Pursuant to Decree No. 189/2007/ND-CP on December 27, 2007 of the Government functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of industry and trade; Decree No. 44/2010/ND-CP dated 14 June 2011 the Government's amendments and supplements article 3 of Decree 189/2007/ND-CP;
Pursuant to the law on electricity of 3 December 2004;
Pursuant to Decree No. 105/2004/ND-CP dated 17 August 2005 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of some articles of the law on electricity;
Industry regulations on the establishment and implementation of power supply plan when the national power system lacks the power source as follows: chapter I GENERAL PROVISIONS article 1. Scope this circular stipulates: 1. Methods, sequence, procedure of allocation of electric power and power for the electricity Corporation, the provincial power company when the national power system a power shortage.
2. The content, sequence, procedure for establishing and implementing plans to provide electricity when the national power system a power shortage.
Article 2. The object that applies to this circular applies to the following subjects: 1. Vietnam electricity.
2. The Center of national power.
3. General power company.
4. provincial power company.
5. distribution and retail units.
6. Customers who use electricity.
7. Organizations and individuals concerned.
Article 3. Explanation of terms In this circular, the terms below are interpreted as follows: 1. the maximum capacity of the watershed is the maximum capacity of power company, the provincial power company received from national power system and import in the counting location boundaries.
2. the available capacity of the system is the total available capacity of the entire generator in electric power systems convert about extreme head transmitters and electric power imports in the counting position the boundaries in a defined period of time.
3. Capacity allocation for the electricity Corporation, the provincial power company is the maximum capacity that the electricity Corporation, the provincial power company is allowed to use while national power systems lack the capacity.
4. provincial power company is the provincial power company, the central cities.
5. evaluation of system security is evaluating the stability and safe supply of electricity based on the balance between capacity, available power of the system and load the expected power of the system taking into account the binding in the system and require prevention within a defined period of time.
6. evaluation of system security is the short term power system security assessment be done daily for each of the next 14 days since the time of the evaluation.
7. Reviews medium-term system security including security assessment in power system was implemented for the 52 weeks of the next year and electric system security evaluation downloads are done weekly for 8 the next week since the time of the evaluation.
8. the available power of the system's total power output may be of the whole of the generator in the power systems convert about the polar heads and generators of electricity imports in the counting position the border by year, month, week, day.
9. Distribution and retail electricity is electricity unit was granted a license to operate in the field of electric power distribution and retail electricity, buying wholesale electricity from the power company or the provincial power company for retail electricity customers use electricity.
10. national power systems lack of capacity is the case when the rate of prevention of the electric system in the rush hour is lower than 3% and appears at least three (3) days a week.
11. national power systems lack electric energy is electricity available cases of lower power system of electric power demand forecasting of electric power system load (including export) grow pole top conversion.
12. national power system lacks the power source is the national power system in case of lack of power or lack of power or just a lack of power, lack of medium capacity.
13. the source of power is the power that electric power Corporation, the provincial power company received from national power system at the location of the boundary count measurement.
14. Power output distribution by month, week, day for electric power Corporation, the provincial power company is the largest power output that the of power company, the provincial power company is allowed to use in the months, weeks, days when the national power system lacks the power to make the allocation of electricity.
15. Reduce electricity is stopping, reducing the level of capacity, power supply for customers using electricity when the national power system a power shortage.
16. General power company is the total power company Northern, Central or Southern.
17. W current week is Week.
18. The week W-/+ i is the week before or after the current week i week.
19. counting position the boundary position is measured counts delivery of electricity between electricity Corporation, the provincial electricity company national power systems and measuring power output count location imports of electric power Corporation, the provincial power company.
Chapter II POWER ALLOCATION METHODS, and PRINCIPLES for POWER SAVING when the NATIONAL POWER SYSTEM LACKS the POWER SOURCE article 4. Method of determining the total energy, total capacity allocated to the electricity company national power system lacks the power source 1. The distribution of electric energy, capacity for electric power Corporation and the provincial power company is only done when the national power system in power shortages and according to the following bases: a) power distribution based on the plan of the national electricity system operator in , may be browsed;
b) capacity allocation based on power system planning, countries, downloads.
2. The total output power allocation by month for the total power company is determined as follows: where:-: the total output power source to power Corporation, in m;
-The ratio between the total number of System: the power source for the allocation of power company in June with the total available power m of the system, in m. coefficient is determined based on the estimated: (i) the free user power output and power losses on the booster transformer of the power plant, in m;
(ii) the total output power of the load in place due to the power supply, in m;
(iii) loss of power on the grid, in m;
(iv) the total output power of exports through the grid of transmission system in, m (export power not because of the General electricity company).
-Power: the total availability of the system in January as planned to the national electric system operator may be browser (including the small power plants have power purchase contracts with electric power Corporation or the provincial power company).
3. Total capacity allocation according to the electricity Corporation is determined as follows: where:-maximum capacity: the total allocation for the watershed of power company of the week w;
-: coefficient of the ratio between the total maximum capacity allocated to the source of power company of the week w with a total capacity of system availability during the week w. coefficient is determined based on the estimated: (i) the total capacity of self and loss of capacity on the booster transformer of the power plant of the week w;
(ii) the total capacity of the load in place due to the power supply of the week w;
(iii) loss of capacity on the transmission grid of the week w;
(iv) the maximum export capacity through the grid of transmission system of the week w (no export capacity because of power company made).
-Capacity: availability of the system of the week w according to the plan the national electric system operator, approved week, (including the small power plants have power purchase contracts with the power company or provincial power company).
4. the Vietnam electricity Corporation is responsible for determining the coefficient of and based on the updated information to the national electric system operator to ensure maximum distribution of electric power, the capacity available for the system's total power company and Industry reports to monitor implementation.
Article 5. The method of distribution of electricity to the power company 1. Output power allocation by month for each of power company is determined based on the total output power allocated to the source of power company and proportional to the first power output needs of each source of power company under the plan of the national electricity system operator in , may be browsed, have priority consideration for power supply Of the city power company and power company in Ho Chi Minh City.
2. Power output distribution by month for each of power company is calculated as follows: where:-: power output the source of the Total allocation for power company i, in m;
-Power output: demand drained under the plan of electric power Corporation i, in m;
-Adjustable coefficient for: power company i.
-: Total power output needs the source according to the plans of the power companies, in m;
-Power output: the total allocation for the watershed of power company in January.
3. the Vietnam electricity Corporation is responsible for determining the coefficient of tuning for each of power company to ensure the allocation of most of the total power output in January, reported the method of calculation and the basis of calculation results adjusted for the total power company, and Industry reports to monitor implementation.
4. Power output distribution weekly for the general power company is determined based on the power allocation for the electricity company in the allocation, power output.
5. Power output distribution by day for the electric power company are determined for working days and Saturdays, Sundays based on output power allocation for the electricity company in the allocation of electricity week.
The case of the first power source the fact of General electricity company of the week is greater than the allocated power output, the output power exceeds the deductible on the power allocation for this power Corporation in the downloads done allot of electricity next.
Article 6. The method of allocation of power to the provincial power company 1. Output power, allocated according to each provincial power company is determined based on the source of the power output allocated for general power company in the domain, and proportional to the output power needs under the plan approved by the provincial power company that in October made allocation of output power.
2. Power output distribution by month for each of the provincial power company is calculated as follows: where:-: power output the source of distribution for power company j in month m;
-: The coefficient adjustment for power company j;
-Power output: demand drained under plans by the power company j in month m, power company j calculations (including the load cell connected to 110kV), registered with domain power Corporation. Domain Power Corporation is responsible for correctly the source of electricity needs according to the plans of the provincial power company directly to make the allocation of electricity;
-: Power loss coefficient on the distribution grid of electric power Corporation, in m i domain, from the point of delivery of electric power company of the domain i national power system to the point of delivery to the provincial power company;
-Power output: the Total allocation for the domain i in the power company, m.
3. General power company region i is responsible for determining the adjustment coefficients for each directly under the power company to ensure the allocation of electricity runs out in January, reported the method of calculation and the basis of calculation results adjusted for the provincial power company affiliated at the same time report the Vietnam electricity Corporation to steer and monitor implementation.
4. Power output distribution downloads for the provincial power company is determined based on the output power allocated to the provincial power company in the allocation of electricity, Power Corporation's domain.
5. Power output distribution by day for the provincial power company is determined to work day on Saturday, and on Sunday, based on output power allocated to the provincial power company within the plan of allocation of output power.
The case of the first power source the fact of provincial power company during the week is larger than the allocated power output, the output power exceeds the calculated power output deduction allocated to this provincial power company during the week make the next production allocation.
Article 7. Capacity allocation method for electric power Corporation 1. Capacity allocation for each of power company of the week happens power shortages are determined based on the total maximum capacity allocated to the source of power company of the week respectively and proportional to the capacity needs its source of power at the peak of the system according to the plan of power system month, week, families have priority consideration for power supply Of the city power company and power company in Ho Chi Minh City.
2. Capacity allocation according to each company's total electrical power is calculated as follows: where:-maximum capacity: the source of the total allocation for power company I of the week w at the peak of the system;
-: Watershed capacity needs according to the plans of general power company i of the week w at the peak of the system;
-Adjustable coefficient for: power company i;
-: Total capacity needs the source of the electricity Corporation of the week w at the peak of the system;
-Maximum capacity: the total allocation for the watershed of power company of the week w.
3. the Vietnam electricity Corporation is responsible for determining the coefficient of tuning for each of power company to ensure the allocation of most of the maximum capacity of the watershed of the week w, notice the methods and results of calculation of coefficient of adjustment for the power Corporation, and Industry reports to monitor implementation.
Article 8. Capacity allocation method for provincial power company 1. Capacity allocation according to each provincial power company is determined based on the maximum capacity of the watershed for the allocation of domain power company and proportional to the capacity needs of the watershed provincial power company at the peak of the system in the implementation of capacity allocation week.
2. Capacity allocation according to each provincial power company is calculated as follows: where:-: maximum capacity of distributed watershed for power company j w week in the peak hours of the system;
-: The coefficient adjustment for power company j.
-: Watershed capacity needs according to the plan of power company j in January at the peak of the system, power company j calculations (including the load cell connected to 110kV), registered with domain power Corporation. General electricity company responsible domain correctly capacity demand drained by the provincial power company belongs in the peak hours of the system to perform the allocated capacity;
-: Coefficient of loss of capacity on the grid to distribute electricity Corporation's domain i in week w, calculated from the delivery point of the electric power company of the domain i with national power system to the point of delivery to the provincial power company;
-Maximum capacity: the Total allocation for power company I of the week w in the peak hours of the system.
3. General power company region i is responsible for determining the adjustment coefficients for each directly under the power company to ensure the allocation of the maximum capacity of the week w, inform methods and results calculated coefficient of adjustment for the provincial power company affiliated at the same time report the Vietnam electricity Corporation to steer and monitor implementation.
Article 9. Implementation guidelines, reduced power 1. The case of the national power system lacks the power source, the power Corporation, the provincial power company is responsible for implementing measures to mitigate the effects of the reduced power to operate the production and people's life, specifically as follows: a) implement measures to save electricity and electrical load demand management;
b) deals with customers using electricity backup power source in place to exploit this power source in the event of lack of power;
c) deals with industrial clients – construction of the rotating power saving modes while the system lacks the power or adjust business plans to reduce electricity consumption at peak hours when the system lacks capacity; arrange production planning, construction and implementation of the reduced demand for use of mobile suit capable of supplying electricity.
2. In the case made the measures stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article that power output, power consumption of the electricity Corporation, the provincial power company still likely exceed power output, capacity is allocated then the power reduction must be done according to the following principles : a) perform power saving for customers using mobile except for customers using electricity is important provincial people's Committee approval according to regulations on the conditions, the sequence and procedures to stop, reduce the level of supply issued decision No. 39/2005/QĐ-BCN on December 23, 2005 the Minister of industry (decision No. 39/2005/QĐ-BCN);
b) power supply priority to the social-political events and other events under the direction of the provincial people's Committee;
c power saving) made under the plan are the provincial people's Committee approval to ensure fair, non-rotating, reduce electricity lasts for one area or a load cell, meet reasonable demand for electricity production and living of the people.
3. In the process of implementation, power saving, the Vietnam electricity Corporation is responsible for updating the available capacity, power and load growth the reality of the whole system to timely adjust power supply plan; directed the electricity Corporation, the provincial power company power supply plan was adjusted to ensure stable operation of the national electricity system and providing maximum power when conditions allow.
Chapter III the procedures ESTABLISHED and IMPLEMENTED the PLAN ALLOCATION of POWER and POWER SAVING when the NATIONAL POWER SYSTEM LACKS the Power of 10. Allocation of national power systems next year 1. Grounded power system plans next year, national power system case there is the risk of electricity shortages, before 15 November, Vietnam electricity held responsible for planning the allocation of national power system next year, according to the power company by the method prescribed in article 5 of this circular and the the Fox Industry direction, monitoring of implementation.
2. power output distribution plan of the national power system next year include the following: a) the expected time to apply the allocation of electricity;
b) power output needs the source of each of the power company national power systems lack electricity;
c) electric power availability of national electricity system each month during the period of national power systems lack electricity;
d) output power allocation by month for each of power company electricity shortage during the period corresponding to the available power of the system each month.
3. Before the 25th of November every year, the case of the national power system of electric power shortage next year, Vietnam electricity Corporation is responsible for approval and announced plans to allocate for each power output of power company on electronic information page of the Vietnam electricity Corporation.
Article 11. Power supply plan locally next year 1. Before 1 December each year, the base allocation of national power system next year, the Total power company Northern, Central, southern is responsible for calculating, allocating power output, according to the provincial power company directly according to the method prescribed in article 6 of this circular at the same time report the Vietnam electricity and electricity regulatory Bureau to track and monitor implementation.
2. Before December of every year, the allocation bases output power by month of the General electricity company Northern, Central, southern, the provincial power company is responsible for planning local electrical supply next year, the provincial people's Committee for approval.
3. Before December of every year, the base allocation of national power system next year, the total power company Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City electricity are responsible for planning application next year, the city's people's Committee for approval.
4. power supply plan locally next year must include the following: a) the allocated power output, power output rate, reduced by month and time, reduce your expected locally;
b) directory of important clients in an not restricted when lack of power specified in decision No. 39/2005/QĐ-BCN;
c) harmonic approach, reduced the expected power for each extra power components and large electricity customers use according to the allocated power output.
5. The Department of industry and commerce are responsible for the Chief of the provincial people's Committee approval and announced plans to provide electricity locally next year before December 15 of each year.
Article 12. Allocation of power to the national power system, to 1. The case, to the national electricity system, lack of electricity, before the 15th of the current month, based on the allocation of national power systems and power output available system was updated for the next month, the Vietnam electricity Corporation is responsible for the organization established the approval, allocation of national power system next month, according to the electric power company and published on the website of the Vietnam electricity, the electricity regulatory Bureau reports to track and monitor implementation.
The case, to the national electricity system, lack of power can cause depletion of available capacity of the hydroelectric plants led to the risk of system-wide capacity shortage, Vietnam electricity has the responsibility to determine the available capacity of the system, the total maximum capacity allocated to the source of power company, according to according to the method prescribed in Article 7 of this circular.
2. power output distribution plan of the national power system, to include the following: a) the expected implementation time allocated power output;
b) power available of the system each week in the month;
c) output power allocation for the general power company each week in the month;
d) estimate output power reduce expected of national power systems during the month;
DD) capacity allocation for the general power company each week in the month and estimate the capacity reduced in case of national power systems lack of power leads to the risk of lack of capacity of the whole system.
Article 13. Power supply plan locally, to 1. The case, to the national electricity system, lack of energy, before the current month's 17, based on the allocation of the national power system, to be browsed as defined in article 12 of this circular, the total power company Northern, Central and southern Vietnam must make allocating output power each week in coming months for the electric power supply company the subordinated by the method prescribed in article 6 of this circular, published in electronic information page of the unit, at the same time report the Vietnam electricity and electricity regulatory Bureau to track and monitor implementation.
2. Before July 19, to the case of monthly national power systems lack electricity, based on the plans of the local power supply approved year as defined in article 11 of this circular and the power output is the total power company distributed domain in the coming months, the provincial power company is responsible for planning local electrical supply in the coming months the The provincial people's Committee for approval.
3. Before July 19, the case, to the national power system, lack of electricity, based on the plans of the local power supply approved year as defined in article 11 of this circular and the allocation of national power system next month, Of the city power company and power company in Ho Chi Minh City have responsible for planning local electrical supply in the coming months the city people's Committee approval.
4. power supply plan in coming months be set up according to the principle stipulated in article 9 of this circular and should include the following: a) the list of important clients is not limited when lack of power specified in decision No. 39/2005/QD (if changed);
b) output power allocation for the extra power components and large customers use electricity distribution and the distribution and retailing of electricity;
c) method, power saving for the extra power components and the large power customers use.
5. The Department of industry and commerce are responsible for the Chief of the provincial people's Committee approval and announced plans to supply local power in the coming months before November 22 of the current month.
Article 14. Prepare and implement a plan to provide electricity locally week 1. The case of the national power system lacks the power, before 11h00 on Friday the week W, base plans to operate the national power system approved week prescribed in article 16 Circular No. 03/2009/TT-BCT on 03 March 2010, stipulates the order procedure, approval and monitoring the implementation of the plan of the national electricity system (circular No. 03/2009/TT-BCT) Domain Power Corporation, is responsible for the completion of the planned allocation of power to the provincial power company belongs in the week W + 2 and updated, adjusted the plan allocated output power W week + 1 if necessary, at the same time report the Vietnam electricity and electricity regulatory Bureau to track and monitor implementation.
2. where the national power system lacks the power, before 16 h 00 on Friday the week W, allocation bases output power of power Corporation, the provincial power company is responsible for complete power supply plan for the week W + 2 and updated, adjustable power supply plan downloads W + 1 if necessary Department of industry and trade reports, to track and monitor implementation.
3. Before 16 h 00 on Friday the week W, base plans to operate the national power system, downloads, General power company Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City electricity have a responsibility to complete power supply plan for the week W + 2 and updated, adjustable power supply plan downloads W + 1 if necessary Department of industry and trade reports, to track and monitor implementation.
4. power supply plan local week was formed according to the principles specified in article 9 of this circular and plan-based, power supply at the local people's Committee was granted the approval, are considering changes in the electrical load demand locally in the previous week.
5. power supply plan local week includes the following: a) the allocated power output for week 1 and week W + W + 2;
b) power supply plan daily on the city in the province, including:-output power allocation for the extra load component;
-Customer portfolio using large electric power saving device;
-Power output being reduced every day for extra power components, customers using the grid and distribution distribution units and electrical retailer;
-Power saving areas;
-The expected power saving time.
6. Sequences, extra electrical load reduction procedures are done in accordance with decision No. 39/2005/QĐ-BCN and circular No. 03/2009/TT-BCT.
Chapter IV the procedures ESTABLISHED and IMPLEMENTED the PLAN ALLOCATION of CAPACITY and POWER SAVING when the NATIONAL POWER SYSTEM LACKS the CAPACITY to article 15. Capacity allocation plan of the national power system 1. The case of national power systems at risk lack of capacity as a result of reviews of system security, the center of national power system responsible: a) determines the available capacity of the national power system each day during 2 next week, the daily power shortages and capacity deficiencies time period;
b) planning for capacity allocation of power company according to the method prescribed in article 7 of this circular, the Vietnam electricity approval.
2. capacity allocation for the electricity companies include the following: a) the period of the national electricity system, lack of capacity;
b) available capacity of the national power system, each day of the week;
c) capacity allocation for the general power company;
d) estimate the capacity will reduce system-wide daily.
3. Allocation of capacity for electric power Corporation was created simultaneously with planning the national power system operators as defined in article 16 week circular No. 03/2009/TT-BCT.
4. the Vietnam electricity Corporation is responsible for electricity regulatory Bureau report on the allocation of capacity for electric power Corporation, announced on the front page of the electronic information system of electric power shortage and allocation of capacity for the power company.
Article 16. Prepare and implement plans to reduce capacity at local
1. where the national power system lacks capacity, before 9 h 00 on Friday the week W, based on capacity allocation was approved by the Vietnam electricity Corporation, the General Electric company in Northern, Central and Southern are responsible for completing the implementation of the allocation of capacity for the week W + 2 and updated , adjust the level allocated + 1 W week for the provincial power company directly according to the method prescribed in article 8 of this circular, the Vietnam electricity Corporation reports to track and monitor implementation.
2. Before 16 h 00 on Friday week, W, Of power company Hanoi, general power company in Ho Chi Minh City and the provincial power company is responsible for completing the plan reduced the local capacity for week W + 2 and updated, adjusted the plan to reduce the capacity of the week W + 1 according to the principle stipulated in article 9 of this circular and the local industry and Commerce Departments report to track and monitor implementation.
3. The sequence, the procedure reduced the capacity load cell is made in accordance with decision No. 39/2005/QĐ-BCN and circular No. 03/2009/TT-BCT.
4. in case of actual operating capacity by the hour of the electricity Corporation and the provincial power company is greater than the capacity allocation according to the plan, then the center of national power and the unit cell of the domain are allowed to make extra load dismissal measures urgently to ensure the security of your system.
Article 17. Power distribution and power saving when going on the lack of local capacity 1. The case potential clogging the circuits on the transmission grid leads to lack of local capacity or does not guarantee the standard of operation of the electrical system, the center of national power system responsible: a) identify areas of lack of local capacity and areas at risk does not guarantee the standard of operation of power system about time, lack of local capacity;
b) determine the maximum capacity can give the area lack capacity and estimate the capacity shortfall;
c) capacity allocation planning in the area of local capacity for the lack of power company affected, the Vietnam electricity approval and report electricity regulatory Bureau to track, monitor implementation.
2. capacity allocation for the electricity company was established concurrently with the planning of the national electricity system operators as defined in article 16 week circular No. 03/2009/TT-BCT.
3. Before 9 h 00 on Friday week, W, the power Corporation in the area of local capacity deficiency is responsible for completing the implementation of the allocation of capacity for the week W + 2 and updated, adjusted the levels allocated capacity + 1 W week for the provincial power company directly influenced plan bases the allocation of capacity at the lack of local capacity the same time, reports the Vietnam electricity Corporation to track and monitor implementation.
4. Before 16 h 00 on Friday week, W, Of power company Hanoi, general power company in Ho Chi Minh City and the provincial power company in the area of local capacity deficiency is responsible for completing the plan reduced the local capacity for week W + 2 and updated adjust the plan to reduce the capacity of the week W + 1 according to the principle stipulated in article 9 of this circular and reports the local industrial and commercial Departments to track and monitor implementation.
5. The sequence of procedures, reduce a capacity load cell is made in accordance with decision No. 39/2005/QĐ-BCN and circular No. 03/2009/TT-BCT.
6. In the course of operating the power system, the center of national power and the unit cell of the domain are allowed to make extra load dismissal measures urgently to ensure the security of the electricity system in the following cases: a) in the case of an emergency in the event of clogging the circuits on the transmission grid leads to risk of power shortages local or does not guarantee the standard of operation of the power system;
b) actual operating capacity by the hour of the electricity Corporation and the provincial power company is greater than the capacity allocated under the plan.
Chapter V REPORT and MONITOR DISTRIBUTION and SUPPLY of ELECTRICITY when the NATIONAL POWER SYSTEM LACKS the POWER SOURCE Article 18. Report mode of provincial electricity company 1. Reports last week on 11h00 W Friday, the provincial power company is responsible for reporting Of power company domain, the provincial people's Committee, the Department of industry and trade situation of the local power supply from Friday week W-1 to W Thursday, include the following : a) power output, maximum capacity allocation and implementation of provincial power company each day of the week;
b) estimated power output, load capacity being reduced day by day of the week.
Reporting week of provincial power company made in the form of reports on the situation of power supply and reduce electricity provisions in Appendix 1 attached to this circular.
2. The report last month on 5th of every month, the provincial power company is responsible for reporting Of power company region, provincial people's Committee, the Department of Industry supply situation and reduce local power of months, include the following: a) power output, maximum capacity allocation and implementation of power company in April;
b) estimated power output, load capacity was reduced during the month;
c) perform allocation of power output capacity, reduced the power load components and large electricity customers in the province;
d) analyze, clarify the cause in the case of the implementation of the actual power supply other than the power supply plan, has been the provincial people's Committee for approval.
The report, of the provincial power company is made according to the forms, report on the situation of power supply and reduce electricity provisions in Appendix 1 attached to this circular.
Article 19. Report of the mode Of power company 1. Report a week) Of power company Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City electricity have a responsibility to report to the city people's Committee, the Department of industry and trade situation of the local power supply as specified in clause 1 Article 18 of this circular;
b) Before 14 h 00 Friday W, general power company is responsible for reporting the Vietnam electricity Corporation and the Bureau regulating electric power supply situation and reduce electricity from Friday week W-1 to W Thursday, include the following:-output power, maximum capacity allocation and implementation of electric power Corporation each day of the week;
-Output power, the capacity allocated to the provincial power company and the implementation of extra power saving of the provincial power company (for the General electricity company);
-Analyze, clarify the cause in the case of electricity, the actual capacity of the other false versus are distributed from 10% or more.
Reporting week of power Corporation is done in the form of reports on the situation of power supply and reduce electricity provisions in Appendix 2 attached to this circular.
2. The report, a) Total power company Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City electricity have a responsibility to report to the city people's Committee, the Department of industry and trade situation of the local power supply as specified in paragraph 2 to article 18 of this circular;
b) before September 7 monthly, the total power company is responsible for reporting the Vietnam electricity and electricity regulatory Bureau about the situation of power supply the previous month. Report contents include:-output power, maximum capacity allocation and implementation of electric power Corporation each week in March and April;
-Estimated power output, load capacity being reduced each week in the month;
-Output power, the capacity allocated to the provincial power company and the implementation of extra power saving of the provincial power company (for the General electricity company);
-General, estimated the total power output, capacity was reduced with extra components load in all months of the localities of power company management;
-Analyze, clarify the cause in the case of power output, the maximum capacity of the false reality different from the allocated level of 5% or more.
The report, of the total electricity company is made according to the forms, report on the situation of power supply and reduce electricity provisions in Appendix 2 attached to this circular.
Article 20. Report mode of Vietnam electricity 1. Report a week ago Friday 16 h 00 W, Vietnam electricity is responsible for electricity regulatory Bureau report on the situation of power supply and reduce national power systems power from Friday week W-1 to W Thursday, include the following: a) output power the available capacity, the system capacity and power allocation for the electricity company of the week;
b) maximum capacity, power output each day and the total output power of the system and of each of power company during the week.
Reporting week of Vietnam electricity Corporation is done in the form of reports on the situation of power supply and reduce electricity provisions in Appendix 3 attached to this circular.
2. Report the month before the 10 of every month, the Vietnam electricity Corporation is responsible for reporting Industry and electricity regulatory Bureau about the situation of power supply last month, including the following: a) power output capacity, availability of system and power output, capacity allocation for the general power company each week in the month;
b) maximum capacity, power output each week and the total output power of the system and of each of power company in April;
c) estimated power output, the maximum capacity was reduced by each of power company and of the whole system each week in the month;
d) General, estimated the total power output, the maximum capacity was reduced for the extra power components in the month of the entire system;
DD) analysis, clarify the cause in case of output power of other systems implemented with planning, and the year was between 5% and over.
The report, by the Vietnam electricity Corporation is made according to the forms, report on the situation of power supply and reduce electricity provisions in Appendix 3 attached to this circular.
Article 21. When the power supply monitoring system of electric power shortage 1. Power Corporation is responsible for: a) to supervise the implementation of maximum allowable power output and capacity allocation at the provincial power company, make sure the provincial power company made the correct power output, the allocated capacity;
b) supervise the reduced power of the provincial power company, make sure the power saving for the extra load components comply with the principles stipulated in article 9 of this circular.
2. Vietnam electricity Corporation is responsible for: a) to supervise the implementation of maximum allowable power output and capacity allocation in the total power company, make sure the total power company made the correct power output, the allocated capacity;
b) supervise the application of the electric power Corporation and the provincial power company, make sure the power saving for the extra load components comply with the principles stipulated in article 9 of this circular.
3. The Department of industry and commerce is responsible for: a) supervise the application of the local power company by output power, the allocated capacity;
b) supervise the local power supply according to the approved plan and the power saving guidelines stipulated in article 9 of this circular;
c) oversees the use of the customers use electricity that power load chart has an agreement with the provincial power company.
4. electricity regulatory Agency is responsible for monitoring the operation of the national electricity system and the region, the general monitoring of distribution and implementation capacity, power output when the national power system lacks the power source ensuring the principles specified in this circular.
Chapter VI ORGANIZATION of the IMPLEMENTATION of Article 22. Implementation 1. Electricity regulatory Bureau is responsible for popular, guide, examine the implementation of this circular.
2. During the implementation of this circular if there are problems and obstacles, the units concerned must promptly report the electricity regulatory Bureau to study, propose, the Industry revised, additional circulars for compliance.
Article 23. Effective enforcement of this circular effect since January 24, 2011.