Key Benefits:
Notification of error in legislation
Act No. 161 of 1958
Date-birth: 1958-06-11 History-Hjri:
Published as: 1958-06-11
Section: A law.
First. No person shall have more than:
1. In irrigated lands:
a-15 fifteen hectares in the Ghouta area.
b. Twenty 20 hectares in the Sahel region.
c. Twenty-five 25 hectares in the area of Al-Beimah and its aftershocks.
40. 40 hectares in the rest of the irrigated land.
50. 50 hectares in the lands that are recounted by any of the Euphrates, Khabur and Tigris rivers.
55-55-55 hectares of land recounted from the wells in the governorates of Hasakeh, Deir ez-Zor and Ar Raqqah governorates.
g. 45 Forty-five hectares in the rest of the territory that is recounted.
2. In the occupied territories of olives and orchids:
a. 35, 35 hectares in the governorate of Latakia.
b. 40 40 hectares in the rest of the governorates.
Provided that the age of these trees has exceeded ten years.
At least ten trees are counted per dunum, so if the number of trees is less than that, the number of dunums is calculated by the number of trees divided by ten.
In the event that trees are between 5 and 10 years old, the area of 45-45 hectares in the governorate of Latakia and/or 50 hectares in the rest of the governorates will be 45 hectares.
3. In the Baalilla territories:
a. 80 80 hectares in areas where the rainfall is more than 500 mm.
b. 120 hundred and twenty hectares in areas where the rainfall is between 350 mm and 500 mm.
c-200 hundred hectares in areas where the rainfall is less than 350 mm, or the equivalent of these proportions of all these former species and raises this area to 300 hundred hectares in the governorates of Hasakeh, Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa.
It is left to the owner when seizing more than the upper limit of his land, the right to choose the part he wishes for each type, that the agrarian reform institution has the right to appoint the owner if it so requires the interest of distribution or beneficiaries.
II. The areas of Ghouta, the Sahel, the Beblah, their subsidiaries and the areas referred to in item 3, shall be determined by a decision that is not subject to any means of appeal issued by the Governing Council of the Agrarian Reform Foundation.
III. The irrigated land is intended for land that is irrigated by rest or lift, whether it is the lifting of groundwater and surface water or the water of springs and rivers.
The irrigated area covered by this law is estimated by its fixed water supplier to plant a summer crop based on three quarts per second per hectare of borehole water and a half liter per second of the other water.
IV. With the absence of prejudice to the existing legislation on irrigation, in the provision of irrigated land, land that is irrigated from river water is considered to be irrigated, even if it is not actually irrigated at the time of the passage of this law, to the extent permitted by the action of the supplier from the amount of water and on the basis of half a liter of water. For the second one.
In addition to the threshold provided for in Article I.
Owners are entitled to waive each of their spouses and children equivalent to 8 % only eight percent of the space they are entitled to hold.
The children mentioned in the preceding article are:
a live boy on the date of this Act.
b. born before the passage of 300 /day of the working date of this Act.
c. Children of the deceased child prior to the decision to seize the land. They have a share of their father or mother.
Every contract contrary to this law is void and shall not be registered.
During the 10 years following the date of working in this law, the State will take over the law beyond the upper limit set forth in articles I and II and considers the State to be the owner of the land seized by the decision to seize the final appropriation from the date of the decision to take the first order and become the property. All of the rights in kind, references, reservations, the rights of tenants, and every dispute between the owners of the relationship are transferred to the compensation due from the lands seized and separated by the competent authorities.
• The owner remains the land-based farming owner and the fruit of the trees until the end of the agricultural year during which it was seized.
• The owner must improve the exploitation of the agricultural land until it is seized.
The application of this law shall not be considered:
a. By owner's actions or pawnshops whose date has not been officially established prior to the working date of this Act.
b. With the actions of the owner to its branches, their spouses, the spouses of their branches, and their actions to their branches, their husbands and their husbands, even if those actions were recorded or not registered in the real estate or the title books, when those actions were not fixed at the date before 1/1/1950 and taken over. The State of total ownership beyond the upper limit provided for in this law is a beginner by what the original owner kept in his possession and then what he had done to the above persons by the percentage of the area disposed to him, and the rest areas where the owner was entitled to retain it from the origin of the property. The alienator shall remain with the ownership of the alienator.
All of this without prejudice to the rights of those who received them from those who received constant acts with official restrictions prior to the working date of this Law.
c. A division of the inheritance and guardian of agricultural land owned by a single person may occur since the act of this law, and in this case the State shall take ownership beyond the upper limit provided for in this Act in the face of the heirs or the recommended ones after the estate tax is met.
Contrary to the provisions of Article I of this Law:
a. In accordance with existing laws and regulations, joint-stock companies and cooperative societies may have more than the upper limit provided for their sale of land for sale.
b. Pre-working industrial companies may have more agricultural land than the upper limit if necessary for industrial exploitation.
c. Scientific agricultural associations may have more agricultural land than the upper limit if necessary to achieve their purpose.
d. Charities at work under this Act may have more agricultural land than the upper limit, and the State shall have the right to take over the excess area over the upper limit within ten years, to give the Assembly the compensation provided for in article 10 in cash.
A creditor may, after working with this law, possess more than the upper limit if the reason for the increase is the removal of a debtor or a public auction of the creditor. One year after the date of auction, the State may take over the excess space at the price of the auction or the equivalent of compensation provided for in article (10) of this law, whichever is less. As an exception to this provision when a creditor is removed from the property where it has been disposed of in accordance with the provision of article VIII of this Law, the Government shall be seized at the price of the auction or compensation provided for in article (9) of this Act, whichever is less.
Starting from the first January of 1959 until the beginning of the agricultural season following the actual takeover date, the agricultural land owners of the Agricultural Reform Foundation fund the higher limit of their ownership, as reflected in articles I and II of this law, instead of an estimated allowance. Three quarters of the average rental allowance shall be in accordance with the provisions of the following article and the full or part of the allowance may be deducted from the compensation due to the owner.
Excess land, which will be covered by the provisions of this Legislative Decree after the implementation of the provisions of Articles I and II, shall be performed in lieu of the usufract allowance from the first January of 1964.
A such allowance shall be made within the dates established by the executive regulation and have the same status as the privileged tax and administrative method.
The owner who mentioned in the first paragraph should notify the entity designated by the executive regulation within three months of the working date of this law and in the month of January of each year, by the amount of agricultural land it possesses or has a share in its benefit. If this notification is not submitted on schedule or incorrect data with intent to evade the performance allowance, it shall be fined five times the amount lost to the Treasury or lost due to it, as well as the obligation to perform the utilization allowance and to the fine of the Committee provided for in the allowance. Article 19/.
In accordance with the provisions of article 1, the State has the right to compensation. This compensation is calculated on the basis of ten times the average land lease allowance for an agricultural cycle not exceeding three years or the owner's share, and this compensation is determined by preliminary committees formed in each governorate by decision of the State party. The Minister of Agrarian Reform is a judge from the Ministry of Justice, an agricultural engineer from the Ministry of Agrarian Reform and a civil engineer from the Ministry of Public Works, and in all cases the quota of the owner referred to in this article may not exceed the proportions set by the Agricultural Relations Act No. 134 of 1958.
The author is entitled to challenge the committees provided for in article 19/of this law within one month of the date of the notification of the decisions of the compensation committees in the administrative manner, and these decisions become final only after they have been ratified by the Board of Directors and for this Council to return them to those bodies. Committees to review them and if the Committee insisted on its previous decision, the Council would have taken the decision to see it.
The compensation would result in bonds to the state at an interest rate of 1.5 % during 40 years. These bonds are nominal and may be used only for those enjoying the Arab nationality (the Syrian country) and accepting their performance in the Syrian country, who first deserved it from the state or its heirs in the price of land. Agricultural that is purchased from the state in the performance of taxes on agricultural land if found and in the performance of the estate tax.
The dates, conditions and conditions for the consumption of these bonds are set by an organizational decree based on the proposal of a committee composed of the board of directors of the agrarian reform institution and the governor of the Central Bank of Syria.
The value of the attached attachment to non-owners of the land is paid to the owners within ten years of the actual acquisition date.
a. If the territory seized by the State is encumbered by a mortgage, jurisdiction or concession, the State shall replace the debtor in the debt and interest guaranteed by this right in whole or in part by being replaced by a bond, with interest rates not exceeding 7 %.
b. If the owner of the agricultural land, whose land was seized by the State, owes to a debt held prior to working on the Agrarian Reform Law, this debt was a fixed date for individuals and companies or established in the banking restrictions for banks operating in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic The State may replace the debtor in debt and interest in whole or in part by not exceeding the interest rate (7 %) in the event of the availability of the following conditions:
1. The debt of individuals and companies shall be in the land of the owner and the construction on which they are based or in the machinery and instruments to which they are seized.
2. The debt of banks shall be granted for agricultural purposes and shall be replaced by such amounts as bonds to the State.
c. The bonds provided for in the preceding two paragraphs shall apply to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 10, to be consumed within ten years. This period may be shortened by a decision of the board of directors of the agrarian reform institution if the amount of debt does not exceed 50,000 Syrian pounds.
d. The State replaces the debtor in cases stipulated in paragraphs A, by the request of the creditor or the debtor, by decision of the Governing Council, in each case on a case-by-case basis and in the case of an answer to the request, the assessment of the debt and interest in which the State replaces the debtor on the basis of its own investigation The Agrarian Reform Foundation and a preliminary estimate of the compensation that the landlord deserves on his land, that this preliminary estimate does not affect the final estimate provided for in article 9/and if the amount of debt and interest exceeds the estimated compensation of the owner initially given the creditor or creditors Part of their debts and benefits according to the procedures regulated by a regulation issued by the Agricultural Reform Foundation's board of directors and begins payment. attribution as of the date of the decision of the Board of Directors.
e. The value of the bonds provided for in this article shall be deducted from the origin of the compensation payable by the owner and shall not be disbursed from any amount prior to its consumption.
f. The value of the bonds mentioned when they are due from the Agricultural Reform Foundation funds or from the appropriations in the budget to this end, and when they are not available, will result in the funds of the treasury and will be carried out in accordance with the arrangements agreed between the Ministry of the Treasury and the Foundation. Agrarian reform.
The creditors referred to in paragraphs A, of this article, do not have the right to ask debtors for debts in which the State has replaced the debtors.
The occupied spaces are confined to each village and, when necessary, these areas may be collected by grabbing the land that permeates them with compensation for the owners of these lands on other lands.
First. With the preservation of the previous acquired rights of the beneficiaries, the lands seized in each village shall be distributed to the peasants so that each of them has a small property of no more than 8/8 hectares in irrigated or rented land, and no 30/30 hectares in the rain-fed lands. The rainfall is from /350 /mm to 45 hectares in the rain-fed lands where the rainfall is less than 350-mm or equivalent of each type.
II. The distribution of land on which land is distributed is required:
1. To be entitled to Arab nationality (Syrian country) The adult age of majority.
2. To be a farming profession or with an agricultural certification or Bedouin population covered by the preparation programmes.
3. It shall not be the owner of another agricultural land so that the allocated land shall not exceed the upper limit provided for in this article.
III. The priority in distribution shall be in the following order:
a. A peasant who actually plants the land, whether it is a tenant or a farmer in it.
b. Agricultural worker.
c-Who is more family and less money than the villagers and then approves for the non-villagers.
1. The amount of land distributed is estimated to be a quarter of the compensation estimated by the State for appropriation and is performed in equal annual instalments over 20 years to the Fund for the benefit of projects and agricultural work first and then the social benefit of the members Society.
2. The beneficiaries are exempted from management, seizure, distribution, area and fines and the benefits of uncollected titling.
3. The land distributed in the name of the beneficiary is recorded in real estate records upon the request of the Agrarian Reform Foundation.
The provisions of this Act are implemented by a public institution with legal personality and financial and administrative independence called the Agrarian Reform (Agrarian Reform). This institution is headed by the President of the Republic and is ordered by the President of the Republic without complying with the rules and regulations of the Government in financial, administrative and personnel matters.
This institution is responsible for the acquisition, distribution and administration of land that is seized until it is distributed and that it has the guidance and supervision of the cooperation associations for agrarian reform and has contact with the competent authorities regarding the implementation of the provisions of this law.
This institution shall have a board of directors and an executive committee issued in its formation by the President of the Republic.
The funds of the cash establishment are deposited with the Central Bank of Syria and are supplemented by the State's financial subsidies to cover the Organization's budgets, and it is considered that they will be provided with reserve funds, as the accounts of the institution shall be subject to the supervision of the Office of the Accountant, in accordance with its own provisions.
The board of directors of the agrarian reform institution shall issue interpretations necessary for the provisions of this law to be ratified by the President of the Republic and are considered a binding legislative interpretation and published in the Official Journal.
The Executive Committee of the Agrarian Reform Foundation is a subsidiary of the committees that seize, collect and compile, where appropriate, the land that is seized and distributed. It is organized by decision of the Minister of Agrarian Reform on how to form such committees, to regulate relations between them and the Executive Committee, and to indicate the procedures and conditions to be followed in the operations of seizing and estimating the value of fixed and unfixed installations and machinery, trees and the liquidation of the established relations between the two countries. The old and new owners on the one hand and investors on the other hand and what measures should be taken to counter the period of transition and distribution.
The owners shall make their concessions provided for in article II of Act No. 161 of 1958, amended and registered in real estate or title books within a period of not exceeding six months from the date of informing the author of the obligation to implement and register his waiver.
The Agrarian Reform Foundation will take over the land that has not been registered and which has not been recorded in those records during the said period.
a. by decision of the Minister of Agrarian Reform, a judicial or more judicial committee headed by a judge called by the Minister of Justice and membership of the first panel, one of which is about the General Directorate of Real Estate and the Second, about the agrarian reform institution, and determines the local competence of each of these committees by decision of the Minister of Reform. Agricultural.
b. These committees shall be competent to hear cases and human rights disputes, including in a hurry, when they relate to the following matters:
1. Issues and disputes arising from the implementation of this law, in particular those relating to the ownership of agricultural land seized or in place for the acquisition and association of data submitted by owners, in application of this law and for the determination of ownership, distribution of land seized and investigation of Data and real estate debt.
2. Cases and disputes on public property invested agricultural or that may be invested or land of the agricultural State property, whether registered or unregistered or entitled to act on the princely, empty and permissible lands or territories, all if exceeding the disputed area It's got 30 hectares, no matter what kind.
c. Excludes from the jurisdiction of the judicial committees set out in the preceding paragraph are cases and disputes that are originally of the competence of the judges of the select, editing, real estate and cosmetic committees and the removal of the common law.
d. The courts shall not consider cases and disputes of the jurisdiction of the judicial committees.
a. Decisions of judicial committees shall be considered final only after ratification by the governing board of the agrarian reform institution with respect to the provisions of paragraph 1 of item (b) before and from a higher committee consisting of at least three judges at the rank of appeal in respect of the provisions of the second paragraph of Item (b). This Committee is called by the Governing Council of the Agrarian Reform Foundation on the proposal of the Minister of Justice and the approval of the High Judicial Council.
b. The Governing Council, on the proposal of the Minister for Agrarian Reform and for reasons of public interest, is entitled to consider ratifying the provisions, which are due to be ratified by the Higher Committee.
c. The High Committee shall decide on its provisions within six months at most from the date of receipt of the case.
d. To the Governing Council, or to the Committee, which is composed of the previous provisions, if they do not believe that the decision of the Judicial Committee is not to be ratified for the consideration of the case again in the light of their observations, if the Committee has insisted on its previous opinion, the Council or the Committee that has entrusted its competence to ratify the case To take the substantive decision they want and consider their decision to be without any means of appeal.
a. The special judicial courts shall refer all cases that have become the jurisdiction of the judicial committees to these committees and shall give up cases that have become the jurisdiction of the ordinary judiciary and refer them to their references promptly.
b. Cases and disputes separated by the judicial commissions and special judicial courts prior to the enactment of this legislative decree are subject to ratification in accordance with the preceding provisions.
All owners of alienator land in areas that will benefit during ten years of government irrigation projects shall be prohibited from higher than the upper limit of the irrigated lands provided for in this Legislative Decree from the disposition or establishment of any right (other than the foreclosure of the Agricultural Cooperative Bank). The above limit is above.
These areas are appointed by decree to be taken in the cabinet based on the proposal of the board of directors of the Agrarian Reform Foundation.
The land is recognized as a beneficiary of debt free of debt and the rights of tenants and registered in the name of the owner without charge or tax.
If the land is to be cultivated by the land and in its work due diligence, and if it fails or breaches any other essential obligation under the law or distribution decision, the Executive Committee of the Agrarian Reform Foundation will issue a decision to cancel the distribution of land to it, to recover it from it and to revoke its registration. In real estate records, on the basis of investigations by committees formed by the Minister of Agrarian Reform and the victor is entitled to challenge within thirty days of the date of notification to the board of directors of the agrarian reform institution, which is subject to an objection to a non-appeal decision, which is not subject to appeal or suspension. Claim any compensation for the crime.
Cases which have been challenged by discrimination based on Law No. 3/20/2/1962 shall be returned to the competent authority for their ratification and are in agreement with the provisions of Article 12/of this Decree, except as previously ratified by the Governing Council of the Agrarian Reform Foundation.
After implementing the provisions of this Act, individuals may have more than the upper limit if the cause of agricultural ownership is inheritance and the State will take over the excess space for compensation provided for in Article 10-if the owner does not act on the increase within one year of the date or date of the estate. Any longer work in this law, within the conditions set out in articles 9 and 14 of this Act.
The status of the owner who benefits from the provisions of articles I and II of this Legislative Decree in respect of land seized shall not be settled if it has been distributed, leased to peasants or has been utilized and the owner's right to be transferred to compensation provided for in article 9/of the law (161) /For 1958.
First. The owner shall be entitled to retain or inherit from after it the upper limit of the following ground in the following cases:
1. If the following land is to be applied after the application of this law.
2. If, with the prior approval of the Agrarian Reform Foundation, the rain-fed land will be irrigated by boreal water.
II. If the territory is transformed into irrigated land by its access to river water or irrigation projects by the State, the owner is entitled to maintain the upper limit of irrigated land unless it has been trees and takes over the upper limit of irrigated land in accordance with the provisions of Articles I and II.
III. The board of directors of the agrarian reform institution shall decide whether the land is irradiable or irradiable by a final decision that is not subject to appeal.
IV. Every change the owner tries on the ground that is previously irrigated after working with this law runs away from the application of its provisions which are considered null and void.
Rental allowances, titling, fines, interest and other expenses of beneficiaries are not included in the provisions of Act No. 161/of 1958 prior to the enactment of this legislative decree and are truly acquired by the Agrarian Reform Foundation.
Each owner within three months of the working date of this Act shall submit a written statement signed and certified by the official reference which shall include the following statements:
1. What is owned by the authorized agricultural land registered in the cadastre or various titling records.
2. The inheritance quotas that he obtained and were not transferred to his name in the real estate records.
3. The territory sentenced to it by judicial decisions has acquired the status of determinism and has not been registered in real estate records or by decisions which have not acquired the status of determinism.
4. Other unregistered territories to be disposed of. These data should include real estate figures, their locations, the type of cultivation and the area of each category.
The subcommittees are entitled to request owners in their names to submit such statements directly to them, and owners have to submit such statements within two months of the reporting date, and each owner's land did not mention it in the statement made by them in this article. The owner considers the owner to be removed from it and to be a property. The state is not compensated.
If the agrarian reform institution is found to be the beneficial owner of the provisions of the Act of Act No. 66 of 1959, it is not covered by the provisions of the Agrarian Reform Act or the lack of property covered by the seizure due to the provisions of this legislative decree and shows that the estimated compensation is estimated Initial or final less than the debt that the State has replaced the debtor in which the debtor owner has replaced this solution with the right of each religion that is not offset by compensation or exceeds the amount of the estimated compensation for the land that remained subject to the seizure, and then the creditor is entitled to pursue the owner of the debt, which the State has analysed from Its commitment to it under this Legislative Decree.
The provisions of this Act are initially applied to land registered in various real estate records and title restrictions.
As for the land that has been issued or issued by judicial rulings, the following provisions shall be taken into account in respect of which:
a. For the rulings issued prior to the enactment of this law and not transferred to the real estate records, the applicant must be required to apply in the real estate register within two months of the date of the issuance of this law at the most.
b. Judgements issued after the promulgation of this Act must be registered within one month of the date of the acquisition of the final degree.
When registering the provisions mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) From this article in real estate records, the author must submit a statement of what is in accordance with the articles of this article and indicate whether the provisions of this law are applied to his other property, and the Registrar of the Land Registry shall inform this within a week of the submission of the statement to the subcommittees provided for in the present article. Article 18/of this Law.
The agrarian reform institution may apply the mass farm system in some areas that warrant production conditions. The scope and system of management and investment of these farms is determined by decision of the Minister of Agrarian Reform.
First. Neither the Forum nor its heirs may dispose of the distributed land nor create any right to it (other than the foreclosure of the Agricultural Cooperative Bank) Twenty years before it was registered in its name in real estate records, it would be approved by the Agrarian Reform Foundation after the expiration of this period.
Such land may not be expropriedown for a debt unless it is the debt of the State or the Cooperative Agricultural Bank.
II. The state is to use this land for the public's rise and for the benefit of the rule of law.
Contrary to all applicable legislation, the actions of the owner, which were carried out in the areas approved by law 161 of 1958 before being amended by this legislative decree, should be retained whether or not to establish the minutes of the seizure, which was signed before the 8th of March 1963 and proved to be Its date is official.
The actions taken prior to the entry into force of Act No. 161 of 1958 are applicable to the provisions of article VI of the Act.
The board of directors of an agrarian reform institution may decide to retain part of the land seized for carrying out projects or to set up facilities of public benefit, according to their need or at the request of institutions and governmental interests or other public bodies.
The Governing Council may defer distribution in some areas if it so requires the national production interest, and the Commission may also sell the individuals at the price and the conditions that the parts of the land seized upon, if so required by the conditions of distribution, the interest of the national economy, or any public benefit.
The Executive Committee of the Agrarian Reform Commission may also replace parts of land seized with other land, even if the allowance is for a cash or an eye at the different value of the allowance.
All provisions in contravention of this Legislative Decree shall be repealed, in particular the following legislation:
1. Law No. 3/20/2/1962 and Legislative Decree No. 2/2/5/1962 as of the date of their promulgation.
2. Legislative Decree No. 46 /09/12/1962 on giving the owners a financial advance on their compensation.
3. Article 1 of Legislative Decree No. 52 /06/10/1961 on the Reserve Guarantee of the Agrarian Reform Foundation for the attribution of agricultural financing to the owners covered by the Agrarian Reform Law.
4. Decision No. /41/dated 4/2/1959.
5. Legislative Decree No. 20/Date 29/10/1962.
punishable by imprisonment from ten to three years:
a. All those who perform work that would hinder the implementation of the provisions of article 1 of this Law as well as the confiscation of the price of land to be seized.
(b) Any one of the owners of the land addressed by the rule of law may demean it, weaken its soil, or spoil its attachment with a view to missing its use at the time of its seizure or intentionally violating the judgement of the latter paragraph of article 5, as well as the confiscation of the price of the land.
c. Any person acting in violation of article VII is aware of that.
d. Everyone who refras from submitting the necessary statements to the Governing Council or the Executive Committee or to one of its committees in the legal date if it means to block the provisions of this Law.
e. Any delay in the execution of the judicial provisions set forth in article 4/in the extended periods.
Each of the characteristics of an agricultural land does not escape the application of the provisions of this law.
It shall be exempted from punishment, including confiscation, by any seller or partner who has initiated his or her own initiative by referring to the unlawful act or to inform the competent authorities of such a violation.
1. The Act shall consist of an agricultural cooperative association of beneficiaries in the same village and those who do not have more than the upper limit provided for in article 13/of this Law. A decision may be made by the Agrarian Reform Foundation to establish one association for more than one village.
2. The Agrarian Reform Corporation may ensure cooperative societies or members of the working banks, cooperative agricultural bank or companies to pay the values of agricultural enterprises or tools necessary for the investment of the land.
3. The Cooperative Society shall be subject to the legal provisions of cooperative societies and the provisions of the following articles.
Rule 29
The Cooperative Society shall:
a. Access to various types of agricultural advances in accordance with the needs of the land owned by the members of the Assembly.
b. Agricultural extension to the land, such as seeds, fertilizers, livestock, agricultural machinery and what is required for the conservation and transmission of crops.
c. Regulation of cultivation and good use of land, including seed selection, crop classification, pest resistance, canal and bank construction, and drilling of wells.
d. The sale of principal crops for their members to be deducted from the price of the land, taxes due, agricultural advances and other debts.
(e) To carry out all other agricultural services required by the needs of members as well as various social services.
The Cooperative Society performs its work under the supervision of an employee selected by the Agrarian Reform Foundation, and the staff member may supervise the work of more than one cooperative association.
Cooperative societies engage in the establishment of public cooperative societies and cooperatives in accordance with the legal provisions of cooperative societies.
The Agrarian Reform Foundation shall issue the necessary decisions to regulate the work of the above-mentioned cooperative societies within the limits of the provisions made.
This law is published in the Official Gazette and operates in the Syrian territory from the date of its publication.
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