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Resolution Of 19 Of September Of 2011, Of The Service Public Of Employment State, By Which Is Created The New Headquarters Electronic Of The Organism.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 19 de septiembre de 2011, del Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, por la que se crea la nueva Sede Electrónica del Organismo.

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Law 11/2007, of 22 June, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services, created the concept of "electronic headquarters", justified by "the need to clearly define the" headquarters " electronic administrative with the that relations with the citizens are established. Article 10.1 of the same Law defines the electronic headquarters as " that electronic address available to citizens through telecommunications networks whose ownership, management and administration corresponds to a Public Administration, the administrative body or body in the exercise of its powers. ' Paragraph 3 of the same Article states that ' each Public Administration shall determine the conditions and instruments for the creation of electronic venues, subject to the principles of official advertising, responsibility, quality, security, availability, accessibility, neutrality and interoperability. "

On the other hand, Royal Decree 1671/2009 of 6 November 2009, for which the Law 11/2007, of 22 June, of electronic access of citizens to public services is partially developed, in addition to regulating this figure in its Articles 3 to 9 specifically determine in article 3.2 that "the electronic headquarters will be created by Order of the corresponding Minister or Resolution of the holder of the Public Body, which must be published in the 'Official Gazette of the State'", determining the minimum content of this approval rule. This brings to the citizens guarantees of full certainty and security that only partially reached the virtual offices that have so far been channeling the electronic relations with the citizens.

In this regulatory framework, by Resolution of 5 March 2010, the State Employment Public Service, the electronic headquarters of this Agency was created with the electronic address and the features and content as set out in Articles 2 and 4. An electronic sub-site was also created with the address

Since its creation there have been some changes in the image of the Agency, in the service channels and in the access pages that justify the implementation of a new electronic headquarters in the Public Service of State Employment and the disappearance of the previous ones. This is intended to harmonise new resources and to enhance the new image of the Agency that will facilitate the use of e-government services by citizens and businesses.

Finally, it has been issued on the basis of a report from the Commission of Electronic Administration of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration.

Consequently, and in accordance with the rating contained in Article 3.2 of Royal Decree 1671/2009 of 6 November 2009, this Directorate-General resolves:

Article 1. Object.

This Resolution aims to create the new electronic headquarters of the Public Service of State Employment in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of Royal Decree 1671/2009 of 6 November 2009, for which it is developed, partially, Law 11/2007, of June 22, of electronic access of citizens to public services.

Article 2. Features of the electronic headquarters of the State Employment Public Service.

The electronic headquarters of the State Employment Public Service is created with the following features:

(a) Scope: The scope of the headquarters will be the entire service belonging to the State Employment Public Service.

Likewise, the electronic headquarters of the State Employment Public Service will extend its scope to the regional or local authorities and administrations to be determined in the collaboration agreements that, if necessary, subscribe to this Body, which shall be published in the "Official Gazette of the State", in accordance with the provisions of the last paragraph of Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1671/2009 of 6 November 2009.

(b) Electronic address: the electronic address of the headquarters shall be

c) Holder: The ownership of the electronic seat shall be the responsibility of the General Directorate of the State Employment Public Service.

d) Technological management: technological management shall be the responsibility of the General Subdirectorate for Information and Communications Technologies, on the basis of the powers conferred on Article 11 of Royal Decree 1383/2008, of 1 August, approving the organic structure and institutional participation of the State Employment Public Service.

e) Management of the contents: they will be responsible for the management and of the services made available to the citizens in the headquarters, the Subdirectorates General of the Agency according to the competences foreseen in the said Real Decree 1383/2008 of 1 August 2008.

f) Channels of access to the services available at the headquarters:

1. The number of channels for access to the services available at the site:

Electronic access through the site itself, based on the technical specifications described therein.

In-person care to be taken at the State Employment Public Service offices in accordance with the competencies defined in the rules of administrative organization.

Telephone attention through the corresponding services.

2. The telephone numbers and the offices through which the services available at the headquarters may be accessed will be expressed in the electronic headquarters.

The creation of new venues or their modification or deletion will be published through the State Employment Public Service's main electronic headquarters.

g) The information and services included in the electronic headquarters will comply with the principles of accessibility and usability established in Law 11/2007, of June 22, in the terms dictated by the regulations in force in this material at any time.

h) The contents published in the electronic headquarters will respond to the criteria of safety and interoperability arising from Law 11/2007, of 22 June, developed by Royal Decree 1671/2009, of November 6; by the Royal Decree 3/2010 of 8 January, which regulates the National Security Scheme in the field of the Electronic Administration, and by Royal Decree 4/2010 of 8 January, which regulates the National Interoperability Scheme in the public administration.

Article 3. Content and services of the electronic headquarters.

The minimum contents to be included in the State Employment Public Service's electronic headquarters are:

(a) Identification of the electronic seat, as well as of the titular body and those responsible for the management of the contents made available to it.

b) Information necessary for the proper use of the electronic headquarters, including its map, as well as the related to intellectual property.

c) Electronic seat certificate verification system.

d) System of verification of electronic seal certificates used in electronic headquarters.

e) System of verification of the authenticity and integrity of documents signed with secure verification code (CSV) in automated actions of the Agency.

f) Services of electronic advice to the user for the correct use of the electronic headquarters.

g) Relation of electronic signature systems to be admitted or used in electronic headquarters.

h) Catalog of procedures and services available at the electronic headquarters.

i) Electronic services letter of electronic headquarters.

j) Official date and time, and days officially declared as non-working.

k) Link to the "Official State Bulletin".

l) Link to the general mailbox for complaints and suggestions.

m) Information related to the protection of personal data.

n) Link to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

o) Resolution of the State Employment Public Service of the creation of the electronic headquarters.

p) Resolution of 16 March 2010, of the State Employment Public Service, for which the electronic register of the body is regulated.

q) State Employment Public Service Resolution on the use of secure verification code and by which the electronic seal is created.

r) Link to the general access point of the General Administration of the State.

s) Electronic bulletin board, in which case the acts and communications to be published on the notice board or conventional edicts shall be published, indicating the replacement or supplementary character of this last.

t) Where appropriate, access by the data subjects to the processing status of the case.

In any event, the electronic headquarters of the State Employment Service shall have the minimum content and the services, at the disposal of the citizens, expressly provided for in Article 6 of the said Royal Decree 1671/2009, of 6 November, and in accordance with what, where appropriate, establish the National Interoperability and Safety Schemes.

Services may be extended or modified, communicating through the electronic site itself.

Article 4. Means and procedures for the formulation of complaints and suggestions.

1. The means available and procedures for the formulation of complaints and suggestions in relation to the content, management and services offered at the headquarters set out in this Resolution shall be as follows:

a) In-person filing, or by post, before the State Employment Public Service register.

b) Presentation via the Internet, through the electronic headquarters created by this Resolution, at

2. No means shall be considered for the formulation of complaints and suggestions for administration and technical attention services to citizens in the use of the applications and systems underpinning the seat, without prejudice to their obligation, when exist, to deal with the problems that citizens have.

3. The State Employment Public Service, may define a standard model for the presentation of Complaints and Suggestions, which it will make available at the electronic headquarters.

Article 5. Commissioning of the Headquarters.

The State Employment Public Service Headquarters shall begin operating at the time the holder determines, within one month from the date of entry into force of this resolution.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

The Resolution of March 5, 2010, of the State Employment Public Service, for which the Electronic Headquarters of the State Employment Public Service is created, is hereby repealed.

Final disposition first. Entry into force.

This Resolution shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, September 19, 2011. -Director General of the State Employment Service, Antonio Toro Barba.