented in the respective collegiate committees, in order to make the corresponding proposal, within a period of not more than ten days. If that term has elapsed, some or some of those who do not do so, the President of the Federation shall make the appointment or appointments concerned.

4. The agreements of the Committees of Appeal will be used before the Spanish Committee for Sports Discipline.

5. In horse racing, this disciplinary authority shall be exercised in the following


-Violations of the competition rules contained in the Code of Racing of the Society for the Promotion of the Cría Caballar in Spain (SFCCE), during the development of the same, will be controlled by the Commissioners of Races appointed by the SFCCE, in the terms established by the said Code of Racing.

-Violations of competition rules that could result in the imposition of economic sanctions or any other type outside the development of the competition in which they would have occurred, will be sanctioned, proposal of the Commissioners of Racing, by the Commissioners of the SFCCE, that they must have an appointment validated by the RFHE on the proposal of the SFCCE.

Violations of general sports rules, including everything related to the doping control regime, will be controlled by the SFCCE Commissioners.

-Against the decisions of the SFCCE Commissioners in the cases referred to in the previous indent, it shall be possible to bring an action before a Disciplinary Committee composed of 2 members of the Sports Discipline Committee of the RFHE, and 2 vowels on a proposal from the SFCCE, which shall be Commissioners of the SFCCE.

The Chairman of this Committee shall be appointed by the President of the RFHE among any of the members of the RFHE, and his vote shall be settled in the event of a tie.

-Against the resolutions of this Disciplinary Committee, he will appeal to the Spanish Committee for Sports Discipline.

-Controls of prohibited substances and products to which riders are to be subjected shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant legislation adopted in the applicable legislation, in accordance with the principles laid down therein.

The controls to which the horses will be subjected will be carried out by the SFCCE under the procedures developed by the Code of Racing and principles that regulates international regulations (International Hijíce Agreements) and in This is the case for the International Federation of Hipic Authorities, as the case may be, without prejudice to the application of the Spanish legislation in force.

Article 58.

1. In determining the responsibility for sporting offences, the federative disciplinary bodies shall comply with the reporting principles of the sanctioning right.

2. No penalty may be imposed for actions or omissions which are not typified as an infringement, at the time of occurrence, by the provisions at the time in force; they may not be imposed for corrective measures which are not laid down as a rule prior to Commission of the European Union Nor can a double sanction be imposed for the same facts. It shall also ensure the application of favourable retroactive effects.

3. Penalties may be imposed only on the basis of a file drawn up for the purpose, with a hearing of the person concerned and subsequent right to appeal.

Article 59.

At the request of the person concerned, the disciplinary bodies may, in a reasoned opinion, agree to suspend the execution of the penalties imposed, regardless of the procedure followed, without the mere interposition of the resources that are against the same or suspend their compliance.

That power of suspension, with the same potential as a potentive character, will also be exercised in the case of sanctions consistent with the closure of sports facilities.

In any case, it will be weighted, as a special circumstance, to allow the execution of the contested act to be suspended, the damages of difficult or impossible reparation that could be derived from its fulfillment.

Article 60.

At the Secretariat of the disciplinary bodies of the RFHE, a record of the sanctions imposed for the purposes, inter alia, of the possible assessment of the amending circumstances of the FRHE should be carried out scrupulously and in the day. responsibility and the computation of the terms of limitation of both infringements and penalties.

Article 61.

The resolutions must express the classification of the fact that is sanctioned, by appointment of the violated precept and expression of the resource that is to be interposed, illustrated about the organ to which it is appropriate to address it and of the established deadline for this.

Article 62.

1. The agreements to be adopted by the federative disciplinary bodies shall be notified to the parties concerned as soon as possible, with the maximum limit of 10 working days, by trade, letter, telegram. Telex, fax, or any other means which permits to be kept on the record of receipt, addressing the personal or social address of those or to whom, for these purposes, they would have indicated.

2. The notifications shall contain the full text of the decision or agreement, with the indication whether or not it is final, with the expression of the resources that come, from the body to which they are to be formalised and the time limit for bringing them together.

Article 63.

The RFHE, in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention against the Doping of UNESCO, in the anti-doping regulations of the International Federation, as well as in the World Anti-Doping Code, of mandatory compliance for the The Commission shall notify the Commission of Health and Drug Control and Monitoring of the penalties imposed by the Commission on doping offences provided for in the Organic Law of 22 November 2006 on the protection of health and safety at work. the fight against doping in sport, for publication through the website of the Superior Council As this is the organ of the disciplinary authority in the field of doping, being contrary to the Organic Law 15/1999, the subsequent treatment of the data published by any subject other than the Superior Council of Sports.

The publication shall contain only the data relating to the infringer, the sporting specialty, the infringement, the sanction imposed, and only where it is absolutely essential, the substance consumed or the method used.

It will only be possible to publish sanctions that are firm on the administrative basis, and no such publication can occur before.

The maximum period during which the data may be published shall never exceed the time for the suspension or deprivation of the federal license.

The resolutions adopted in the procedures for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions for doping dealt with by the Sports Discipline Committee of the RFHE in its field of competence should include notification to the interested in that, if a disciplinary sanction has been imposed, it will be published on the Internet, in the terms indicated in this precept and in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Law 15/1999.

Article 64.

The presidents of the federal organs of justice, whether or not they are disciplinary, must meet the specific requirement of having the degree of Doctors or Licensor in Law.

Article 65.

Faults can be very serious, serious or minor, a determination that will be made on the basis of the principles and criteria laid down in the legal provisions and the present Statutes.

Article 66.

1. They are considered, in any case, as very serious infringements of the competition rules or the general sports rules:

a) Abuse of authority.

b) The violations of sanctions imposed. The infringement shall be assessed in all cases where the sanctions are enforceable. The same scheme shall apply in the case of the breach of precautionary measures.

c) Actions aimed at predetermining, by price, intimidation or simple agreements, the result of a test or competition.

(d) The promotion, incitement, consumption, or use of prohibited practices referred to in Article 56 of the Law of Sport, as well as the refusal to undergo the checks required by competent bodies and persons; or any action and omission that prevents or disturbs the proper performance of such controls, both as regards the participation and the horse.

e) The aggressive and anti-sports behaviour, attitudes and gestures of sportsmen, when they are directed to the Judges or Technicians and other official members of the competition during the same, to other sportspersons, to the public or to managers.

(f) The public statements of directors, technicians, judges and other official members of the competition, and athletes or federators who incite the athletes or the spectators to the violence.

g) The lack of non-justified assistance to the national teams ' calls. For these purposes the call is understood to refer to both the training and the effective celebration of the test or competition.

(h) Participation in competitions organised by countries that promote racial discrimination, or those that weigh sports sanctions imposed by international organisations, or with athletes representing the same.

i) Notary and public acts that threaten the dignity or decorum of sports, when they are a special gravity. The recidivism in serious infringements by facts of this nature shall also be considered to be very serious.

(j) Manipulation or alteration, whether personally or through person, of the sporting equipment or equipment against the technical rules of the hypico sport when they may alter the safety of the test or competition or endanger the integrity of people.

k) The undue participation and unjustified appearance or withdrawal of the evidence, meetings or competitions.

l) The inexecution of the resolutions of the Spanish Sports Discipline Committee.

m) Serious acts of cruelty or mistreatment of the horse.

2. In addition, very serious breaches of the following are considered to be very serious by the Presidents and other management members of the RFHE bodies:

(a) Non-compliance with the General Assembly agreements, as well as the Electoral Regulation and other statutory or regulatory provisions. Breaches of infringement shall be those expressed in the RFHE's Sports Discipline Regulation, or those that are not yet critical or are of particular importance.

(b) The non-convocation, in the legal terms or conditions, in a systematic and repeated manner, of the federal collegiate bodies.

(c) The incorrect use of private funds or of grants, credits, guarantees and other State aid, of their autonomous bodies or otherwise granted to the General Budget of the State. For these purposes, the assessment of the incorrect use of public funds will be governed by the criteria for the use of State aid and subsidies in the specific legislation of the State. In terms of private funds, it will be the negligent or intentional character of the conduct.

(d) The commitment of multiannual expenditure of the RFHE budget without the regulatory authority. Such authorization is provided for in Article 29 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December, on Spanish Sports Federations, or in the regulations that at any time regulate such assumptions.

e) The Organization of official sports activities or competitions of an international character, without the authorization of authorization.

3. In any case, serious infringements shall be:

(a) The repeated failure to comply with orders and instructions issued by the competent sports bodies. In such organs the Judges and other official members of the competition are included. Technicians, managers and other sports authorities.

(b) Notary and public acts that threaten sports dignity or decorum.

c) The exercise of public or private activities declared incompatible with the activity or sporting function performed.

d) The non-convocation, within the legal terms or conditions, of the federal collegiate bodies.

e) Failure to comply with the rules of administration and management of the budget and patrimony, as provided for in Article 36 of the Law of Sport and specified in its provisions of development.

f) Manipulation or alteration, either personally or through the technical rules of the hypico sport.

g) acts of cruelty or abuse on the horse, when they do not constitute a very serious fault.

(h) Actions or omissions contrary to the rules for obtaining sports licenses, registration and registration and participation, approved by the FHE, when there is a repeat or reiteration.

4. Conduct which is clearly contrary to sporting rules, which are not subject to the rating of very serious or serious offences, shall be regarded as minor offences.

In any case, they will be considered minor faults:

(a) The observations made to the Judges, Technicians and other official members of the competition, managers and other sporting authorities in the performance of their duties in such a way as to mean a slight correction.

b) Light incorrectness with the public, peers and subordinates.

c) The adoption of a passive attitude in the performance of the orders and instructions received from judges and sports authorities in the performance of their duties.

d) Neglect in the conservation and care of social premises, sports facilities and other material means.

e) The barreous of a horse, as long as it does not involve cruelty or bad treatment of serious or very serious misconduct.

(f) Actions or omissions contrary to the rules for obtaining sports licenses, registration and registration, clothing and other rules for participation in tests and competitions approved by the Horse Federation Spanish.

Article 67.

1. The penalties for application by the Commission of very serious sporting offences shall be as follows:

(a) Fines not less than EUR 3,000 and not more than EUR 30,000.

b) Loss of points or positions in the classification.

c) Category loss or decline.

d) Celebration of the test or sports competition behind closed doors.

e) Prohibition of access to the places of development of the tests or competitions, for time not exceeding five years.

f) Definitive loss of rights as the partner of the respective sports association.

g) Closing the sports enclosure for a period of six months.

h) Disablement to hold positions in the sports organization, or suspension or deprivation of a federal license, on a temporary basis for a period of two to five years, in adequate proportion to the offence committed.

i) Disablement in perpetuity to hold positions in the sports organization, or federal license deprivation, equally in perpetuity.

The penalties provided for in this last paragraph may be agreed only by way of derogation from the recidivism of extraordinary seriousness.

2. The following penalties may be imposed by the Commission for the offences listed in Article 65.2

a) Public assembly.

The imposition of this penalty will be in the following assumptions:

1. The Commission of the infringement provided for in paragraph (a).

2. No by the commission of the infringement provided for in paragraph c), where the incorrect use does not exceed 1 per 100 of the total annual budget of the entity concerned.

3. The Commission of the infringement referred to in paragraph e.).

b) Temporary disablement from two months to one year.

The imposition of this penalty will be in the following assumptions:

1. No by the commission of the infringement provided for in paragraph (a), where the non-compliance occurs in manifestly very serious cases, upon request communicated in a reliable manner to the person concerned. In any case, they will have to take account of the non-compliances with a limitation of the subjective rights of the members.

2. The Commission of the infringement provided for in paragraph b).

3. ' By the commission of the offence referred to in paragraph c), either where the incorrect use exceeds 1 per 100 of the total annual budget of the entity concerned, or where the aggravation of the recidivism.

c) Removal from office.

The imposition of this penalty will be in the following assumptions:

1. The Commission of the infringement referred to in paragraph (a), the aggravating of recidivism, referred to, in this case, to the same season.

2. The commission of the infringement referred to in paragraph c), where the incorrect use exceeds 1 per 100 of the total annual budget of the entity concerned and, in addition, the aggravating of recidivism is appreciated.

3. º By the commission of the infringement provided for in paragraph d), the aggravating of recidivism is concurred.

3. The following penalties may be imposed by the Commission for serious infringements:

a) Public assembly.

b) Multa from 600 euros to 3,000 euros.

c) Loss of points or position in the classification.

d) Closing the sports venue, up to three meetings, or two months.

e) Privation of the rights of associate, from one month to two years.

f) Disablement to hold charges, suspension or deprivation of a federal license, one month to two years, or four or more meetings in the same season.

4. The following penalties may be imposed by the committee on minor infringements:

a) Aperception.

b) Multa up to 600 euros.

c) Disablement to hold charges of up to one month, or one to three meetings or tests.

Article 68.

1. Only personal sanctions, consisting of a fine in cases where athletes, technicians or judges receive economic perceptions for their work, may be imposed. Their amounts must, in advance, be quantified in the RFHE's disciplinary rules.

2. For the same infringement, fines may be imposed simultaneously on any other sanctions of a different nature, provided that they are provided for in the category of infringement concerned and that, as a whole, they are consistent with the gravity of the same. The non-payment of the financial penalties shall be considered as a penalty.

Article 69.

Regardless of any sanctions that may be applicable, disciplinary bodies shall have the power to alter the outcome of meetings, trials or competitions for predetermination by price, intimidation or simple agreements, the result of the test or competition; in cases of undue participation, and in general, in all those in which the offence poses a serious alteration of the order of the encounter, test or competition, that prevents its normal development and outcome.

Item 70.

1. Infringements shall be prescribed at three years, at the year or in the month, in the case of very serious, serious or minor offences, and the limitation period shall be counted on the day following the commission of the offence.

The limitation period shall be interrupted by the initiation of the sanctioning procedure, but if the person or entity subject to the procedure is paralyzed for one month for reasons not attributable to the person or entity subject, he shall return to running the relevant time limit, the limitation of the time limit being renewed when processing the file is resumed.

2. Penalties shall be imposed at the age of three years, the year or the month, in the case of serious, serious or minor offences, starting from the day following the day following that in which the person becomes a firm. the resolution imposing the sanction, or since its compliance was broken if it had begun.

Article 71.

1. The minutes signed by the judges of the test or competition shall constitute necessary documentary means, in the whole of the proof of the infringements to the rules and sports rules.

2. In the assessment of the faults concerning the sports discipline, the statements of the judge shall be presumed, except manifest material error or proof to the contrary.

Article 72.

1. The competent sports disciplinary bodies shall, on their own initiative or at the request of the instructor of the file, communicate to the Prosecutor's Office those offences which may be a criminal offence or a criminal offence.

2. In this case, the sports disciplinary bodies will agree to suspend the procedure, according to the circumstances, until the corresponding judicial decision is taken. In each individual case, the disciplinary bodies shall assess the circumstances of the case, in order to give reasons for the suspension or continuation of the sports disciplinary file until their decision and the imposition of penalties, if applicable.

3. In the event that the suspension of the procedure is agreed, precautionary measures may be taken by means of providence notified to all interested parties.


From the economic regime

Article 73.

1. The RFHE has its own management and wealth management and budget regime.

2. The Federation may not approve loss-making budgets, but exceptionally may the High Council of Sport authorize such a character.

3. The administration of the budget will respond to the single cash principle, with its own revenue, as a matter of priority, being devoted to the expenditure of a federal structure.

4. The accounting will be adjusted to the standards of adaptation of the General Plan of Accounting to the Spanish sports federations that the Institute of Accounting and Audit of Accounts of the Ministry of Economy and Finance develops.

5. In the first month of each year, the situation balance and the revenue and expenditure accounts, which shall be raised to the CSD for knowledge, shall be formalised.

Article 74.

Constitute revenue of the RFHE:

(a) The grants that the Public Entities can grant you.

b) Donations, inheritances, legacies, and prizes awarded to you.

c) The benefits of the sports activities and competitions that you organize, as well as the derivatives of the contracts you make.

d) The fruits of your heritage.

e) The loans or credits you obtain.

(f) The amount of financial penalties imposed by your discipline bodies.

g) The repayment fees for advances and loans that come and proceeds from the disposal of their assets.

h) The benefits that may be derived from the activities provided for in the following Article in paragraph (c).

i) Those that may be derived from the perception of membership fees or licensing rights.

j) Any other items that may be attributed to you by legal provision or by virtue of agreement.

Article 75.

The RFHE, as far as the economic regime is concerned, is subject to the following rules:

(a) It shall apply the economic benefits, if any, of the competitions it organises, to the development of its social object.

(b) You may tax and dispose of your real estate, take money on loan and issue securities representing debt or equity, provided that such legal businesses do not irreversibly commit their assets or its social object.

In the case of real estate that has been financed, in whole or in part, with public funds from the State, its lien or disposal shall require the authorization of the CSD.

c) It may, in addition, carry out activities of an industrial, commercial, professional or service nature, and allocate its assets and resources to the same objectives, but in no case may it distribute profits among its members.

(d) It shall not commit expenditure of a multiannual nature without the authorisation of the CSD where the committed annual expenditure exceeds 10 per 100 of its budget and exceeds the term of office of the President.

This percentage will be reviewed annually by the CSD.

e) It shall be submitted annually to financial and, where appropriate, management audits, as well as to reports of limited review of all expenditure. These actions may be entrusted and supported by the CSD.


From the documentary and accounting regime

Article 76.

1. In any case, they integrate the RFHE's documentary and accounting system:

(a) The Book of Federations of Autonomous Scope that will reflect the denominations of the same, their registered office and the affiliation of those who hold positions of representation and government, with express specification of the dates of the taking of possession and the cessation, where appropriate, of the persons concerned.

(b) The Book of Clubs, in which the name, registered office and affiliation of the Presidents and members of their Boards of Directors shall be recorded, the dates of the taking of possession and the cessation, if any, of the interested.

(c) The Book of Acts, which shall include those of the meetings of the General Assembly, its Delegated Commission, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of the Board of Directors.

(d) Accounting Books, which shall include both the equity and the rights and obligations and the revenue and expenditure of the RFHE, and the provenance of those and the investment or destination of the RFHE shall be specified.

e) Others that are legally enforceable.

2. They shall be the cause of information or examination of the federative books as established by the law or the pronouncements in that sense of the judges or courts, of the higher sports authorities or, where appropriate, of the auditors.

Out of these cases, the display of the federative books may be agreed upon at the request of the interested party, upon written request to the RFHE Manager. The refusal of such a request shall be reasoned.

Recognition will only be taken against points that relate to the question raised in the application.

In any case, the recognition will be done at the headquarters of the RFHE in the presence of the Manager.


From the dissolution of the RFHE

Article 77.

1. The RFHE will be dissolved:

a) By revoking their recognition.

If the conditions or motivations that gave rise to it disappeared, or the Board of Directors of the Superior Council of Sports considers the failure of the objectives for which the Federation was constituted, it will be instructed a procedure aimed at the revocation of that recognition, with a hearing of the RFHE itself and, where appropriate, of the Autonomous Federal Federations within it.

The CSD's Board of Directors will decide, in a reasoned manner, on such a revocation and against its agreement to bring the relevant administrative resources.

b) By judicial resolution.

c) For the other reasons provided for in the general legal order.

2. In the event of the dissolution of the RFHE, its net worth, if any, shall apply to the carrying out of similar activities, determined by the High Council of Sport its specific destination.


From the approval and modification of the Federative Statutes and Regulations

Article 78.

The approval or reform of the RFHE's Statutes or Federative Regulations will be in accordance with the following procedure:

(a) The process of modification, except where this is by legal empire, shall be initiated on a proposal, exclusively, by the President of the RFHE or two-thirds of the members of the Delegation.

Statutory modifications may not exceed the limits and criteria that the General Assembly establishes.

b) Draft preliminary draft, on the basis agreed by those bodies, will be drawn up.

c) Concluded such a draft, will be raised to the Board of Directors to issue, in a reasoned manner, its report.

Obtained the approval, the text, individually, to all the members of the General Assembly, giving a period of not less than fifteen days for them to formulate, motivated, the amendments or suggestions that they consider relevant.

(d) The General Assembly shall be convened by the General Assembly, to whom its approval shall be convened, which shall decide after the proposed text is discussed and the amendments, if any, submitted.

In the case of Regulations, it will be acted in the same way, although by convening, as the competent body, the Delegate Commission of the General Assembly itself.

e) Recaida, where appropriate, the relevant approval, shall be raised as agreed to the High Council of Sport, for the purposes provided for in Article 10.2.b) of the Law of Sport.

f) Approved the new text, if any of the Statutes will be dealt with by the CSD's Board of Directors, will be published in the Official Gazette of the State and will be entered in the corresponding Register of Associations.

First transient disposition.

All the Autonomous Federations are considered to be integrated into the RFHE-unless otherwise expressly stated-until a period expiring on 31 December 1993, in the course of which they may exercise their right to this.

Concluded, the federations that would not have done so will be able to do so at any time in the form provided for in Article 9 of these Statutes.

Second transient disposition.

With regard to the rules to be adjusted for the accounting of the RFHE, they will apply until the Accounting and Audit Institute of the Ministry of Economy and Finance develops the adaptation of the General Accounting Plan to the Spanish Sports Federations, the Order of 10 February 1984, approving the rules for adapting the General Accounting Plan to Federations and Sports Groups, and the Order of 20 December 1984, for which the application by the Federations and groupings is available sports of the rules of adaptation of the General Plan of Accounting, approved by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

First disposition first.

The Statute of the RFHE until now in force approved by the Board of Directors of the Superior Council of Sports on July 19, 1985, has been repealed. The RFHE Sports Discipline Regulation of 11 January 1990 is still in force in so far as it does not oppose existing legislation and in particular the chapter on the suppression of doping.

Final disposition second.

The present Statutes will enter into force on the day following their publication in the "Official State Gazette", and must be registered in the Register of corresponding Sports Associations, both of which require the Article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December on Spanish sports federations.