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National Administration Of Telecommunications. Decentralized Public Service. Creation.

Original Language Title: Administracion Nacional De Telecomunicaciones. Servicio Publico Descentralizado. Creacion.

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Legislative Power/ Eastern Republic of Uruguay
Published D.O. 3 ago/974-NAº 19325
* Named Decree-Law by Law No. 15,738

Law No. 14,235 *


The State Council approved the following



denomination, personAa, and home

ArtAculo 1Aº.-Crate, with the name of National Telecommunications Administration (ANTEL), a decentralized public service.

ArtAculo 2Aº.-This entity, whose services are declared essential, is endowed with legal status and has its domicile in the capital of the Republic, without prejudice to the dependencies that are installed in the internal.

Competition and monopoly

ArtAculo 3Aº.-It is up to the National Telecommunications Administration to study, perform works, provide services and administer the activities that are committed to it, as well as the control of those freed from private activity.

ArtAculo 4Aº.-For such purposes, it is specifically for you:

1Aº Preserve urban and long-distance telecommunications services, both national and international.

2Aº Control authorized companies to exploit telecommunications services.

3Aº Convening pro visiently with foreign entities correspondents arrangements for the establishment of telecommunications necessary, being able to ratify such conventions once approved by the Executive Branch.

4Aº Manage, defend, and control the National Radio Spectrum.

5Aº Exercise the technical and operational performance of radio emissions.

6Aº Grant precarious authorizations:

a) For the operation of news agencies.

b) To connect to the telecommunications network equipment that is not owned by ANTEL.

c) For installation and operation of radio stations, except for broadcasting.

Authorized services will be subject to the control of the authorship in all aspects of its installation and operation, according to the Regulation that dictates the Executive Branch.

ArtAculo 5Aº.-The authorizations for the installation and operation of the radio stations will be granted by the Executive Branch prior to the ANTEL report.

ArtAculo 6Aº.-The National Telecommunications Administration will have a monopoly on the services assigned to it by this law.

ArtAculo 7Aº.-Corresponding to that Ente the prior intervention, lending and control of all telecommunications-related activity, both public and private, as soon as they have not been assigned express to another state-wide. In no case may the public authorities, except the Armed Forces and Policaa, install telecommunications services for their own use, without the express authorization of the Executive Branch, prior to the ANTEL report. These authorisations will be conditional on the use by ANTEL.


ArtAculo 8Aº.-The administration of the service will be exercised by a Directory that will integrate three members appointed by the Executive Branch in accordance with the provisions of the artAculo 187 of the Constitution of the Republic. One of the Directors should be proposed to the Executive Branch by the Ministry of National Defense.

ArtAculo 9Aº.-The activities referred to in article 4Aº, points 2Aº, 4Aº, 5Aº, and 6Aº, literals a) and c) shall constitute a Participation to which a technical member of the Forces shall be present. Armed with the rank of Colonel or equivalent.

ArtAculo 10.-The Directory may be sessioned with two of its members, but resolutions in subjects included in the article 4Aº, points 2Aº, 3Aº, 4Aº, 5Aº and 6Aº, literals a) and c) should be taken unanimously by the components of the Body. If not obtained, they should be ratified by the Executive Branch.

ArtAculo 11.-It is up to the Directory to maintain international relations with the telecommunications organizations and to propose to the Executive Branch the realization or attendance at meetings of these organizations. the delegates.

ArtAculo 12.-Compete the Directory equally to propose to the Executive Branch the approval of the rates of its services.

Rates will be fixed in the cost of the cost, which will be integrated with the corresponding percentage of depreciation of the fixed asset, background for renewal and specific margin of utility.


ArtAculo 13.-The estate of the entity will be composed:

1Aº) For all the goods referred to in the following article.

2Aº) By the specifically allocated funds in this law.

3Aº) For the production of your projects.

4Aº) For legacies and donations.

ArtAculo 14.-Real estate, furniture and rights affected by the activities developed by the current National Communications Directorate, Directorate-General, are incorporated as the original patrimony of the Agency. General of Telecommunications and the General Administration of the Eléctric Usinas and the State Telephone's affected to the provision of this last service, including those of the support agencies.

In the case of goods of this last administration affected to the energy and telecommunications sectors, solutions which by the vAa of the compensation will be arbitrated will take into account the proportional parts of the use of the goods in the This is the responsibility of both sectors with their support dependencies.

ArtAculo 15.-The National Telecommunications Administration will take into account all debts and obligations, as well as its services receiving the funds or resources affected by it, by the This activity is carried out by the National Directorate of Communications, the General Directorate of Telecommunications and the Telecommunications sector of the General Administration of the Eléctric Usinas and the State Telephone.

ArtAculo 16.-For the best development of its management the entity created by this law will have a fund for improvement and expansion of services. To this end, it will project and elevate the executive branch to the provisions it deems appropriate.

From Staff

ArtAculo 17.-The National Telecommunications Administration will be integrated with the staff of the services referred to in article 14 of this law. Its status will be adjusted to the solutions that the National Office of the Civil Service will ultimately submit to the Executive Branch.

Expropriations and easements

ArtAculo 18.-Declare a utility and, therefore, understood by the artAculo 4Aº of law 3,958, of March 28, 1912 and its modifications, the goods necessary for the fulfillment of this law.

With the same ends are subject to easements the pregod, as soon as necessary for the realization, of the studies, works, deposits of materials, of passage, installation of the elements of the networks of transmission and distribution of communications and for their temporary occupation by work camps.

Transitional provisions

ArtAculo 19.-Until the first budget is sanctioned for this organism, the first budget will be governed by the dependencies that make up the date. The deficit that may originate in that period shall be met by General Rentas.

ArtAculo 20.-As of the date of promulgation of this law, the General Administration of the Eléctricas and the State Telephone will be called the National Administration of Usines and Trasquests Power (UTE).

ArtAculo 21.-UTE and ANTEL will take the necessary providences for the purposes of compliance with this law, and must inform the Executive Branch on a quarterly basis regarding the measures taken.

ArtAculo 22.-For the purpose of guaranteeing the service of the contracted or in processing by the General Administration of the Elécticos Usinas and the Telephone States of the State, the General Directorate of Telecommunications and the National Communications Directorate with Banks or international organizations, it is declared that the goods of these entities to the date of this law, are affected in the same way in the respective obligations joint responsibility for the same, without prejudice to that of the State, until total debt relief.

ArtAculo 23.-Community. etc.

Session of the Council of State, in Montevideo, on July 23, 1974.

Andrês M. Mata,
Manuel MarAa de la Bandera,


Montevideo, July 25, 1974.

CA-mplase, acorsese recibo, comunAquese, publáquese e insáltese en el Registro Nacional de Leias y Decretos.


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Montevideo, Uruguay. Legislative Power.