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Decision 46/2008/qd-Ttg Dated: Approved Master Plan For Socio-Economic Development Of Lao Cai Province In 2020

Original Language Title: Quyết định 46/2008/QĐ-TTg: Phê duyệt Quy hoạch tổng thể phát triển kinh tế - xã hội tỉnh Lào Cai đến năm 2020

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The DECISION approving the planning of the overall socio-economic development of Lao Cai province in 2020 FROM the PRIME MINISTER pursuant to the law on organization of the Government of 25 December 2001;
The Commission's proposal the people of Lao Cai province in the text the number 109/TTr-April 19, 2007, no. 01/PPC-TH January 2008 and the opinion of the Ministry of planning and investment in writing the number 583/BKH-GSĐT on Jan. 23 & APPLIED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 2008, number 1820/BKH-& GSĐT approval of APPLIED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY master plan for socio-economic development of Lao Cai province in 2020 decision: article 1. Approval of the master plan for socio-economic development of Lao Cai province in 2020, with the following principal contents: i. DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE 1. Accelerating the pace of economic growth associated with the quality of growth and progress toward social justice, reducing the distance the disparity in the standard of living, poverty, difficulty between the elite and the population in the province. 2. Focus development investment priority economic sectors spearheaded economic dynamics, the region associated with the investment priorities of socio-economic development, poverty alleviation, enhanced physical, spiritual life for the people of the border region peoples, the difficulties of the province. 3. Latest developments of Lao Cai in the context of international integration, collaboration, closely associated with the cities in the country; associated with the development of the region and the northern mountains (region), with the country's renovation process to economic development are of high quality.
4. Promote the potential comparative advantage, in order to develop; saving, efficient use of the resources of the province, especially in natural resources.
5. Economic growth tied to environmental protection, ecological balance; no damage and degradation of natural landscape.
6. tight match between economic development with consolidating security defense, building a political system, a strong administrative background.
II. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 1. The general goal of striving to 2020, Lao Cai building became the development of the region and the northern mountain and is the country's fairly; Lao Cai city became the major economic center, the modern municipality, the area of international cooperation, the Economic Affairs of the region and the country with China and internationally; solve the problem of culture, society and natural environment protection; maintaining political stability, security, secure social order and national sovereignty.
2. Specific objective a) socio-economic target growth rate of GDP per capita of the period from now to 2010 reaching 13% per year; the 2011-2015 period reached 14.5% per year and the 2016-2020 period reached 12.5% per year;
-Strive for the per capita GDP reached 13 million VND/person/year in 2010, accounting for 31.8 million VND/person/year in 2015 and reached 63.1 million VND/person/year in 2020;
-Economic restructuring towards increasing the proportion of the non-agricultural sector. By 2010, the proportion of industry-construction reached 34.1%, reaching 38.0% in services and agriculture-forestry-fisheries dropped to 27.9% of GDP; by the year 2015 the corresponding structure of the sector reached 40.1% 43.6% 16.3%-and-2020 40.7%-49.6%-9.7%.
b) social goals strive to reduce the average annual birth rate of about 0.4% o to a stable population of about 703.6 thousand in 2020; the natural population growth rate CAGR of the period from now to 2010 reached 1.4% of the 2011-2020 period, 1.3%;
-Speed up the rate of the average urban population from now to 2010 stage reached 8.2% in the period 2011-2015, reaching 8.4% per year, the 2016-2020 period reached 8.0% per year; the proportion of the population of the town reached 27.5% by 2010, 2015 reached 38.9% and 53.6% achieved in 2020;
-The rate of poor households reduced to below 20% in 2010, under 5% in 2015 and 2020, basically no longer poor households;
-Creating new jobs on average annually during the period from now to the year 2010 for approximately 9.5 thousand inhabitants, the period of 2011-2020 for about 5.5 thousand inhabitants;
-Labor rates through vocational training by 2010 reached 36%, reaching over 55% in 2015, 2020 reaches over 75%;
-The rate of child malnutrition until 2010 reduced to 26%, 2015 rising to 20% by 2020, rising to 15%;
-Maintain political stability, social, border security, national sovereignty.
c) the environmental protection objectives:-basic greening the bare soil, Bare hills and mountains; raising the quality and rate of forest cover, reaching 48% in 2010, 55% in 2015 and 60% by 2020;
Good problem-solving urban environmental sanitation, economic zones, industrial zones, mining sector ..., ensure clean environment both in urban and rural areas;
-By 2010 reach 100% of the urban population and over 75% of the rural population are using clean water; 85% achieved by 2015, 2020 reach 98% of the rural population use potable water;
-By 2010 100% achieved industrial-waste water treatment system to focus, on 75% of solid waste collection, disposal, medical waste was handled essentially; reaching 90% by 2015 and 2020 reach 100% solid waste collectors, processors.
III. Objectives, DIRECTIONS Of DEVELOPMENT Of The Industry, FIELD 1. Agriculture-forestry-fisheries a) development goals:-growth industry value added agriculture-forestry-fisheries annual average period from now to 2010 reached 6.2% and the value of production increased annually reaching 6.1%; where: speed increase the added value of agricultural, forestry industry annual average reached 6.1% and 9.8% reach fishery;
-Speed boost added value industry agriculture-forestry-fisheries annual average 2011-2015 period reaches 5% and the value of production increased on average 5.1% annual; where: speed increase the added value of agricultural, forestry industry annual average reached 5.0%, fishery reached 6.2%;
-Increased speed of value added agriculture-forestry-fisheries sector CAGR of the 2016-2020 period reached 4.0% and the value of production increased on average 4.0% annual; where: speed increase the added value of agricultural, forestry industry annual average reached 4.0%, fishery reached 3.1%;
-Productivity agriculture-forestry-fisheries sector average 8 million VND/person/year in 2010, 15 million VND/person/year in 2015 and 20 million VND/person/year in 2020.
b) directions of development: promoting economic restructuring in agriculture towards producing goods; reduce the proportion of the agriculture sector, increase the proportion of the industry and services. Developing the production of focused, intensive, high intensive for the crops have high economic value, have a stable market. Modern cattle breeding development, aquaculture and moved quickly to the industrial breeding methods, the vending industry. Developing sustainable forestry, improving the quality, economic performance of the forest; of which: priority economic forest development and focus on protection, protective forest watershed development, special-purpose forests.
c) orienting land use:-agricultural land by 2010, an area of approximately 14.5% of the total, amounting to 92,231 ha natural area; by 2020, an area of about 16.2%, occupy 103,044 ha natural area;
-Forest land by 2010, an area of about 306,000 hectares, accounting for 48.1% of the total natural area; by 2020, an area of about 353,658.2 hectares, accounting for 55.6% of the natural area;
-Land by 2010, an area of about 0.9%, amounting to 5,407 ha natural area; by 2020, an area of about 1.25%, amounting to 7,951 ha natural area;
-Use Land by 2010, an area of about 8.6%, occupy 54,703 ha natural area; by 2020, an area of about 20.5% constitute ha, 130,396 natural area;
-Unused Land by 2010, an area of approximately 164,426 hectares, representing 25.85% of natural area; by 2020, an area of about 6.45%, occupy 41,027 ha natural area.
d) tasks and solutions:-the planning and land use management, logical layout of land use planning in the communes, wards and towns have key project;
-Build programs, key project to harness, utilize and promote effective potential comparative advantage in agricultural production of the province;
-Construction of system of breeder, select filter and manufacturing plants, the seed has a high productivity; conservation and development of the child-like, plant genetic resources and rare black pigs, Chicken breeds such as Muong Khuong, Golden cow Si Ma Cai Bao Yen, rice, Buffalo, rice Export Ban Hardworking Sén Sydney, Ship wheat, soybeans Muong Khuong gold etc.;
-Development investment in infrastructure development, agriculture, forestry and fisheries; of which: priority to irrigation, seed, just like you, processing, preserving post-harvest product and develop rural industries;
-Sorting, consolidation of the State management sector agriculture-forestry-fisheries;
-Conversions and new establishment of agricultural cooperatives, development economics, economics of the farm;
-Promote forestry extension activities, etc.
2. building a)-industrial development:-speed boost added value industry-average annual construction period from now to 2010 reaches over 20.7%; speed up production value of the industry reached on annual average 14.3%;
-Speed boost added value industry-average annual construction period 2011-2015 on 16.5%; speed up production value of the industry reached on annual average 13.4%;
-Speed boost added value industry-building the CAGR of the 2016-2020 period reached over 13%; speed up production value of the industry reached on annual average 10.5%;
-Industry labor productivity an average reach of 22 million VND/person/year in 2010, 30 million VND/person/year in 2015 and 45 million VND/person/year in 2020.
b) traditional approach towards development: priority to develop the mining industry, mineral processing, construction materials production, hydroelectric power, fertilizer, chemicals. Focus on developing the auxiliary industry sector associated with the zone, clusters, industrial. Formation of spots, small and medium industry clusters. Industrial development, associated with the process of urbanization. Career development, minor villages, craft industry. Effective extraction of plants also competitiveness. Prioritize technological innovation to enhance the value of the product.
c) tasks and solutions in:

-Investment in development of the textile, sewing, embroidery, traditional Brocade goods according to village in Sapa, Bac Ha, Text etc.; encourage investment in depth, changing technology and mechanization some stitches, stage of production to improve productivity, product quality; create brand for some products, such as: wine, corn (North Holland), wine San Lung (BAT xat) and textile products, garments, embroidery traditional to serve tourists and exports;
-Focus management, exploitation and deep processing of mineral types to enhance economic efficiency, ensure the supply of raw materials for the manufacturing industry locally, domestically and for export;
-Development of chemical industry, fertilizer orientations;
-Promote the development of industry: mechanical engineering, metallurgy, agricultural-forest products, building materials, electricity, water and some industries and products that contain grey.
3. a service) development goals:-speed boost added value service industry average of the period from now to 2010 reaching 13% per year; including: business services group reached 16.23% per year; career services group reached 16.5% per year and public service groups reached 7.5% per year;
-The growth of value added service sector average of the period 2011-2015 reached 18.1% per year; including: business services group reach 19.74% per year reaching career services group, 17% per year and public service groups reached 7% per year;
-The growth of value added service sector the 2016-2020 period average reached 14.8% per year; including: business services group reached 15.24%/year, career services group reached 15.2%/year and public service groups reached 6.5% per year;
-Industry labor productivity averaged 18 million VND/person/year in 2010, 25 million VND/person/year in 2015 and 40 million VND/person/year in 2020.
b) directions of development: diversify and improve the quality of the services; strong internal structure shift service industry. Priorities develop breakthrough service industries, development of foreign trade, economic exchanges, such as import and export, trade, travel, communication, finance, education, legal advice, business consulting, notary, appraisal, auction properties, Internet. The period from now to 2010, focusing on developing the types of support services, the development of service industry and society such as: transport, import and export, trade, communication and information; in the period of 2011-2020, focuses on developing the service industry, have the opportunity and competitive position on the fields of trade, economy, information and communications technology, science and technology, tourism.
c) direction development sectors mainly:-trade + development: the period from now to 2010, the total retail goods and social services than the average annual growth reached 23.5%, reaching 4,309 billion in 2010; the total import-export turnover rose 22.5% yearly average, out of which export turnover increased 24.5% annual average, reaching 299 million in 2010.
The 2011-2015 period, the total retail goods and social services than the average annual growth reached 24.2%, reaching 12,736 billion in 2015; the total import-export turnover rose 23.4% yearly average, out of which exports increased 25.1% yearly average, reached 917 million dollars in 2015.
The 2016-2020 period, the total retail goods and social services annual average growth 15.4%, reaching 26,065 billion by 2020; the total import-export turnover increased 16.2% annual average, of which exports increased 15.5% annual average, 1,884 million in 2020.
+ Directions, development tasks: planning, developing commercial services from the province to the town centre. Effective potential, foreign economic advantage. Strengthening economic cooperation with Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces of Southwest China. Improve the quality of service gate. Construction, renovate, upgrade the facilities of the international border gate of Lao Cai-Ha; build the Muong Khuong country gate-Kieu first, the potential side gate swap exchanges of goods with China as: gate bat xat, Na Mo etc. The construction of the industrial-commercial Kim Into range of Lao Cai border gate economic zone into a special economic zone. Speeding up trade promotion activities, services and investment, looking for the market to consume the product, trademark registration, trademark product.
-Travel + development: the period from now to 2010, the capacity to use the room of the hotel reached 65%; total visitors increased 9.4% annual average, reaching on 782 thousand passengers in 2010, including: domestic tourists increased annually reaching 9%, the average increase in international visitors every year reach 10%; revenue from tourism activities increased on average annually reached 26%.
The period 2011-2015, the capacity to use the room of hotels reaching 80%; total visitors increased 8.3% achieved annual average, reaching thousands of 1,163 passengers by 2015, of which: domestic customers rose 7.5% annual average, the average annual increase in international hit 9.5%; revenue from tourism activities increased on average 18.5% yearly.
The 2016-2020 period, use of the hotel rooms reached 90%; total visitors increased 5.2% annual average, reaching over 1.5 million passengers in 2020, of which: domestic customers increased 3.5% annual average, the average annual increase in international reached 7.6%; revenue from tourism activities increased on average 8.5% annual.
+ Directions of development: tourism development becomes the spearhead economic sector, with typical products: travel, climbing, culture, traditional festivals, eco. Strengthen the administration of travel. Develop strong tourism, associated with the protection, embellished the historical sites, cultural relics, natural conservation area. Improving the quality of human resources serves the tourism activity. Focus on the development, investment, tourism and points of service to serve tourists. Strengthen national and international cooperation in the field of tourism.
-Transportation, contact information, the period from now to 2010, the growth of value added annual average reached 14.1%, reaching 143 billion in 2010; the 2011-2015 period, the average annual growth reached 18.2%, reaching 330 billion in 2015; the 2016-2020 period, the average annual growth reached 15.2%, reached 669 billion in 2020.
Finance-banking-the period from now to 2010, the growth value CAGR reached 26.9%, reaching 198 billion in 2010; the 2011-2015 period, the average annual growth reached 25.8%, gaining 623 billion in 2015; the 2016-2020 period, the average annual growth reached 16.6%, reached 1,343 billion in 2020.
-Scientific-technical period from now to 2010, the growth value CAGR of 12.4%, reaching 3 billion in 2010; the 2011-2015 period, the average annual growth reached 13.2%, reaching 6 billion in 2015; the 2016-2020 period, the average annual growth reached 10.2%, reaching 10 billion by 2020.
-Improve the types of services on environmental sanitation, running water, public service.
4. The social sector a) education-training-development goal: by 2010, the national + mobilizing children 6-14 years to school reached 99.5% to 100% by 2015;
+ By 2010, 30% of kindergarten, 25% of primary schools, 20% of the base high school and 20% of secondary schools reach the national standard; to 2015, the target respectively reached 60%, 55%, 50% and 50%; to the year 2010 reaching 80%, 85%, 85% and 85%;
+ By 2010, to have enough teachers in all subjects; reached over 10% of preschool teachers, 40% of primary teachers, 20% of middle school teachers and 5% of secondary teachers on the rear; by the year 2015 and 2020, the corresponding target reached 40% and 85% of preschool teachers, 60% and 90% of the elementary teachers, 75% and 90% of middle school teacher, and 45% and 90% of secondary teachers reached on standard;
+ By 2010, the percentage of students graduating from high school in the 10th grade and the school reached over 70%; 85% achieved by 2015 and 2020 98%;
+ By 2010, over 20% of children under 3 years to kindergarten, children group; up to 30% reached by 2015 and 50% by 2020. The rate of mobilization of children age 5 to 95% reach kindergarten class in 2010; reaching 99% until 2015 and 2020 reaches 100%. Striving to 2010, the proportion of preschool children malnutrition still under 12%; under 10% by 2015 and by 2020 below 5%;
+ By 2010, the percentage of students in the school age reached 99%; percentage of students in the high school years to reach 50% and the universal standard secondary school.
-Directions of development: mobilizing all resources and promote the socialization of education aimed at ensuring enough schools, classes and teachers. Complete the program solidly turned school, classes. Developing the network of preschool institutions, community learning center covering to communes (communes, wards and towns). Consolidate the ethnic boarding schools, encourage the development of the model school in the nation. Promote vocational training; to diversify the types of training, expand the scale and form of training in professional schools in the province with consistent professions with the development needs of production. Construction of the University community in Lao Cai city b) health and community health-care development: + until 2010, the mortality rate of children under age 1 decreased 29.7% o; vaccines and vaccination rooms full disease for children under 1 years old and annually reaches 95%; reduce the proportion of children under age 5 underweight also 26%; the average patient on 2 times/person/year; There are over 70% of the processing facilities, food business hygiene standards of food safety. To 2015, the target respectively reached 27% o; 98%; 22%; 2.6 time/person/year and 90%. By 2020, the target respectively reached 25% o; 100%; 18%; 3 times/year and 95%.

+ Up to 2010, the hospital district routes reach scale on 80 beds; 60% of the clinics and health stations, Township area was under complete construction investments both in terms of physical facilities, equipment and medical personnel; 60% of the national health standard. By 2015, 100% of the national health standard.
-Directions of development: enhancing investment in the construction and upgrading of the treatment facility, the system of preventive medicine; complete basic systems of examination and treatment schedules planning departments. Promoting socialized health care woes. Raise the professional level, management and medical ethics for the medical staff.
c) culture, information and sports, fitness-development: + until 2010, striving for 80% of families family cultural standards, which in the municipality reaches 85%, reaching 75% of the lower region of the country and the high reaches 65%. By 2020, this proportion reaches 90%, of which: located in the municipality reached 95%, reaching 85% of the lower region of the country and the high reached 75%.
+ Until 2010, striving for 40% of villages, a culture; reach 75% of city culture. By 2020, this proportion reaches 55% of villages, a culture, reaching 85% of the city culture.
+ Up to 2010, striving for 35% of the hamlet, a village culture House was built, in which the border region, the difficulty of reaching 20%. By 2020 the rate on reaching 65%, in that border region, difficulty reaching 35%.
+ By 2010, reaching 95% of the Land Fund is to build the fitness and sports constructions; reaches 50% of the commune/ward built places of exercise, sports. By 2020, the corresponding rate reached 98% and 80%.
-Directions of development: building the cultural institution. Promote the cultural identity of peoples. Construction of the village (the village, village) culture, family culture. Take the identity and the cultural diversity of the peoples in the province's development resources. Construction of the sports institution in Lao Cai City: gymnasium, swimming pools, stadiums; sports training area in Sa Pa. Lao Cai building became the North West Sports Centre and Foreign Affairs.
d) radio, television, press propaganda:-+ development goals by 2010, 95% of the households striving to hear radio, 90% of households watching tv; by 2020, the corresponding rate of 100%.
+ Until 2010, striving local duration increased 1.5 times; the amount of time a local television increased 8 times (average of 15 hours/day); number of report issued increased 3 times; the duration of radio, television, newspaper, the peoples of the region by falling at least 2 times in comparison with 2005.
-Directions of development: continue to raise the amount of time, Vietnam television broadcast and radio voice of Vietnam; development services cable tv, satellite and digital terrestrial digital television coverage to the region, various localities in the province.
5. development of infrastructure a) developer network traffic-road + construction of Lao Cai-highways. Kim bridge connector Into the city of Lao Cai (Vietnam) with the town (China).
+ Development of the ring: 1A belt (the belt border): basic route direction coincides with the way serial border corridor from Ha Giang town, take the national road 4 to Mường Khương-take the national road 4 d to A Tycoon-route 70 to Lao Cai City-route 4 d to pass Religious Stations (Sapa) then go to Lai Chau. As of 2010, investment in upgrading the whole connection route 4 c, 4 d, etc. the highway ring 3 to unify the management of and investment in upgrading the standard of the road level IV. Belt 1B near border: derived from Lao Cai City (from the last point of the highway 4E) follow the route 156 over the town of bat xat to A Perch-Wall-A Grouper Sung-Italy Ty-Amaranth-Style Turkish district (Lai Chau). This route goes both border the road corridor, the ring, many sections of the road is the border patrol should have special meaning important to upgrade investment soon. The study of converting this into a line segment of Highway stretching through the 4E 2 province of Lao Cai and Lai Chau and upgrading the line to the construction and management of convenience.
+ Internal transport development: upgrade the route the Highway: building the bridge connects Highway 153 Glass Cup (North-South Subway line Ha) with the highway 154 (Hoang lien son 2); upgrading the highway 155 (Precious Lake Road-A Pancake); upgrading the highway 153 (North-South Submarine Ha-Si Ma Cai) remaining paragraphs; implementing building D2 (Lao Cai City) according to the scale of the road level II municipalities; upgrading the Highway 151 (route 79). By 2010, complete program of roads to the center of the town yet roads and complete construction system of border patrols.
-Rail stages from now to 2010, Vietnam Hanoi railways upgrade-Lao Cai at present to meet the transport needs until 2015; the 2016-2020 period, railway construction research of double gauge of 1,435 mm width Rails, reaching international standards to meet the transport needs in the future.
-Air the period from now to 2010, investment research to build the Airport Taxi, and complete the preparation work for the period 2011-2015 to develop Lao Cai Airport (Terminal, lower path takes off) for ATR72/F70 aircraft, scale to meet 2 trips/1 week.
-Waterways Segment from Lao Cai city to Yen Bai province borders will invest to upgrade gềnh value correction, European ship built to harness the transport by barge on 100 tons; build a river port area of the city.
b) irrigation network development upgrading, renovation of the existing irrigation works; promote the solidly turns channels, ditches and irrigation; construction of small and medium-sized reservoirs. Continued investment, upgrading irrigation, BAC HA district and the existing system of canals. The new building the irrigation Office, Sapa, Bao Thang, Muong Khuong, Bao Yen, bat xat. Investment priority domestic water supply works for the entire region, especially the high, limestone mountains and residential areas lacking water resources of dry season such as Muong Khuong BAC HA, etc. Construction of the boundary embankment against erosion, secure the borders and production, the life of the people.
c) electrical network development-construction of 220 kV lines and substation 110-220 KV according to planning your MICRO (the Prime Minister approved in decision No 110/2007/QD-TTg dated April 18, 2007).
-Focused investment, upgrade for the communes currently have construction complete, grid electrical system for urban centres, industrial areas, commercial areas. Mining investment is effective for small and medium hydro power.
6. Defense, security tight match between the task of socio-economic development to strengthen defense posture the entire population and people's security posture. Construction of the Fort, the fortified border stations; investment in building the ring border, border patrol, consolidate and develop comprehensive economic Zone-defense bat xat district; build a strong defense of the area, the local district. Step by step construction of the communes border the economically powerful, strong on security and defense. To maintain order, discipline, social safety, reduce crime and social ills; promptly resolve complaints, accusations of citizens; create a stable social environment.
IV. ORGANIZATION DIRECTION socio-ECONOMIC SPACE 1. Directions the organization developed economic center, the shaft, the driving force of economic development a) Central region, the driving force for socio-economic development of the province, including the city of Lao Cai border gate economic zones, the commercial center of Kim, Lao Cai airport.
b) urban corridor of industry, trade and tourism services: Lao Cai city, North, Said Ha, city of Honolulu, the City.
c) the axis of economic development, tourism, agriculture, forestry, processing industry include: the city of Lao Cai-Sapa, Bao Thang (city of Lu, Loỏng Formation)-North.
d) the axis of economic development with the Defense Security Service includes: bat xat-Lao Cai Muong Khuong-city-Si Ma Cai.
2. development of urban systems, residential, rural layout a) oriented urban system development to 2020: Lao Cai city upgrades become type II urban-center of the province and the China-Vietnam border.
b) develop upgrade 4 more towns include: Sa Pa tourism town, town, city, or town City Lu, town of bat xat; more upgrade Center district: Khanh Yen, BAC HA, Muong Khuong, Si Ma Cai; urban development the economic Center: Feng Hai, Loỏng Formation, North, Said Ha, A largemouth bass; urban development specialization: Sa Pa, City, city of Honolulu, bat xat, Feng Hai, Loỏng Formation, North, Said Ha, A largemouth bass; economic zone defense: Khánh Yên-Text; development of municipality borders: A Tycoon, A Floor, Pha Long, Lao Cai city, Italy Ty, A largemouth bass, Mường Khương, Si Ma Cai; development of central urban district region 2: City and Northern Ha.
c) construction of the cluster Center, the town, especially the border township associated with the relocation of population in the process of industrialization and modernization.
d) period from now to 2010, continue to promote the work of sorting, rearranging the population in the region, the border, the town is especially difficult. Developing rural infrastructure: roads, irrigation, domestic water supply, power supply etc.
3. spatial planning of industrial development a) period from now to 2010, the focus of infrastructure investment and filled the industrial Eastern city of North Coast, and New industrial parks to be Loỏng.
b) period of 2011-2020, the planning zones, industrial cluster associated with the axis traffic as the highway 70, 4 d, highway Lao Cai-Hanoi.
4. Organization direction trade sector space a) by 2020, build a floor-commodity trading center with medium-scale, floor area from 5,000-10,000 m2, serves for 200 trading partners in a session.
b) period from now to 2010, efficient extraction in the commercial center of Lao Cai international border gate Trade Center and Kim; the period of 2011-2020, developed more in Trade Center 2, the new municipality of Lao Cai-orange sugar and Sa Pa town.

c) supermarket: the period from now to 2010, renovating, upgrading the existing supermarkets, develop new supermarkets in the metropolitan area population focus (Lao Cai city, and some district centers); the period of 2011-2020, striving for the towns of the district, an industrial town has a supermarket standard.
d) performed solidly turned markets, strive to basically delete the markets in 2010. The period from now to 2010, renovating the 11 market, upgrade new build 18 active market, develop new markets and 8. The period of 2011-2020, upgrade 20 markets, 15 new markets development.
DD) planning the construction furnaces slaughter cattle, poultry in the suburb of the city of Lao Cai and the town; logistics network planning, network of petrol.
5. Organization direction of space tourism development a) space organization the Department of tourism development: Dynamics-region 1: Lao Cai City-this is the motivation, is the central place to transfer the zone, other tourist attractions;
-Region 2: the North West, include: Sa Pa district, bat xat-here are the mountains of the Hoang lien son, cool climate and the rich flora and fauna, is also very convenient for original investment to develop high quality resorts, eco tourism, culture;
-Region 3: the Northeast, including: BAC HA district, Si Ma Cai Muong Khuong,;
-4: the Southwest Region, including: the District of Bảo Yên, Bảo Thắng and Văn Bàn-this region focuses on developing eco-tourism, visiting historical monuments.
b) the planning, tourism development:-Sa Pa tourism Center. Development Planning Sa Pa becoming a tourist town, the municipality of type IV of Lao Cai. Will the planning construction of tourist centers of the country, the construction of resorts have international stature, build training centers and rehabilitation for the athletes of the delegation in the country and abroad; the Conference Center, Conference of national stature;
-Online travel planning the Cabinet: Lao Cai city online-Sapa – Lao Cai city; Lao Cai city online-Northern Ha-Lao Cai city; Online Sa Pa-Lao Cai City-North;
-Development planning foreign travel online: Lao Cai routes-Yen Bai-Phu Tho-Hanoi-Haiphong-Quang Ninh; Lao Cai routes-Yen Bai-Phu Tho-Hanoi-Ho Chi Minh-Tien Giang-Haiphong-Quang Ninh-Lao Cai;
-Development of the international tourism routes: Lao Cai-Yunnan and Southwest China provinces.
6. Hold space agriculture, forestry and fisheries a) planning on expanding the scale of production of fruit crops, industrial crops have high economic value, such as: high-quality tea in the District of Bảo Thắng, Mường Khương, bat xat, BAC HA; production of safe vegetables and flowers the goods in Sa Pa district, Lao Cai city, BAC HA; planting tobacco in the Muong Khuong, Si Ma Cai, bat xat, Bac Ha; production and supply of rice varieties bred F1 in bat xat district, Wins. b) planning the planting area approximately 1,500 acres of grass to renovate and develop the breeding cow spot gold in BAC HA district, Si Ma Cai Muong Khuong,, bat xat, Sapa; development of the low Zêbu hybrid cows in the District of Bảo Thắng, bat xat, Bao Yen, Writer; develop herd in 8 districts (except the city of Lao Cai).
c) developed an area of aquaculture reached 1,500 hectares in 2010, which move the area of rice cultivation inefficient to aquaculture. Exploit the advantages of developing the type of specialty seafood: salmon, sturgeon, etc..
d) flourished three types of forests (the forest, the forest combined economic development of forest production, forest, special-purpose). Investment in processing facilities from forest products such as timber, bamboo, a forest specialities etc. Preserve and promote the rare genetic resources in Hoang lien National Park and nature reserve Hoang lien mountain-text table.
V. IMPLEMENTING SOLUTIONS 1. Mobilized capital expected development of demand for capital master plan implementation is very large compared to the capabilities of The resources and the support of the Central Government. So, to meet the needs of capital as above, The need to have the system of raising capital measures in a positive way, in which internal resources mobilization: the power and resources from the Land Fund is primarily; have appropriate mechanisms and policies to attract capital from the State economic sectors; promoting socialization in the areas of health, education, culture, Sport etc., focusing on some of the following solutions: a) to the State budget (central budget and local budgets) devoted primarily to investment in infrastructure development and social economy.
b) continues to generate more capital from the Land Fund, conducted auctions of land use to attract the sources of capital into the construction of infrastructure, the new urban, industrial zones, etc.; use of the Land Fund to generate capital to build the infrastructure needed for industrial development. Reviewing, recovered the land not in use, do not use.
c) continued research, issued or proposed enactment mechanisms, policies to promote enterprise system of The more powerful development both in terms of quantity and quality; create conditions for enterprises in the province may be issued and listed shares on the stock market; implementing "the State and the people doing the same" to the concrete canals, building chemistry and solidifying rural transportation system.
d) speeding up the administrative reform, building mechanisms, incentives, policies, create a favorable investment environment, positive investment promotion to attract domestic investors and overseas investment in the province. dd) enlist and effective use of resources of official development assistance (ODA) foreign.
2. Developing human resources, building and implementing human resource development strategies of the Department. Planning, positive support and extend the new training and retraining staff of entrepreneurship, business management. There are adequate policies to attract economic officers, engineering science, good professionals, skilled workers, the artisans of The work. Expand collaborate, affiliated with the prestigious institutions in and outside the province to train skilled technical workers. Encourage enterprises raising capital and means to enhance the quality of training or training. Construction of the training base with suitable conditions and actual requirements. Promote the work of socialization in education, mobilize all resources in society to develop education.
3. development of science-technology and environmental protection to encourage enterprises in the province to focus investment in improved technology. Investment in development of science and technology, create breakthroughs in productivity, quality of goods and products. Training of scientific staff in the areas of technology, business, management, protection of the environment. Links with research institutes, universities, funding for research, technology transfer, applications for enterprises.
4. Enhance effective and efficient state management to further improve the mechanisms and policies; speeding up administrative reform, the focus is on reform of administrative procedures; strengthening the leadership just done the planning, the plan.
5. Labor, employment and social policies continue to implement effective programs (poverty reduction program, phase II-135 program...), policies, measures to assist economic development and access to social services for the poor. Research, build, enacting policies that encourage the development of production, development of vocational training for workers, the labor rate advanced through training and vocational training. Implementation of the social policy such as: take care of people, social protection, prevention of social evils etc. towards socializing.
6. development of foreign economic cooperation, expand economic links with the region and the northern mountains, the key economic region to develop. Lao Cai city construction into international economic center open. Cooperation in the field of infrastructure construction and urban development; coordination in the planning zones, industrial clusters, provide services, raw material sources and markets. Cooperation on information exchange and trade promotion, exhibition and fair organizations. Open market, enhance the competitiveness of the product, ensure the computer actively with the regional integration process and international. Create airy environment to attract investment, the sources of foreign aid. Maintain, expand the Chinese market, actively seeking new international markets. Provide timely economic information, especially about the mechanism, policy created favorable conditions for the economic activity of the socio-economic component. Facilitate business access to information, and expand market penetration.
7. Ensuring security, defence continued to implement the strategy of Defense, security, building the defensive area. Launch mass movement the people involved to protect homeland security. Tight match between the task of social-economic development with guaranteed security defense. Strengthen the propaganda in the law officer, people; State management of security, order; resolutely suppress and handle the type of crime. Fortify the base situation, grasp the work to resolve complaints, accusations of citizens in order to create trust and social environment, clean.
VI. IMPLEMENTATION And MONITORING Of The PLANNING 1. The Organization announced, planned a) common organisation announced, popular overall planning the social-economic development in the period from now to the year 2020 to levels the Party Committee and Government, industry, unions, businesses and people in the province.
b) referral organizations, promoters about potential advantages, the priority investment projects in the occasion called investment promotion, to investors and investments outside the province.
2. Construction of the program of action and investment promotion

a) after the master plan was approved by the Prime Minister, on the basis of the objectives of the master plan, construction of the program of action, implementation planning goals. Ahead, building on the specific implementation plans to achieve the goals of resolution provincial Party Congress XIII in Lao Cai.
b) promote investment promotion activities, focusing on the key project has the products, critical to success in realizing the objective of planning.
c) built a number of programs the province's flagship product and organization made in earnest, creating new dynamics for the development of production-the business of the people. At the same time have the policies actually encourage, incentives for the development of production and sales of this product on the capital market, land.
d) step by step detailed planning and put on the 5-year plan, annual to make. Depending on the change of the situation of socio-economic development in each period, check, adjust, additional planning time to suit the development process.
DD) levels, the industry and the people in the province has the responsibility to check, monitor the implementation of the master plan.
Article 2. The people's Committee of Lao Cai province based goals, tasks and directions of social-economic development of the province stated in planning after you have been approved; in collaboration with the ministries involved in directing the browser, and implemented according to the following rules: 1. Overall planning the social-economic development districts; planning of urban system development and settlement; construction planning; planning, land use plans; development of the industry, the areas to ensure overall growth and synchronization.
2. Set up the 5 year plan, annual; the programs of economic development, culture, social; specific projects to focus on investment, investment priority arranged in a logical manner.
3. The study of construction, issued or the competent State agencies issued (if the issue beyond the authority) a number of mechanisms, policies consistent with the development requirements of the province in each stage, aims to attract, mobilize resources to implement the master plan.
Article 3. Delivery of the relevant central ministries according to function, its mission to support people's Committee in Lao Cai province research, establishment of the aforementioned planning; Research of construction and the State Agency has the authority to enact a number of mechanisms, policies consistent with the requirements of socio-economic development of Lao Cai province in each stage in order to mobilize and effectively use resources, encourage, attract investment to ensure the implementation of the objective , mission and traditional approach towards socio-economic development of the province stated in planning. Accelerate the investments, perform the work, the project has the scale, nature and important for the development of Lao Cai province has decided to invest. Research, review, tuning added to the industry development planning, investment planning, works related projects are expected to be outlined in the investment planning.
Article 4. This decision has the effect after 15 days from the date The report.
Article 5. President of the people's Committee in Lao Cai province, Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of government agencies responsible for the implementation of this decision.