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Adolescent Criminal Responsibility System. Creation.

Original Language Title: Sistema Responsabilidad Penal Adolescente. Creacion.

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Legislative Power/ Eastern Republic of Uruguay
Published D.O. 25 Jul/011-NAº 28271

Act NAº 18,771



The Senate and the CA of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, meeting in General Assembly,


ArtAculoA 1Aº. -A Comet al Instituto del Nià ± o y Adolescente del Uruguay (INAU) la creação con carA ¡ cter transient, de un oírgano descentro que se denominarà Sistema de responsabilidad Penal Adolescente (SIRPA) in order to succeed the System of Implementation of Measures for Young People in Infracciance (SEMETI), in everything related to the execution of the socio-educational measures arranged by the artAculosA 77 and following from the Law No 17,823, dated 7 September 2004 (The Code of the Nià ± ez and the Adolescence).

El Egrano] [subhead] [passage of the report] [subhead] In the course of the current government period, the creation of the Adolescent Criminal Accountability Institute as a decentralized service will be available in the course of the current administration. agreement with the provisions in Section XI of the ; and assume, by delegated competence, the tasks assigned to it by the article 78 of the Law No 17,823, dated 7 September 2004, and the literalA F) of the Article 2Aº of the Law No. 15,977, dated September 14, 1988, assigns to INAU.

ArtAculoA 2Aº.A (Delegation).-For the purposes of the article 1Aº of this law, the Directory of the Institute of the NiA and Adolescent of Uruguay will delegate, by way of resolution, the attributions that assign the legal rules-in particular the one that refers to the primary computer of expenses and investments within the limits of the corresponding budget allocations-in a delegated Commission composed of three members of recognized Technical suitability.

All in a whole according to the rules of this law and the precept by the article 106 of the Law No 16134, 24 September 1990, and the literals A), B), J), O) and P) of the Article 7Aº of the Law No. 15,977, dated 14 September 1988.

ArtAculoA 3Aº.A (Intergovernmental Advisory Commission).-An Intergovernmental Advisory Commission on the Adolescent Criminal Accountability System referred to in the article 1Aº of this law, which will be integrated by a representative of the public bodies to be given:

A) From the Ministry of Social Development, who will have the main function of contributing to design and coordinate all necessary actions to ensure the existence and the effective functioning of the Social and Community Insertion Program that is provided by this law.

B) From the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Central Steering Board of the National Administration of Public Education, who will have the main function to contribute to the design and coordination of all necessary actions for the purpose of ensuring the existence and effective functioning of formal education, non-formal education and vocational training projects.

C) From the Ministry of Health and the Administration of State Health Services, who will have the main function of contributing to design and coordinate all actions necessary for the purpose of ensuring the existence and functioning of the Program of Curative Measures (article 106 of the Code of the Nià ± ez and Adolescence).

D) From the Ministry of the Interior, who will have the main function of contributing to design and coordinate all necessary actions to ensure the existence and the effective functioning of all aspects related to the external security of each of the establishments where socio-educational measures of deprivation of liberty are developed.

ArtAculoA 4Aº.A (Designation of the Delegate Commission).-The Delegate Commission will be designated by resolution of the Directory of the Institute of the Nià ± o and Adolescent of Uruguay, who should ensure, for such purposes, the The greatest possible consensus of the political-technical point of view.

Should communicate the names that it intends to designate, accompanied by their respective currasses, to the Executive Branch and to the Presidency of the General Assembly, with an antelation not less than the fifteen days before its effective design.

ArtAculoA 5Aº.A (Requirements, prohibitions, and incompatibilities).-Members of the Delegated Commission will have the same prohibitions and incompatibilities as the members of the Board of Directors of the Institute of the Nià ± o and Adolescent of Uruguay.

ArtAculoA 6Aº. -A Executive General Management, which will be responsible for the day-to-day management, must faithfully execute the guidelines and decisions emanating from the Delegate Commission, and respond to them. directly before it.

ArtAculoA 7Aº.A (Programs).-Exist five dependent programs directly from the Executive General Management, according to the following detail:

A) Income, Study, and Derivative Program. The Montevideo Transitional Income Center will be responsible for the initial diagnosis and will define the referrals to the various existing programs and projects.

B) Non-Privative Socio-Educational Measures Program on Freedom and Mediation. He shall be responsible for the implementation of the socio-educational measures provided for in the articles 80 to 84 inclusive of the "NiA ± ez and Adolescence".

C) Program of Private Socio-Educational Measures of Freedom and Semifreedom. He shall be responsible for the implementation of the measures provided for in Articles 86 to 88 including the Code of the NiA ± ez and the Adolescent.

D) Curative Measures Program. He will be responsible for the implementation of the socio-educational measures provided for in the article 106 of the Code of the Nià ± ez and Adolescence.

E) Social and Community Insertion Program (egress). You will have all the actions to achieve a successful social recovery.

ArtAculoA 8Aº.A (Budget).-The budget of the Adolescent Criminal Liability System will be established on the basis of the forecasts of the article 328 of the Law No. 18,719, of 27 December 2010, corresponding to the National Budget for the 2010-2014 period.

In particular, funds will be available for the purpose of covering infrastructure needs, including, inter alia, construction, improvement and rehabilitation of buildings, communications, external and internal electrical surveillance, and Vehicles.

There will be funds available for the installation of a specialized guard of Interior Ministry personnel, destined exclusively for the custody and external security of the institutions of freedom of liberty for existing adolescents or to be constructed. These funds will be charged to the IncisoA 04, Ministry of the Interior, who will only be able to allocate the funds to the purpose provided for in this law.

ArtAculoA 9Aº.A (Infrastructure Fund).-With the funds and the effects foreseen in the previous article †" except as provided for in the third party of the same-, the Infrastructure Fund of the System of Adolescent Criminal Responsibility (SIRPA), which will be administered by the National Development Corporation, in the exercise of the tasks assigned by the article 11 of the Law No 15,785of 4 December 1985 in the wording given by ArcuculoA 34 of the Law No. 18,602, of 21 September 2009, which will be strictly in accordance with the directives of the Delegated Commission of the SIRPA and will carry out all the contracting by means of competitive procedures that ensure the compliance with the principles of advertising and equality of bidders, and without prejudice to the provisions of the artAculoA 114 of "TOCAF 1996".

ArtAculoA 10.A (Budget and human resources).-It should also provide for the necessary funds for the creation and improvement of the five programs provided for in the article 7Aº of this law, as well as the The operation of the Delegation, its advisors and the members of the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission (Article 1Aº and 3Aº of this law), including infrastructure, remuneration, furniture, communications and cooperation.

The same will occur for the entry of professional technical staff, especially graduates in psychologist, social workers, medical and general medical staff, nurse assistants, lawyers, procurators, teachers of Physical education, educators and techniques in administration. The entry of agricultural engineers, veterinary surgeons, information specialists, tallerists and recreators may also be envisaged.

The Delegated Commission may arrange or request †" for the purposes of its own decision or at the suggestion of the Executive General Management, the transfer and relocation of officials to or from other programs and projects of the NiA Institute and Adolescent of Uruguay.

The funds provided for in this article will be charged to the National Budget, National Budget, Institute of the NiA and Adolescent of Uruguay, Public Safety Program, System of Adolescent Criminal Responsibility, with the exclusive purpose of being used for the purposes of this law.

ArtAculo 11.A (Training and training).-Exist a planned fund for a Training and Training Program for the current or future staff of the Adolescent Criminal Responsibility System, functions that will be in place. In charge of the Training and Studies Center (CENFORES) of the Institute of the Nià ± o and Adolescent of Uruguay and, in the case of the officials, technical, middle and upper managers of the Program of the Program of the Social and Educational Measures Freedom and Semifreedom; the Ministry's premises will be incorporated of the Interior which correspond, to whose effects an agreement between these and the specified CENFORES will be signed.

A A A A A A Sala de Sessions de la CA ¡ mara de Senators, in Montevideo, a 23 June 2011.

Hugo RodrAguez Filippini,


Montevideo, 1Aº of July 2011.

CA-Mplase, achosese recibo, comunAquese, publáquese e insatirtese en el Registro Nacional de Leitos y Decretos, la Ley por la que se comitó al Instituto del Nià ± o y Adolescente del Uruguay (INAU) la création, con carA ¡ cter transient, de un ólírgano The focus of the study

on the development of the system for the use of the system.



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Montevideo, Uruguay. Legislative Power.