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Act No. 10 of 1961
Date-birth: 1961-04-03 History-Hjri:
Published as: 1961-04-03
Section: A law.
Article 1
a. Any person inciting a male or female to commit or facilitate prostitution or prostitution, as well as all those who used, lured or lured him to commit prostitution, punishable by imprisonment for a period of imprisonment for not more than one year and no more than three years, and a fine of 100 pounds to 300. Pound in the Egyptian province and from 1,000 liras to 3,000 liras in the Syrian region.
b. If the person who signed the crime was not the age of 21, the penalty was a term of imprisonment of one year, no more than five years, and a fine for not less than 100 pounds to 500 pounds in the Egyptian province and no less than 1,000 liras to 5,000 pounds in the Syrian region.
Article 2
punishable by the penalty in paragraph (b) Previous Article:
a. Any person who has used, lured or lured a male or female with intent to commit debauchery or prostitution by deception, force, threat or abuse of power or other means of hatred.
b. Any person who has been retained by means of such means is a person who has been or is female without his or her desire in a place of debauchery or prostitution.
Article 3
Each of those who instigated a male, not from the 21st year of birth or female, regardless of her age, to leave the United Arab Republic, or to make it easy for him, or to use him or his company outside of the country, to engage in debauchery or prostitution, and everyone who helped that with him, with his knowledge, is punishable by imprisonment for a period of one year and no. Over five years and a fine of 100 pounds to 500 pounds in the Egyptian province and from 1,000 liras to 5,000 liras in the Syrian region.
The maximum penalty for imprisonment is seven years if the offence is committed to two or more persons, or if committed by means of the means referred to in the first paragraph of article II other than the prescribed fine.
Article 4
In the circumstances stipulated in the previous three articles, the penalty of imprisonment is three years to seven years if the person who signed the crime was not aged 16, or if the offender is of the origin of the offender or of the child who was raised or noticed, or who had authority over him or he was A servant by the fare, or when you report them.
Article 5
Everyone who entered the United Arab Republic is a person or an easy person to enter into committing debauchery or prostitution, punishable by imprisonment for a period of imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine from 100 pounds to 500 pounds in the Egyptian province and from 1,000 liras to 5,000 liras in the Syrian region.
Article 6
Imprisonment shall be punished by imprisonment for six months and not more than three years:
a. Everyone who has assisted a female in the practice of prostitution and if by means of financial expenditure.
b. Any person who has been exploited by any means or a person.
The penalty shall be imprisonment from one to five years if the offence is associated with one of the aggravating circumstances provided for in article IV of this Law.
Article 7
The initiation of the offences set forth in the preceding articles shall be punishable by the prescribed penalty for the offence in case of completion.
Article 8
Each person who opened or managed a shop for debauchery or prostitution or assisted in any way that was in his administration is punishable by imprisonment for a period of imprisonment for not more than three years and a fine of not less than 100 pounds in the Egyptian province, not less than 1,000 liras and no more than 3,000 liras. Syrian region.
It governs the closure of the shop and the confiscation of luggage and furniture in it.
If the perpetrator of the crime is the origin of those who practise debauchery, his or her upbringing, or those who have authority over him, the penalty of imprisonment shall be a term of imprisonment for two years and no more than four years other than the prescribed fine.
Article 9
It is punishable by imprisonment for a period of three months and no more than three years and a fine of less than 25 pounds and no more than 300 pounds in the Egyptian province, not less than 250 liras and no more than 3,000 liras in the Syrian region or one of these two.
a. Any person who has been paid or provided in any capacity as a home or a place managed for prostitution or for prostitution or for one or more persons if he or she is engaged in debauchery or prostitution, as well as with the knowledge of that person.
b. Any person who owns or runs a furnished house or a furnished or open house for the public has usually facilitated debauchery or prostitution by accepting people who commit it or allowing it to be replaced by incitement of debauchery or prostitution.
c. Everyone who used to practice debauchery or prostitution.
When the person is caught in the final case, he may be sent to the medical examination. If he turns out to be infected with one of the contagious genital diseases, he will be held in one of the therapeutic treatment until he is cured.
The sentence may be imposed after the expiry of the sentence in a private reform until the administrative body orders it to be taken out, and that judgment is made in the case of a return, and it may not be kept in the correctional system for more than three years.
In the circumstances provided for under items (a and b) The shop will be closed for a period of not more than three months and the closure shall be carried out without a view to the opposition of others, even if it is a holder under an explicit contract fixed by history.
Article 10
It is considered a place of prostitution or debauchery in the provision of Articles 8 and 9, which is usually used for the practice of prostitution or debauchery, even if prostitution or debauchery is practiced by one person.
Article 11
Every user or manager of a public store or a shop of public amusement or other place open to the public and uses people who practice debauchery or support them to facilitate that, or to exploit them in order to promote him, is punishable by imprisonment for no more than two years and a fine of no more than 200 pounds in the province. Al-Masri and Ali Al YTL in the Syrian region.
The penalty is a term of imprisonment of two years, no more than four years, and a fine of 200 pounds to 400 pounds in the Egyptian province and in the pound to 4,000 pounds in the Syrian province if it is one of the people mentioned in the last paragraph of Article VIII.
The shop will be closed for no more than three months and the closure will be final in case of return.
Article 12
On the basis of the seizure of the circumstances provided for in articles 8, 9 and 11, the Prosecutor's Office may issue orders to close the shop or the house in orbit for prostitution or debauchery.
The baggage and furniture seized in the shops provided for in articles 8, 9 and 11 in the judgment of the reserved objects shall be considered administrative once they have been seized until the suit is final and received after being stripped and proven in a guard assigned with unremunerated escort from the following persons:
Whoever opened the shop, managed it or assisted in his administration, owner, or lessor, or a resident or a resident, and he does not have any objection to it. If there is no one of those who refuses to be paid, if there is no such temporary guard, the police see that he is a parent, until one of them is present and handed over to him.
It costs the keeper to guard the seals by guarding the seals on the closed door. If there are no seizures, one of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph and in the same way will be guarded.
In all previous cases, the court in the public case was dismissed as a matter of urgency for a period of not more than three weeks, and the verdict of acquittal would result in the closure of the order.
Article 13
Every person who usually works or resides in a brothel or prostitution with his knowledge is punishable by imprisonment for no more than a year.
Article 14
All those who announced in any way an invitation include an invitation which includes a temptation of debauchery, prostitution or drawing attention to this, punishable by imprisonment for not more than three years and a fine of no more than 100 pounds in the Egyptian province and a thousand liras in the Syrian region or one of these two.
Article 15
The conviction in one of the offences set forth in this Act entails the status of sentenced persons under the supervision of the police for a period equal to the duration of the sentence, without breach of the death sentences of the vagrants.
Article 16
The penalties provided for in this law are not covered by the application of the most severe penalties provided for in other laws.
Rule 17
The Act on Prostitution of 24-6-1933, referred to and amendments, Act No. 68 of 1951 referred to and every provision in breach of the provisions of this Act shall be repealed.
Rule 18
The Minister of Social Affairs and Labor in the Syrian Region deposited the licensed prostitutes from the history of working in this law with a private institution and for the period he sees fit to qualify for a decent life and to train them for the honorable ones and carries a penalty of imprisonment not exceeding three months, all of those who violate it.
Rule 19
This law is published in the Official Gazette and works in the Egyptian province from the date of its publication.
In the Syrian region, six months after the date of its publication.
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