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Circular 03/2016/tt-Btttt: Citizen Marketing Regulations, Handling And Resolving Complaints, Denunciation, Petitions, The Reflection Of The Ministry Of Information And Communication

Original Language Title: Thông tư 03/2016/TT-BTTTT: Quy định về tiếp công dân, xử lý và giải quyết đơn khiếu nại, đơn tố cáo, đơn kiến nghị, phản ánh của Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông

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Number: 03 /2016/TT-BTTTT
Hanoi, February 1, 2016


Regulation of citizenship, processing and settlement of the complaint,

charge, petition, reflection of B There. I the hip and the I The media.


The Law Base filed in 2011;

The T-Law Base. Stain. In 2011,

2013 People's Public Law Base;

Office Base, ch. Stain. Engage Yeah. In 2005, the Law amended, added a s. Stain. The rules of the law, ch. Stain. Corruption in 2007; Law amended, adds a s. Stain. The rules of the law, ch. Stain. Corruption in 2012;

Base of Protocol 75 /2012/NĐ-CP October 03, 2012 Government rules out a single Stain. What? of the Law of Complaint;

Base of Protocol 76 /2012/NĐ-CP October 03, 2012 Government rules out a single Stain. Go. Okay. The U of Law. Stain. c Ah! o;

Base of Protocol 64 /2014/ND-CP June 26, 2014 Government rules Loser. Ah i One. Stain. Go. Okay. The U of Law. Loser. Citizens;

Base of Protocol 59 /2013/NĐ-CP June 17, 2013 rules What? t a Stain. Go. Okay. The Law of the Law, Stain. Corruption;

Base of Protocol 132 /2013/NĐ-CP 16th Month 10 the year 2013 Government rules for function, mission, rule. Okay. The limit and structure of the Ministry of Information and Communications;

Follow. Okay. Ch Ah! Inspector,

Minister of Information and Access Okay. n the press release regulations on citizen reception, processing and settlement of the complaint, the single t ... Stain. foxes, petitions, reflection of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Chapter I


What? 1. Ph Yes. Micro-tuning

1. This information regulates the citizens, handling and addressing the complaint, the plaintiffs, the petition, the reflection of the Ministry of Information and Communications including: citizen reception; reception, processing, and settlement of the complaint, the application, the petition, reflect; managing the work of complaints, denouncing, and the report mode.

2. The reception, the reflection process, the individual ' s petition, the organization on the administrative regulation is made as stipulated at the Digital Protocol. 20 /2008/NĐ-CP February 14, 2008 Government of the Government on the receiving, reflection of the reflection, the petition of the individual, the organization of administrative regulation, Digital Protocol 48 /2013/NĐ-CP On May 14, 2013 on the amendment, the addition of a number of provisions of the Decree concerning administrative procedure control and Decision No. 1175 /QĐ-BTTTT on 29 July 2011 of the Minister of Information and Communications on the promulgation of the process of reception, processing reflection, personal petition, organization on the administrative regulation of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

3. The reception, handling and settlement of the complaint, the complaint, the petition, the reflection of the Ministry of Information and Communications to the agency, the organization, the foreign individual in Vietnam is applicable to this Smart, except for the case of international treaties that the Community has. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is another regulated member.

What? 2. Subject applies

It applies to cadres, civil officials, officials and agencies, units of the Ministry of Information and Communications; organizations, individuals involved.

Chapter II


What? 3. Public Marketing Responsibility

1. The agencies, the unit with responsibility for organizing the citizens, include:

a) Ministry of Information and Communications;

b) Department of Information and Communications;

c) Center of the Regional Electric Radio Frequency;

d) The established public career unit of the Ministry of Information and Communication was related to the settlement of the regime, policy, rights of citizens, organization.

2. Responsible for the citizens of the head of the agencies, the unit with the responsibility to take over the population currently prescribed at Article 18 of the Citizenship Law and Article 4 of the Digital Protocol 64 /2014/ND-CP June 26, 2014 of the Government rules the implementation of some of the provisions of the Public Takeover Law.

3. The responsibility of the public receper currently stipulated at Article 8 of the Civil Takeover Law.

What? 4. Time, People ' s reception

1. The reception of civilians is carried out in the public room during administrative hours, except for the case of a decision-by-authority.

2. The agencies, the unit stipulated at the point a, point b 1 Article 3 of this Notice must the public room layout. The citizen relay room is currently prescribed at Article 19 of the People ' s Takeover Law and Article 5 of the Digital Protocol 64 /2014/ND-CP June 26, 2014 of the Government rules the implementation of some of the provisions of the Public Takeover Law.

3. Rules of regulation at point c, point 1 Article 3 of this Privacy must have a public place, to be given a private room or a citizen's desk at a convenient location for the organization to take over citizens to the complaint, denounce, petition, reflection.

4. Civil Administration must have a sign for "People's Public Household", which is listed as a "People's Cabinet" under the Appendix 1.

What? 5. The organization of regular citizens of the Ministry

1. The Department inspector has a responsibility:

a) Help the Minister to organize regular citizens at the site of the public reception of the Ministry; presiding over the organization, in coordination with the units of the Ministry in the reception of the people to the presentation of the complaint, denouncing, petit, reflecting on the rule of law;

b) Public service, the officer with sufficient capacity to do permanent work in the working days at the citizens of the Ministry;

c) Ask for the chief of the units to be involved in the public office, the officer to join the citizens in the civil defense supply room when necessary;

d) The guide, responding to the complaint, denounce, the petition, the reflection of the citizens.

2. The Office Office is responsible:

a) The public room layout, equipment required to serve citizens at the headquarters of the Headquarters (18 Nguyen Du, Hanoi); guided, welcoming citizens by regulation;

b) inform the Inspector of the Department of Public Affairs, the official to the public when a citizen comes to the complaint, denouncing, petition, reflection;

c) The case of citizens arriving at the request to the Leader of the Ministry, then the schedule for the leadership of the Ministry of Public Affairs; informed the relevant units and the Inspector General of the Department of Public Affairs, the official joining the citizens with the Leader of the Ministry;

d) Coordinate with the public office in keeping security, order of the citizens of the Ministry.

3. The agencies, units of the Ministry of Information and Public Communication, the officer joined the citizen when it is concerned with the responsibility of the staff and has the request of the Inspector of the Ministry.

4. The Department of Public Affairs, Public Service units of the Ministry of Information and Communications assigned to the department with an inspection function (in case of an inspection function), the staff of the staff of the organization of the organization or office on the task of taking over the citizens.

What? 6. Civil Affairs Minister

1. Minister directly to the citizens pursues to a 1 day/month at the Ministry of Public Affairs of the Ministry.

2. In addition to monthly or monthly permanent citizens, the Minister directly or according to the First Division of Public Discrimination in the cases is regulated at Section 3 Article 18 of the Public Takeover Law.

3. In taking over the citizens of the minister:

a) The Office of the Ministry is responsible for the appointment of the citizens of the Minister (or the Deputy Minister authorized by the Minister) 01 days/months and other cases of other breakthroughs by the rule of law; notice and update the Minister ' s citizenship calendar on the system. the Department of the Department's work schedule, public listing of citizens in the public room of the ministry; presiding, in coordination with the Information Center for Information Communication of the Minister ' s Public Calendar on the Ministry of Electronic Information of the Ministry; ensure order security at the site. And the people,

b) The ministry is responsible for presiding, coordinating with units of the Planning Standards, records, documents serving the citizen's reception, reports the Minister for review, directing;

c) The units of the Ministry are addressing the case of the Minister expected to take charge of the civil rights group responsible for the preparation of content, records, documents serving the citizen ' s reception; in coordination with the Ombudman, the Office of the Ministry of Planning is planning to go to the reception. the people of the minister;

d) When the Minister took over the people, the head of the Inspector of the Department, head of the Office of the Department, the unit leadership of the Department of Public Affairs was involved in the content of the complaint, denouncing, the petition, the reflection of the citizens, representing other units involved in it. The Minister's request was in charge of the project.

What? 7. People ' s Minister of Civil Affairs

1. The chief of the agencies, the unit stipulated at point b, point c and point d 1 Article 3 This is responsible for the monthly population of at least 1 day/month at the destination of the citizens of the unit.

2. In addition to the recurring population, the Prime Minister of Units is set up at point b, point c and point 1 Article 3 This is responsible for the marketing of the mutants in the prescribed cases at Clause 3 Article 18 of the Civil Contact Law. or at the direction of the Minister.

What? 8. Civil recepts

1. Identilocate the person of the complaint, the legitimacy of the representative; identify the accuser 's identity, perform secret safeguards and protect the whistled person, the accuser' s relatives; identify the person of the person to the petition, reflection.

2. Continue the complaint of administrative decision, administrative conduct and decision-discipline decisions, civil officials, officials, workers of organizations, who have a direct influence on the rights of the complacers.

3. Continue to report violations of the violations of organizations, individuals in the enforcement of the mission, the service; the acts of violation of the law on state management in the fields.

4. Take on the comments that contribute in management, build policy regimes in the management area of the unit.

5. Continue the petition, which reflects in relation to the management sector of the agency, the unit.

6. Continue the information, document in the process of solving the complaint, the resolution of the denounce, the petition, reflection.

7. Explain, instruct citizens to exercise the right to complain, denounce, petition, reflect on the correct rules of the law on the complaint, denounce, the petition, reflection.

8. Propaganda, popular for citizens who know about regulation regarding the management sector of the agency, the unit when citizens demand.

What? 9. People ' s Marketing Process

Follow the regulations at the Digital Information 06 /2014/TT-TTCP October 31, 2014 by the Government Inspector of the Government Process Regulation.

What? 10.

1. The citizen ' s reception must be fully recorded every turn of citizens to the complaint, denouncing, petit, reflection. Specifically on the content: day, month, year of complaint, denouncing, petition, reflection; surname and name, address of each citizen, the number of persons to complaint, denounce, petition, reflection; the signatures of each citizen to the complaint, denounce, petition, reflection; file of complaint, denouncing, petit, reflection; they and the names of public and content-based cadres.

2. Manage and follow the citizen notebook:

a) Inspector of the Ministry of Management and tracking of the Department of the Department of the Ministry;

b) The chief of the agencies, the unit stipulated at point b, point c and point 1 Article 3 This is assigned to the department assigned to the task of taking over the citizens of the administration, keeping track of the citizens of their units.

3. The civic reception pattern is carried out by regulation at Digital. 06 /2014/TT-TTCP October 31, 2014 by the Government Inspector of the Government Process Regulation.

Chapter III


What? 11. Continue the complaint, denounce, petition, reflection

1. The agency, the lead unit reception, processing the mail order:

a) For the complaint, the denouncing, the petition, the reflection is sent to the Ministry of Information and Media: the chief agency is the Inspector of the Department;

b) For the complaint, denouncing, petition, reflection is sent to the Department of the Department, the established career units of the Ministry: the unit of the clue is the unit tasked with taking over the prescribed citizenship at paragraph 4 Article 5 of this Information.

c) For the complaint, the complaint, the petition, the reflection is sent to the state-owned enterprises of the Ministry: the lead unit is the unit of staff of the state business ' s single-letter settlement work.

No new single-unit reception, single-mail processing.

2. For the letter sent directly to the agency is not the body of the regulation stipulated at 1 Article: in the 2 working days, since the date of receiving the application, the reception agency must be transferred to the regulatory agency at 1 Article. unless the petition case, reflects the authority's authority to resolve the organ, the unit itself.

The agency, the application of the application, must carry out the security of the application information on the application of the application, the whistled by the law; the letter follows the letter, making the motion to be filed under the rule of law; in charge of the Minister and the law of the law. Security, time processing time here.

3. The agencies, the lead unit, take on the application of a single-letter letter according to the rule of law.

What? 12. Yes. i

The classification of the menu is currently prescribed at Article 6 of the Digital 07 /2014/TT-TTCP October 31, 2014 by the Government Ombudship on the regulation of the complaint process process, the application, the petition, reflects.

What? 13. Simple processing

The application of the complaint, the complaint, the petition petition is carried out in accordance with the regulations at Chapter III Digital. 07 /2014/TT-TTCP October 31, 2014 by the Government Ombudship on the regulation of the complaint process process, the application, the petition, reflects.

What? 14. Continue and handle the whistled information, petitions, reflection

1. The head of the agency, the unit responsible for the establishment, public number of hotline telephone number and email address on the Electronic Information Portal or the agency ' s electronic information page, unit to take on the whistled information, petitions, reflection; Civil service, civil service, and mail-to-mail service to the email to receive, process information.

2. The information reflects on the hotline telephone, the phone listener must recommend the provider of information stating them and the name, address, telephone number. The case of informers does not specify them and names, addresses, phones, recepers still receiving, recording a summary of the reflection and recording content (if any) enter the information reception and sign the confirmation of the information reception.

3. The information sent to the email box is clear to them and the name, address, with specific content, print out the paper, the agency chief, the unit for review, to address the jurisdiction.

4. Proposition information, petitions, reflection sent to the email box or reflects on the hotline with them and the name, address, clear whistled content, if the authority is under review, addressing in accordance with Law Enforcement, anti-corruption; if not part. The authority goes to the agency with authority to review, addressing the rules of the law.

5. Information received, the department is assigned to receive information as a program, full information, the agency's chief, the unit to apply for consideration, to address the rules of the law.

Chapter IV


What? 15. Authority to resolve the complaint

1. The authority to resolve the complaint of the Minister for execution by regulation at Article 23 of the complaint.

2. The authority to address the complaint of the Head of the Agency, the unit directly under the provisions stipulated at Article 22 of the complaint.

What? 16. Resolve complaint

The resolution of the complaint is made in accordance with the provisions of the Petition Law, the Digital Protocol 75 /2012/NĐ-CP October 03, 2012 of the Government on the Detailed Regulation of certain provisions of the Claims Law and Digital Digital 07 /2013/TT-TTCP October 31, 2013 by the Government Ombudman on the process of process regulation resolution of administrative complaint, Digital Information 07 /2014/TT-TTCP October 31, 2014 by the Government Ombudship on the regulation of the complaint process process, the application, the petition, reflects.

What? 17. Authority resolution of the Secretary

1. The prosecution of the violation of the law, the violation of the task, the head of the head, the deputy head of the head of the agency, the unit subordinated to the ministry and the staff, the public, the official appointed by the minister, direct management.

2. The prosecution of the violation of the law has the content related to the state management function of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

3. The report that the Chief of the Agency, the unit of the ministry has resolved but also the charges and has the basis to determine whether the settlement is not correct for the law.

What? 18. The authority to address the charge of the Head of the Agency, the unit directly

1. The prosecution of the violation of the law, the conduct of violation of the task, the head of the head, the deputy of the head of the subordinate unit directly and the public, the officer, the worker appointed by his appointment or direct manager.

2. The prosecution of the violation of the law has the content related to the state management function of the body.

3. The report that the Head of the Agency, the subordinate unit has addressed but is also charged with the charge and has the basis to determine whether the settlement is not correct for the law.

What? 19.

1. The agency, the unit of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the agency, the first unit to accept the prescribed letter at paragraph 1 Article 11 of this information.

2. The agency, the Joint Chiefs of Staff to address the presiding officer, coordinate with the agency, the relevant unit that conducts verification, the conclusion, the resolution resolution petition.

3. The process of resolution denouncing the execution by Digital News 06 /2013/TT-TTCP September 30, 2013 by the Government Ombudman on the regulatory process regulation process.

Chapter V.



What? 20. Consure conditions for citizen reception, handling the complaint, denouncing, petit, mirrorless.

1. The head of the agency, the unit with the authority to take over the population, resolve the complaint, resolve the prosecution responsible for the task of delivering the task by writing to the first unit of the task of taking over citizens, receiving and handling the order; the writing assignment to the An official, an experienced official, a legal understanding of the citizenship, complaint, denouncing the public, receiving and handling the bill, the complaint, the complaint, the petition, the petition, reflection.

2. Inspector of the Department of Presiding, in coordination with the Office of the Ministry, the Information Centre and the agencies, the related research, construction and application of information technology into the public reception, the resolution of the complaint, the resolution, the petition, the petition, reflection.

What? 21. Policy, regime for the public receper, handling the complaint, denouncing, petit, reflecting on.

1. People next to the people, handling the complaint, denouncing, petit, reflecting on the following policy regimes:

a) The statute of valor by law;

b) Professional knowledge fostering, a civil service, handling of a complaint, denouncing, petition, reflection.

2. The head of the agency, the unit that decides to fostering expertise, is a business for the body ' s resident of the agency, the unit according to the guidelines of the Government Inspection.

3. The principle applies, the level of accretion is done according to the rule of law.

4. The funds for implementing a policy of public reception are in the operational expenses of the agencies, units; agencies, entities that implement the bill by law.

Chapter VI


What? 22. Public marketing manager, resolution of complaints, denouncing the report.

1. Chief Inspector of the Department of State for Secretary of State for Public Administration, resolution of the complaint, resolution of the complaint; direction, guidance, fostering of business on citizen reception, resolution of the complaint, resolution of the complaint to the agencies, the application. It ' s the Ministry of Information and Communications.

2. The Chief of Staff, the ministers responsible for the leadership of the leadership, the public layout, the monitoring officer, the execution of the citizens, receiving and handling the letter, addressing the petition, reflecting on the regulations at this level.

3. The chief of the agencies, the subordinate unit of the ministry is responsible for the management of the citizen ' s reception, addressing the complaint, addressing the prosecution within the management scope of the agency, the unit itself.

4. The Chief Inspector of the Department has the responsibility to help the Secretary of the inspector, examine the responsibility of the citizens, resolve the complaint, address the chief of the chancellor, the ministry of the ministry; petition the measures aimed at corrects this work within the scope. Minister's management.

5. The chief of the agencies, the unit of the ministry is responsible for examining the responsibility of the citizens, addressing the complaint, addressing the prosecution of the agencies, the subordinate unit.

What? 23. There. report

1. The agencies, the unit stipulated at point b, point c and point 1 Article 3 of this Notice are responsible for reporting to the public reception and settlement of the complaint, the quarterly denounce, the annual sent to the Ombudgate before the 10th of the last month. regulation at the Digital Information 03 /2013/TT-TTCP The June 10, 2013, of the Government Ombudman regulates the report of the report, the complaint, denouncing, and the prevention, and the prevention of corruption.

2. periodically, every year, the Inspector of the Ministry is responsible for the sum of the Minister's contract or the order of the Minister to report to the Secretary of State for the Public Administration of Public Affairs, to resolve the complaint, to resolve the following regulations.

Chapter VI


What? 24. Yung I Well, c

This investment has been in effect since March 18, 2016, replacing the Digital Digital. 03 /2010/TT-BTTTT On 14 January 2010, the Minister of Information and Communications (Ministry of Information and Communications) provided a public complaint and resolution of the complaint, denouncing the Ministry of Information and Communications.

What? 25.

1. Chief of Staff, Chief Inspector, Chief, Secretary, Chief Officer, Officer of the Agency, Unit of the Ministry is responsible for this practice.

2. The Chief of the Agency, the unit stipulated at point b, point c and point 1 Article 3 of this Information provide specific to the public ' s public reception, the settlement of the complaint, the resolution of the report at the agency, the unit itself and the organization implementing this Information.

3. Chief Inspector of the Department is responsible for organizing the deployment, guidelines, inspectors, examination of the implementation of the law on the public, addressing the complaint, the resolution of the complaint, and the regulation in this message.



Nguyen North Son

Appendix 1




1. Citizens to the complaint, denouncing an invitation to the waiting room, who will be sent to the public who will work in order of one who comes before the next invitation (except for the poor, sick).

2. While waiting, the citizen came to the complaint accusing it of keeping order and hygiene in the public.

3. Citizens are not carried on weapons, weapons, fire, explosives into public shelters to ensure public safety.

4. Citizens to the complaint, denouncing the presentation of the incident, the evidence and his resolve to resolve, do not take advantage of the right of complaint, denouncing the truth, slander to obstruct the work of the state authority; to obey his guidance. I don't know.

5. People who continue to wear cards while working.

6. The citizen of the citizen who is responsible for listening, with a clear record of complaints, charges and requests by the citizens, then recituate the complaint, denouncing the hearing, and signing the document that wrote the reflection. If the non-jurisdiction of the authority's jurisdiction is to guide the citizens to the jurisdiction of the resolution.

7. People who take on citizens have the right to deny people who are in a state of drinking, mental, overzing, unserious clothing, civil rights violations. The complaint alleges that the case was solved correctly, the law, which was examined by the state authority, controlled, informed by writing and was followed, instructed, explained, but still deliberately filed a complaint, denouncing the extension.

8. When the hours of work, citizens come to the complaint, denouncing not to stay in the agency to ensure general security order. Cases of unresolved citizens in the day will be priorititiated on the next day of work.

..., day. Month the year