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Order Arm/2557/2011, Of 21 September, Correction Of Errors Of The Order Arm/3374/2010, Of 27 December, Approving The Technical Regulation Of Control And Certification Of Sorghum Seeds.

Original Language Title: Orden ARM/2557/2011, de 21 de septiembre, de corrección de errores de la Orden ARM/3374/2010, de 27 de diciembre, por la que se aprueba el Reglamento técnico de control y certificación de semillas de sorgo.

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Warned errors in the text of Order ARM/3374/2010 of 27 December, approving the technical regulation for the control and certification of sorghum seeds, inserted in the "Official State Gazette" number 317, 30 of December 2010, it is appropriate to subsash them through timely rectification:

On page 108816, the following is added after the third paragraph of the preamble:

" The characteristics of the sorghum seeds described in the Regulation shall be taken into account and shall apply to imports of seed from third countries or to the placing on the market of seed from the European Space in Application of the General Technical Control and Certification Regulation of Seed and Plant of Vivero approved by Order of 23 May 1986. "

In all the text of the Regulation, references to "Shorgum", "Sorghum bicolor" (L) and "Sorghum sudanense" (Piper) Staff, which are listed in the Annex by, respectively: "Shorgum",be replaced bicolor (L) "and Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Staff".

Madrid, September 21, 2011. -Minister for the Environment, and Rural and Marine Environment, Rosa Aguilar Rivero.