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Bakeries. Montevideo. Bolsa De Trabajo. Creation-

Original Language Title: Panaderias. Montevideo. Bolsa De Trabajo. Creacion.-

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Legislative Power/ Eastern Republic of Uruguay

Law No. 13.484



The Senate and the House of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, meeting in General Assembly,


Article 1 °.
Create for the Department of Montevideo, a Job Exchange of Panaderies, which will comprise all categories of the workers ' block staff.

Article 2 °.
Job Exchange will be administered by an Honorary Commission, which will have the following tasks:

a) Confect the Exchange Records according to what is set forth in the following items.

b) Manage job supply and demand, both for permanent positions and for supply.

c) Adopt the necessary measures for the normal functioning of the Stock Exchange, monitor its compliance and apply the sanctions provided for in this Law.

Article 3 °.
The Honorary Commission shall be composed of a delegate of the Council of the Family Appropriations Box No. 34, who shall preside over it, two employers 'delegates and two workers' delegates. Professional delegates shall be elected in accordance with the procedures laid down by law N ° 10.449of 12 November 1943. In the same act, two alternates shall be chosen for each of the professional delegations, who may act as holders when any of the latter is absent.
Workers ' delegates shall at least provide proof of five years of activity. in industry, as effective or alternate before the date of the respective election.
Professional delegates will automatically cease from the moment of withdrawal from the industry.
The Honorary Commission will last for two years in its functions, with its members being re-elected for a single period. Until such time as the new Commission is installed, it will continue to act.

Article 4 °.
The Exchange will comprise a Record A) of Holders and a Record B) of Aspirants.

Registration A) will be integrated with:

a) With the workers listed on the existing Work Bags to the date of the sanction of this law;
b) With the workers who have worked in the industry as effective or alternate, they will lose the same by dismissal or cessation;
c) With the workers who are not in any of the preceding situations, they could justify activity as workers of the industry in Montevideo;
d) With the workers of the Register B) that the Commission Honoraria according to the needs of the industry, consider it necessary to incorporate into Registry A).

Registration B) will be integrated with workers who aspire, henceforth to enter the industry in Montevideo.
The Records will be structured by classifying the workers in lists, according to the categories of their specialization.
When one of the parties questions the category adduced by the worker, the Honorary Commission may arrange for a proof of sufficiency, according to the rules that will be dictated and will resolve accordingly.
category within the same establishment, provided it corresponds to workers with an age of not less than two years in the company that promotes it, will not require the intervention of the Stock Exchange.

Article 5 °.
The workers of Registry A) shall be called to fill the effectivities or supplences that the industry demands, by rigorous and rotating order, within the list of the appropriate category. When the Stock Exchange does not have the staff whose category is requested, the Honorary Commission may offer staff of the immediate category.
However, the following exceptions to the general regime can be found:

(a) In the case of an effective charge of Master and Amasor in a mixed function, the employer may select it from the top ten that the Stock Exchange offers.
(b) In the case of effective charges, the employer may reject the worker who offers the Stock Exchange, provided that the reasons for the Honorary Commission are justified. When the worker refused or had been a leader of the guild or a trade union organization within the last two years prior to the date of rejection, the acceptance of the same must be established by the Honoraria Commission. and may only be based on reasons of notorious misconduct.
c) When the employer fills the vacant position with a relative up to the third degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity, provided that due competition is credited and documenting the event before the Honorary Commission.

Article 6 °.
Within ninety days, the Honorary Commission shall regulate the regime for the provision of charges in respect of effectivities and suplences.
If a employer requests personnel from the Stock Exchange more than three times, consecutive to attend to the same vacancy, from the fourth time it will take precedence to fill the position of the holder, if he has not charged compensation for dismissal and then, the alternates that would have acted, in his order. Only another worker may be held if the four indicated are unable to do so.
In the case of acting in a supply, the same worker may not, in any circumstances, exceed the maximum weekly schedule, in force, in the industry.

Article 7 °.
The workers referred to in this law who, after obtaining work in one of the establishments in the class, are dismissed, shall return to the Labour Exchange, provided that they have not been for notorious misconduct. In this case, the respective company must establish the cause of the dismissal to the Honorary Commission to be issued within thirty days.
If the Commission fails to deliver, the automatic reinstatement of the company will be operated. (A).
Affirmative the dismissal, and after ninety days of the decision of the Honorary Commission, the interested party may request his recovery to the Registry that will be decided by the Commission's founded resolution
The resources that the company could bring against the resolutions shall have no suspensory effect.

Article 8 °.
The disengaged workers of the industry voluntary abandonment stock exchange may require the Honorary Commission to return to the Register A) after 90 days of registration of the Done.
If the Honorary Commission is not expiated, the thirty days of the application shall be deemed to be reinstated.

Article 9 °.
The Family Allowance Box No. 34 will supply the local, useful, personal and all information required, indispensable for the normal operation of the Stock Exchange and, for this purpose, may advance the necessary funds, which shall be returned by the Resources Fund created by the following Article.

Article 10.
Create an Integrated Resource Fund for the following inputs:

(a) the production of the payment of the ballots of the effectivities or suplences dealt with by the Stock Exchange;
(b) the production of the fines referred to in Article 11 of this Law.
(c) an employer's contribution equivalent to 5 o/o (five per a thousand) of wages and wages paid for any concept.

Article 11.
For the purposes of compliance with the provisions of Articles 4 °, 5 °, 6 °, 7 ° and 8 °, the establishments of the bakery industry of Montevideo, shall refer to the Honoraria Commission, within ten years. days following their installation, the full payroll of the staff on the payroll and, on a monthly basis, from that date, the ups and downs.
The companies that omit the presentation in time and form of the documentation required in the previous, or that they provide inaccurate information, they will be liable for a fine equivalent to 25% (25%) of the monthly salary in force for the Master and Amasador in the Mixed Function. Each recidivism in the infringement will double the fine of the previous infringement.
The establishments that incorporate workers in violation of the rules of this law, must pour into the Fund of Resources a sum equivalent to twice the the salary or monthly salary of those workers, according to the awards of the Council of Salaries or the Convention in force. Such a fine will be repeated, doubling in each case the amount of the previous fine, in each of the subsequent months in which the irregular situation persisted.

Article 12.
Derogase Article 25 of Law N ° 13.318, dated December 28, 1964.

Article 13.
Commune, etc.

Chamber of Sessions of the Chamber of Senators, in Montevideo, on July 7, 1966.

Manuel M. de la Bandera,


Montevideo, July 21, 1966.

Comply, acknowledge receipt, communicate, post and insert into the National Register of Laws and Decrees.

By the Council:
Modest Moral Burgos,

línea del pie de página
Montevideo, April 1998. Legislative Power.