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Original Language Title: Industria Frigorifica. Seguro Desocupacion. Beneficios. Montos. Fijacion.-

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Legislative Power/ Eastern Republic of Uruguay

Law No. 14.010



The Senate and the House of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, meeting in General Assembly,


Article 1 °.
As of 1 July 1971, the amounts of the benefits corresponding to the Insurance of Paro serving the Vacancy Compensation Fund in the Refrigeration Industry (created by law N ° 10.562 of 12 December 1944) and its interior similar (instituted by law N ° 13,552of 26 October 1966), as appropriate, shall be fixed at the following ceilings monthly:

holders category "A", $15,000.00.
Holder category "D", $13,500.00.
Holder and livestock receivers (including horse maintenance), $18,000.00.
Carriers and livestock receivers (including horse maintenance) $15,000.00.
Swedish tabletop holders, $14,500.00.
Supine table substitutes, $12,300.00.

Exempt the benefit of the horse maintenance to the Refrigerator (Fra Bentos).
The increase advances granted by resolution of the respective Compensatory Boxes will not be able to be discounted of the amounts set by this law.

Article 2 °.
Suspend for ten days from the date of enactment of this law, the closing of the Refrigeration Industry Exchange Records (law number 10.562, of 12 December 1944), as provided by Law No 12.493,16 January 1958, as amended and agreed.

This provision shall apply only to the workers, with a category of specialist, who are admitted to the respective fridges from 1 January 1965 and until 31 July 1968, who have accumulated the working days as
will also govern for personnel who act as a changer in the cattle transport of the National Board and have computed the days established by the legal mechanisms in force, as well as the workers hired at the Casablanca Plant of the National Fridge to December 30, 1965.

Article 3 °.
The resources to address the erogation resulting from Article 1 ° shall be taken from the collection provided for in Article 3 of Law No. 13,837of 7 January 1970, and the funds of the respective Boxes.

Article 4 °.
Optional to the Bank of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to hand over the Vacancy Compensation Boxes in the Refrigeration Industry of Montevideo and the Interior to the sum of $30:000,000.00 (30 million pesos) per month, for a period of 12 months from 1 July 1971 and for the amounts granted to each Fund by the Special Commission instituted by Article 9 (1) of Law No 13,837, January 7, 1970.
The agreed sum will be discounted by the Bank of the Republic Eastern Uruguay of the payment made by butchers and mataderists of the Interior, debtors of the tax fixed by Article 3 ° of the law N ° 13,837, of 7 January 1970, by concept of cattle marketed from on January 23, 1970 to June 30, 1971.

Article 5 °.
Declare that the tax established by Article 3 ° of Law N ° 13,837, of 7 January 1970 and concordant, also taxes the marketing of equine animals which are intended for export.

Article 6 °.
Municipal Intrends and, as the case may be, Local Boards, shall not authorize or renew permits for the slaughter or industrialization of cattle, sheep or pigs without the prior presentation of the certificate granted, by the Vacancy Compensation in the Refrigeration Industry (Nos. 10.562 and 13,552), as appropriate, that accredit the petitioning firm is registered in one of these Organisms and is located at the payment of obligations for such services or of the quotas for the consolidation of debits.

Facultate a las refores Cajas a retain de las cuentas banes de las empresas the amount of amounts owed to those Institutes when it will be checked that the Intendencias or Juntas authorized or renewed permits without the corresponding rating. For these purposes only the simple communication of the respective Box to the Bank shall suffice, which shall place the sums withheld from the Order of the Agency.

Article 7 °.
Public scribes shall not authorize any deed of purchase-sale of butchery businesses or of factories of pork products, which have had or have a permit of slaughter of cattle, sheep, or Pigs, without the presentation of the certificate referred to in the previous article, must leave the corresponding record in the public deed. In cases where the seller maintains a debtor balance with the respective Compensation Fund, the seller will not grant the certificate unless he fully paid the balance or constitutes a real guarantee for the debits. Failure to comply with the foregoing will determine the solidarity responsibility of the scribe for the debt that may exist.

Article 8 °.
Refrigeration companies affiliated with the Vacancy Compensation Fund in the Refrigeration Industry of the Interior (Law No. 13,552) are required to require the (a) the provision of the certificate of affiliation to the Caja and the monthly proof of being a day of payment of the date of payment of the payment, as referred to in Article 1 of Law No 13,912of 23 November 1970; of the obligations of those undertakings which they use with that body.

Article 9 °.
Those companies that do not comply with the provisions of the previous article will be considered to be infringing and will be fined, for the first time, of pesos 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand pesos), doubling for each recidivism.

The offence shall be deemed to have a repeat effect within the immediate 2 (2) years following that of the first term.

Article 10.
Extend to the Vacancy Compensation Fund in the Refrigeration Industry of the Interior (Law N ° 13,552) as provided by article 7 ° of the law number 13.312, dated 17 December 1964.

Item 11.
Commune, etc.

Chamber of Sessions of the Chamber of Senators, in Montevideo, on August 11, 1971.             

José Pastor Salvanach

    Ministry of Labour and Social Security.
      Ministry of Economy and Finance.

                                  Montevideo 18 August 1971.

Comply, acknowledge receipt, communicate, post and insert into the National Register of Laws and Decrees.


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Montevideo, April 1998. Legislative Power.