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Plan Works Public. Approval.

Original Language Title: Plan Obras Publicas. Aprobacion.-

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Legislative Power/ Eastern Republic of Uruguay

Law No. 13,233



The Senate and the House of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, meeting in General Assembly,


Article 1 °.
Authorize the Executive Branch to execute the following Public Works Plan:

"A"-"New Works"
Works whose studies were arranged in the Public Works Plan 1961, and
others that are considered urgent.

Group "a".-Complement and continuation of works included in the Works Plan
Public 1961.

ral Designation of the Work Amount

1Route 54-Cologne. -Add-on for road section Terminal Station (Manantiales)
to Splice with Routes 106 or 12 in the vicinity of Colonia Miguelete..2.000,000.00
2 Route 4-Artigas. -continuation from completion of the plan, including Plan 1961,
to bridge in Paso del Sauce del RioArapey Chico and bridges over Pelado's Arroyos,
Cuaro Chico, Canada Zanja Negra and Arroyo Cuaro Grande. Extension 34kms.......15.000,000.00

3 Route 20-Black River. -Stretch between Arroyo TresTrees and proximities
People's Greco and bridges over Arboles Arboles, Islands, Arguello, Rolon and
Logging (route determination of the route). Extension 44kilometres tros.........15.500.000.00

4 Route 27-Rivera. -continuation of the construction of the road from point
terminal leg included Plan 1961, havichadero and Bridges included-Extension

5 Route 31-Jump. -continuation of the construction of the road from point
terminal part included in Plan 1961, towards Häedo's blade. Extension 16kilometres .....4.5000.000.00

6 Route 7-Florida-Lavalleja-Thirty-three. -Termination tramoArrayan-Batlle
and Ordonez and continued towards Valentines and Cerro Chato. Extension 30 kms........................10.000,000.00
7 Route 109-Maldonado. -From completed stretch included Plan1961, to bridge
built on Arroyo of Las Rochas in the entrance to the city of Rocha-Extension

8Route 43-Tacuarembo. -From completion of tranche included in Plan 1961, to splicing
with road built, close to San Gregorio. Extension 20 kms .........
9 Route 7-Long Hill. -Stretch fraile Dead, Tupambae, undetermined stretch
including Plan 1961, up to Tupambae.Extension
20 kms ............................ 5.500.000.00
10 Route 108-Lavalleja. -From
end-to-end included in
Plan 1961, up to Polanco and puen-
te on Arroyo Polanco. Exten-
sion 35 kms ........................ 12.000,000.00

totals: 254 kms ................... 89,000,000.00

Group "b"-New Works

ral Designation of the Work Amount

11Route 3-Jump. -Bridge over the Arroyo San Antonio and accesses.
Extension 2 kms. 700 mts .......... 2.500.000.00
12Route-Soriano. -Termination road Palmites-La Tabla-Splice Route 14 with
bridges in Coquimbo and Bequelo in
Step Zapata. Extension 14 kms. 6.000,000.00
13Route 106-Cologne. -Road termination between Routes 22 and
12Tramo Cerro de las Armas-
Colonia Miguelete. Extension 14
kilometers ..................... 3.500.000.00
14Route-Cologne. -Partial section between New Helvecia and Jackson with enlargement
from the Bridge over
Arroyo Rosario. Extension 30 kms 10.000,000.00

Number Designation of the Work Amount

15Route 10-Rocha. -Termination of the road La Paloma-Aguas Dulces-Tramo Pedrer-Várias.
Extension 9 kms....2.000,000.00
16Route 4-Paysandu. -Prolongation from completion of the current road next
to Puente on Rio Queguay in Paso Andrés Pérez, north and bridge over the
Rio Queguay Chico in Paso de Las Piedras. Part-section. Extension 15 kms......................................7.000,000.00
17Route 11-San Jose. -Bridge over the Arroyo Pavon and accesses. Extension 1 km. .........................1.500.000.00
18Route 45-San Jose. -Prolongation from current road completion, in close proximity
of the bridge over Arroyo Carreta Burquada in Paso de Cames, North to splice
with Route 12. Extension 12 kms.....................3.500.000.00
19Route-Flowers. -Carretera Trinidad-Cardona. From point terminal road
current towards Cardona with bridges over Arroyos Sauce, Old Guard and the
Cerras de Ojosmin. Partial tranche.
Extension 15 kms....................6.000,000.00
20Route 12-Florida. -Stretch Florida-San Ramon with bridges over Santa Arroyos
Ana, Arias, Arias (bis) and Chamizo. Extension 25 kms..............................12.000,000.00
21Route 19-Durazno. -Stretch of Herrera, next to the Railway until Junction
with Route 6. Extension 20 kms..............................5.000,000.00

22Route 11-Canelons. -Bridge over Arroyo Canelon Grande in Paso Melgarejo and
Access. Extension 2 kms.500mts....................4.500.000.00
23Route 98-Thirty-Three. -Ca-
rretera Thirty y Tres-Isla Patrola-Tupambae. Leg initialfrom Thirty
and Three with Bridge over Arroyo Sauce. Extension 22 kms.............................6.000,000.00
24 Route 18-Long Hill. -Carré-
tera Thirty y Tres-Rio Branco,
partial stretch from Rio Branco
toward the River Dragon Step
Tacuari, including bridges. Ex-
tension 20 kms..................8.000,000.00
25 Route-Canelones-Carretera Inter-
balneary; continuous variant-
Italy Avenue. From
Roosevelt Park to
Pando. Extension 15 kms............7.000,000.00
26 Ramal Route 26-Long Hill. -
Ramon Trigo Highway-Fraile
Bitlet-puente Insulergible and Ac-
cesses in the Canada of the Difun-
cough. Okm.500 mts extension.

Total: 217 kms. 700 mts. 85,000,000.00

Summary of Section "A"

Group "to" 254 kms .............. 89,000,000.00
Group "b" 217 kms .............. 85.000,000.00

totals: 471 kms ............... 174.000,000.00

PARAGRAPH "B"-" Modification
and transformation of works "

Ensanche and base surcharge and
bituminous treatment

27 Route 1-San Jose. -Stretch between kms. 92 and 107. Sanche and preparation of the
base and asphalt folder build. Extension 15 kms.........................9.500.000.00

28Ruta 9-Rocha--Stretch Rocha Castles. From the km. 210 to 270. Ensanche, surcharge
and bi-
tuminous. Extension 60 kms ........ 13,000,000.00

29Route 21-Cologne. -Colonia-Carmelo Section. From the km. 178 to 253 Ensanche, rectifications
in the layout, surcharge and bituminous treatment. Extension 75 kms ....... 19.000,000.00

30Routes. -Small sections in National Routes, close to populations of the
Extension 15 kms .................. 3.500.000.00

totals: 165 kms ............... 45,000,000.00

PARAGRAPH "C"-"Ordinary Conservation"

Conservation of the national road network during the year 1963.

319.230 kms. of roads and puen-
tes ........................... 76,000,000.00

PARAGRAPH "D"-Maintenance and acquisition of equipment "

32Acquisition of machinery parts, accessories, and expenses inherent in the
repairs and acquisition of some new units ....................... 4.500.000.00

PARAGRAPH "E"-"Expropriations"

33 For payment of processing and other new expropriations, originated by execution
of the works nue-
vas and expenses that originate from
processing the same ......... 4.000,000.00

PARAGRAPH "G"-" Studies
and works address "

34 Study expenses, address, with-
tralor and surveillance of obs..........6.000,000.00

Chapter I


"A"-"New Works" ............... 174.000,000.00
Section "B"-" Modification and trans-
building of works " ....................... 45,000,000.00
C "Section"-" Ordi Conservation-
naria " .................................... 76.000,000.00
D "D"-" Maintenance and ad-
Equipment quisition " .................. 4.500.000.00
"E"-"Expropriations " .............. 4.000,000.00
"G"-" Studies and Address
of works " ................................. 6.000,000.00




PARAGRAPH "A"-"New Works"

35Artigas-Bella Union. -irrigation system in Colonia España (2,000 has.). For
execution of channels, aqueducts, roads, pumping equipment and complementary works
............................................. 3.800.000.00
36Mercedes. -Berth for em-
minor barges in 80 meters
linear and complementary works............400.000.00
37Cologne-Carmelo. -- Dragado de darsena for yachts on margenleft Arroyo de
the Vacas (to be run by Administration) .................................. 250,000.00
38Cologne-Carmelo. -For execution of 100 mts. from berths in the darsena
for yachts, cleaning of the square and the supply of sanders......750.000.00
39Montevideo-Santiago Vázquez-Complement of works initiated in Plan 1961.
For riparian defense on Pista A ° Melilla (450 meters), ribera walls in
darsena (400 mts.) berths and harbours...
40Canelones-San Jose-Rio Santa Lucia. -Execution of say (600 meters) and spikes
(100 mts.) for the regularization of the riverbed in the City Area Saint Lucia ................. 1.500.000.00
41Canelones-Arroyo Solis Chico. complement of works initiated in Plan 1961.
For, protection works on the right margin (80 meters of ribera wall and 150
meters of say in sand) ................................. 500,000.00
42Maldonado-Piriapolis--Construction of port for smaller vessels
with a scale of 40 mts. lineals...200,000.00
43Maldonado-Punta del Este. Extension of the concrete spring by 30 mts. linear,
reinforcement of existing dock and improvements in installations.........................1,000,000.00
44Rocha-La Paloma. -For the extension of works and improvements in the Port (channel in
the isthmus and construction of docking walls for smaller vessels in 250 meters
linear) ..................................
45 Cerro Largo-Rio Branco--
Plug-in of defenses in the right-hand margin of the Yaguaron.250
mts. Stone eavesdrop linear ..............
46Systematization of irrigation works. -For water delivery, channelings,
pumping, repressing and atage equipment in the San Carlos Agrarian Schools,
San Ramon, Rosario, Tacuarembo, Melo, Fra Bentos, Libertad, Sarandi Grande, Rocha,
Artigas and Trinidad and Colonies (state owned) ..................................... 2.000,000.00


PARAGRAPH "B"-"Changes and transformations of works"

47Cologne-Juan Lacaze. -Supplement to the departure of Plan 1961, for the following
works in the Barrio "Isla Mala": execution of the "Conde de Containment" in 100 mts. linear,
darsena for boats (1.5 Has.) and 100 mts. Linear spigons of coat
..................................... 600.000.00
48Montevideo-Port of the Diving. Complement to the departure of the 1961 Plan. For
execution of 320 linear meters of attack gateways and complementary works.......700.000.00
49Maldonado-Piriapolis. -Execution of the attack dock pavement in 1,500
mts. squares, repair of tosca pavement, reinforcement of the framing and lighting
of the dock and esplanade ........................................600.000.00


PARAGRAPH "C"-"Ordinary Conservation"

50Conservation of navigable waterways and port access channels. For acquisition
of fuels, miscellaneous materials and other expenses inherent in maintenance of
dredging services in rivers and waterways and in ports in charge
from the Ministry of Works Publics................2.000,000.00
51Conservation of hydraulic use works. -For afforestation, wire rod,
cleaning of funds, maintenance of gates and complementary works in reservoirs
of Canelon Grande, Mataeye Experimental System of Solis, Pando and Laguna del Sauce.............................500.000.00
52Conservation of port works. -For conservation of bitas and defenses, reinforcements
of enrocements and general maintenance of port facilities in charge
from the Ministry of Public Works and for, care for emergency repairs...1,000,000.00
53Maintenance of rafts and inland navigation services. Acquisition of
fuels, materials and labor procurement to address such services,
maintenance and retention of berates...........................800,000.00


PARAGRAPH "D"-" Ordinary and extraordinary repairs of equipment in service
and acquiring new "

54 Acquisition of spare parts of machinery, accessories and waste inherent in repairs
and acquiring some new
.............................................. 3.000,000.00
PARAGRAPH "G"-"Studies"

55For works expenses to be included in upcoming plans and for expenses
address, comptroller, and surveillance of works included in the presentation ...........3.000,000.00

PARAGRAPH "H"-"Expected"

56To address possible unexpected expenses, difference of jornals and/or differences
in materialprices ..................................3.500.000.00


"A"-"New Works" ................. 14.500.000.00

Section "B"-"Works Modifications and Transforms"
............................................... 1,900.000.00
C Section-"Ordinary Conservation" ........ 4.300.000.00

"D"-" Maintenance Expenses-
myentity acquisition of equipment " ...... 3.000,000.00
"G" Section-"Studies " ..................... 3.000,000.00
"H"-"XX_ENCODE_CASE_One unforeseen " .................. 3.500.000.00




PARAGRAPH "A"-"New Works"

ral Designation of the Work Amount

Group "a"-Complement for completion of works authorized by the Works Plans
Public and other laws.

57For completion of Architecture works, included in previous laws ...............................4.000,000.00
58Cerro Largo Public Health Departmental Center, termination.....................................800.000.00
59Colonia Educativa del Trabajo de Libertad (Department of San José) .................................... 2.000,000.00
60Hospital de Niños, Montevideo 3.a etapa....................................2.000,000.00
61Hospital Musto, Montevideo, continuation of works..6.000,000.00
62Chief of Police, Jail and Salto Fire Headquarters, termination of the
63Cologne Saint Bois, Montevideo ............. 1,000,000.00
64Supreme Court of Justice, 2.a Etapa........4.000,000.00
65Institutes Normal, Montevideo, 2.a Etapa.......................................2.000,000.00
66Head of Police and Rocha Jail, termination...700,000.00
67Liceo of Jump, termination.................2.000,000.00
68Liceo of Toros Pass, termination.....200.000.00
69To terminate the following buildings included in previous Plans
Public Works: Industrial Schools, Montevideo, Rocha, Salto, Artigas,
Canelones, Las Piedras, (Canelones) Thirty, and Three, Trinidad (Flores), Step of the
Toros, (Tacurembo), and Industrial de Le-
cheria de Colonia Suiza (Colonia) .... 2.000,000.00

70Schools Nros. 101 and 102 of ca-
nelons, termination .......... 800.000.00
71Leprosary, Montevideo, Ends-
tion ............................ 500,000.00
72Policlinica de Vichadero, Rivera,
termination .................... 150,000.00
73 San Carlos Hospital ...... 500,000.00
74Plant SODRE Radio in Santiago Vázquez and Television Plant in Montevideo,
tion ........................... 1,000,000.00
75Polyclinic of Toros Pass,
termination ................... 700.000.00
76Faculty of Engineering, Ends-
tion ..................................... 500,000.00
77 Rivera Hospital, termination .... 400.000.00

Total .................................... 32.550.000.00

Group "b"-Urgent Works

78Liceo N ° 7 Joaquin Suarez, Mon-
tname .................................. 3.800.000.00
79 Liceo N ° 8, Montevideo .................. 3.800.000.00
80 Maldonado Lyceum, extension 2.000,000.00
81 Durazno Lyceum, Extension .. 1,000,000.00
82 School No. 148, Montevideo ......
83 School No. 4, Paysandu .................. 1,000,000.00

84School, Commissioner, and 1st Stage of
Policlinica, Termas del Arapey .... 300.000.00
85Schools Nros. 28 and 80, Montevi-
deo ...........................
86 School No. 4, Rocha ........... 1,000,000.00
87Schools Nros. 33, 66 and 84, Mon-
tfeu ....................... 1.600.000.00
88School of Electrotechnics and Mecca-
nica, Montevideo, 1st Stage ... 3.500.000.00
89Escuela Industrial de Colón ..... 1.500.000.00
90Pando Industrial School 1,500,000.00
91Cardona Industrial School 1,500,000.00
92Colonia Industrial School 1.500.000.00
93 Agricultural Industrial School, San Jose ......
94 Vilarmust Hospital, repairs ........... 1,000,000.00
95 Pineyro Asylum of the Field .................... 700.000.00
96 San Jose Hospital and Dependence
Sisters of Charity ....................... 800,000.00
97 Source Step Polyclinic, Rivera ... 250,000.00
Public Health Department Center
Black River, enlargement ..................... 800,000.00
99 Algorta Polyclinic ..................... 300,000.00
100 Commissioner 3ra. of Cerro Largo .............. 200,000.00
101 Commissioner 11 de Rivera, Paso del Hospital .. 200.000.00
102 Commissioner 4ta. de San José (Mal Abrigo) ... 200,000.00
103Commissioner 3rd. from Canelons .......... 200.000.00
104Commissioner 6ta. from Rocha ................... 200,000.00

105Commissioner Tacuarembo .......... 200.000.00
106Commissioner 4ta. Rio Negro .......... 200.000.00

107 International Work by Rivera,
(studies, etc) ............................ 1,000,000.00

108For the
Research Center
Veterinary " Doctor Michael C.
Rubino " ................................... 6.300.000.00

109Biblioteca Nacional, works com-....
plementary .............................. 500,000.00

110Works at Fire Headquarters,
Montevideo ................................ 500,000.00


Group "c"-Works to Run
by Administration

111Repair Historical Buildings and
Museums ................................ 500,000.00

112Repair Public Buildings ..... 1,000,000.00

113Schools Nros. 55 and 123, Monte-
video, termination .................... 800.000.00

114Repair Mail Buildings
CentraL, Montevideo .................... 100,000.00

115Colonia de Minores de Suárez,
Canelons ............................. 300,000.00
116 Rural Artigas Home ................ 50,000.00
117 Children's Asylum from Salto ............... 80.000.00
118 Children's Home of Paysandu .......... 140,000.00
119 Young Departmental Home, Black River ... 70.000.00
120Hospital Varones Rural Hospital, Rocha .......... 70.000.00
121 Thirty-Three Rural Home,
122 Rural Home of Cerro Largo ................ 70.000.00
123 Rural Women's Home of Rivera ........... 140,000.00
124 Home of Minors of Durazno .............. 70.000.00
125 Rural Home of Flowers .................... 80.000.00
126 Casa Cuna de San José, enlargement. 300,000.00
127 Miguelete Stop Setting,
Montevideo ............................... 300,000.00
Public Health Auxiliary Center
Carmel-Maternity Service ......... 300,000.00
129 Faculty of Law, Montevideo .......... 300.000.00
130 Rivera's Jail, reparations-
termination .............................. 400.000.00
131 Maldonado Jail-termination ........ 200.000.00
132 School of Dentistry .................. 300.000.00
133 Artigas Hospital, repairs ........ 500.000.00
PARAGRAPH "F"-"Contributions"
134 Paysandu Hospital ...................... 500,000.00

PARAGRAPH "G"-"Studies"
135Study expenses, address, comptroller,
worker surveillance ......................2.500.000.00

PARAGRAPH "H"-"Expected"

136To address unforeseen expenses, interest payments, increased calls for tenders
or works by administration and/or material or wage price differences
of works included
in Public Works plans ............ 4.000,000.00



Section "A"-Group "to" ....................... 32.550.000.00
Group "b" .......................
Section "F"-"Contributions" ................
Section "G"-"Studies" ....................... 2.500.000.00
"H"-"Unforeseen" ................... 4.000,000.00

Total: 86.970.000.00



ral Designation of the Work Amount

Enhancement and Plug-in
existing National Parks .... 1,000,000.00



138 To finance works and studies,
not included in this law,
for which other
s are available
contributions ............................ 4.000,000.00
139 For Salto Airport and Other Aero-
Home Ports ..................... 2.000,000.00

Total: .............. 6.000,000.00



140 Conventions to perform works with contribution
Municipal and/or Neighbor ....................500.000.00


Chapter I-Viality............................309.500.000.00
Chapter II-Hydrography .........................
Chapter III-Architecture ...................... 86.970.000.00
Chapter IV-National Parks ................. 1,000,000.00
Chapter V-Special Contributions ............ 6.000,000.00
Chapter VI-Conventions ........................... 9.500.000.00

Total: 443.170.000.00

Article 2 °.
The amount of this Plan will be handled by the Public Works Treasury resources.

Article 3 °.
The preservation of the national road network will be performed by administration. However, the Executive Branch may be able to do so by public tender.

Article 4 °.
The Ministry of Public Works shall be empowered to hire the personnel who shall be responsible for the management, comptroller and supervision of the works covered by this law. This authorization will reach the recruitment of personnel to affect the study of the works to be included in the next Plan. The services of the staff concerned shall cease once the execution or study of the works for which it was contracted has been completed. The Ministry also authorised the Ministry to pay extra hours to the officials of the Ministry, where the circumstances required their use outside the usual working hours. The amounts to be earned for this purpose shall be borne by the items assigned by the "G" items of Chapters I, II and III of this Plan.

Article 5 °.
Commune, etc.

Chamber of Sessions of the Chamber of Senators, in Montevideo, on January 16, 1964.

Jose Pastor Salvanach,


Montevideo, January 16, 1964

Comply, acknowledge receipt, communicate, post and insert into the National Register of Laws and Decrees.

By the Council:

Luis M. de Posadas Montero,

línea del pie de página
Montevideo, April 1998. Legislative Power.