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On Amendments To The Criminal Code Of Ukraine

Original Language Title: Про внесення змін до Кримінального кодексу України

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(The law lost its validity on the basis of the Code)
N 2341-III 2341-14 ) of 05.04.2001, BBR, 2001, N 25-26, pp. 131
-it takes effect on 01.09.2001)

For changes to the Criminal Code
Code of Ukraine

(Information of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VR), 1994, N 19, pp. 112)

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oh, I am. :
I. Amend to the Criminal Code of Ukraine 2002-05 ) such as
1. Article 148-2 of the Board of Editors:
" I'm a 148-2. Tax evasion Tax evasion by intentional malnutrition
tax declarations and accounts or coverings
Subjects of taxation, committed by the person's staff
enterprise activity if these actions caused damage to the state in
large size,- Punishable by imprisonment for up to five years, or
fix robots for up to two years, or devoid
the right to occupy certain positions or to engage in specific activities on
rows up to three years, or a fine to a hundred minimum sizes
Payroll. The same actions committed by a person previously tried for eviction.
payment of taxes, or if they hurt the state in particular
large size,- Punishable by imprisonment of two to ten
The rights to the right to occupy certain positions or to do so
a certain activity up to five years with confiscation of property
Or without confiscation.
A note. Under large size harm must be understood
the tax, calculated from the hidden (underv) object
taxation, which is one hundred and more than the minimum
the size of the wage, under a particularly large size-the amount
the tax, calculated from the hidden (underv) object
Taxation, which is a thousand and more times greater than the minimum
the size of the wage. "
2. Articles 148-1 to exclude.
II. This Act will take effect from the day of publication.

President of Ukraine
Kiev, 28 January 1994
N 3889-XII