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Works Plan Public. Execution. Authorization.

Original Language Title: Plan De Obras Publicas. Ejecucion. Autorizacion.

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Legislative Power/ Eastern Republic of Uruguay

ACT N ° 13.405



The Senate and the House of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, meeting in General Assembly,


Article 1 °.
Authorize the Executive Branch to execute the following Public Works Plan:



"A"-"New Works"

Group "A"-Add-on for authorized works and continuation of others included
in the Public Works Plan 1962.

alerDesignation of the Work Amount

1Route 26-Tacuarembo. -Bridge
on Arroyo Yaguari in
' s Picada
Supplementary Item
the one set in Plan 1961 .............. 3:000,000.00
2Route 14-Durazno. -So-
bre Arroyo Sarandi de Cuadra en
Step of the Tuna. Item please-
would lie with the one set in Plan 1961. 1:500,000.00
3Route 27-Rivera. -Moi Stretch-
rones-Vichadero. Continuation of
building the des-
embedded stretch point terminal
in Plan 1962 to Vichadero and
Bridge over the Seco Creek. Ex-
tension 20 Kms. ................... 6:000,000.00
4Route 31-Jump. -Stretch Arerun-
gua-Cuchilla de Haedo. Continues-
ca build-
rretera from terminal point, tra-
mo included in Plan 1962 to
Haedo's blade. Extension 15 ki-
meters ........................... 4:200.000.00
5Route 4-Paysandu. -Tranche An-
dres Perez-Splice Route 26. With-
building the
road from terminal point, tra-
mo included Plan 1962 to empal-
sea with Route 26. Extension 23 ki-
meters ........................... 6:500,000.00
6Route 53. -Cologne. -
New Helvecia-Jackson. Ends-
construction of the carry-
tera from terminal point
included in Plan 1962. Extension 13
kilometers ........................... 3:700,000.00
7Route Flores-Soriano. -Reel-
ra Trinidad-Cardona. Continuation
of the construction of the
from terminal point included
in Plan 1962, to splice with
existing stretch next to Cardo-
na and Puentes on Arroyos Tali-
ta, Grande and Monzon. Extension
22 Kms ............................. 9:800.000.00
8Route 7-Florida-Thirty-Three.-
Batlle and Ordonez-Cerro Cha-
to. Continuation of the build-
section Batlle and Ordonez
Valentines. Junction with
existing to Cerro Chato and Passage
Superior next to Valentines. Ex-
tension 15 Kms. ..................... 6:000,000.00
9Route 108-Lavalleja. -Po-
lanco-Zapican. Continuation of the
building the road from
terminal point included in
Plan 1962 towards Zapican and Bridge
on Arroyo Godoy. Extension 20
kilometers ........................... 8:500,000.00
10Route 98-Thirty-Three.-Carre-
tera Thirty and Tres-Tupambae. With-
building the
road from the
terminal point
Plan 1962 towards its Splicing with the
Route 7 north of Tupambae. Ex-
tension 18 Kms ....................... 5:000,000.00
11Route 18-Long Hill. -Tranche
The Dragon River-Step of the Dragon. With-
building the
road from terminal point plan
1962 to the
Dragon Pass
Rio Tacuari. Extension 20 kilometers .. 6:000,000.00
Group Total "A" 166 Kms 60:200.000.00

Group "B"-New Works to be
consider urgent

12Route 14-Durazno. -Tranche Du-
reason-El Carmen. Building
an insufferable bridge over the
Arroyo Tejera, next to ciu-
dad of Durazno and accesses ............. 3:500,000.00
13Route 24-Paysandu. -Tramo
Black Creek-Route 3 Splice.
Insuman bridge construction-
gibles on Black and Ra Arroyos-
bon and accesses ........................ 6:800.000.00
14Route 29-Rivera. -Stretch Manuel
Diaz-Minas de Corrales. Build-
on an insuffersible bridge so-
bre Arroyo Cunapiru and accesses ..... 4:000,000.00
15Route 21-Soriano. -Tramo Mer-
cedes-Dolores. Building a
insuffersible bridge and access so-
on the Daca Arroyo next to
Mercedes city ................... 1:000,000.00
16Route ..-Jump. -Carretera des-
Route 3 splicing to the
del Arapey. Building a
road from Route 3 to

Terms and Bridges on Arroyos
the Isleta and Sarandi. Extension 25
kilometers ........................... 9:000.000.00
17Route 28-Rivera. -My-
Corrales-Empalme Route 27
in Attack Step. Step Step of
Ataque-La Calera and Bridges in Ca-
of the Capivara, of the Molles
and of the Gomez or Uncle Juan. Ex-
tension 25 Kms ....................... 7:700.000.00
18Route 88-Canelons. -Tranche Ta-
pia-Empalme with Route 80 proximate
to Migues and Bridges on Arroyos
Solis Chico, Del Tigre and Canada of
Totora. Extension 15 Kms ............. 7:300.000.00
19Route 13-Rocha. -Construction
of an insufferable bridge over the
Dead Indian Creek and its accesses .... 2:500,000.00
20Route ..-Rocha. -Continued
of the road from where termi-
na the work by Convention on the ca-
sapped The Indians-Lascano. Exten-
sion 10 Kms ........................ 2:500.000.00
Total Group "B": 90 Kms 44:300.000.00

Summary of Section "A"

Group A ": 166 kilometers ......... 60:200.000.00

Group B ": 90 kilometers ......... 44.300.000.00
----------------------- --------------------
256 kilometers ......... 104:500.000.00

Section "B"-Modification and
work transformation "
Rectification, ensanche, and surcharge
of the bases and treatments bitu-

21Route 3-Artigas. -From Bridge
Yacuy a Splice with Route 30 (Ca-
undermined). Stretch kilometres
583 Splice Route 30, build-
four-bridge input input-
bles and ensanche from another. Guaviyu,
Guaviyu Bleeding, Mandiyu,
Naquina and false Mandiyu. Ensan-
che base, surcharge and treats-
lie. Extension 30 Kms. ........ 14:800.000.00
22Route 21-Soriano. -Leg Mer-
cedes-Dolores. -Rectification of the
plotting, ensanche, and surcharge of the
base and bituminous treatment. Ex-
tension 34 Kms .................... 10:500,000.00
23Route 2-Black River. -Between Puen-
te Rio Negro-Fray Bentos. Section
Mercedes Bridge-Route
24. Base ensanche, surcharge, and
bituminous treatment. Extension
16.7 kilometers ................... 4:200.000.00
24Route 9-Maldonado. -Tranche
Bridge over Large-Entry Solis
city of Rocha (Plan 1961).
Plug-in for transforms-

a) Solis Bridge: Kilometer 93.
b) Kilometer 106 (proximities
from Sugar Bread) to Kilometer
141 (proximities of San Car-
the). Extension 44 Kms ......... 11:000.000.00

25Route 31-Jump. -Stretch between sa-
lida city of Salto and School of
Agronomy (Enhanced Path),
Rectification and Ensanche of the ba-
with special works aggregate,
surcharge and bituminous treatment.
Extension 20 Kms .................. 7:000,000.00
26Route 24-Black River. -Tranche
comprised between
Route Splice
2 (Ombucytes) and Route 25
(Three Bocas) (Enhanced Path).
Building a Learned Passage-
rior on junction with F.C. Rectification
and ensanche the base with agre-
special works, surcharge, and
bituminous treatment. Extension
55 Kms ............................ 15:000,000.00
27Route ..-Black River. -Tranche
from Route 2 to Route 24 in Ombuci-
cough, splicing these two
(Enhanced path). Rectification and
ensanche of the base with works is-
petial, surcharge and bi-
tuminous. Extension 9 kilometers .. 4:000,000.00
28Route 11-San Jose. -Tranche at-
tre Saint Lucia and Ecilda Paullier.
Base ensanche, surcharge and tra-
bituminous performance with
the base on the San Jose-Ecil-
da Paullier. Extension 63 Kms ..... 20:000,000.00
29highway Interbalnearia. Canelo-
nes-Maldonado. -In the following-
34 kilometers to 46 kilometers.
Bridge over Arroyo Pando a
Atlantis splice, build
of the second carriageway.
From 108 Kms To 130 Km.
Route 37 to Portezuelo. Me-
joras in the base and two layers of
espe 0.05 bituminous mixture-
Sister each, the lower base ne-
gra and concrete top as-
phaltic. Extension 34 kilometres. 25:000,000.00
30Routes. -Small sections
on National Routes Next to

urban population plants
interior. Base ensanche, re-
charge and bituminous treatment.
Extension 20 kilometers ........... 5:000,000.00
Total Section "B" 325.7 Kms 116:500.000.00

C "Section"-" Conservation or-
dinaria "

How to store the road network was born-
nal during the year 1964

319,300 kilometers of roads and
bridges .......................... 80:500.000.00

D "D"-" Maintenance and
acquisition of mechanical equipment "

32Acquisition of ma spare parts-
quinaria, accessories and inhe expenses-
rants to repairs and adqui-
sition of some new units .. 4:500,000.00


33For payment of expropriations in
processing and other new originated
for the execution of the works nue-
vas and expenses that originate from the
processing the same ......... 4:000,000.00

"G"-" Studies and Di-

34Study, Address and with-
controller and works surveillance ....... 8:000.000.00

Chapter I


"A"-"New Works" .... 104:000,000.00
Section "B"-" Modification and
transformation of works " ..... 116:500.000.00
C "Section"-" Conservation Or-
dinaria " ........... 80:500.000.00
D "D"-" Maintenance and
Acquisition of Equipment " .......... 4:500,000.00
"E"-"Expropriations" ... 4:000,000.00
"G"-" Studies and Di-
Works " ............ 8:000.000.00
Total ........................ 318:000,000.00



"A"-"New Works"

35Rio Negro. Irrigation system in
Cologne "Tomas Berreta" at 1,300
hectares (1st stage) .............. 4:500,000.00
36San Jose. Pe-
Quenas works of irrigation in Cologne
"Cesareo Alonso Montano" of the Ins-
colonization title ............ 500,000.00
toppling and channeling into
Arroyo Carrasco (1st stage) ........ 1:000,000.00
38Canelons. La Floresta.
the beach at approximately 600
meters ............................ 800,000.00
39Canelons. San Jacinto.
irrigation in Cologne " Ing. Juan C. Mo-
linelli " from the Institute of Coloniza-
tion, on 400 hectares ............. 1:000,000.00
40Canelons. Irrigation system in zo-
na del Canelon Grande reservoir ... 2:000,000.00
41Maldonado. Eastern tip. Am-
folding installations on the
Port ............................. 1:800.000.00
42Thirty and Tres-Rocha. Works des-
to increase the
watering in times of styling in the
Río Cebollati basin, for a
approximately 4,000
hectares ........................... 4:000,000.00
43Cerro Largo. Irrigation system in
Practical School and Experi Field-
mental of the Faculty of Agro-
mia, in Banado de Medina ........... 500.000.00
44Cerro Largo. Regularised works-
tion (say and ears) of the sea-
Yaguaron River right gene ....... 1:900.000.00
45Works to promote navigates-
tourism and sports in the
Break Departments, Paysan-
du, Soriano, Montevideo and Maldo-
swimming ............................... 1:250,000.00
Total Section "A" ............. 19:250,000.00

Section "B"-" Modifications
and Works transformations "

46Repair and Remover Works-
port facilities and
of defense of shorelines in the puer-
tos de Salto, Paysandu, Fray Ben-
cough, Cologne, New Palmyra and Puer-
to Sauce ............................. 1:000,000.00

C "Section"-" Conservation
Ordinary "

47Conservation of waterways and
port access channels; for
fuel acquisition, mate-
miscellaneous rials and other inhe expenses-
rants to
dredging services on rivers and
navigable streams and ports
in charge of the Ministry of Works
Public ............................ 2:000,000.00
48Conservation of aprove works-
hydraulic chement. For foresta-
tion, wired, fon cleaning-
two, compuer maintenance-
tas and complementary works in
Canelon Grande reservoirs,
Mataeye Experimental System
de Solis, Pando y Laguna del Sau-
ce .................................. 500,000.00
49Maintenance of
Balsas and Inland Navigation;
for fuel procurement,
materials and parts and contracts-
labor for aten-
der those services; keep them-
to and conservation of berths .... 1:200.000.00
Total of the "C" Apparatus ............ 3:700.000.00

"D"-" Repairs

Ordinary and Extraordinary
Service and procurement teams
of new "

50Acquisition of ma spare parts-
quinarias, accessories and inhe expenses-
rants to repairs and adqui-
sition of some new units .... 4:000,000.00


51For study expenses in
to be included in the upcoming
and for address expenses, counter-
lor and surveillance of works included
in this Plan ................ 2:500,000.00


52To address possible im-
day differences
and/or differences in ma-
terials ........................... 2:500,000.00

Chapter II


"A"-"New Works" ... 19:250,000.00
Section "B"-" Modifications and
works transformations " ...... 1:000,000.00
C "Section"-" Conservation Or-
dinaria " ......................... 3:700,000.00
"D"-" Man Expenses-
tenement and acquisition of equi-
pos " ............................. 4:000,000.00
Section "G"-"Studies" ........ 2:500.000.00
"H"-"Unforeseen" ..... 2:500.000.00
Total ............................ 32:950.000.00


"A"-"New Works"

Group "a"-Add-on for
work completion authorizes-
days by Previous Plans and other

53To terminate works by Ar-
removing previous laws ..... 12:000.000.00
54Cologne Work Education (Li-
bertad) (San Jose) ................. 2:000,000.00
55Hospital de Niños (Montevideo)
(termination) ...................... 1:500,000.00
56Hospital of Rio Branco (termina-
tion) ............................... 500,000.00
57Schools Nros. 33, 66 and 84 (2nd
stage) Montevideo .................. 1:500.000.00
58Polyclinic of Arapey Termas ... 300.000.00
59School of Canelons .... 1:500.000.00
60Liceo of Artigas (termination) ..... 800,000.00
61Hospital Saint Bois ................ 1:500.000.00
62Hospital Maciel (repairs) ..... 600,000.00
63Hospital de Rivera (termination) ... 1:500,000.00
64Jefatura, Jail and Bom Headquarters-
Salto bers ..................... 1:000,000.00
65Liceo de Rosario (Cologne) ......... 1:000,000.00
66Supreme Court of Justice (3rd
stage) ............................. 3:000,000.00
67Institutes Normal (3rd stage) ..... 2:000,000.00
68Leprosario (Montevideo) ............ 700.000.00
69Liceo of Salto ..................... 1:000,000.00
70Faculty of Engineering ............. 500,000.00

71Hospital de Rocha .................. 900.000.00
72Jefatura and Carcel de Rocha (ter-
mining) .......................... 700.000.00
73Hospital San Carlos ............. 600.000.00
74School Electrotechnical and Mechanical
(2nd stage) ......................... 2:000,000.00
75Centro de Salud Pública de Melo .... 500,000.00
Group Total "to" ................ 37:600.000.00

Group "b"-" Urgent Works
realization "

76th Industrial School of Thirty and
Three .............................. 1:500,000.00
77th Florida Aset School
(extension) ...................... 2:000,000.00
78School of Applied Arts (Mon-
tname) (1st stage) ............... 1:500.000.00
79Construction of ten pa-
ra University of Labor ..... 1:800.000.00
80Establishment of La Carolina (Flo-
res) .............................. 3:000,000.00
81School of Graphic Arts (Monte-
video) (1st stage) ................. 1:500.000.00
82School of Forestry (Maldona-
do) ............................... 750.000.00
83Arg Agrarian School ........ 750.000.00
84School Agrarian de Rivera ......... 750.000.00
85Industrial School of Mines ....... 1:000,000.00
86School No. 55 Urbana (Artigas) .... 1:000,000.00
87School N ° 18 Urbana of Rio
Branco (Cerro Largo) .............. 600.000.00
88School No. 93 of Lascano (Rocha) .. 1:200.000.00
89School No. 90 People's Urban
New (Cologne) ................... 1:000,000.00
90School No. 6 Durazno Urbana .... 1:200.000.00
91School N ° 31, Urbana de La Pe-
drera (Flores) .................... 700.000.00
92School No. 5 (May 25, Depar-
Florida tamento) ............... 1:000,000.00
93Ur Siquica Recovery
bana (Lavalleja) .................. 750.000.00
94Escuela N ° 8 de San Carlos (Maldo-
swimming) ............................. 700.000.00
School and School Center 3
Jump (15 classrooms) (expropriation and
construction) ..................... 2:700,000.00
96Escuela N ° 68 Aire Libre (San
Jose) ............................. 500,000.00
97School No. 7 Soriano (14 classrooms) 2:000,000.00

98Escuela N ° 81 (Rivera) ............ 500.000.00
99School No. 40 (Black River) ......... 1:200.000.00

100School No. 12 (Tacuarembo) ........ 1:400.000.00
101School No. 113 Urbana
(Canelones) ....................... 800,000.00
102Nros. 111 and 112 Schools of Pan-
do (Canelones) .................... 2:200.000.00
103Schools Nros 44 and 73 (Union) ..... 2:500,000.00
104Salto Normal Institute (1st Eta-
pa) ............................... 1:200.000.00
105Liceo N ° 10 of Malvin (1st stage) .. 4:000,000.00
106Liceo N ° 8 (termination) .......... 4:000,000.00
107Liceo of Castles (Rocha) ........ 1:000,000.00
108Liceo N ° 7 by Joaquín Suárez (ter-
mining) ......................... 4:000,000.00
109Liceo of José Pedro Varela (La-
valleja) .......................... 1:000,000.00
110Liceo de Cardona (Soriano) ........ 1:300,000.00
111Liceo de San Gregorio (Tacuarembo). 1:000,000.00
112Liceo de Guichon (Paysandu) ........ 2:000,000.00
113Policlinica of Chamizo (Florida) ... 270,000.00
114Institute of Hygiene "Arnoldo Berta" 500,000.00
115Customs of Bella Union .............. 800,000.00
116Edificios Policiales (Comisarias va-
ras) ............................... 1:000,000.00
Total Group "b" ............... 58:570.000.00

Group "c"-" Works by Adminis-
tration "

117Repair of Historical Buildings
and Museums ............................ 1:300.000.00
118Repair Public Buildings in
general ............................. 2:000,000.00
119Liceo of Tacuarembo (repair and
termination) ........................ 800,000.00
120Polyclinic of Ansina People (Ta.
quarembo) ........................... 250,000.00
121Tacuarembo Normal Institute
(extension) ........................ 150,000.00
122SODRE (Builds on Radio-
Tele-Center) (Bulevar Artigas and Co-
lorado) ............................. 1:000,000.00
123Repairs and Extensions in Edi-
Children's Council several times .. 2:700,000.00
124Auxiliary Center of Juan Lacaze (Co-
lonia) .............................. 500,000.00
Batovi 125Polyclinic (Tacuarembo) 100,000.00
126th Artigas Commissioner (Tomas
Gomensoro) .......................... 200,000.00
127Policlinica Cuaro Chico (Pueblo Pa-
quero) (Artigas) .................... 200.000.00
128Pliclinica Polanco (Lavalleja) ...... 200,000.00
129Liceo "Hector Miranda" from Mon-
toverdo (repairs) ..............
130School No. 36 of Pintadito (Arti-
gas) (repairs) ................. 50,000.00
Group Total "c" ................ 9:650.000.00

Summary of Section "A"

Group " a" ........................... 37:600.000.00
Group " b" ........................... 58:570.000.00
Group "c" ........................... 9:650.000.00

"F" Section-"Contributions"

131Paysandu Hospital ............... 500,000.00
132Hospital de Salto .................. 500.000.00


133Study, address, con-
tralor, surveillance, and extra jobs-
ordinary .......................... 4:000,000.00


134For unforeseen expenses, increases
of the cost of the works of Arquitec-
ture included in the
Public Works, in the tenders
or works by administration, and/or di-
jormal or
price differences
materials .......................... 10:000,000.00

Chapter III Summary

"A"-"New Works" 105:820,000.00
Section "F"-"Contributions" 1:000,000.00
"G"-"Studies" 4:000,000.00
"H"-"Unexpected" 10:000,000.00
Total .......................... 120:820.000.00



135Enhancement and
National Parks ........ 1:000,000.00


Special Contributions

136Works of the Ministry of Defense
National ....................... 4:000,000.00
137Concrete Track of the
from Salto ....................... 4:000,000.00
138To fund
works and studies
Architecture not included in the
present law, for which
other contributions are available 4:500,000.00
139Rivera Airport ............ 8:000,000.00



140Conventions to perform works with
municipal and/or neighborhood contribution 12:000.000.00

General Summary

Chapter I-Viality.............318:000,000.00
Chapter II-Hydrography .......... 32:950.000.00
Chapter III-Architect .........120.820.000.00
Chapter IV-National Parks ... 1:000,000.00
Chapter V-Espe Contributions-
cial ............. 20:500.000.00
Chapter VI-Conventions ............ 12:000.000.00
Total ....................... 505:270.000.00

Article 2 °.
The amount of this Plan will be handled by the Public Works Treasury resources.

Article 3 °.
The preservation of the national road network will be performed by Administration. The Executive Branch may, however, be made by public invitation to tender or price order, to no less than three undertakings, where it is justified.

Article 4 °.
The Ministry of Public Works shall be empowered to hire the staff who shall be responsible for the management, comptroller and supervision of the works covered by this law. This authorization will be used to recruit staff to affect the study of the works to be included in the next Plan. The services of the staff concerned shall cease once the execution or study of the works for which it was contracted has been completed. The Ministry also has the power to pay extra hours to officials of the Ministry, where the circumstances require their use outside the usual working hours. The amounts to be earned for this concept in the different Offices of the said Ministry, shall be addressed to the items assigned by the "G" of Chapters I, II and III of this Plan.

Article 5 °.
The economies that occur in the Parties to the Investment Plans may be used, on the basis of a decision of the Executive Branch, to strengthen the credit assigned to others of the same Plan whose resources insufficient.

Article 6 °.
Facultatique al Poder Executive to establish the water services canon, in the areas of irrigation systematized with the works of the Public Works Plans. This fee shall be collected directly by the Ministry of Public Works and shall be made effective from the second year following the entry into service of the flow rates obtained by repressing or pumping.
To calculate the annual fee The investment shall be divided by the coefficient 25N, N being the number of gross hectares benefited.
The Executive Branch shall regulate this article.

Article 7 °.
Facultada to the Executive Branch to perform the works of this Plan even if the cost of the same exceeds up to 15% (fifteen percent) the amount of the items assigned to each of them.

Article 8 °.
Commune, etc.

Chamber of Sessions of the Chamber of Senators, in Montevideo, on November 17, 1965.

                        MARTIN R. ECHEGOYEN
                       José Pastor Salvanach

    Ministry of Public Works.

Montevideo, November 23, 1965.

Comply, acknowledge receipt, communicate, post and insert into the National Register of Laws and Decrees.

            For the Council:

                                            ISIDORO VEJO RODRÍGUEZ
                                           Modesto Burgos Morales,

línea del pie de página
Montevideo, April 1998. Legislative Power.