Key Benefits:
Notification of error in legislation
Act No. 2 of 1993
Date-birth: 1993-04-12 History-Hjri: 1413-10-21
Published as: 1993-04-12
Section: A law.
Based on the Constitution.
The following are issued:
Chapter I: Definitions
/Article 1 /
The following expressions are intended in the application of the provisions of this Law, as shown by each of them:
a. Ministry: Ministry of Health.
Minister: Minister of Health
c. Narcotic substances: each natural or synthetic substance of narcotic substances or psychotropic substances listed in table 1/attached to this law.
d. Smuggling: access to or illegal removal of narcotic drugs to the territory of the State, including the illicit transfer of narcotic substances by transit.
e. Manufacture: Separation of narcotic drugs from their plant origin or extracting them, as well as all processes acquired on narcotic substances, including purification, extraction, installation, drug diversion to other drugs and the manufacture of non-pharmaceutical preparations based on a prescription.
Transport: transfer of narcotic drugs from one place to another place within the territory of the State.
Chapter II: Import, export and transport
/Article 2 /
The importation or exportation of narcotic drugs is subject to a written license from the Minister according to a model established by decision of the Minister.
/Article 3 /
The import or export licence may be granted only to the following persons or persons in the following:
a. State institutions whose jurisdiction is to import or export narcotic substances.
b. State institutions, scientific institutes and recognized scientific research centres whose jurisdiction calls for the use of narcotic substances.
c. The directors of chemical or microbial analyses and the directors of the industrial, food or other laboratories whose work calls for the use of narcotic substances.
(d) The directors of the licensed factories are making medicines that enter into the installation of narcotic substances.
e. Managers of trafficking in medicines and medical chemicals.
/Article 4 /
a. The licensee must engage in import or export of narcotic substances whenever it wishes to import, export or transfer narcotic substances, to obtain a licence under a request submitted to the Ministry, indicating the name, address, work and names of the narcotic substances to be imported or To export, deny and quantity and all statements made by the Minister, and the Minister has the right to accept, reject or reduce the quantity in which the request is made.
b. The licences referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be granted within the limits of the plan for the import and transfer of narcotic substances based in the National Commission for Narcotic Drugs and for a maximum period of one year.
/Article 5 /
Narcotic drugs arriving at customs may only be delivered by permission to withdraw all statements issued by the Minister and all statements made by the Minister, and to the Customs Directorate in the cases of import or export, to receive permission to withdraw or export from the owners of the relationship and return it to the Customs Department. Ministry, and a copy of this is maintained by the Customs Directorate and the author of the relationship.
Permission shall be granted if the narcotic substances are not withdrawn from customs within four months of the date of their issuance, and shall be transferred to the State free of charge, and shall be handed over to the Ministry for disposal in accordance with the rules of the Minister.
/Article 6 /
narcotic substances may be withdrawn only if they are in conformity with the specifications and statements of the import licence, and the Minister shall regulate the procedures for corroborability of conformity with a decision rendered by him.
/Article 7 /
Narcotic drugs may not be imported, exported or transported in parcels containing other substances and must be transmitted -- albeit in kind -- within secured parcels, and shall be fully identified, in nature, quantity and proportion of the substance.
Chapter III: Drug trafficking
/Article 8 /
Trafficking in narcotic substances is subject to a written authorization by the Minister in a form determined by decision of the Minister, and is granted only to the drinks in a paragraph (a, d, e) Article III of this Law.
/Article 9 /
a. A license provided for in Articles III and VIII of this Law shall not be granted to:
1. Sentenced to a felony or misdemeanor offence.
2. Who has previously been separated or dismissed from service unless five years have elapsed at the date of separation or separation from service.
b. The licence shall be revoked and ordered by the Minister if the author is sentenced to one of the offences or penalties mentioned in this article.
/Article 10 /
A licence student for trafficking in narcotic substances shall submit an application to the Ministry with data and documents issued by a decision of the Minister.
/Article 11 /
Each of his licenses for trafficking in narcotic drugs has revoked his license to be removed from the drugs under the supervision of the Ministry.
/Article 12 /
A pharmacist who is responsible for dealing with trafficking in narcotic drugs shall be responsible for his administration in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
/Article 13 /
A pharmacist sentenced to one of the offences or penalties provided for in article IX of this Law shall not be appointed as the director of the drug trafficking shop, and the pharmacist shall administer the shop mentioned in this article, and by decision of the Minister if a judgement is issued against it. In one of the offences or penalties mentioned in article IX of this Act.
/Article 14 /
a. Persons and persons authorized to trade in narcotic substances shall not sell, waive or grant such material in any capacity, except to the persons and persons mentioned in article III of this Law and to the pharmacist.
b. The drug maker may not sell drugs that enter into the installation, waiver or receipt of drugs in any capacity except for stores dealing with medicines and medical chemicals, or by exporting assets.
c. The Minister shall issue a decision on the conditions and procedures for sale, waiver, transfer and delivery of the articles provided for in this article.
Chapter IV: prescriptions and pharmacies
/Article 15 /
Physicians who are licensed to engage in a medical profession shall not prescribe substance for any patient except with the intent of medical treatment. The doctor is prohibited from freeing himself a prescription with any amount of substance for his or her own use.
/Article 16 /
Physicians who are licensed to practise medicine may in their own clinic possess certain drugs for use in cases of urgent necessity, provided that such material is kept in form consistent with its medical use without change. Doctors referred to patients may treat patients with these medicines outside the clinic in emergency situations. It is forbidden for a doctor to spend any of these drugs to an illness with a view to their own use. The doctor must take into account the provisions on possession of narcotic substances in article 33/of this Act.
/Article 17 /
Individuals may possess drugs for their own use and for health reasons, within the limits prescribed by licensed physicians for the medical profession, and may not give up such material to any other person, regardless of the reasons.
/Article 18 /
The pharmacists may not discharge narcotic drugs except by prescription from a human doctor, a dentist or a veterinarian who is licensed to practise medicine, or under a licence card in accordance with the provisions in the articles (223,224.25) of this law. Pharmacists are prohibited from using prescription drugs if the amount increases in quantities prescribed in table 3/and if the patient increases that amount, the attending physician should apply for a licence card in the amount necessary for that purpose.
/Article 19 /
The Minister shall issue a decision on the statements and conditions to be made available in writing the prescriptions prescribed by drugs for the drainage of pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, dispensaries and health centres. These recipes are printed on sheets of notebooks stamped with the stamp of the entity designated by the Ministry. The books are recognized in the eighthfaith established by that entity.
/Article 20 /
The pharmacists may not discharge prescription drugs that contain drugs seven days after they are written.
/Article 21 /
Medical prescriptions containing drug medicines are not available to the bearer after release. It is forbidden to use them more than once. It must be filed with the pharmacy, indicating the history of the drug's exchange, and the number of its registration in the medical checkbook. The holder is to ask the pharmacy to hand him a picture of these recipes stamped with her ring. The picture may not be used in obtaining drug drugs.
/Article 22 /
The pharmacists may discharge narcotic drugs, under the licence cards of the following persons:
a. Human physicians, dentists and veterinarians, licensed to engage in occupation.
b. Doctors assigned to them by hospitals, clinics, clinics and health centres.
c. Patients requiring drug treatment.
/Article 23 /
The licence cards listed in the preceding article are issued by the Ministry after the submission of a request for the following:
a. The names of the drugs and the nature of each drug.
b. Quantity required for the student.
c. All other data requested by the Ministry. The ministry has refused to give the licence card or reduce the amount required.
/Article 24 /
The policy card must indicate the following:
a. Name, age and address of the owner of the card.
b. The amount of drugs that are authorized to be discharged under the card, as well as the maximum amount that can be disbursed in a single payment.
c. Date of expiry of the licence card.
/Article 25 /
The pharmacists must show the licence card the quantities they spend, the date of their exchange, and sign this data. Drug drugs may be delivered under the licence card only if the owner of the card is provided with the date, the drug's full name, the quantity and the number of letters, the licence card number and date, and the owner of the licence card to the entity designated by the Ministry within a month of time. Expat.
/Article 26 /
The directors of pharmacies should send to the Ministry during the month of January and July every year with a registered book, a detailed list of which includes Ward, the allowance and the rest of the narcotic drugs during the previous six months, on the model set by the Ministry for this purpose.
/Article 27 /
The method for the disbursement of narcotic drugs in hospitals, clinics, dispensaries and public or private health centres is regulated by decision of the Minister.
Chapter 5: Manufacturing of medical preparations containing anesthetic materials
/Article 28 /
a. No intoxicable material may be made from the substances listed in Table 1/Attaché to this Law.
b. Pharmaceutical factories may manufacture medical preparations entering into the installation of narcotic drugs after obtaining a written license from the Minister.
Chapter Six: In Substances that are subject to Certain Drug Restrictions
/Article 29 /
No material may be made from the material not listed in Table 2/Attaché to this Law.
The provisions of chapter II of this Act apply to the import and export of such materials, and the provisions of chapter VIII as to what is imported or exported by the authorities and persons authorized to trade in narcotic drugs. In the event that an authorized shop is brought to the trafficking of narcotic substances for one of these substances, it shall follow the provisions of the restriction and the risks provided for in articles 33, 36 of this Law.
Chapter 7: In Plants Forbidden Plants
/Article 30 /
It is prohibited for any person to plant, import, export, transfer, possess, buy, sell, exchange, exchange, receive, receive or waive the plants described in table 4/attached to this law at all stages of their development, as well as by visiting them. The parts of the plants shown in Table No. 5/attached to this Act are excluded from this.
/Article 31 /
The minister has the license of state institutions, scientific institutes and scientific research centers recognized by cultivating any plant that is forbidden to be cultivated for medical or scientific purposes and the conditions that put them to it.
The minister has to authorize the importation of plants that are forbidden to be cultivated and their seeds. In this case, these plants and seeds are subject to the provisions of Chapters II and VIII of this Law.
Chapter VIII: Drug registration and control
/Article 32 /
All drugs received and disbursed to the pharmacy on the same day as they are received and disbursed must be recorded in a special book of loard and allowance, numbered and stamped with the ring of the Ministry.
In this book, they have all the statements made by the Minister.
/Article 33 /
Every person or licensee who has mentioned in articles 3, 8, paragraphs A and B of article 2, shall restrict the inbox and allowance of narcotic substances on the same day, and in a special book numbered and sealed with the ring of the Ministry, with the name of the patient or the name of the animal with full name, title and age The address is entitled, and whether the exchange is in hospitals, clinics, clinics, health centres or clinics, but if the exchange is for other purposes, it shows the purpose in which the drugs were used.
/Article 34 /
All drugs that are manufactured on the same day must be recorded in a special register, numbered and stamped with the ring of the Ministry, and all narcotic drugs must be registered or made into the installation of narcotic substances, which are sold or disposed of in the day himself, in a special register numbered and sealed with a ministry ring. Minister Namazg identifies these records and assets to dictate their statements.
/Article 35 /
All licensed drug holders for possession of records listed in articles 3. 3.3.34/present such records shall be submitted to the representatives of the Ministry for each request.
/Article 36 /
a. The directors of department stores licensed to trade or use narcotic drugs should send a written book to the Ministry in the first week of each month, a detailed list of them, including the incoming and the allowance and the rest of those materials during the previous month, according to the models that It is prepared by the Ministry for this purpose.
/Article 37 /
A special register of persons and persons authorized to import, export, manufacture, grow and trade in narcotic drugs shall take place in the Ministry. This record contains the statements made by a decision of the Minister.
/Article 38 /
The records provided for in articles 3-3.3-34/of this Act shall be kept for five years from the date of the last restriction in which they are made.
The receipts and prescriptions provided for in articles 18-25/of this Act shall be reserved for the same period of time as indicated.
Chapter IX: Penalties and measures
/Article 39 /
a. The execution of one of the following acts is punishable by death:
1. Each escaped drug.
2. Each of the manufacture of narcotic substances in the non-conditions authorized in this Law.
3. Each of the plant plants listed in Table 4/4 are not licensed in this law, or escaped in any stage of their growth or seed escape.
b. If in the case there are extenuating reasons, the Court may alter the death penalty to life or temporary arrest for at least 20 years and a fine of one million to five million Syrian pounds in both penalties.
Mitigated grounds may not be granted in the following cases:
1. repetition of one of the offences set forth in this article, and in article 40/of this Law. The repetition of foreign sentences of conviction for similar offences is taken into account in the recognition of repetition.
2. The commission of the crime from an employee of the State charged with combating drug offences.
3. Use of a minor in the commission of one of the offences set forth in this article.
4. The involvement of the offender in an international drug smuggling ring or his or her work for the account or cooperation of the offender.
5. To exploit the offender, in the commission of one of the offences set forth in this article or to facilitate it, the authority vested in him by virtue of his/her function, employment or immunity established in accordance with the law.
c. Explore the Court as well as the penalty for the offence of smuggling of narcotic drugs with the fine established in the Customs Code.
/Article 40 /
a. punishable by life arrest and a fine of 1 million to 5 million liras.
1. Any of the persons who have acquired, achieved, purchased, sold, delivered or delivered narcotic or plant material shown in table 4, waived, exchanged, mediated or submitted to the cooperative, which was intended to be trafficked or otherwise authorized in the present law.
2. The transfer of narcotic substances, plants or seeds from the plants shown in Table 4/If it is a scientist that what is transmitted by narcotic substances is transmitted to trafficking and in other cases authorized by this law.
3. Any person authorized to possess narcotic substances for the purpose of their use for a specific purpose and to act in any form to that effect.
4. Everyone who managed, prepared or prepared a place for drug abuse.
(b) The death penalty in the cases mentioned in items 1 to 5 of paragraph (b) of the preceding article, as well as the case where the offence provided for in this article is committed in the role of education, service facilities, cultural institution, sport or power, or in a role Worship, camps, prisons or the role of arrest, or in the immediate vicinity of the role of education and camps.
c. If there are extenuating reasons for the case, the Court may change:
1. The death penalty for a temporary arrest or arrest for a period of not less than twenty years and a fine of 1 million to 5 million Syrian pounds in both penalties.
2. The penalty for arrest in favour of temporary arrest for a period of ten years and a fine of 500,000 liras for Syria.
/Article 41 /
The initiation of offences set forth in the preceding two articles is punishable by the penalty of complete crime.
/Article 42 /
1. A temporary arrest shall be imposed for a period of not less than ten years and a fine of 500,000 Syrian pounds to two million Syrian pounds, each of which is provided for dealing with narcotic substances or for the easy use of them without payment in respect of the conditions that are not authorized in this law.
2. The penalty shall be life arrest and the fine provided in the preceding paragraph if the offender provides the substance of the substance to a minor, or is forced to engage in any means of duress, fraud, unseen or enticing.
/Article 43 /
a. A temporary arrest and a fine of 100,000 Syrian pounds to 500,000 Syrian pounds shall be punished by any person who has acquired, achieved, purchased, transferred, delivered or delivered narcotic materials, and that is intended to use personal use or use in an otherwise legally authorized way.
b. In judgement of the penalty provided for in the preceding paragraph, the Tribunal may order a moratorium on the execution and placement of those whose addiction to substance abuse is established for that purpose to be dealt with in the case. The release of the depositor after his recovery by decision of the court shall be based on the proposal of the competent committee for supervision of the depositors of the institution. The term of residence of the sentenced person shall not be less than three months and no longer than the year.
c. The Committee referred to in the preceding paragraph by decision of the Minister:
-Associate Minister or Director of Health in the province
-Judge appointed by the Minister of Justice as a member
-Director of the Drug Control Department or a member of the Drug Administration
A specialist doctor nominated by the Medical Association as a member.
(d) The asylum shall not be deposited in the first place in which it has been deposited twice in the execution of a previous judgement.
(e) If the deposit is found to be useless, or the maximum period prescribed before the sentence is cured, or the deposit is violated for treatment, or committed while depositing any of the offences set forth in this Act, the Commission referred to it shall be brought to the Court by means of The prosecution service with the request for the annulment of the suspension. In the event of revocation of the suspension, the full penalty shall be fulfilled and the remainder of the sentence shall be carried out after the calculation of the time spent by the sentenced person from the duration of the sentence.
Taking into account paragraph (d) of this article, the general application shall not be made to any of the persons who submit substance use to an official authority for treatment in the asylum on his or her own initiative or at the request of a wife or one of his or her relatives up to the second degree.
This does not include a seizure of the offence of drug use, which is recognized or motivated by the public prosecution of the offence.
/Article 44 /
The confidentiality of persons dealing with drug addiction, or those who apply to a clinic for treatment on their own, or at the request of their parents provided for in paragraph/and/(/) /4/3/. Every person who is secretly informed of his work or use for his or her own benefit or for the benefit of another person is punishable by imprisonment for one year at the most and a fine of not more than 5,000 Syrian pounds.
/Article 45 /
Taking into account, without prejudice to any more severe penalty prescribed by law, the penalty provided for in the preceding article shall be punished by any person who has acquired, delivered, delivered or received narcotic materials, with the intent of trafficking, dealing or personal use, and in other cases legally authorized.
/Article 46 /
It is punishable by imprisonment from six months to one year and a fine from a thousand to five thousand Syrian pounds, each seized in any place prepared or prepared for substance use, and was being used in it with the knowledge of it. The provision of this article does not apply to the husband, wife, assets or branches of the present or to the premises or inhabitants of the present article.
/Article 47 /
A term of imprisonment of no more than a year and a fine of five thousand Syrian pounds or one of these penalties shall be punished by the use, release or manufacture of one of the articles set out in table 2/contrary to the provisions of Chapters II and III of this Law, and the confiscation of seized materials.
/Article 48 /
1. Without prejudice to the preceding articles, a fine of no more than 5,000 Syrian pounds shall be punishable by a licence for trafficking in narcotic substances, if narcotic substances are acquired or achieved as a result of multiple weight operations in quantities more or less than real kyat on conditions that do not increase the differences on the following:
A-10 % in quantities not exceeding one gram.
b. 5 % in quantities exceeding 1 gram and up to 25 grams, provided that the tolerance of 50 centigrams is not increased.
C-2 % in amounts exceeding 25 grams.
d-5 % in liquid drugs of any amount.
2. In the case of repetition of the offence set out in the paragraph in the preceding paragraph the fine is doubled and the licence is revoked.
/Article 49 /
He shall be punished by temporary arrest and a fine from five thousand Syrian pounds to thirty thousand Syrian pounds, everyone who has been trespassed on a state worker who is in charge of this law, or who has resisted it by force or violence in the performance of his or her job.
The penalty shall be by temporary arrest for a period of not less than ten years and a fine from thirty thousand Syrian pounds to 100 thousand Syrian pounds if it arises from the permanent violation, or if the offender is carrying a weapon, or the authority assigned to them to maintain security, with no replacement for any A more severe penalty provided for by another law.
The penalty is life arrest and a fine from 30 thousand Syrian pounds to 100 Syrian pounds if the previous works result in death.
/Article 50 /
The killing of a State worker who is involved in the execution of this law during the performance of his or her job, or because of the death penalty, is punishable by death.
/Article 51 /
The sentence of a misdemeanor sentence may not be suspended for any of the offences set forth in this Act.
/Article 52 /
The Court may order the publication of the summary of the judgement of public offences in three local newspapers.
/Article 53 /
He is exempted from the penalties prescribed in articles 3 9.40/anyone who initiated the perpetrators to inform the public authorities of the offence prior to their knowledge of the offence. If the notification is obtained after the public authorities' knowledge of the offence, the reporting must actually lead to the seizure of the remaining perpetrators.
/Article 54 /
The temporary arrest shall be punished by all those who have fabricated material evidence for the rhythm of others in one of the offences set forth in this law. The penalty is life arrest if the death penalty is the death penalty or life arrest. The death penalty is the death penalty if evidence leads to the execution of the death penalty.
/Article 55 /
a. He shall have the status of an officer of justice with respect to the offences set forth in this Act by the officers of the judicial officer who have been granted the status under the law.
To the Inspector of the Health Group in the Central Authority for Control and Inspection, the entry of warehouses and warehouses of trafficking in narcotic substances, hospitals, clinics, clinics, health centres, medical factories, industrial and food factories, and pharmacies which are forbidden to be cultivated, and for you to verify implementation. The provisions of this Act.
They have access to notebooks, records and papers related to narcotics. They shall also have the status of the judicial officer in relation to the offences that occur in these places.
c. Apart from the famous crime:
1. Only after the invitation of a representative of the Ministry and a representative of the relevant professional union shall the officers of the justice officers investigate the offences in the places mentioned in paragraph/b of this article.
2. Clinics, pharmacies, chemical or microbial analyses may not be inspected or the doctor or pharmacist is interrogated or detained except with the prior permission of the prosecution, in the presence of a representative of the Ministry and a representative of the professional association with the relationship.
/Article 56 /
With no prejudice to the criminal trial, officers of the judicial officers shall cut off every plant that is forbidden under the provisions of this law and collect his papers and roots at the expense of the perpetrators of the crime and preserve these things during the trial in the ministry's warehouses until they are finally separated in the penalty call.
/Article 57 /
The ministry is aware of the drugs that prove that the laboratory examination is not valid, or that expires, and the minister issues a decision on the procedures to be followed in that regard.
/Article 58 /
The competent judicial authority which initiated the proceedings in one of the offences set forth in articles 3 9.40 of this Act shall be subject to the seizure of the movable and immovable property of all those who have been prosecuted for one of these offences. The court must investigate the real sources of the money of the accused, a father or owner of the accused. If it is determined that the full or partial source of such funds is one of the offences set forth in the aforementioned articles, the judgment in this case has been ordered to confiscate the funds from which one of these offences is of origin. People with a relationship have the right to prove the lawfulness of their money during the proceedings.
/Article 59 /
All circumstances shall be governed by the confiscation of narcotic substances or plants and seeds that result in narcotic substances, as well as funds, instruments, equipment, machines and vessels used in the commission of the crime, without prejudice to the rights of non-goodwill.
/Article 60 /
Narcotic drugs, plants and seed-sentenced seeds are damaged by the knowledge of a commission or more composed of:
-Judge on behalf of President
-Representative of the Ministry of the Interior Member
-Representative of the Ministry of Health Member
Its composition and procedures shall be issued by the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Justice may, on the proposal of the Minister of Health, authorize the delivery of such material to any State party for industrial, scientific or other use.
/Article 61 /
The closure of every person licensed for trafficking in narcotic drugs shall be governed by their possession, or any other place not prepared for habitation or non-inhabited if one of the offences provided for in articles 3 9.40/of this Act is signed.
In the case of repetition, it shall be finally closed.
/Article 62 /
With no violation of the preceding articles, a fine of no more than five thousand Syrian pounds shall be punishable by any of his or her licences for trafficking in or possession of narcotic substances and the books and records provided for in articles 32, 332.34 of this Law shall not be maintained or made available to the competent authorities.
/Article 63 /
Any person who contravenes the provisions of articles 15, 18/ of this Law shall be punished by imprisonment and a fine of 100 thousand liras.
/Article 64 /
shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding ten days and a fine not exceeding 500 Syrian pounds or one of these penalties for any person who has committed any violation of the provisions of this law or the decisions implemented to it.
/Article 65 /
The provisions of the preceding articles shall not apply in this chapter to:
a. Introduction or removal of narcotic substances with a single prescription.
b. Introduction or removal of narcotic drugs that do not exceed the prescribed quantities in table 3/attached to this law without medical treatment for the purpose of medical treatment.
c. Drug control in this case which is without a prescription is not sent to the Ministry for disposal.
/Article 66 /
The statute of limitations provided for in the laws in force for the offences and penalties provided for in the articles (39-40-42-54-54) of this Act is doubled.
/Article 67 /
The actions of the State in charge of combating the offences set forth in this Act are not prosecuted for the elimination of acts arising from the exercise of their work, except after the approval of a committee formed and determined by a decision of the Minister of Justice and as follows:
1. A judge on behalf of not less than one year's lawyer
2. A judge who does not lower the rank of two members of an organic consultant
3. A representative of the Ministry of the Interior, whose rank is less than one of the dean of the Interior Minister.
4. Representative of the Director General of Customs at the rank of Director designated by the Minister of Finance as Member
The decision not to prosecute is made after the fact that the worker in the State applies the laws and regulations in force when dealing with the offences set forth in this law.
Chapter X: General provisions
/Article 68 /
A committee shall be established by decision of the President of the Council of Ministers as follows: (the National Commission for Drug Affairs) shall be competent to:
a. Development of policy for the import, export, transfer, production, manufacture, cultivation, possession, possession, trafficking and delivery of narcotic substances and for combating the offences set forth in the present law.
b. Coordination of cooperation between the various ministries and departments concerned with drug matters and between those bodies, the Arab Office for Drugs and the relevant Arab international bodies.
c. Identification of the quantity of narcotic substances that may be imported, exported, transported, produced, cultivated or traded annually.
d. Development of prevention and treatment plans in the fight against illicit use of narcotic drugs.
/Article 69 /
Upon the presentation of the Director of the Drug Control Department, the Minister of the Interior may, following the information of the Minister of Justice and the Director of General Customs, allow written passage of a shipment of narcotic materials through the territory of the State to another State, in application of the controlled delivery system, if he considers that this act will contribute to the disclosure of the Persons who cooperate in the transportation of the consignment and the consignee.
/Article 70 /
issued by decree, a special system for the rewards granted to all those found, guided, told, contributed, facilitated, or engaged in the seizure of narcotic substances. These bonuses are excluded from the maximum compensation limits provided for in the laws in force.
/Article 71 /
The ministry has been breathing down clinics to treat drug addicts. Special clinics for treatment of drug addicts may also be established.
/Article 72 /
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour establishes an institution for the care of persons to be released from the clinic when they need to be released.
/Article 73 /
The Minister has a decision to amend the tables attached to this Act by deleting, in addition to or by transfer from one table to another, or by changing the proportions in which it is concerned with international conventions, or in conformity with the results of the studies carried out by the Ministry on Narcotic Drugs.
/Article 74 /
The decision is repealed by Act No. 182/1960 and amendments, article IV of Legislative Decree No. 13 /No. 13 of 1974, and all provisions in contravention of this Act
/Article 75 /
This Law is published in the Official Journal and operates 90 days from the date of its publication.
Damascus on 21/10/1413 A.H., 12/4/1993
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