Road traffic-permit order (StVZO)
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Date of completion: 26.04.2012
Full quote:
" Road traffic permit order of 26 April 2012 (BGBl. 679), as last amended by Article 2 of the Regulation of 9 March 2015 (BGBl). 243) has been amended "
Status: |
Last amended by Art. 2 V v. 9.3.2015 I 243 |
For more details, please refer to the menu under
(+ + + text from 5.5.2012 + + +)
The V was defined as Article 1 of V v. 26.4.2012 I 679 by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development, by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and by the Federal Ministry of the Interior after consulting the interested parties. , with the consent of the Bundesrat. It occurs gem. Article 2 of this V shall enter into force on 5 May 2012.
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Content Summary
A. Persons
B. Vehicles
I. Approval of vehicles in general
§ 16 |
Basic Rule of Admission |
§ 17 |
Restriction and withdrawal of authorisation
II. Type-approval and type-approval
§ 18 |
(dropped) |
§ 19 |
Grant and effectiveness of type-approval |
§ 20 |
General type approval for types |
Section 21 |
Single-vehicle type-approval |
Section 21a |
Recognition of authorisations and marks on the basis of international agreements and acts of the European Communities |
Section 21b |
Recognition of audits on the basis of legal acts of the European Communities |
Section 21c |
(dropped) |
Section 22 |
Vehicle component type-approval |
Section 22a |
Component type-approval for vehicle parts |
Section 23 |
Expert opinion on the classification of a vehicle as a vintage car |
§ § 24 to 28 |
(dropped) |
§ 29 |
Investigation of motor vehicles and trailers
IIa. Compulsory insurance
III. Construction and operating rules
1. General provisions
§ 30 |
Characteristics of vehicles |
§ 30a |
The maximum speed and maximum torque and maximum net power of the engine |
§ 30b |
Calculation of the Hubraum |
§ 30c |
Protruding outer edges, frontal protection systems |
§ 30d |
Buses and coaches |
Section 31 |
Responsibility for the operation of the vehicles |
Section 31a |
Journey Book |
Section 31b |
Verification of items to be carried |
§ 31c |
Verification of vehicle weights |
§ 31d |
Weights, dimensions and characteristics of foreign vehicles |
§ 31e |
Low-noise foreign motor vehicles
2. Motor vehicles and their
Section 32 |
Dimensions of vehicles and vehicle combinations |
Section 32a |
Join followers |
Section 32b |
Underrun protection |
Section 32c |
Lateral protection devices |
Section 32d |
Curve Properties |
§ 33 |
Towing vehicles |
Section 34 |
Axle load and total weight |
§ 34a |
Occupation, loading and marking of bus and coach buses |
§ 34b |
Running roller load and total weight of track-chain vehicles |
§ 35 |
Engine performance |
§ 35a |
Seats, safety belts, restraint systems, restraint systems for children |
§ 35b |
Equipment for safe driving of vehicles |
§ 35c |
Heating and ventilation |
§ 35d |
Equipment for up-and down-boarding of vehicles |
§ 35e |
Doors |
§ 35f |
Emergency exits in buses and coaches |
§ 35g |
Fire extinguishers in buses and coaches |
§ 35h |
First-aid material in motor vehicles |
§ 35i |
Corridors, arrangement of passenger seats and carriage of passengers by bus and coach |
Section 35j |
Combustion behaviour of the interior fittings of certain buses |
§ 36 |
Tyres and tread |
§ 36a |
Wheel covers, spare wheels |
Section 37 |
Anti-skid devices and snow chains |
§ 38 |
Steering equipment |
Section 38a |
Safety devices against unauthorised use of motor vehicles |
Section 38b |
Vehicle alarm systems |
§ 39 |
Reverse gear |
Section 39a |
Controls, control lights and indicators |
§ 40 |
Discs, windscreen wipers, windscreen washers, desiccant and drying systems for slices |
Section 41 |
Brakes and underlay wedges |
§ 41a |
Pressurised gas systems and pressure vessels |
Section 41b |
Automatic anti-lock |
§ 42 |
Trailer towing behind motor vehicles and unladen weight |
Section 43 |
Equipment for the connection of vehicles |
Section 44 |
Support and support load |
§ 45 |
Fuel tank |
Section 46 |
Fuel lines |
§ 47 |
Exhaust gases |
Section 47a |
(dropped) |
§ 47b |
(dropped) |
Section 47c |
Discharge of exhaust gases |
Section 47d |
Carbon dioxide emissions, fuel consumption, range, power consumption |
§ 47e |
Approval, retrofitting and refilling of air conditioning systems |
§ 48 |
Emission classes for motor vehicles |
§ 49 |
Noise development and sound-damping system |
§ 49a |
Lighting facilities, general principles |
§ 50 |
Headlights for Fern and dipped beam |
Section 51 |
Boundary lights, front retroreflectors, track-retaining lights |
§ 51a |
Side Awareness |
Section 51b |
Umrissleuchten |
§ 51c |
Parking lights, park-warning boards |
Section 52 |
Additional headlamps and luminaires |
§ 52a |
Rear headlights |
Section 53 |
Rear lights, brake lights, retro-reflectors |
§ 53a |
Warning light, warning light, warning light, warning vest |
Section 53b |
Equipment and identification of attachments and lifting platforms |
§ 53c |
Tarnlit |
§ 53d |
Fog lights |
§ 54 |
Direction indicator |
Section 54a |
Interior lighting in buses and coaches |
§ 54b |
Windproof hand lamp |
§ 55 |
Sound-marking devices |
§ 55a |
Electromagnetic compatibility |
§ 56 |
Mirrors and other devices for indirect vision |
Section 57 |
Speed measuring device and distance counter |
Section 57a |
Tachograph and recording equipment |
§ 57b |
Testing of tachographs and recording equipment |
Section 57c |
Equipment of motor vehicles with speed limiters and their use |
§ 57d |
Installation and testing of speed limiters |
Section 58 |
Speed signs |
§ 59 |
Factory signs, other signboards, vehicle identification number |
§ 59a |
Proof of compliance with Directive 96 /53/EC |
§ 60 |
(dropped) |
§ 60a |
(dropped) |
Section 61 |
Support for front-passenger and footrests and stands of two-wheel motor vehicles |
Section 61a |
Special provisions for trailers behind bicycles with auxiliary motor |
Section 62 |
Electrical equipment of electrically driven motor vehicles
3. Other road vehicles
§ 63 |
Application of the rules applicable to motor vehicles |
Section 64 |
Steering equipment, other equipment and stringing |
Section 64a |
Sound-marking devices |
Section 64b |
Marking |
Section 65 |
Brakes |
Section 66 |
Rearview mirrors |
§ 66a |
Lighting equipment |
Section 67 |
Lighting equipment on bicycles
C. Implementation, fine
and final provisions
Section 68 |
Responsibilities |
Section 69 |
(dropped) |
§ 69a |
Irregularities |
§ 69b |
(dropped) |
Section 70 |
Exceptions |
Section 71 |
Derogations for derogations |
Section 72 |
Transitional provisions |
Section 73 |
Technical specifications
Annex I |
(dropped) |
Annex II |
(dropped) |
Annex III |
(dropped) |
Annex IV |
(dropped) |
Annex V |
(dropped) |
Annex Va |
(dropped) |
Annex Vb |
(dropped) |
Annex Vc |
(dropped) |
Annex Vd |
(dropped) |
Annex VI |
(dropped) |
Annex VII |
(dropped) |
Annex VIII |
Investigation of vehicles |
Annex VIIIa |
Implementation of the main investigation |
Annex VIIIb |
Recognition of monitoring organisations |
Annex VIIIc |
Recognition of motor vehicle workshops for the performance of safety tests and/or investigations of exhaust gases as well as training of responsible persons and experts |
Annex VIIId |
Investigative bodies for the execution of main investigations, safety tests, investigations of exhaust gases and recurrent gas plant tests |
Annex VIIIe |
Provision of guidelines for the execution of main investigations and safety tests; evaluation of findings |
Annex IX |
Test plaque for the study of motor vehicles and trailers |
Annex IXa |
(dropped) |
Appendix IXb |
Test mark and SP shield for carrying out security checks |
Appendix X |
Passenger doors, emergency exits, aisles and arrangement of passenger seats in buses and coaches |
Annex XI |
(dropped) |
Annex XIa |
(dropped) |
Annex XIb |
(dropped) |
Annex XII |
Conditions for the equivalence of air suspension and certain other suspension systems on the driving axle (s) of the vehicle |
Annex XIII |
Permissible number of seats and standing places in bus and coach |
Annex XIV |
Emission classes for motor vehicles |
Annex XV |
Sign "Noise motor vehicle" |
Annex XVI |
Measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for the propulsion of agricultural or forestry tractors |
Annex XVII |
Gas system installation tests and other gas plant tests |
Annex XVIIa |
Recognition of motor vehicle workshops for the implementation of gas system installation tests or of recurring and other gas plant tests as well as training of the responsible persons and experts |
Annex XVIII |
Testing of tachographs and recording equipment |
Annex XVIIIa |
Carrying out checks on tachographs and recording equipment |
Annex XVIIIb |
Testing centres for the performance of tachographs and control equipment |
Annex XVIIIc |
Recognition of tachographs or control equipment manufacturers and of vehicle manufacturers or vehicle importers for carrying out tests |
Installation XVIIId |
Recognition of motor vehicle workshops for the performance of examinations and training of the experts responsible for the examination |
Appendix XIX |
Part Reports |
Appendix XX |
(dropped) |
Annex XXI |
Criteria for noise-free motor vehicles |
Annex XXII |
(dropped) |
Appendix XXIII |
Measures to be taken against air pollution by gases and particles of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engines and compression-ignition engines (definition of non-polluting passenger cars) |
Annex XXIV |
Measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from motor vehicles with foreign and compression ignition engines (definition of non-polluting passenger cars) |
Appendix XXV |
Measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from motor vehicles with foreign or self-ignition engines (definition of low-emission passenger cars in accordance with the European Standard) |
Annex XXVI |
Measures to be taken against air pollution by particles of motor vehicles with compression-ignition engines |
Annex XXVII |
Measures to be taken against air pollution by particles of commercial vehicles and of mobile machinery and compression-ignition engines |
Annex XXVIII |
Example of a warning against the use of a rear-facing restraint device for children on passenger seats with an airbag |
Annex XXIX |
EC vehicle classes
Sample 1 |
(dropped) |
Pattern 1a |
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Pattern 1b |
(dropped) |
Sample 1c |
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Pattern 1d |
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Sample 1e |
(dropped) |
Pattern 2a |
(dropped) |
Sample 2b |
(dropped) |
Sample 2c |
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Pattern 2d |
Data Confirmation |
Sample 3 |
(dropped) |
Sample 4 |
(dropped) |
Sample 5 |
(dropped) |
Sample 6 |
(dropped) |
Sample 6a |
(dropped) |
Sample 7 |
(dropped) |
Sample 8 |
(dropped) |
Pattern 8a |
(dropped) |
Sample 9 |
(dropped) |
Sample 10 |
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Sample 11 |
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Sample 12 |
(dropped) |
Sample 13 |
(dropped) |
People (dropped)
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§ § 1 to 15l (omitted)
Approval of vehicles in general
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Section 16 Basic rule of admission
(1) All vehicles which comply with the provisions of this Regulation and the Road Traffic Regulations are approved for transport on public roads, unless a permit procedure is required for the approval of individual vehicles. (2) sliding and grabbing wheelchairs, toboggan sleds, strollers, scooters, children's bicycles and similar non-motorised or similar locomotor equipment equipped with an auxiliary drive, with a maximum design speed of not more than 6 km/h are not vehicles within the meaning of this Regulation.
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Section 17 Restriction and withdrawal of authorisation
(1) if a vehicle that does not fall within the scope of the vehicle registration regulation is deemed to be non-compliant, the managing authority may set a reasonable time limit for the owner or holder to remedy the deficiencies; and if necessary, prohibit or restrict the operation of the vehicle in public transport; the person concerned has to comply with the prohibition or restriction. (2) (omitted) (3) If there is reason to believe that the vehicle is subject to the requirements of this In the light of the above, the administrative authority may prepare a Decision referred to in paragraph 1, depending on the circumstances
the submission of an expert opinion as to whether the vehicle complies with the provisions of this Regulation, or
the introduction of the vehicle
Arrange and, if necessary, arrange several such arrangements.
Type-approval and type-approval
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§ 18 (omitted)
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Section 19 Grant and effectiveness of the type-approval
(1) The type-approval shall be granted if the vehicle is in compliance with the provisions of this Regulation, the instructions issued by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure and the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 of the Council of 20 December 1985 on recording equipment in road transport (OJ No L 302, 15.12.1985, p. 8), as last amended by Regulation (EU) No 1266/2009 (OJ No L 370, 31.12.2009, p. OJ L 339, 22.12.2009, p. 3). The type-approval shall also be granted if, in place of the provisions of this Regulation, the vehicle complies with the separate Directives as amended, which shall:
in Annex IV to Directive 2007 /46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and self-employed technical units intended for these vehicles (Framework Directive) (OJ L 327, 1), as last amended by Regulation (EU) No 371/2010 (OJ L 263, 31.10.2007, p. OJ L 110, 1.5.2010, p. 1), or
in Annex II, Chapter B, to Directive 2003 /37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed machinery, and for systems, components and separate technical units of such vehicles and repealing Directive 74 /150/EEC (OJ L 206, 22.7.1974, p. 1), as last amended by Directive 2010 /62/EU (OJ L 327, 28.11.2010, p. OJ L 238, 9.9.2010, p.
in Annex I to Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 March 2002 on type-approval of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles and repealing Council Directive 92 /61/EEC (OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 1), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1137/2008 (OJ L 114, 27.4.2008, p. OJ L 311, 21.11.2008, p. 1),
in its respectively applicable version. The list of the individual Directives listed in Annex IV to Directive 2007 /46/EC, in Annex II to Directive 2003 /37/EC and in Annex I to Directive 2002/24/EC, shall be given, together with the names of the short names and the first place of discovery of the individual Directives referred to in Official Journal of the European Communities, published and updated by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the Official Journal. The individual Directives referred to in the second sentence shall apply from the date on which they enter into force and have been made known in accordance with the third sentence. Only this individual Directive shall be relevant to the extent to which the binding application is required in a separate Directive. If a vehicle belongs to an approved type, or if a single type-approval pursuant to this Regulation or an individual approval pursuant to Article 13 of the EC vehicle approval regulation is available, the granting of a new type-approval shall be permitted only, if the type-approval provided for in the second sentence of paragraph 2 is obtained. (2) The type-approval of the vehicle, if not expressly withdrawn, shall remain in effect until the final date of its final retirement. It shall be deleted when changes are made to:
the type of vehicle approved in the type-approval is amended;
be expected to be at risk for road users, or
the exhaust gas or noise behaviour is deteriorated.
It shall also be issued for vehicles of the Bundeswehr (Bundeswehr), for which § 20 (3b) or § 21 sentence 5 has been applied, as soon as the vehicles are no longer approved for the Bundeswehr. In order to grant a new type-approval, § 21 shall apply accordingly. If there is reason to believe that the type-approval has been granted, the managing authority may decide to prepare a decision
the provision of an opinion by an officially recognised expert, vehicle traffic auditor or a test engineer as to whether the vehicle complies with the provisions of this Regulation; or
the introduction of the vehicle
(2a) The type-approval of vehicles specially designed for military or police purposes as well as for the purpose of the construction of a vehicle, as well as for the transport of vehicles, shall be subject to the conditions laid down in Annex IX. The purpose of fire protection and civil protection is to be effective only for as long as the vehicles are approved or used for the Bundeswehr, the Federal Police, the police, the fire brigade or the civil protection. For vehicles in accordance with the first sentence, a type-approval pursuant to section 21 may be issued only to the Bundeswehr, the Federal Police, the police, the fire brigade or the civil protection system; this shall also apply if the purposes for the military or police purposes are , as well as the equipment or equipment available for fire protection and civil protection, has been removed, changed or rendered ineffective. Exceptions to the second sentence for certain purposes may be approved in accordance with § 70. (3) However, by way of derogation from the second sentence of paragraph 2, the vehicle's type-approval shall not be issued if changes are made by means of the installation or cultivation of parts.
for these parts
a type-approval pursuant to section 22 or a component type-approval pursuant to section 22a has been granted, or
the subsequent entry or extension has been approved for the vehicle in accordance with § 20 or § 21 in the context of a type-approval or a supplement to that effect
and the effectiveness of the type-approval, component type-approval or approval has not been subject to the acceptance of the installation or cultivation; or
for these parts
EEC type-approval, EEC component type-approval or EC type-approval in accordance with European Community law, or
an authorisation, as amended, in accordance with the Convention of 20 March 1958 concerning the adoption of uniform conditions for the approval of equipment and parts of motor vehicles and on the mutual recognition of the conditions for the approval of the Recognition of approval (BGBl. 857, 858), to the extent that these are applied by the Federal Republic of Germany,
, and if any restrictions or installation instructions have been complied with, or
the effectiveness of the type-approval, type-approval or approval of these parts referred to in point 1 (a) or (b) is subject to a reduction in the installation or cultivation and the acceptance is carried out without delay and in accordance with § 22 (1) Sentence 5, also in conjunction with Section 22a (1a), has been confirmed; or
for these parts
the identity is given with a part for which an opinion of a technical service in accordance with Annex XIX on the conformity of a vehicle with the proper installation or cultivation of such parts (part report) is available,
the range of uses indicated in the opinion is complied with and
the removal of the installation or cultivation is carried out without delay by an officially recognised expert or auditor for the transport of motor vehicles or by a motor vehicle expert or employee as defined in point 4 of Annex VIIIb and the have been confirmed in accordance with Article 22 (1) sentence 5; the second sentence of Article 22 (1) and the third sentence of paragraph 2 shall apply accordingly.
If any restrictions or installation instructions listed in Part 1 or 2 of the type-approval, type-approval or approval are not complied with, the type-approval of the vehicle shall be lost. (4) The driver of the vehicle shall have the following: in cases where:
, point 1 of paragraph 3, the imprint or the undertaking of the type-approval in question, type-approval, approval in the context of the type-approval, or a supplement to it, or any withdrawal of that permit or permit, which shall be granted for the purposes of the use of essential information; and
of paragraph 3 (3) and (4) shall provide proof, in accordance with a model made known by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the Official Journal, of the permit, the approval or the part report with the confirmation of the to be responsible for the proper installation or installation of the goods and the restrictions or conditions to be observed and to hand them over to the competent persons on request. Sentence 1 shall not apply if the registration certificate part I, the following list of adherents pursuant to § 11 (1) sentence 2 of the vehicle registration regulation or a proof to be carried out or to be stored pursuant to § 4 (5) of the Vehicle Registration Regulation a corresponding entry, including any restrictions or conditions to be observed; instead of the restrictions or conditions to be observed, a note may also be included in a permit, authorisation or authorisation to be provided, or a certificate to be carried out. The obligation to notify changes pursuant to § 13 of the Vehicle Registration Regulation shall remain unaffected.
(5) Where the type-approval referred to in the second sentence of paragraph 2 or the second sentence of paragraph 3 has been granted, the vehicle shall not be put into service on public roads or the entry into service of which shall be arranged or approved by the holder. Exceptions to the first sentence shall be permitted only in accordance with the provisions of sentences 3 to 5. Where the type-approval referred to in the second sentence of paragraph 2 is obtained, only those journeys which are directly related to the obtaining of a new type-approval shall be allowed to be carried out. The previous marks or red marks or short-term labels must be used on the vehicle. The provisions of sentences 3 and 4 shall also apply to journeys carried out by the officially recognised expert in motor vehicle traffic in the context of the preparation of the opinion. (6) Are used on vehicles of vehicle manufacturers who hold an operating licence in the case of types, as defined in paragraph 2, the type-approval shall remain effective as long as the vehicles are used exclusively for testing; in this respect, no notification to the registration authority shall be required. The first sentence shall apply only if the registration authority has confirmed in the vehicle licence that the vehicle has been registered as a test vehicle. (7) The provisions of paragraphs 2 to 6 shall apply mutas to the EC type-approval.
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§ 20 General type-approval of types
In the case of vehicles to be produced or manufactured in rows, the type-approval may be granted to the manufacturer in general terms (general type-approval) in accordance with a general type-approval of the vehicle, if he is responsible for the reliable exercise of the vehicle's costs. of the powers conferred by that. In the case of the manufacture of a vehicle type by several participants, the general type-approval may be granted jointly. The general type-approval may be granted for vehicles manufactured outside the scope of this Regulation.
the manufacturer or his authorised representative, if the vehicles have been manufactured in a Member State in which the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community or the Agreement on the European Economic Area is applicable,
the representative of the manufacturer, if the vehicles have been manufactured in a Member State in which the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community or the Agreement on the European Economic Area does not apply, but in which: the scope of this Regulation has been imported from a State in which the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community or the Agreement on the European Economic Area is applicable,
in the other cases, the trader who has the right to sell the vehicles solely within the scope of this Regulation.
In the cases referred to in point 3 (2), the representative of the manufacturer shall be established in a State in which the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community or the Agreement on the European Economic Area is applicable. In the cases of sentence 3, point 3, the trader must be established within the scope of this Regulation. (2) The Federal Office of the Federal Republic of Germany (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt) decides on the application for the issue of the general type-approval. The Federal Motor Transport Authority may commission an officially recognised expert in the field of motor vehicle traffic or another body with the assessment. It determines which documents are to be submitted for the application. (2a) The application for the grant of a general type-approval also includes the approval of an optional equipment, so the Federal Office of the Federal Republic of Germany can apply to the general public on request. (3) The holder of a general type-approval for vehicles shall apply to each of the following documents: the following: the type of vehicle requiring approval to be filled with a vehicle letter. The forms for the letters are issued by the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt. In the letter, the information on the vehicle shall be entered by the holder of the general type-approval of the vehicle or, if several manufacturers are involved, from each party for the parts manufactured by him, unless a If the person concerned takes over the performance of the letter, the grant of the type-approval was subject to the approval of an exception, the exception and the approver must be referred to in the letter. The letter must be signed by the owner of the general type-approval, stating the name of the company and the date of the date; a copy of the personal signature by printing or stamp shall be allowed. (3a) The holder A general type-approval for vehicles is required to fill in a data confirmation according to pattern 2d for each vehicle subject to the type of approval corresponding to the type. In the confirmation of the data, the holder of the general type-approval shall enter the information on the condition of the vehicle or, if several manufacturers are involved, the information for the parts produced by each party, unless a participant takes over the completion of the confirmation of the data. The accuracy of the information on the condition of the vehicle and its conformity with the approved type shall be certified by the person responsible for the completion of the data confirmation, stating the date. If the vehicle belongs to an EC vehicle class named in Annex XXIX, the name of the vehicle category may also be registered. The confirmation of the data is to be added to the vehicle for approval. If the holder of a general type-approval has also completed a vehicle letter in accordance with the first sentence of paragraph 3, the holder shall be attached to the confirmation of the data. The confirmation of the data in accordance with the first sentence shall be deductible if:
the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt für den Fahrzeugtyp has provided type data and
the holder of a general type-approval has been confirmed by the registration of the type and variant/version key number assigned by the Federal Force for the retrieval of type data in the vehicle's letter that the vehicle referred to in the vehicle's letter with the type data corresponding to this key number.
(3b) By way of derogation from the first sentence of paragraph 3a, for vehicles to be approved for the Bundeswehr, the data confirmation shall only be issued for a series of vehicles if the holder of the general type-approval has the following: Vehicle identification number of each vehicle in the vehicle series of the Central Military Force. (4) Deviations from the technical information provided by the Federal Motor Transport Authority in the event of the general type-approval being issued by the Federal Office of the Federal Republic of Germany. has been written for the approved type, the holder of the General type-approval only if it has been supplemented by a corresponding supplement or if the Federal Motor Office has declared, on request, that a supplementary approval is not required for the proposed change (5) The general type-approval shall expire after expiry of an approximately fixed period, in the event of a revocation by the Federal Office of Power and if the approved type is no longer in conformity with the legislation. The revocation may be issued if the holder of the general type-approval is in breach of the obligations of the general type-approval, or proves to be unreliable, or if it turns out that the approved type of vehicle is the subject of the (6) The Federal Motor Transport Authority may, at any time, verify the performance of the general type-approval obligations of manufacturers or their agents or dealers in the case of dealers or distributors. be checked. In the cases referred to in the third sentence of paragraph 1, points 1 and 2, the Federal Motor Service may make the granting of a general type-approval conditional upon the manufacturer or his representative committing himself to the post-examination referred to in the first sentence of the first sentence of 1 shall be made possible. The holder of the general type-approval shall bear the costs of the inspection if he is found to be in breach of the obligations relating to the permit.
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Section 21 Type-approval of individual vehicles
(1) If a vehicle does not belong to an approved type, the person entitled to dispose of the vehicle shall apply for the type-approval of the authority responsible under national law. The application for the grant of the type-approval shall be submitted to the competent authority of the country, the opinion of an officially recognised expert in the field of motor vehicle traffic. The opinion shall contain the technical description of the vehicle to the extent necessary for the preparation of the registration certificate Part I and Part II. The opinion shall be accompanied by an annex specifying the technical rules on the basis of which the vehicle may be granted a type-approval. In the cases referred to in Article 19 (2) of this Annex, the changes which have led to the deletion of the earlier type-approval shall also be presented in this Annex. In the opinion, the officially recognised expert on motor vehicle traffic shall certify that he or she has correctly described the vehicle in the opinion and that the vehicle is correct in accordance with Article 19 (1); the information shall be provided by: the opinion of the approval authority shall be transferred to the approval certificate part I and, where provided for in the certificate of approval, part II. (1a), a vehicle belonging to an approved type, or a single type-approval according to this type Regulation or an individual authorisation in accordance with § 13 of the EC vehicle approval regulation, an assessment is only permissible if the type-approval is granted in accordance with § 19 (2). (2) For the results summarized in the expert opinion, audit records must be available showing that the have been carried out and the required results have been achieved. On request, the audit records of the approval or the competent supervisory authority shall be submitted. The retention period for the expert opinions and test reports is ten years. (3) The head of the technical inspection body is responsible for ensuring the uniform quality of all activities of the authorized group of persons. It shall submit an annual quality assurance report to the competent supervisory authority and, in addition to specific requirements, to the competent supervisory authority. The report must provide transparent information on the quality controls carried out and the quality measures taken, provided that they were necessary on the basis of a breach. The head of the technical inspection body shall ensure that erroneous assessments on the basis of which a vehicle has been or are to be placed on the market are likely to pose a significant risk to road safety, public health, or the environment shall be notified without delay to the competent licensing authority and to the competent supervisory authority. (4) In the case of vehicles subject to authorisation, the Authority shall be accompanied by the application for a certificate of approval, Part II . If it does not yet exist, it is necessary to request that it be issued in accordance with § 12 of the Vehicle Registration Ordinance. (5) If a vehicle licence is granted, the granting of an exemption pursuant to § 70 shall be granted. (6) By way of derogation from the first sentence of paragraph 4, vehicles approved for the Bundeswehr shall not be required to submit a certificate of approval. Part II, when an officially recognised expert in motor vehicle traffic has a Confirmation of data corresponding to pattern 2d has been issued.
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Section 21a Recognition of authorisations and marks on the basis of international agreements and acts of the European Communities
(1) In the procedure for the granting of the type-approval, permits and marks which a foreign State may have for equipment or parts of the vehicle or in relation to such objects or parts for certain types of vehicles shall be recognised. , having regard to the conditions agreed with the Federal Republic of Germany. The same shall apply to approvals and test marks issued by the Federal Motor Vehicle Office for such objects or parts or in relation to them for certain types of vehicles, if the approval procedure is complied with by the Federal Republic of Germany Germany has been carried out with foreign countries. Section 22a shall remain unaffected. (1a) Paragraph 1 shall apply mutas to the authorisations and marks granted or to be recognised pursuant to acts of the European Communities. (2) The test mark referred to in paragraph 1 shall consist of a circle, in which: of which the letter "E" and the measure of the State which granted the authorization and the approval number close to that circle, if appropriate from the international agreement number with the letter "R" and, if appropriate, additional characters. The test mark referred to in paragraph 1a shall consist of a rectangle in which the letter "e" and the measure or letters of the State which issued the permit are situated within the territory of which the component type-approval number is located near the latter. Legal and, where appropriate, additional characters. The measure for the Federal Republic of Germany is in all cases "1". (3) With a mark of the kind referred to in paragraphs 1 to 2, an item of equipment or a part of the vehicle may be marked only if it is approved in each of the following categories: Respect for this purpose. Signs which may give rise to confusion with such a mark shall not be affixed to equipment or parts of equipment.
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Section 21b Recognition of audits on the basis of legal acts of the European Communities
In the procedure for the granting of the type-approval, tests which have been carried out and certified under the second sentence of Article 19 (1), second sentence, shall be accepted.
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§ 21c (omitted)
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Section 22 Type-approval of vehicle parts
(1) The type-approval may also be issued separately for parts of vehicles, if the part forms a technical unit which can be dealt with independently in the permit procedure. If the parts are to be used only on vehicles of a certain type, of a certain type, or only in the case of a certain type of installation or installation, the type-approval must be limited to that effect. The effectiveness of the type-approval may be made subject to the fact that the entry or cultivation has been taken off. The acceptance shall be carried out by an officially recognised expert or auditor for the transport of motor vehicles or by a motor vehicle expert or an employee in accordance with point 4 of Annex VIIIb. In the cases of the third sentence, the person receiving the certificate (section 19 (4), first sentence) shall be responsible for the correct entry or cultivation of the vehicle, indicating the vehicle manufacturer and type and the vehicle identification number, on the proof (section 19 (4) sentence 1). (2) The procedures shall apply in accordance with the rules on the granting of the type-approval of vehicles. In the case of parts which are to be manufactured or manufactured in rows, it is appropriate to proceed in accordance with Article 20; the holder of a general type-approval for vehicle parts shall be subject to the type-mark prescribed for each of the parts on each of the types corresponding to the type to confirm its conformity with the approved type. In addition, he shall attach to each part a print or a copy of the type-approval or the extract thereof and, where appropriate, proof thereof (Article 19 (4) sentence 1). In the case of vehicle parts which do not belong to an approved type, the opinion of the officially recognised expert in the field of motor vehicles shall be the opinion of the officially recognised expert in the case of motor vehicle traffic, if it does not speak out against the issue of the type-approval, to be entered in the vehicle, if the part is to be installed or installed on a specific vehicle subject to approval. The approval authority shall, where appropriate, enter under the opinion:
The same note shall be given under the short description of the approved part in the evidence to be carried out or to be kept in accordance with Article 4 (5) of the Vehicle Registration Regulation and in the list of trailers, provided that such a certificate has been issued, (3) In place of a type-approval pursuant to paragraph 1, parts for subsequent installation or installation (Article 19 (3) (1) (b) or (3)) may also be used in the framework of a general type-approval of a vehicle or of a supplement to it. (§ 20); paragraphs 1, 2, sentences 2 and 3 shall apply accordingly. The supplement may also extend to vehicles manufactured prior to the approval of the night rag.
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Section 22a Construction type-approval for vehicle parts
(1) The following facilities, whether or not they are used for vehicles subject to approval or non-admission, must be carried out in an officially approved type:
Heaters in motor vehicles, with the exception of electric heaters and hot water heaters, where the heat source used is the cooling water of the engine (Article 35c (1));
Pneumatic tyres (Article 36 (1a));
Anti-skid equipment (Article 37 (1), second sentence);
safety glass panes (§ 40) and sheets made of safety glass;
Frontal protection systems (Section 30c (4));
Run-on brakes (§ 41 (10)), except for their transmission equipment and slowing-on brakes, which are tested in accordance with the provisions of the Annex to Article 41 (18) relating to braking systems and which certify their conformity in the intended form. is;
Equipment for the connection of vehicles (Article 43 (1)), with the exception of:
equipment which, for technical reasons, cannot be dealt with independently in the authorisation procedure (for example, dykes to single-axle trailers, if they are part of the framework and not adjustable),
Ackerel (towing), its fixing device and the three-point construction on agricultural or forestry tractors or working machines,
traction equipment for agricultural or forestry equipment which is carried by motor vehicles and which can only be used for the purpose of driving them in connection with those referred to in point (b) facilities are intended to:
Towing and shunting, including towing bars and towing ropes,
Long trees,
connecting equipment for attachment to agricultural or forestry tractors;
Headlights for high beam and for dipped beam, as well as for low beam and dipped beam (§ 50);
Limitation lamps (§ 51 (1) and (2), § 53b (1));
Spurhalteleuchten (§ 51 (4));
Side-marker lamps (§ 51a (6));
Parking lights, park warning boards (§ 51c);
Umrissleuchten (§ 51b);
Fog lamps (§ 52 (1));
Indicators for blue flashing light (§ 52 (3));
Forward-looking indicators for red flashing light with only one main emission direction (halting signal) (§ 52 (3a));
Characteristic lamps for yellow flashing light (§ 52 (4));
Rear-view headlamps (§ 52a);
Closing lamps (§ 53 (1) and (6), § 53b);
Brake lights (§ 53 (2));
Retro-reflectors (§ 51 (2), § 51a (1), § 53 (4), 6 and 7), § 53b, § 66a (4) of this Regulation, § 22 (4) of the Road Traffic Order);
Warning triangles and warning lights (§ 53a (1) and (3));
Fog lights (§ 53d);
Direction indicator lamps (flashing lights) (§ 53b (5), § 54);
Portable flashing lights and red-white warning markings for lifting platforms (§ 53b paragraph 5);
Light sources for light-technical installations subject to approval, in so far as the light sources are not an integral part of the facilities (Section 49a (6), Article 67 (10) of this Regulation, § 22 (4) and (5) of the Road Traffic Order);
Warning devices with a sequence of sounds of different fundamental frequency-used horn-(§ 55 (3));
Warning devices with a sequence of sounds of different fundamental frequencies (stop horn) (§ 55 paragraph 3a);
Tachograph (§ 57a);
Lighting equipment for registration plates (§ 10 of the Vehicle Registration Ordinance);
Lighting equipment for transparent official registration plates (§ 10 of the Regulation on the Vehicle Registration Regulation);
Lamps, headlamps, tail lights, red, yellow and white reflectors, pedal retroreflectors and retroreflective strips of tyres or in the spokes for bicycles (§ 67 (1) to (7) and 11);
Safety belts and other restraint systems in motor vehicles;
Lamps for securing additional cargo (Section 22 (4) and (5) of the Road Traffic Order);
Restraint systems for children in motor vehicles (Article 35a (12) of this Regulation and Article 21 (1a) of the Road Traffic Order).
(1a) The second sentence of Article 22 (1) is to be applied accordingly. (2) Vehicle parts which must be carried out in an officially approved type may only be used, sold, acquired or used for use in the scope of this Regulation. , if they are marked with an officially prescribed and assigned test mark. The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure determines the design of the test marks and the procedure; in this respect, the Vehicle Part Ordinance of 12 August 1998 (BGBl. 2142). (3) Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to:
equipment used for testing in road transport when the driver of the vehicle carries out a corresponding official certificate and is responsible for the examination at the request of the competent person,
Equipment-other than lighting equipment for bicycles and light sources for headlamps-which have been placed within the scope of this Regulation shall be used on vehicles outside the scope of this Regulation , and in their effect, for example, comply with the institutions of the same type as audited in accordance with paragraph 1, and are identifiable as such;
Equipment used on vehicles which are authorised by an administrative procedure, in which a Member State of the European Union confirms that the type of vehicle, system, component or self-employed technical unit the relevant technical requirements of Council Directive 70 /156/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles; and Motor vehicle trailers (OJ L 327, 22.7. 1), which was last amended by Directive 2004 /104/EC (OJ L 327, 28.12.2004, p. 13), Council Directive 92/61/EEC of 30 June 1992 on the type-approval of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 376, 27.12.1992, p. 72), as amended by Directive 2000 /7/EC (OJ L 225, 10.8.2000, p. 1), or complies with Directive 2007 /46/EC or Directive 2002/24/EC or Directive 2003 /37/EC as amended or an individual Directive.
(4) Paragraph 2 shall not apply to bodies for which an individual authorisation has been granted for the purposes of the Regulation on the Part of the Vehicle Part. Where such facilities are used on the market, the instrument shall be notified of the permit and shall be handed over to the competent persons for examination on request; this shall not apply if the permit is obtained from the vehicle, from the proof in accordance with § 4 (5) of the vehicle registration regulation or from the list of trailers carried out instead of the registration certificate part II. (5) A vehicle part may only be used with an officially assigned test mark of the type referred to in paragraph 2. , if it complies with the type-approval in all respects. Signs which may give rise to confusion with an officially assigned test mark shall not be affixed to the parts of the vehicle. (6) The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 5 shall apply by analogy to the bodies which require EEC component type-approval.
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Section 23 Opinion on the classification of a vehicle as a vintage car
For the classification of a vehicle as an old-timer in the sense of § 2 point 22 of the Vehicle Registration Ordinance, an expert opinion of an officially recognised expert or test engineer or test engineer is required. The assessment shall be carried out in accordance with a Directive made known in the Official Journal following the agreement of the competent supreme state authorities and shall be carried out in accordance with a model set out in the Directive. In the context of the evaluation, an investigation is to be carried out in the scope of a main investigation according to § 29, unless an expert opinion is drawn up at the same time as the evaluation according to § 21. § 29 (3) shall apply to the distribution of the test plaque.
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§ § 24 to 28 (omitted)
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Section 29 Investigation of motor vehicles and trailers
(1) The holders of vehicles subject to admission requirements within the meaning of § 3 (1) of the Vehicle Registration Regulation and vehicles subject to registration according to § 4 (2) and (3) sentence 2 of the Vehicle Registration Regulation shall have their vehicles at their cost in accordance with the conditions laid down in Annex VIII, in conjunction with Annex VIIIa, at regular intervals. Excluded are:
Vehicles with a red flag,
Vehicles of the Federal Armed Forces and the Federal Police.
The inspection of the fire brigade and civil protection vehicles shall be carried out by the competent national authorities on a case-by-case basis or in general. (2) The holder shall have the month in which the vehicle is at the latest at the latest
the main investigation must be carried out by means of a test plaque in accordance with Annex IX on the mark, unless it is a short-term label,
The safety test must be demonstrated by a test mark in connection with an SP-shield according to Appendix IXb.
Test plaques shall be allocated by the competent authority in accordance with the law of the country or the persons entitled to carry out the main investigations, and shall be affixed permanently and against misuse on the rear registration plate. Test marks shall be assigned by the competent authority in accordance with national law and shall be affixed by the holder or his authorized representative on the SP sign in accordance with the provisions of Appendix IXb, or from those to be carried out for the carrying out of principal examinations or To allocate security checks to persons entitled to safety and to apply them on the SP sign according to the regulations of Appendix IXb. SP-signs may be affixed by the competent authority according to national law, from the persons entitled to carry out principal investigations, to the vehicle manufacturer, to the holder or to his authorised representative, in accordance with the requirements of Annex IXb (3) A test plaque shall be allocated and affixed only if the requirements of Appendix VIII are complied with. The test plaque, which has been allocated and fitted after the main investigation has been carried out, shall certify that the vehicle is in accordance with point 1.2 of Annex VIII at the time of this investigation. By way of derogation from the first sentence, if the vehicle has only minor defects, the test plaque may be allocated and affixed if the defects are to be eliminated immediately. (4) A test mark may be allocated and affixed if: the vehicle does not have any defects after the safety test has been completed in accordance with point 1.3 of Appendix VIII. The provisions of point 2.6 of Annex VIII shall remain unaffected. (5) The holder shall ensure that the test plaque provided for in paragraph 3 and the test mark applied in accordance with paragraph 4 and the SP shield are in a proper condition; they must not be hidden or polluted. (6) Month and year of expiry of the deadline for the next
The main investigation must be carried out by the person who has assigned and affixed the test plaque,
in the case of vehicles treated in the usual authorisation procedure, in the certificate of approval, Part I or
in the case of other vehicles on the evidence to be carried out or to be stored in accordance with Article 4 (5) of the Vehicle Registration Regulation, in connection with the examination stamp of the job under examination or the HU code and the identification number of the person under investigation, or Body,
Security checking must be carried out by the person who has assigned the test mark in the audit trail
(7) The test plaque and the test mark shall be invalid at the end of the month indicated. Their validity shall be extended by one month if deficiencies are identified in the conduct of the main investigation or safety assessment which are to be remedied prior to the allocation of a new test plaque or test mark. The second sentence shall also apply where, in the case of small defects, no test plaque is allocated in accordance with the third sentence of paragraph 3, and for test marks in the cases of Annex VIII, point 2.4, sentence 6. Where a vehicle which has to be fitted with a test plaque or a test mark in connection with an SP sign, is not a valid test plaque or a valid test mark, the competent authority in accordance with the law of the country may, for the time being prohibit or restrict the operation of the vehicle in public transport until such time as the above-mentioned evidence is afloat. The data subject has to comply with the prohibition or restriction. (8) Facilities of all kinds which are to be confused with the test plaque described in Appendix IX or the test mark described in Appendix IXb in conjunction with the SP shield. (9) The person responsible for carrying out major investigations or safety checks shall have a report on the investigation and for the purpose of carrying out the main investigations. To establish a test protocol in accordance with Annex VIII and to the (10) The holder shall keep the examination report at least until the next primary examination and the audit trail at least until the next safety test. The holder or his representative shall report to the investigative report, in the case of vehicles referred to in paragraph 11, together with the audit trail and the test book, competent persons and the competent authority under national law, at the request of the holder. If the last investigation report or the last audit trail cannot be handed out, the holder shall, at its expense, procure a second copy from the examining bodies, or carry out a main investigation or a safety check. . The second and third sentences do not apply to the main examination report for the registration of vehicles if the due date of the next main investigation for the registration authority is to be seen from another official document. (11) Holders of vehicles, which are to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of point 2.1 of Annex VIII to safety tests shall, as from the date of approval, lead to test books in accordance with a model made known in the Official Journal with the consent of the competent national authorities. Investigation reports and test reports shall be kept in the test books for at least the duration of their obligation to retain in accordance with paragraph 10. (12) The person responsible for carrying out the main examinations or safety tests shall have the following responsibilities: (13) The test books shall be from the holder of the vehicle until the vehicle has been definied out of the vehicle in question, indicating the date of the vehicle, and indicating the mileage. storage.
(+ + + § 29: For application, see Section 72 (2) (1) + + +)
Compulsory insurance (omitted)
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§ § 29a to 29h (omitted)
Construction and operating rules
General provisions
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§ 30 Nature of the vehicles
(1) Vehicles must be constructed and equipped in such a way that:
it does not damage, impede or harass anyone more than unavoidably at risk of being in the normal way of the operation,
in particular in the event of an accident, the occupants are as protected as possible, and the extent and consequences of injuries remain as low as possible.
(2) Vehicles must be manufactured in a way that is gentle on the road and must be preserved in the same. (3) For traffic or operational safety, important parts of the vehicle, which can be worn out or damaged in a particularly easy way, must simply be used for the transport or operational safety of vehicles. (4) In place of the provisions of this Regulation, the individual Directives may be applied in their respectively applicable version, which shall:
in Annex IV to Directive 2007 /46/EC, or
in Annex II, Chapter B, to Directive 2003 /37/EC, or
in Annex I to Directive 2002 /24/EC
in its respectively applicable version. The list of the individual Directives listed in Annex IV to Directive 2007 /46/EC, in Annex II to the type-approval directive 2003 /37/EC and in Annex I to Directive 2002/24/EC, together with the short names and the first place of discovery, shall be Published in the Official Journal of the European Communities by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The individual Directives referred to in the first sentence shall apply from the date on which they enter into force and have been made known in accordance with the second sentence. Only this individual Directive shall be relevant to the extent to which the binding application is required in a separate Directive.
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§ 30a Due to the design, the maximum speed and maximum torque and maximum net power of the engine
(1) Motor vehicles must be constructed and equipped in accordance with the state of the art in such a way as to ensure that technical changes resulting in a change in the maximum speed determined by the design (speed obtained by a motor vehicle) of its design, which is of a design which is of a design nature, or as a result of the effectiveness of additional technical measures on a flat track, may not be exceeded in the case of intended use), is considerably more difficult. If this is not possible, changes must be made easily. (1a) Two-wheel mopeds and motorcycles must comply with the provisions of Chapter 7 of Directive 97 /24/EC as regards the measures to be taken against unauthorised interference. European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 327, 31.12.1997, p. 1), which was last amended by Directive 2009 /108/EC (OJ L 327, 18.12.2009, p. 10), as amended by the Annex to this Regulation. (2) trailers must be constructed and equipped for a speed of at least 100 km/h. If they are built or equipped for a lower speed, they must be marked for this speed in accordance with § 58. (3) In the case of motor vehicles referred to in Article 1 of Directive 2002/24/EC, they must be determined by the design of the vehicle in question. the maximum engine speed and the maximum engine torque and the maximum net power of the engine, as set out in the Annex to this provision.
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§ 30b Calculation of displacement
The cubic capacity shall be calculated as follows:
For pi, the value of 3.1416 is used.
The bore and stroke values are used in millimeters, with the first decimal place behind the comma to be rounded up or down.
The displacement is to be rounded up or down to full cubic centimetres.
If the point to be rounded is followed by one of the digits 0 to 4, then one of the digits 5 to 9 is to be rounded off, so it is round to round.
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§ 30c External front edges, frontal protection systems
(1) No parts shall be able to stand on the outline of the vehicles in such a way as to jeopardise the traffic more than unavoidable. (2) The projecting outer edges of passenger cars must comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision. (3) Projecting outer edges of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles according to Article 30a (3) shall comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. (4) For passenger cars, lorries, tractors and tractors, with at least four wheels, of a type determined by the design The maximum speed of more than 25 km/h and a maximum authorised mass of no more than 3,5 tonnes of frontal protection systems shall be the same as those set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
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§ 30d bus and coach
(1) buses and coaches are motor vehicles for the carriage of passengers with more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat. (2) buses and coaches, which, as separate technical units, have the entire internal and external special equipment of these Motor vehicles shall be considered as buses and coaches referred to in paragraph 1. (3) buses shall comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision. (4) Buses with standing stations for the carriage of passengers on routes with have a number of stops and have more than 22 passenger seats, in addition to the provisions relating to technical facilities for the carriage of persons with reduced mobility, in accordance with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. This applies to other bus and coach buses equipped with technical facilities for the carriage of persons with reduced mobility.
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Section 31 Responsibility for the operation of the vehicles
(1) Those who lead a vehicle or train of connected vehicles must be suitable for self-management. (2) The holder shall not order or permit the commissioning, if it is known or must be known, that the guide is not suitable for self-employed management or the vehicle, train, chucks, cargo or occupancy is not correct or that the road safety of the vehicle suffers from the cargo or the occupation.
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Section 31a Travel Guide
The competent authority of the country may, in respect of a vehicle holder, arrange for one or more vehicles approved or to be admitted to it to guide a journey book if the identification of a driver by a vehicle is carried out in accordance with a Infringement of traffic rules was not possible. The managing authority may designate one or more replacement vehicles. (2) The vehicle owner or his representative shall have in the travel book for a specific vehicle and for each individual journey
before they begin
the name, first name and address of the driver,
the official registration number of the vehicle;
The date and time of the start of the journey and
to enter the date and time of the signature immediately after the end of the period.
(3) The vehicle holder shall:
to the position of the travel book or to the body designated by it, or
otherwise competent persons
keep the logbook, on request, at any time at the place designated by the issuing body for consideration and keep it six months after the end of the period for which it is to be carried out.
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Section 31b Review of objects to be carried out
Drivers of vehicles shall be required to show appropriate persons, on request, with the following items to be carried out and to hand them out for consideration of the correct condition:
Fire extinguishers (Article 35g (1)),
First-aid material (§ 35h (1), (3) and (4)),
Unterlegkeile (§ 41 (14)),
Warning triangles and warning lights (§ 53a (2)),
Warning vest (Section 53a (2)),
portable flashing lights (§ 53b paragraph 5) and windproof hand lamps (§ 54b),
Lamps and retroreflectors (Section 53b (1), second sentence, and second sentence (2), second sentence, (2)),
Headlamps and tail lamps (Section 67 (11) (2) (2)).
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Section 31c Review of vehicle weights
If, at the request of a competent person, the driver of a vehicle cannot credibly make the compliance with the axle loads and the total weights allowed for the vehicle, he shall be obliged to act on a scale or in accordance with the instructions given by that person on a scale, or an axle load meter (wheel load gauge). After weighing, the guide shall be issued with a certificate of the result of the weighing. The costs of weighing shall be borne by the holder of the vehicle when an overweight which is to be objectionable is detected. The person under test may require the driver of the vehicle to carry out an overload or discharge corresponding to the overload; this requirement shall be borne by the driver of the vehicle; the holder shall bear the costs thereof.
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§ 31d Weights, dimensions and characteristics of foreign vehicles
(1) Foreign motor vehicles and their trailers must comply with Articles 32 and 34 in terms of weight and dimensions. (2) Foreign vehicles must be subject to seats for which the right of the State of registration requires safety belts to be used in accordance with (3) Foreign motor vehicles, their registration certificate or international registration certificate issued by a Member State of the European Union or by another State Party to the Agreement on the European Union The Economic Area has been issued in accordance with Council Directive 92 /6/EEC of 10 June 1992 on the Economic and Economic Area. February 1992 on the installation and use of speed limitation devices for certain categories of motor vehicles in the Community (OJ No L 327, p. 27), as amended by Directive 2002 /85/EC (OJ L 327, 22.3.2002, p. 8), it must be provided with speed limiters in accordance with the law of the country of registration. The speed limiters must be used. (4) The pneumatic tyres of foreign motor vehicles and trailers, their registration certificate or international registration certificate issued by a Member State of the European Union or by another The contracting state of the Agreement on the European Economic Area has been issued and the Council Directive 89 /459/EEC of 18 July 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the tread depth of tyres Certain categories of motor vehicles and their trailers (OJ L 327, 22. 4), the main profile of the tread must have a tread depth of at least 1.6 millimetres; the main profile of the tread shall be the wide profile grooves in the central area of the tread, which shall be approximately three-quarters of the tread surface. The tread width is assumed.
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Section 31e Noise-noise foreign motor vehicles
Foreign motor vehicles belonging to the class G 1 referred to in point 3.2.1 of Annex XIV shall be considered to be low-noise and shall be marked with the sign "Noise motor vehicle" in accordance with Appendix XV. For other foreign vehicles, § 49 (3) sentences 2 and 3 shall apply accordingly.
Motor vehicles and their trailers
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Section 32 Dimensions of vehicles and vehicle combinations
(1) In the case of motor vehicles and trailers, including interchangeable charge carriers (Article 42 (3)), the maximum permissible width shall not exceed the following dimensions, except in the case of snow gear and winter service vehicles:
1. |
General |
2.55 m,
2. |
in the case of agricultural or forestry work equipment and tractors and special-purpose vehicles with removable agricultural or forestry equipment, and in the case of vehicles fitted with equipment for road maintenance |
3,00 m,
3. |
in the case of trailers behind motorcycles |
1,00 m,
4. |
in the case of fixed or removable superstructures of air-conditioned vehicles equipped for the carriage of goods in temperature-controlled condition and whose side walls, including thermal insulation, are at least 45 mm thick; |
2.60 m,
5. |
for passenger cars |
2.50 m.
The vehicle width shall be determined in accordance with ISO standard 612-1978, definition number 6.2. By way of derogation from this standard, the following facilities shall not be taken into account in the measurement of the width of the vehicle:
Customs seal fixing and protection equipment,
Means for securing the tarpaulin and protective devices therefor,
Projecting flexible parts of a spray-suppression system within the meaning of Council Directive 91 /226/EEC of 27 March 1991 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to spray-suppression systems in certain categories of motor vehicles and Motor vehicle trailers (OJ L 327, 22.7. 5), as last amended by Directive 2010 /19/EU (OJ L 103, 25.4.2010, p. OJ L 72, 20.3.2010, p.17),
lighting equipment,
Loading ramps in the driving position, lifting platforms and comparable devices in the driving position, provided that they do not project more than 10 mm from the side of the vehicle and the corners of the loading ramps lying forward or towards the rear with a radius of are rounded at least 5 mm; the edges shall be rounded off with a radius of at least 2.5 mm,
mirrors and other systems for indirect vision,
Tyre Scoreboard,
Tyre pressure indicators,
extendable or swung-out steps in the driving position and
The bulging of the tire walls above the point of contact.
The wheels are measured when the doors and windows are closed and when the wheels are in a straight position.
(2) In the case of motor vehicles, combinations of vehicles and trailers, including interchangeable charge carriers (Article 42 (3)), the maximum permissible height shall not exceed the following limits: |
4.00 m.
The vehicle height shall be determined in accordance with the ISO standard 612-1978, definition number 6.3. By way of derogation from this standard, the following shall not be taken into account in the measurement of the vehicle height:
resilient antennae and
Scissors or pliers pantographs in an upscale position.
In the case of vehicles with an axle stroke, the impact of this device shall be taken into account. (3) In the case of motor vehicles and trailers, including interchangeable load carriers and all equipment carried in the operation (section 42 (1)), 3) the maximum permissible length shall not exceed the following dimensions:
1. |
for motor vehicles and trailers -excluding buses and semitrailers, |
12,00 m,
2. |
in the case of two-axle buses -including removable accessories, |
13,50 m,
3. |
in the case of buses with more than two axles -including removable accessories, |
15,00 m,
4. |
in the case of bus and coach vehicles designed as articulated vehicles (motor vehicles whose useful surface is divided by a joint, but where the articulated part is not a self-contained vehicle) |
18.75 m.
(4) In the case of combinations of vehicles, including interchangeable load carriers and all equipment carried in the operation (Article 42 (3)), the maximum permissible length, taking into account the requirements laid down in point 1 of paragraph 3, shall be as follows: do not exceed:
1. |
in the case of semi-trailer vehicles (tractors with semi-trailers) and combinations of vehicles (trains) in the manner of a semitrailer, -with the exception of semi-trailers, in accordance with point 2. |
15,50 m,
2. |
in the case of articulated vehicles (tractors with semi-trailers), where the maximum permissible partial lengths of the semi-trailer are |
a) |
Axle Lift Saddle Pin up to the rear limit 12,00 m and |
b) |
Vorderer Überhangradius 2,04 m |
shall not be exceeded, |
16,50 m,
3. |
in the case of trains, excluding trains as specified in point 4: |
a) |
Motor vehicles other than tractors with trailers |
18.00 m, |
b) |
Tractors with trailers |
18.75 m,
4. |
in the case of trains consisting of a lorry and a trailer for the carriage of goods, |
18.75 m.
The maximum permissible partial lengths may not exceed the following dimensions:
a) |
maximum distance between the foremost outer point of the loading area behind the cab of the lorry and the rearmost point of the loading area of the trailer of the combination of vehicles, less the distance between the rear limit of the motor vehicle and of the front limit of the trailer |
15.65 m
b) |
maximum distance between the foremost outer point of the loading area behind the cab of the lorry and the rearmost point of the loading area of the trailer of the combination of vehicles |
16.40 m.
However, in the case of vehicles with bodywork-in the case of lorries without a driver's cab-the partial lengths, including the structure, shall apply. |
(4a) In the case of combinations of vehicles consisting of a bus and a trailer, the maximum permissible length shall be, in compliance with the provisions of paragraph 3, points 1 to 3. |
18.75 m.
(5) The length or partial length of a single vehicle or combination of vehicles, with the exception of the combinations of vehicles referred to in paragraph 7 and their individual vehicles, shall be the length of the length of the vehicle, which has been withdrawn when the vehicle is fully or rearwardly extended. or unfolded loading supports, loading platforms, body walls or parts thereof, including all equipment carried on the holding (Article 42 (3)); in the case of combinations of vehicles, the longitudinal centre lines of the motor vehicle shall be: of its trailer or of his pendants is a straight line. In the case of combinations of vehicles with traction devices which are not automatically variable in length, the position in which section 32d (cornering characteristics) is fulfilled without any further action by the driver of the vehicle or other persons is to be taken into account. To the extent that variable-length traction devices are used, they must restore the original length without delay after the cornering has been completed. (6) The lengths and partial lengths of a single vehicle or a combination of vehicles are to be determined in accordance with the ISO standard 612-1978, definition number 6.1. By way of derogation from this standard, the following institutions shall not be taken into account in the measurement of length or length of part:
Wipers and washers,
front and rear registration plates,
Customs seal fixing and protection equipment,
Means for securing the tarpaulin and its protective devices,
lighting equipment,
mirrors and other systems for indirect vision,
air intake lines,
Longitudinal stops for change-over structures,
Steps and handles,
bumper gums and similar devices,
Lifting platforms, loading ramps and comparable facilities in the driving position,
Motor vehicle connection devices,
in the case of vehicles other than semitrailer vehicles, cooling and other ancillary equipment situated in front of the loading area,
Rod pantographs of electric vehicles as well as
outer sun visors.
This applies, however, only if the loading area is neither directly nor indirectly extended by the above-mentioned devices. Equipment fitted to the rear of the towing vehicle or front of the trailer in the case of vehicle combinations shall, however, be taken into account in the lengths or partial lengths of combinations of vehicles; they must not be added to these lengths. (7) In the case of vehicle combinations according to the type of trains used for the transport of vehicles, the provisions of paragraph 4, point 4, in the case of semitrailer vehicles used for the transport of vehicles shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, point 2. Length overruns by means of loading supports for additional protection and The stabilization of the permissible overhang of charges shall not be taken into account in these vehicle combinations and semitrailer vehicles, provided that the load also projects beyond the loading supports. In the determination of the partial lengths, bridge bridges between lorries and trailers are not taken into account in the driving position. (8) No tolerances may be granted to the dimensions referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4. To 8, motor vehicles may not exceed the following dimensions in accordance with Article 30a (3):
1. |
a) |
for motorcycles and three-wheel and four-wheel motor vehicles |
2,00 m,
b) |
however, in the case of two-wheeled mopeds and bicycles with an auxiliary motor, |
1,00 m,
2. |
Height: |
2.50 m,
3. |
Length: |
4.00 m.
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Section 32a Co-operation of trailers
Motor vehicles may only be carried by a trailer, but not for the carriage of passengers (omnibus trailers). However, in the case of tractors, two trailers may be carried if the length of the trailer for trains with a trailer is not exceeded. There shall be no trailer behind the road vehicles. Only one trailer, which is intended for the carriage of luggage, may be carried along behind bus and coach passengers.
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Section 32b Underroad protection
(1) Motor vehicles, trailers and vehicles with interchangeable charge carriers having a maximum speed of more than 25 km/h, where the distance from the rear limit to the last rear axle is more than 1 000 mm where in the unladen state, either the rear chassis in its entire width or the body parts of the body have a clearance of more than 550 mm above the roadway, must be fitted with a rear underrun protection. (2) The rear underrun protection must be provided for in Council Directive 70 /221/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the containers of liquid fuel and the underrun protection of motor vehicles and their trailers (OJ L 327, 22.7.1970, p. 23), which was last amended by Directive 2006 /96/EC (OJ L 327, 22.12.2006, p. 81), as amended in accordance with the third sentence of Article 30 (4) of the Treaty. (3) paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to:
agricultural or forestry tractors,
Working machines and forklifts,
semi-trailer tractors,
Two-wheel trailers intended for the transport of long-lasting material,
Vehicles in which the presence of rear underrun protection is incompatible with the intended use of the vehicle.
(4) Vehicles for the carriage of goods by at least four wheels and having a maximum speed of more than 25 km/h and a maximum authorised mass of more than 3.5 tonnes shall be subject to a front underrun protection shall be fitted in accordance with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. (5) Paragraph 4 shall not apply to:
Off-road vehicles,
Vehicles whose intended use is not compatible with the provisions relating to the front underrun protection.
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§ 32c Seitual protective devices
(1) Side-by-side protection devices are devices designed to prevent pedestrians, wheeled or motorcyclists from falling sideways under the vehicle and then being able to roll over from the wheels. (2) trucks, tractors and motor vehicles, in respect of the characteristics of their chassis, to be equated with lorries or tractors, having a maximum speed of more than 25 km/h and their trailers, if their permissible gross laden weight is In each case, more than 3.5 tonnes, on both longitudinal sides with lateral (3) the provisions of paragraph 2 shall not apply to:
agricultural or forestry tractors and their trailers,
semi-trailer tractors,
Trailers, which are especially designed for the transport of very long cargoes, which cannot be divided in length,
Vehicles constructed for special purposes and in which lateral protection devices are incompatible with the intended use of the vehicle.
(4) The lateral protection devices must comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision.
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Section 32d Curve properties
(1) Motor vehicles and combinations of vehicles must be constructed and furnished in such a way that, including interchangeable charge carriers (Article 42 (3)), the annular surface, which is crossed by 360 degrees, has an outer radius of 12.50 m does not have a width greater than 7.20 m. In the case of rear-wheel-steered vehicles, the rear-outermost limit of the motor vehicle must be guided on the circle of 12.50 m radius. (2) No part of the vehicle shall be allowed to enter the circle referred to in paragraph 1 during entry into the circle from the tangating straight line. The motor vehicle or the vehicle combination intersect this straight line by more than 0.8 m to the outside. By way of derogation from this, self-proponent combine harvesters may, when moving from the tangating straight line into the circle, exceed this straight line by up to 1.60 m to the outside. (3) In the case of a standing vehicle on the ground, a line along the road is located on the ground. vertical plane which is tangent to the side of the vehicle directed towards the outside of the circle. In the case of buses which are designed as articulated vehicles, the two rigid parts must be aligned parallel to this plane. If the vehicle travels from a straight-line movement into the circular ring surface described in paragraph 1, no part may project beyond the vertical plane more than 0.60 m.
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Section 33 Swing of vehicles
Vehicles intended for use as a motor vehicle according to their design shall not be operated as trailers.
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§ 34 axle load and total weight
(1) The axle load is the total load transmitted to the road by the wheels of an axle or group of axles. (2) The technically permissible maximum axle load is the axle load, which takes account of the material load and the following Provisions may not be exceeded:
§ 36 |
(tyres and running surfaces);
Section 41 (11) |
(Brakes on single axle trailers and two-axle trailers with an axle distance of less than 1.0 m).
The technically permissible total weight is the weight, which must not be exceeded, taking into account the material stress and the following regulations:
§ 35 |
(engine power);
Section 41 (10) and (18) |
(run-on brake);
Section 41 (15) and (18) |
(permanent brake). |
(3) The maximum axle load shall be the axle load, which shall not be exceeded in the light of the provisions of the first sentence of paragraph 2 and of paragraph 4. The maximum permissible weight shall be the weight which shall not be exceeded in the light of the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph 2 and of paragraphs 5 and 6. The permissible weight of the axle and the permissible weight of the vehicle must be complied with during the operation of the vehicle and the combination of vehicles. (4) In the case of motor vehicles and trailers with pneumatic tyres or the rubber tyres declared admissible pursuant to Article 36 (3), except for the following: Road-rolling-shall not exceed the maximum permissible axle load:
1. |
Single axle load
a) |
Single axles |
10,00 t
b) |
Single axles (driven) |
11.50 t;
2. |
Double axle load of motor vehicles in compliance with the requirements of the single axle load
a) |
Axle distance less than 1.0 m |
11.50 t
b) |
Axle distance 1.0 m to less than 1.3 m |
16.00 t
c) |
Axle distance 1.3 m to less than 1.8 m |
18.00 t
d) |
Distance between axles 1.3 m to less than 1.8 m, if the drive axle is equipped with double tyres or a suspension according to Appendix XII, which is recognised as equivalent, or if each drive axle is equipped with double tyres, and the maximum permissible the axle load of 9,50 tonnes per axle is not exceeded, |
19.00 t
3. |
Double-axle load of trailers in compliance with the requirements of the single axle load
a) |
Axle distance less than 1.0 m |
11.00 t
b) |
Axle distance 1.0 m to less than 1.3 m |
16.00 t
c) |
Axle distance 1.3 m to less than 1.8 m |
18.00 t
d) |
Axle distance 1.8 m or more |
20.00 t;
4. |
Triple axle load, subject to compliance with the requirements for double axle load
a) |
Axle distances of not more than 1.3 m |
21.00 t
b) |
Axle distances of more than 1.3 m and not more than 1.4 m |
24,00 t.
In the case of vehicles fitted with tyres other than those referred to in the first sentence, the axle load shall not exceed 4,00 tonnes. (5) In the case of motor vehicles and trailers, with the exception of semi-trailers and semi-trailers (including centre-axle trailers), with Pneumatic tyres or rubber tyres declared admissible pursuant to Article 36 (3) shall not exceed the maximum permissible weight, subject to compliance with the requirements for axle loads, as follows:
1. |
Vehicles with no more than two axles
Motor vehicles and trailers |
18.00 t;
2. |
Vehicles with more than two axles, excluding motor vehicles according to points 3 and 4,
a) |
Motor vehicles |
25.00 t
b) |
Motor vehicles with a double-axle load as referred to in paragraph 4 (2) (d) |
26.00 t
c) |
Trailer |
24.00 t
d) |
Bus and coach buses built as articulated vehicles |
28.00 t;
3. |
Motor vehicles with more than three axles, excluding motor vehicles, in accordance with point 4.
a) |
Motor vehicles with two double axles, the centre of which is at least 4.0 m apart from each other |
32.00 t
b) |
Motor vehicles having two steered axles and having a double-axle load as defined in point 2 (d) of paragraph 4 and the maximum permissible load in relation to the distance between the centre of the front and the rearmost axle, 5,00 tonnes per metre, may not exceed |
32.00 t;
4. |
Motor vehicles with more than four axles, in compliance with the requirements laid down in point 3 |
32.00 t.
(5a) By way of derogation from paragraph 5, the permissible weights of motor vehicles in accordance with Article 30a (3) shall apply to the provisions referred to in the Annex to this Regulation. (6) In the case of combinations of vehicles (trains and semitrailer vehicles), the permissible weight of the vehicle may be: Total weight shall not exceed the following values in compliance with the requirements for axle loads, trailers and individual vehicles:
1. |
Vehicle combinations with less than four axles |
28.00 t;
2. |
Trains with four axles
Two-axle motor vehicle with two-axle trailer |
36.00 t;
3. |
two-axle semi-trailer tractor with two-axle semitrailer
a) |
at an axle distance of the semi-trailer of 1.3 m and more |
36.00 t
b) |
at an axle distance of more than 1.8 m from the semi-trailer, if the drive axle is equipped with double tyres and air suspension or a suspension which is recognised as equivalent to that of Annex XII, |
38.00 tonnes; |
4. |
Other vehicle combinations with four axles
a) |
with a motor vehicle referred to in point 2 (a) |
35.00 tonnes
b) |
with a motor vehicle referred to in point 2 (b) |
36.00 t;
5. |
Vehicle combinations with more than four axles |
40,00 t;
6. |
Articulated vehicle, consisting of a three-axle semi-trailer tractor with two or three-axle semitrailers, which shall be combined in combined transport within the meaning of Council Directive 92/106/EEC of 7 December 1992 on the establishment of common rules for Certain types of combined transport of goods between Member States (OJ L 327, 22. 38), as amended by Directive 2006 /103/EC (OJ L 378, 27.12.2006, p. OJ L 363, 20.12.2006, p. 344), an ISO container of 40 feet is transported |
44.00 t. |
(7) The total weight allowed in accordance with paragraph 6 is calculated
in the case of trains, the sum of the total authorised weights of the drawing vehicle and of the trailer,
in the case of trains with Stark oak trailers (including central axle trailers), from the sum of the total allowable weights of the moving vehicle and of the Stark oak trailer, reduced by the higher value in each case
the maximum permissible load of the drawing vehicle, or
the permissible maximum load of the Starrdeichsel trailer,
with the same values as this value,
in the case of articulated vehicles, the sum of the maximum authorised weights of the semitrailer tractor and of the semi-trailer, reduced by the higher value in each case
the permissible saddleload of the tractor or
the permissible rest of the semi-trailer,
with the same values for this value.
If this results in a higher value than
28.00 t |
(paragraph 6 (1)),
36.00 t |
(paragraph 6 (2) and (3) (a) and (4) (b)),
38.00 tonnes |
(paragraph 6 (3) (b)),
35.00 tonnes |
(paragraph 6 (4) (a)),
40,00 t |
(paragraph 6 (5)), or
44.00 tonnes |
(paragraph 6 (6)),
the maximum permissible laden weight is 28.00 t, 36.00 t, 38.00 t, 35,00 t, 40,00 t or 44.00 tonnes. (8) In the case of lorries, articulated vehicles and lorries, the weight on the driving axle or axles in international traffic shall not be less than 25 per cent of the total weight of the vehicle or the combination of vehicles (9) The distance between the centre of the last axle of a motor vehicle and the centre of the first axle of its trailer shall be at least 3.0 m, in the case of articulated vehicles and in the case of agricultural and forestry trains and on trains, which consist of a towing vehicle and trailer working machines, at least 2.5 m. This shall not apply to trains where the maximum permissible weight of the towing vehicle is not more than 7.50 tonnes or that of the trailer not exceeding 3.50 tonnes. (10) (omitted) (11) For lifting axles or load-bearing axles, those referred to in the Annex to this Provisions referred to in this Regulation.
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Section 34a Occupation, loading and marking of bus and coach buses
(1) No more persons and luggage shall be transported in buses and coaches than where the seat and standing places are registered in the certificate of registration and the total number of passengers and the passenger seats recorded in the vehicle, together with the information provided for: the maximum mass of the luggage. (2) At the request of the right of disposal or on the basis of other provisions, in derogation from the number of places allowed in accordance with paragraph 1, the reduced number of buses and coaches adapted to the type of use of the bus and coach Space numbers are set. The reduced number of places must be entered in Part I of the registration certificate and must be registered in a clearly visible document in the vehicle in a clearly visible position.
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Section 34b Rolleroller load and total weight of track-chain vehicles
(1) In the case of vehicles running wholly or in part on endless chains or belts (track-chain vehicles), the load of a running roller on a flat track shall not exceed 2,00 tonnes. Suspended castors must be fitted in vehicles with a total weight of more than 8 tonnes in such a way that the load of a 60 mm-raised running roller is not more than twice as large when the vehicle is stationary, as is the case on a flat road surface. Running roller load. In the case of vehicles with unsprung running rollers and track chains, which are made entirely of rubber band on the outside, the pressure of the bearing surface of the track chain on the flat road surface may be 0.8 N/mm
2 do not exceed. Only that part of a track chain, which actually rests on a flat roadway, is considered to be a supporting surface. The running rollers of track-chain vehicles can be cushionized both individually and also over the entire drive. The total weight of track-chain vehicles shall not exceed 32,00 tonnes. (2) Track-chain vehicles shall be allowed to load the road between the first and last casters at a maximum of 9,00 tonnes per metre.
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§ 35 Motor performance
In the case of lorries and buses and coaches, including luggage trailers, in the case of semitrailer and lorry trains, an engine power of not less than 5.0 kW, in tractors and tractors shall be required, except for land or railway vehicles, or for forestry purposes, of at least 2.2 kW per tonne of the total allowable weight of the motor vehicle and of the respective towbars; this does not apply to the vehicles driven by electric power and to motor vehicles -also with a trailer-with a maximum speed of not specified more than 25 km/h.
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§ 35a Seats, safety belts, restraint systems, restraint systems for children
(1) The seat of the driver and his/her operating space, as well as the means for driving the vehicle, shall be so arranged and arranged that the vehicle shall, even when the safety belt is applied, or use a different restraint system, shall be fitted. (2) passenger cars, buses and motor vehicles intended for the carriage of goods, having a maximum speed of more than 25 km/h, as defined in the Annex, must comply with the requirements set out in the Annex to this Regulation. , with seat anchorages, seats and, in so far as they are admissible, (3) The motor vehicles referred to in paragraph 2 must be fitted with anchorages for the installation of safety belts, which shall be fitted to the motor vehicle in accordance with the provisions of the following: (4) In addition, the motor vehicles referred to in paragraph 2 shall be equipped with safety belts or restraint systems which comply with the provisions referred to in the Annex to this Regulation. (5) The provisions of paragraphs 2 to 4 shall apply to motor vehicles which have a design the maximum speed of more than 25 km/h, which is equivalent to the characteristics of the motor vehicles referred to in paragraph 2 with regard to the passenger compartment and the chassis. In the case of mobile caravans with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 2.5 tonnes, the rear seats shall be equipped with anchorages for the installation of pelvic courses and pelvic courses. (5a) The provisions of paragraphs 2 to 4 shall apply only to those seats which shall be used for the purposes of: normal use during the journey. Seats which may not be used while the vehicle is being operated in public road transport shall be marked by a logo or a sign with a corresponding text. (6) The provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 shall not apply to: Bus and coach buses built for both local and standing passengers. These are buses without special luggage, buses and coaches with approved standing places in the corridor and on a surface which is greater than or equal to the area for two double seats. (7) Safety belts and restraint systems must be installed in such a way to ensure that their proper functioning is properly used and that all designated seats are used, and that they reduce the risk of injuries in the event of accidents. (8) an airbag which is ready for use must be installed to the rear Children's restraint systems should not be appropriate. These passenger seats must be provided with a warning message prior to the use of a rearwardly directed child restraint device on this site. The warning message in the form of a pictogram can also contain an explanatory text. It must be permanently attached and arranged in such a way that it is clearly visible to a person who wants to install a rearward-facing restraining device for children. Appendix XXVIII shows an example of a pictogram. If the warning is not visible when the door is closed, a permanent indication of the presence of a passenger airbag from the passenger's seat should be clearly visible. (9) motorcycles on which a passenger is transported must be accompanied by a passenger car. Seat for the passenger to be fitted. This shall not apply to the taking of a child under the age of seven, if a special seat is provided for the child and the child's feet do not fall into the spokes by means of wheeled or equally effective means of covering the child (10) seats, their backrest and their fastenings in and on vehicles not covered by the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 5 shall provide a secure hold and stand up to all the stresses occurring during operation. Foldable seats and backrests, behind which further seats are located and which are also not separated from the rear by a wall from other seats, must be locked automatically in the normal driving position or use position. The unlocking device must be easily accessible from the rear seat and can also be simply actuated from the outside when the door is open. Backrests must be designed in such a way that injuries cannot be expected for the occupants. (11) By way of derogation from paragraphs 2 to 5, safety belts and safety belts of three-or four-wheeled safety belts apply to anchorages. Motor vehicles according to Article 30a (3) of the provisions of the Annex to this Regulation. (12) restraint systems for children integrated into motor vehicles must comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision. (13) Retention facilities for children up to a age of 15 months, which are listed in the Annex to this In accordance with their intended use, they may only be fitted to the rear or to the side of the vehicle.
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Section 35b Institutions for the safe driving of vehicles
(1) The equipment for driving the vehicles must be easy and safe to operate. (2) A sufficient field of vision must be ensured for the driver of the vehicle under all operating and climatic conditions.
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§ 35c Heating and ventilation
(1) A closed cab in motor vehicles with a maximum speed of more than 25 km/h must be capable of being adequately heated and ventilated. (2) For heating systems in vehicles of categories M, N and O and their Installation shall be subject to the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. (3) During the journey, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) may be used in motor vehicles and trailers, the combustion heaters and gas supply systems of which may be used exclusively for operating in the case of a stationary vehicle shall not be in operation and the Valves of the liquid gas cylinders must be closed.
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Section 35d Bodies for getting up and down vehicles
The characteristics of the vehicles must enable safe ascend and desalinating.
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§ 35e Doors
(1) Doors and door closures must be designed in such a way that disturbing noises can be avoided when closing. (2) Door closures must be designed in such a way that unintentional opening of the doors is not to be expected. (3) The door hinges (hinges) of revolving doors, with the exception of folding doors, on the longitudinal sides of motor vehicles having a maximum speed of more than 25 km/h, must be fitted on the front side of the doors in the direction of travel. This applies in the case of double doors for the door leaf, which is opened first; the other door leaf must be able to be locked for itself. Doors must be able to be opened at the risk of any adult passenger. (4) Doors must be closed during the journey.
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Section 35f Notausstiege in Kraftomnibussen
Emergency exits in bus and coach buses shall be marked on the inside and outside of the vehicle. Emergency exits and hand-or power-operated operating doors must be opened at any time in emergency situations when the bus is at a standstill or at a speed of up to 5 km/h; its accessibility is at the service of the vehicles to ensure. Special facilities for opening emergency exits and operating doors in emergency situations (emergency operating facilities) shall be identified as such and shall be operational at all times, and shall be clear at or close to such facilities. Instructions for use.
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§ 35g Fire extinguisher in bus and coach
(1) At least one fire extinguisher must be carried in buses, in double-decker vehicles, at least two fire extinguishers must be carried with a filling mass of 6 kg each in the ready-to-use state. Only fire extinguishers, at least for fire classes, are permitted
A: |
Combustible solid substances (flame and glutinous),
B: |
Flammable liquid substances (flame-forming) and
C: |
Combustible gaseous substances (flame-forming)
(2) A fire extinguisher shall be placed in the immediate vicinity of the driver's seat and in double-decker vehicles the second fire extinguisher at the upper passenger level. (3) The crew shall be familiar with the handling of the extinguishers; For this purpose, the owner of the vehicle shall be responsible for this, in addition to the driving personnel. (4) The vehicle owners must have the fire extinguishers tested for their use capacity at least once within twelve months by expert examiners. When checking, refilling and repairing the fire extinguishers, the performance values and technical characteristics on which the type of fire extinguisher is based must be guaranteed. A sign attached to the fire extinguisher must indicate the name of the examiner and the date of the test.
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§ 35h First aid material in motor vehicles
(1) In bus and coach services, strip boxes which themselves and their contents of first-aid material correspond to the standard sheet DIN 13 164, issue January 1998 or January 2014, shall be carried out, at least
a box office in buses and coaches with no more than 22 passenger seats,
Two bandages in other bus and coach buses.
(2) Costs in buses and coaches must be accommodated in the places designated for this purpose; the places of accommodation shall be clearly marked. (3) In vehicles other than those referred to in paragraph 1, with a design determined by the type of construction Maximum speed of more than 6 km/h, with the exception of nurseries, motorcycles, train or working machines in agricultural or forestry holdings, and other tractors or machines, if they are single-axle, to carry first-aid material, which is at least equal to the type, quantity and nature of the Normblatt DIN 13 164, January 1998 edition or January 2014 edition. The first aid material must be kept in a container, which must be so designed that it adequately protects the contents from dust and moisture, as well as in the presence of fuels and lubricants. (4) By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 3, it shall also be permitted to: other first-aid material which, with the same type, quantity and quality, meets at least the same purpose for first-aid performance.
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§ 35i gears, arrangement of passenger seats and carriage of passengers by bus and coach
(1) In buses and coaches, the passenger seats must be arranged in such a way as to leave the corridor free in the longitudinal direction. Moreover, the arrangement of the passenger seats and their minimum dimensions and the minimum dimensions of the areas accessible to passengers must be in accordance with Annex X. (2) In bus and coach passengers, passengers may not be transported. This does not apply to children in strollers.
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§ 35j Burning behaviour of the interiors of certain buses
The interiors of buses not designed for standing places or intended for use in urban transport and equipped with more than 22 seats shall be subject to the provisions referred to in the Annex to this provision relating to: Correspond to burn behavior.
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Section 36 tyres and treads
(1) The dimensions and design of the tyres of vehicles shall be in accordance with the operating conditions, in particular the load and the maximum speed of the vehicle as determined by the design. Where motor vehicles and motor vehicles of the road maintenance service are equipped with tyres which permit only a lower maximum speed, they shall be marked for this speed in accordance with section 58 be. Where M + S tyres are used, the requirement for speed shall also be deemed to be satisfied if the maximum speed allowed for M + S tyres is below the maximum speed of the vehicle as determined by the design, However,
the maximum speed allowed for M + S tyres in the driver ' s field of vision is indicated by the vehicle driver,
the maximum speed allowed for M + S tyres is not exceeded during operation.
Tyres or other running surfaces shall not have any unevenness which may damage a fixed road; iron tyres must have rounded edges. (2) The wheels of motor vehicles and trailers must be fitted with pneumatic tyres, and the tyres must be fitted with pneumatic tyres. where other tyres are not permitted below. Pneumatic tires are tires whose working capacity is determined predominantly by the overpressure of the enclosed air content. Pneumatic tires on motor vehicles and trailers must be provided with profile grooves or incisions over the entire circumference and on the entire width of the tread. The main profile must have a profile depth of at least 1.6 mm on the entire circumference; the broad profile grooves in the middle region of the running surface, which occupies approximately 3/4 of the tread width, are considered to be the main profile. However, in the case of bicycles with an auxiliary motor, mopeds and light-weight wheels, a profile depth of at least 1 mm. (2a) of motor vehicles, other than passenger cars, of a maximum permissible weight of more than 3,5 tonnes, and of a motor vehicle, shall be sufficient to ensure that the vehicle is not in a position to be covered by the vehicle The maximum speed of the vehicle must be more than 40 km/h and its trailers may be equipped with either a diagonal or a radial tyre only. Passenger cars and other motor vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of not more than 3,5 tonnes and a maximum speed of more than 40 km/h and their trailers may be used only with diagonal or only with In the train, this applies only to the individual vehicle in question. Sentences 1 and 2 shall not apply to the trailers, as defined in Article 58, for a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h, behind motor vehicles, which are driven at a speed of not more than 25 km/h (operating instructions). The second sentence shall not apply to motorcycles, other than light-wheel wheels, mopeds and bicycles with auxiliary motor. (2b) tyre manufacturers and ripeners shall be required to tyre pneumatic tyres for vehicles with a maximum speed of more than one as 40 km/h with their factory or trade mark as well as with indications from which tyre size, tyre design, load-bearing capacity, speed category, manufacturing and/or trade mark. Mature renewal date. The manner in which the information is given is disclosed in the Official Journal. (3) Instead of pneumatic tyres, vehicles with speeds of not more than 25 km/h (for motor vehicles without a sprung drive axle, however, are not available only at maximum speeds of not more than 25 km/h). (more than 16 km/h) rubber tyres which meet the following requirements: On both sides of the tyre, a 10 mm wide, protruding and clearly visible rib shall indicate the limit to which the tyre may be removed; the rib may only be provided by information on the manufacturer, the size and the like, and by Recesses of the tire may be interrupted. The tyre must still have a working capacity of at least 60 J at the run-off limit. The surface pressure of the tyre shall not exceed 0.8 N/qmm under the maximum permissible static load. The tyre must bear the inscription on both sides between the rib and the steel strip: "60 J". The working capacity of 60 J is still present when the compression of the rubber tyres of a wheel with single or double tyres during the application of a maximum load of 1 000 kg to those already complained to the maximum permissible static load Tyres shall be increased by a minimum amount calculated in accordance with the following formula:
where f is the minimum amount of the increase in the pressure in millimetres and P means the maximum permissible static load in kilograms. The maximum permissible static load shall not exceed 100 N/mm of the base area width of the tyre, but shall be 125 N/mm if the vehicles do not exceed a maximum speed of 8 km/h and corresponding to the maximum speed of the tyre. Speed signs (§ 58) are attached. The surface pressure is to be determined under the maximum permissible static load without taking into account the recess on the running surface. The provisions relating to the working capacity shall not apply to rubber tyres on electric carts with a spring-mounted driving axle and to a maximum speed of not more than 20 km/h and to their trailers. (4) Iron tyres with a tyre Bearing pressure of not more than 125 N/mm tire width are permissible
for tractors in agricultural or forestry holdings, the maximum permissible laden weight of which does not exceed 4 tonnes, and the maximum speed of which is not higher than 8 km/h,
for working machines and forklifts (Section 3 (2), first sentence, point 1 (a) of the Vehicle Registration Regulation), the maximum speed of which does not exceed 8 km/h, and for vehicles that are carried by them,
behind tractors at a speed of not more than 8 km/h (operating instructions)
for furniture cars,
for residential and display cars, if they are only transported between the fixed or parking spaces and the nearest railway station or between the fixed station and a parking space located nearby,
in the case of the construction workers ' accommodation wagons, if they are carried by or after a construction site and are not at the same time a substantial part of the transport of goods,
for mobile devices and machinery used in weaving and road maintenance, in the transport of or after a construction site,
for agricultural or forestry equipment and for vehicles used for the carriage of agricultural or forestry supplies, equipment or products.
(5) In the case of track-chain vehicles (section 34b (1), first sentence), the chain or the belt (track chain) shall not carry out any harmful scraping movements against the roadway. The edges of the bottom plates and their ribs must be round. The round rotations of metallic base plates and ribs must have a radius of at least 60 mm on the longitudinal sides of the track chains. The pressure of the bearing surface of track chains loaded by spring-loaded running rollers on the flat track may not exceed 1.5 N/qmm, in the case of vehicles with unsprung running rollers and track chains, which consist entirely of rubber band on the outside, 0.8 N/qmm. Only that part of a track chain, which actually rests on a flat roadway, is considered to be a supporting surface. With regard to the nature of the running surfaces and the suspension, track-chain vehicles and trains in which track-chain vehicles are carried shall be used,
generally the speed to 8 km/h,
if the track rollers of the track chains are equipped with 40 mm high rubber tires or the bearing surfaces of the track chains have a rubber cushion, the speed is 16 km/h,
if the running rollers are unsprung and the track chains are completely made of rubber band on the outside, the speed to 30 km/h
The running surfaces of track chains are rubber-upholstered or the track chains are made completely out of rubber band on the outside and the running rollers are equipped with 40 mm high rubber tires or are particularly cushioned, so the speed is not is limited.
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Section 36a Wheel Covers, Spare Wheels
(1) The wheels of motor vehicles and their trailers shall be provided with sufficiently effective covers (fender, mudguard or wheel assemblies). (2) Paragraph 1 shall not apply to:
motor vehicles with a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h,
the rear wheels of semi-trailer tractors, when a semi-trailer is carried along, the structure of which covers the wheels and does not permit the fitting of a full wheel cover; in this case, covers are sufficient in front of and behind the wheel, which cover up to the height of the wheels. Wheel upper edge,
iron-ready vehicles,
trailers for the carriage of railway cars on the road (road scooters),
Trailers marked in the manner prescribed by Article 58 for a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h,
agricultural or forestry equipment,
the seat carts carried along by agricultural or forestry single-axle tractors or working machines (Article 3 (2), first sentence, point 2 (i) of the vehicle registration regulation),
the front wheels of multi-axle trailers for the transport of long-wood.
(3) Spare wheels carried on vehicles on the outside must be fitted with holders which are capable of safely receiving the spare wheels and capable of withstanding all the normal operating conditions. The spare wheels must be secured against losing by means of two independent devices. The facilities must be such that one of them remains effective if the other fails, in particular by means of breakage, failure or operating error.
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§ 37 Anti-skid equipment and snow chains
(1) Facilities intended to increase the gripping effect of the wheels on journeys outside fixed roads (so-called ground grabs and similar devices) must be removed when driving on mounted roads, unless not by laying down Protective tires or by folding over the grippers or by applying other means detrimental effects on the roadway are avoided. The provisions of the first sentence shall not apply if, for the purpose of driving fixed roads, anti-skid devices are used which are designed and fitted in such a way that they cannot damage the roadway; use may be made on roads through component type-approval (section 22a) with certain ceilings and limited to certain periods. (2) Facilities which are intended to enable safe driving on snow covered or icy road (snow chains) must be designed and fitted in such a way as to ensure that they do not travel on the road damage. Snow chains made of metal may only be used with elastic tyres (§ 36 (2) and (3)). Snow chains must cover the tread of the tyre in such a way that, in each position of the wheel, a part of the chain is in contact with the plane of the road. The parts of the chains which contact the roadway must have short links, the pitch of which must be approximately three to four times the wire thickness. Snow chains have to be easy to set up and take off and be easily retensioned.
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§ 38 Steering facility
(1) The steering device shall ensure easy and safe steering of the vehicle and, if necessary, shall be fitted with a steering aid. In the event of failure of the steering assistance, the vehicle ' s steerability shall be maintained. (2) Passenger cars, buses, coaches, lorries and tractors, of at least four wheels and of a maximum speed of more than one type as 25 km/h, and their trailers must comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. (3) wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors with a maximum speed of not more than 40, By way of derogation from paragraph 1, by way of derogation from paragraph 1, the Annex to this Provisions. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, agricultural or forestry tractors with a maximum speed of more than 40 km/h may comply with the requirements relating to steering systems to be applied in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 for lorries. (4) By way of derogation from paragraph 1, self-proponent working machines and forklift trucks with a maximum speed of not more than 40 km/h may, in accordance with the characteristics of their chassis, either comply with the requirements laid down in paragraph 1. (2) for heavy goods vehicles or in accordance with the first sentence of paragraph 3 for land-or Forestry tractors may be used. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, self-proponent working machines and forklifts with a maximum speed of more than 40 km/h may comply with the provisions to be applied in accordance with paragraph 2 for heavy goods vehicles.
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Section 38a Safety equipment against unauthorised use of motor vehicles
(1) Passenger cars and lorries, tractors and tractors with a permissible gross laden weight not exceeding 3,5 tonnes, other than agricultural or forestry tractors and tricycles, shall be subject to the following conditions: Safety device against unauthorized use, passenger cars additionally being equipped with a immobilizer. The anti-tampering device and the immobilizer must comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. (2) Motorcycles and tricycle vehicles with a displacement of more than 50 ccm or one by means of the Design maximum speed exceeding 45 km/h, with the exception of mopeds and auxiliary bicycles (§ 3 (2), first sentence, point 1 (d) of the vehicle registration regulation), must be provided with a security device against unauthorized persons. shall be fitted with the equipment referred to in the Annex to this Regulation. (3) Safety devices against unauthorised use and immobilised vehicles on motor vehicles, for which they are not required, must comply with the above requirements.
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§ 38b Vehicle alarm systems
In passenger cars, lorries, tractors and tractors with a permissible gross laden weight of not more than 2.00 tonnes, vehicle alarm systems shall comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. Vehicle alarm systems in other motor vehicles shall be in accordance with the above requirements.
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§ 39 reverse gear
Motor vehicles-other than single-axle tractors or working machines with a maximum permissible weight of not more than 400 kg, and motorcycles with or without a side-carriage-must be able to be moved from the driver's seat to the reverse.
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Section 39a actuating devices, control lamps and indicators
(1) The controls, control lamps and indicators installed in passenger cars, buses and coaches, lorries, tractors and semi-trailers, other than agricultural or forestry tractors, shall be subject to the following conditions: (2) The controls, control lamps and indicators installed in motor vehicles in accordance with Article 30a (3) shall have a marking which shall be indicated in the Annex to the Annex to this Regulation. Annex to this provision is in accordance with. (3) Land-or Forestry tractors must have controls whose installation, position, operation and labelling are in accordance with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
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§ 40 discs, windscreen wipers, windscreen washers, desiccant and drying systems for slices
(1) All discs, other than mirrors and cover plates of optical devices and instruments, must be made of safety glass. Glass or a glass-like substance, the fragments of which cannot cause serious injury, shall be considered as safety glass. Glass panes of safety glass which are important for the driver's point of view shall be clear, translucent and free of distortion. (2) Windscreens shall be provided with self-acting windscreen wipers. The range of action of the windscreen wipers shall be such as to provide a sufficient field of vision for the driver of the vehicle. (3) Three-wheel mopeds and tricycles or four-wheel motor vehicles with a cab according to Article 30a (3) shall be equipped with discs, windscreen wipers, windscreen washers, desiccant and desiccant systems which comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
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Section 41 Brakes and subaluals
(1) Motor vehicles must have two braking systems which are independent of each other, or a braking system with two control devices which are independent of one another, each of which can act even if the other fails. The operating devices which are independent of one another must act on different braking surfaces by means of separate transmission means, which, however, may be located in or on the same brake drum. Where more than two wheels may be braked, common braking surfaces and (in whole or in part) common mechanical transmission means may be used; however, they shall be constructed in such a way that, in the event of a fraction of a part, at least two of the two wheels shall be fitted. Wheels that do not lie on the same side can be braked. All braking surfaces must act on parts which are necessarily connected to the wheels and which cannot be disengaged. A part of the braking surfaces shall act directly on the wheels or on components which are connected to the wheels without the interposition of chains or gear parts. This does not apply if the gear parts (not chains) are designed so that their failure is not accepted and a particular brake surface is present for each wheel in question. The brakes must be easily adjustable or have an automatic adjustment device. (1a) The second sentence of the first sentence of paragraph 1 shall not apply to brake systems of motor vehicles in which the braking effect is wholly or partly due to the pressure difference in the (2) In the case of single-axle tractors or working machines, a brake (service brake) shall be sufficient, which shall be such that, when a part of the braking system is broken, at least one wheel shall be provided. can be braked. If the maximum permissible weight is not more than 250 kg and the vehicle is guided by pedestrians, no braking system shall be required; if such vehicles are connected to a further axle and are driven from the seat, one shall comply with one of the following: Brake according to § 65 of the train or working machine or on the single-axle trailer, provided that the maximum speed determined by the design does not exceed 20 km/h. (3) In the case of track-chain vehicles, in which only the two drive wheels of the Running chains may be braked, common brake surfaces for the service brake and for the parking brake when at least 70% of the total weight of the vehicle rests on the chain drive and the brakes are such that the condition of the brake linings can be easily checked from the outside. The braking cams, the camshafts with levers or similar transmission parts may also be used jointly for both brakes. (4) In the case of motor vehicles, with the exception of motorcycles, the one brake (service brake) must be provided with a medium-sized brake (brake). Full deceleration of at least 5.0 m/s
2 ; in the case of motor vehicles with a maximum design speed of not more than 25 km/h, however, a mean full deceleration of 3,5 m/s is sufficient;
2 (4a) In the case of motor vehicles, other than motor vehicles in accordance with Article 30a (3), it must be possible, in the event of failure of part of the braking system, to use the remaining functional part of the braking system or with the other braking system of the motor vehicle to: (1), at least 44% of the braking effect prescribed in paragraph 4, without leaving the motor vehicle. (5) In the case of motor vehicles, other than motorcycles, the operating system shall be one of the two Braking systems can be detected; in the case of ambulances and in the case of vehicles which However, the service brake may be fixed instead of the other brake, the speed of which exceeds 30 km/h, but the speed of the building is greater than 30 km/h. The brake detected must be able to prevent the vehicle from rolling on the largest slope at the rolling-off, only by mechanical means and without the use of the braking action of the engine. With the parking brake, a mean delay of at least 1,5 m/s
2 (6) (omitted) (7) In the case of motor vehicles powered by stored electrical energy, one of the two braking systems may be an electrical resistance or short-circuit brake; in this case, paragraph 1, sentence 5 shall apply: (8) Operating foot brakes on tractors, with the exception of track-chain vehicles, designed to assist steering as single-wheel brakes, must be coupled on public roads in such a way as to ensure uniform Braking effect is guaranteed provided that it is not provided with a special brake lever can be operated together. A different wear of the brakes must be compensated for by an easy-to-use adjustment device or automatically compensate for itself. (9) Two-or multi-axle trailers-other than two-axle trailers with an axle spacing of less than 1.0 m-must have a sufficient, easily adjustable or self-adjusting braking system; with it, a mean full deceleration of at least 5.0 m/s
2 -in the case of semi-trailers of at least 4,5 m/s
2 -achieved. In the case of trailers behind motor vehicles at a speed of not more than 25 km/h (operating instructions), an own mean full deceleration of 3,5 m/s is sufficient.
2 , if the trailers are marked for a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h (§ 58). The brake must be fixed. The fixed brake must be able to prevent the full-loaded trailer from being rolled off by mechanical means, even if it has a gradient of 18 percent and in a gradient of 18 percent on a dry road on the roll-off. The service braking systems of motor vehicles and trailers must be capable of being operated with a single control device, from the driver's seat, or the service braking system of the trailer must act automatically; the braking system of the trailer shall be If it separates from the moving vehicle, it must also automatically stand at an incline of 18 per cent and in a gradient of 18 per cent. Trailers behind motor vehicles having a maximum speed of more than 25 km/h must have a braking system acting on all wheels; this shall not apply to the braking systems referred to in § 58 for a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h Trailers with a speed of not more than 25 km/h, marked with a speed of not more than 25 km/h. (10) Rare brakes are only permitted for trailers with a permissible gross laden weight of no more than
8,00 t and a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h, determined by the design,
8,00 t and a maximum speed of not more than 40 km/h, determined by the design, when the brake acts on all wheels,
3.50 t if the brake acts on all wheels.
In the case of semitrailers, run-on brakes are not permitted. Only one trailer may be carried on a train with a stip brake; however, two trailers with a run-on brake may be used after tractors, if:
Both trailers with speed signs according to § 58 are marked for a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h,
the train is driven at a speed of not more than 25 km/h,
the carrying out of more than one trailer is not prohibited by other provisions.
(11) A separate brake is not required on single axle trailers and two-axle trailers with an axle distance of less than 1.0 m when the train reaches the braking deceleration prescribed for the moving vehicle and the axle load of the vehicle is not required. Trailer not exceeding half the laden weight of the moving vehicle but not exceeding 0,75 tonnes. However, in the case of such trailers, if the maximum speed determined by the design is not more than 30 km/h, the axle load may be more than 0.75 tonnes, but not more than 3.0 tonnes, under the conditions set out in the first sentence. Where trailers, as set out in the first sentence, must be fitted with their own brakes, the provisions of paragraph 9 shall apply accordingly; in the case of semi-trailers, the action of the service brake shall be that carried by the axle or group of axles (Article 34 (1)). (12) The prescribed braking decelerations must be carried out on a flat, dry road with an ordinary expenditure of force in the case of a fully loaded vehicle, heated braking drums and, except in the case of the vehicle in the (5) prescribed brake, even at maximum speed Without the vehicle leaving its lane. The delays laid down in paragraphs 4, 6 and 7 must also be achieved in the case of the carrying of trailers. The mean full delay is either
in accordance with section 1.1.2 of Annex II to Council Directive 71 /320/EEC of 26 July 1971 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the braking systems of certain categories of motor vehicles and their trailers (OJ L 327, 31.12.1971, p. 37), as last amended by Directive 2006 /96/EC (OJ L 327, 30.12.2006, p. OJ L 363, 20.12.2006, p.
from the speed v1 and the braking distance s1, where v1 is the speed which the vehicle has in braking after a response and a threshold of not more than 0.6 seconds, and s1 is the path which the vehicle is moving from the speed v1 until the vehicle comes to a standstill.
The procedures laid down in sentences 1 to 3 may be deviated, in particular in the case of inspections in accordance with § 29, if the condition and effect of the braking system can be determined in another way. In the case of vehicles to be re-supplied, a correspondingly higher deceleration must be achieved for the braking effect to be carried out in accordance with the normal operating conditions; in addition, a sufficient continuous power corresponding to the relevant state of the art must be achieved by the Brakes for longer runs are guaranteed. (13) The above rules on brakes are exempt from the above rules
Tractors in agricultural or forestry holdings if their maximum permissible laden weight is not more than 4 tonnes and the maximum speed determined by the design is not more than 8 km/h,
self-proponent working machines and forklift trucks with a maximum speed of not more than 8 km/h and vehicles carried by them,
behind tractors which are driven at speeds of not more than 8 km/h,
furniture wagons,
Residential and display vehicles, if they are only transported between the fixed place or the parking place and the nearest station or between the festival square and a parking space located nearby,
construction workers ' accommodation vehicles when they are carried by or after a construction site and are not at the same time for a substantial part of the transport of goods,
in the case of road construction and road maintenance, mobile equipment and machinery used in the transport of or after a construction site,
agricultural or forestry equipment,
vehicles intended for the carriage of goods, equipment or products of agricultural or forestry products, if the vehicles are made of iron or in the manner prescribed by § 58 for a speed of not more than 8 km/h,
motorised ambulance chairs.
However, the vehicles must have a sufficient brake, which can be easily operated during the journey and can be fixed. Unsprung agricultural or forestry machinery, the unladen weight of which does not exceed the unladen weight of the moving vehicle but which does not exceed 3 tonnes, does not require a brake of its own. (14) The motor vehicles referred to below and trailers must be fitted with shallow wedges. Minimum required
a subleggerine at
Motor vehicles, other than track-chain vehicles, having a maximum permissible gross laden weight exceeding 4 tonnes,
Two-axle trailers, other than saddle and star-type oak trailers (including central axle trailers), with a maximum permissible gross laden weight of more than 750 kg,
two underlay wedges
three-and multi-axle vehicles,
Homeoak trailers (including central axle trailers) with a maximum permissible gross weight of more than 750 kg.
Underlay wedges must be safe to handle and be sufficiently effective. They must be easily accessible in or on the vehicle with brackets that exclude a losing and rattling. Hooks or chains shall not be used as holders. (15) Buses with a maximum permissible gross laden weight exceeding 5.5 tonnes and other motor vehicles with a maximum permissible weight exceeding 9 tonnes shall not be used with the brakes shall be equipped with a permanent brake. [0050] As continuous brakes, motor brakes or devices of the same type in the braking effect are applied. The retarder shall have at least one power corresponding to the braking load when driving a gradient of 7 per cent and 6 km in length by the fully loaded vehicle at a speed of 30 km/h. In the case of trailers with a maximum permissible laden weight exceeding 9 tonnes, the service brake must comply with the requirements set out in the third sentence, in the case of semi-trailers, only if the maximum permissible laden weight reduced by the maximum permissible load is more than 9 tonnes . The rates 1 to 4 shall not apply to:
vehicles with a maximum speed limit of not more than 25 km/h, and
Vehicles characterised in accordance with § 58 for a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h and which are operated at a speed of not more than 25 km/h.
(16) Compressed air brakes and hydraulic brakes for buses and coaches must be able to brake at least two wheels, not on the same side, even in the event of leakage. In the case of compressed air brakes of buses and coaches, the inadmissible drop in the pressure in the compressed air container must be clearly indicated to the guide by means of an optically or acoustically acting warning device. (17) When carrying trailers with Compressed-air braking system must be able to refill the trailer's storage containers also during operation of the service braking system (a two-line braking system with control by pressure increase), if the type of braking system is determined by the design of the The maximum speed is more than 25 km/h. (18) By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 to 11, 12 sentence 1, 2, 3 and 5, Paragraphs 13 and 15 to 17 shall apply to passenger cars, buses and coaches, lorries, tractors, other than agricultural or forestry tractors and tractors, having at least four wheels and a type defined by the type of construction. Maximum speed exceeding 25 km/h and their trailers, other than trailers referred to in the first sentence of the first subparagraph of paragraph 10, and 2 or 11, second sentence, or the second sentence of paragraph 11, the dump truck, the forklift, the electric carts and the carts referred to in the Annex to this provision. Provisions relating to braking systems. Other vehicles which are equivalent to the above-mentioned vehicles with regard to their construction characteristics shall comply with the provisions relating to braking systems referred to in the Annex to this Regulation. Replacement brake linings for the vehicles referred to in sentences 1 and 2 with a maximum permissible gross laden weight not exceeding 3,5 tonnes shall comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. (19) By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 to 11, 12 Articles 1, 2, 3 and 5, paragraphs 13, 17 and 18 shall comply with the provisions of Article 30a (3) of the provisions relating to braking systems referred to in the Annex to this Regulation. (20) By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 to 11, 12 sentence 1, 2, 3 and 5, the paragraphs 13, 17 to 19 shall be subject to agricultural or forestry tractors with a design a certain maximum speed of not more than 40 km/h is in accordance with the braking system provisions referred to in the Annex to this Regulation. Self-proponent working machines and forklift trucks with a maximum speed of not more than 40 km/h may be in accordance with the provisions relating to braking systems as set out in the first sentence.
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§ 41a Pressure-gas systems and pressure vessels
(1) Type of motor vehicles used with special equipment or components for the use of
liquefied gas (LPG) or
compressed natural gas (CNG)
in their propulsion system shall be approved in respect of the installation of such equipment or components in accordance with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. (2) Specific retrofitting systems for the use of
liquefied gas (LPG) or
compressed natural gas (CNG)
in the propulsion system of a motor vehicle, it must be approved in respect of its execution in accordance with the provision set out in the Annex to this provision. (3) Specific components for the use of
liquefied gas (LPG) or
compressed natural gas (CNG)
in the propulsion system of a motor vehicle must be approved in respect of its execution in accordance with the provision set out in the Annex to this Regulation. In addition, the conditions set out in the Annex to this Regulation shall be met for installation. (4) Manufacturers of components for equipment referred to in paragraph 1 or retrofit systems referred to in paragraph 2, or of special components referred to in paragraph 3 shall include the necessary information documents, in accordance with the provisions referred to in the Annex to this Regulation, for the installation, safe use during the intended service life and the recommended maintenance. The persons responsible for the installation, operation and testing shall be provided with these documents, if necessary. (5) Holder whose motor vehicles have been equipped with equipment referred to in paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 shall have the following information: Installation of a gas plant test (gas system installation test) according to Annex XVII. Gas system installation tests may only be carried out by
responsible persons in motor vehicle workshops recognised for this purpose, provided that the gas system has been installed in the relevant motor vehicle workshop,
officially recognised experts or examiners in the field of motor vehicle traffic,
Test engineers within the meaning of Annex VIIIb, point 3.9.
After the inspection of the gas system, holders of motor vehicles with equipment referred to in paragraph 3 shall have an assessment according to § 21 for obtaining a new type-approval. (6) Holders whose motor vehicles are equipped with equipment according to the In the case of each repair of the gas installation in the low-pressure area, a sealing and functional test shall be carried out. In the case of more extensive repairs to the gas system and in the event of damage caused by a fire or an accident, a gas plant test according to Annex XVII shall be carried out. The gas deposit tests and the tightness and function tests may only be carried out by
responsible persons in motor vehicle workshops or professionals recognised for this purpose under their supervision;
officially recognised experts or examiners in the field of motor vehicle traffic,
Test engineers within the meaning of Annex VIIIb, point 3.9.
(7) The recognition of motor vehicle repair shops for the performance of the gas system inspections referred to in paragraph 5, the gas plant tests referred to in paragraph 6 and the tests referred to in Annex VIII, point shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Annex XVIIa. The training of the persons referred to in points 2 and 3 of the second sentence of paragraph 5 and in paragraphs 2 and 3 of the third sentence of paragraph 6 shall be carried out with the appropriate application of points 2.5, 7.3 and 7.4 of Annex XVIIa, the extent of the initial training being given to that of Annex XVIIa. (8) Pressure vessels for compressed air braking systems and ancillary equipment must comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. They may also be made of other materials other than steel and aluminium if they comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation and have the same level of safety and serviceability. Pressure vessels shall be marked in accordance with the Annex.
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§ 41b Automatic anti-lock prevention
(1) An automatic anti-lock device is the part of a service braking system which automatically regulates the slip in the direction of rotation of the wheel on one or more wheels of the vehicle during braking. (2) The following vehicles shall be equipped with the following vehicles: The maximum speed limit of more than 60 km/h must be equipped with an automatic anti-lock system:
Lorries and tractors with a maximum permissible gross laden weight exceeding 3,5 tonnes,
trailers with a maximum permissible gross laden weight exceeding 3,5 tonnes; this applies to semi-trailers only if the maximum permissible gross laden weight of 3,5 tonnes is greater than the maximum permissible laden weight,
bus and coach,
Tractors with a permissible gross laden weight of more than 3,5 tonnes.
Other vehicles, which are equivalent to the vehicles referred to in points 1 to 4, must also be equipped with an automatic anti-lock system. (3) Vehicles with automatic anti-lock braking systems shall also be fitted with the vehicle. Anti-lock devices must comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision. (4) Trailers with automatic anti-lock devices, but without automatic-load-dependent braking force control devices may only be used with motor vehicles , the function of the automatic (5) Paragraph 2 does not apply to trailers with overrun brakes and to motor vehicles with more than four axles.
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§ 42 Trailer load behind motor vehicles and unladen weight
(1) The towed towbar shall be
Passenger cars, other than those referred to in point 2, and lorries, other than those referred to in point 3, shall not be the maximum permissible weight,
Passenger cars which, as defined in Annex II to Directive 70 /156/EEC, are off-road vehicles, shall not be 1.5 times the maximum authorised weight,
Lorries in trains with a continuous braking system not exceeding 1.5 times the total permissible weight
the drawing vehicle still exceeds the value declared or officially declared by the manufacturer of the drawing vehicle. However, in the case of passenger cars referred to in paragraph 1 or 2, the actual total weight of the trailer (axle load plus support load) shall in no case be more than 3 500 kg. The towing load in the case of motor vehicles according to § 30a (3) and in the case of motorised ambulances shall not exceed 50 per cent of the laden mass of the vehicle. (2) Trailers without sufficient own brake may be used for motorcycles and passenger cars. only if the moving vehicle has an all-wheel brake and the trailer has only one axle; motorcycles shall be considered to be vehicles with all-wheel brakes, motorcycles with side-wheel brakes, despite separate operating devices for the front wheel and rear-wheel brakes However, only if the passenger car has a brake. If single-axle trailers are carried on their own brakes without any suitable design, the towing load must not exceed half the weight of the drawing vehicle, which is 75 kg, but not more than 750 kg. (2a) shall not apply to the towing of unfit vehicles. (3) The unladen weight shall be the weight of the ready-to-use vehicle without exchangeable charge carriers (containers intended and suitable for receiving and on or on loads). various carrier vehicles, such as containers, swap bodies), but with 90 percent filled in fuel tanks and 100 percent filled systems for other liquids (except for used water systems), including the weight of all equipment carried in the operation (to Example of spare wheels and tyres, spare parts, tools, jacks, fire extinguishers, cutlery walls, tarpaulin frames with levellers and paddles or tarpaulin rods, tarpaulin, anti-skid equipment, load weights), in the case of other motor vehicles Motor vehicles according to Article 30a (3) plus 75 kg as Driver's weight. Exchangeable charge carriers that connect vehicles to one another or transmit tensile forces are vehicle parts.
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Section 43 Institutions for the connection of vehicles
(1) Equipment for the connection of vehicles must be designed and fastened in such a way that the safety which can be achieved according to the state of the art-also in the operation of the coupling-is ensured. The towing fork of multi-axle trailers shall be free of soil. The pulling eye of these trailers must be adjustable in each case at the height of the coupling mouth; this applies analogously to other coupling types. Sentences 2 and 3 shall not apply to trailers behind electric carts with a maximum design speed of not more than 25 km/h, if the maximum permissible weight of the trailer is not more than 2 tonnes. (2) Multi-track Motor vehicles with more than one axle must be used in the front, passenger cars-other than those for which a towing-load is not permitted after the type-approval-also in the rear, a sufficiently dimensioned and easily accessible device for the Attach a towing bar or towing rope. This device may be arranged at the rear of self-propelling working machines and stackers. (3) When using towing rods or towing ropes, the clear distance from the drawing to the towed vehicle must not exceed 5 m. Towing rods and tow ropes are to be made sufficiently recognizable, for example by means of a red tab. (4) trailer couplings have to be self-sufficient. However, non-automatic hitches are permitted,
on tractors and self-proponent working machines and forklifts, if the guide can observe the coupling process from its seat,
on motorcycles and passenger cars,
on trailers behind tractors in agricultural or forestry holdings,
for the connection of other motor vehicles with single-axle trailers or two-axle trailers with an axle spacing of less than 1.0 m with a permissible gross laden weight of not more than 3,5 tonnes.
In any event, the manufacture of a safe and safe connection shall be possible easily and safely. (5) Facilities for the connection of vehicles to two-or three-wheel motor vehicles according to Article 30a (3) and their affixing to the latter Motor vehicles must comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
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Section 44 Support facility and support load
(1) A supporting device shall be available or may be fitted to semitrailer trailers. Where semi-trailers are equipped in such a way that the connection of the coupling parts and of the electrical connections and of the brake connections can take place automatically, the trailers must have a supporting device which, after the coupling of the coupling part, is connected to the coupling part, the coupling part is connected to the coupling (2) Stark oak trailers (including central axle trailers) must have a support height adjustable height if the load is more than 50 kg when the load is evenly distributed. However, this does not apply to rigid shaft trailers behind motor vehicles with a power lift suitable for raising the drawbar. Support devices must be housed in a captive position. (3) In the case of Stark oak trailers (including central axle trailers) with a permissible gross laden weight of not more than 3,5 tonnes, the minimum support load to be increased by the pulling vehicle shall be: not less than 4% of the actual total weight of the trailer, but it does not need to be more than 25 kg. The technically permissible maximum load of the towing vehicle shall be determined by the manufacturer; it shall not be less than 25 kg, except for motorcycles. In the case of trailers (including central axle trailers) with a maximum permissible gross laden weight exceeding 3,5 tonnes, the minimum support load to be taken by the moving vehicle shall not be less than 4% of the total weight of the total weight of the vehicle. However, it does not need to be more than 500 kg. The maximum permissible maximum support load may be applied to these trailers, except in the case of trailer trailers (including central axle trailers), which are marked for a maximum speed of not more than 40 km/h (§ 58) and country or country of destination. forestry equipment-not more than 15 per cent of the actual total weight of the Stark oak trailer (including the central axle trailer), but not more than 2.00 tonnes. In the case of all rigid-track trailers (including central axle trailers), neither the supporting load specified for the trailer coupling or the towing device nor the support load specified by the drawing vehicle manufacturer shall be exceeded.
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§ 45 Fuel tank
(1) Fuel tanks must be corrosion-resistant. They must be sealed at double operating overpressure, but at least at an excess pressure of 0.3 bar. Soft-soldered containers must also be held together after the solder has been milled out. Any overpressure occurring or the pressure surpassing the operating pressure must be automatically compensated by suitable devices (openings, safety valves and the like). Ventilation openings are to be secured against the passing of flames. Parts which are soldered to the container must at the same time be riveted, screwed or securely fastened in a different manner. Fuel must not flow out of the filling closure or the devices intended to compensate for overpressure, even in the case of an inclined position, cornering or shocks. (1a) For the installation of fuel tanks in motor vehicles, other than those according to § (2) Fuel tanks for gasifier fuel must not be directly behind the front panel of the vehicle; they must be separated from the engine in such a way that: in the case of accidents, it is not to be expected that the fuel should be inflamed. This does not apply to motorcycles and to tractors with an open driver's seat. (3) In the case of buses and coaches, fuel tanks must not be in the passenger compartment or in the driver's room. They must be fitted in such a way that the exits are not directly endangered in the event of a fire. In the case of buses and coaches, containers for gasifier fuel must be housed in the rear or at the side below the floor at a distance of at least 500 mm from the door openings. If this measure cannot be complied with, a corresponding part of the container, with the exception of the underside, is to be shielded by a sheet metal wall. (4) For fuel tanks in motor vehicles according to § 30a (3) and their installation as well as for installation the fuel supply lines in these motor vehicles shall be subject to the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
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§ 46 Fuel lines
(1) Fuel lines shall be designed in such a way that the twisting of the vehicle, the movements of the engine and the like exert no adverse effect on the durability. (2) Pipe connections are by means of screw connection without soldering or with hard soldered nipples. A shut-off device, which is easy to operate during travel, must be installed in the fuel line; it may be missing if the delivery device for the fuel is supplied with the flow to the carburetor or to the injection pump. the vehicle is interrupted or when the vehicle is operated exclusively with diesel fuel. Fuel lines can be fitted with seamless, elastic metal hoses or fuel-resistant other hoses made of hard-flammable materials; they must be protected against mechanical damage. (3) Fuel lines, carburetor and all other fuel-carrying parts must be protected against operating-disrupting heat and shall be arranged in such a way that dripping or evaporating fuel can neither accumulate nor ignite on hot parts or on electrical equipment. (4) Bus and coach buses may not be used in the passenger compartment or in the driver's room . In the case of these vehicles, the fuel must not be transported by gravity.
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§ 47 exhaust gases
(1) motor vehicles with positive-ignition engines or compression-ignition engines having at least four wheels, a maximum authorised mass of at least 400 kg and a maximum design speed of at least 50 km/h, with the exception of land-or Forestry tractors and working machines, as well as other working machines and forklifts, insofar as they fall within the scope of Council Directive 70 /220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to: Measures to be taken against air pollution caused by emissions from motor vehicles 1. 1), which was last amended by Directive 2006 /96//EC (OJ L 378, 27.12.2006, p. 81), it is necessary to comply with the requirements of this Directive in respect of their exhaust gas behaviour and the requirements relating to fuels. (1a) Motor vehicles, as referred to in Article 2 (1) Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 on type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access on vehicle repair and maintenance information (OJ L 196, 27.7.2005, p 1), in respect of their exhaust behaviour, in the cases provided for in Article 13 of the EC vehicle approval regulation or section 21, must comply with the requirements of this Regulation and Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008. Implementation and amendment of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 on type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information (OJ C 327, 30.4.2004, p. 1), as amended by the provisions of the Annex to this Regulation. (2) Motor vehicles with compression-ignition engines with or without bodywork, with at least four wheels and a maximum design speed more than 25 km/h, with the exception of agricultural tractors and working machines and other working machines and forklifts, to the extent that they fall within the scope of Council Directive 72/306/EEC of 2 August 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States Legislation of the Member States on measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants Substances from diesel engines for the propulsion of vehicles (OJ L 196, 27.7.2001 1), as last amended by Directive 2005 /21/EC (OJ L 190, 18.7.2005, p. 25), it is necessary to comply with this Directive with regard to the emission of pollutants. Motor vehicles with compression ignition engines to which the Annex XVI relates must comply with the emission of pollutants (solid components-diesel smoke) in the exhaust gas of Annex XVI or Directive 72 /306/EEC. (3) Passenger cars and motorhomes with external or compression-ignition engines, which comply with the requirements
Appendix XXIII or
of Annex III A to Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 88 /76/EEC (OJ L 206, 22.7.1988, p. 1) or subsequent amendments to this Annex to Directive 88 /436/EEC (OJ L 344, 28.11.1988, p. 1), rectified by the corrigendum to Directive 88 /436/EEC (OJ No L 214, 6.8.1988, p. 36), or Directive 89 /491/EEC (OJ L 303, 2.12.1989, p. 43) or OJ L 238, 15.8.1989, p.
of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 91 /441/EEC (OJ L 327, 30.4.1991, p. 1), with the exception of those vehicles which use the transitional provisions of points 8.1 or 8.3 of Annex I, or
of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 93 /59/EEC (OJ L 206, 22.7.1993, p. 21), with the exception of those vehicles which use the less stringent limit value requirements of Class II or III of Annex I in points and or the transitional provisions of Annex I, point 8.3, or
of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 94 /12/EC (OJ L 201, 31.7.1994, p. 42)-and comply with the limit values of vehicle category M in Annex I, point
Directive 96 /69/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 October 1996 amending Directive 70 /220/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles (OJ L 327, 30.12.1996, p. 64) or OJ L 282, 1.11.1996, p.
Commission Directive 98 /77/EC of 2 October 1998 adapting to the Council Directive 70 /220/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles to technical progress (OJ C 327, 22. OJ L 286, 23.10.1998, p. 34),
Directive 98 /69/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998, on measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles and amending Council Directive 70 /220/EEC (OJ L 327, 30.12.1998, p. OJ L 350, 28.12.1998, p. 1), or
Commission Directive 1999 /102/EC of 15 December 1999 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 70 /220/EEC relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles (OJ L 376, 27.12.1999, p. OJ L 334, 28.12.1999, p. 43),
Directive 2001 /1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 January 2001 amending Council Directive 70 /220/EEC relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles (OJ L 327, 22.11.2001, p. 34) or OJ L 35, 6.2.2001, p.
Directive 2001 /100/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 December 2001 amending Council Directive 70 /220/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States against air pollution caused by emissions from the air Motor vehicles 32) or OJ L 16, 18.1.2002, p.
of Commission Directive 2002/80/EC of 3 June 2002 on the October 2002 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 70 /220/EEC on measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles (OJ L 376, 27.12.2002, p. OJ L 291, 28.10.2002, p.20), or
Commission Directive 2003 /76/EC of 11 August 2003 amending Council Directive 70 /220/EEC relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles (OJ L 376, 27.11.2003, p. OJ L 206, 15.8.2003, p. 29),
of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 and of Regulation (EC) No 692/2008
(3a) Passenger cars and motorhomes with compression-ignition engines shall be deemed to be particularly reduced if they meet the requirements of one of the reduction levels or the requirements laid down in Annex XXVI (2) of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008. (4) Passenger cars and motorhomes with a maximum authorised mass of no more than 2 800 kg with non-ignition or compression-ignition engines, which comply with the requirements of Annex XXIV shall be deemed to be conditional pollutant. For the first time, recognition as a conditional low-pollutant is no longer permissible as from 1 November 1993. (5) Passenger cars and motorhomes with foreign or compression ignition engines,
the provisions of Annex XXV, or
Of a cubic capacity of less than 1 400 cubic centimetres, as defined in Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Council Directive 89 /458/EEC of 18 July 1989 (OJ L 349, 31.12.1989, p. OJ L 226, 3.8.1989, p. 1)
(6) Vehicles or engines intended for vehicles which fall within the scope of Council Directive 88 /77/EEC of 3 December 1987 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against the Emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for the propulsion of vehicles and the emission of gaseous pollutants from external ignition engines fuelling natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas for use in vehicles 1. 33), which was last amended by Directive 2001 /27/EC (OJ L 327, 22.11.2001, p. 10), it is necessary to comply with the requirements of this Directive in respect of their exhaust behaviour. (6a) Vehicles or engines for vehicles falling within the scope of Directive 2005 /55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for the purpose of driving Vehicles and the emission of gaseous pollutants from liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas Spark-ignition engines for use in vehicles (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004 1), they must comply with the requirements of this Directive and Commission Directive 2005 /78/EC of 14 November 2005 on the implementation of Directive 2005 /55/EC of the European Parliament and of Directive 2005 /78/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 November 2005 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for use in vehicles, and the emission of gaseous pollutants Spark-ignition engines fuelpowered by liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, Propulsion of vehicles and amending Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI (OJ L 327, 28.4.1997, p. 1), as amended by the provisions of the Annex to this Regulation. (7) Motorcycles to which the Regulation No 40-Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motorcycles with regard to the Emission of air pollutants from engines with spark ignition-the Convention on the adoption of uniform conditions for the approval of equipment and parts of motor vehicles and on the mutual recognition of the Approved by the Regulation of 14 September 1983 (BGBl). 584), in respect of their exhaust behaviour, the provisions of Regulation No 40, as last amended by Regulation No 1 and corrigendum 3 of ECE Regulation No 40 on uniform rules for the approval of the exhaust system, must be adopted. the motorcycles with regard to the emission of air pollutants from engines with spark-ignition of 29 December 1992 (BGBl. 110); this also applies to motorcycles with an unladen mass of more than 400 kg. (8) Other motorcycles other than those referred to in paragraph 7, with regard to their exhaust gas behaviour, shall be subject to the provisions of point 47 of the Regulation-Uniform Requirements for the approval of bicycles with auxiliary engines with regard to the emission of air pollutants from engines with spark-ignition-the Convention on the adoption of uniform conditions for the approval of equipment and parts of motor vehicles and on the mutual recognition of authorisation, in Force set by the Regulation of 26. October 1981 (BGBl. 930). (8a) Motor vehicles which fall within the scope of Directive 97 /24/EC must comply with the requirements of this Directive in respect of their exhaust gas behaviour. (8b) Motor vehicles which fall within the scope of the Twenty-eighth regulation implementing the Federal Immission Control Act of 11 November 1998 (BGBl. 3411), must be equipped with engines which comply with the provisions of the twenty-first regulation implementing the Federal Immission Protection Act of 11 November 1998 with regard to their exhaust gas performance. (8c) tractors or engines for tractors which fall within the scope of Directive 2000 /25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2000 on measures to control the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from Engines used for the propulsion of agricultural and forestry tractors , and amending Council Directive 74 /150/EEC (OJ L 206, 22.7.1974, p. 1), they must comply with the requirements of this Directive in respect of their exhaust gas behaviour. (9) Technical service and testing centre within the meaning of the above-mentioned regulations is the exhaust gas testing centre of TÜV-Nord Mobility GmbH & Co. KG, Adlerstraße 7, 45307 Essen. It is also possible to check other technical testing points for motor vehicle traffic or bodies recognised by the supreme state authority, provided that they have the necessary own measuring and testing facilities. The Technical Service shall be informed of all examinations. In case of doubt, he shall be involved; he shall be responsible for all matters relating to the application. The test stations shall regularly compare the measuring and testing equipment used with regard to the measurement results and the measuring accuracy with the technical service.
(+ + + § 47 (1a): For application, see Section 72 (2) (2) (2) + + +)
(+ + + § 47 (6a): For application, see Section 72 (2) (3) + + +)
(+ + + § 47 (8c): For application, see Section 72 (2) (4) + + +)
Section 47 (1) italics: should be correctly read "Directive 2006 /96/EC"
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§ 47a (omitted)
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§ 47b (omitted)
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Section 47c discharges of exhaust gases
The muzzle of exhaust pipes shall be directed only upwards, to the rear, to the rear or to the rear to the left to an angle of 45 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle; they must be fitted in such a way that the penetration of exhaust gases into the Vehicle interior is not to be expected. Exhaust pipes shall not project beyond the lateral or rear limits of the vehicles.
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§ 47d Carbon dioxide emissions, fuel consumption, range, power consumption
(1) For motor vehicles which fall within the scope of Council Directive 80 /1268/EEC of 16 December 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the fuel consumption of motor vehicles (OJ L 327, 30.12.1980, p. 36), as amended by the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation and falling within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 692/2008, the values shall be: in the case of carbon dioxide emissions, fuel consumption, range and electricity consumption, in accordance with the requirements of these rules. (2) In the absence of an EC certificate of conformity in accordance with Annex IX to Directive 70 /156/EEC and Annex IX to Directive 2007 /46/EC shall be those laid down in accordance with the requirements of these provisions in a certificate to be transferred to the vehicle holder when the vehicle is purchased.
(+ + + § 47d: For application see Section 72 (2) (5) + + +)
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§ 47e Approval, retrofitting and refilling of air conditioning systems
Motor vehicles with air conditioning, which fall within the scope of Directive 2006 /40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 relating to emissions from air conditioning systems in motor vehicles and amending Directive 70 /156/EEC (OJ L 103, 25.4.2006, p. 12) and Commission Regulation (EC) No 706/2007 of 21 June 2007 laying down the administrative provisions relating to the EC type-approval of motor vehicles and a harmonised procedure for the measurement of leakages from certain air conditioning systems in accordance with Directive 2006 /40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 103, 25.4.2006 33), they must comply with the provisions of this Regulation with effect from 1 June 2012.
(+ + + § 47e: For application cf. Section 72 (2) (6) + + +)
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Section 48 Emission classes for motor vehicles
Motor vehicles for which it is proved that the emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants or noise emissions correspond to the requirements of the emission classes referred to in Annex XIV shall be provided in accordance with the conditions laid down in (2) Particle reduction systems intended for retrofitting of commercial vehicles or mobile machinery powered by compression-ignition engines must comply with the requirements of Annex XXVI to the or XXVII and tested in accordance with the relevant installation, shall be approved and installed.
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Section 49 Noise development and sound-damping system
(1) Motor vehicles and their trailers must be designed in such a way that the development of noise does not exceed what is unavoidable according to the state of the art. (2) Motor vehicles, for the regulations on the permissible sound level and on the The sound-absorbing system shall be in accordance with the following guidelines of the European Communities, shall be in accordance with these requirements:
Council Directive 70 /157/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the permissible sound level and the exhaust system of motor vehicles (OJ L 327, 31.12.1970, p. 16), as amended by the provisions of the Annex to this Regulation,
Council Directive 74 /151/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to certain components and characteristics of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ No L 73, 27.3.1974, p. 1). 25), as amended by the provisions of the Annex to this Regulation,
Directive 97 /24/EC, as amended by the Annex to this Regulation.
Agricultural or forestry tractors with a maximum speed of more than 30 km/h and self-proponent working machines and forklifts shall comply with the requirement laid down in paragraph 1, even if they comply with the requirements of the Directive as set out in point 2. Vehicles shall comply with the provisions of the Directive referred to in point 2, even if they comply with the requirements of the Directive referred to in point 1. (2a) Exhaust systems for motorcycles, as well as replacement exhaust systems and individual parts of such installations as independent the technical unit for motorcycles may only be used within the scope of this Regulation, or may be used for use in the form of a display or sale, provided that:
with the EEC type-approval mark provided for in point 3.1.3 of Annex II to Council Directive 78 /1015/EEC of 23 November 1978 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the permissible sound level and the exhaust system of motorcycles 1. 21), which was last amended by Directive 89 /235/EEC (OJ L 349, 30.12.1989, p. OJ L 98, 11.4.1989, p. 1), or
with the approval mark referred to in Chapter 9, Annex VI, point 1.3 of Directive 97 /24/EEC; or
with the mark "e" and the mark of the country which granted the component type-approval in accordance with Chapter 9, Annex III, point of Directive 97 /24/EC
). Sentence 1 shall not apply to:
Exhaust systems and exchange exhaust systems used exclusively in motor racing,
Exhaust systems and replacement exhaust systems for motorcycles, with a maximum speed of not more than 50 km/h, determined by the design.
Motor vehicles belonging to noise class G 1 in accordance with Annex XIV shall be considered to be low-noise and shall be marked with the sign 'Noise motor vehicle' as defined in Appendix XV. Other vehicles must not be marked with this sign. No signs may be affixed to vehicles which may be confused with the character set out in the first sentence. (4) If there is reason to believe that a vehicle does not meet the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 2, the driver of the vehicle shall be under the instructions of a competent person, to have the sound level detected in the near field. If the measuring point does not lie in the direction of travel of the vehicle, the obligation shall apply only if the detour to be returned is not more than 6 km. After the measurement, the guide shall be issued with a certificate of the result of the measurement. The cost of the measurement shall be borne by the holder of the vehicle when the noise level permissible for the vehicle is exceeded to be objectionable. (5) Technical service and testing centre within the meaning of paragraphs 2 and 3 The Institute of Vehicle Technology at the Technische Monitor-Verein Bayern Sachsen e. V., Westendstr. 199, 80686 Munich. It is also possible to check other technical testing points for motor vehicle traffic or bodies recognised by the supreme state authority. The Technical Service shall be informed of all examinations. In case of doubt, he shall be involved; he shall be responsible for all matters relating to the application.
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§ 49a Lighting facilities, general principles
(1) In motor vehicles and their trailers, only the prescribed and those declared to be authorised may be fitted. Luminescent materials and retro-emitting devices are also considered to be light-technical devices. The lighting equipment must be in a proper and fixed position, and must be permanently ready for operation. Lighting equipment for motor vehicles and trailers, to which Council Directive 76 /756/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004 1), as last amended by Directive 2008 /89/EC (OJ L 262, 27.9.2008, p. 14), the technical provisions of paragraphs 2, 5 and 6 and of Annexes 3 to 11 of the ECE Regulation No 48 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)-Uniform Conditions for the approval of vehicles with regard to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. 46). (2) Headlamps may be coverable or lowerable if their permanent operational capability is not affected by it. (3) Lighting equipment must be designed and fitted in such a way as to ensure that it is shall not affect each other in their effect as unavoidable, even if they are united in one apparatus. (4) Where the same type of optical equipment is fitted in pairs, they shall be located at the same level above the roadway and shall be mounted symmetrically to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle (determined by the external geometric shape and not by the edge of its luminous surface), except in the case of vehicles with an asymmetrical external shape and in the case of motorcycles with a side-carriage. They must be of equal colour, equally strong and, with the exception of the parking lights and the direction indicator lamps, at the same time. The rules on the height of the lighting equipment above the roadway shall apply to the unladen vehicle. (5) All light-technical equipment acting in the forward direction may only be fitted together with the final lamps and the Lighting device for official registration plates or transparent official marks can be switched on. This shall not apply to:
parking lights,
Direction indicator,
the issuing of signs (Section 16 (1) of the Road Traffic Order),
work headlights on
agricultural or forestry tractors,
agricultural or forestry machinery, and
Motor vehicles of the military police, the police of the federal and state governments, the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Customs Enforcement Service,
Daytime running lamps complying with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
(6) In the headlamps and luminaires, only the light sources determined by their design may be used. (7) For prescribed or authorised warning lines, warning signs and the like on motor vehicles and trailers, (8) For all headlamps and signal lights fitted to the motor vehicle or train, a sufficient electrical power supply must be kept under all normal operating conditions (9) Final lamps, rear fog lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear direction indicator lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear side marker lamps, rear Lighting equipment and two additional triangular retro-reflectors-for trailers in accordance with § 53 (7) two additional retro-reflectors, as required for motor vehicles-may be mounted on a removable shield or rack (luminaire carrier) be appropriate for
Trailers in agricultural or forestry holdings,
Trailers for the carriage of railway cars on the road (road scooters),
Trailers for the transport of boats,
turmly cranes,
Conveyor belts and load elevators,
Towing axes,
vehicles towed,
Chassis which are transferred for the installation of the bodywork,
drivable construction buds,
Caravans and caravans in the display industry according to § 3 (2) sentence 1 (2) (b) of the Vehicle Registration Regulation,
Attached work equipment for road maintenance,
Downstream runners for the transport of long material.
The lamp carrier shall be mounted at right angles to the roadway and to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle; it must not be able to commute. (9a) Additional return lights (Section 52a (2)), tail lamps (§ 53 (1)), brake lights (§ 53 (2)), Retro-reflectors (§ 53 (4)), fog lamps (§ 53d (2)) and direction indicator lamps (§ 54 (1)) are fixed to vehicles or charge carriers by number and type as the corresponding prescribed light-technical equipment when load carriers or entrained cargo are only partially incorporated into the (4), the angle required by the existing prescribed luminaires on the motor vehicle or trailer. The electrical circuit of the rear fog lamps shall be designed so as to switch off rear fog lamps present on the vehicle. The respective reconnection and reconnection of the fog lamps must be carried out automatically by plugging or pulling the plug for the additional rear fog lamps. (10) In the case of the trailers referred to in paragraph 9 (1) and section 53 (7), in addition to the attachments referred to in Article 53b (4), the beacon may consist of two or, in the cases referred to in § 53 (5), three units, if these units and the holding devices on the vehicles are such that an improper use of the equipment is not required. Installation is not possible. These units may also be fitted with limiting lamps acting in front. (11) For the determination of the "illuminating surface", the "light exit surface" and the "angle of geometric visibility", the definitions in Annex I of Directive 76 /756/EEC.
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§ 50 Fern and dipped-beam headlamps
(1) Only white light may be used for the lighting of the road. (2) Motor vehicles must be fitted with two front-facing headlamps, motorcycles-even with a passenger car-with a headlamp. A headlamp is sufficient for multi-track motor vehicles with a width not exceeding 1 000 mm, as well as for ambulances and for vehicles which have the construction characteristics of nurseries, but whose speed exceeds 30 km/h. In the case of motor vehicles with a maximum speed of not more than 8 km/h, lamps without a headlight effect are sufficient. § 17 (5) of the Road Traffic Order applies to single-axle tractors or working machines which are guided by pedestrians at Holmen. In the case of single-axle tractors, behind which a single-axle trailer is carried along, the headlamps may be mounted on the trailer instead of the tractor. Motor vehicles of the road service used by or on behalf of the public administrations and whose temporary work equipment covers the headlamps fitted in accordance with the rules may be provided with two additional The headlamps shall be equipped with headlamps in accordance with paragraph 4, which may be fitted above the roadway higher than 1 000 mm (paragraph 3); only one pair of headlights may be fitted in each case. The higher headlamps may only be switched on when the lower headlamps are covered. (3) Headlamps must be adjustable and fixed in such a way that they cannot be inadvertently adjusted. In the case of dipped-beam headlamps, the lowest point of the mirror edge shall not be less than 500 mm and the highest point of the illuminating surface shall not be higher than 1 200 mm above the roadway. Sentence 2 shall not apply to:
Road service vehicles used by or on behalf of public administrations,
self-propelled working machines, forklift trucks and agricultural or forestry tractors, the design of which does not allow the headlamps to be fitted in a proper manner. However, if the highest point of the illuminating surface is higher than 1 500 mm above the road, it shall only be driven at a speed of not more than 30 km/h when the headlights are switched on.
(4) Special headlamps may be present for the high beam and the dipped beam; they may be switched in such a way that the dipped headlamps burn with high beam. (5) The headlamps must illuminate the road in the dark (long-range light) that the illuminance at a distance of 100 m in the longitudinal axis of the vehicle at the height of the headlight is at least equal to
0.25 lx in the case of motorcycles with a displacement of not more than 100 cm 3 ,
0,50 lx for motorcycles with a cylinder capacity over 100 cm 3 ,
1,00 lx for other motor vehicles.
The switch-on of the distance light must be indicated by a blue lamp in the driver's field of vision; in the case of motorcycles and tractors with an open driver's seat, the switching on of the remote light can be effected by the position of the switching lever. are displayed. Motor vehicles having a maximum speed of not more than 30 km/h need only be fitted with headlamps which comply with the requirements of the second and third sentences of paragraph 6. (6) Headlights used in pairs for the Fern and the dipped beam must be so arranged that they can only be dimmed simultaneously and evenly. Glare shall be deemed to be fixed (dipped beam) if the illuminance is at a distance of 25 m in front of each individual headlamp on a plane perpendicular to the road at the height of the centre of the headlamp and not more than 1 lx above it. If the highest point of the illuminating surface of the headlamps (paragraph 3, second sentence) is more than 1 200 mm above the roadway, the illuminance shall not exceed 1 lx above the level of 1 000 mm under the same conditions. In the case of headlamps, the height of which exceeds 1 400 mm, the light-dark limit of 15 m in front of the headlamp shall be only half as high as the centre of the headlight. In the case of headlamps for asymmetric dipped beam, the 1-Lux limit shall rise from the point corresponding to the centre of the headlight at an angle of 15 degrees to the right, unless in international agreements or acts in accordance with section 21a is intended to be something else. The headlamps shall illuminate the roadway in such a way that the illuminance at a distance of 25 m from the headlamps perpendicular to the incident light at a height of 150 mm above the roadway shall be at least the values specified in paragraph 5 (6a) Paragraphs 2 to 6 shall not apply to Mofas. These vehicles shall be fitted with a continuous-beam headlamp, the illuminance of which shall be at a distance of 25 m in front of the headlamp on a plane perpendicular to the road at the height of the centre of the headlight and above it no more than 1 lx. The headlight must be adjustable on the vehicle and fixed in such a way that it cannot be inadvertently adjusted. The nominal power of the incandescent lamp in the headlamp shall be 15 W. The provisions of sentences 1 to 3 shall also apply to mopeds and other bicycles with an auxiliary motor, provided that sufficient electrical energy is supplied to the lighting and light-signalling devices only when headlamps are used for permanent dipped-beam headlamps, in accordance with the (8) Multi-track motor vehicles, other than agricultural or forestry tractors, are to be measured when the engine is stationary and the headlights are properly set. working machines and forklift trucks, must be such that the Alignment of the dipped beam of headlamps not higher than 1 200 mm above the roadway (paragraph 3) corresponding to the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision. (9) Light-beam headlamps may only be used at the same time or in pairs; all simultaneously extinguishers must be extinguishable. (10) Motor vehicles with headlights for low-beam and dipped-beam headlamps equipped with gas discharge lamps shall be fitted with
an automatic lighting system within the meaning of paragraph 8;
a headlamp cleaning system; and
a system which ensures that the dipped light is permanently switched on, even in the case of long-distance light;
be equipped.
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Section 51 Boundary Lights, front retroreflectors, track-retaining lights
(1) Motor vehicles, other than motorcycles without a vehicle and motor vehicles of a width of less than 1 000 mm, must be equipped with two limiting lamps for the purpose of identifying their lateral limits, in respect of which the the outermost point of the illuminating surface must not be more than 400 mm from the widest part of the vehicle's cover. Two additional limiting lamps, which must be part of the headlamps, are permissible. If the distance of the outermost point of the illuminating surface of the headlamps is not more than 400 mm from the widest parts of the vehicle ' s periphery, the ceiling lamps fitted into the headlamps shall be sufficient. The light of the limiting lamps must be white; it must not dazzle. The limiting lamps must also be lit constantly in the case of high-beam and dipped-beam lamps. In the case of motorcycles with a passenger car, a limiting lamp shall be mounted on the outer side of the passenger car. Motorcycles without a side-carriage may lead to a lamp in the headlight in the manner of the limiting lamps; the fifth sentence shall not be used. Limiting lamps on single-axle tractors or working machines shall not be required if they are guided by pedestrians on bars or if their maximum speed does not exceed 30 km/h, and the distance from the outermost part of the vehicle is not exceeded. Point of the illuminating surface of the headlamps from the widest part of the vehicle body not more than 400 mm (2) trailers, the outermost point of which is more than 400 mm above the outermost point of the illuminating surface of the vehicle. The front side of the towing vehicle shall be replaced by two Limiting lights are indicated. Other trailers may be fitted with two limiting lamps on the front side. Two non-triangular white retroreflectors may be attached to the front side of all trailers. The outermost point of the illuminating surface of the delimiting lamps and the outermost point of the illuminating surface of the retro-reflectors shall not be more than 150 mm, not more than 400 mm for agricultural or forestry trailers, from the outermost point of the (3) The lowest point of the illuminating surface of the limiting lamps shall not be less than 350 mm and the highest point of the illuminating surface shall be no more than 1 500 mm above the roadway. Where the design of the vehicle does not permit such a mounting, the limiting lamps may be fitted higher, but not higher than 2 100 mm. In the case of the front retrorers, the lowest point of the illuminating surface shall not be less than 350 mm and the highest point of the illuminating surface shall be no more than 900 mm above the roadway. If the design of the vehicle does not permit such a fitting, the retro-reflectors may be fitted higher, but not higher than 1 500 mm. (4) A forward-facing lamp for white shall be allowed at the rear end of each of the two longitudinal sides. Light (lane-retaining lamp) should be attached.
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§ 51a Seitual Information
(1) Motor vehicles other than passenger cars with a length of more than 6 m and trailers must be fitted on the longitudinal sides with non-triangular, yellow, non-triangular rear radiators acting on the side. At least one of these retroreflectors shall be located in the middle third of the vehicle; the rear radiator mounted furthest to the front shall not be more than 3 m from the foremost point of the vehicle, and may not be the front-point of the vehicle; A pulling device is removed. The distance between two successive retro-radiators shall not exceed 3 m. The rearmost rearview radiator shall not be more than 1 m from the rearmost point of the vehicle. The height above the road (the highest point of the illuminating surface) shall not exceed 900 mm. If the design of the vehicle does not allow it to be, the retro-reflectors may be mounted higher, but not higher than 1 500 mm. Nurseries must be equipped on the longitudinal sides with at least one yellow retroreflter, not higher than 600 mm, but must be as deep as possible. These retro-reflectors may also be attached to the spokes of the wheels. (2) The retroreflectors to be applied in accordance with paragraph 1 may be removable
on vehicles whose construction does not allow permanent fixed installation,
on agricultural or forestry tillage equipment carried along behind motor vehicles; and
at points of travel which are transferred to completion.
(3) The lateral identification of vehicles for which it is not required shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 1. However, one retroreflecting device in the front and rear third is sufficient. (4) Retroreflective yellow horizontal strips, which may be interrupted, on the longitudinal sides of vehicles are permissible. They must not be in the form of lettering or emblems. Section 53, paragraph 10, point 3 shall apply. (5) Ring-shaped, retroreflective white stripes on the tyres of motorcycles and nurseries shall be permitted. (6) Vehicles with a length of more than 6,0 m, with the exception of the chassis, shall be used. Cab, agricultural or forestry tractors and their trailers, as well as working machines and forklift trucks, which are not equivalent to lorries and tractors in terms of the characteristics of their chassis, shall be required to: Longitudinal sides with yellow side marker lamps acting on the side be equipped in accordance with Directive 76 /756/EEC. For other multi-track vehicles, the corresponding mounting of side-marker lamps is permissible. Where the rear side marker lamp is assembled, combined or fitted into one another with the tail light, outline lamp, rear fog lamp or brake light, or forms the part of a common luminous surface with the retro-reflector, the (7) In addition to the facilities prescribed in paragraph 1, combinations of vehicles with prolongation for the transport of long material over its entire length (including cargo) shall be made by yellow retroreflective material, At least the type 2 of the standard plate DIN 67 520 part 2, edition June 1994, must be indicated in the form of strips, ribbons, hose or cable sheaths, or similar in design, to the side. Short interruptions caused by the nature of the cargo or the design of the vehicles are permitted. The facilities shall be so deep as to allow for the constructive nature of the vehicles and the cargo. By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph 6, a side marker lamp shall be fitted to the progeny of vehicle combinations for the transport of long material on the longitudinal sides, as far as possible, at the front and rear.
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§ 51b Umrissleuchten
(1) Umrissleuchten are luminaires that clearly indicate the width of all vehicles. In the case of certain vehicles, they shall supplement the limiting and closing lamps and draw attention to particular vehicle tears. (2) Vehicles with a width of more than 2.10 m and vehicles with a width of more than 1.80 m but not more than 2.10 m may be equipped on each side with a forward-looking white and a posterior red outline. The lamps on one side of the vehicle may be combined to form a lamp. In all cases, the distance between the illuminating surfaces of these lamps and the lamp or tail lamp on the same side of the vehicle shall be more than 200 mm. (3) In accordance with the provisions of the Annex to this Directive, Provisions referred to in this Regulation shall be affixed to the vehicles. For working machines and forklifts, the cultivation requirements apply to trailers and semi-trailers. (4) Umrissleuchten are not required
agricultural or forestry tractors and their trailers, and
all attachments and towing equipment behind agricultural or forestry tractors.
(5) In the case of vehicles for which they are not prescribed, they shall comply with the requirements laid down in paragraphs 1 to 3. (6) No need for cover shall be applied to vehicles and accessories whose width is greater than: everything is not more than 1.80 m.
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§ 51c Parking lights, park warning boards
(1) Parking lights and park warning signs indicate the lateral limitation of a parked vehicle. (2) Vehicles, trailers and trains may be fitted:
a forward parking light for white light and a rear parking lamp for red light for each vehicle side or
a limiting lamp and a tail lamp, or
a removable parking lamp for white light for the front side and a removable parking lamp for red light for the rear or rear side, or
One park warning panel for the front side and the rear of the vehicle or train with 100 mm wide at 45 degrees to the outside and to the red and white stripes running at the bottom.
In vehicles not wider than 2 000 mm and not longer than 6 000 mm, both the parking lamps referred to in point 1 of each side of the vehicle and those referred to in point 3 may be combined into one device. (3) The lamps referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 2 shall be 1 1 and 3 and the second sentence must be attached to the vehicle in such a way that the lowest point of the illuminating surface is more than 350 mm and the highest point of the illuminating surface is no more than 1 500 mm from the road. The outermost point of the illuminating surface of the luminaires shall not be more than 400 mm from the outermost point of the vehicle cover. (4) The lamps referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 2 shall be able to be connected to the on-board electrical system during operation or (5) Park warning boards, the effective parts of which may only be visible in the case of parked vehicles, must be placed on the side of the vehicle facing the traffic Vehicle or train as low as possible and not higher than 1 000 mm (highest point of the luminous surface) shall be fitted with the outline of the vehicle, train or cargo. Deviations of no more than 100 mm inwards are permitted. Retroreflectors and official marks must not be covered by park warning boards.
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Section 52 Additional headlights and luminaires
(1) In addition to the headlamps for the lighting of the roadway prescribed in § 50, multi-track motor vehicles may be fitted with two fog lamps for white or light yellow light, motorcycles, even with a side-carriage, with only one Fog lights. They shall not be higher than the dipped-beam headlamps on the vehicle. If multi-track motor vehicles are fitted with fog lights where the outer edge of the light exit surface is more than 400 mm from the widest part of the vehicle outline, the fog lights shall be switched in such a way that: can only burn together with the dipped beam. Fog lights must be adjustable and attached to suitable parts of the vehicles in such a way that they cannot be inadvertently adjusted. They must be set in such a way that a glare of other road users is not to be expected. Glare shall be deemed to be fixed if the illuminance at a distance of 25 m in front of each fog lamp on a plane perpendicular to the roadway at the height of the headlight centre and above it at nominal voltage at the terminals of the Headlamp lamp is not more than 1 lx. (2) A searchlight for white light is allowed. The power consumption shall not exceed 35 W. It can only be switched on at the same time as the tail lights and the license plate lighting. (3) With one or more characteristic lights for blue flashing light-all-round light-may be equipped:
motor vehicles used by the police, the military police, the Federal Police, the customs service, the Federal Office for the Transport of Goods or the Federal Office for Flight accident investigation, in particular the command, strip, Men's transport, road accident, death commission vehicles,
Use and command vehicles of the fire brigades and of the other units and facilities of civil protection and rescue services,
motor vehicles which are recognised in the form of an accident aid car for public transport vehicles with track-guided vehicles, including trolleys, on the basis of the vehicle licence;
Motor vehicles of the rescue service, which are specially set up for ambulance or emergency rescue, and which are recognised as ambulance vehicles after the vehicle registration.
Indicator lamps for blue flashing light with a front or rear main beam direction are permissible on motor vehicles in accordance with the first sentence, but in the case of multi-track vehicles only in combination with blue flashing light-all-round light-. (3a) Motor vehicles of the enforcement service of the military police, the police force of the federal and state governments and of the customs service shall have the following characteristics and signal transmitters:
Halting signal,
Forward-acting signal transmitters for red light, as well as
signal transmitters for red or yellow light, acting to the rear.
Motor vehicles of the enforcement service of the Federal Office of Goods Transport may be equipped with a rear-acting signal transmitter for red light. The indicator lamps for red flashing light and blue flashing light must not be able to be operated together. In addition to the signal transmitters, fluorescent or retroreflective films may be used. (4) With one or, if the horizontal and vertical visibility (geometric visibility) it requires, several characteristic luminaines for yellow Flashlight-All-round light-may be equipped:
vehicles used for the construction, maintenance or cleaning of roads or installations in the street or refuse collection and by means of red-white warning markings (safety marking), which are the standard sheet DIN 30 710, March 1990, shall be marked,
Motor vehicles which, according to their design or device, are suitable for breakdown assistance and are recognised as a breakdown aid vehicle after the vehicle's appearance. The authorisation authority may, in order to prepare its decision, arrange for the opinion of an officially recognised expert or auditor for motor vehicle traffic to decide whether the motor vehicle is designed or constructed in accordance with its design or equipment. is suitable for panning aid. Recognition shall be permitted only for vehicles of undertakings which provide for commercial or intra-company breakdown assistance, of automobile clubs and of associations of the transport sector and of car-insurance companies,
vehicles with an unusual width or length or with an unusually broad or long load, provided that the approval authority has prescribed the guidance of the identification lights;
Vehicles fitted as heavy-duty or large-space transport vehicles on the basis of their equipment and recognised on the basis of the vehicle registration certificate. Other accompanying vehicles may be fitted with removable identification lights, provided that the approval authority has required the guidance of the identification lights.
(5) ambulances (paragraph 3 (4)) may be fitted with a special lighting device (for example, a red-cross lamp) which acts in front of the vehicle in order to make the use of the vehicle in a state of the art. The lighting device shall not have a headlight effect. (6) In motor vehicles in which a physician is travelling in emergency situations, a shield with a black colour acting in front and rear may be used during the use of the vehicle. "Physician emergency use" on the roof, which radiates yellow flashing light; this only applies if the doctor is authorized to guide the sign. The authorisation to guide the sign shall be issued by the registration authority upon request and shall be decided upon after consultation with the competent medical chamber. The authorized person shall be given a certificate to be supplied during the journey and to be given responsible persons for examination upon request. (7) Multi-track vehicles may be used with one or more lamps to illuminate Work equipment and work stations (headlamps). Work headlamps must not be used during the journey. In the case of vehicles used for the construction, maintenance or cleaning of roads or installations in the road or refuse collection, work headlamps may, by way of derogation from the second sentence, also be switched on during the journey when the journey to the vehicle is to be carried out. Work item belongs. Work headlamps may be switched on only if they do not show other road users. (8) Red light door safety lamps, which light up backwards when the doors are opened, shall be permitted; (9) Pre-tent lamps on caravans and mobile homes are permitted. They shall not be used during the journey and shall be switched on only if it is not to be expected that they will show road users on public roads. (10) Motor vehicles referred to in paragraph 3 (4) may be used with horizontal stripes in shining red according to DIN 6164, part 1, February 1980 edition. (11) Motor vehicles referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 3, points 1, 2 and 4 may also be used for blue flashing lights-all-round light and blue-flashing lights with a Main beam direction forward with a rear warning system consisting of a maximum of three A pair of horizontally rearwardly acting luminaires are equipped for yellow flashing light. The yellow flashing indicator lamps with a main beam direction must be
in accordance with category X of point 1.1.2 of ECE Regulation No 65 on uniform conditions for the approval of indicators for flashing light for motor vehicles and their trailers (BGBl). 108), have been approved by the Commission in 1994,
flashing synchronously and
in the upper area of the rear of the vehicle, symmetrically to the vehicle's longitudinal axis. The reference axis of the lamps shall be parallel to the standing surface of the vehicle on the roadway.
The rear warning system must be able to be switched on independently of the rest of the vehicle lighting and must be operated only at the level or at the rate of step. The operation of the rear warning system shall be indicated by a control lamp in the driver's cab. A clearly visible indication must be made that the rear warning system is only used to secure the point of use and that the switching on can only take place in the stand or at the rate of step.
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§ 52a Return headlight
(1) The rear-view headlamp is a lamp which illuminates the roadway behind and, if necessary, next to the vehicle and indicates to other road users that the vehicle is moving backwards or starting to drive. (2) Motor vehicles must be rear be equipped with one or two rear headlights for white light. At the rear, one or two rear headlights are allowed on the rear. The lowest point of the illuminating surface shall not be less than 250 mm and the highest point of the illuminating surface shall be no more than 1 200 mm above the roadway. (3) Multi-lane motor vehicles with a maximum permissible gross laden weight of more than 3.5 t shall be fitted on each longitudinal side of a rear-view headlamp. The highest point of the illuminating surface shall be no more than 1 200 mm above the road surface. These reversing lamps shall not project more than 50 mm laterally beyond the outline of the vehicle. (4) Return headlamps shall be able to light up only when the reverse gear is engaged if the means for starting or stopping the engine in is the position in which the engine can operate. If one of the two conditions is not met, they shall not be able to be switched on or remain on. (5) Return headlamps shall, unless otherwise required by type-approval, be inclined to such an extent that they illuminate the road to no more than 10 metres behind the lamp. (6) Return headlights are not required
agricultural or forestry tractors or working machines,
single-axle tractors,
working machines and forklifts,
Ambulance chairs.
(7) If rear-stage lamps are fitted on vehicles for which they are not required, they shall comply with the requirements laid down in paragraphs 2, 4 and 5.
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Section 53 tail lights, brake lights, retroreflectors
(1) Motor vehicles and their trailers must be equipped at the rear with two sufficiently effective tail lamps for red light. Motorcycles without side cars only need to have a tail light. The lowest point of the illuminating surface of the closing lamps shall not be less than 350 mm, for motorcycles not lower than 250 mm, and the highest point of the illuminating surface shall not exceed 1 500 mm, in the case of working machines, forklifts and land-or Forestry tractors are not higher than 1 900 mm above the road. If the shape of the structure does not allow such compliance, the highest point of the illuminating surface shall be no higher than 2 100 mm above the road. The end lamps shall be as wide as possible and the outermost point of the illuminating surface shall not be more than 400 mm from the widest part of the vehicle's cover. Multi-track motor vehicles and their trailers may be fitted with two additional closing lamps. (2) Motor vehicles and their trailers must be equipped at the rear with two sufficiently effective brake lights for red light, which shall be retrofitted to the rear of the vehicle and shall be equipped with two sufficiently effective brake lights for red light. Actuation of the service brake, in the case of vehicles according to § 41 (7) of the mechanical brake. The brake lights may also light up when a retarder or a similar device is actuated. Brake lights fitted in or assembled in the vicinity of the tail lights shall be stronger than these lamps. Brake lights are not required to:
motorcycles with or without a side-carriage having a maximum speed limit of not more than 50 km/h,
Trailers behind vehicles referred to in points 1 and 2; and
Vehicles with a hydrostatic drive which is recognised as an operating brake.
Brake lamps on vehicles for which they are not required shall comply with the provisions of this paragraph. Only one brake light shall be permitted on motorcycles without a side-carriage. The lowest point of the illuminating surface of the brake lights shall not be lower than 350 mm and the highest point of the illuminating surface shall be no higher than 1 500 mm above the road surface. For road service vehicles used by or on behalf of public administrations, the highest point of the illuminating surface of the brake lights shall be higher than 1 500 mm above the road surface. In the case of machinery, forklift and agricultural or forestry tractors, the highest point of the illuminating surface shall not exceed 1 900 mm and, if the shape of the structure does not allow it to comply with this measure, not higher than 2 100 mm above of the roadway. Multi-track motor vehicles and their trailers may be fitted with two additional brake lamps, which are mounted on the vehicle, on the inside or outside of the vehicle, above 1 000 mm, and which, by way of derogation from the set 6, are also higher than 1 500 mm can be fitted over the road. They must be installed as far as possible from each other. (3) (omitted) (4) Motor vehicles must be fitted on the rear side with two red retro-radiators. Trailers must be equipped with two triangular red retroreflectors; the side length of such retro-reflectors must be at least 150 mm, and the top of the triangle must show upwards. The outermost point of the illuminating surface of the retroreflectors shall not be more than 400 mm from the outermost point of the vehicle body and its highest point of the illuminating surface shall not be more than 900 mm from the road. Where, due to the design of the vehicle, such affixing of the retroreflectors is not possible, two additional retro-reflectors are required, a pair of retro-reflectors being as low as possible and not more than 400 mm from the widest point of the the other pair must be mounted as far apart as possible and at most 900 mm above the roadway. Motorcycles without sidecar need only be equipped with a retro-reflector. An additional triangular retro-reflector shall be installed in the centre between the other two retroreflectors on the snow-making equipment with a width of more than 3 m, carried on the rear of the motor vehicle. Bicycles with an auxiliary motor may be equipped with pedal retro-radiators (§ 67 (6)). Triangular retro-reflectors are not permitted on motor vehicles. (5) Prewritten closing lamps, brake lights and retroreflectors must be mounted at the extreme end of the vehicle. If this is not possible due to the design of the vehicle, the distance of the outermost end of the vehicle from the planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle to which the tail lamps, the brake lights or the retroreflectors are located. More than 1 000 mm, one of the said devices must be fitted as far back as possible and, if possible, in the height prescribed in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4, approximately in the centre line of the vehicle lane. In addition, mobile trailers, conveyor belts and cranes projecting towards the rear are to be identified on the same day as a load in accordance with Article 22 (4) of the Road Traffic Order. (6) Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to single-axle trains or trains. Working machines. Where single-axle tractors or working machines are connected to a trailer, the rear of the trailer must be fitted with the final lamps required for motor vehicles. On single-lane trailers behind single-axle tractors or working machines and behind motorcycles-also with sidecar-a tail lamp and a triangular retro-reflector are sufficient for the rear securing. (7) By way of derogation from the second sentence of paragraph 4, the following may be required:
agricultural or forestry equipment which are carried along behind motor vehicles and which can only be used for the purpose of their work in driving,
ferrous pendants used only for agricultural or forestry purposes;
be equipped with retro-radiators as prescribed in the first and second sentences of paragraph 4 for motor vehicles. (7a) trailers used only for agricultural or forestry purposes may, in addition to the retro-radiators referred to in the second sentence of paragraph 4, also: Retroreflectors as required for motor vehicles. (7b) Backradiators on agricultural or forestry tillage equipment carried behind motor vehicles may be removable. (8) With towing vehicle or towing axles Vehicles towed must be closed, brake lights, retroreflectors and direction indicator lamps. These lighting fixtures may be mounted on a light beam (§ 49a (9)); they must be capable of being actuated by the towing vehicle. (9) Final lamps, brake lights and red retroreflectors-with the exception of additional Brake lights and additional tail lights-must not be mounted on moving parts of the vehicle. This shall not apply to lighting equipment which may be removable in accordance with Article 49a (9) and (10). (10) The marking of
motor vehicles, the maximum speed of which is not more than 30 km/h, and their trailers, having a triangular panel with flattened corners corresponding to the destination referred to in the Annex to this provision,
heavy and long motor vehicles and trailers with rectangular plates which correspond to the destination referred to in the Annex to this provision,
Vehicles of categories M2, M3, O2 and chassis with cab, incomplete vehicles, tractors and vehicles of category N2 with a maximum mass not exceeding 7,5 t and vehicles of categories N, O3 and O4 with a width of no more than 2 100 mm or with a length of not more than 6 000 mm with white or yellow eye-catching markings on the side, with red or yellow flashy markings on the rear, which are the provisions referred to in the Annex to this provision , and
Motor vehicles equipped in accordance with Article 52 (3) with a blue-flashing indicator light in the form of an all-round light, with retroreflective materials complying with the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision,
is allowed. In vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3 and O4, which are not mentioned in the first sentence of the first subparagraph, white or yellow, red or yellow flashy markings corresponding to the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision shall be marked with a white or yellow colour. be appropriate. In the case of the vehicles referred to in the first and second sentence of the first sentence, in conjunction with the contour marking, advertising shall also be permitted from other coloured retroreflecting materials on the side surfaces of the vehicles which are listed in the Annex to this Regulation ,
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§ 53a Warning triangle, warning light, warning light, warning vest
(1) Warning triangles and warning lights shall be portable, stand-safe and shall be such that they can be identified at a sufficient distance when used. Warning triangles must be retro-reflective; warning lights must emit yellow flashing light, be independent of the vehicle's lighting system and have a sufficient burning time. Warning jackets must comply with the standard DIN EN 471:2003 + A1:2007, issue March 2008 or the standard EN ISO 20471:2013. The warning devices must be in the ready-to-use state. (2) In motor vehicles with the exception of ambulances, motorcycles and single-axle tractors or working machines, at least the following warning devices must be carried:
in passenger cars, agricultural or forestry tractors or working machines, and in other motor vehicles with a maximum permissible gross laden weight of not more than 3,5 tonnes: a warning triangle;
in motor vehicles with a maximum permissible gross laden weight of more than 3,5 tonnes: a warning triangle and a warning lamp separately therefrom. A portable flashlight according to § 53b (5) sentence 7 may also be used as a warning lamp;
in passenger cars, lorries, tractors and buses, and buses:
a warning vest.
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, warning lamps which are carried along without being required by paragraph 2 may depend on the lighting system of the vehicle, be fixed in the vehicle or be such that, if necessary, they may be fitted inside or outside the vehicle. can be attached to the vehicle. They must comply with the number 20 of the technical requirements for vehicle parts in the type test according to § 22a of the Road Traffic Approval Order (Journal 1973, p. 558). (4) Vehicles (excluding motor vehicles according to Article 30a (3)). The exception of three-wheel motor vehicles), which must be equipped with direction indicator lamps, must also have a warning blinking system. It must be obtained as follows:
For the circuit, a special switch must be present in the motor vehicle.
After switching on, all of the flashing lights present on the vehicle or train must emit yellow flashing light simultaneously at a frequency of 1.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz (90 pulses ± 30 pulses per minute).
The driver must be indicated by a conspicuous indicator lamp in accordance with § 39a that the warning flashing light is switched on.
(5) Warning flashing systems on vehicles for which they are not required shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 4.
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Section 53b Equipment and knowledge of attachments and lifting platforms
(1) Fitting equipment which extends laterally more than 400 mm above the outermost point of the illuminating surfaces of the limiting or final lamps of the vehicle shall be equipped with limiting lamps (Article 51 (1)), final lamps (Article 53 (1)); and Retro-radiators (§ 53 (4)) shall be equipped. The lamps shall be fitted in such a way that the outermost point of their illuminating surface shall not be more than 400 mm from the outermost limit of the attachment and the highest point of the illuminating surface shall not be more than 1 500 mm from the road surface . The outermost point of the illuminating surface of the retroreflectors shall not be more than 400 mm from the outermost limit of the attachment, the highest point of the illuminating surface shall not be more than 900 mm from the road. The lamps and retroreflectors may be removed outside the time when lighting is necessary (Section 17 (1) of the Road Traffic Order); they must be carried in or on the vehicle. (2) Attachments, the outermost end of which shall be more than 1 000 mm beyond the rear lamps of the vehicle to the rear, must be fitted with a tail light (§ 53 (1)) and a retro-reflector (§ 53 (4)). The tail light and the retroreflectors must be fitted as far as possible at the outermost end of the attachment and, if possible, in the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle The highest point of the illuminating surface of the final lamp shall not be more than 1 500 mm and that of the retro-reflector shall not be more than 900 mm from the road. Light and back-radiators may be removed outside the time when lighting is necessary (Section 17 (1) of the Road Traffic Order); they must be carried in or on the vehicle. (3) Attachments as referred to in paragraph 1 shall be permanently forward and in the rear, attachments as referred to in paragraph 2 shall be permanently marked to the rear by means of parking warning boards in accordance with § 51c or by foils or sheets in accordance with DIN 11 030, edition September 1994. These panels, the strips of which must be outwardly and downwardly, need not be fixed to the attachment. (4) If the action of an attachment is not preventable, it is not possible to avoid the effect of the effects of light-technical equipment. during the duration of the impairment, in addition, any additional lighting equipment (for example, on a luminaire according to § 49a (9) or (10)) of the same type must perform its function. (5) Hublasts and similar equipment; except for buses and coaches, must be carried out during their operation by two Flashing lights for yellow light with a light intensity of not less than 50 cd and not more than 200 cd and with clearly visible red and white warning markings are marked. The flashing lights and the warning markings must be mounted as far as possible at the rear end and as far as possible on the outside, in relation to the working position of the device. In the working position of the device, the flashing lights must be visible at least in the angle ranges, which are required for the direction indicator lamps arranged at the rear of vehicles in § 49a paragraph 1 sentence 4. The flashing lights have to have a shallow embankation. The flashing lights must emit warning flashlights automatically and independently of the rest of the vehicle lighting during the operation of the device. The red and white warning markings must be retroreflective and only need to work backwards. In the case of vehicles where fixed-mounted flashing lights are incompatible with the intended use or construction of the lifting platform, and in the case of vehicles where retrofitting is not possible with reasonable effort, at least one portable A flashing light as a securing device of a lifting platform or similar devices is carried out, set up and operated in a suitable manner.
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§ 53c Tarnlit
(1) Vehicles of the Federal Armed Forces, the Federal Police, the Police and the Civil Protection Department may additionally be provided with the luminaires belonging to the camouflage circle-camouflage lights, camouflage lights, distance lights and camouflage lamps. (2) The camouflage lamps may only be switched on when the rest of the vehicle lighting is switched off.
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§ 53d fog lamps
(1) The fog lamp is a lamp that radiates red light and makes the vehicle more visible from the rear when the fog is thick. (2) Multi-track motor vehicles with a maximum speed of more than 60 km/h, as a result of the design, (3) The lowest point of the illuminating surface shall not be less than 250 mm and the highest point shall not be allowed to be fitted to the rear of the rear side of the vehicle. (3) more than 1 000 mm above the roadway. In all cases, the distance between the illuminating surfaces of the fog lamp and the brake lamp shall be more than 100 mm. If only one fog lamp is fitted, it must be located in the centre or on the left of it. (4) Rear fog lamps shall be so connected that they can only illuminate when the headlamps are for high beam, for dipped beam or for the Fog lights or a combination of these headlights are switched on. If fog lamps are present, the rear fog lamps must be able to be switched off independently of them. When the rear fog lamps are switched on, the operation of the switch for high-beam or dipped beam must not switch off the rear fog lamps. (5) Rear fog lamps must be fitted to the driver by a control lamp for yellow light, which must be clearly visible in his field of vision. (6) Only the fog lights on the last trailer need to be lit on a train. However, the disconnection of the rear fog lamps on the towing vehicle or on the first trailer is only permissible if the respective exhaust and/or rear end lamps are not connected to the vehicle. Reconnection automatically by plugging on or Removal of the connector for the trailer lighting is effected.
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§ 54 Travel direction indicator
(1) Motor vehicles and their trailers must be equipped with direction indicator lamps. The direction indicators shall, after switching on at a frequency of 1.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz (90 pulses ± 30 pulses per minute) between light and dark, and on the same side of the vehicle, with the exception of motorcycles with alternating current light equipment, in flashing the same phase. They must be so appropriate and appropriate that the indication of the intended change of direction is clearly perceived in all lighting and operating conditions of other road users for which their recognition is of importance can be. Direction indicator lamps need not fulfil their function as long as they radiate warning flashing light. (1a) The rear direction indicator lamps may not be mounted on moving vehicle parts. The forward direction indicator lamps and the additional lateral direction indicator lamps may be mounted on moving parts of the vehicle, if these parts have only a normal position (operating position). The sentences 1 and 2 shall not apply to direction indicators which may be removable in accordance with Article 49a (9) and (10). (2) If the direction indicator is not in the driver's field of vision, its effectiveness must be indicated to the guide by analogy; this does not apply to direction indicator lamps on motorcycles and to lateral auxiliary flashing lights. Driving direction indicators shall not hinder the vision of the driver. (3) Only flashing lamps for yellow light are permitted as direction indicator lamps. (4) Required as direction indicator lamps
Flashing lights attached to multiple-lane motor vehicle pairwise on the front side and on the back. Instead of the flashing lights on the front side, direction indicator lamps may be attached to the front part of the two longitudinal sides. In vehicles with a length of not more than 4 m and a width of not more than 1.60 m, direction indicator lamps are sufficient on the two longitudinal sides. In vehicles where the distance between the mutually facing outer edges of the light exit faces of the flashing lights on the front side and on the rear side is more than 6 m, additional direction indicator lamps must be provided at the two sides of the vehicle. the longitudinal sides,
Flashing lights mounted in pairs on the front side and on the rear side. The distance of the inner edge of the light exit surface of the flashing lights shall be at least 120 mm from the vertical plane passing through the longitudinal axis of the motorcycle, at least 120 mm in the case of the flashing lights mounted on the rear side, At least 170 mm and at least 100 mm from the edge of the light exit surface of the headlight. The lower edge of the light exit surface of flashing lights on motorcycles shall be at least 350 mm above the roadway. Where a vehicle is carried along, the flashing lamps provided for the relevant side shall be fitted on the outside of the passenger car,
blink lights attached to the back of the trailer. In the case of the carrying of two trailers, flashing lights shall be sufficient for the last trailer if the trailers are carried behind a tractor with a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h, or if they are used for a tractor, the maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h is indicated in the manner prescribed by Article 58;
two additional flashing lights, which must be arranged on the rear side of the bus, which must be as high and as wide as possible, on the rear side of the bus,
on multi-track motor vehicles and semi-trailers, excluding working machines, forklifts and agricultural or forestry tractors and their trailers, with a maximum permissible gross laden weight of more than 3,5 tonnes on the longitudinal sides of the front third Additional flashing lights with a light intensity at the rear of at least 50 cd and not more than 200 cd. For these vehicles, the affixing of additional direction indicators as specified in paragraph 1 shall not be required.
(5) Direction indicator lamps are not required
single-axle tractors,
single-axle working machines,
open health-care chairs,
Light-wheel wheels, mopeds and bicycles with an auxiliary motor,
the following types of trailers:
iron-on trailers used only for agricultural or forestry purposes;
attached agricultural or forestry equipment, in so far as they do not cover the flashing lights of the moving vehicle;
Single-axle trailers behind motorcycles;
Seating carts (§ 3 (2), first sentence, point 2 (i) of the vehicle registration regulation).
(6) Driving direction indicators on vehicles for which they are not required shall comply with the above rules.
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§ 54a Interior lighting in bus and coach
(1) Buses must have an interior lighting system which must not affect the driver's vision. (2) The entrants and exits intended for passengers shall be sufficiently illuminated as long as the passenger door does not closed.
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Section 54b Windproof hand lamp
In the case of buses and coaches, in addition to the warning devices required in accordance with section 53a (1), a windproof hand lamp independent of the vehicle's lighting system must be carried.
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§ 55 Institutions for sound signs
(1) Motor vehicles must have at least one device for sound signals, the sound of which makes vulnerable road users aware of the approaching of a motor vehicle without frightening them and harassing others more than unavoidable. Where more than one sound-marking device is fitted, it is necessary to ensure that only one device can be operated in each case. The switching over to one or the other device must not allow the delivery of a sequence of sounds of different fundamental frequencies. (2) As devices for sound signals, horn and horns may be attached, which sound with a sound with a sound. Generate constant basic frequencies (also harmonic chord), which is free of side noises. The volume shall not exceed 105 dB (A) at any point at a distance of 7 m from the location of the sound source on the vehicle and in a height range of 500 mm to 1 500 mm above the road. The measurements are to be carried out on a free space with as smooth a surface as possible in the case of wind silence; obstacles (trees, shrubs and others). (2a) By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2, motor vehicles in accordance with Article 30a (3) shall be subject to the following conditions: (3) motor vehicles which, pursuant to Article 52 (3), lead to blue flashing lights, must be equipped with at least one warning device with a sequence of Sounds of different fundamental frequencies (infeed horn) be equipped. If more than one emergency horn is fitted, it must be ensured that only one can be operated in each case. (3a) Motor vehicles which are equipped with a stop signal and with signal transmitters for red light on the basis of section 52 (3a) of this Directive may be used. in addition to the warning device prescribed in paragraph 3, the emergency horn, with an additional warning device, the holding horn. It must be ensured that the stopping horn can only be activated in conjunction with the hold signal and the signal transmitter for red light. It may not be possible to jointly operate the warning devices. (4) Finally, the devices for sound signs and sirens described in paragraphs 1 to 3a may be used on motor vehicles, except for motor vehicles referred to in paragraph 1. 3a, set 1. Only the motor vehicles referred to in the first sentence of paragraphs 3 and 3a may be fitted with the inset horn or, in addition, with the stopping horn. (5) Paragraph 1 shall not apply to iron-powered motor vehicles having a design defined by the design Maximum speed of not more than 8 km/h and for single-axle tractors or working machines, which are guided by pedestrians on bars. (6) Mofas must be equipped with at least one light-tinted bell. Wheel looms and other devices for sound signs are not allowed.
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§ 55a Electromagnetic compatibility
(1) Passenger cars, buses, coaches, lorries, tractors and tractors with at least four wheels and a maximum speed of more than 25 km/h, except for agricultural or forestry Tractors, dump trucks, industrial trucks, electric carts and carts-as well as their trailers must comply with the provisions relating to electromagnetic compatibility referred to in the Annex to this provision. The first sentence shall apply to other vehicles which are equivalent to the vehicles referred to in relation to their characteristics of the chassis and their electrical equipment, as well as to components and separate technical units intended for installation. (2) Motor vehicles referred to in Article 30a (3) and self-contained technical units intended for installation in these vehicles must comply with the provisions of the Annex to this Regulation on electromagnetic Tolerability.
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§ 56 mirrors and other devices for indirect vision
(1) Motor vehicles must have mirrors or other devices for indirect vision in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 3, which are designed and fitted in such a way that the driver is able to move backwards, to the side and immediately in front of the vehicle-also in the case of the vehicle. Carry trailers-can observe all essential traffic processes. (2) There is a need for:
in the case of passenger cars and lorries, tractors and tractors with a maximum authorised mass not exceeding 3,5 tonnes, mirrors or other devices for indirect vision which are included in the Annex to this Regulation. Provisions for these vehicles are designated as prescribed and existing in accordance with point 2.1.1 of Annex III to the Directive, as set out in the Annex to this Regulation, or other devices for indirect use the view must be in accordance with the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision;
in the case of lorries, tractors, tractors and vehicles with a special purpose in accordance with Annex II (A) (5.6) and (5.7) of Directive 70 /156/EEC, with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 3,5 tonnes, and in the case of buses and coaches mirrors or other devices for indirect vision which are designated as prescribed in the provisions for these vehicles referred to in the Annex to this Regulation;
the required mirrors or other devices for indirect vision laid down in point 2.1.1 of Annex III to the Directive referred to in Annex III, point 2.1.1 of the Annex to this Regulation shall be subject to the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. in accordance with
in the case of lorries, tractors, semitrailer tractors, self-proponent working machines, which correspond to the characteristics of lorries with regard to the chassis, and vehicles with a special purpose in accordance with Annex II (A) (5.7) and 5.8 of Directive 2007 /46/EC with a maximum authorised mass of more than 3.5 tonnes for the first time from 1 January 2000 to 25 January 2007, mirrors or other devices for indirect vision which are included in the Annex to the Directive of this Regulation shall be deemed to be mandatory for such vehicles ; these mirrors or other devices for indirect vision must comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation or in the Annex to points 1 and 2;
in the case of agricultural or forestry tractors with a maximum speed of not more than 40 km/h, mirrors which must comply with the provisions referred to in the Annex to this Regulation;
in the case of motor vehicles as defined in Article 1 of Directive 2002 /24/EC, mirrors which must comply with the provisions of the Annex to this Regulation.
(2a) In the case of agricultural or forestry tractors with a maximum design speed of more than 40 km/h and in the case of working machines and forklifts, Article 56 (2) shall apply in the version in force on 29 March 2005. (3) Mirrors shall not be required in single-axle tractors, single-axle working machines, open electric carts with a maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h, and multi-track motor vehicles with a maximum speed of 25 km/h Design maximum speed of not more than 25 km/h and with open air Driver's seat, which also offers backward visibility when carrying unladen or loaded trailers.
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§ 57 Speed meter and distance counter
(1) Motor vehicles must be equipped with a speed measuring device situated in the immediate field of vision of the driver. This shall not apply to:
multi-track motor vehicles with a maximum design speed of not more than 30 km/h, and
motor vehicles equipped with tachograph or recording equipment (§ 57a), if the speed indicator is in the immediate field of vision of the driver.
(2) For speed measuring devices, the speed must be displayed in kilometres per hour. The speed measuring device shall comply with the provisions set out in the Annex to this Regulation. (3) The speedometer may be connected to a distance counter indicating the distance travelled in kilometres. The distance indicated by the distance counter may differ from the distance actually travelled by ± 4 per cent.
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§ 57a tachograph and recording equipment
(1) To be equipped with a tachograph placed on the market in accordance with the measuring and calibration law
motor vehicles with a permissible gross laden weight of 7.5 tonnes and above,
Tractors having an engine power of 40 kW and above which are not used exclusively for agricultural or forestry purposes,
vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers with more than eight passenger seats.
This shall not apply to:
motor vehicles with a maximum speed limit of not more than 40 km/h,
Motor vehicles of the Bundeswehr, unless they are motor vehicles of the Bundeswehr administration or buses and coaches,
Motor vehicles of fire brigades and other civil protection units and facilities,
Vehicles as defined in Article 18 (1) of the Ordinance of 27 June 2005 (Federal Law Gazette) of 27 June 2005. 1882), as last amended by Articles 1, 4 and 5 of the Regulation of 22 January 2008 (BGBl I). 54) have been amended,
Vehicles referred to in Article 3 (d) to (g) and (i) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 (OJ L 378, 27.12.2006, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1073/2009 (OJ L 102, 11.4.2009, p. OJ L 300 of 14.11.2009, p. 88).
(1a) The tachograph and all the detachable connections of the transmission equipment must be sealed. (2) The tachograph must be in operation uninterrupted from the beginning to the end of each journey, and must also record the holding times. The sheets, in the case of a series of sheets (leaf bundles), the first sheet, shall be designated before the journey begins with the name of the guide and the starting point and the date of the first journey, and the state of the to enter the distance counter at the beginning and at the end of the journey or during the installation and the removal of the sheet from the holder of the motor vehicle or its authorised representative; other endorsements, which are neither required nor permitted by legislation, shall be taken on the The front of the sheet shall be inadmissible. Only sight sheets with test marks allocated for the type of tachograph used may be used. The sheets shall be submitted at any time at the request of the competent persons and shall be kept for one year by the holder of the motor vehicle. At least one replacement sheet must be carried on each journey. (3) Paragraphs 1 to 2 shall not apply if the vehicle is in place of a prescribed tachograph with a recording equipment as defined in Annex I or Annex I B to the Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85. In such a case, the recording equipment shall be operated in accordance with paragraph 2, and the driver card shall not be fitted if a recording equipment is used in accordance with Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85. In the case of the use of bus and coach services on scheduled services up to 50 kilometres, the official registration number or the operating number of the vehicle in question may be entered on the imprints and on the sheets instead of the name of the guide. The data of the mass storage system shall be downloaded from the vehicle holder every three months; § 2 (5) of the Driving Personnel Ordinance shall apply accordingly. In the case of vehicles used for the carriage of goods with a maximum authorised mass of at least 12 tonnes or in the case of vehicles used for the carriage of passengers with more than eight seats in addition to the driver ' s seat and a maximum authorised mass of more than 10 tonnes, which shall be greater than or equal to 1. The control equipment must be replaced by a device referred to in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 129/96, which was first admitted to the market in January 1996 and where the transmission of the signals to the recording equipment was exclusively carried out electrically, and replaced by the control unit. 3821/85. An exchange of the control device within the meaning of the sentence 5 is only available if the entire system consisting of the registration unit and the speed sensor is exchanged. (4) Further requirements in special regulations remain unaffected.
(+ + + § 57a (1): For application, see Section 72 (2) (6a) F.10.5.2012 + + +)
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Section 57b Examination of tachographs and recording equipment
Holders whose motor vehicles must be fitted with a tachograph in accordance with Article 57a (1) or with a recording equipment in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 shall, at their cost, have the tachograph or the recording equipment in accordance with the Paragraph 2 and Annexes XVIII and XVIIIa shall ensure that the installation, condition, measurement accuracy and working methods are correct. If there are no objections to the compliance with the rules, the manufacturer or the workshop shall have a well-visible and permanently installed sign on or next to the tachograph or the recording equipment. The installation plate must be sealed, unless it cannot be removed without destroying the information. The holder must ensure that the installation plate contains the required information, is sealed and is properly fitted and is neither covered nor polluted. (2) The tests shall be at least once within two years since the last examination. The time limit for the review shall not end until the end of the month in which the last review took place two years ago. In addition, the tests must be carried out after each installation, any repair of the tachograph or recording equipment, any change in the speed or number of displacement of the vehicle and after any change in the effective tyre circumference of the motor vehicle and in the case of Control equipment as defined in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 shall be carried out even if the UTC time differs from the correct time by more than 20 minutes or if the official registration number of the motor vehicle has changed. (3) The Tests may only be carried out by a person officially recognised in accordance with Annex XVIIIc equipment manufacturers shall be carried out by motor vehicle workshops and by motor vehicle workshops recognised in accordance with the provisions of Annex XVIIId. The tests may only be carried out at test sites which comply with the requirements laid down in Annex XVIIIb. (4) If the tachograph or the recording equipment is installed by the vehicle manufacturer, the vehicle manufacturer shall have the following information, provided that the tachograph is installed in accordance with the provisions of XVIIIc is officially recognised to carry out the installation test in accordance with the provisions of Annex XVIIIa and to calibrate the equipment. By way of derogation from the first sentence, the installation test and calibration may also be carried out by a vehicle importer recognised for this purpose. The installation test may only be carried out at a test site which meets the requirements laid down in Annex XVIIIb.
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Section 57c Equipment of motor vehicles with speed limiters and their use
(1) Speed limiters are devices which in the motor vehicle, primarily by controlling the fuel supply to the engine, limit the maximum vehicle speed to the set value. (2) All buses and coaches, as well as Lorries, tractors and tractors with a maximum authorised mass of more than 3,5 tonnes each shall be equipped with a speed limiter. The speed limiter is
Buses and coaches to a maximum speed, including all tolerances of 100 km/h (Vset + tolerances ≤ 100 km/h),
Lorries, tractors and semitrailer tractors to be adjusted to a maximum speed, including all tolerances, of 90 km/h (vset + tolerances ≤ 90 km/h).
(3) A speed limiter does not need to be equipped:
motor vehicles, the actual maximum speed of which is not higher than the speed referred to in the second sentence of paragraph 2 in connection with paragraph 4,
Motor vehicles of the Bundeswehr, the Federal Police, the units and facilities of the Civil Protection Department, the fire brigades, the rescue services and the police,
motor vehicles used for scientific experimental purposes on the road or for testing within the meaning of Article 19 (6); and
Motor vehicles used exclusively for public services within closed localities or which are transferred (for example, from the bodybuilder to the establishment or for maintenance and repair work).
(4) The speed limitation devices must comply with the speed limitation devices referred to in the Annex to this Regulation. (5) The speed limiter must be so designed that it cannot be switched off.
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§ 57d Installation and testing of speed limiters
(1) Speed limitation devices may only be installed and tested in motor vehicles by officially recognised
vehicle manufacturers,
manufacturers of speed limiters or
Manufacturers ' representatives
as well as through the authorised repairers. In addition, the bodies referred to in § 57b (3) may carry out these tests. (2) Holder whose motor vehicles are equipped with a speed limiter in accordance with Section 57c (2) shall, at their cost, have the speed limitation devices according to: check and certify the installation, condition and condition of each installation, repair, change in the rotational speed or the effective tyre circumference of the motor vehicle or of the fuel supply device by a person entitled under paragraph 1, Operating procedures are correct. The certificate of verification shall contain at least the following information:
the name, address or trade mark of the beneficiaries referred to in paragraph 1;
the set speed vset,
the rotational speed of the motor vehicle,
effective tyre circumference of the motor vehicle,
Date of examination and
the last eight characters of the vehicle identification number of the motor vehicle.
The driver shall carry the certificate of inspection of the speed limiter and shall, on request, be responsible for the examination of the person responsible for the examination. The rates 1 and 3 shall not apply to vehicles with a red flag or a short-term license plate. (3) If the speed limiter is installed by a vehicle manufacturer who is the holder of a general type-approval pursuant to § 20, the vehicle manufacturer may use the certificate required in accordance with paragraph 2. (4) For the recognition of the vehicle manufacturers, the manufacturer of speed limiters or the representatives of the manufacturers, the supreme state authority, which is designated by it or which has been Competent authorities responsible for national law. (5) Recognition may be Vehicle manufacturers, manufacturers of speed limiters or representatives of manufacturers shall be granted:
to take account of the installation and the examination referred to in paragraph 2,
on the empowerment of repairers carrying out the installation and testing.
(6) The recognition shall be granted if:
the applicant, in the case of legal persons, the persons appointed by law or by the statutes for representation, which provides assurance for the reliable exercise of the powers conferred by it;
the applicant, if he carries out the tests himself, proves that he has the necessary qualified personnel, as well as the necessary testing equipment and other equipment and equipment required for the state of the art,
the applicant, in the event that he can carry out the tests and the installation by authorised repairers, proves that he has ensured, by means of appropriate monitoring and authority powers, that the workshops are subject to the conditions laid down in the workshops. in accordance with point 2, and the implementation of the installation and of the tests is duly carried out.
(7) Where the recognition referred to in paragraph 5 (2) is pronounced, the vehicle manufacturer, the manufacturer of speed limitation devices or the representatives of the manufacturers of the recognition authority and the competent supreme national authorities shall: (8) The recognition shall not be transferable; it may be accompanied by secondary provisions which ensure that the installation and the tests are properly carried out. (9) The supreme state authority, which shall be their specific bodies or bodies competent under national law shall exercise the Supervision of the holders of the recognition. The supervisory authority may itself examine or have it examined by certain experts whether, in particular, the conditions for recognition are fulfilled, whether the installation and the tests are carried out properly and whether the checks are carried out otherwise. the obligations arising from the recognition or by the secondary provisions.
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§ 58 Speed signs
(1) A speed shield shall indicate the maximum permissible speed of the vehicle concerned in kilometres per hour. (2) The shield shall be circular with a diameter of 200 mm and must have a black edge. The figures must be executed on a white ground in black bold inscription corresponding to Appendix V, page 4, in a font size of 120 mm. (2a) Speed signs may be retroreflective. Retroreflective speed signs must correspond to the standard sheet DIN 74069, May 1989, as well as the DIN test and monitoring symbol with the corresponding register number on the front side. (3) With speed signs must be provided be marked
multi-track motor vehicles with a maximum speed limit of not more than 60 km/h,
trailers with a maximum speed limit of less than 100 km/h,
Trailer with its own mean braking deceleration of less than 2,5 m/s 2 .
(4) Paragraph 3 shall not apply to:
the track-chain vehicles referred to in Article 36 (5), second sentence,
agricultural or forestry tractors with a maximum speed limit of not more than 32 km/h,
agricultural or forestry equipment which is carried behind motor vehicles.
The provision of the second sentence of Article 36 (1) remains unaffected. (5) The speed signs must be mounted on both longitudinal sides and on the rear of the vehicle. On agricultural or forestry tractors and their trailers, a speed shield shall be sufficient on the rear of the vehicle; if it is temporarily concealed or removed because of the nature of the vehicle or its use, it shall be necessary to: Speed shield on the right side of the page.
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§ 59 Factory signs, other signs, vehicle identification number
(1) All motor vehicles and trailers must be easily legible and permanently attached to the front part of the right hand side of a factory sign with the following information:
the manufacturer of the vehicle;
the type of vehicle;
Year of construction (not with vehicles subject to admission);
Vehicle identification number;
permissible gross laden weight;
Permissible axle loads (not for motorcycles).
This shall not apply to the trailers referred to in Article 53 (7). (1a) By way of derogation from paragraph 1, passenger cars, buses and coaches, lorries and tractors with at least four wheels and of a type defined by the type of construction shall be subject to the following conditions: The maximum speed of more than 25 km/h and the trailers for the carriage of goods shall be fitted with a sign in accordance with the provisions of the Annex to this Regulation; in other vehicles, other than motor vehicles, in accordance with Article 30a (3), the (1b) By way of derogation from paragraph 1, two-or three-wheeled (2) The vehicle identification number according to the standard DIN ISO 3779, February 1977 edition, or in accordance with the Directive 76 /114/EEC of the Council of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the signs, the prescribed particulars, their position and the mode of attachment of motor vehicles and their trailers (OJ L 327, 30.12.1975, p. 1), as last amended by Directive 2006 /96/EC (OJ L 344, 30.12.2006, p. 81), it is necessary to have 17 posts; other vehicle identification numbers may not have more than 14 digits. It shall, without prejudice to paragraph 1, be easily legible on the front part of the right side of the vehicle on the frame or on a part replacing it, or be embossed or embossed. If, after the exchange of the frame or of the part replacing the frame, the constructed frame or part is re-used, the following shall be:
to permanently cross the registered or embossed vehicle identification number in such a way that it remains legible,
the vehicle identification number of the vehicle on which the frame or part is re-used, in addition to the crossed-out number, or to be stamped; and
to report the cross-section number of the registration authority to the letter and the card of the vehicle on which the frame or part is re-used.
Paragraph 3, point 3 shall be applied if, after replacement, the vehicle identification number is inserted or embossed into a frame or a part replacing it which does not yet carry a vehicle identification number. (3) If the vehicle identification number does not exist or if it cannot be identified with certainty, the approval authority may allocate a number. Paragraph 2 shall apply mutatily to this number.
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Section 59a Proof of compliance with Directive 96 /53/EC
Vehicles referred to in Article 1 of Council Directive 96 /53/EC of 25 July 1996 laying down the maximum dimensions for certain road vehicles in national and international transport in the Community and the maximum authorised dimensions for certain road vehicles in the Community Definition of the maximum authorised weights in international traffic (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004 59), as amended by Directive 2002 /7/EC (OJ L 230, 19.9.2002, p. 47), and which are in conformity with this Directive, must be accompanied by proof of such conformity. Proof must be in accordance with the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision. (2) The values referred to in the proof of conformity must be identical to those actually measured on the individual vehicle.
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§ 60 (omitted)
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§ 60a (omitted)
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Section 61 Holding equipment for passenger cars and footrests and stands for two-wheel motor vehicles
(1) Two-wheel motor vehicles on which a passenger may be transported must be fitted with a passenger restraint system corresponding to the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision. (2) Two-wheel motor vehicles must be fitted with motor vehicles. (3) Each two-wheel motor vehicle must be fitted with at least one stand corresponding to the provisions set out in the Annex to this provision.
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Section 61a Special provisions for trailers behind bicycles with auxiliary motor
Trailers behind bicycles with auxiliary motor are treated as trailers behind bicycles when the construction and operating regulations are applied, if:
the maximum speed of the drawing vehicle, determined by the design, does not exceed 25 km/h, or
the trailers came into circulation for the first time prior to 1 April 1961.
The regulations on trailers behind mopeds are to be applied to other trailers behind bicycles with auxiliary motor.
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§ 62 Electrical devices of electrically driven motor vehicles
Electrical installations of electrically driven motor vehicles must be such that, when the vehicles are in operation, they cannot be damaged or damaged by electrical action.
Other road vehicles
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Section 63 Application of the rules applicable to motor vehicles
The provisions relating to dimensions, axle load, total weight and tyres of motor vehicles and their trailers (§ § 32, 34, 36 (1)) shall apply mutagens to other road vehicles. For the verification of the axle loads, § 31c shall apply with the deviation that the detour to the scale shall not exceed 2 km.
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Section 64 Steering equipment, other equipment and clothing
(1) Vehicles must be easily steerable. Articles 35a (1), 10 (1) and (4) and § 35d (1) shall apply mutaly, unless the nature of the goods to be transported excludes such equipment of the vehicles. (2) The covering of two-time fuhrworks, which (only) have a drawbar (in the centre), with only one type of towing animal shall be inadmissible if the safe and rapid effect of the guide on the steering of the vehicle is not guaranteed; this may be caused by tension with coupterware or with games with Tail-belts or rear tools, achieved by tightening the control chain and similar means . The tension at the ends of the two locus (swivel) of the Brake (scale) or only on an orchid of the Brake, if it is not fixed with a chain or the like, is inadmissible. In horses, the use of so-called plumes (bumps) is inadmissible.
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Section 64a Sound signs equipment
Bicycles and sleds must be equipped with at least one bell-coloured bell, with the exception of hand-held sleds. Other devices for sound signs may not be fitted to these vehicles. Wheel-wheel bells are not permitted on bicycles.
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§ 64b Labelling
On the left hand side first name, surname and place of residence (company and registered office) of the owner in unwielable lettering must be clearly marked on each pannier vehicle, except carriage carriages, passenger sleds and wheeled agricultural or forestry work equipment. be specified.
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§ 65 brakes
(1) All vehicles must have a sufficient brake, which can be easily operated during the journey and which has its effect without damaging the road. Bicycles must have two independent brakes. A brake is not required in the case of handcarriages and sled, as well as for agricultural or forestry machinery which can only be carried out in driving (for example, ploughs, drills, mowing machines). (2) As a sufficient brake, each shall be considered to be a brake. a device fixed to the vehicle, which is capable of reducing the speed of the vehicle and capable of detecting the vehicle. (3) Lock wood, inhibitors and chains may be used only as additional aids and only if the vehicle is not The vehicle can not be sufficiently braked with an ordinary brake.
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§ 66 rearview mirrors
Trucks must have a mirror for the observation of the roadway backwards. This does not apply if it is not technically possible to install the rear-view mirror on a vehicle in a suitable manner, and not for agricultural or forestry machinery.
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§ 66a Lighting equipment
(1) During the twilight, the darkness or when the visibility conditions otherwise require, the vehicles must:
at the front, at least one lamp with white light,
At least one lamp with a red light at a height of not more than 1 500 mm above the road
, these lamps must be fixed at any time on the nurseries. When carrying trailers, it is sufficient to illuminate the train as a vehicle; however, the lateral limitation of trailers more than 400 mm above the lamps of the front vehicle shall be met by at least one lamp with a white Light will be marked. For vehicles, § 17 (5) of the Road Traffic Order applies. (2) The luminaires must be as far left as possible and must not be more than 400 mm away from the widest part of the vehicle's orb. Luminaires used in pairs shall be equally luminaires, not more than 400 mm from the widest point of the vehicle, and must be placed at the same level. (3) In the case of vehicles covered by agricultural or forestry vehicles, which shall be fitted with hay, A lamp with a white light, which is easily visible to the front and the rear, is sufficient for straw or other easily combustible goods to be mounted on the left hand side or by hand. (4) All vehicles must be at the rear side with two red light. Retro-radiators shall be equipped. These must not be more than 400 mm (the outermost point of the illuminating surface) from the widest part of the vehicle's cover and must not exceed 900 mm (maximum point of the illuminating surface) above the road at the same level. The longitudinal sides of the vehicles shall be equipped with at least one yellow retroreflter each, not higher than 600 mm, but as deep as possible. (5) Additional yellow retro-emitting means acting on the side shall be: (6) Luminaires and retroreflectors may not be concealed or soiled; lamps shall not be allowed to dazzle.
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Section 67 Lighting equipment on bicycles
(1) Bicycles must be used for the operation of the headlamp and the tail lamp with a alternator whose nominal power is at least 3 W and the rated voltage of which is 6 V, or a battery with a nominal voltage of 6 V (battery continuous lighting) or a rechargeable energy storage system as an energy source. By way of derogation from paragraph 9, the headlamps and the tail lamps shall not be capable of being switched on together. (2) Only the prescribed and those declared to be authorised shall be fitted on bicycles. Luminescent materials and retro-emitting devices are also considered to be light-technical devices. The lighting equipment must be in a proper and fixed position, and must be permanently ready for operation. (3) Bicycles must be equipped with a front-facing headlamp for white light. The light cone shall be at least inclined in such a way that its centre, at a distance of 5 m in front of the headlight, is only half as high as when it emerges from the headlight. The headlamp must be attached to the bicycle in such a way that it cannot inadvertently position itself. Bicycles must be equipped with at least one forward-looking white retro-reflector. (4) Bicycles must be fitted on the rear side of the bicycle.
a tail lamp for red light whose lowest point of the illuminating surface is not less than 250 mm above the roadway,
at least one red retro-reflector whose highest point of the illuminating surface is not higher than 600 mm above the roadway; and
A red large-area retro-reflector marked with the letter "Z"
be equipped. The tail light as well as one of the retro-reflectors may be combined in one device. Carts for bicycles must be equipped with a retro-reflector in accordance with point 2. (5) Bicycles may be equipped on the rear side with an additional, also in the stand, tail lamp for red light. This end lamp must be capable of being switched on independently of the other lighting equipment. (6) Bike pedals must be equipped with yellow retroreflectors acting forward and rearwards; yellow retro-reflectors acting on the side to the side of the rear lamp Pedals are allowed. (7) The longitudinal sides must be on each side with
at least two 180-degree-mounted yellow saliva retroreflectors, acting on the side, on the spokes of the front wheel and of the rear wheel, or
Ring-shaped retroreflective white stripes on the tires or in the spokes of the front wheel and the rear wheel
have been identified. In addition to the minimum equipment with one of the security cards, it may be appropriate to provide security from the other means of protection. If more than two saliva retroreflectors are mounted on a wheel, they shall be evenly distributed over the circumference of the wheel. (8) Additional yellow retro-emitting means acting on the side shall be permitted. (9) The headlamp and the tail lamp shall be provided in accordance with paragraph 8. 4 may only be switched on together. A circuit which automatically switches over to battery operation at low speed from the operation of the lighting system (standlight) is permissible; in this case, the tail lamp may also light up on its own. (10) In the headlamps and luminaires may be used only for incandescent lamps according to their design. (11) By way of derogation, for racing wheels whose weight is not more than 11 kg, the following shall apply:
use only one or more batteries in accordance with the second sentence of paragraph 1, instead of the alternator, for the operation of headlamps and tail lamps;
the headlamps and the prescribed tail lamps do not need to be fixed on the bicycle; however, they must be carried along and in accordance with the conditions described in section 17 (1) of the Road Traffic Order, on the bicycle to be affixed and used;
The headlamp and the tail lamp need not be able to be switched on together;
in place of the headlamp referred to in paragraph 1, a headlamp with a nominal voltage of 6 V, and in place of the tail lamp referred to in paragraph 4, point 1, may also be provided with a tail lamp as referred to in paragraph 5.
(12) Road wheels shall be exempt from the requirements of paragraphs 1 to 11 for the duration of participation in races.
Implementing, penal and final provisions
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Section 68 competences
(1) This Regulation shall be carried out by the competent authorities in accordance with national law. (2) The competent authority of the place of residence shall be the competent authority of the place of residence, in the absence of such a place of residence of the applicant. Persons concerned, in the case of legal persons, commercial undertakings or authorities, the authority of the registered office or place of the establishment or office of the establishment or office. Applications may, with the consent of the local authority, be dealt with and dealt with by a sibling external authority. The authority's dispositions (sentences 1 and 2) are effective domestily. Where road safety requires immediate intervention, the competent authority may, instead of the local authority, take measures on a provisional basis with the same effect on the basis of this Regulation. (3) The powers of the Administrative authorities and senior administrative authorities pursuant to this Regulation shall be determined by the departments of the Bundeswehr, the Federal Police, the Federal Agency for Technical Relief and the Police by their departments in accordance with the provisions of the Minister of expertise. For the police service sector, the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers may be carried out by the authorities competent in accordance with paragraph 1, after the competent authorities have been determined.
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Section 69 (omitted)
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§ 69a Administrative Offences
(1) (omitted) (2) Contrary to the law in accordance with § 24 of the Road Traffic Act, who intentionally or negligently
Contrary to Article 17 (1), a ban on placing a vehicle in operation is contrary to or does not comply with restrictions,
, contrary to the first sentence of Article 19 (5), a vehicle is put into service or as a holder arranges for its commissioning or permits,
an enforceable order or condition in accordance with § 29 (7) sentence 5 in conjunction with sentence 4,
to 6. (dropped)
Contrary to § 22a (2) sentence 1 or paragraph 6, a vehicle part without an officially prescribed and assigned test mark for use is offered, sold, acquitted or used, provided that there is not already an administrative offence pursuant to Section 23 of the Road traffic law,
against a provision in the first sentence of Article 21a (3) or the first sentence of Article 22a (5) or (6) on the marking of equipment or parts of the vehicle with a mark or against a prohibition pursuant to Article 21a (3) sentence 2 or section 22a (5) sentence 2 or paragraph 6 on the affixing of confisable signs,
against a rule on co-management and handover
up to f) (dropped)
an imprint or a copy of a permit, approval, withdrawal of a permit or approval, a partial opinion or a proof in accordance with § 19 (4) sentence 1,
the certificate of individual approval pursuant to § 22a (4) sentence 2
to 13b. (dropped)
a provision in Article 29 (1), first sentence, in conjunction with points 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 2.7, sentence 2 or 3, points 3.1.1, 3.1.2 or 3.2.2 of Annex VIII, relating to main investigations or security tests,
a provision of the first sentence of Article 29 (2) on test plaques or test marks in connection with an SP sign, in § 29 (5) on the proper condition of the test plaques or the test marks in connection with an SP sign, § 29 (7) Sentence 5 on the prohibition of operating or the restriction of works or § 29 (8) on the prohibition of the application of confused signs is contrary to the provisions of the Treaty
a provision in the first or second sentence of Article 29 (10) concerning the obligation to retain and stop the investigation reports or audit records;
a provision in Article 29 (11) or (13) relating to the conduct or storage of test books;
a provision in section 29 (1), first sentence, in conjunction with point sentence 2, second sentence 2 of Annex VIII, concerning the elimination of the minor defects or the second sentence of the second sentence of, sentence 2, concerning the correction of the major defects or the re-introduction of the to reconsider the removal of defects,
in accordance with the first sentence of Article 29 (1), in conjunction with the fifth sentence of point 4.3 of Annex VIII, point 8.1.1, second sentence or point 8.2.1, second sentence, of Annex VIIIc, the measures shall not be condoned or the required records shall not be presented.
(3) In the sense of Section 24 of the Road Traffic Act, a person who intentionally or negligently operates a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle with a trailer (combination of vehicles) in violation of one of the following provisions shall also be acting in order to ensure that the vehicle is in breach of the law. Takes:
§ 30 on the general nature of vehicles;
§ 30c (1) and (4) above external edges, frontal protection systems;
§ 30d (3) on the provisions for buses and coaches, or § 30d (4) on technical facilities for the carriage of persons with reduced mobility in buses and coaches;
Section 31d (2) on the equipment of foreign motor vehicles with seatbelts, § 31d (3) on the equipment of foreign motor vehicles with speed limitation devices or their use, or § 31d (4) sentence 1 on the the tread depth of the tyres of foreign vehicles;
Section 32 (1) to (4) or (9), also in conjunction with Section 31d (1), on the dimensions of vehicles and combinations of vehicles;
§ 32a, 42 (2) sentence 1 concerning the participation of trailers, § 33 on the towing of vehicles, § 43 (1) sentence 1 to 3, paragraph 2 sentence 1, paragraph 3, 4 sentence 1 or 3 via devices for the connection of vehicles or § 44 paragraph 1, 2, sentence 1 or paragraph 3, by means of support facilities and the support load of vehicles;
Section 32b (1), (2) or (4) on underrun protection;
Section 32c (2) on lateral protection structures;
Section 32d (1) or 2 (1) on cornering characteristics;
the third sentence of § 34 (3) on the permissible weight of the axle or the permissible gross vehicle weight in vehicles or vehicle combinations, § 34 (8) on the weight of one or more driving axles, § 34 (9), first sentence, on the distance between the axles, the Section 34 (11) on lifting axles or load bearing axles, also in conjunction with section 31d (1), section 34b on the load of the rolling wheels or the total weight of track-chain vehicles or the second sentence of Article 42 (1) or the second sentence of Article 42 (2) on the permissible maximum permissible laden weight of the vehicle. Pendant;
Article 34a, paragraph 1, concerning the occupation, loading and marking of buses and coaches;
§ 35 on engine power;
Paragraph 35a (1) concerning the arrangement or characteristics of the seat of the driver, the operating room or the means of driving the vehicle for the driver, paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, sentence 1 or paragraph 7, of seats and their anchorages, Head restrains, safety belts and their anchorages, or on restraint systems, of the first sentence of paragraph 8, on the installation of rearwards rearwards for children on passenger seats, in front of which a ready-to-use airbag is fitted is, or record 2 or 4, on the warning against the use of backward Restraint systems for children in front-passenger seats with an airbag, in the first sentence of paragraph 9, on a seat for the passenger on motorcycles or in paragraph 10, on the condition of seats, their backrest and their fastenings, and the automatic locking of foldable seats and backrests and the accessibility of the unlocking device or of paragraph 11 by means of anchorages for the safety belts and safety belts of three-or four-wheel motor vehicles; or in paragraph 13, on the obligation to affix to the rear or to the side of Retention facilities for children up to the age of 15 months
§ 35b (1) on the nature of the equipment for driving vehicles or § 35b (2) on the field of vision of the driver;
§ 35c on heating and ventilation, § 35d on equipment for boarding and lowering of vehicles, § 35e (1) to (3) on doors or § 35f on emergency exits in buses and coaches;
Section 35g (1) or (2) on fire extinguishers in buses and coaches, or § 35h (1) to (3) on first-aid material in motor vehicles;
Section 35i (1), first or second sentence, in conjunction with the second sentence of the second sentence of the second, fourth, eighth or ninth sentence of point 3.1, the first sentence of the first or second sentence of paragraph 3.2, the first or second sentence of the first sentence of paragraph 3.2, the second sentence or the second sentence of the first sentence of the second subparagraph, or the second sentence of the first sentence of the second sentence of the second subparagraph, or the second passenger seats in bus and coach passengers or in the first sentence of section 35i (2) on the carriage of passengers without adequate restraint systems;
Article 36 (1) sentence 1 or 3 to 5, paragraph 2, sentence 1 or 3 to 5 or paragraph 2a, sentence 1 or 2, of tyres, of the first sentence of Article 36 (5), sentence 1 to 4, of track chains of track-chain vehicles or set 6 above the maximum permissible speed of which, section 36a (1) on wheel covers or (3) on the protection of spare wheels carried on the outside of the vehicle, or in the first sentence of Article 37 (1), on anti-skid devices or (2), on snow chains;
§ 38 on steering equipment;
§ 38a on the protection of motor vehicles against unauthorised use;
§ 38b on the Vehicle Alarm System;
§ 39 via means of reverse driving;
Section 39a on controls, control lamps and scoreboards;
Article 40 (1) on the condition of slices, § 40 (2) on the arrangement and quality of windscreen wipers or § 40 (3) on discs, windscreen wipers, windscreen washers, desiccant and drying systems of three-wheeled vehicles mopeds and tricycles and four-wheel motor vehicles with a cab;
Articles 41 (1) to 13, 15 (1), (3) or (4), (16) or (17) by way of brakes or Article 41 (14) on equipment with wedges, their condition and affixing;
§ 41a (8) on the safety and labelling of pressure vessels;
§ 41b (2) on the equipment with automatic anti-lock devices or § 41b (4) on the connection of trailers with an automatic anti-lock system with motor vehicles;
§ 45 (1) or (2), first sentence, on fuel tanks or § 46 on fuel lines;
§ 47c on the derivation of exhaust gases;
Article 49 (1) on the development of noise;
Article 49a (1) to (4), (5), first sentence, (6), (8), (9) sentence 2, (9a) or (10), first sentence, on the general provisions relating to technical facilities;
the first sentence of Article 50 (1), the first sentence of paragraph 6, the second sentence of the second or second sentence of paragraph 3, the first sentence of paragraph 3 or the second sentence of paragraph 5, the first sentence of paragraph 6, the third sentence of paragraph 6 or the second sentence of paragraph 6a, the second sentence of paragraph 6a, the second sentence of paragraph 6, the second sentence of paragraph 6a, the second sentence of paragraph 6a, the second sentence of paragraph 6, or the second sentence of
Section 51 (1) sentence 1, 4 to 6, paragraph 2, sentence 1, 4 or paragraph 3, by way of limiting lamps or front retroreflectors;
the first sentence of Article 51a (1), the first sentence of paragraph 3, the second sentence of paragraph 4, the first sentence of the first paragraph of paragraph 6, the first sentence of the first paragraph of paragraph 7 or the third sentence of Article 51b (2) or the third sentence of paragraph 51b of the second sentence of paragraph 51b, paragraph 5 or 6 on the outline of the outline;
§ 51c (3) to 5 (1) or (3) on parking lights or park-Warntafeln;
Section 52 (1) sentence 2 to 5 on fog lamps, section 52 (2) sentence 2 or 3 on searchlights, § 52 (5) sentence 2 on special lighting equipment on ambulances, § 52 (7) sentence 2 or 4 on working headlights or in the second sentence of section 52 (9) on pre-tent lamps on caravans or mobile homes;
Section 52a (2), first sentence, or 3, (4), (5) or (7) on rear-view headlamps;
§ 53 (1) sentence 1, 3 to 5 or 7 on final lamps, § 53 (2) sentence 1, 5 or 6 above brake lamps, § 53 (4) sentence 1 to 4 or 6 on retro-reflectors, § 53 (5) sentence 1 or 2 on the affixing of tail lamps, Brake lamps and retro-radiators, Section 53 (5), third sentence, on the identification of equipment projecting towards the rear, Section 53 (6), second sentence, on final lamps on trailers behind single-axle tractors or working machines, Section 53 (8), Terminal lights, brake lights, retro-reflectors and direction indicator lamps to be removed from the operating system vehicles or the first sentence of Article 53 (9) concerning the prohibition of the affixing of end-of-life lamps, brake lamps or retro-radiators to movable parts of the vehicle;
§ 53a (1), (2) sentence 1, paragraph 3, sentence 2, paragraph 4 or 5 above warning triangles, warning lights, warning lights and warning jackets or § 54b on the additional driving of a hand lamp in buses and coaches;
§ 53b (1) sentence 1 to 3, 4 half sentence 2, paragraph 2 sentence 1 to 3, 4 semi-sentence 2, paragraph 3 sentence 1, paragraph 4 or 5 on the equipment or knowledge of attachments or lifting platforms;
§ 53c (2) on camouflage lamps;
Section 53d (2) to (5) on fog lamps;
the first sentence of Article 54 (1), the first sentence of paragraph 1a, the first sentence of paragraph 1, the second sentence of paragraph 3, the first sentence of the first sentence of paragraph 1, the first sentence of paragraph 1, the second sentence of paragraph 3, the first sentence of paragraph 4, the third sentence of paragraph 1
Section 54a of the interior lighting in bus and coach buses;
Article 55 (1) to (4) relating to sound-marking devices;
§ 55a on Electromagnetic Compatibility;
Article 56 (1), in conjunction with paragraph 2, by means of mirrors or other means of indirect vision;
the first sentence of Article 57 (1) or the first sentence of paragraph 2 above the speedometer, the first sentence of Article 57a (1), the first sentence of paragraph 1a or the first sentence of paragraph 1, and the first sentence of the tachograph;
Article 57a (3), second sentence, on the operation of the recording equipment;
Article 57c (2) or (5) on the equipment or use of the speed limiters;
Article 58 (2) or (5), first sentence, also in conjunction with Article 36 (1), second sentence, or (3) or (5) sentence 2, sentence 2, on speed signs on motor vehicles or trailers, or in the first sentence of Article 59 (1), (1a), (1b), (2) or (3), second sentence, of factory signs or vehicle identification numbers;
§ 59a on proof of conformity with Directive 96 /53/EEC;
Section 61 (1) on passenger holding devices, or paragraph 3, on stands for two-wheel motor vehicles;
§ 61a of the trailer behind bicycles with an auxiliary motor or
§ 62 on the nature of electrical equipment of electrically driven motor vehicles.
(4) In the sense of Section 24 of the Road Traffic Act, the person who intentionally or negligently acts as a road vehicle other than a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle trailer or who intentionally or negligently combines a combination with a combination of a vehicle or a vehicle is also responsible for the use of a vehicle. of such vehicles in breach of one of the following provisions:
§ 30 on the general nature of vehicles;
§ 63 on dimensions, axle load, total weight and tyres as well as the weighing light;
Section 64 (1) relating to the steering equipment, arrangement and composition of seats, facilities for boarding and boarding or § 64 (2) on the covering of fuhrwerke;
§ 64a of sound signs on bicycles or sledges;
Section 64b on the marking of panning vehicles;
Article 65 (1) on brakes or § 65 (3) on braking aids;
§ 66 on rear-view mirrors;
§ 66a relating to technical facilities, or
Article 67 (1) sentence 1 or 3, (2) sentence 1, 3 or 4, paragraph 3, 4 sentence 1 or 3, (5) sentence 2, paragraph 6 (1), (7) sentence 1 or 3, (9) sentence 1, (10) or (11) (2) semi-sentence 2 on lighting equipment on bicycles or their side-wagon.
(5) In the sense of Section 24 of the Road Traffic Act, illegal or negligent acts are involved in the conduct of an offence.
as the holder of a general type-approval of vehicles contravenes a provision of the third sentence of Article 20 (3) on the filling of vehicle briefs,
Contrary to Article 31 (1), a vehicle or a train of vehicles connected to one another leads without being suitable for self-employed management,
Contrary to § 31 (2), the holder of a vehicle arranges or permits the putting into service, although it is known or has to be known, that the guide is not suitable for self-employed management or the vehicle, the train, the chopper, the cargo or the occupation is not correct or that the road safety of the vehicle suffers from the cargo or the occupation,
contrary to the provisions of Article 31a (2), the holder or his representative in the journey register shall not enter the necessary information before the commencement of the journey in question or shall not immediately after the end of the relevant journey date and time of termination with of his signature,
Contrary to Article 31a (3), a travel book shall not be held or stored,
contrary to § 31b, does not show or do not hand out items to be carried out for examination,
contravenes a provision in Section 31c, sentence 1 or 4, half-sentence 2 on the obligations to establish the authorised axle loads or the discharge or discharge in the event of overloading;
in the case of drivers or holders of a provision in section 35g (3) of the Directive on the handling of fire extinguishers or as a holder against a provision of Article 35g (4) on the inspection of fire-extinguishers,
, contrary to Article 36 (2b), the first sentence of Article 36 (2) (1), not or
Contrary to § 41a (5) sentence 1, an inspection of the gas system, contrary to the third sentence of paragraph 5, or contrary to the second sentence of the second sentence, paragraph 6, sentence 2, cannot be carried out by a gas-plant examination,
Contrary to § 49 (2a) sentence 1, exhaust systems, replacement exhaust systems or individual parts of these replacement exhaust systems are used as independent technical units for motorcycles or are sold or sold for use or countered or contrary to § 49 (4) Set 1 does not detect the sound level in the near field,
Contrary to § 49 (3) sentence 2, also in connection with § 31e sentence 2, a vehicle is marked or, contrary to § 49 (3) sentence 3, also in connection with § 31e sentence 2, a sign applies,
Contrary to § 52 (6), third sentence, the certificate does not carry the certificate or does not give it for examination,
as a holder or his representative against a provision in the second sentence of Article 57a (2), second sentence, 2 or 3, or the third sentence, on the filling and use of sheets or as a holder against a provision of section 57a (2) sentence 4 on the submission and the retention of leaf leaves,
in the case of a holder against a provision in Article 57a (3), second sentence, in conjunction with Article 14 of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85, concerning the suspension, storage or presentation of leaf leaves;
in the case of a holder against a requirement of section 57b (1), first sentence, on the obligation to have tachographs or recording equipment checked, or the fourth sentence of § 57b (1), concerning the obligations relating to the installation plate,
as motor vehicle driver, contrary to § 57a (2) sentence 2, half-sentence 1 show-sheets before starting the journey, not marked or contrary to half-sentence 3 with a note, contrary to sentence 3 other sheets are used, contrary to the sentence 4, half-sentence 1 show-sheets does not come forward or, contrary to sentence 5, does not include a replacement leaf,
, as a holder, contrary to § 57d (2) sentence 1, the speed limitation device cannot be checked,
in the case of a driver, contrary to the third sentence of Article 57d (2), do not carry or do not hand out a certificate of the examination of the speed limitation device;
is in breach of the provisions of Section 70 (3a) of the Directive on the carrying out or retention of documents and the handing over of certificates of exceptional authorisations; or
does not comply with § 71 of enforceable conditions under which a derogation has been granted.
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§ 69b (omitted)
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Section 70 Exceptions
(1) Exceptions can be approved
the higher administrative authorities in certain individual cases, or in general for certain individual applicants, of the provisions of § § 32, 32d, 33, 34 and 36, also in conjunction with § 63, and also § § 52 and 65, in the case of electric carts and their trailers also of the provisions of § 41 (9) and § § 53, 58 and 59,
the competent supreme state authorities, or the bodies designated by them or competent by national law, of all the provisions of this Regulation in certain individual cases or, in general, for certain individual applicants, provided that the exceptions having significant effects on the territory of other countries, the decision shall be taken in agreement with the competent authorities of those countries,
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of all the provisions of this Regulation, unless the national authorities are competent pursuant to points 1 and 2-general exceptions shall be provided by a regulation without the consent of the The Federal Council, after listening to the relevant supreme state authorities,
the Federal Motor Transport Authority, with the authority of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure at the time of issue or in addition to a general type-approval or component type-approval,
The Federal Motor Vehicle Office for such storage vehicles, for which the general type-approval no longer applies by the entry into force of new or amended regulations. In this case, the owner of the general type-approval has to submit an application to the Federal Motor Service (Bundesamt) with the following information:
General type-approval number and type and type of execution (s) concerned,
a detailed description of the derogations from the new or amended rules;
Reasons to see why the storage vehicles cannot comply with the new or amended rules,
the number of vehicles concerned, indicating the vehicle identification numbers or areas, including, where appropriate, the identification of the type and/or execution key numbers;
Confirmation that the storage vehicles fully comply with the provisions in force until the entry into force of the new or amended provisions,
Confirmation that the vehicles referred to in point (d) are located in Germany or in a warehouse designated as part of the type-approval procedure by the Federal Office for Motor Vehicles (Bundesamt).
(1a) Exceptions to the provisions of § § 32, 32d (1) or § 34 for vehicles or combinations of vehicles based on new technologies or concepts are approved by the competent supreme state authorities or by the bodies designated by them; and during a trial period in certain local areas, these bodies shall inform the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of the provisions of Article 4 (5), second sentence, of Directive 96 /53/EC with a Copy of the derogation granted. (2) Prior to the approval of an exemption from § § 32, 32d, 33, 34 and 36, and a general exception to § 65, are the supreme road construction authorities of the Länder and, where still necessary, the carriers of the road load. (3) The local scope of each exception must be determined. (3a) By Derogations from the construction or operating rules approved for a vehicle must be demonstrated by the driver by a certificate which is to be carried on during journeys and to be handed over to the competent persons for examination on request. In the case of single-axle tractors and trailers in agricultural or forestry holdings as well as agricultural or forestry work equipment and seat carts carried along by agricultural or forestry tractors or tractors, if they are used only for agricultural or forestry purposes, and if electric carts have been exempted from the authorisation requirement, it is sufficient for the holder to retain such a certificate; he shall, at the request of the holder, have the right to verify the certificate (4) The Bundeswehr, the police, the Federal Police, the fire brigade and the other units and facilities of civil protection and the customs service shall be exempt from the provisions of this Regulation to the extent that this is necessary for the performance of public tasks with due regard to public security and Order is urgently needed. Derogations from the rules on equipment with characteristic lamps, warning devices with a sequence of sounds of different fundamental frequencies (emergency horn) and on sirens are not permitted. (5) The national governments are authorized to do so by means of (a) to determine that, by way of derogation from paragraph 1 (1), instead of the senior management authorities and by way of derogation from paragraph 2, other authorities shall be responsible instead of the supreme road construction authorities. You can transfer this authorization to the supreme state authorities.
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Section 71 Conditions of derogation
The authorisation of derogations from the provisions of this Regulation may be subject to conditions; the person concerned shall comply with the conditions laid down.
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Section 72 Transitional provisions
(1) For vehicles and for systems, components and separate technical units for these vehicles which have been placed on the market for the first time before 5 May 2012, the provisions in force at the time of their authorisation, including the (2) The following provisions shall apply to the provisions referred to below:
§ 29 (Investigation of motor vehicles and trailers) shall apply from 1 July 2012. Up to this date § 29 shall apply in the version valid before 1 July 2012. On the occasion of the main investigations, the provisions of section 47a (3) and (5) applied to the front marks shall be subject to the provisions of section 47a (3) and (5) of the main investigation persons to be carried out by the persons carrying out the main investigation remove.
§ 33 (towing vehicles) exemptions granted before 1 August 2013 shall continue to apply until the time of their freezing.
Section 35a (2), (3), (4) and (5a) (seat anchorages, seats, head restrains, anchorages for safety belts and safety belts or restraint systems) For motor vehicles, which have a national type-approval or individual approval before 1 November 2013 § 35a (2), (3) and (4) will remain applicable in the current version before 1 January 2014 for the first time.
Section 35c (2) (heating systems in vehicles of categories M, N and O) shall be valid at the latest for vehicles and their heating systems, which shall be approved from 1 August 2013. For vehicles and their heating systems, which were approved before 1 August 2013, § 35c remains applicable in the version currently in force.
Section 45 (1a) (installation of the fuel tank) shall not apply to the standard installation in series-produced vehicles for which a general type-approval has been granted and which, before 1 January 1990, have been placed on the market for the first time.
Section 47 (1a) (exhaust emissions from light passenger cars and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6)) is for the first time vehicles coming into circulation with regard to the provisions of Regulations (EC) No 715/2007 and Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 with an individual permit as from 1 June 2012, in accordance with the dates set out in Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 in Annex I, Annex 6, Table 1, column 7 ("New vehicles introduction time").
Section 47 (6a) (exhaust emissions of heavy goods vehicles under Directive 2005 /55/EC) is for the first time vehicles coming into circulation with a single permit as from 1 June 2012 with respect to the requirements of Directives 2005 /55/EC and 2005 /78/EC shall apply in accordance with the dates referred to in Article 2 (6) and (8). The following are also valid for these vehicles:
The requirements to ensure the full effect of the arrangements for the reduction of NOx emissions, as set out in points 6.5.3, 6.5.4 and 6.5.5 of Directive 2006 /51/EC, shall, from 1 June 2012, be for the first time in the transport sector from that date onwards shall apply.
The amendments to Directive 2008 /74/EC shall apply from 1 June 2012 to vehicles coming into circulation for the first time from that date.
Section 47 (8c) (exhaust emissions from agricultural or forestry tractors) shall apply as follows for vehicles which have been placed on the market for the first time by means of an individual permit:
At the latest from the dates referred to in Article 4 (3) of Directive 2000 /25/EC. In the case of vehicles equipped with engines whose date of manufacture is before the dates referred to in Article 4 (3) of Directive 2000 /25/EC, for each category the vehicles coming into circulation for the first time shall be two years after the date of arrival. extended. This extension of the dates shall apply to vehicles with an individual licence, general type approval or EC type-approval.
By 1 June 2012 at the latest, in accordance with the dates set out in Article 4 (2) and (3) of Directive 2000 /25/EC, as amended by Directive 2005 /13/EC. The extensions to the dates of two years referred to in Article 4 (5) and (6) of Directive 2000 /25/EC, as amended by Directive 2005 /13/EC, shall apply to vehicles with an individual licence, general type-approval or EC type-approval.
In the case of agricultural and forestry tractors which were first placed on the market before these dates, Section 47 (8c) shall remain applicable in the version in force before 1 June 2012.
§ 47d (carbon dioxide emissions, fuel consumption, range, electricity consumption) shall apply to vehicles which are first placed on the market by means of an individual permit. § 47d, including the transitional provisions in § 72, paragraph 2, shall apply in the version valid before 1 June 2012 for vehicles that have been on the market for the first time before 1 June 2012. The provisions of Directive 2004 /3/EC shall enter into force on 17 May 2012. The provisions of Directive 80 /1268/EEC, as amended by the provisions of points (a) to (e) set out in the Annex to this Regulation, shall be repeal with effect from 2 January 2013.
§ 47e (approval, retrofitting and refilling of air conditioning systems) shall be applied as follows:
In vehicles for which type-approval has been granted from 1 January 2011, an air-conditioning system designed to achieve a global warming potential value (GWP value) may be used as from 1 June 2012. *) more than 150, no longer to be retrofitted.
Air-conditioning systems installed in vehicles for which type-approval has been granted from 1 January 2011 shall not be filled with fluorinated greenhouse gases with a GWP value of more than 150. With effect from 1 January 2017, air-conditioning systems in all vehicles may no longer be filled with fluorinated greenhouse gases with a GWP value above 150, with the exception of refilling of air-conditioning systems containing these gases, which shall be have been installed in vehicles at that time.
Vehicles with an individual permit to be placed on the market for the first time from 1 January 2017 shall be refused approval if their air-conditioning systems are filled with a fluorinated greenhouse gas with a GWP value above 150. In the case of vehicles with a single permit, which are to be placed on the market for the first time before 1 January 2017 and whose air-conditioning systems are filled with a fluorinated greenhouse gas with a GWP value above 150, the detection of the leakage rate shall be determined in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 706/2007 shall not apply.
§ 49a (1) sentence 4 (geometric visibility) shall enter into force on 1 November 2013 for the vehicles coming into circulation for the first time from that date. Vehicles which have been placed on the market for the first time before this date may comply with § 49a (1) sentence 4 in the version valid before 1 August 2013.
Section 53 (10), first sentence, point 3 (marking of vehicles with contour markings) On vehicles which are marked by 1 November 2013, Section 53 (10), first sentence, point 3 shall remain applicable in the version currently in force.
Section 53 (10), second sentence (conspicuous markings) For vehicles which have been placed on the market for the first time before 10 July 2011, paragraph 10, first sentence, point 3 may be applied with the accompanying transitional provision.
Section 53a (2) (3) (warning vests) shall apply no later than 1 July 2014.
Section 57a (1) (tachograph) shall not enter into force on 1 January 2013 for vehicles for the first time coming into circulation.
Annex VIII (Investigation of vehicles) shall apply from 1 July 2012. By way of derogation from the first sentence
Vehicle holders, which shall be in force until 1 June 1998 in accordance with point 4.1 in conjunction with point 6 of Annex VIII, in the version in force before that date
have been exempted from the obligation to carry out their vehicles to carry out the main tests in the case of an expert or an auditor, and who carried out their own tests, continue to carry out the main tests on their vehicles in accordance with those provisions Perform the operation. In the case of the recognition procedure and the supervision, point 6 of Annex VIII shall apply in the version in force before 1 June 1998, or
Interim investigations and tests for the safety of the brakes by 1 December 1999 and, from that date, carry out safety tests on their vehicles on their own premises, if they are recognised for this purpose in accordance with Annex VIIIc;
studies may continue to be carried out by motor vehicle workshops, which have been recognised by 1 June 1998 in accordance with the requirements of point 4.3 in conjunction with point 6 of Annex VIII to the version in force before that date, of these rules. In the case of the recognition procedure and the supervision, point 6 of Annex VIII shall apply in the version in force before 1 June 1998,
In carrying out the safety tests on vehicles which came into circulation for the first time as from 1 April 2006, the compliance with the requirements in the form of system data and
for vehicles of category M2, M3, N2 and N3 in accordance with Annex XXIX, which shall be placed on the market for the first time as from 1 January 2014, and
for vehicles of category O4, in accordance with Annex XXIX, which will be on the market for the first time as from 1 January 2015,
check compliance with the requirements laid down in point 2, Annex VIIIe.
Annex VIIIa (conduct of the main investigation) shall apply from 1 July 2012. With the exception of the provisions of the fourth sentence of point 1 and of points 2 and 3, vehicles shall be:
before 1 April 2006, Annex VIIIa shall be placed on the market for the first time in the version valid up to that date,
from 1 April 2006 to 30 June 2012, for the first time, Annex VIIIa, as amended before 1 July 2012.
By way of derogation from the first sentence, the provisions
of sections 4.3 and 4.4 for vehicles of category M1 and N1 and of point 4.1 for vehicles of category M2, M3, N2 and N3, in accordance with Annex XXIX, which will be on the market for the first time from 1 January 2013, from that date,
of paragraph 4.2 for vehicles of category M1 and N1 and of sections 4.3 and 4.4 for vehicles of category M2, M3, N2 and N3 in accordance with Annex XXIX, which will be on the market for the first time from 1 January 2014, from that date and
of point 4.2 for vehicles of category M2, M3, N2 and N3 and of points 4.1 to 4.4 for vehicles of category O corresponding to Appendix XXIX, which will be on the market for the first time from 1 January 2015, from that date
shall apply at the latest.
Annex VIIId (Investigations for the conduct of main investigations, safety tests, investigations of exhaust gases and recurrent gas plant tests) shall be applied from 1 July 2012. Until this date, Annex VIIId shall apply in the version valid before 1 July 2012. By way of derogation from the first sentence, equipment for testing on the electronic vehicle interface referred to in point 25 of the table referred to in point 3 of Annex VIIId shall be made as from 1 January 2013.
Annex VIIIe (provision of guidelines for the conduct of main investigations and safety tests; evaluation of findings) shall be applied from 1 July 2012.
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Section 73 Technical specifications
Insofar as reference is made in this Regulation to DIN or ISO standards, these are published in Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstraße 6, 10787 Berlin, VDE-regulations, also in VDE-Verlag, Bismarckstr. 33, 10625 Berlin. You have been registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office in Munich in terms of archiving.
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Annex I to VII (omitted)
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Annex VIII (§ 29 (1) to (4), 7, 9, 11 and 13)
Investigation of vehicles
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 734-740;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
Type and subject of the main investigations and safety tests, exceptions
The motor vehicles and trailers subject to investigation shall be subject to the main investigations and safety tests in accordance with the following provisions.
Main studies
In the case of a main investigation, the vehicles shall be subject to the provisions of Annex VIIIa and to the Directives on their road safety, which shall be made public in accordance with the provisions of Annex VIIIa, in consultation with the competent national authorities. environmental compatibility, as well as compliance with the construction and operating rules applicable to them.
In the study of the environmental compatibility of motor vehicles powered by a positive-ignition or compression-ignition engine, the exhaust gases shall be:
in accordance with point of Annex VIIIa in the case of motor vehicles equipped with an on-board diagnostic system which complies with the provisions referred to in paragraph 47 of the Annex,
in accordance with point of Annex VIIIa in the case of motor vehicles not equipped with a diagnostic system referred to in point (a),
to investigate.
The engine management/exhaust gas purification system test point of Annex VIIIa, point 6.8.2 shall be exempt from:
Motor vehicles with
a positive-ignition engine having a maximum design speed of less than 50 km/h or which has been placed on the market for the first time before 1 July 1969, or which has three wheels and a maximum authorised mass of less than 400 kg,
Compression-ignition engines which have less than four wheels or a maximum design speed of not more than 25 km/h, or which have been placed on the market for the first time before 1 January 1977,
Motorcycles and tricycles and four-wheel motor vehicles of categories L3e, L4e, L5e and L7e referred to in Section 2 of Annex XXIX to be placed on the market before 1 January 1989,
agricultural and forestry tractors,
self-proponent working machines which do not correspond to the construction characteristics of lorries with regard to the drive motor and chassis, and forklift trucks.
Security Checks
The safety test shall have a visual, functional and functional test of the chassis and chassis, the connecting means, steering, tyres, wheels and braking system of the vehicle according to the above mentioned in the traffic sheet with the consent of the top -to include national authorities.
Time intervals of the main investigations and safety tests
The vehicles shall be subject to a main investigation and a safety check at least at the following intervals; the time intervals for safety checks shall relate to the main investigation carried out at the latest:
Type of vehicle type of investigation and time interval
Main investigation MonateSecurity Check Months
2.1.1 |
Motorcycles |
24 |
- |
2.1.2 |
Passenger cars as well as ambulances and disabled-transport vehicles with no more than eight passenger seats |
| |
Passenger cars in general |
| |
in the case of passenger cars for the first time on the market, for the first or passenger cars referred to in point 2.2, when the holder is changed within the first seven months after the first authorisation and the principal investigation carried out for the second Main investigation |
36 |
- | |
for the further main studies |
24 |
- | |
Passenger cars for passenger transport in accordance with the Passenger Transport Act or in accordance with § 1 (4) (d), (g) and (i) of the exemption regulation |
12 |
- | |
Ambulances and disabled-transport vehicles with no more than eight passenger seats |
12 |
- |
2.1.3 |
Buses and other motor vehicles with more than eight passenger seats |
| |
for vehicles first placed on the market in the first twelve months |
12 |
- | |
for further examinations of twelve to 36 months from the date of the initial authorisation |
12 |
6 | |
for further investigations |
12 |
3/6/9 |
2.1.4 |
Motor vehicles intended for the carriage of goods, self-proponent working machines, tractors and motor vehicles not falling under 2.1.1 to 2.1.3 or 2.1.6 |
| |
with a maximum design speed of not more than 40 km/h or a maximum authorised mass ≤ 3,5 t |
24 |
- | |
With a maximum permissible mass > 3,5 t ≤ 7,5 t |
12 |
- | |
With a maximum permissible mass > 7,5 t ≤ 12 t |
| |
for vehicles first placed on the market in the first 36 months |
12 |
- | |
for further investigations |
12 |
6 | |
With a maximum permissible mass > 12 t |
| |
for vehicles first placed on the market in the first 24 months |
12 |
- | |
for further investigations |
12 |
6 |
2.1.5 |
Trailers, including attached working machines and caravans |
| |
Of a maximum authorised mass ≤ 0.75 tonnes or without a braking system of its own |
| |
For the first time, for the first major investigation, for vehicles first placed on the market |
36 |
- | |
for the further main studies |
24 |
- | |
which, in accordance with § 58, are marked for a maximum permissible speed of not more than 40 km/h or with a maximum permissible mass of > 0,75 t ≤ 3,5 t |
24 |
- | |
With a maximum permissible mass > 3,5 t ≤ 10 t |
12 |
- | |
With a maximum permissible mass > 10 t |
| |
for vehicles first placed on the market in the first 24 months |
12 |
- | |
for further investigations |
12 |
6 |
2.1.6 |
Motorhomes |
| |
Of a maximum authorised mass ≤ 3,5 t |
| |
For the first time, for the first major investigation, for vehicles first placed on the market |
36 |
- | |
for the further main studies |
24 |
- | |
With a maximum permissible mass > 3,5 t ≤ 7,5 t |
| |
for vehicles first placed on the market in the first 72 months |
24 |
- | |
for the further main studies |
12 |
- | |
Of a maximum authorised mass > 7,5 t |
12 |
- |
Where vehicles subject to investigation are subject to commercial leasing without the provision of a driver, without being admitted to the renter, the time limit for the main investigation shall be twelve months in all cases, with the exception of the time limit for the main investigation into passenger cars referred to in point and on lorries with a maximum authorised mass ≤ 3.5 tonnes as specified in point 24 months if they are rented for a minimum period of 36 months by a tenant. In the case of motor vehicles referred to in point 2.1.3, safety tests shall be carried out at intervals of three, six and nine months and on motor vehicles, self-proponent working machines, tractors and mobile homes in accordance with points, and and Trailers, including attached working machines as set out in point, to be carried out at a distance of six months after the last major investigation.
The deadline for the next main investigation will begin with the month and year of the last major investigation. In the case of vehicles coming into circulation for the first time, the time limit for the next main investigation shall begin with the month and year of the allocation of an official identifier. In the case of vehicles which are re-admitted to the market or which had previously been admitted to the market outside the scope of this Regulation, the period shall begin with the month and year of the evaluation according to § 21 or a main investigation (§ 14 (2) of the Vehicle Registration Regulation). It ends with the expiry of the month and year shown by the test plaque. In the case of vehicles with an EC type-approval previously authorised for circulation outside the scope of this Regulation, Article 7 (1) of the Vehicle Registration Regulation shall apply.
The time limit for carrying out the security check shall begin with the month and year of the last major investigation. The safety test shall be carried out in the month immediately preceding the test mark in connection with the SP sign, without the time intervals prescribed by point 2.1 or point 2.2 for the next Change the required security check. In the case of vehicles which are re-admitted to the market or which have previously been admitted to the market outside the scope of this Regulation, the period shall begin with the month and year of the assessment in accordance with § 21. In the case of vehicles with EC type-approval, which were admitted to the market outside the scope of this Regulation, Article 7 (1) of the Vehicle Registration Regulation shall apply accordingly. The period ends at the end of the month and year indicated by the test mark in connection with the SP sign. This period may not be exceeded by a maximum of one month if the body responsible for the examination has not been able to carry out the safety examination up to the expiry of the period referred to in the fifth sentence, despite the timely assignment of the contract and in the case of the competent authority. Audit log confirmed. If the time limit for carrying out a safety check is exceeded and there is no confirmation in accordance with the sixth sentence, a main investigation shall be carried out in connection with a safety check in the scope of point 2.3 of Annex VIIIa.
Where a main investigation finds that the month indicated by the test mark in connection with the SP sign for the performance of the safety test vehicle does not meet the time limits set out in points 2.1 and 2.2 in conjunction with point 2.4 , a new test mark shall be allocated and shall be included in the investigation report.
If a main investigation or safety check would be carried out outside the operating period in the case of vehicles for which a seasonal characteristic is allocated, the main investigation or security check shall be carried out in the first month of the next the operating period. Where both a main investigation and a safety check were to be carried out outside the authorisation period, a main investigation shall be carried out in connection with a safety assessment in the scope of point 2.3 of Annex VIIIa.
The obligation to investigate rests during the period in which vehicles have been put out of service by a corresponding endorsement by the registration authority in the registration certificate part I and by de-stamping the mark. If a main examination or a safety check was carried out before or during this period, the main investigation or safety check shall be carried out when the vehicle is re-operated. Where both a main investigation and a safety check were to be carried out during this period, a main investigation shall be carried out in connection with a safety assessment in the scope of point 2.3 of Annex VIIIa.
Conduct of the main investigations and safety tests, evidence
Main studies
The main investigations shall be carried out by an officially recognised expert or auditor for motor vehicle transport (hereinafter referred to as aaSoP) or by an officially recognised monitoring organisation in accordance with Annex VIIIb by one of the following: to have test engineer (hereinafter referred to as the PI).
The examination of the engine management/exhaust gas cleaning system of motor vehicles referred to in point in conjunction with point 6.8.2 of Annex VIIIa may be considered as a separate part of the main studies carried out in accordance with point 1 of Annex VIIIc , the implementation shall be carried out on a certificate to be provided with falsification-aggravating characteristics, which shall be provided by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure with the agreement of the highest National authorities in the Official Journal of the European Union (Verkehrsblatt), which is a model of the This study may not be carried out at the earliest two months before the main investigation is carried out. Proof shall be issued to the aaSoP or PI, which shall transmit the control number of the motor vehicle repair shop referred to in the first sentence and, where appropriate, the defect number referred to in point to the examination report and shall, in the case of the vehicle, demonstrate the shall be taken into account in the main investigation.
The investigation of the gas installations for the propulsion systems of motor vehicles referred to in point 1.2.1 in conjunction with Annex VIIIa, point 6.8.5 may, as a separate part of the main investigation, be carried out by a motor vehicle workshop recognised for that purpose in accordance with Annex XVIIa. (recurrent gas deposit test). The carrying out of the investigation shall be certified in accordance with point 2.4 of Annex XVII. The investigation shall not exceed twelve months before the month indicated by the test plaque for the next prescribed main investigation. If, within this period, a gas system inspection according to § 41a (5) or a gas plant test in accordance with § 41a (6) has been carried out, it shall replace the investigation as set out in the first sentence of paragraph 41a. Proof of the examination or test carried out shall be given to the aaSoP or the PI, which shall transmit the control number of the motor vehicle workshop referred to in the first sentence to the investigation report and the deficiencies which it has identified in the proof of proof in the main investigation.
The holder or his representative shall have the vehicle at the latest by the end of the month at the latest, which shall be carried out by the test plaque in accordance with § 29 (2) and the entries in the vehicle licence or in the proof in accordance with § 4 (5) of the In the case of aaSoP or PI, the vehicle registration regulation and the investigative report have been shown to be presented for the main investigation.
If a safety test prescribed in point 2.1 of the main investigation cannot be demonstrated, a main investigation shall be carried out in connection with a safety check in the scope of point 2.3 of Annex VIIIa.
If the aaSoP or PI is at the main examination or in the case of an inspection as referred to in point, sentence 2
no defects are fixed, he shall assign a test plaque for the vehicle in accordance with section 29 (3),
They shall be included in the investigation report. It may allocate a test plaque for the vehicle, except in the case of investigations under point 3.1.3, in accordance with the third sentence of Article 29 (3); the holder shall remedy the deficiencies without delay and at the latest within one month at the latest,
significant defects shall be included in the investigation report. It shall not allocate any test plaque for the vehicle; the holder shall immediately rectify all defects and the vehicle shall, at the latest by the end of one month after the expiry of the investigation report, be re-examined in order to rectify the defect. to return to the day of the main investigation. If the inspection does not remedy all defects or if additional defects are found, the test plaque must not be allocated and the vehicle must be re-examined for review within the time limit specified in the second sentence; the aaSoP or PI has the unfixed or the additional deficiencies noted in the investigation report. If the investigation report is not submitted during the investigation, or if the vehicle is returned later than one month after the day of the main investigation, the aaSoP or PI shall have a new one instead of the verification of the rectification of the defect. Carry out the main investigation. This shall take account of an exhaust gas emission test carried out up to two months in accordance with point 6.8.2 of Annex VIIIa.
Defects that make the vehicle safe to traffic are to be registered in the examination report; it must remove the existing test plaque and notify the approval authority without delay; § 5 (3) of the The vehicle registration regulation must be applied;
Any defects which are removed before completion of the investigation, at the latest during a calendar day, are to be included in the examination report, stating the time of day. The immediate remedy of defects shall be certified by the name of the defects in connection with a clear confirmation of the person under investigation, stating the time of day. The provisions relating to the allocation of a test plaque pursuant to § 29 (3) shall remain unaffected.
In the case of motor vehicle repair shops recognised in accordance with point 1 of Annex VIIIc, they shall be identified in the course of the investigation of the engine management/exhaust gas purification system in the context of the independent part of the main investigation, Point Defects identified before the completion of the engine management/exhaust gas purification system examination, at the latest within a calendar day, shall be entered in the form of a defect number on the evidence and shall be identified by the aaSoP or PI in the investigative report. Immediate defect removal is to be certified in conjunction with a clear confirmation of the responsible person. The provisions relating to the allocation of a test plaque pursuant to § 29 (3) shall remain unaffected.
Investigation reports on main investigations shall be carried out falsified or must have a HU code.
The investigation reports shall contain at least the following information:
the type of examination,
the mark of the vehicle examined and the country code "D",
the month and the year in which the vehicle was first placed on the market,
the manufacturer of the vehicle, including its code or its key number,
the vehicle category or type of vehicle and the type of vehicle, the maximum permissible mass and the variant and version or the version, including its codes or key numbers,
the full vehicle identification number,
the month and the year of the most recent major investigation;
the position of the distance meter in the case of motor vehicles,
the date and place of implementation of the main investigation;
the time of the end of the investigation and, in the case of investigations as referred to in point, the time of the detection of the removal of the defect,
the name and address of the person under investigation;
the signature of the test stamp and identification number of the person responsible for the investigation and the information referred to in point 3.5 of Annex VIIId;
the month and the year of expiry of the time limit for the next main investigation and security check;
shortcomings identified during the main investigation and their classification,
Documentation of the measured reference values (reference values, pressure values, operating forces) or, if these are not available, the braking values of the operating and parking brake and the braking operations determined therefrom,
the decision on the allocation of the test plaque,
the arrangement of the re-prepation duty;
the control number of the recognised motor vehicle repair shop, if it has carried out the examination in accordance with point and the date of the investigation;
for motorcycles: measuring speed and standard noise comparison value of stand noise measurements.
The following data must be deleted, unless the deletion is contrary to statutory retention requirements:
second copies of the investigative reports referred to in the third sentence of § 29 (10), even in the case of electronic storage in accordance with the period referred to in point sentence 2; or
the data referred to in points, and immediately after the storage of the second copies of the investigation reports.
The length of time shall be extended by three months to the time interval prescribed for the vehicle, calculated from the month of issue of the investigation report.
The investigation report shall be accompanied by proof of the conduct of the investigation of the exhaust gases referred to in point, or any information required, including the test procedure used, shall be included in the investigation report.
The investigative report may also include references of the aaSoP or PI, which draw attention to defects in the future due to wear, corrosion or other conditions. Further information may be provided.
Security Checks
Safety tests shall be carried out by motor vehicle workshops recognised in accordance with Annex VIIIc, or by aaSoP or PI.
The holder shall have the vehicle referred to in points 2.1 and 2.2 in conjunction with point 2.4 at the latest by the expiry of the time limits specified therein in a motor vehicle repair shop recognised for this purpose, or at aaSoP or PI for safety testing .
Shall be carried out in the safety test or in the post-test referred to in point, second sentence, on the vehicle
no defects have been identified, this shall be certified in the test protocol and a test mark shall be allocated in accordance with the provisions of Appendix IXb,
If defects are found, they must be entered in the audit trail. The holder shall have the deficiencies rectified without delay and the vehicle for the verification of the rectification of the defect shall be carried out on presentation of the test protocol at the latest by the expiry of one month after the day of the safety examination of a recognised a motor vehicle repair shop or an aaSoP or a PI; the third sentence of point is to be applied if defects are not fixed or if they are also identified. If the vehicle is subsequently re-presented for inspection later than in the prescribed period of time, a new safety check shall be carried out instead of the verification of the rectification of the defect. The rectification of the defects shall be certified in the test protocol and a test mark shall be allocated in accordance with the provisions of Appendix IXb,
Defects found, but fixed immediately, they must also be entered in the test log, their immediate rectification must be certified and a test mark shall be allocated in accordance with Appendix IXb,
has identified deficiencies which may lead to a direct risk of traffic,
to move the approved motor vehicle repair shop in accordance with point or to remove the test mark and to notify the approval authority without delay; § 5 (3) of the vehicle registration regulation must be applied;
the aaSoP or PI to remove the existing test mark and test plaque if it is not in accordance with point and to notify the registration authority immediately; § 5 (3) of the vehicle registration regulation must be applied.
A main investigation, which is performed at the time of a security check, cannot replace the security check.
The test protocols for safety tests shall be carried out in accordance with a model made known by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in consultation with the supreme state authorities in the traffic sheet.
The test protocols shall contain at least the following information:
the type of examination,
the mark of the vehicle surveyed,
The month and year in which the vehicle was first placed on the market,
the manufacturer of the vehicle, including its code or its key number,
the vehicle category or type of vehicle, the type of vehicle and the variant and version or the version, including its codes or key numbers,
the full vehicle identification number,
the month and the year of the most recent major investigation;
the position of the distance meter in the case of motor vehicles,
the date and time of the security check,
the name, address and test or control number of the test body;
the signature of the person responsible for the inspection of the recognised workshop or the signature of the test stamp and the identification number of the aaSoP or PI responsible for the test, and the information referred to in point 3.5 of Annex VIIId;
the month and the year of expiry of the time limit for the next security check;
charges, fees,
shortcomings identified in the course of the safety assessment,
Documentation of the measured reference values (reference values, pressure values, operating forces) or, if these are not available, the braking values of the operating and parking brake and the braking operations determined therefrom,
the decision on the allocation of the test mark;
the arrangement of the re-prepation duty.
The following data must be deleted, unless the deletion is contrary to statutory retention periods:
Second copies of the test minutes referred to in the third sentence of § 29 (10) also for electronic storage in accordance with the period referred to in point sentence 2; or
the data referred to in points, and immediately after the storage of the second copies of the test logs. The period of time for the vehicle shall be extended by three months, calculated from the month of issuance of the test protocol, as prescribed for the vehicle.
Investigation sites for the carrying out of main investigations and investigations of exhaust gases as well as safety tests and recurrent gas plant tests
The main investigations and investigations of the exhaust gases of motor vehicles as referred to in point and safety tests and periodic gas plant tests may be carried out only at the investigative bodies which have been authorised to carry out such tests. comply with the provisions of Annex VIIId. The investigating bodies of the technical inspection bodies and the officially recognised monitoring organisations shall be the competent supreme state authority, or the bodies designated by it or competent under national law, indicating the To report equipment characteristics according to Appendix VIIId and the vehicle garden to be examined and tested. In addition, the inspection bodies and, on request, the other investigative bodies must be notified of recognition.
The main tests carried out by aaSoP of the Technical Test Points shall, as a general rule, be carried out in their test centres in accordance with point 2.1 of Annex VIIId, and the main investigations by the officially recognised monitoring organisations are to be carried out in accordance with the rules of the the test points referred to in point 2.2 of Appendix VIIId or on test places as specified in point 2.3 of Annex VIIId shall be carried out.
The competent supreme state authority, or the bodies designated by it or by national law, or the competent recognition body, may itself examine or have the competent authorities or bodies determined by the competent authority to verify whether the competent authorities of the State or the competent authorities of the competent State are responsible for the the rules applicable to the investigative bodies. Technical inspection bodies and officially recognised monitoring organisations must carry out the initial verification for their own area in each case, if the competent body in accordance with Article 10 (1) of the German Motor Insurance Act (Kraftfahrsachvergesetz) or the after- Point 1 of Annex VIIIb has been entrusted with the task of identifying the competent authorities responsible for this purpose, and shall remain without prejudice to point 4.1 The periodic testing of test bases referred to in point 2.2 of Annex VIIId shall be carried out at least every three years by the bodies referred to in point 1.1, first sentence, of Annex VIIIc. The persons responsible for the examination shall have the power to enter land and premises belonging to the notified body of inquiry during business and business hours, to carry out audits and surveys there and to must be kept in place. The holder of the investigative body shall accept such measures, where necessary, to assist the persons responsible and, if so requested, to submit the required records. The holder of the investigative body shall bear the costs of the examination.
The competent bodies referred to in the third sentence of point 4.3 shall provide evidence of the checks carried out on the test bases and shall communicate the results, in particular the derogations from point 3 of Annex VIIId, to the technical inspection bodies operating there, and Surveillance organizations with.
(+ + + Annex VIII: For use, see Section 72 (2) (7) + + +)
Appendix VIII No. 2.6 Sentence 2 italic pressure: change d. Article 1 (9) (j) (i), (aa) V v. 10.5.2012 I 1086 mWv 1.6.2012 cannot be carried out, it should be correct "In sentence 2, the word" period of authorisation "shall be replaced by the word" operating period ".
Unofficial table of contents
Annex VIIIa (Section 29 (1) and (3), Annex VIII (1.2))
Implementation of the main investigation
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 1105-1114)
Implementation and subject-matter of the main investigation When carrying out the main investigation (HU), the officially recognised expert or auditor for motor vehicle traffic (hereinafter referred to as aaSoP) or the officially recognised auditor (s), has Monitoring organisation responsible for testing engineer (hereinafter referred to as the PI)
the provisions of Section 29 and Annex VIII applicable to this investigation; and
the guidelines published in the Transport and Digital Infrastructure section of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in consultation with the competent top national authorities
or, as far as they are not available,
in accordance with point 2 of Annex VIIIe for the compulsory and supplementary studies
In addition, the implementation of the HU must be followed by examination instructions prepared by the "Arbeitskreis exchanging experience in the technical vehicle monitoring according to § 19 (3) and § 29 StVZO" (AKE), and the affected vehicle manufacturers or importers. The implementation of the HU shall be extended to the vehicle with the components and systems listed in 6.1 to 6.10. In the case of vehicles with their own braking system, the HU has to include a short journey at a speed of at least 8 km/h at the start of the conditioning and testing of the vehicles.
Scope of the main examination The decision as to whether an additional investigation is to be carried out in addition to the compulsory examination is at the discretion of the aaSoP or PI; however, the decision must be taken in accordance with point 1.
the main investigation shall include at least the mandatory studies required under the first subparagraph of point 6.1 to 6.10. Was the investigation
of the engine management/exhaust gas purification system referred to in point of Annex VIIIor
the gas installations in the propulsion system referred to in point of Annex VIIIeach shall be carried out as a separate part, for the aaSoP or PI, the extent of the compulsory studies to be carried out by it shall be reduced by those separate parts,
the aaSoP or PI must also carry out supplementary examinations if, on the basis of the condition or age of the vehicle, component or system, there is a presumption that the relevant examination points are subject to a compulsory examination More detailed examination is required. In so doing, the supplementary studies to be carried out in each case under points 6.1 to 6.10 shall be extended if this is necessary for the purpose of determining the safety, environmental compatibility and the conformity of the vehicle, and Overruns of the pre-executive order to HU by more than two months. This shall apply in the same way if unacceptable technical changes to the vehicle, components or systems are presumed,
a vehicle for which a prescribed safety check (SP) cannot be detected, in addition an SP is performed. The scope of the HU is thereby reduced by the test points of the SP additionally carried out. In this case, the aaSoP or PI must also be used to create the test protocol via the SP. The provisions of point 3.2.2 of Annex VIII shall apply accordingly.
Assessment of the deficiencies identified in the main investigations and their disclosure
If deficiencies are found in vehicles at HU in accordance with point 3.1.4 of Appendix VIII, they shall be assessed by the aaSoP or PI. This shall also apply where the investigation of the engine management/exhaust gas purification system has been carried out as a separate part, in accordance with point of Annex VIII. The assessment and the allocation of the defects must be carried out in accordance with the directive published in the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) in consultation with the competent national competent authorities. The application of the Directive, including the proper assessment of the vehicles by the aaSoP/PI, shall be ensured by the technical inspection bodies and the monitoring organisations.
The deficiencies and/or established extensions of safety-or environmental-relevant vehicle equipment as well as retrofits or upgrades of the vehicles to be found at the time of the first time into the traffic The technical inspection bodies and officially recognised monitoring organisations of the Central Unit according to Annex VIIIe and one of these in the traffic bulletin of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in consultation Directive made known to the competent supreme authorities at least half-yearly.
Examination criteria The vehicle is to be examined with regard to the design, the condition, the function and the effect of its components and systems.
The examination of the design shall be carried out visually and/or electronically, including via the electronic vehicle interface.
a predetermined design,
a predetermined attachment/number,
a predetermined circuit (construction test),
a required identification (identification)
shall be made.
The examination of the condition has to be done visually and/or manually and/or electronically-also via the electronic vehicle interface-on
damage, corrosion and ageing,
excessive wear and excessive play,
Proper fastening, securing, installation and installation,
Freedom of movement and ease of use
shall be made.
The examination of the function has to be performed visually and/or manually and/or electronically-also via the electronic vehicle interface. In this case, it is necessary to check whether, after the actuation of pedals, levers, switches or other operating devices which trigger an operation, this process takes place correctly in time and functionally.
The investigation of the effect is a metrological examination-which also implies computing processes-of a component or system on the holding or reaching of predetermined limit values; it can also be used via the electronic vehicle interface. ,
Requirements for the conduct of the investigation The conduct of the investigation has to be carried out in a non-destructive manner and without the development of vehicle equipment and parts. In the case of studies on the electronic vehicle interface, it is necessary to ensure that: that
none of the entries filed in the electronic result store have been modified or deleted,
No new entries in the electronic result store are made,
the deployed diagnostic functions are not affected
no other adverse effects on the vehicles or vehicle equipment are carried out by the investigation
can be.
Subsearch point (component, system) |
Investigation criterion |
Compulsory examinations
Supplementary studies (Examples) |
Braking system
Overall Location |
● ● ● ● ● ● ● |
Compliance Service braking effect Parking brake action Uniformity Function of the permanent braking system Annex -Striking features Abstufability/Time Behavior -Striking features Redeeming |
● ● ● |
Auxiliary braking effect Auto-lock prevention feature Tightness |
Facilities for Energy procurement |
● |
Fill time -Striking features |
Subsearch point (component, system) investigation criterion
Compulsory examinations Supplementary studies (Examples)
Facilities for Energy storage |
● ● |
State -Striking features Function of the dewatering device |
● ● |
State Execution |
Operating and transmission equipment |
● |
State -Striking features |
● |
State |
Run-up |
● ● |
State -Striking features Function |
● ● |
State Execution |
Tax and regulatory bodies (valves) |
● ● ● ● ● ● |
State -Striking features for compressed air braking systems: Setting and function of the automatically load-dependent braking force regulator Tear-off backup function Function of automatic braking Function of the release valve on the trailer Function of pressure protection (for vehicles not subject to SP) |
● ● ● ● |
State Execution Function of the brake booster Print Backup Function |
Wheel brake/brake application device |
● ● |
State -Striking features Function |
● ● ● ● |
State Function of the adjusting device Setting Execution |
Testing facilities and test connections |
● |
State -Striking features |
● |
State |
Control and warning devices |
● |
Function |
Overall Location |
● |
Compliance |
Controls |
● ● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility Function of the steering system |
● ● |
State Steering forces -Noticeable, admissibility |
Transmission facilities |
● |
State -Striking features |
● ● |
State Setting |
Guidance |
● |
Function |
● ● |
State Tightness |
Steering damper |
● |
State |
View ratios
Total System |
● |
Compliance |
Disks |
● ● |
State -Striking features Impairment of the field of vision |
● ● |
State Execution -Admissibility |
Subsearch point (component, system) investigation criterion
Compulsory examinations Supplementary studies (Examples)
Rearview mirrors |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution Count -Admissibility |
● ● |
State Visibility impairment |
Windscreen wipers |
● ● |
State -Striking features Function |
● |
State |
Windscreen washer system |
● |
Function |
Lighting equipment and other parts of the electrical system
Total System |
● |
Compliance |
Active lighting equipment
Headlights and luminaires |
● ● ● ● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility Number -Admissibility Function Headlight adjustment |
● ● ● ● |
State Audit characters Flashing frequency of direction indicator and warning flashlight Mounting dimensions and viewing angle -Admissibility |
Passive lighting equipment
Retro-reflectors and retroreflecting devices |
● ● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility Number -Admissibility |
● ● ● |
State Audit characters Mounting dimensions and viewing angle -Admissibility |
Other parts of the electrical system
electrical lines |
● |
State -Striking features |
● ● |
State Laying, securing |
Batteries |
● |
State -Striking features |
● |
State |
electrical connection Facilities |
● ● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility Number -Admissibility |
● ● |
State Function (contact usage) |
Control and warning devices |
● |
Function |
other parts |
● |
State -Striking features |
● |
State |
Axles, wheels, tyres, suspension
Total System |
● |
Compliance |
Axes |
● |
State -Striking features |
● ● |
State Type and quality of repair execution |
Subsearch point (component, system) investigation criterion
Compulsory examinations Supplementary studies (Examples)
Suspension |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility (motorcycle) |
● |
State |
Springs, stabiliser |
● |
State -Striking features |
● ● |
State Execution -Admissibility |
pneumatic and hydro- pneumatic suspension |
● |
State -Striking features |
● ● |
State Function and adjustment of valves |
Vibration damper/ Axle damping |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility |
● |
State |
Wheels |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility |
● |
State |
Tyres |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility |
● |
State |
Chassis, frame, structure; parts attached to it
Total System |
● |
Compliance |
Frame/loadbearing parts |
● |
State -Striking features |
● |
State |
Structure |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility/fortification |
● |
State |
Underrun protection/lateral Protection |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility |
● |
State |
mechanical connection Facilities |
● |
State -Striking features |
● ● ● |
State Execution -Admissibility Function |
Support facilities |
● |
State -Striking features |
● ● |
State Function |
Spare AdMount |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility |
● ● |
State Function |
Heating (not electrically and not with motor cooling medium as heat source) |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution |
● ● ● |
State Check or Exchange deadlines Function |
Power wheel cover |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility |
● |
State |
Subsearch point (component, system) investigation criterion
Compulsory examinations Supplementary studies (Examples)
other parts |
● |
State -Striking features |
● ● |
State Execution -Admissibility |
Drive |
● |
State -Striking features |
● |
State |
Other equipment
Equipment for active and passive safety
Safety belts or other restrainating systems |
● ● ● |
Compliance State -Striking features Number, attachment -Admissibility |
● ● |
Execution -Admissibility Function |
Airbag |
● |
Compliance |
● |
Compliance with the exchange deadline specified by the manufacturer |
Roll-over protection |
● |
Compliance |
driverdynamic systems with intervention in the braking/steering system |
● |
Compliance |
other equipment |
● |
Compliance |
Other equipment
Tampering Usage/Anti-theft protection/alarm system |
● ● |
Execution -Admissibility Function |
State |
Unterlegkeile |
● ● |
State -Striking features execution, number, Affixing -Admissibility |
● |
State |
Sound-marking devices |
● ● |
Execution -Admissibility Function |
● |
State |
Warning triangle/warning vest/warning vest, bandage box |
● |
Execution -Admissibility |
● |
State |
Speed gauge |
● ● |
Execution -Admissibility Function |
● |
Accuracy |
Tachograph/Control Unit |
● ● |
The presence of the mounting plate and the seal Compliance with the test period |
● ● |
State Function |
Speed limiters |
● ● ● ● |
Compliance Execution, Installation -Admissibility Presence of examination certificate or Seal Function, if feasible |
● ● ● |
State Tampering security Function |
Subsearch point (component, system) investigation criterion
Compulsory examinations Supplementary studies (Examples)
Speed shield (s) |
● ● |
State -Striking features execution, number, Affixing -Admissibility |
● |
State |
further security relevant equipment |
● |
Compliance |
Environmental impact
Vehicles in general
Muffler system |
● ● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility Noise development -Striking features |
● ● |
State Measurement Stand Noise |
Motor/driving/buildup/encapsulation |
● |
Noise development -Striking features |
● ● |
State Measurement of driving noise |
Muffler system |
● ● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility, marking of the exhaust system Noise development -Striking features |
● ● ● |
State Measurement Stand Noise in the case of non-proven Admissibility Measurement Stand Noise |
Motor/driving/buildup/encapsulation |
● |
Noise development -Striking features |
● ● |
State Measurement of driving noise |
Exhaust gases
Motor vehicles without on-board diagnostic system (Annex VIII, point (b))
pollutant-relevant component/ Exhaust system |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility |
Exhaust gas purification system |
● |
Exhaust gas behaviour -Admissibility |
Motor vehicles with an on-board diagnostic system (Annex VIII, point (a))
pollutant-relevant component/ Exhaust system |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility |
Subsearch point (component, system) investigation criterion
Compulsory examinations Supplementary studies (Examples)
Engine Management-/ Exhaust gas purification systems |
● ● |
Exhaust gas behaviour *) -Admissibility OBD data (mode 01) -Admissibility |
● |
OBD error codes (mode 03) -Admissibility |
Electromagnetic compatibility
Ignition system/other electrical and electronic equipment |
● |
State -Striking features |
Loss of liquids
Motor/driv/Lenkanlage/Tank/fuel/fuel/air condition/battery |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility |
● ● |
State Tightness |
Gas systems in the propulsion system of motor vehicles
Total gas |
● ● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Admissibility Tightness |
● ● |
State Characteristics of the components |
Hydrogen systems in the drive system of motor vehicles
total hydrogen installation |
● |
Compliance |
Electric drive of motor vehicles
Total electrical Drive |
● |
Compliance |
Hybrid drive of motor vehicles
Additional tests on motor vehicles used for commercial passenger transport
single systems |
● |
Compliance |
Motor vehicles used for the carriage of passengers with more than eight passenger seats
Total System |
● |
Compliance |
Emergency exits, exits and emergency exits |
● ● ● |
State -Striking features Execution Count -Admissibility Reverser function |
● ● |
State Function |
lifting equipment/Hublifte, foreign power-operated ramps |
● ● |
State -Striking features Function |
● ● |
State Function |
Subsearch point (component, system) investigation criterion
Compulsory examinations Supplementary studies (Examples)
Floor covering and steps |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution |
● |
State |
Space for drivers and comfort- Staff |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution |
● |
State |
Seat/standing/mooring places, passageways |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution Count -Admissibility |
● ● |
State Match with Information on shield |
Holding devices, Restraint systems |
● ● ● |
State -Striking features execution, number, Affixing -Admissibility Function |
● |
Execution -Admissibility |
Passenger comprehension system |
● |
Function |
● |
State |
Interior lighting |
● |
Function |
● |
State |
Destination/route sign, Line number |
● |
Execution |
● ● |
Function of lighting Device State |
Entrepreneurship |
● |
Execution |
Fire extinguishers |
● |
Compliance with the test period |
● |
State |
Fire/smoke detectors |
● |
Function |
● |
State |
Verbal boxes, including content and accommodation |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution |
● |
State |
Total System |
● |
Compliance |
Taxic/lighting equipment |
● |
Execution |
● ● |
State Function |
Vehicle Gfarbe |
● |
Execution -Admissibility |
Entrepreneurship |
● |
Execution |
Driving price indicators |
● ● |
Execution Seal |
● |
State |
Alarm |
● ● |
Execution -Admissibility Function |
● |
State |
Marking |
● |
Execution, affixing -Admissibility |
● |
State |
Interior |
● |
Execution |
● |
State |
Subsearch point (component, system) |
Investigation criterion |
Compulsory examinations
Supplementary studies (Examples) |
Identification and classification of the vehicle
Vehicle identification number |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution-conformity with vehicle documents |
● |
State |
Factory Shield |
● |
Execution, affixing -Admissibility |
● |
Conformity with vehicle documents |
Proof of compliance with Directive 96 /53/EC |
● ● |
State -Striking features Execution -Striking features |
● |
Compliance with the actual measures |
official flag (front and back) |
● ● |
State Execution |
Vehicle documents |
● |
Compliance of the data with the actual conditions |
(+ + + Annex VIIIa: For use, see Section 72 (2) (8) + + +)
Unofficial table of contents
Annex VIIIb (Appendix VIII, points 3.1 and 3.2)
Recognition of monitoring organisations
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 748-751;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
The recognition of monitoring organisations for carrying out major investigations, exhaust gas tests and safety tests (hereinafter referred to as HU and SP) as well as deductions (§ 19 (3) sentence 1, point 3 or 4) shall be the responsibility of the competent authorities. the supreme state authority, or the bodies designated by it or by national law (recognition authorities).
Requirements for recognition
Recognition may be granted if:
the monitoring organisation maintains an appropriate body in the field of recognition, which holds the necessary documents for all the operations to be monitored by the recognition and supervisory authority, and where the technical manager or his or her own The representative referred to in point 5 within the scope of this Regulation shall be reachable,
the test engineers who are to be involved in the monitoring organisation are not entrusted with any other monitoring organisation,
it maintains a quality management system for the entire monitoring organisation which meets at least the requirements of DIN EN ISO/JEC 17020:2012, the fulfilment of which is to be demonstrated with respect to the German accreditation body,
who are personally reliable in accordance with the law, contract or statute to represent the monitoring organisation;
it is to be expected, on the basis of the staffing and factual equipment, that the monitoring organisation shall implement the HU and SP as well as the deputiations properly, in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations, and , to ensure collection, evaluation and exchange of results and test experiences, as well as quality assurance measures within the monitoring organisation, and to work together with other monitoring organisations and the technical authorities Test sites regularly in the "Working Group" Exchange of experience in the technical vehicle monitoring according to § 19 (3) and § 29 StVZO (AKE) " according to the information provided by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in consultation with the relevant Supreme State authorities to exchange guidelines,
the monitoring organisation, by setting up an internal audit service, ensures that the results for internal audit and the supervisory authority are collected and evaluated in such a way as to ensure that the examination and test quality for any period of time within the last three years, and that the results are fully comparable with those of other monitoring organisations and those of the technical inspection bodies,
the monitoring organisation ensures that the persons responsible for the implementation of the HU and SP as well as the deductions participate in regular training on at least five days per year, which shall meet the requirements of the Federal Ministry of Justice and transport and digital infrastructure, with the agreement of the supreme state authorities, in accordance with the information and training plan announced in the Official Journal of the European Union,
for the persons entrusted with the implementation of the HU and SP as well as the deeds, sufficient liability insurance exists and is maintained to cover all claims arising in connection with the HU and SP as well as the detentions; and the monitoring organisation shall exempt the country in which it operates from all claims by third parties for damage caused by the persons appointed to represent the monitoring organisation, the technical director, its representative or the persons responsible for the monitoring of the monitoring organisation. Implementation of the HU and SP as well as of the deeds in the exercise of the persons responsible for them , and, in order to do so, to provide and maintain the completion of the relevant insurance policy;
the monitoring organisation has at least one verifier, which is also suitable for further training and exchange of experience, in the respective recognition area; with the agreement of the competent recognition authority, it may, in its recognition area, , and
As a result, the test offer is not endangered by the network of technical inspection bodies on reasonable conditions for the vehicle owners (for example, in terms of access routes and charges); point 2.1.2 of Annex VIIId must be taken into account.
Requirements for test engineers (PI)
The monitoring organisation may entrust its members with the implementation of the HU and SP if it is
are at least 23 years old,
mental and physical as well as reliable,
the driving licence for motor vehicles of all classes, except for categories D and D1, and not a driving ban pursuant to section 25 of the Road Traffic Act or § 44 of the Criminal Code, or the driving licence in accordance with § 94 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in Custody, seizure, seizure, seizure or seizure,
as a preliminary study, a study of the area of mechanical engineering, of the area of motor vehicles or of electrical engineering at a university situated within the scope of this Regulation or recognised as being equivalent to that of a public or state-recognised public or public University of Applied Sciences successfully completed
have taken part in a training course lasting at least six months, which meets the requirements of the training and training plan, which is provided by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure with the agreement of the supreme state authorities in the The duration of the training may be reduced to three months if at least three years ' main professional activity is demonstrated as a motor vehicle expert,
their professional competence by an examination in accordance with the regulations of § § 2 to 14 of the Ordination on the Implementation of the Force Act of 24 May 1972 (BGBl. 854), as last amended by Article 2 of the Regulation of 7 January 2011 (BGBl I). I p. 3) have been amended, as amended; § 2 (1) sentence 2 of the last half sentence of the Kraftfahrsachvergesetz shall apply accordingly; the registration for the examination can only be carried out by the monitoring organisation shall be carried out in accordance with point 3.5 or shall be responsible for carrying out the implementation of the HU, SP and take-off after passing the tests; by way of derogation from Article 2 (3) (3) of the said Regulation may be replaced by the head of a technical Motor vehicle inspection body shall be the technical manager of a monitoring organisation in The Audit Committee shall be appointed,
are not entrusted to any other monitoring organisation,
are active as motor vehicle experts,
and where the recognition authority competent in accordance with point 1 has agreed. § § 9 to 17 of the Professional Qualification Order Act must be applied accordingly.
For the purposes of this Regulation, persons entrusted with the implementation of the HU and SP shall be designated as testing engineers.
If the persons responsible for implementing HU or SP no longer fulfil the conditions of recognition for more than two years or do not belong to a technical inspection body or a monitoring organisation for more than two years, training shall be carried out in accordance with Point 3.5 and a test in accordance with point 3.6.
Take-off pursuant to § 19 (3) (3) and (4)
The monitoring organisation may also entrust the persons referred to in point 3 with the implementation of the HU and SP to the carrying out of the taking-off in accordance with Article 19 (3), first sentence, points 3 and 4, if:
they took part in these take-off of a special training lasting at least two months,
have demonstrated their professional competence in carrying out the take-off in the framework of the examination referred to in point 3.6; and
if the recognition authority competent in accordance with point 1 has agreed.
Technical Director and Representative
The monitoring organisation shall appoint a technical director and a representative of the technical manager who shall comply with the requirements set out in points 3 and 4. The technical manager shall ensure that the HU and the SP, as well as the take-off, are carried out in an orderly and regular manner and shall be subject to the technical instructions given to the persons responsible for implementing the HU and SP as well as the deeds. . The supervisory authority may give technical instructions to the technical director. The orders must be confirmed by the supervisory authority. They may be revoked if the technical manager or his representative fails to observe the technical instructions issued by the supervisory authority or otherwise no longer guarantees that he will perform his duties properly. The technical manager and his representative may also carry out HU, SP and take-off in the course of their appointment. It shall submit annually to the Supervisory Authority, and in addition to specific requirements, a report on compliance with the quality-assurance measures. The report must provide information on the quality checks carried out and the measures taken, provided that they were necessary on the basis of a breach.
Additional requirements for the monitoring organization
The HU and SP, as well as the take-off, shall be carried out on behalf of and on behalf of the monitoring organisation. The PI must not be economically dependent on the number and outcome of the HU and SP carried out and the take-off of the PI. Proof of the accounting and remuneration system of the monitoring organisation shall be notified to the supervisory authority on request.
The charges for the HU, SP and deeds to be paid by the vehicle holders shall be laid down in a uniform manner by the monitoring organisation, on its own responsibility, for the area of the local competent technical inspection body. Where a HU is carried out in conjunction with an available proof of a survey carried out in accordance with point of Annex VIII by a recognised motor vehicle workshop, a separate fee shall be granted for this purpose in accordance with the first sentence of . The charges shall be notified to the competent supervisory authority in good time prior to its introduction.
The charges fixed in accordance with point 6.2 shall be carried out by the monitoring organisation in its verifiers and, where the HU and SP and the deprivations are carried out in a test base, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the price of charges in each case. shall be made known. An agreed fee for the examination referred to in point of Annex VIII by the recognised motor vehicle repair shop shall be disclosed separately and, in addition to the remuneration referred to in point 6.2, sentence 3, shall be made by the vehicle owner. A remuneration, possibly agreed in accordance with point 6.4, for the design of HU, SP and take-off in the premises of the test base, as well as for the use of facilities and equipment or the use of personnel, shall be disclosed separately. and must be collected by the vehicle holders in addition to the remuneration referred to in point 6.2. The remuneration referred to in point 6.2, including sales tax, shall be indicated on all copies of the examination and acceptance reports and the audit records.
The design of the HU, SP and the take-off in the test bases and test stations, including the notification of the charges referred to in point 6.3, and the use of their facilities and equipment or the use of their staff shall be concluded by the monitoring organisation with the holders of the test bases and test places. These contracts shall provide for the remuneration of HU, SP and detention in the premises of the test support point and for the use of facilities and equipment or for the use of personnel by the holder; and where appropriate, the level of levied; for test places, the second sentence of point 6.3 shall apply in respect of the agreement of such remuneration. These contracts shall be submitted to the supervisory authority upon request.
In the context of internal audit, the monitoring organisation must, in particular, ensure that the quality of HU, SP and take-off is not affected by too high a number of individual tests.
In order to avoid conflicts of interest, the monitoring organisations, their holders, their members and their persons appointed by law, contract or statute to represent the organisation of the monitoring organisation, and the persons responsible for carrying out the activities, shall be entitled to: HU, SP or deductions shall not be directly or indirectly involved in the manufacture, trading, leasing, maintenance and repair of vehicles and vehicle parts.
The personal data collected by the monitoring organisation for the implementation of HU and SP may only be processed or used for the purpose of proof of proper investigation and verification within the meaning of point 2.4. Processing or use for other purposes is permitted only with the written consent of the person concerned. If the declaration of consent is made together with other declarations, it shall be particularly emphasized. The person concerned must be informed in the granting of his consent that he or she can revoke it at any time with effect for the future.
Transitional provisions
To the extent that monitoring organisations are up to 1. These recognitions shall remain in force in October 2008 for the implementation of HU, SP and deductions in accordance with § 19 (3), first sentence, points 3 and 4. Points 2 to 6 shall apply accordingly; point 6.6 shall apply in the up to 1. The text is in force in October 2008. For up to 1. The monitoring organisations recognised in October 2008 shall be subject to point 2.1b as from 1 April 2011.
The recognition of a monitoring organisation shall be subject to the reservation of withdrawal and the subsequent recording, amendment or amendment of an edition. It may, in particular, be revoked by the competent recognition authority if the monitoring organisation does not properly fulfil its obligations. It shall be revoked if the recognition authority would be entitled, on the basis of facts subsequently received, not to issue the recognition.
Supervision of recognised monitoring organisations
The supreme state authority, or the bodies designated by it or competent by national law, shall exercise the supervision of the holders of the recognition. The supervisory authority or the competent authorities may itself examine or have certain agents designated by them to examine whether, in particular:
the conditions for recognition are still fulfilled,
the HU and SP as well as the take-off are carried out properly and the obligations otherwise arising from the recognition or obligations shall be fulfilled,
whether and to what extent the recognition has been made use of.
The persons responsible for the examination shall be entitled to enter land and business premises of the holder of the recognition during business and business hours, to carry out examinations and inspections there and to record the required records. See. In addition, the holder of the recognition shall ensure that the persons responsible for the supervision are allowed to enter all examination centres. The holder of the recognition shall make such measures possible and shall bear the costs of the examination.
At the request of the supervisory authority, the monitoring organisation shall appoint a commissioner for the recognition area concerned. This is the contact person of the recognition authority and the supervisory authority. He must be able to make statements with effect for and against the monitoring organisation and to accept it. It must also have the possibility to provide information, records and evidence of the HU, SP and take-off carried out by the monitoring organisation in the field of recognition and to submit it to the supervisory authority on request. With the agreement of the competent recognition authority, the agent can also be ordered in whole or in part for the area of several recognition areas.
Unofficial table of contents
Annex VIIIc (Annex VIII, points and 3.2)
Recognition of motor vehicle workshops for the performance of safety tests and/or investigations of exhaust gases as well as training of responsible persons and experts
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 752-755;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
The recognition of motor vehicle workshops for the performance of safety tests (hereinafter referred to as "SP") and/or investigations of the exhaust gases (hereinafter referred to as the "AU") and/or investigations of the exhaust gases on motorcycles (hereinafter referred to as "the" AUK) shall be the responsibility of the competent supreme state authority or the bodies designated by it or competent under national law (points of recognition). These may delegate the power to the local and technically competent motor vehicle innings.
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, with the agreement of the competent federal state authorities, shall provide for the procedure for the recognition and withdrawal of motor vehicle workshops for the implementation of SP and/or AU and/or AUK Directive in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, with the agreement of the competent federal state authorities, will make known a guideline for the training and repeat training required under point 2.6 by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.
General conditions for the recognition of motor vehicle workshops
Recognition shall be granted if:
the applicant, in the case of legal persons, the persons appointed according to the law or the statutes for representation as well as the persons responsible for the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK are personally reliable. The applicant, the persons appointed to represent persons and persons responsible for the implementation of the SP and/or the AU and/or AUK must also have a certificate of management and, in addition, an extract from the travel suitability register for the implementation of the SP. .
the applicant, by submitting a certificate from the local Chamber of Crafts, proves the registration in the craft role, that he or a person permanently employed in the permanent establishment fulfils the conditions laid down in the the craft order for the self-employed commercial execution of such work, which is necessary to remedy the deficiencies noted with the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK,
the applicant proves that he or she appoints one or more persons responsible for the implementation of the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK. Only the responsible person (s) is (are) authorized to sign the audit protocols and/or evidence; audit protocols and/or evidence are to be signed immediately after the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK have been implemented. In addition, the proofs are to be provided with a proof seal and an embosseumber. The implementation of the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK may also be carried out by specialists under the supervision of the responsible persons. The responsible person (s) and professionals must be named by the applicant,
the applicant shall show that the person (s) responsible for the implementation of the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK and the experts are required to provide adequate training and experience in the field of motor vehicle technology . For implementation
the security check (SP) must be provided in evidence,
that professionals have a final examination in the recognised training profession
Motor vehicle mechanic,
Motor vehicle triker,
Automobile mechanic,
Motor vehicle mechatronics technician,
Mechanic for bodywork maintenance technology,
bodywork and vehicle manufacturers,
Bodywork and Vehicle Mechanic,
Metalworkers, specialising in vehicle construction,
Metalworkers, specialising in commercial vehicle construction,
Agricultural machinery mechanic,
land and construction machinery mechanic,
that responsible persons have a master's examination in
Motor vehicle mechanic craft,
Motor vehicle triker craft,
Motor vehicle technology craft,
Bodywork and vehicle-building trades,
Metal-building trades, focus on commercial vehicle construction,
Agricultural mechanic-Crafts
have successfully passed;
the investigation of the exhaust gases (AU) must be carried out in evidence,
that professionals have a final examination in the recognised training profession
Motor vehicle mechanic,
Motor vehicle triker,
Motor vehicle mechatronics technician,
Automobile mechanic,
that responsible persons have a master's examination in
Motor vehicle mechanic craft,
Motor vehicle triker craft,
Motor vehicle technology trade, focus on vehicle system technology
have successfully passed;
the investigation of the exhaust gases on motorcycles must be carried out on a basis of proof,
that professionals have a final examination in the recognised training profession
Motor vehicle mechanic,
Motor vehicle triker,
Motor vehicle mechatronics technician,
Biwheel mechanic,
Biwheel mechanic, specialising in motorcycle technology,
that responsible persons have a master's examination in
Motor vehicle mechanic craft,
Motor vehicle triker craft,
Motor vehicle technology craft, focus on vehicle system technology,
Biwheel mechanic-Craft
have successfully passed;
the applicant shows that the person (s) responsible for the implementation of the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK, and the qualified staff, have a master examination or a final examination in the recognised training occupation for the Professions have successfully passed. These examination degrees are the same as Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Ing. (degree.), Bachelor, Master or the state-certified technician in the field of mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, electrical engineering or aerospace engineering/aircraft technology, if the person concerned can be shown to be in the automotive sector (Investigation, testing, maintenance or repair), and it is possible to demonstrate at least three years of activity or a final examination in the training occupations referred to in, point or
the applicant or the person (s) responsible for the implementation of the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK and, in addition, a training corresponding to the state of the technology of the vehicles to be tested, in accordance with point 7 have successfully completed. The period for re-training is not more than 36 months, starting with the month and year in which a final examination has been successfully completed after initial training or retraining. If the time limit is exceeded by more than two months, the first-time training shall be carried out instead of a repeat training,
the applicant proves that all investigative bodies designated by it comply with the requirements of Annex VIIId,
the applicant proves that, for all investigative bodies designated by him, documentation of the operational organisations which contain internal rules according to which proper implementation of the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK are established is ensured. The documentation shall be at least equivalent to the requirements of the Directive referred to in point 1.2,
the applicant confirms that the responsible person (s) and professional staff responsible for the implementation of the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK shall have sufficient liability insurance to cover all of the SP and/or the claims arising from the AU and/or the AUK shall, at the request of the AU and/or the AUK, indicate and declare that it will maintain this insurance,
the applicant and the bodies involved in the recognition procedure, in accordance with the second sentence of point 1.1, of the country in which he/she is active and for which the applicant is recognised shall be exempted from all claims by third parties for damage related to the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK shall be caused by him or the responsible persons and experts appointed by him, and the conclusion of a corresponding insurance shall be confirmed, shall be verified on request and shall declare that he/she shall this insurance is maintained.
Secondary provisions
The recognition may be associated with secondary provisions necessary to ensure that the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK are properly carried out. The recognition is not transferable.
The recognition shall be limited to the types of examination/examination in question and to certain types, makes or types of vehicles if the conditions referred to in point 2 are established only for those species, make or type.
Withdrawal of recognition
The recognition shall be withdrawn if, in the case of its grant, one of the conditions referred to in point 2 has not been fulfilled. The withdrawal can be waited if the defect no longer exists.
Revocation of recognition
The recognition shall be revoked if any of the conditions referred to in point 2 have subsequently been omitted. It shall be revoked in part or in whole if the rules for the implementation of the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK have been grossly violated if the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK have not been properly carried out or if: has been grossly violated against the conditions of recognition. It may be revoked if no use has been made of it within at least six months, or if the applicant has waived the recognition. If the recognition is limited in time and no extension of the period of validity is requested, it shall expire at the end of the period.
Supervision of recognised motor vehicle workshops
The recognition office shall exercise supervision. It may itself be able to check or have it examined,
whether the SP and/or the AU and/or the AUK are properly carried out, documented and proved and the obligations otherwise arising from the recognition are fulfilled,
the extent to which the recognition has been made use of.
Point 8.1.1 shall apply.
Training of responsible persons and experts
The training referred to in point 2.6 may be carried out
for SP by manufacturer of motor vehicles, or motor vehicle importers, if they import motor vehicles which are subject to SP, and if they have their own customer service organisation and manufacturers of braking systems for SP-subject vehicles motor vehicles and trailers, as well as appropriate bodies authorised by such vehicles,
for the AU, by manufacturers of motor vehicles or motor vehicle importers, if they import motor vehicles subject to the AU and if they have their own customer service organisation, and motor vehicle engine manufacturers, manufacturers of mixture preparation systems with their own customer service organization, provided they provide initial equipment, and appropriate bodies authorized by such equipment,
in the case of AUK by manufacturers of motor vehicles which are subject to the charge of AUK or motor vehicle importers, if they import motor vehicles which are subject to an AUK and if they have their own customer service organisation, as well as appropriate bodies authorised by them,
bodies authorized by the Federal Association of Motor Vehicle Services.
Training centres are, in accordance with local authority, the competent supreme state authorities or the bodies designated by them or competent under national law, and the Federal Association of the Automobile Trade in 53040 Bonn, Postfach 15 01 62, unsolicable, and this applies accordingly to the recruitment of the school activity. The Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle Association (Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle) centrally records the training sites and sends a current one at the beginning of a year to the responsible state authorities and the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure respectively at the beginning of each year. Summary of all training facilities, broken down by SP, AU and AUK training sites.
The training, compulsory repeat training, training content and training centres must comply with the Directive, which is known in accordance with point 1.3.
Supervision of the recognition procedure and the training
The supervision of the recognition offices and the recognition procedure shall be the responsibility of the competent supreme state authority, the bodies designated by it or competent in accordance with national law, each for their area of responsibility. The supervisory authority may itself examine or have the recognition office examine whether the conditions for recognition are still fulfilled and that the obligations otherwise arising from the recognition or by the secondary provisions will be fulfilled. This test shall be carried out at least every three years.
The persons responsible for the examination shall be entitled to enter land and business premises of the holder of the recognition during business and business hours, to carry out examinations and inspections there and to record the required records. See. The holder of the recognition shall accept these measures, where necessary, to assist the persons responsible and, if so requested, to submit the required records. He has to bear the cost of the examination.
The supervision of the training shall be the responsibility of the competent supreme state authority, the authorities designated by it or those responsible under national law, each for its responsibility. The supervisory authority may itself examine or have the authorities designated by it or competent under national law to verify whether the rules applicable to the training centres are complied with and that they otherwise comply with the authorisation or the rules of the Subsidiary provisions will be fulfilled. They may delegate the power to the Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle Services (Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle). This test shall be carried out at least every three years.
The persons responsible for the examination shall have the power to enter the premises and premises of the training centres during business and operating hours, to carry out examinations and inspections there and to record the required records. See. The holder or the head of the training centre shall be required to take these measures, where necessary, to assist the persons responsible and, if so requested, to submit the required records. The training centre shall bear the costs of the examination.
Final provisions
Changes in recognised motor vehicle repair shops which may affect their recognition shall be notified by the Office of the recognition authority unsolicly. Infringements may lead to the revocation of recognition.
Changes in training centres which have an impact on training shall be reported to the bodies referred to in point 7.2. In the event of infringements, the bodies referred to in point 8.2 may prohibit the passage of training courses.
Unofficial table of contents
Annex VIIId (Annex VIII, point 4)
Investigative bodies for the execution of main investigations, safety tests, investigations of exhaust gases and recurrent gas plant tests
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 756-761;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
Purpose and scope
Main investigations, safety tests, investigations of exhaust gases, investigations of exhaust gases from motorcycles and recurrent gas plant tests (hereinafter referred to as HU, SP, AU, AUK and GWP) shall be subject to the same conditions and shall be subject to the following conditions: of the same technical standards.
The following provisions shall apply to investigative bodies in which HU and/or SP and/or AU and/or AUK and/or GWP are carried out.
Investigative bodies
HU and/or SP and/or AU and/or AUK and/or GWP are carried out at examination sites. They are divided as follows:
Audit Points
Auditing bodies in general
HU, SP, AU, AUK and GWP are regularly carried out by officially recognised experts or examiners or test engineers, hereinafter referred to as aaSoP or PI. Inspection bodies must be in the exclusive power of disposal of the technical inspection bodies or officially recognised monitoring organisations during the conduct of the examinations and tests.
Test sites of technical inspection bodies
In order to ensure a comprehensive examination, the technical inspection bodies shall maintain their test sites in so many locations that the centres of the localities in the catchment area shall not be more than 25 km bee-line from the Checkpoints are removed. In special cases, the position (s) referred to in point 4.1 of Annex VIII may allow for deviations or for a shorter distance.
Verification support points
Test support points shall be used for the technical equipment of a motor vehicle workshop registered in the craft sector or a corresponding specialist establishment, including motor vehicle workshops for the supervision of a vehicle A fleet of vehicles which is suitable and legally authorized in accordance with point 2.2 of Annex VIIIc, shall remedy any deficiencies identified in accordance with point of Annex VIII, HU and/or SP and/or AU and/or AUK and/or GWP.
Only vehicles of one's own vehicle fleet, including all vehicles of a holder or operator, or agricultural and forestry vehicles with Vmax/zul≤ 40 km/h, may be examined and/or tested on test grounds.
Recognised motor vehicle workshops for the implementation of SP and/or AU and/or AUK and/or GWP
SP and/or AU and/or AUK and/or GWP may be carried out by registered motor vehicle workshops in the premises or branches designated in the notice of recognition.
Equipment and constructional conditions of examination centres, measuring and testing equipment
The minimum requirements for investigative bodies shall be obtained from the table at the end of this Appendix.
Compliance with the regulations or the manufacturer's specifications applicable to the measuring/test equipment used shall be ensured by the holder or by the holder or by the user or the user of the investigative body. If the regulations are not complied with, the implementation of HU, SP, AU, AUK and GWP is not permitted until the proper state of the state is restored.
The measuring instruments referred to in points 20, 21 and 22 of the table shall have facilities or be connected to devices which shall be used to identify the data of the motor vehicles to be examined, in accordance with points and of Annex VIIIa, including the measured values, and shall print them in the form of a proof in the case of investigations as referred to in point of Annex VIII. The used software version of the measuring instruments must be able to be displayed for examination purposes.
The permitted levels of software for measuring instruments as referred to in point 3.3 and the date from which these software versions are to be applied at the latest, as well as guidelines on requirements for measuring and testing equipment for which there are no legal provisions, shall be published by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure with the agreement of the competent supreme state authorities in the traffic sheet.
The requirements of Annex VIIIe for the facilities referred to in point 25 of the table must comply with the current status. The specifications must be applied at the latest six weeks after provision by the Central Office in the investigations and examinations. It is necessary to ensure that the software used in each case is identified in accordance with point 25 of the table with the last update status and is indicated on the examination report and the audit trail (§ 29 (9)).
The test equipment shall be permanently equipped with test bench points and test places, with the test equipment specified in point 3.1 and listed in the table under points 5, 6, 10, 12 to 15 and 17 to 26 to 25, when it is ensured that: that the equipment required for the respective examinations/examinations is carried by the persons carrying out the tests and that they are used at HU, SP, AU, AUK and GWP.
The equipment required in accordance with point 3.1 with measuring and testing equipment shall be subject to derogations from examination bodies if only certain types of vehicle are examined or tested on the test equipment. The derogations allowed shall be obtained from the table at the end of this Appendix and shall be reported to the competent identification body referred to in point 4 of Appendix VIII or point 1.1 of Annex VIIIc.
Final provisions
Changes in the examination bodies which may have an influence on their recognition shall be notified to the recognition body referred to in point 4.1 of Annex VIII or point 1.1 of Annex VIIIc. In the event of an infringement of points 1 to 4, the examination and/or test activity in the investigating bodies concerned may be prohibited.
Equipment and constructional conditions
of inspection bodies, measuring and test equipment to number 3
Investigation site/ RequestsCheckpoint test site test bench test pletsAnrecognised motor vehicle workshops for the implementation of
1. Land |
The situation and size must ensure proper HU/AU/SP in the expected number of vehicles. |
Must be such that disturbances in the public transport area are not caused by the operation. |
Suitable space for carrying out an HU/AU/SP on at least one vehicle must be provided. |
Minimum size is 2. |
Minimum size is 2. |
Minimum size is 2. |
Minimum size is 2. |
2. Bauliche Requirements |
Test hall must cover fixed inspection facilities. Their dimensions depend on the number of test gass and their equipment. The length and height shall be determined by the installation of the respective test equipment and the dimensions of the vehicles to be examined. |
Sufficient hall or covered space in dependence on the vehicles to be examined (e.g. For example, only vehicles up to a certain number of vehicles. Total mass). |
- |
Sufficiently dimensioned hall or covered space where a truck train can be checked. |
Adequately dimensioned hall or closed test room. The size depends on the type of motor vehicles to be examined in accordance with the recognition (e.g. For example, only vehicles up to a certain number of vehicles. Total mass). |
Suitable and closed test room where at least one motorcycle can be examined. |
Sufficient hall or covered space in dependence on the vehicles to be examined (e.g. For example, only vehicles up to a certain number of vehicles. Total mass). |
3. Grube, lifting platforms or ramps with sufficient length and possibility of illumination, as well as with means for lifting the axles or game detectors |
X |
X However, Deprivately, provided that only motorcycles are examined. |
X However, if only vehicles with Vmax ./zul. ≤ 40 km/h. |
X |
- |
- |
X However, Device for Free lifting of axles or game detectors. |
4. Fixed Brake test rig |
X |
X 1 ) |
X 1 ) |
X 1 ) |
- |
- |
- |
5. Writing Brake meter |
X 2 ) |
X 2 ) |
X 2 ) |
X 2 ) |
- |
- |
- |
6. Test device for functional testing of compressed air braking systems |
X 3 ) |
X 3 ) |
X 3 ) |
X 3 ) |
- |
- |
- |
7. Compressed air supply system of sufficient size and power |
- |
- |
- |
X |
- |
- |
- |
8. Filling and deaeration unit as well as pedal support (test) for hydraulic braking systems |
- |
- |
- |
X 4 ) |
- |
- |
- |
9. Measuring and testing equipment |
9.1 for testing of individual brake units and brake valves |
- |
- |
- |
X 5 ) |
- |
- |
- |
9.2 to examine the Air pressers |
- |
- |
- |
X 5 ) |
- |
- |
- |
10. Tape size or other length measuring means (≥ 20 m), timepiece |
X |
X |
X |
Timekeeders |
- |
- |
- |
11. Headlight adjuvator and level surface for the installation of the vehicle |
X |
X |
X 6 ) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
12. Test device for the electrical connection devices between motor vehicle and trailer |
X |
X |
X |
- |
- |
- |
- |
13. Teaching for the verification of drawals and bolts of the trailer coupling, coupling pins, caliper couplings, coupling balls |
X 7 ) X 7 ) X 7 ) X |
X 7 ) X 7 ) X 7 ) X |
X 7 ) X 7 ) X 7 ) X |
X 7 ) X 7 ) X 7 ) X |
- |
- |
- |
Measuring instruments used to measure the peak force referred to in Annex V to Directive 2001 /85/EC |
X 8 ) |
X 8 ) |
X 8 ) |
X 8 ) |
- |
- |
- |
15. Test device for performance testing of speed limiters |
X 9 ) |
X 9 ) |
X 9 ) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
16. Equipment with special tools according to the type of assembly work to be completed |
- |
- |
- |
X |
- |
- |
- |
17. Measuring instrument for determining the temperature of the engine |
X |
X |
X |
- |
X |
X |
- |
18. Equipment for testing of closing angles, ignition timing and engine speed |
X 10 ) |
X 10 ) |
X 10 ) |
- |
X 10 ) |
X 11 ) |
- |
19. CO exhaust gas meter or exhaust gas meter for spark-ignition engines |
X 10 ) |
X 10 ) |
X 10 ) |
- |
X 10 ) |
X |
- |
20. exhaust gas meter for spark-ignition engines |
X |
X |
X 12 ) |
- |
X 13 ) |
- |
- |
21. exhaust gas meter for compression ignition engines |
X |
X |
X 12 ) |
- |
X 14 ) |
X 15 ) |
- |
22. Testing and diagnostic equipment for testing of OBD vehicles |
X |
X |
X 12 ) |
- |
X |
- |
- |
23. Measuring instrument for noise measurement |
X |
X |
X |
- |
- |
- |
- |
24. Testing equipment for gas plant testing: leak detection spray for the operating gases to be tested (LPG, CNG) for finding gas leakage |
X 16 ) |
X 16 ) |
X 16 ) |
- |
- |
- |
X |
25. Facilities for system data testing and/or testing via the electronic vehicle interface |
X |
X |
X |
X 17 ) |
- |
- |
- |
26. foot force measuring device (brake systems) |
X 19 ) |
X 18 ) |
X 18 ) |
X 18 ) |
- |
- |
- |
Deviations after 4.2:
Equipment is not required if only vehicles with Vmax/zul. ≤ 40 km/h are tested or if they cannot be tested on the brake test bench.
Equipment shall not be required if only vehicles are examined in which the braking test is not required for the braking test, or if there are devices in accordance with 25.
Equipment is required only when vehicles with compressed air braking systems are examined and tested.
Equipment is required only if vehicles are tested with hydraulic braking systems; limit in recognition.
It is not necessary if the parts listed are not instated, but are only replaced.
Equipment is required if only motor vehicles with Vmax/zul. ≤ 40 km/h are examined and a vertical testing surface and flat surface for the installation of the vehicle is present.
Equipment required only if lorries, tractors, tractors, self-proponent working machines, buses, coaches, trailers and semi-trailers are examined and tested.
Equipment is required only if buses with more than 22 passenger seats are examined and tested.
However, if only motor vehicles are being investigated which are not equipped with speed limiters, they are not necessary.
However, in so far as only motor vehicles falling within the scope of point (a) of Annex VIII are examined, it is necessary to do so.
Equipment for testing of closing angle and ignition timing is not necessary; onboard speed measuring instruments on motorcycles are permissible.
However, if only motor vehicles with Vmax/zul. ≤ 40 km/h or those referred to in point Annex VIII are exempt from the implementation of the AU, it is not necessary to examine them.
However, if only motor vehicles are examined which are driven by compression-ignition engines, they are not necessary.
However, if only motor vehicles are examined which are driven by a spark ignition engine, it is not necessary to do so.
However, if only motorcycles are examined which are driven by a spark ignition engine, it is necessary to do so.
Equipment required only if GWP is carried out.
Equipment required only for testing via the electronic interface.
Equipment required only if devices do not exist after 25.
Equipment required for test stations of the technical testing centres.
(+ + + Annex VIIId: For application see Section 72 (2) (9) + + +)
Annex VIIId No 4.1: IdF d. Art. 1 No. 13 Buchst. f V v. 10.5.2012 I 1086 mWv 1.6.2012; bzexcl. Italic-Print-Change should have been 'In point 4.1,' numbers 5, 6, 11, 13 to 16 and 18 to 25 'shall be replaced by' numbers 5, 6, 10, 12 to 15 and 17 to 26 '.'
Unofficial table of contents
Annex VIIIe (to Annex VIIIa, points 1 and 3 and Annex VIIIb, point 2.3)
Provision of guidelines for the execution of main investigations and safety tests; evaluation of findings
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 1115-1118)
The purpose and scope of application for the purposes of this Annex are system data or test data referred to in point 1, point 3 of Annex VIIIa for the proper conduct of main studies (HU) and safety tests (SP).
Creation, preparation and verification of specifications
Specifications shall be specified by the manufacturers and importers of vehicles, vehicle systems or components specifically for the periodic monitoring of the vehicle and shall be specified by the central body referred to in point 4 on the basis of the data relating to the homologation or the submission of the approval documents or, following their approval, in accordance with the provisions of Regulations (EC) No 715/2007 and (EC) No 692/2008, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 566/2011 and Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 Technical information to be provided by the manufacturers and Importers shall be sent to the Central Office and prepared for the implementation of HU and SP by the Office. The specification of the systems and the way in which the specifications are passed must comply with the directive made known by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in consultation with the competent supreme state authorities in the traffic bulletin.
If there are no specifications or insufficient specifications, they will be prepared and prepared by the Central Body in consultation with the manufacturers or importers. Insufficient specifications are available whenever, on the basis of existing knowledge or test experiences, a statement made in accordance with points 1.2.1 and 1.3.1 of Annex VIII on road safety, environmental compatibility or It is not possible to use the vehicle in accordance with the rules.
If the implementation of the HU or SP on a vehicle determines that an investigation according to the specifications (point 2.1 or 2.2) is not practicable, these are from the " working group exchange of experience in the technical vehicle monitoring according to § 19 (3) and 29 StVZO " (AKE) should be examined, amended and communicated to the manufacturers or importers in the context of the Benehmen process via the Central Office.
Propagation of preferences
At the request of the technical inspection bodies and officially recognised monitoring organisations, the provisions referred to in point 2, which have been kept by the central authority, shall be subject to a fee or fee regulated in the charging system for road transport operations; or It is provided at the same level.
The Central Office shall forward to the Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle (Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle ' s) the provisions necessary for the implementation of SP, which shall make available to the motor-vehicle workshops recognised in accordance with Annex VIIIc for the implementation of SP. The transmission of the requirements to the motor vehicle workshops recognised in accordance with Annex VIIIc shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Directives referred to in point 2.1.
Other bodies with official recognition, also recognised for the implementation of HU and/or SP, or investigations under Directive 2009 /40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on the technical supervision of the Motor vehicles and their trailers (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004 12), as set out in Directive 2010 /48/EU (OJ L 145, 30.6.2010, p. 47), the requirements are also received on request for non-discriminatory remuneration. This shall apply in the same way for the delivery of specifications to approved test bases for the preparation of the vehicles to the HU and required post-examinations.
Central location for the creation, preparation, verification and dissemination of specifications
For this purpose, the technical inspection bodies and the officially recognised monitoring organisations shall carry and operate the central office established in the Federal Republic of Germany. The Rules of Procedure of the Central Office shall be submitted to the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure for consideration and shall be subject to its approval in respect of the regulations concerning the control advisory board as set out in point 6. The approval of the competent supreme state authorities shall be subject to the agreement.
The Central Office shall not exercise any profit-making business. Profits obtained may be used only for the purpose and for the further development of the regular technical monitoring of the vehicles.
Supervision of the central office of the competent national authorities or the authorities designated by them or competent under national law shall exercise the supervisory authority over the central office. The supervisory authorities may themselves examine or have the supervisory board examined in accordance with paragraph 6 whether, in particular:
the conditions required under this Annex have been met;
the statutory tasks assigned to the Central Body are properly and correctly fulfilled and that the data protection regulations are complied with.
The persons responsible for the examination shall be entitled to enter land and office premises of the Central Office during business and operating hours, to carry out examinations and surveys and to record records. The body shall be able to take the necessary measures and shall bear the costs of the examination. At the request of the supervisory authorities, the Central Office shall appoint a representative. This is the contact person of the supervisory authorities He/she must be able to make statements with effect for and against the Central Office and to receive it. It must also have the possibility, on request, to submit information, records and evidence of the central body to the persons responsible for the audit.
Control of Central StelleFrom the central office, a control advisory board is set up to control the proper dissemination of the specifications and management of the fees or charges received and the expenditure incurred. The Advisory Board shall be composed of:
a representative of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure,
the Chairman of the LFS
two representatives of the countries designated by the competent national authorities.
Development of preferences
Technical BeiratFor the further development of the regular inspection of the vehicles and the development of specifications for adaptation, in particular to technical progress and to efficient and high-quality Implementation of HU and SP a Technical Advisory Board is set up by the Central Body. The Technical Advisory Board has a consultative role.
Research In order to verify existing specifications or to develop new specifications, the Central Office may, after consulting the Technical Advisory Council and/or the LFS, conduct research projects or carry out research projects by external institutions. Such projects are subject to approval by the Control Advisory Council.
Purpose and content of the data transfers, restrictions and conditions
Transmission of the specifications to the headquarters of StelleThe manufacturers and importers of vehicles, vehicle systems or components shall transmit the specifications referred to in point 2 to the Central Office, indicating the complete vehicle identification number.
Provision of specifications, test references and information on the building and retrofitting of the vehicles by the Central StelleThe Central Unit prepares the specifications, test instructions and information on the building and retrofitting of the vehicles with the reference to the vehicles. the full vehicle identification number is up-to-date for use in the periodic technical monitoring of the vehicles and shall transmit them to the bodies referred to in point 3 on request.
Transmission of the findings of the technical inspection of the vehicles to the Central StelleThe technical inspection bodies and officially recognised monitoring organisations shall transmit the findings of Annex VIIIa, as referred to in point 3.2 of Annex VIIIa. with the reference to the complete vehicle identification number, but without information on the vehicle holder, on the registration number of the vehicles and the person under investigation, to the central office which evaluates them and, if necessary, the office of the vehicle holder, Number 8.2. Information to be provided.
Transmission of certain information to the Federal Office of the Federal Republic of Germany and the provision of information to other bodies
Information on the creation of a driving performance statistic
In order to draw up a driving performance statistic for Germany, the Central Office shall transmit the data of the individual vehicles which have been found and subsequently listed at the HU every six months to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt):
four-digit KBA manufacturer key number,
three-digit KBA type key number,
three-or five-digit version-variant-key-number,
four-digit vehicle class and type of vehicle,
month and year of initial authorisation,
month and year of HU,
Position of the distance counter in motor vehicles and, where available, with trailers.
To the extent that technical data cannot be derived from the key numbers for the vehicle, the following additional information may be provided by the Central Office:
the maximum authorised mass (kg),
nominal power (kW),
Stroke volume (cm 3 ),
Maximum speed (km/h),
Energy and drive type,
Emission class.
In addition, the Central Office of the Federal Motor Vehicle Office (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt) transmits to each individual vehicle the time elapsed since the previous HU in days, as well as the kilometres travelled during this time.
Information on the compilation of a defect statistic and publication of the statistics For the compilation of statistics on the deficiencies identified by the HU in accordance with point 3.1.4 of Annex VIII, the Central Office shall send the Federal Office of the Federal Republic of Germany every six months. in addition to the information referred to in point 8.4.1, the fixing of the deficiencies referred to the main groups of components and systems installed in the vehicles referred to in points 6.1 to 6.10 of Annex VIIIa in non-personal forms.In addition, the Central Office shall transmit the names of the investigative bodies referred to in Point 2 of Annex VIIId, in which the HU has been carried out, and the names of the Länder in which the investigative bodies have their registered offices. The Federal Office of Power shall draw up, from the above information, a statistics relating to the assignment to the the vehicle garden referred to in points 2.1.1 to 2.1.6 of Annex VIII, and shall publish it in a non-personal form a year.
Transmission to other StellenDas Kraftfahrt-Federal Office shall transmit the statistics to be established in accordance with point 8.4.2 in the non-personal form
Every six months the "Working Group Exchange of Experience in Technical Vehicle Monitoring pursuant to § 19 (3) and § 29 StVZO" (AKE), which evaluates them and, if necessary, develops proposals to amend the relevant provisions,
on request from the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure to update the relevant provisions and every six months the competent national authorities responsible for the performance of their supervisory duties through technical inspection bodies and officially recognised monitoring organisations.
Transmission of information on the development of vehicles The deficiencies identified in the regular technical monitoring and the building and retrofitting of vehicles are for the new development and for improvements in the transport sector. Use vehicles. For this purpose, the Central Office shall transmit these findings to the manufacturers and importers of vehicles, vehicle systems or components for their products on request. Where this information is communicated with the reference to the vehicle identification number, the Central Office shall ensure, by means of appropriate measures, that the vehicle identification number is reduced by at least 3 digits in the end.
Transmission of information for the purpose of the accident investigation The central unit can be used on request to check the equipment with electronically controlled safety-relevant vehicle systems of accident and severely damaged vehicles at the scene of the accident. the Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen) in accordance with point 8.2 for individual vehicles. The questions may only contain the reference to the vehicle identification number, the four-digit KBA manufacturer's key number and the three-digit KBA type key number.
Prevention of misuse of personal data The data set out in points 8.1 to 8.6 may only be transmitted to the relevant bodies in accordance with their intended purpose and only to the respective bodies. stand for the unshortened vehicle identification number, shall be ensured by the transmitting and receiving bodies by appropriate measures to ensure that:
no access by unauthorised persons to this data can be made,
both the data and the transmission thereof are protected against abuse.
Explanatory notes on the uniform application of the rules will be announced in a directive by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in consultation with the relevant Supreme State authorities.
(+ + + Annex VIIIe: For use, see Section 72 (2) (10) + + +)
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Annex IX (to § 29 (2), 3, 5 to 8)
Test plaque for the study of motor vehicles and trailers
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 762)

Prescribed dimensions of the test plaque:
Diameter |
35 mm |
Font height of the digits in the monthly numbers |
4 mm |
Font height of the digits in the year number |
5 mm |
Height of the flat bar above and below the numbers 1 to 12 |
3 mm |
Thickness |
0.7 mm |
Supplementary provisions
The test plaque must be such that it withstands the stresses during operation of the vehicle for the duration of its validity. The inscription of the test plaque, with the exception of the border and the black fields of the section between the numbers 11 to 1, shall be at least 0.10 mm after it has been fitted; it shall be in accordance with the typeface of the standard DIN 1451 Black on a color-colored ground. The colour of the subsurface shall be determined after the calendar year in which the vehicle must be presented for the next main investigation (year of implementation). It shall be for the year of implementation
2008 |
blue |
2009 |
yellow |
2010 |
brown |
2011 |
pink |
2012 |
green |
2013 |
orange. |
The colours shall be repeated in this order for the following years of implementation. The colour tones of the lettering and the background are the colour register RAL 840 HR, published by the RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Markerich e. V., Siegburger Straße 39, 53757 St. Augustin, to be found, and that is to be chosen as a hue for
black |
RAL 9005 |
brown |
RAL 8004 |
pink |
RAL 3015 |
green |
RAL 6018 |
yellow |
RAL 1012 |
blue |
RAL 5015 |
orange |
RAL 2000. |
The number of years shall be indicated by the last two digits of the year of implementation in the central circle, and shall be carried out in English.
The single-digit monthly numbers at the edge of the badge are in midsize, the double digits in English.
The plaque field must be divided into twelve equal parts (Figures 1 to 12 shown in the counterclockwise direction). The section (60 °) is interrupted by the numbers 11, 12 and 1. The top number shall be the implementation month of the year, the last two digits of which shall be in the middle circle.
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Appendix IXa (dropped)
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Annex IXb (§ 29 (2) to (8))
Test mark and SP shield for carrying out security checks
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 765-768)
1 |
Prescribed quality |
1.1 |
Pattern |
SP shield |
Test mark |
1.2 |
Dimensions and Design |
1.2.1 |
Test mark |
| |
General |
Material: |
Plastic film or solid body |
Edge length of the test mark: |
24,5 mm x 24,5 mm |
Line Colors: |
black |
Font: |
Helvetica medium |
Font color: |
black. | |
Basic body of test marks, which are designed as solid bodies |
Diameter: |
35 mm |
Height: |
3 mm |
Color: |
grey |
Border: |
none. | |
Area of the arrow: |
Edge length of the arrow shaft: |
17.3 mm x 17.3 mm |
Edge length of the arrowhead: |
Base line: 17.3 mm |
Side lines: 12,2 mm |
Color: |
in each case in accordance with the calendar year in which the next security examination must be carried out (year of implementation). It shall be for the year of implementation 1999-pink 2000-green 2001-orange 2002-blue 2003-yellow 2004-brown. The colours shall be repeated in this order for the following calendar years. |
Outline of the border: |
0.7 mm |
Arrangement Text "SP": |
vertically centered, letter bottom edge 10 mm under the arrowhead |
Font height text "SP": |
4 mm |
Arrangement Annual number: |
vertical and horizontal centered |
Font height Year count: |
5 mm. | |
Rest Area: |
Color: |
grey |
Border: |
none. |
1.2.2 |
SP shield | |
General |
Material: |
Foil, plastic or metal |
Edge length (height x width): |
80 mm x 60 mm |
Basic color: |
grey |
Line Colors: |
black |
Font colors: |
black. | |
Square month indication |
Edge length: |
60 mm |
Arrangement of monthly figures: |
1 to 12 in each case offset by 30 degrees in the clockwise direction, on a fictitious circular ring of 40 mm diameter set on the outside |
Font: |
Helvetica medium, two-digit numbers in Engschrift |
Font height: |
5 mm |
Lines between the monthly figures: |
six lines, each fictively running through the center of the square, offset by 30 degrees |
Thickness: |
0.5 mm. | |
Circular Area |
Nature: |
In order for the test mark to be detached from the SP shield without destroying it, the circular area should be at least 1 mm positive. |
Arrangement Center: |
on the center of the square (month indication) centered |
Inside diameter: |
35 mm |
Border: |
none |
Basic color: |
grey. | |
Field, "Fzg. -Ident. -Number" |
Arrangement: |
each 2 mm distance from the side and bottom outer edge |
Edge length (height x width): |
12 mm x 56 mm |
Single fields (height x width): |
7 fields, 12 mm x 8 mm |
Thickness: |
0.5 mm |
Font: |
Helvetica medium |
Font height ("Fzg.-Ident. -Number"): |
3 mm |
Font height ("the last 7 characters"): |
2 mm. |
When you run the SP shield as a slide, the field must be backed up with an additional protective film after the label is labeled. |
1.2.3 |
Colour shades of the lettering and the base |
Colour register RAL 840 HR, published by the RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und marking e. V., Siegburger Straße 39, 53757 St. Augustin. |
The colour shade must be used: |
black |
-RAL 9005 |
brown |
-RAL 8004 |
pink |
-RAL 3015 |
green |
-RAL 6018 |
yellow |
-RAL 1012 |
blue |
-RAL 5015 |
orange |
-RAL 2000 |
grey |
-RAL 7035. |
1.2.4 |
Permanent stress |
The test mark and the SP-shield must be such that they withstand the stresses during operation of the vehicle for the duration of their validity. |
Supplementary provisions
Counterfeit security
In order to make falsifications more difficult and verifiable, the manufacturer must also introduce certain features and additionally a manufacturer's mark, which remain effective and recognizable over the entire service life of the test mark.
Test Marks in Slide Execution
Invisible writing features and also a manufacturer's signature, which cannot be recognized without auxiliary means, are to be incorporated. The recognizability must be given by the use of test lamps equipped with black-light tubes (300-400 nm). The fonts used for the marking must be in a non-falsifiable microfont. The manufacturer and the product year shall be included in the marking in the form of a combination of numbers. The characters have a maximum height of 2 mm and a maximum line thickness of 0.75 mm. Surface symbols are to be incorporated.
Test marks in solid state design
The border of the arrow, the text "SP" and the annual number must be at least 0.3 mm positive. On the back of the test mark, an additional marking must be applied. The manufacturer and the product year shall be included in the marking in the form of a combination of numbers.
This shall not apply if the test marks meet the requirements laid down in point 2.1.1.
Transmission security
In the case of test marks or SP-signs made of film, it must be free of dust, grease, adhesives, films or other residues to ensure the transmission reliability of the substrate prior to application.
Removal of test marks
It must be ensured that the test marks cannot be removed undestroyed if they are properly installed. The degree of destruction of the test marks must be so large that re-use is not possible even under corrections. It must not be possible to produce a falsification of similarity from two (removed) test marks.
Authenticity of authenticity in the delivery condition
The processors of test marks (registration authorities, technical inspection bodies, monitoring organisations, recognised car repair shops) must be able to recognise the system-related authenticity in the delivery state. This shall be ensured by means of a precisely defined and marked protection paper on the back of the test marks or by the counterfeit-aggravating features referred to in point 2.1.2 (1) applied to the rear of the solid bodies.
In the visual area of the test mark, a non-intrusive and non-disturbing product marking is introduced which does not disturb the overall picture.
The test marks are packed in clearly countable containers.
Application of the test marks and SP-signs
The individual inscription of the SP-sign with the vehicle identification number takes place with a document-real permanent recorder. This inscription is to be protected by a protective film. When the protective film is detached, the field "Fzg. -Ident. -Number" must be destroyed in such a way that it is not possible to re-use it even under corrections. When the SP-shield is designed as a solid body made of plastic or metal, the characters can also be applied positively or negatively; an additional protective film is then deprivately.
The SP-shield is easily visible at the rear of the vehicle in the direction of travel in the rear left. The height of the application shall be such that the upper edge of the SP sign is at least 300 mm and a maximum of 1 800 mm above the roadway. The right edge of the SP sign must not be more than 800 mm from the outermost point of the rear vehicle cover. This can only be deviated if the type of vehicle does not allow it to be installed.
The test mark shall be fitted on the circular surface or in the retaining ring of the SP sign in such a way that the arrowhead points to the month in which the vehicle is to be presented for the next safety test in accordance with the requirements of Annex VIII.
Reference to test marks
The manufacturers of test marks shall supply only the regulatory authorities, the technical inspection bodies, the monitoring organisations and the bodies responsible for the recognition of workshops to carry out safety tests. The recognition centres referred to in point 1.1 of Annex VIIIc shall supply the repairers recognised for carrying out safety tests. The competent supreme state authority, or the bodies designated by it or competent by national law, may determine deviant.
Unofficial table of contents
Appendix X (to § 35e paragraph 4, § § 35f, 35i)
Passenger doors, emergency exits, aisles and arrangement of passenger seats in buses and coaches
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 769-776)
Division of buses and coaches
A distinction is made between
Bus and coach buses with standing places
with more than 16 passenger seats
with up to 16 passenger seats
Buses without standing places
with more than 16 passenger seats
with up to 16 passenger seats
Corridors and indoor height via platforms
Gear is the area in the interior of bus and coach buses, which is more than 400 mm away from the passenger doors. It must provide passengers with access to any seat/seat row.
The corridor shall not include the space up to 300 mm in depth in front of a seat/row of seats intended for the feet of the seated passengers, and the space in front of the last row of seats or bench seats used only by those passengers who are Occupying seats.
The gear must be designed in such a way that the free passage of the measuring device, which is shown in the form of a door, is possible.
Seats in the area of the front passenger doors (section 35b (2)) may be folded away for testing, as far as this is possible easily and without great effort, and the type of operation is clearly visible.
The measuring device must be vertically guided during the test. |
The dimensions of the measuring device are shown in the table. The height of the internal space via platforms must correspond to the minimum height required for the gear (total height of the measuring device).
Dimensions of the measuring device [mm] bus and coach with StehplätzenKraftomnibuses without standing places
with more than 16 passenger seats (cf. 1.1.1) with up to 16 passenger seats (cf. 1.1.2) with more than 16 passenger seats (cf. 1.2.1) with up to 16 passenger seats (cf. 1.2.2)
Height of the lower cylinder |
h1 |
900 |
900 |
900 |
900 |
Height of the truncated cone |
h2 |
500 |
500 |
500 (350) 3) |
300 |
Height of the upper cylinder |
h3 |
500 (400) 2) |
500 |
400 |
300 |
Lower cylinder diameter |
C |
350 |
350 |
300 (220) 4) |
300 |
Diameter of the upper cylinder |
B 1) |
550 |
550 |
450 |
450 |
Total height of the measuring device |
h |
1 900 (1 800) 2) |
1 900 |
1 800 (1 650) 3) |
1 500 |
Explanatory notes:
The diameter of the chamfer at the upper end of the cylinder shall be at least 300 mm, and the beveling shall not exceed 30 °.
Reduction possible in buses and coaches with rear motor for the part of the gear behind the rear axle, or behind a passenger door located behind this axle and, in the case of single-deck and double-deck buses, for the two-storey vehicle part.
Reduction possible with single half-deck and double-deck buses for the corridor to the rear bench of the subdeck and in the upper deck.
220 mm in the case of lateral movable seats.
In the case of extended seats, a footwell with the clearance dimensions of 350 mm in width and 200 mm must be present in height. The seats must also be placed in the loaded condition by an adult person with a reasonable effort.
In the case of articulated motor coaches, the measuring device must also be able to pass the joint section unhindered in all possible operating positions of the vehicles.
Passenger seats
Seat dimensions
The dimensions for each seat must correspond to the dimensions summarized in the following list and in the sketch. All measurements refer to unburdened seat and backrest pads.
Width of the seat cushion on each side- as measured from a vertical plane passing through the centre of the seat in question |
F≧ |
200 mm for single seats and for benches for two or more passengers |
Width of available space- Measured in a horizontal plane along the backrest of the seat at a height of between 270 and 650 mm above the seat cushion |
G≧ G≧ |
250 mm for single seats 225 mm for benches for two or more passengers |
Height of the seat cushion with respect to the floor under the feet of the passenger- measured from the ground up to a horizontal plane that touches the surface of the highest point of the seat cushion |
I = |
400 ... 500 mm for wheel boxes is a reduction up to 350 mm possible. |
Depth of seat cushion- Distance between two vertical planes, which touch the front edge of the seat cushion, measured in a horizontal plane, which is the surface of the highest point of the seat cushion |
K≧ |
350 mm |
Open space
In order to provide the passenger with the necessary freedom of movement, the area above the unstressed seat cushion must have a free height of 900 mm. In addition, the distance must be measured from the ground
in the area above the seating area,
in the area above the backrest and
in the area above the foot space of the seated passenger (up to 300 mm in front of the front edge of the seat)
at least 1 350 mm.
The backrest of a seat may project into the area above the foot space.
Minor limitations of the free space (for example, for line channels) are permitted.
Interspacing of seats
Unladen seat and backrest upholstery must correspond to the dimensions indicated below, and must be measured in a vertical plane passing through the centre of the individual seat.
rectified seats: Distance between the front of the back of a seat and the back of the back measured in the horizontal and at any height between the surface of the seat cushion and a height of 620 mm above the ground |
H1 ≧ 650 mm |
Cross-placed seats, arranged opposite each other: Distance between the front sides of the back rest- measured in the transverse direction at the highest point of the seat cushions |
H2 ≧ 1 300 mm |
Seats behind partition walls
When sitting behind a fixed partition, a free distance of at least 630 mm must be present between the latter and the front of the backrest, measured in a horizontal plane which touches the surface of the next point of the seat cushion. be.
In the area from the ground up to a level that is 150 mm higher, the distance between the partition wall and the seat must be at least 350 mm (see figure). This free space can be created by the provision of a niche in the partition wall or by the backward displacement of the lower part of the seat or by a combination of these two possibilities. If a free space is provided under the seat, it shall move upwards beyond the 150 mm plane along the inclined plane touching the front edge of the seat assembly and running immediately below the front edge of the seat cushion. will be continued.
Longitudinal seats
Seats in the longitudinal direction are permitted. For the seats, such as seat and backrest cushions, the same minimum dimensions shall be used, as indicated in point 3.1 and shown. The free space above the seats shall be complied with in accordance with point 3.2.
At the beginning and end of benches as well as in each case two seats, armrests or other holding devices must be fitted, which do not have sharp edges and are padded.
Dimensions of the passenger doors and of the area up to the beginning of the Gangs
The passenger doors shall have the minimum dimensions specified below.
Minor fillets or restrictions at the top corners are allowed.
Clear width
650 mm for single doors,
1 200 mm for double doors.
These dimensions may be undershot by up to 100 mm in the height of handgrips or handrails. In buses with up to 16 passenger seats, a reduction of up to 250 mm is permitted in places where wheel arches penetrate into the free space or the door drive is arranged.
Clear height
1 800 mm for buses and coaches with standing places,
1 650 mm for buses and coaches without standing places with more than 16 passenger seats,
1 500 mm for buses without standing stations with up to 16 passenger seats.
The area from the side wall into which the passenger doors are installed shall be designed to be up to 400 mm inwards (beginning of the gear) in such a way that the free passage of the measuring devices shown in the following is possible.
Measuring device for buses and coaches with standing stations and for buses without standing stations with more than 16 passenger seats (dimensions in mm)
In the case of use of the measuring device with A = 1 100 mm and A1 = 1 200 mm in the case of buses and coaches according to points 1.1 and 1.2.1, alternatively a conical transition with a height of 500 mm and a width of 400 mm can be chosen to be 550 mm.
Dimensions for A and A1 [mm] buses and coaches with standing places (cf. 1.1.1 and 1.1.2) Buses without standing places with more than 16 passenger seats (cf. 1.2.1)
A |
1 100 |
950 |
A1 1) |
1 200 2) |
1 100 |
Measure A1 400 mm behind the door opening (see 4.3).
Reduction to 1 100 mm for single half-deck and double deck buses for the two-storey vehicle part possible.
Measuring device for buses and coaches without standing places with up to 16 passenger seats (dimensions in mm)
Moving the bottom plate to the right or left within the outer edges of the upper Disk Possible |
Example of a moved bottom plate: it is the maximum permitted position when moving to the left |
The respective measuring device must be guided upright from the initial position parallel to the door opening until the first stage has been reached. The starting position is the point where the side of the measuring device which faces the vehicle interior touches the outermost edge of the door. After that, it is to be moved at right angles to the probable direction of movement of a person using the entry. When the centre line of the measuring device has travelled 400 mm from the initial position, the height of the upper plate from the measure A to the A1 level is in the case of buses and coaches with standing places and in the case of buses without standing stations with more than 16 passenger seats. to enlarge. For bus and coach passengers without standing places with up to 16 passenger seats, A1 = A (= 700 mm). If the measuring device has to travel more than 400 mm in order to reach the floor (gear), it shall continue to move vertically and at right angles to the probable direction of movement of a person using the entry, until the Measuring device touching the floor (gear).
Whether the conditions of access from the vertical plane of the measuring device to the corridor are complied with shall be checked by means of the cylindrical measuring device (see point 2), which shall be used for the gear. In this case, the starting position for the cylindrical measuring device shall be the position where it touches the measuring device according to point 4.
The free clearance for the measuring device shall not exceed the range up to 300 mm in front of a seat and up to the height of the highest point of the seat cushion.
Seats in the area of the front passenger doors (section 35b (2)) may be folded away for testing to the extent that this is easily and without great effort and the type of operation is clearly visible.
Emergency exits
Emergency exits may be:
Emergency window, a window to be used by the passengers only in case of emergency, which does not necessarily have to be a verglast;
emergency hatch, a roof opening intended to be used only in an emergency to be used by passengers as a exit;
Emergency door, a door, which is provided in addition to the passenger doors and a vehicle driver's door, but is to be used by the passengers only exceptionally and in particular in case of emergency as an exit.
Minimum number of emergency exits
Emergency exits must be present in buses and coaches, the minimum number of which can be found in the following table:
Emergency window or emergency door for each vehicle's longitudinal emergency hatch or emergency door on the vehicle front or back
Bus and coach with up to 16 passenger seats |
1 |
1 or 1 |
Bus and coach with up to 22 passenger seats |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Bus and coach with up to 35 passenger seats |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Buses with up to 50 passenger seats |
3 |
1 |
1 |
Bus and coach with up to 80 passenger seats |
3 |
2 |
2 |
Bus and coach with more than 80 passenger seats |
4 |
2 |
2 |
All other windows and doors (other than the passenger and vehicle guide doors) which meet the requirements for emergency exits shall also be considered emergency exits and shall be clearly marked in accordance with Section 35f (2).
Special provisions
In the case of buses constructed as articulated vehicles, each rigid part of the vehicle shall be regarded as a single vehicle with a view to the minimum number of emergency exits to be provided; the number of passenger spaces in front of and behind the vehicle shall be considered as a single vehicle. To base the joint. The minimum number of emergency windows and emergency doors in the front or rear of the vehicle shall be the total number of passenger seats in the bus or coach.
In the case of buses and coaches constructed as a single-half-deck or double-deck bus or coach (carriage of passengers on two levels), each deck shall be considered to be a minimum number of emergency exits to be provided Single vehicle, the number of passenger seats per vehicle deck shall be based on.
For the minimum number of emergency hatches in the vehicle roof, the total number of passenger seats in the bus and coach shall be decisive.
Where emergency windows or emergency doors on the front or rear of the vehicle are not fitted to the front or rear of the vehicle in the case of buses or coaches, other possibilities of escape for passengers in the sub-deck shall be replaced by other means of escape for to provide for an emergency (for example, hatches in the intermediate deck, sufficient access from the lower deck to the upper deck).
Minimum dimensions of emergency exits
The different types of emergency exits must have the following minimum dimensions:
HöheBreiteFlemish remarks
Emergency window |
- |
- |
0.4 m 2 |
In the openings, a Rectangle of 0,5 m height and Fit 0.7 m width *) |
Notluke |
- |
- |
0.4 m 2 |
Nottür |
1.25 m |
0.55 m |
- |
- |
For an emergency window in the rear of the vehicle, the conditions shall be deemed to be fulfilled if openings of 0.35 m in height and 1.55 m in width are present when the radii of curvature of 25 cm are rounded.
Emergency window with an area of 0.8 m 2 Where a rectangle of 0.5 m height and 1.4 m width fits into the rectangle, the two emergency exits shall be deemed to be in the sense of item 5.2.1.
Arrangement and accessibility of emergency exits
Emergency windows and emergency hatches shall be distributed evenly in the longitudinal direction of the bus and coaches; their arrangement shall be adapted to the location of the passenger seats.
Emergency windows, emergency hatches and emergency doors must be easily accessible. The direct space in front of them may only be restricted to such an extent that unimpeded access to the emergency exits is guaranteed for adult passengers.
Construction requirements for emergency exits
Emergency window
Emergency windows must be easily and quickly opened, destroyed, or removed.
In the case of emergency windows, which are opened by breaking the discs (also double discs), the discs must be made of single-pane safety glass (pre-stressed glass). For each of these emergency windows, an impact device (for example Nothammer) must be present.
Emergency windows with hinges or with ejection device must be opened to the outside.
Emergency hatches must be easily and quickly opened or removed from the inside and from the outside.
Emergency hatches made of single-pane safety glass (pre-stressed glass) are permitted; in this case, an impact device (for example Nothammer) must be present for each of the emergency hatches inside the vehicle.
Doors may not be designed as power-operated doors, or as sliding doors.
The emergency doors shall be open to the outside and shall be such that, even when the vehicle body is deformed by an impact, with the exception of an impact on the emergency doors, there is only a slight risk of jamming.
The emergency doors must be easily opened from the inside and from the outside.
The driver of the vehicle must be shown to be appropriate if emergency doors, which are outside of his/her direct sphere of influence and field of vision, are open or not completely closed.
A locking of the emergency windows, emergency hatches and emergency doors (for example, for parking) is permissible; however, it must then be ensured that they are always open from the inside through the normal opening mechanism.
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Annex XI (to § 47a)
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Annex XIa (to § 47a)
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Annex XIb (to § 47a (2) and (47b) (2))
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Annex XII (Article 34 (4) (2) (d), (5) (2) (b) and (3) (b), (6) (3) (b))
Conditions for the equivalence of air suspension and certain other suspension systems on the driving axle (s) of the vehicle
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 778-779)
Air suspension definition
A suspension system is considered to be air-sprung if the spring action is generated at least 75 percent by pneumatic devices.
Equivalence with the air suspension
A suspension system shall be deemed to be equivalent to the air suspension if it meets the following conditions:
During the short-term free low-frequency vertical oscillation of the sprung mass vertically above the drive axle or an axle group, the measured frequency and damping of the suspension under maximum load shall be those referred to in points 2.2. Do not exceed the limits set by 2.5.
Each axle must be equipped with hydraulic dampers. In the case of double axles, the hydraulic dampers must be fitted in such a way that the vibration of the axle group is reduced to a minimum.
The mean damping ratio D must be more than 20 percent of the critical damping of the suspension in the normal state, that is, with functional hydraulic dampers.
If all hydraulic dampers are removed or set out of function, the damping ratio of the suspension must not exceed 50 percent of the mean damping ratio D.
The frequency of the sprung mass above the drive axle or group of axles during a short-term free vertical oscillation shall not exceed 2.0 Hz.
In point 3, the frequency and the attenuation of the suspension are defined. The test methods for determining the frequency and attenuation values are described in point 4.
Definition of frequency and attenuation
In this definition, a sprung mass M kilograms (kg) is based on a drive axle or an axle group. The axle or group of axles has a total vertical pressure between the road surface and the sprung mass of K Newton/meter (N/m) and a total damping coefficient of C Newton per metre and second (N/ms). Z is the path of the sprung mass in the vertical direction. The motion equation for the free oscillation of the sprung mass is:
The frequency of the oscillation of the sprung mass F rad/s is:
The attenuation is critical if C = Co, where
The damping ratio as a fraction of the critical value is C/Co.
The short-term free vertical oscillation of the sprung mass results in the damped sine curve shown in FIG. 2. The frequency can be determined by measuring the time required for all the oscillation cycles to be observed. The attenuation is determined by measurement of the successive oscillation peaks which occur in the same direction. If the amplitude peaks of the first and second oscillation cycles are A1 and A2, the damping ratio D is:
In this case, ln is the natural logarithm of the amplitude ratio.
Test method
In order to be able to determine the damping ratio D in the test, the damping ratio in the case of remote hydraulic dampers and the frequency F of the suspension, the laden vehicle must either:
at a low speed (5 km/h ± 1 km/h) over a threshold of 80 mm height with the profile shown in Figure 1; frequency and attenuation shall be used to examine the short-term vibration which results after the wheels are on the Drive axle have left the threshold again; or
are pulled down on the chassis, so that the drive axle load is one and a half times the maximum static value. After that, the tractive force acting on the vehicle is suddenly lifted and the resulting vibration is examined; or
are pulled up on the chassis, so that the sprung mass is raised by 80 mm over the drive axle. After that, the tractive force acting on the vehicle is suddenly lifted and the resulting vibration is examined; or
shall be subject to other procedures, provided that their equivalence has been satisfactorily demonstrated by the manufacturer to the competent technical authority.
The vehicle should be provided with a vibration recorder between the drive axle and the chassis perpendicular above the axle. On the basis of the time span between the first and the second compression peak, on the one hand, the frequency F and, on the other hand, the amplitude ratio, and thus the damping, can be determined. In the case of double drive axles, vibration recorders should be mounted between each drive axle and the chassis vertically above these axles.
Figure 1Threshold for spring tests
Figure 2The damped sinus curve in a short-term free oscillation
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XIII (Article 34a (3))
Permissible number of seats and standing places in bus and coach
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 780)
(1) Scope
This system applies to buses and coaches if they are not used for occasional services in accordance with § 46 of the Passenger Transport Act. (2) Calculation of the permissible number of seats and standing places
In the calculation of the number of places allowed, the following averages shall be used, taking into account the unladen weight, the maximum permissible weight and the permissible axle loads of the vehicle:
68 kg as a person weight,
544 kg/sqm as a specific load value for standing space surfaces,
100 kg/cbm as a specific load value for luggage compartments,
75 kg/sqm as a specific load value for roof luggage areas.
The weight to be taken into account for the carriage of luggage may be used both in whole and in a proportion fixed in the vehicle licence, in addition to the number of places allowed under section (a) for the carriage of passengers, provided that: the corresponding luggage compartment is not used for the carriage of luggage during the operation of the bus and coach.
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XIV (to § 48)
Emission classes for motor vehicles
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 781-786;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
Application Area This Annex applies to all motor vehicles intended for use in road transport. It shall not apply to passenger cars within the meaning of EC vehicle category M1 in accordance with Annex XXIX.
Pollutant classes
The emissions of the gaseous pollutants carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides as well as the air pollutants are the basis for the pollutant classes.
Noise Classes
The noise emissions are the basis for the noise classes.
EEV Class Optional emission requirements are the basis for the EEV classes.
Particle reduction classes
The emission of the air pollutants is the basis for the particle reduction classes.
Emission classes
Pollutant classes
Pollutant class S 1
Category S 1 includes motor vehicles, which
, within the scope of Council Directive 88 /77/EEC of 3 December 1987 (OJ L 88, 31.3.1988, p. 33), as amended by Council Directive 91 /542/EEC of 1 July 1988, 1 October 1991 (OJ C 327 1), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, are those listed in row A of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive shall not exceed those limits, or
within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 93 /59/EEC (OJ L 206, 22.7.1993, p. 21), comply with the requirements of the Directive and demonstrate the Type I test (test of average exhaust emissions after a cold start), as set out in Annex I to Directive 5.3.1; or
within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 94 /12/EC (OJ L 327, 30.12.1994, p. 42), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, are subject to the limit values laid down for groups I, II and III in the table below: Section of Annex I to the Directive, or
within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 96 /44/EC (OJ L 136, 30.4.1996, p. 25), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, are subject to the limit values laid down for groups I, II and III in the table in the Section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 96 /69/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and which apply to the emissions of gaseous pollutants and particulate pollutants for groups II and III prescribed limit values set out in the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 98 /77/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and which apply to the emissions of gaseous pollutants and particulate pollutants for groups II and III prescribed limit values set out in the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
are equipped with engines which are equipped with engines to be used in Directive 97 /68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures for the control of the emission of gaseous pollutants and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. 1) and which do not exceed the limit values set out in the table in section 4.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants; or
are equipped with engines which are in force by the Regulation of the 11th Regulation No 96. October 1996 (BGBl. 2555), as last amended by the amendment 1-Regulation of 16 December 1996. October 1998-(BGBl. 2738), on uniform conditions for the approval of engines with self-ignition for agricultural and forestry tractors in respect of emissions of pollutants from the engine, or
are equipped with engines which comply with Directive 2000 /25/EC and which do not exceed the limit values set out in the table in section 4.2.1 of Annex I to Directive 97 /68/EC.
The scope and the requirements of the Directive referred to in point 1 may be extended to all motor vehicles referred to in point 1 (scope of application).
Pollutant class S 2
Category S 2 includes motor vehicles, which
within the scope of Directive 88 /77/EEC, as amended by Directive 91 /542/EEC (OJ L 206, 22.7.1991, p. 1), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, are those listed in row B of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive shall not exceed those limits, or
within the scope of Directive 96 /1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 January 1996 amending Directive 88 /77/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous pollutants Pollutants and particulate pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. 1), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which do not comply with the emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants which are not included in row B of the table in section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive exceed or exceed
within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 94 /12/EC (OJ L 327, 30.12.1994, p. 42), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, are those for category M with a maximum authorised mass of no more than 2 500 kg do not exceed the mandatory limit values set out in the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 96 /44/EC (OJ L 136, 30.4.1996, p. 25), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which apply to emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, which are for category M with a maximum authorised mass not exceeding 2 500 kg; do not exceed the mandatory limit values set out in the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 96 /69/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and which apply to the emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants for group I do not exceed the mandatory limit values set out in the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 98 /77/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and which apply to the emissions of the gaseous pollutants and particulate pollutants for group I do not exceed the mandatory limit values set out in the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 98 /69/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants, those for Groups II and II III. do not exceed the mandatory limit values under A (2 000) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
are equipped with engines which comply with Directive 97 /68/EC and which do not have the limit values set out in the table in section 4.2.3 of Annex I to the Directive in respect of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants exceed or exceed
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 1999 /102/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, the emissions of the groups II and III prescribed limit values under A (2 000) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /1/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants, those for Groups II and II III. do not exceed the mandatory limit values under A (2 000) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /100/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, the emissions of the groups II and III prescribed limit values under A (2 000) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
are equipped with engines which comply with Directive 2000 /25/EC and which do not exceed the limit values set out in the table in section 4.2.3 of Annex I to Directive 97 /68/EC.
The scope and the requirements of the Directive referred to in point 1 may be extended to all motor vehicles referred to in point 1 (scope of application).
Vehicles which meet the requirements of category S 2 also meet the requirements of category S 1.
Pollutant class S 3
The pollutant category S 3 includes vehicles which:
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 98 /69/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and shall apply to the emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants for Group I shall not exceed the limit values laid down in A (2 000) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 98 /69/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants, those for Groups II and II III. do not exceed the mandatory limit values under B (2 005) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 1999 /102/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants for group I shall not exceed the limit values laid down in A (2 000) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 1999 /102/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, the emissions of the groups II and III prescribed limit values under B (2 005) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /1/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, those for Group I shall not exceed the limit values laid down in A (2 000) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /1/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants, those for Groups II and II III. do not exceed the mandatory limit values under B (2 005) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /100/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, those for Group I shall not exceed the limit values laid down in A (2 000) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /100/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, the emissions of the groups II and III prescribed limit values under B (2 005) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
within the scope of Directive 88 /77/EEC, as amended by Directive 1999 /96/EC (OJ L 327, 30.4.1999, p. 1), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which, in the case of emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants, fall under A (2 000) of Tables 1 and 2 in section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive Do not exceed the limit values mentioned above or
within the scope of Directive 88 /77/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /27/EC (OJ L 197, 21.7.2001, p. 10), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which, in the case of emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants, fall under A (2 000) of Tables 1 and 2 in section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive Do not exceed the limit values mentioned above or
fall within the scope of Directive 2005 /55/EC or the versions thereof, as amended and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, in accordance with the provisions of the Directive and in the case of emissions of gaseous Pollutants and particulate pollutants shall not exceed the limit values referred to in A (2000) of Tables 1 and 2 of section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive.
Vehicles which meet the requirements of category S 3 also meet the requirements of category S 2.
Pollutant class S 4
The pollutant category S 4 includes vehicles which
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 98 /69/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and which apply to the emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants for group I shall not exceed the prescribed limit values under B (2 005) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 1999 /102/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants for group I shall not exceed the prescribed limit values under B (2 005) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /1/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, those for Group I shall not exceed the prescribed limit values under B (2 005) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /100/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, those for Group I shall not exceed the prescribed limit values under B (2 005) of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, or
within the scope of Directive 88 /77/EEC, as amended by Directive 1999 /96/EC (OJ L 327, 30.4.1999, p. 1), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which apply to emissions of the gaseous and particulate pollutants listed under B 1 (2 005) of Tables 1 and 2 of section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive Do not exceed the limit values mentioned above or
within the scope of Directive 88 /77/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /27/EC (OJ L 197, 21.7.2001, p. 10), which comply with the requirements of the Directive and which, in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, are those listed in B 1 (2 005) of Tables 1 and 2 of section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive. Do not exceed the limit values mentioned above or
fall within the scope of Directive 2005 /55/EC or the versions thereof, as amended and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, in accordance with the provisions of the Directive and in the case of emissions of gaseous Pollutants and particulate pollutants shall not exceed the limit values referred to in B 1 (2005) of Tables 1 and 2 of section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive.
Vehicles which meet the requirements of category S 4 also meet the requirements of category S 3.
Pollutant class S 5
The pollutant category S 5 includes vehicles which:
fall within the scope of Directive 88 /77/EEC, as amended by Directive 1999 /96/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and which apply to emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants falling within the scope of B 2 (2 008) Tables 1 and 2 in section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive do not exceed the limit values or
fall within the scope of Directive 88 /77/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /27/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and which apply to emissions of gaseous pollutants and particulate pollutants falling within B 2 (2 008) Tables 1 and 2 in section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive do not exceed the limit values or
fall within the scope of Directive 2005 /55/EC or the versions thereof, as amended and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, in accordance with the provisions of the Directive and in the case of emissions of gaseous Pollutants and particulate pollutants do not exceed the limit values referred to in B 2 (2008) of Tables 1 and 2 of section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive, or
fall within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007, comply with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007, and the emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants listed in Table 1 of Annex I to the Regulation Do not exceed limit values.
Vehicles which meet the requirements of category S 5 also meet the requirements of category S 4.
Pollutant class S 6
The pollutant category S 6 includes vehicles which:
in the scope of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 on type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information (OJ C 327, 30.4.2004, p. 1) and Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008 on the implementation and amendment of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 (OJ L 378, 27.12.2008, p. 1), which comply with the provisions of the Regulation and do not exceed the limit values set out in Table 2 of Annex I to the Regulation in respect of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants or
within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with regard to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro VI) and on the Access to vehicle repair and maintenance information, amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 and Directive 2007 /46/EC and repealing Directives 80 /1269/EEC, 2005 /55/EC and 2005 /76/EC (OJ L 378, 27.12.2005, p. 1), which comply with the provisions of the Regulation and in the case of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, do not exceed the limit values set out in Annex I to the Regulation.
Vehicles which meet the requirements of category S 6 also meet the requirements of category S 5.
Noise Classes
Noise Class G 1
Motor vehicles belonging to the category G 1 are those which:
Council Directive 92/97/EEC of 10 November 1992 amending Directive 70 /157/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the permissible sound level and the exhaust system of motor vehicles (OJ L 327, 22.12.1992, p. OJ L 371, 19.12.1992, p. 1), or
Commission Directive 96 /20/EC of 27 March 1996 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 70 /157/EEC relating to the permissible sound level and the exhaust system of motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.11.1996, p. OJ L 92, 13.4.1996, p. 23),
Commission Directive 1999 /101/EC of 15 December 1999 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 70 /157/EEC relating to the permissible sound level and the exhaust system of motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.12.1999, p. 41) or OJ L 334, 28.12.1999, p.
of Annex XXI
The scope and the requirements of the above Directive may be extended to all motor vehicles as specified in paragraph 1.
EEV classes
EEV Class 1
In the case of the EEV class 1, motor vehicles are included
fall within the scope of Directive 88 /77/EEC, as amended by Directive 1999 /96/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and the emissions of the gaseous pollutants and particulate pollutants under C (EEV) of the Tables 1 and 2 in section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive do not exceed limit values or
fall within the scope of Directive 88 /77/EEC, as amended by Directive 2001 /27/EC, comply with the requirements of the Directive and the emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants are those of C (EEV) Tables 1 and 2 in section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive do not exceed limit values or
fall within the scope of Directive 2005 /55/EC or the versions thereof, as amended and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, in accordance with the provisions of the Directive and in the case of emissions of gaseous Pollutants and particulate pollutants shall not exceed the limit values referred to in C (EEV) of Tables 1 and 2 in section 6.2.1 of Annex I to the Directive.
Vehicles which meet the requirements of the class EEV 1 also meet the requirements of pollutant class S 5.
Particle reduction classes
Particle reduction class PMK 01
For the particulate reduction class PMK 01, motor vehicles belonging to class S 1, points 2, 3 or 4, do not already comply with the limit values for Group I of the table in section of Annex I to the Directive, and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system, approved within the meaning of point 6.2 of Annex XXVI, which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0,170 g/km is not exceeded.
Particle reduction class PMK 0
The PMK 0 particulate reduction category includes motor vehicles which are
Pollutant class S 1, point 1 and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 8 of Annex XXVII, which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0.150 g/kWh at the ESC test is carried out in accordance with the following conditions: 1.3.1 Annex III to Directive 2005 /55/EC, as amended by Directive 2005 /78/EC (OJ L 378, 27.10.2005, p. 1) is not exceeded, or
Pollutant class S 1 (2), (3), (4), (5) or (6) have been fitted with a particulate reduction system, approved within the meaning of point 6.2 of Annex XXVI, which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0,100 g/km is not is exceeded, or
Category S 1 (7), (8) or (9) and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 8 of Annex XXVII, which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0,200 g/kWh in the NRSC test shall be: Point 3 Annex III to Directive 97 /68/EC, as amended by Directive 2004 /26/EC (OJ L 378, 27.3.2004, p. OJ L 225, 25.6.2004, p.
Pollutant class S 2
Particle reduction class PMK 1
The PMK 1 particulate reduction category includes motor vehicles which are
Category S 1 or pollutant class S 2, point 1 or 2, and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 8 of Annex XXVII, which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0,100 g/kWh at the ESC test referred to in point 1.3.1 Annex III to Directive 2005 /55/EC, as amended by Directive 2005 /78/EC (OJ L 378, 27.10.2005, p. 1) is not exceeded, or
Pollutant class S 1, points 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or class S 2, points 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 or 11, and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system approved within the meaning of point 6.2 of Annex XXVI, which ensures that the the particulate mass limit of 0.050 g/km shall not be exceeded; or
Pollutant class S 1, points 7, 8, 9 or class S 2, point 8 or 12, and have been equipped with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 8 of Annex XXVII, which ensures that the particulate mass limit value 0.100 g/kWh for the NRSC test referred to in point 3 of Annex III to Directive 97 /68/EC, as amended by Directive 2004 /26/EC (OJ L 73, 27.3.2004, p. OJ L 225, 25.6.2004, p.
Pollutant class S 3
Particle reduction class PMK 2
The PMK 2 particle reduction category includes motor vehicles which are used for the
Pollutant class S 1, point 1, pollutant class S 2, point 1 or 2, or class S 3, points 9 or 10, and have been equipped with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 8 of Annex XXVII, which ensures that the the particulate mass limit of 0.020 g/kWh in the ESC test referred to in point 1.3.1 and 0.030 g/kWh in the ETC test referred to in point 1.3.3 of Annex III to Directive 2005 /55/EC, as amended by Directive 2005 /78/EC, shall not be exceeded; or
Pollutant class S 1, points 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, pollutant class S 2, points 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 or 11 or category S 3, points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8, and approved by means of a Annex XXVI approved within the meaning of point 6.2 of Annex XXVI A particulate reduction system which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0.025 g/km is not exceeded; or
Pollutant class S 1, points 7, 8, 9 or class S 2, point 8 or 12, and have been equipped with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 8 of Annex XXVII, which ensures that the particulate mass limit value of 0.025 g/kWh in the NRTC test referred to in point 4 of Annex III to Directive 97 /68/EC, as amended by Directive 2004 /26/EC, is not exceeded; or
Pollutant class S 4 or S 5
Particle reduction class PMK 3
The PMK 3 particle reduction category includes motor vehicles which are used for the
Category S 2, points 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 or 11, or category S 3, points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8, or category S 4, points 1, 2, 3 or 4, and approved with a system approved within the meaning of point 6.2 of Annex XXVI the particulate reduction system which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0.0125 g/km is not exceeded; or
EEV Class 1
Particle reduction class PMK 4
The PMK 4 particulate reduction category includes motor vehicles belonging to category S 2, points 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 or 11, or category S 3, points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8, or category S 4, points 1, 2, 3 or 4, and with a class of pollutants, of the particulate reduction system approved within the meaning of point 6 of Annex XXVI, which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0.005 g/km is not exceeded.
Annex XIV No. 1 sentence 2 (referred to as No. 1): IdF d. Art. 1 No. 15 Buchst. a V v. 10.5.2012 I 1086 mWv 1.6.2012; bzexcl. Italic-pressure-change statement contained in the statement " in the sense of the ... Appendix XXIX, " a superfluous comma sign
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XV (to section 49 (3))
Sign "Noise motor vehicle"
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 787)

Letter "G" in terms of font and size according to DIN 1451, part 2, February 1986 edition (reference source see § 73). Font size h = 125 mm. The colour shades are the RAL 840 HR of the RAL German Institute for the Safety of Goods and Labelling e. V., Siegburger Straße 39, 53757 St. Augustin, Germany, is to be found in white: RAL 9001 and for green: RAL 6001, for white. The colours must not be retroreflective. Complementary: The sign must be visible and fixed on the front of the vehicle; it may also be attached to the rear of the vehicle.
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XVI (to section 47, paragraph 2, sentence 2)
Measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for the propulsion of agricultural or forestry tractors
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 788-802) General
Application Area This Appendix shall apply, unless otherwise specified in Annexes I to X, for agricultural or forestry tractors with diesel engines (compression ignition engines). For the purposes of this Appendix, agricultural or forestry tractors are all motor vehicles on wheels or caterpillar tracks with at least two axles, the function of which is substantially the same, and which is particularly suitable for pulling, pushing, carrying or for the operation of certain equipment, machinery or trailers intended for use in agricultural or forestry holdings.
Application of the rules applying to agricultural or forestry air-ready tractors with two axles and a maximum design speed of between 6 km/h and 25 km/h in the framework of the European Community Directives
In the case of applications for authorisation pursuant to Directives of the European Communities, the Federal Motor Service shall fill in the form referred to in Annex X and a copy shall be sent to the manufacturer or his authorised representative and to the competent authorities of the to other Member States of the European Communities.
Where the conformity of a vehicle type with the requirements of this installation is demonstrated by the presentation of a form set out in Annex X issued by a Member State of the European Communities, the vehicle type shall be determined in accordance with Article 21a (1a) is recognised as being unconditional.
Annex I
1) Definitions, application for EEC type-approval,
Mark for the corrected value of the absorption coefficient,
Rules and testing, conformity of production
"tractor type with regard to the limitation of the emission of pollutants from the engine" means tractors which do not differ substantially from one another; such differences may, in particular, be the characteristics of the tractor and of the engine referred to in Annex II.
"Diesel engine" means a motor which operates on the principle of compression ignition.
"Cold-starting device" means a device which, after being switched on, temporarily enlarges the quantity of fuel supplied to the engine and which serves to facilitate the starting of the engine.
"turbidity meter" means a device which serves to continuously measure the absorption coefficients of the exhaust gases emitted by the tractors.
Application for EEC type-approval
The application for the granting of a type-approval must be submitted by the tractor manufacturer or his authorized representative.
The application shall be accompanied by the following documents in triplicate.
Description of the engine type, which contains all the information referred to in Annex II.
Drawings of the combustion chamber and of the piston head.
An engine and its equipment in accordance with Annex II for installation in the tractor to be approved shall be made available to the competent authority responsible for carrying out the tests referred to in point 5. However, at the request of the manufacturer, the test may be carried out on a tractor representative of the type of tractor to be approved, if the competent authority responsible for carrying out the tests so permits.
EEC type-approval Form for the grant of EEC type-approval shall be accompanied by a form in accordance with the model in Annex X.
Mark for the corrected value of the absorption coefficient
On each tractor corresponding to a type approved in accordance with this Directive, a rectangular mark with the corrected mark shall be visible and at a readily accessible position, as indicated in the Annex to the EEC type-approval certificate referred to in Annex X. The value of the absorption coefficient obtained when the type-approval has been granted during the free-acceleration test, expressed in m -1 , and which has been determined in the case of approval in accordance with the procedure referred to in point 3.2 of Annex IV.
The mark must be clearly legible and indelible.
Annex IX contains a model of this identifier.
Rules and tests
The parts which may have an impact on the emission of pollutants shall be designed, constructed and fitted in such a way that the tractor under normal operating conditions, despite the vibrations to which it is subjected, shall: the technical requirements of this Directive.
Rules on cold-start devices
The cold-start device shall be such that it cannot be switched on or remain in operation when the engine is operating under normal operating conditions.
Point 5.2.1 shall not apply if at least one of the following conditions is met:
If, with the cold-starting device switched on, the absorption coefficient by the engine exhaust gases does not exceed the limit values set out in Annex VI, at constant speeds, as measured in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex III.
If the permanent switching on of the cold-start device results in a standstill of the engine within a reasonable period of time.
Rules on the emission of pollutants
The measurement of the emission of pollutants from a tractor of the type presented for the grant of EEC type-approval shall be carried out in accordance with the two procedures laid down in Annexes III and IV, the one of which shall be annexed to the tests Constant speeds and the other the tests for free acceleration 2) .
The value of the emission of pollutants, as measured in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex III, shall not exceed the limit values set out in Annex VI.
For engines with exhaust-gas turbochargers, the value of the absorption coefficient measured when the acceleration is free shall not exceed the maximum value specified in Annex VI for the nominal value of the air flow rate, the maximum of which shall be the highest in the tests. Measured absorption coefficient at constant speeds, increased by 0.5 m -1 , corresponds.
Equivalent measuring instruments shall be permitted. Where a device other than a device is used in accordance with Annex VII, its equivalence shall be demonstrated for the engine concerned.
Conformity of production
Each tractor in the series shall conform to the approved tractor type with respect to the components which may have an impact on the emission of pollutants from the engine.
In general, the conformity of production with regard to the limitation of the emission of pollutants from the diesel engine is to be verified on the basis of the description in the Annex to the EEC type-approval certificate referred to in Annex X.
For the verification of a tractor taken from the series, the following procedure shall be followed:
A tractor which has not yet been retracted shall be subject to the free-acceleration test referred to in Annex IV. The tractor shall be deemed to be compatible with the approved type if the value of the absorption coefficient determined is not more than 0,5 m to the value specified in the mark. -1 exceeds.
If the value specified in the test referred to in point shall be greater than 0,5 m the value specified in the mark. -1 , a tractor of the type in question or the engine thereof shall be subjected to an inspection at different speeds of rotation as set out in Annex III. The emission value shall not exceed the limit values set out in Annex VI.
The text of the annexes is in accordance with Regulation No 24 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe; in particular, the structure is the same in points; does not correspond to one point of Regulation No 24 in this Directive, it is its number is indicated in brackets for the endorsement.
The free-acceleration test shall be carried out, in particular, in order to obtain a reference value for those authorities which use this procedure for the verification of vehicles in service.
Annex II-Main characteristics of the tractor
and the engine and information on the performance of the tests
1 |
Description of the engine |
1.1 |
Brand: .......... |
1.2 |
Type: .......... |
1.3 |
Mode of operation: four-stroke/two-stroke 2) |
1.4 |
Bore: .......... mm |
1.5 |
Hub: .......... mm |
1.6 |
Number of cylinders: .......... |
1.7 |
Cubic capacity: .......... cm 3 |
1.8 |
Compression Ratio 3) : .......... |
1.9 |
Type of cooling: .......... |
1.10 |
Charging with/without 2) System Description: .......... |
.......... |
1.11 |
Air Filter: Drawings or Brands and Types: .......... |
.......... |
2 |
Additional equipment for reducing exhaust gas testing (if present and not collected at a different point) Description and sketches: .......... |
3 |
Fuel supply system |
3.1 |
Description and sketches of the intake lines and accessories (Pre-warmer, intake silencer, etc.): .......... |
3.2 |
Fuel supply: .......... |
3.2.1 |
Fuel pump: .......... |
Print 3) .......... |
or characteristic diagram 3) .......... |
3.2.2 |
Injection device: .......... | |
Pump | |
Brand (s): .......... | |
Type (s): .......... | |
Injection quantity: .......... |
Mm 3 Per hub at .......... RPM |
the pump 1) in the case of full or characteristic diagram 2) 1) : .......... |
.......... |
Indication of the method used: on the motor/on the pump test stand 2) | |
Injection timing: .......... | |
Adjusting curve of the injection adjuster: .......... | |
Injection timing adjustment: .......... | |
Injection lines |
| |
Length: .......... | |
Light diameter: .......... | |
Injection nozzle (s): .......... | |
Brand (s): .......... | |
Type (s): .......... | |
Injection pressure: .......... bar 1) |
or injection diagram 2) 1) : .......... | |
Regulator | |
Brand (s): .......... | |
Type (s): .......... | |
Speed at the start of the regulation under load: .......... RPM | |
Maximum speed without load: .......... RPM | |
Idle speed: .......... RPM |
3.3 |
Cold start device |
3.3.1 |
Brand (s): .......... |
3.3.2 |
Type (s): .......... |
3.3.3 |
Description: .......... |
4 |
Valves |
4.1 |
Maximum valve strokes and opening and closing angles, relative to the dead points: .......... |
.......... |
4.2 |
Checking and/or setting game 2) : .......... |
5 |
Exhaust system |
5.1 |
Description and sketches: .......... |
5.2 |
Medium back pressure for maximum power: .......... |
.......... mm WS/Pascal (Pa) |
6 |
Power transmission |
6.1 |
Moment of inertia of the engine flywheel: .......... |
.......... |
6.2 |
Additional moment of inertia when the gearbox is in idling position: .......... |
.......... |
7 |
Additional information on the test conditions |
7.1 |
Lubricant used |
7.1.1 |
Brand (s): .......... |
7.1.2 |
Type (s): .......... |
(If a lubricant is added to the fuel, the percentage of the oil must be indicated) |
8 |
Engine characteristics |
8.1 |
Idling speed: .......... RPM 3) |
8.2 |
Maximum speed at maximum power: .......... RPM 3) |
8.3 |
Performance at the six measurement points referred to in point 2.1 of Annex III |
8.3.1 |
Performance of the engine on the test bench: |
(according to BSI-CUNA-DIN-GOST-IGM-ISO-SAE-etc. Standard) |
8.3.2 |
Power on the wheels of the tractor |
Speed (n) U/min power kW
1. .......... |
.......... |
2. .......... |
.......... |
3. .......... |
.......... |
4. .......... |
.......... |
5. .......... |
.......... |
6. .......... |
.......... |
For non-conventional engines or systems, information shall be provided by the manufacturer.
Delete as appropriate.
Specify tolerance.
Annex IIIPAudit at constant speeds
This Annex describes the procedure for carrying out the test of the engine at different speeds of rotation at 80% of the full load.
The test can be carried out either on a tractor or on a motor.
Measurement Procedures
The turbidity of the exhaust gases is to be measured at a constant speed of 80 percent of the full load of the engine. Six measurements shall be made which shall be divided equally between the engine's maximum output speed and the greater of the following engine speeds:
-55 per cent of the maximum output speed,
-1 000 U/min.The external measuring points must be at the ends of the measuring range indicated above.
For diesel engines with charge air blower, which can be switched on as desired, and in which the activation of the charge air blower automatically entails an increase in the injection quantity, the measurements are to be carried out with and without charge. each speed applies to the respectively obtained larger value as a measured value.
Test conditions
Tractors or motor
The engine or the tractor shall be in good mechanical condition. The engine has to be in.
The engine shall be tested with the equipment referred to in Annex II.
The engine shall be adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer ' s specifications and in accordance with Annex II.
The exhaust system shall not have a leak, which results in dilution of the exhaust gases.
The engine must be under normal operating conditions according to the manufacturer ' s instructions. In particular, the cooling water and the oil must have the normal temperature indicated by the manufacturer.
Fuel As fuel, the reference fuel shall be used in accordance with the technical data of Annex V.
Test Room
The absolute temperature T in kelvin of the test chamber and the atmospheric pressure H in Torr are to be determined. Then the factor F is to be determined which is determined as follows:
A test shall be accepted only if 0.98 ≤ F ≤ 1.02.
The absorption coefficient of the exhaust gases shall be determined by means of a turbidity meter which complies with the requirements of Annex VII and which is constructed in accordance with Annex VIII.
For each of the six speeds in which measurements of the absorption coefficients are carried out in accordance with point 2.1, the nominal value of the air flow rate G in litres/second shall be calculated in accordance with the following formulae:
for two-stroke engines G =
for four-stroke engines G =
V: engine cylinder capacity in litres, n: speed in revolutions/minute.
For each speed, the absorption coefficient of the exhaust gases shall not exceed the limit value according to the table in Annex VI. If the air flow value does not correspond to any of the values given in this table, the limit value determined by linear interpolation shall apply.
Annex IV-free acceleration test
Test conditions
The test shall be carried out on a tractor or on an engine which has been subjected to the test in Annex III.
If the test is carried out on a motor on the test bench, it shall be carried out as soon as possible after the turbidity has been tested at the same speeds. In particular, the cooling water and the oil must have the normal temperature indicated by the manufacturer.
If the test is carried out on a stationary tractor, the engine must previously be brought to normal operating conditions by road travel. The test shall be carried out as soon as possible after the end of the road journey.
The combustion chamber shall not be cooled or polluted by a longer idling prior to the test.
The test conditions referred to in points 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of Annex III shall apply.
The conditions set out in point 3.4 of Annex III shall apply to the collection and measuring equipment.
Carrying out the tests
Where the test is carried out on a test bench, the engine shall be released from the brake, either by the rotating parts of the transmission in the idling position or by a flywheel which corresponds as closely as possible to these parts, to the engine. replace.
If the test is carried out on a tractor, the gearbox must be in the idling position and the clutch has to be engaged.
When the engine is idling, the accelerator pedal must be able to pass quickly and in a shock-free manner in such a way that the largest delivery rate of the injection pump is achieved. This position shall be maintained until the maximum speed of the engine is reached and the controller is controlled. As soon as this rotational speed has been reached, the accelerator pedal is released until the engine returns to idling and the turbidity meter is again in the corresponding state.
The process referred to in point 2.3 shall be repeated at least six times in order to clean the exhaust system and, if necessary, to be able to re-establish the equipment. The maximum values of the turbidity shall be recorded at each of the successive accelerations until constant values are obtained. The values that occur during the idling of the engine after each acceleration are not to be taken into account. The values read out shall be considered to be constant if four consecutive values within a bandwidth of 0.25 m -1 , and there is no steady decline. The absorption coefficient XM to be determined is the arithmetic mean of these four values.
The following special regulations apply to engines with charge air blower:
For engines with a charge air blower which is mechanically coupled to or mechanically driven by the engine and which can be disengaged, two complete series of measurements shall be carried out with previous accelerations, the charge air blower being used for the purpose of: is coupled once and the other time is uncoupled. The higher value of the two measurement series is to be recorded as the measurement result.
For engines with charge air blower, which can be switched off from the driver's seat by shunt (bypass), the test must be carried out with and without shunt. The higher value of the two measurement series is to be recorded as the measurement result.
Determination of the corrected value of the absorption coefficient
XM |
the value of the absorption coefficient, measured in the case of free acceleration as specified in point 2.4; |
XL |
the corrected value of the absorption coefficient in the case of free acceleration; |
SM |
the value of the absorption coefficient, measured at a constant speed (point 2.1 of Annex III), which is closest to the limit value prescribed for the same air flow rate; |
SL |
the value of the absorption coefficient prescribed in point 4.2 of Annex III for the air flow, which corresponds to the measurement point which led to the value SM; |
L |
the effective length of the light beam in the turbidity meter. |
Are the absorption coefficients in m -1 and the effective length of the light beam is expressed in meters, the corrected value XL is the smaller of the two following expressions:
Annex VTechnical data of the
Reference fuel for the examination of the issue
the type-approval and for the verification of conformity of production
Limit values and device procedures
Density 15/4 ° C |
0.830 ± 0.005 |
ASTM D 1 298-67
Boiling History 50% 90% Boiling End |
Min 245 ° C 330 ± 10 ° C max. 370 ° C |
ASTM D 86-67 |
Cetane number |
54 ± 3 |
ASTM D 976-66 |
kinematic viscosity at 100 ° F |
3 ± 0,5 cSt |
ASTM D 445-65 |
Sulphur content |
0.4 ± 0.1% by weight |
ASTM D 129-64 |
Flash point |
Min 55 ° C |
ASTM D 93-71 |
Cloud Point |
max. -7 ° C |
ASTM D 2 500-66 |
AnilinPoint |
69 ° C ± 5 ° C |
ASTM D 611-64 |
Carbon content for 10% residue |
max. 0.2% by weight |
ASTM D 524-64 |
Ash content |
Max. 0.01% by weight |
ASTM D 482-63 |
Water content |
max. 0.05% by weight |
ASTM D 95-70 |
Copper lamella corrosion at 100 ° C |
Max 1 |
ASTM D 130-68 |
lower calorific value |
{ 10 250 ± 100 kcal/kg 18 450 ± 180 BTU/lb } |
ASTM D 2-68 (Ap. VI) |
Acid number |
zero mg KOH/g |
ASTM D 974-64 |
Note: The fuel can only be obtained by direct distillation; it does not need to be desulfurized; it must not contain any additives.
Annex VIlimit values for the test at constant speeds
Nominal values of air flow rate G Litre/SekundeAbsorption coefficient k M
≤ 42 45 50 |
2.26 2.19 2.08 |
55 60 65 70 |
1.985 1.90 1.84 1,775 |
75 80 85 |
1.72 1,665 1.62 |
90 95 100 |
1,575 1,535 1,495 |
105 110 115 |
1,465 1,425 1,395 |
120 125 130 |
1.37 1,345 1.32 |
135 140 145 |
1.30 1.27 1.25 |
150 155 160 |
1,225 1,205 1.19 |
165 170 175 |
1.17 1,155 1.14 |
180 185 190 |
1.125 1.11 1,095 |
195 ≧ 200 |
1.08 1,065 |
Note: The above values are rounded to 0.01 or 0.005; however, this does not mean that the measurements must be carried out with this accuracy.
Annex VIIProperties of turbidity measuring instruments
Application Area This Annex sets out the conditions to be met by the turbidity measuring instruments used for the tests referred to in Annexes III and IV.
Basic requirements for turbidity meters
The gas to be measured must be located in a chamber, the inner surfaces of which are not reflective.
The effective length of the light absorption section shall be determined taking into account the possible influence of protective devices for the light source and for the photocell. This effective length must be specified on the device.
The display device of the turbidity meter must have two scals. The one must have absolute units of light absorption from 0 to ∞ (m) -1 ) , the other must be linearly divided from 0 to 100; both scales shall extend from the value 0 for the total luminous flux up to the maximum value of the scales for complete light impermeability.
Building regulations
General turbidity measuring instruments shall be such that the smoke chamber is filled with smoke of uniform turbidity when operated at constant speeds.
Smoke chamber and housing of the turbidity meter
The stray light falling on the photocell, which originates from internal reflections or light scattering, must be limited to a minimum (for example, by a matte black surface of the inner surfaces and a suitable general arrangement).
The optical properties must ensure that the dispersion and reflection value does not exceed a unit of the linear scale when the smoke chamber is replaced by smoke with an absorption coefficient of approximately 1.7 m. -1 is filled.
Light source The light source must consist of an incandescent lamp, the colour temperature of which is between 2 800 and 3 250 K.
The receiver shall consist of a photocell whose spectral sensitivity is adapted to the light-sensitive curve of the human eye (maximum sensitivity in the range 550/570 nm, less than 4 per cent of this maximum sensitivity below 430). nm and over 680 nm).
The electrical circuit, including the display device, must be such that the current supplied by the photocell is a linear function of the intensity of the light received within the operating temperature range of the photocell.
The absorption coefficient k is derived from the formula = Фo-e -kL in which L is the effective length of the light absorption path, the Фo is the incident light flux, and the exiting light flux is the same. If the effective length L of a turbidity meter type cannot be determined directly from its geometry, then the effective length L is
either in accordance with the procedure referred to in point 4
or by comparing it with another type of turbidity meter, the effective length of which is known.
The relationship between the linear scale with the division 0 to 100 and the absorption coefficient k is represented by the formula
. In this case, N means a read-out value on the linear scale and k is the corresponding value of the absorption coefficient.
The display of the turbidity meter shall enable it to have an absorption coefficient of 1.7 m -1 With an accuracy of 0.025 m -1 to read.
Setting and testing of the measuring instrument
The electrical circuit of the photocell and the display device must be adjustable in order to be able to bring the pointer to 0 when the luminous flux passes through the smoke chamber filled with pure air or a chamber with the same properties.
When the lamp is switched off and the electrical circuit is open or short-circuits, the display must be on the scale for the absorption coefficient ∞, and after the circle has been switched on, the display must remain at ∞.
The following verification shall be carried out: a filter representing a gas with a known absorption coefficient k, measured in accordance with point 3.5.1, between 1.6 m shall be introduced into the smoke chamber. -1 and 1.8 m -1 . The value k must be at an accuracy of 0.025 m -1 be known. The check shall be to determine whether this value is not more than 0,05 m -1 is different from the value read by the display device when the filter is brought between the light source and the photocell.
Response time of the turbidity meter
The response time of the electrical measuring circuit, given as the time within which the pointer reaches 90 percent of the scale end value when a fully opaque screen is placed in front of the photocell, must be between 0.9 and 1.1 seconds .
The attenuation of the electrical measuring circuit must be such that the first overshoot over the finally constant indication after each sudden change in the input value (for example, introduction of the test filter) no more than 4 percent of this value in units of the linear scale.
The response time of the turbidity meter, due to physical phenomena in the smoke chamber, is the time between the start of the gases entering the measuring instrument and the complete filling of the smoke chamber; it may be 0.4 Do not exceed seconds.
These regulations apply only to turbidity measuring instruments which are used for turbidity measurements in the case of free acceleration.
Pressure of the gas to be measured and the flushing air
The pressure of the exhaust gases in the smoke chamber shall not differ from the ambient pressure by more than 735 Pa.
The pressure fluctuations of the gas to be measured and the flushing air must not change the absorption coefficient greater than 0.05 m. -1 in the case of a gas to be measured, which has an absorption coefficient of 1.7 m -1 .
The turbidity meter shall be provided with appropriate means for measuring the pressure in the smoke chamber.
The limits of the permissible pressure fluctuations of the gas and of the flushing air in the smoke chamber shall be indicated by the manufacturer of the equipment.
Temperature of the gas to be measured
The temperature of the gas to be measured must be at any point in the smoke chamber between 70 ° C and a maximum temperature specified by the manufacturer of the turbidity meter, so that the readings in this temperature range shall be no more than 0.1 m -1 fluctuate when the chamber is filled with a gas, which has an absorption coefficient of 1.7 m -1 .
The turbidity meter shall be provided with suitable means for temperature measurement in the smoke chamber.
Effective length "L" of the turbidity meter
In some turbidity meter types, the gases between the light source and the photocell, or between the transparent parts that protect the light source and the photocell, do not have a uniform turbidity. In such cases, the actual length L is that of a gas column with uniform turbidity, which leads to the same light absorption as that which is determined when the gas passes normally through the turbidity measuring device.
The effective length of the light absorption path is obtained by comparing the display N of the normal-working turbidity meter with the display N0 of the turbidity meter, which is modified in such a way that the test gas has a precisely defined length L0. fills.
To correct the zero point, use the following comparison screens quickly.
Procedure for the determination of the effective length L
The test gases must be exhaust gases with constant turbidity or absorbing gases, the density of which corresponds almost to that of the exhaust gases.
In the case of the turbidity meter, a column of the length L0 is to be determined exactly, which can be uniformly filled with test gas and whose base surfaces are almost perpendicular to the direction of the light beams. This length L0 should not deviate significantly from the assumed effective length of the turbidity meter.
The average temperature of the test gases in the smoke chamber shall be measured.
If necessary, a sedative vessel of compact construction, which is sufficiently large to damp the vibrations, may be installed in the sampling lines as close as possible to the removal probe. A cooling device is also permissible. Due to the installation of the calming vessel and the cooler, the composition of the exhaust gases must not be significantly influenced.
The test for the determination of the effective length consists in that a sample of the test gases is first carried through the normally operating turbidity meter and then through the same device, which has been changed in accordance with point 4.1.2.
The values delivered by the turbidity meter shall be recorded during the test with a recording device whose response time is at most equal to that of the turbidity measuring instrument.
In the case of turbidity measuring instruments operating normally, the linear scale indicates the value N, and the indication of the mean temperature of the gases is T in Kelvin.
In the case of known length L0, filled with the same test gas, the linear scale indicates the value N0, and the indication of the average temperature of the gases is T0 in Kelvin.
The effective length will then be
The test shall be repeated with at least four test gases in such a way as to lead to values which are at regular intervals between 20 and 80 on the linear scale.
The effective length L of the turbidity meter shall be the arithmetic mean of the effective lengths obtained in accordance with point 4.2.6 with each of the test gases.
Annex VIIIConstruction and use of the turbidity meter
The scope of this Annex shall be the structure and use of the turbidity measuring instruments used for the tests referred to in Annexes III and IV.
Partial flow turbidity meter
Setup for the tests at constant speeds
The ratio of the cross-section of the probe to the cross-section of the exhaust pipe shall be at least 0.05. The counterpressure measured in the exhaust pipe at the inlet of the probe shall not exceed 735 Pa.
The probe shall consist of a tube with one end open to the front and located in the axis of the exhaust pipe or of the possibly required extension tube. It must be located at a point where the distribution of the smoke is nearly uniform. For this purpose, the probe shall be placed as close as possible to the end of the exhaust pipe or, if appropriate, in an extension tube, so that the end of the probe is located in a straight-line part which-if D is the diameter of the exhaust pipe end-is of a length. of at least 6 D in the direction of flow before the point of removal, and 3 D behind this point. If an extension tube is used, no foreign air may enter at the connection point.
The pressure in the exhaust pipe and the pressure drop in the sampling lines must be such that the probe takes a sample which is substantially equivalent to a sample in the case of isocintic extraction.
If necessary, a sedative vessel of compact construction, which is sufficiently large to damp the vibrations, may be installed in the sampling line as close as possible to the removal probe. A cooling device is also permissible. Due to the installation of the calming vessel and the cooler, the composition of the exhaust gases must not be significantly influenced.
A throttle valve or another means for increasing the pressure of the removed gas can be installed in the exhaust pipe at a distance of at least 3 D in the direction of flow downstream of the removal probe.
The lines between the probe, the cooling device, the calming vessel (if necessary) and the turbidity meter shall be as short as possible and the conditions for the pressure and temperature referred to in point 3.8 and point 3.9 of Annex VII . The pipe must be laid in ascending order from the point of removal to the turbidity meter; sharp bends, on which soot could accumulate, must be avoided. If no shunt valve (bypass valve) is contained in the turbidity meter, then such a bypass valve must be installed in front of it.
During the test, it shall be ensured that the requirements of point 3.8 of Annex VII on the pressure and the requirements of point 3.9 of Annex VII above the temperature in the measuring chamber are complied with.
Setup for the tests during free acceleration
The ratio of the cross-section of the probe to the cross-section of the exhaust pipe shall be at least 0.05. The counterpressure measured in the exhaust pipe at the inlet of the probe shall not exceed 735 Pa.
The probe shall consist of a tube with one end open to the front and located in the axis of the exhaust pipe or of the possibly required extension tube. It must be in a position where the distribution of the smoke is nearly uniform. For this purpose, the probe shall be placed as close as possible to the end of the exhaust pipe or, if appropriate, in an extension tube, so that the end of the probe is located in a straight-line part which-if D is the diameter of the exhaust pipe end-is of a length. of at least 6 D in the direction of flow before the point of removal, and 3 D behind this point. If an extension tube is used, no foreign air may enter at the connection point.
In the case of sampling, the pressure of the sample at the turbidity meter shall be within the limits specified in point 3.8.2 of Annex VII for all engine speeds. This is to be tested by determining the pressure of the sample during idling as well as at the maximum rotational speed in the unloaded state. Depending on the properties of the turbidity meter, the pressure of the sample can be controlled by a pressure reducer or a throttle valve in the exhaust pipe or in the extension pipe. Irrespective of the procedure, the counterpressure measured in the exhaust pipe at the inlet of the probe shall not exceed 735 Pa.
The connection lines to the turbidity measuring device must be as short as possible. The pipe must be laid in ascending order from the point of removal to the turbidity meter; sharp bends, on which soot could accumulate, must be avoided. A bypass valve (bypass valve) may be connected upstream of the turbidity meter in order to be able to separate it from the exhaust gas flow if it is not measured.
Full-current turbidity meter For the tests at constant speeds as well as for free acceleration, only:
The connecting lines between the exhaust and the turbidity meter shall not allow any foreign air to enter.
As with the partial flow turbidity measuring instruments, the connecting lines to the turbidity meter must be as short as possible. The pipes have to be laid in ascending order from the exhaust to the turbidity meter; sharp bends, on which soot could accumulate, must be avoided. A bypass valve (bypass valve) may be connected upstream of the turbidity meter in order to be able to separate it from the exhaust gas flow if it is not measured.
A cooling device is permissible in front of the turbidity measuring device.
Appendix IXPattern of the label
for the corrected value of the absorption coefficient

The characteristic feature shown means that the corrected value of the absorption coefficient is 1.30 m
-1 .
Annex X
Annex to EEC type-approval certificate
with regard to the emission of pollutants from diesel engines (Article 4 (2) and Article 10 of Council Directive 74 /150/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of agricultural products), or forestry tractors on wheels)
Number of EEC type-approval of tractor type
1) : .......... Approval number
1) : ..........
Make (company name): ..........
Type and trade name: .......... ..........
Name and address of manufacturer: ..........
Where appropriate, name and address of the manufacturer ' s representative:
Emission Values
at constant speeds
Speed U/minnominal value of the Air flow rate G (l/s) Limits of absorption (m ) Measured Absorption Value (m )
1. .......... |
.......... |
.......... |
.......... |
2. .......... |
.......... |
.......... |
.......... |
3. .......... |
.......... |
.......... |
.......... |
4. .......... |
.......... |
.......... |
.......... |
5. .......... |
.......... |
.......... |
.......... |
6. .......... |
.......... |
.......... |
.......... |
for free acceleration
Measured absorption value: .......... m -1
corrected absorption value: .......... m -1
Brand and type of turbidity meter: ..........
Motor for type-approval presented on: ..........
Verification point: ..........
Date of the test report drawn up by the inspection body: ..........
The number of the test protocol produced by the test centre: ..........
The type-approval in respect of the emission of pollutants from the engine shall be granted/denied 1)
Place of application of the symbol for the corrected value of the absorption coefficient on the vehicle: ..........
Location: ..........
Date: ..........
Signature: ..........
The following documents are attached which bear the above-mentioned number of EEC type-approval or approval: 1 copy of Annex II, completed in full, with the drawings and sketches indicated. .......... Photography (s) of the engine.
Delete as appropriate.
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Annex XVII (to § 41a (5) and (6))
Gas system installation tests and other gas plant tests
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 803)
The type and subject matter of the test gas plant tests after installation (gas system installation tests) and other gas plant tests within the meaning of § 41a (6) shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions. The proper state of the gas installations must be investigated in accordance with the guidelines published by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the Official Journal with the agreement of the supreme state authorities.
Carrying out the tests, proof of compliance
The tests shall be carried out by motor vehicle repair shops recognised in accordance with Annex XVIIa or by officially recognised experts or examiners for motor vehicle traffic (hereinafter referred to as aaSoP) or by an officially recognised Monitoring organisation to carry out test engineers (hereinafter referred to as the PI).
The holder has the motor vehicle to carry out the test in a motor vehicle repair shop approved for this purpose or with an aaSoP or PI.
When testing the gas installation
does not identify any defects, it shall be certified in a proof of proof,
If defects are found, they must be entered in a proof. The holder shall have the deficiencies rectified without delay and the motor vehicle must be re-examined after one month at the latest on presentation of the proof.
Proof of tests shall be carried out in accordance with a model made known by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure with the agreement of the supreme state authorities in the traffic sheet or with counterfeit aggravating aggravating agents Characteristics (seal of seal with embosseumber) and must contain at least the following information:
the nature of the audit,
The year in which the vehicle was first placed on the market,
manufacturer of the vehicle, including its key number,
the type of vehicle and the type of vehicle, including key numbers,
Vehicle identification number (at least the last 7 characters),
the date of implementation of the audit,
the name, address and test of the inspection body,
the results of the individual tests,
The result of the overall audit,
in the case of gas system installation tests, the information to be changed in the vehicle documents as a recommendation for the registration authority,
Signature of the person responsible for the examination, the control number of the motor vehicle repair shop and, where available, proof seal with an embossing number or signature with the test stamp and the identification number of the aaSoP or PI responsible for the test with information on the deficiencies identified in the audit,
Arrangement of the reprepation duty.
The proof shall be signed immediately after the examination has been carried out. It shall be handed out to the vehicle holder.
Investigative body for carrying out tests
The tests may only be carried out at inspection bodies which meet the requirements set out in Annex VIIId (3).
The competent supreme state authority, or the bodies designated by it or by national law, or the competent recognition office, may themselves verify or verify by persons or bodies appointed by the competent authority. , whether the rules applicable to the investigating bodies are complied with. The persons responsible for carrying out the tests shall be entitled to enter land and premises belonging to the investigating body during business and operating hours, to carry out inspections and surveys. The holder of the investigative body or of the users of the investigative body shall be allowed to take these measures and, where necessary, to assist the persons responsible. The holder or the user shall bear the costs of the inspection.
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Annex XVIIa (to section 41a (7) and Annex VIII, point
Recognition of motor vehicle workshops for the implementation of gas system installation tests or of recurring and other gas plant tests as well as training of the responsible persons and experts
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 804-806;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
The recognition of motor vehicle workshops for the performance of gas system installation tests or recurring gas plant tests and other gas plant tests within the meaning of Article 41a (6) shall be the responsibility of the competent supreme state authority or the competent authority of the competent authorities of the Member States. their designated bodies or bodies which are competent under national law (points of recognition). These may delegate the power to the local and technically competent motor vehicle innings.
The procedure for the recognition of motor vehicle workshops for the implementation of gas system installation tests or recurring and other gas plant tests and for the documentation of the tests carried out is to be found by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Transport and digital infrastructure, with the agreement of the competent national authorities in the Official Journal of the European Union, application of the Directive.
General conditions for the recognition of motor vehicle facilities The recognition shall be granted if:
the applicant, in the case of legal persons, the persons appointed according to the law or the statutes for representation as well as the persons responsible for carrying out exams are personally reliable. A certificate of management and an extract from the travel register shall be submitted in each case,
the applicant, by submitting a certificate from the local Chamber of Crafts and his registration in the handcraft role, proves that he himself or a person permanently employed in the permanent establishment fulfils the conditions laid down in the craft order for the self-employed commercial execution of such work, which is necessary to remedy the deficiencies noted in the case of audits,
the applicant proves that he or she has appointed one or more persons responsible for carrying out exams. The examination may also be carried out by professionals under the supervision of a responsible person. The persons responsible and professionals must be named by the applicant,
the applicant shall show that the persons responsible for carrying out the tests and the experts have adequate knowledge and experience in the field of motor vehicle technology. To this end, proof must be provided that:
Qualified professionals with a final examination in the recognized training profession
Motor vehicle mechanic,
Motor vehicle triker,
Automobile mechanic,
Motor vehicle mechatronics technician,
Mechanic for bodywork maintenance technology,
bodywork and vehicle manufacturers,
Bodywork and Vehicle Mechanic
have successfully completed,
responsible persons shall carry out a master examination in
Motor vehicle mechanic craft,
Motor vehicle triker craft,
Motor vehicle technology craft,
Bodywork and vehicle manufacturers-Crafts
have passed successfully. These examination degrees are the same as Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Ing. (degree.) or the state-certified technician in the field of mechanical engineering, vehicle technology, electrical engineering or aeronautical and aerospace engineering/aeronautical engineering, provided that the person concerned is shown to be in the motor vehicle sector (examination, testing, maintenance or repair), and can be demonstrated for at least three years of activity or a final examination in the training occupations referred to in point 2.4.1;
the applicant, or the persons responsible for carrying out the tests, and the experts, have also taken part in a training course according to point 7, corresponding to the state of the art of the gas installations to be tested, and have completed a successful examination,
the applicant proves that he has at least one investigative body that meets the requirements set out in Annex VIIId, point 3,
the applicant shall prove that, for each investigative body designated by the applicant, a documentation of the operational organisation containing internal rules in accordance with which a proper conduct and verification of the tests is carried out is ensured. The documentation shall be at least equivalent to the Directive referred to in point 1.2,
the applicant confirms that the responsible persons and experts responsible for carrying out the examination shall have sufficient liability insurance to cover all the claims arising in connection with the tests, , if so requested, and declares that it will maintain this insurance,
the applicant and the bodies involved in the recognition procedure, in accordance with the second sentence of point 1.1, of the country in which they are active and for which the applicant is recognised shall be exempted from all claims by third parties for damage related to: the examinations are caused by him or the persons responsible for his/her responsibility and who are responsible for the conclusion of a corresponding insurance policy, if so requested, and declares that he/she is responsible for this insurance is maintained.
Secondary provisions
The recognition may be associated with secondary provisions necessary to ensure that the tests are carried out properly. The recognition is not transferable.
The recognition shall be restricted to certain types of gas installations where the conditions referred to in point 2 are only established for these species.
Withdrawal of recognition The recognition shall be withdrawn if, in the case of its grant, one of the conditions referred to in point 2 has not been fulfilled. The withdrawal can be waited if the defect no longer exists.
Revocation of recognition The recognition shall be revoked if any of the conditions referred to in point 2 have subsequently been omitted. It shall be revoked in part or in part if, for the purposes of carrying out the tests, the tests have not been carried out properly, or if the tests have not been properly carried out or if the conditions of recognition are grossly violated. . It may be revoked if no use has been made of it within at least six months.
Supervision of recognised motor vehicle workshops
The recognition body shall exercise the supervision of the recognised motor vehicle workshops. It can be self-checked or verified,
whether the tests are properly carried out, documented and demonstrated, and whether the obligations otherwise arising from the recognition are fulfilled,
the extent to which the recognition has been made use of.
Point 8.1 shall apply accordingly.
Training of responsible persons and experts
In order to carry out the training referred to in point 2.5:
Motor vehicle manufacturers,
Motor vehicle importers who are either themselves holders of a general type-approval of motor vehicle types or by contract with a foreign motor vehicle manufacturer in the scope of the Road traffic permit order, provided that they have their own customer service organisation,
appropriate points which have been assigned by one of the above-mentioned motor vehicle manufacturers or motor vehicle importers,
manufacturers of gas installations that are holders of a part-approval for at least one overall plant,
Importers of gas installations which are either themselves holders of a part-approval for at least one overall plant or which are by contract with a foreign producer of gas installations, the holder of a part-approval for at least one The overall situation is, if they have their own customer service organisation, are all-empowerment within the scope of the road traffic permit order,
Bodies authorized to carry out training courses by the Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle ' s Association in 53040 Bonn, Postfach 15 01 62, and
Bodies recognised by the competent supreme state authority or by the body designated by it or by national law for the purpose of carrying out training.
The training centres shall be notified unsolicly to the competent supreme state authorities or to the bodies designated by them or competent by national law, and to the Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle ' s Office in 53040 Bonn, Postfach 15 01 62; This applies accordingly to the recruitment of the school activity. The Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle Association (Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle) centrally records the training sites and sends a current one at the beginning of a year to the responsible state authorities and the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure respectively at the beginning of each year. Summary of all training sites.
The training must be repeated within three years and be completed again with a successful examination. The period begins with the month and year in which an examination has been successfully taken after a first-time training or a repeat training. Once the deadline has expired, a first-time training and examination shall be completed.
The training and retraining courses, training contents and training facilities must be familiar with the requirements of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure with the agreement of the competent authorities of the federal state in the traffic bulletin of the Directive.
Supervision of the recognition procedure and the training
The supervision of the recognition offices and the recognition procedure shall be the responsibility of the competent supreme state authority or the bodies designated by it or competent by national law. The supervisory authority may itself verify or have the recognition office verify that the conditions for recognition are still fulfilled and that the obligations otherwise arising from the recognition or by the secondary provisions are fulfilled. . This review shall be carried out at least every three years.
The supervision of the training shall be the responsibility of the competent supreme state authority, or the bodies designated by it or those competent under national law. The supervisory authority may itself verify or have the authorities designated by it or competent by national law to verify that the rules applicable to the training centres are complied with and that they otherwise comply with the authorisation of the supervisory authority. or the obligations arising from the secondary provisions. They may delegate the power of inspection to the Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle Association (Bundesinnungsverband des Motor Vehicle). This review shall be carried out at least every three years.
The persons responsible for the inspection are authorized, land and business premises
the holder of the recognition or
the training site
during business and operating hours, to carry out inspections and surveys, and to check the required records. The holder of the recognition or the holder or head of the training centre shall be required to take these measures, where necessary, to assist the persons responsible and, if so requested, to submit the required records. The holder of the recognition or training institution shall bear the costs of the inspection.
Final provisions
Changes in recognised motor vehicle repair shops which may affect their recognition shall be notified by the Office of the recognition authority unsolicly. Infringements may lead to the revocation of the recognition referred to in point 5.
Changes in training centres which have an impact on training shall be reported to the bodies referred to in point 7.2. In the event of infringements, the bodies referred to in point 8.2 may prohibit the passage of training courses.
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Annex XVIII (to section 57b (1))
Testing of tachographs and recording equipment
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 807-809)
Requirements for the testing of tachographs and recording equipment
Tachographs and recording equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer ' s instructions. Tachographs and recording equipment shall be fitted in the motor vehicle in such a way as to ensure that all the necessary functions are accessible to the driver from the driver's seat.
For the purpose of installation, control equipment referred to in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 must have been delivered in a non-activated condition, all of which are listed in Chapter III, Section 20 of Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85. Calibration parameters must be set to appropriate and valid defaults. If there is no particular value, letters-parameters must be set to "?" and numeric parameters must be set to "0". The recording equipment shall be capable of calibrating before activation.
During the installation all known parameters must have been preset.
The built-in recording equipment must have been activated at the latest at the final installation site.
If necessary, necessary couplings between the path and/or speed sensor and the vehicle unit must take place automatically during the activation of the control device. The activation of the control device is triggered automatically by the first insertion of a workshop card into one of the two card interfaces.
A calibration must be carried out after installation. In the case of the initial calibration, which must be carried out within two weeks of the installation or the allocation of the official registration mark for the motor vehicle, whichever is the latest, the official registration number of the vehicle must be: A motor vehicle has been entered.
Data protection in the event of repair or replacement of the recording equipment referred to in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821 /85If a defective digital recording equipment is repaired or exchanged within the framework of an inspection, the undertaking carrying out the test shall have the following: , to copy the data contained in the memory of the defective device to a data medium and to issue a certificate in accordance with the model in the Annex to this Annex. The copied data shall be stored until it is passed on to the authorized person, but at the latest for a period of two years, and shall be deleted immediately after passing on or after the expiry of the time limit. Where copying of the data is not possible, a certificate shall also be issued in accordance with the model in the Annex to this Annex. The company shall keep a copy of the certificates issued in accordance with the first sentence or the third sentence for the period of one year in paper form.
The type and object of the test In the case of motor vehicles equipped with tachographs or recording equipment in accordance with Section 57b (1), the inspection and all other tests carried out by the tachographs and the recording equipment shall be subject to compliance with the Provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85.
Conduct of the examination, proof of compliance
The tests referred to in § 57b (1) shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Annex XVIIIa.
The installation plate to be fitted after completion of the test shall contain the following information:
Name, address or trade mark of the recognised tachograph or recording equipment manufacturer or the motor vehicle manufacturer ' s representative, or the name, address or logo of the recognised vehicle manufacturer, of the recognised vehicle manufacturer, of the recognised vehicle manufacturer vehicle importer or the recognised motor vehicle workshop,
Number of pulses of the motor vehicle in the form " w = ... Imp/km "with electronic tachograph or recording equipment, displacement speed of the motor vehicle in the form" w = ... U/km " in the case of mechanical tachograph or recording equipment,
Constant of the control device in the form " k = ... Imp/km ",
actual tyre circumference in the form "L = ... mm",
Tyre size,
the date of determination of the number of displacement of the motor vehicle and the measurement of the actual circumference of the tyre,
Vehicle identification number 17-digits (in the case of control equipment in accordance with Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 the last eight characters), and, if an adapter is used, the following information:
the part of the vehicle into which the adapter is fitted,
Part of the vehicle in which the displacement or speed sensor is installed if it is not connected to the transmission,
The color of the cable between the adapter and the vehicle part that provides its input pulses, and
Serial number of the embedded path or speed sensor of the adapter.
Proof must be provided of each test carried out. The following shall be stated in the proof:
in the case of tests in accordance with Section 57b (1) of the holder, the manufacturer, the vehicle identification number (for control equipment referred to in Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85), the last eight characters) and the official registration number of the motor vehicle concerned, which shall: the result of the examination and the date of installation of the installation plate;
in the case of inspections referred to in Article 57b (4), the vehicle identification number (in the case of control equipment referred to in Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85, the last eight characters) of the motor vehicle concerned, the result of the test and the Date of installation of the installation plate.
The proof of proof shall be kept for three years by the undertaking which carried out the test, and shall be required to submit it for examination at the request of the competent person.
The following equipment parts must be sealed:
any connection, if any separation of the link would result in undetectable changes or undetectable data loss, and
the installation sign, unless it is so appropriate that it cannot be removed without destroying the information.
The above-mentioned paperwork may be removed:
in emergencies,
to install, adjust or repair a speed limitation device or any other device used for road safety, provided that the recording equipment is still operating reliably and correctly and that it is carried out by a recognised control device. a manufacturer of a tachograph or a recording equipment manufacturer, a repairer, or a recognised repairer, immediately after the installation of the speed limitation device or of the other device used for road safety, however, no later than seven days after the removal,
to check the function of the speed limiter within the framework of the main investigation pursuant to § 29 by the officially recognised expert or auditor or test engineer; the paperwork shall be carried out by the officially recognised expert or auditor or test engineer immediately after completion of the speed limitation test of the speed limit.
Any breach of the paperwork must be the subject of a written justification. The explanatory statement shall be kept for a period of three years and shall be submitted to the competent person for consideration at the request of the person concerned.
Annex (to Annex XVIII)
for a certificate of downloading data/
on the impossibility of downloading data
In the case of a motor vehicle, the recording equipment is replaced or if it is possible that the data stored in the mass storage device can no longer be accessed after a repair, the transport company concerned is therefore not able to access the data stored in the mass storage device. to inform that the data stored in the recording equipment has either been downloaded and made available to that company on request, or that the data stored in the recording equipment will not be downloaded could. This has to be done by issuing a certificate in accordance with the accompanying model. Certificates can be created in "Heftform" and, if necessary, in two or three copies. They are to be provided in the heading with the country code number 1 for Germany and a consecutive numbering, which is to be demarcted by a slash from the country code. The original, together with the invoice for the work carried out, shall be handed over to the driver or may be sent to the transport company by mail. A copy shall remain in the booklet and shall be checked by the competent authority for the company which issued the certificate. The certificate must be signed and stamped with a company stamp.
Sample certificate number: 1/XXXX
Control equipment referred to in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85
Certificate of downloading data/
on the impossibility of downloading data
The recording equipment referred to in point 2 below and in the vehicle with the official identifier: .......... was/is *) , has been replaced/repaired *) on: (date) ..........
Information on the recording equipment
Manufacturer: .......... Model: .......... Serial number: ..........
The data stored in the recording device *)
have been downloaded and can be made available (see subsequent remarks)
could not be downloaded and are therefore not available,
because ..........
the following tests for the repair of the recording equipment, which were intended to allow the data to be downloaded, were carried out: ..........
Downloaded data can only be made available to the transport company concerned, that is to say to the company that has logged into the recording equipment by means of a company card.
Only data relating to the transport company concerned can be made available to this company.
A credential is required to access the data.
The data will only be transmitted on request. The application shall be sent in writing to the address of the company, which shall provide the data for transmission. The application shall indicate how the data should be transmitted (for example, by letter, e-mail, etc.).
The data shall only be kept for a period of two years from the date referred to in point 1 and shall be destroyed after that period.
For the transmission of the data, a fee of EUR .......... is charged.
Company that holds the data for transmission:
Date, signature, company stamp
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Annex XVIIIa (to section 57b (1))
Carrying out checks on tachographs and recording equipment
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 810-813)
The general tests of tachographs and recording equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Annex, with due regard to the provisions of the Official Journal of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of the Federal Republic of Germany. Germany-to conduct published guidelines.
Audit cases
Tests of tachographs and recording equipment in accordance with § 57b shall be carried out
after installation,
at least once within two years after the last examination,
after each repair to the tachograph or recording equipment,
after each change in the number of revolutions/displacement number of the motor vehicle and
after any change in the effective tyre circumference of the motor vehicle resulting from the change in the tyre size.
In addition, tests must be carried out on control equipment listed in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85
after each change in the official registration mark of the motor vehicle, or
if the UTC time differs from the correct time by more than 20 minutes.
Conduct of the audit
Installation tests, inspections and repairs of tachographs and recording equipment referred to in Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85
Installation, functional testing and verification (in the case of tests as specified in point 2.1).
The tachograph or the recording equipment shall be incorporated into the vehicle and shall be mechanically and electrically connected.
A function is to be carried out (in the case of a roller test stand).
The system is to be sealed to the detachable mechanical or electrical connections with Plombenzeichen.
In the case of inspections of the fitted tachograph or recording equipment in the cases referred to in point 2.1 (b) to (e), the adjusted displacement speed shall be tested and registered in the installation plate under w; in the case of tachographs or control equipment, electronic adjustment of the device constant to the number of travel pulses of the vehicle, the number of travel pulses is tested and entered in the installation plate under w.
Alignment of the tachograph or the recording equipment to the motor vehicle
The device constant on the mounting plate is to be determined.
The displacement speed or path pulse measuring device must be connected to the vehicle, after which the vehicle is to be unrolled.
The displacement speed/path pulse number w is to be determined on a suitable, level test path of at least 40 m; a 20 m long measuring distance can be selected when using an electronic displacement-pulse-number measuring device.
The measurement of the displacement speed/displacement pulse number w can also be carried out on a roller test bench suitable for these purposes (w = number of revolutions or pulses of the device connection on the vehicle with reference to a distance of 1 km).
In the case of tachographs and recording equipment with mechanical adjustment, the speed of rotation w of the device constant k shall be equal to ± 2% in such a way that the equipment in the installed state shall be the fault limit set out in Annex I, Chapter III, point (f) (2), of the Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85. The adjustment shall be carried out by means of intermediate gears and shall be checked for compliance with the error limits. In the case of tachographs or recording equipment with electronic adjustment of the device constant to the number of travel pulses of the vehicle, the limits of the error referred to in Annex I, Chapter III, point (f) (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 shall also be complied with.
The measurement of the vehicle shall be carried out as follows:
with unladen vehicle in running order only occupied by a driver,
with traffic-safe vehicle tyres and the internal pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer,
Movement of the vehicle as described below: The vehicle must move with its own motor power in a straight line on flat terrain and at a speed of 50 ± 5 km/h. The measurement distance must be at least 1 000 m. The test may also be carried out using other methods, such as, for example, on a test bench, provided that a comparable accuracy is ensured.
The normal state of the vehicle to be taken into account in accordance with point (a) and (b) may be approximated from other operational states of the vehicle by correcting the associated measured values (cf. the correction values or the correction tables of the tachograph manufacturers).
The drive shaft is to be tested for good laying and smooth running.
Examination of the tachograph or of the recording equipment on its own fault (in the case of tests referred to in point 2.1 (a) to (c))
The record sheet shall be filled with the vehicle data and the date and shall be entered in the tachograph or in the recording equipment.
The tachograph or the recording equipment shall be controlled as a separate component by means of a test device, which shall not exceed the maximum deviations:
Distance travelled: ± 1%, relative to 1 000 m,
Speed: ± 3 km/h (up to the measurement range 125 km/h),
Time: ± 2 minutes per day or ± 10 minutes after seven days.
You can create a check diagram as follows:
There are three measuring points after speed display (for example 40, 80, 120 for measuring range 125 km/h).
Line chart It is short-term up to the end point and the test device is after approx. 60 seconds to turn off = timeless waste line.
It is again up to the end point and then write down in three steps with 60 seconds of resination to each measuring point.
The test sheet shall be checked by an evaluator with a magnifying glass. In the case of a non-evaluable recording, the tachograph or the recording equipment shall be repaired, and the inspection shall then be repeated in accordance with point 3.1.3.
The test referred to in point 3.1.3 shall not be required for installation if the test has already been carried out by the equipment manufacturer and has not been completed for more than one year.
Installation tests, inspections and repairs of control equipment referred to in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85
In the case of new or repaired control equipment, the correct operation and accuracy of the indications and records shall be carried out within the limits of the errors set out in points and by the manufacturer or the workshop has been confirmed and must not be re-examined when fitting or entering the vehicle registration mark, but only the tests referred to in point 3.2.3 (c) to (f) shall be carried out.
When fitted to a vehicle, the overall installation (including the recording equipment) shall comply with the requirements of the limits of the errors set out in points and
Periodic review periodic inspections must be carried out for each of the cases listed in point 2. At least:
the proper functioning of the recording equipment, including the storage of data on the tachograph cards,
compliance with the fault limits specified in points and of the device in the installed state,
the presence of the test mark on the recording equipment,
the presence of the installation plate;
the integrity of the plumping of the appliance and of the other components,
the tyre size and the actual tyre circumference.
Part of the verification shall be a calibration according to point 3.3.
Measurement of the display error The measurement of the display errors during installation and during use shall be carried out under the following conditions, which are to be regarded as normal test conditions:
Unladen vehicle in running order,
Tyre pressures according to the manufacturer ' s information,
Tyre wear within the permitted limits of the road traffic permit order,
Movement of the vehicle: The vehicle must move with its own motor power in a straight line on flat terrain and at a speed of 50 ± 5 km/h. The measurement distance must be at least 1 000 m. The test may also be carried out using other methods, such as, for example, on a test bench, provided that a comparable accuracy is ensured.
Error limits
Measurement of the distance travelled
The measurement can be carried out:
as cumulation of forward and reverse driving, or
only when driving forward.
The recording equipment must be able to measure distances of 0 to 9 999 999.9 km.
The simulated distance must be within the following error limits (distances of at least 1 000 m):
± 1% prior to installation,
± 2 per cent of the installation and periodic inspections,
± 4 percent during operation.
The distance measurement must be carried out to a minimum of 0.1 km.
Speed measurement
The recording equipment shall be capable of measuring speeds of 0 to 220 km/h.
In order to ensure a permissible error limit of the displayed speed in the operation of ± 6 km/h and taking into account
an error limit of ± 2 km/h for input deviation (tyre deviation),
an error limit of ± 1 km/h during installation or periodic inspection
the recording equipment shall be able to measure the speed within an error limit of ± 1 km/h (at a constant speed) at speeds of between 20 and 180 km/h and in the case of vehicle travel pulses between 4 000 to 25 000 Imp/km. On the basis of the resolution of the data storage, a further permissible error limit of 0.5 km/h is obtained for the speed stored in the control unit.
The speed measurement must be accurate to at least 1 km/h.
The test procedures and the preparation of the test diagram must be carried out in accordance with the specifications of the control device manufacturer.
Calibration calibration must be performed as follows:
coupling of the path and/or speed sensor to the vehicle unit,
Digital approximation of the constant of the recording equipment (k) to the number of travel pulses (w) of the vehicle (motor vehicles having a plurality of rear axle ratios must be equipped with a switching device, by means of which the various components of the control unit must be equipped with a switching device. The reduction ratios are automatically adjusted to the number of paths for which the device has been tuned),
control and, where appropriate, the setting of the current time (UTC time), if necessary the setting of the current mileage (equipment exchange),
Updating of the identification data stored in the mass storage device of the motion sensor,
Updating or endorsement of the other parameters known to the recording equipment such as:
Vehicle identification:
vehicle characteristics,
Vehicle identification number,
the Member State (country code);
Vehicle characteristics:
Number of pulses (w),
Constant (k),
Tyre circumference (L),
Tyre size,
UTC time,
current mileage,
Value of the regulatory speed of the vehicle prescribed by law.
After calibration, an expression of the technical data on the recording equipment as well as a download of the workshop card data must be created. The calibration protocol must be kept together with the test certificate for three years.
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Annex XVIIIb (to § 57b (3) and (4))
Testing centres for the performance of tachographs and control equipment
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 814)
Testing of tachographs and recording equipment shall be carried out under the same conditions and in accordance with the same technical standards.
Testing of tachographs and recording equipment may only be carried out in places where the equipment, equipment and documents described in this Appendix are available for carrying out the tests (test sites).
Compliance with the regulations applicable to the measuring/testing equipment used shall be ensured by the operator of the examination office. If the rules are not complied with, the carrying out of checks on tachographs and recording equipment shall be inadmissible until the proper condition is restored.
Equipment and equipment As a function of the tests to be carried out by tachographs and recording equipment, there must be a constant presence of:
Basic equipment:
Pit, lifting platform or ramp,
suitable roller test bench or appropriate measuring equipment,
appropriate test equipment for speed and distance measurements as well as for the corresponding inswriting,
appropriate displacement speed measuring instrument,
Evaluation unit with a magnifying glass for the inspection of the show,
Watch tester,
test templates,
Seal and seal signs,
Tyre filling system with calibrated tyre air pressure gauge,
Tools and other measuring instruments according to the instructions of the tachograph or control device manufacturer.
Additional equipment for testing equipment in accordance with Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85:
a workshop card referred to in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85,
means to download the control device data and exchange the mass storage data to the owner of the vehicle in the case of the exchange of equipment;
an appropriate test equipment for the programming of the equipment parameters referred to in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85;
a facility for the electronic archiving and assurance of the audit data on the audits carried out.
The stored examination data, the papermaking facilities, the workshop cards as well as the forms for confirmation of the impossibility of downloading the data are to be protected by appropriate measures against unauthorized access and theft.
The following documents shall be prepared and kept up to date for the ongoing information of the responsible experts set up for carrying out the examination:
the provisions of the road traffic permit system in the current version, which are relevant for the conduct of tachographs and control equipment tests;
the guidelines published in the Official Gazette of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of the Federal Republic of Germany, which are required for the conduct of the examination,
Technical data and test lines of the relevant tachographs and recording equipment, and
an overview of the training of the experts used for the examination, indicating the type of training and the date on which the training of the relevant specialist must be carried out at the latest.
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Annex XVIIIc (to § 57b (3) and (4))
Recognition of tachographs or control equipment manufacturers and of vehicle manufacturers or vehicle importers for carrying out tests
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 815-816;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
The recognition of tachograph or recording equipment manufacturers for the carrying out of tests in general and of vehicle manufacturers or vehicle importers for the purpose of carrying out the installation tests of tachographs and recording equipment shall be the responsibility of the the supreme state authority, or the bodies designated by it or by national law.
Recognition may be granted
to carry out the tests by the applicant himself,
for control equipment manufacturers, also for the commissioning of motor vehicle workshops which carry out the tests. Lässt the applicant must carry out the tests by means of motor vehicle workshops which he has commissioned, he must demonstrate that he is has ensured that the workshops are in accordance with the conditions laid down in Annex XVIIIb and in Annex XVIIId, points 2 and 3, and that the tests are carried out properly. A motor vehicle repair shop which is already authorised for the testing of recording equipment and tachographs in accordance with Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85, provided that it meets the necessary conditions for equipment, training and safety, in order to carry out the testing of control equipment in accordance with Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 from the manufacturer of tachographs to date, or to the manufacturer. Where an extension is requested by a motor vehicle repair shop, it shall be granted only if the conditions for checking the test equipment for control equipment listed in Annex I and Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 are fulfilled. The manufacturer must not commission a workshop which has already been recognised by a certification body under Annex XVIIId or whose recognition has been permanently withdrawn due to failure to comply with the relevant provisions.
In order to be recognised, the tachograph or recording equipment manufacturer must demonstrate that it holds a general type-approval for tachographs in accordance with Article 22a of this Regulation or of an EC component type-approval for control equipment in accordance with the Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85.
For the purposes of this Annex, vehicle importers, such as vehicle manufacturers, may be recognised for the purpose of the installation test if they are to be tested on vehicles which have been manufactured outside the scope of the road transport authorisation system for the particular purpose of the vehicle. Vehicle manufacturers carry out the installation test.
General requirements
The prerequisite for recognition is that the applicant, in the case of legal persons, the persons empowered to represent them by law or by statute, as well as the persons responsible for carrying out checks on tachographs and recording equipment Professionals are personally reliable. A certificate of management and an extract from the travel register shall be submitted in each case.
Recognition for carrying out the tests by the applicant may be granted if it proves that it meets the requirements of Annex XVIIId, excluding point 2.2, and has at least one inspection body according to Annex XVIIIb.
The recognition may be subject to conditions necessary to ensure that the tests are carried out properly and that the security is carried out in accordance with Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) Annex I B No 3821/85.
Withdrawal of recognition The recognition shall be withdrawn if, in the case of its grant, one of the conditions set out in point 2 has not been fulfilled. The withdrawal can be waited if the defect no longer exists.
Revocation of recognition The recognition shall be revoked if any of the conditions set out in point 2 have subsequently been taken away. It shall also be revoked if the applicant has deliberately or grossly negligently failed to comply with the rules governing the conduct of the tests, if the tests were not carried out properly, the security provided for in Annex 10 of the Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 is not guaranteed or if the conditions attached to the recognition have not been complied with. The recognition may be revoked if no use has been made of it within six months.
The recognition body shall exercise the supervision of the recognised undertakings. At least every two years, the Commission shall examine or verify that:
whether the obligations arising from recognition are fulfilled, in particular with regard to the safety measures taken and the handling of workshop cards;
whether the tests, calibrations and fittings of the tachographs and recording equipment carried out by the applicant have been properly carried out, documented and demonstrated, and
the extent to which the recognition has been made use of.
In the case of at least 10 per cent of the recognised companies, the tests must be carried out unannounced. The tests must be documented.
The persons responsible for the examination shall be entitled to enter land and business premises of the holder of the recognition during business and business hours, to carry out examinations and inspections there and to record the required records. See. The holder of the recognition shall accept these measures, where necessary, to assist the persons responsible and, if so requested, to submit the required records. He has to bear the cost of the examination.
Final determinations The manufacturers of tachographs or control equipment approved for carrying out the test, as well as recognised vehicle manufacturers and importers, shall have all the changes which may affect their recognition, the The recognition office shall be notified immediately and unsolicly.
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Annex XVIIId (to § 57b (3) and (4))
Recognition of motor vehicle workshops for the performance of examinations and training of the experts responsible for the examination
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 817-819;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
The recognition of motor vehicle repair shops for carrying out checks on tachographs and recording equipment shall be the responsibility of the competent supreme state authority, or the bodies designated by it or by national law (the recognition office). These may delegate the power to the local and technically competent motor vehicle innings. The recognition centre shall not recognise a workshop which has already been entrusted by a recognised tachograph or recording equipment manufacturer in accordance with Annex XVIIIc or whose recognition is permanent in respect of the failure to comply with relevant provisions has been withdrawn.
A directive in the Official Journal of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Transport is published in the Official Journal of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Tourism for the training and retraining courses required under point 2.5 and for the procedure for the recognition of motor vehicle workshops. Infrastructure of the Federal Republic of Germany-published.
The recognition referred to in point 1.1 and the fulfilment of the personal conditions set out in point 2 shall be the basis for the allocation of the workshop cards. The workshop card is personalized with the data of the motor vehicle workshop as well as the specialist responsible for carrying out the examination. In the event of omission of the test authority of the motor vehicle workshop or of a responsible specialist or when a person responsible is left out of the company and in the event of non-compliance with the retraining period laid down in point 2.5, the following shall be: return the affected workshop cards to the issuing body by the motor vehicle repair shop.
Personal requirements for the recognition of motor vehicle workshops
The applicant, in the case of legal persons who are represented by law or statutes for the representation of persons, as well as the experts responsible for carrying out examinations of tachographs and recording equipment, must be personally reliable. and submit a certificate of management and an extract from the register of travel owners.
The applicant must prove, by submitting a certificate from the local Chamber of Crafts, the registration in the Craft Role, that he or the Head of Operations thus fulfils the conditions laid down in the Craft Regulations. the self-employed commercial execution of such work, which is necessary to remedy the shortcomings identified in carrying out checks on tachographs and control equipment.
The applicant must demonstrate that he/she is engaged in carrying out tests on tachographs and equipment responsible for control equipment. These must be named by the applicant in particular.
The applicant must demonstrate that the experts responsible for carrying out tests on tachographs and recording equipment are required to provide adequate training and experience in the field of motor vehicle technology , where the responsible experts
A successful final examination in one of the following training occupations must be proven:
Motor vehicle mechanic,
Motor vehicle triker,
Automobile mechanic,
Motor vehicle mechatronics technician,
Mechanic for bodywork maintenance technology,
bodywork and vehicle manufacturers,
Bodywork and Vehicle Mechanic,
Metalworkers, specialising in vehicle construction,
Metalworkers, specialising in commercial vehicle construction,
Agricultural machinery mechanic,
land and construction machinery mechanic, or
a successful master's examination in one of the following occupations must be proven:
Motor vehicle mechanic craft,
Motor vehicle triker craft,
Motor vehicle technology craft,
Bodywork and vehicle-building trades,
Metal-builder-craft (specialising in vehicle construction),
Metal-builder trades (main focus on commercial vehicle construction),
agricultural mechanic-craft or
as Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing. (FH) or Ing. (degree.) in the field of mechanical engineering, vehicle technology, electrical engineering or aerospace technology/aircraft technology must demonstrate:
at least three years of activity in the motor vehicle sector (investigation, testing, maintenance and repair), or
a final examination in the above-mentioned training occupations.
In addition, the staff responsible for carrying out checks on tachographs and recording equipment shall be required to provide training in accordance with the relevant state of the art of the tachographs and recording equipment to be tested, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Number 8 have been successfully completed, with a maximum period of 36 months for repeat training, starting with the month and year in which a final examination after a first-time training or an initial examination is completed. Recurrence training has been filed. If the time limit is exceeded by more than two months, it is necessary to carry out initial training instead of a repeat training.
The applicant must demonstrate that the test laboratory designated by him is in accordance with the requirements of Annex XVIIIb.
The recognition is not transferable.
Handling of the workshop card
The motor vehicle repair shop and the person designated for the management of the shops are responsible for the proper use of the workshop card. It has the responsibility of lecturing the responsible experts annually. The lecturing is to be recorded in writing.
The motor vehicle repair shop shall ensure that the workshop card is not used in an abusive way or by unauthorised persons. It may only be used by the competent specialist to which it is issued. It must be kept safe within the workshop and protected against unauthorised access and may only be carried out outside the workshop for the proper use, as far as this is necessary in specific cases. Loss or theft of the workshop card shall be notified immediately to the issuing authority or body. The same applies if the skilled person in charge of the workshop card dissolves their employment relationship and the motor vehicle repair shop cannot procure the card. The motor vehicle workshop has to prove that it is not possible for it to recover the workshop card.
For control purposes, the motor vehicle workshop shall provide continuous proof of the respective use of the workshop cards issued to the skilled workers responsible. For this purpose, the data present in the memory chip of the workshop cards must be regularly copied to a data carrier. The data shall be stored for at least three years.
The recognition may be subject to conditions necessary to ensure that the tests are carried out properly and that the security is carried out in accordance with Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) Annex I B No 3821/85.
Withdrawal of recognition The recognition shall be withdrawn if, in the case of its grant, one of the conditions set out in point 2 has not been fulfilled. The withdrawal can be waited if the defect no longer exists.
Revocation of recognition The recognition shall be revoked if one of the conditions set out in paragraph 2 has not been met. It shall also be revoked if the motor vehicle repair shop has deliberately or grossly negligently failed to comply with the rules for carrying out the tests, if the tests have not been carried out properly, the safety after installation 10 of Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 is not guaranteed or if the conditions attached to the recognition have not been complied with. The recognition may be revoked if no use has been made of it within six months.
The recognition body shall exercise the supervision of the recognised motor vehicle workshops. At least every two years, the Commission shall examine or verify that:
whether the obligations arising from recognition are fulfilled, in particular with regard to the safety measures taken and the handling of workshop cards;
whether the tests, calibrations and internals of tachographs and recording equipment carried out by the applicant have been properly carried out, documented and demonstrated,
the extent to which the recognition has been made, and
whether the training provided for in paragraph 8 is carried out.
In the case of at least 10 per cent of the recognised motor vehicle workshops, the tests must be carried out unannounced. The tests must be documented.
The persons responsible for the examination shall be entitled to enter land and business premises of the holder of the recognition during business and business hours, to carry out examinations and inspections there and to record the required records. See. The holder of the recognition shall accept these measures, where necessary, to assist the persons responsible and, if so requested, to submit the required records. He has to bear the cost of the examination.
Training of responsible experts
The training referred to in point 2.5 may be carried out by:
manufacturer of tachographs or recording equipment,
bodies authorised by a manufacturer of tachographs or control equipment and suitable for such training; or
Training centres of the craft sector authorised by the Federal Association of the Interior of the Motor Vehicle and suitable for such training.
Training sites shall be reported to the local supreme state authorities, or to the bodies designated by them or competent under national law, including the recruitment of training activities.
The training, compulsory retraining, training content and training of training centres must be in accordance with the Directive which is known in accordance with point 1.2. The training courses must be carried out across devices and manufacturers.
The control equipment and cards used in the training of equipment referred to in Annex I B to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 shall be equipped with special test keys for the purpose of security risks such as theft and any unauthorised access to the equipment. To exclude further use of training cards.
Supervision of the recognition procedure and the training
The supervision of the recognition offices and the recognition procedure shall be the responsibility of the competent supreme state authority or the bodies designated by it or competent by national law. Point 7.2 shall apply accordingly.
The supervision of the training is the responsibility of the competent supreme state authority or the establishment appointed by it or by the law of the country. The persons responsible for the examination are authorized to do so, and the premises and premises of the persons responsible for the training are subject to the To enter training centres during business and business hours, to carry out examinations and visits, and to check the required records. The holder or head of the training centre shall be required to take these measures, to the extent necessary to assist the authorised persons in the process, and to present the required records upon request. The training centre shall bear the costs of the examination.
Final provisions
Changes in recognised motor vehicle workshops which may affect their recognition shall be notified by them to the recognition office unsolicly.
Changes in training centres which may have an impact on the implementation of the training shall be notified unsolicly to the authorities responsible under point 8.2.
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Annex XIX (Section 19 (3) (4))
Part Reports
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 820;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
Part Reports/Technical Service or Examination Office
A part report shall be the opinion of a technical service or an inspection body on the conformity of a vehicle with the proper fitting or installation of the inspected parts. A Part Report shall include the area of use of the reviewed parts and the necessary information for the acceptance of the cultivation by the officially recognised expert or auditor for the transport of motor vehicles or by a Motor vehicle experts or employees referred to in point 4 of Annex VIIIb, as well as obligations and restrictions.
The technical service or test laboratory is a test laboratory accredited in accordance with the DIN EN 45 001 standard (May 1990 edition) or accredited in accordance with the standards DIN EN 45 001 (May 1990) and DIN EN 45 002 (May 1990). You may draw up part reports in accordance with Section 1.1 on the basis of tests and test types for which they are accredited or recognised.
The technical services and inspection bodies have, in the preparation of part reports, made the "sample catalogue of changes to vehicles and their effects on vehicles, published in the traffic bulletin with the agreement of the competent supreme state authorities". 'to use vehicles' to use vehicles '.
The technical services and inspection bodies have to make the part reports prepared by them available to the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt) according to its specifications for a central collection.
Quality assurance system
The validity and the preparation of a part report as referred to in point 1.1 shall require the manufacturer of these parts to demonstrate that he has a quality assurance system with regard to the production of these parts in his production, which system shall: the harmonized standard DIN EN ISO 9002 (August 1994 edition) or equivalent to an equivalent standard. The part report must indicate the existence of a corresponding proof. As a manufacturer within the meaning of the first sentence, the person or body responsible for all matters relating to the inspection of parts in accordance with Section 19 in connection with Annex XIX and for ensuring conformity of production shall be deemed to be the person or body responsible for the technical service concerned. is responsible.
The proof referred to in point 2.1 may be furnished by the fact that this quality system shall be provided by a notified body in accordance with module D (QS production) of the Council Decision of 13 December 1990 on the technical Harmonisation Directives to be used for the various stages of conformity assessment procedures (90/683/EEC) (OJ L 206, 22.7.1990, p. 13), which certifies and supervises the establishment and use of quality assurance systems in accordance with 2.1 certification in accordance with the standards EN 45 012 (September 1989) and EN 45 002 (issue May 1990) is accredited (certification body for quality assurance systems). The accreditation of certification bodies issued by another Member State remains untouched.
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Appendix XX (dropped)
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Annex XXI (Article 49 (3))
Criteria for noise-free motor vehicles
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 822-824)
General noise-related vehicles are vehicles in which all noise-relevant individual sources correspond to the state of modern noise abatation technology.
Noise limits The state of modern noise reduction technology is given for heavy goods vehicles with a permissible gross vehicle weight of more than 2.8 tonnes if the following values are complied with or fallen below different limit values according to performance classes:
Table 1
Engine performance
less than 75 kWof 75 kW up to less than 150 kW150 kW or more
Driving noise |
77 dB (A) |
78 dB (A) |
80 dB (A) |
Engine brake noise 1) |
77 dB (A) |
78 dB (A) |
80 dB (A) |
Compressed air noise 1) |
72 dB (A) |
72 dB (A) |
72 dB (A) |
All-round noise 2) |
77 dB (A) |
78 dB (A) |
80 dB (A) |
If appropriate braking devices are present.
Enfalls with electric drive.
During an introductory period until 31 December 1987 vehicles shall also be considered to be noise-related, the noise emissions of which shall exceed the values of Table 1 by up to 2 dB (A). Stationary heating, air conditioning systems, garbage drums shall only be considered to be noise-related if it is determined by means of an additional test that these noise sources also correspond to the state of modern noise abatation technology. This is generally considered to be fulfilled if the noise of the additional units in their most noisy operating state is not less than 65 dB (A) at a distance of 7 m and has no sound-or pulse-like noise character. For additional units, the state of modern noise reduction technology can be defined by individual directives.
Noise measurement procedure
Driving noise The driving noise shall be determined on the measuring section of Figure 1 at a distance of 7.5 m from the centre of the lane at an accelerated distance from the centre of the lane in accordance with the Directive referred to in Article 49 (2) (1), with the following deviation: The necessary upshift of the gears from X/2 is to be ended in the gear in which the maximum permissible engine speed (for example, speed of speed) is no longer achieved for the first time in the case of the line BB 'crossing the line BB' .
Engine braking noise The measurement is carried out on the measuring section according to Figure 1 on both sides of the loaded vehicle. In this case, the gear stage in which the speed of the vehicle at the rated power speed of the motor is closest at 40 km/h is to be inserted. From the speed corresponding to the rated power speed, the motor brake is fully switched on when the line AA 'is crossed, and the highest A sound level at the measuring points during the passage between the lines AA' and BB ' is measured.
Figure 1Marking of the measuring section for measuring the driving noise
All-round noise The measurement is carried out on the standing vehicle according to Figure 2 at eight measuring points at 7 m distance from the vehicle outline and in 1.2 m higher. Prior to the measurement, the engine is to be brought to normal operating temperature. The measurement should be performed at the following Operating condition to be performed: The gas foot lever is to be operated in a shock manner to such an extent that the speed of rotation is in each case briefly reached (acceleration shock). For each of the eight measuring points, the highest A sound level occurring in this case is obtained. ermittelt.Lässt does not have a certain speed of adjustment for engine technical reasons The speed is initially kept constant at 3/4 of the rated power speed and then lowered to idling speed as quickly as possible. For each of the eight measuring points, the highest A sound level will be achieved. , which occurs during a short compliance with the above-mentioned constant speed and the time for the speed drop. When using this measurement method, the limit values for the all-round noise are to be set lower by 5 dB (A) in comparison with the values from Table 1.
Figure 2 Location of the measuring points for the measurement of the all-round noise
Compressed air noise The measurement is carried out at the standing vehicle in measuring points 2 and 6 in accordance with Figure 2.Submitted the highest A sound level of the pressure regulator blow-off noise and the ventilation noise after operation of the operating and operating conditions. Parking brake. The pressure regulator blow-off noise is determined when the engine is idling. The ventilation noise is determined when the operating and parking brake is actuated, and before each measurement the compressed air system to the highest operating pressure is determined. and the engine will be shut down.
Evaluation of results The measurements are carried out twice for all measuring points. In order to take into account the inaccuracies of the measuring instruments, the value which was read at the device and reduced by 1 dB (A) is considered as the measurement result. The measurement results shall be considered valid if the difference of the measurements made at the same measuring point does not exceed 2 dB (A). The test result is the highest measurement result of all measuring points described in points 2.2.1 to 2.2.4 respectively. If this value exceeds the permissible limit value by 1 dB (A), two further measurements shall be carried out for the corresponding measurement point. In this case, three of the four measurement results must be within the prescribed limit values.
The provisions of the Directive referred to in Article 49 (2) (1) shall apply in respect of the measuring instruments and all acoustic boundary conditions in the measurement.
Annex XXI footn. 2) italic print: should be right "Entprecipitated"
Unofficial table of contents
Appendix XXII (omitted)
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XXIII (to § 47)
Measures to be taken against air pollution by gases and particles of motor vehicles with spark-ignition engines and compression-ignition engines (definition of non-polluting passenger cars)
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 826-887)
0 |
Content Summary |
1 |
Rules for obtaining type-approval |
1.1 |
Scope |
1.2 |
Definitions |
1.3 |
Requirements |
1.4 |
Application for the granting of type-approval |
1.5 |
Approval procedure |
1.6 |
Changes to approved vehicle types and maintenance plan |
1.7 |
Checks |
1.8 |
Verification of compliance with the rules in production and during the life of the vehicle |
1.9 |
(dropped) |
1.10 |
Approval Authority |
1.11 |
Communication on the examination |
1.12 |
Recognition of examinations in other countries |
2 |
Criteria for the extension of the type-approval, description of the vehicle, main characteristics of the engine, maintenance plan |
2.1 |
Criteria for the extension of type-approval |
2.2 |
Description of the vehicle, main characteristics of the engine, the emission-reducing and -relevant components of the vehicle type for which the type-approval is requested |
2.3 |
Maintenance plan for the emission-reducing and -relevant components |
3 |
Carrying out the tests of gaseous and particulate pollutants |
3.1 |
Introduction |
3.2 |
Overview of the tests |
3.2.1 |
Preparation |
3.2.2 |
Exhaust emissions test |
3.2.3 |
Testing of evaporative emissions |
3.3 |
Test vehicle and fuel |
3.3.1 |
Test vehicle |
3.3.2 |
Additional devices on the test vehicle |
3.3.3 |
Fuel |
3.4 |
Test Facilities |
3.4.1 |
Chassis dynamometer |
3.4.2 |
Exhaust gas and particle extraction equipment |
3.4.3 |
Equipment for the determination of evaporative emissions |
3.4.4 |
Analyzers |
3.4.5 |
Volume Measurement |
3.4.6 |
Gases |
3.4.7 |
Additional measuring instruments |
3.4.8 |
Exhaust gas sampling system |
3.5 |
Preparation of the tests |
3.5.1 |
Adaptation of the equivalent swing masses to the translatory moving masses of the vehicle |
3.5.2 |
Setting of the brake on the test bench |
3.5.3 |
Preparation of the measuring equipment |
3.5.4 |
Preparation of the vehicle |
3.6 |
Emissions tests |
3.6.1 |
General provisions |
3.6.2 |
Vehicles with spark-ignition engines | |
General to the test case | |
Testing of tankatability losses | |
Exhaust emissions test | |
Testing of evaporative emissions during hot shut-off |
3.6.3 |
Vehicles with compression-ignition engines | |
General to the test case | |
Exhaust emissions test |
3.6.4 |
Examination in accordance with § 47a |
3.7 |
Gas, particulate extraction, analysis |
3.7.1 |
Sampling |
3.7.2 |
Analysis |
3.7.3 |
Determination of the quantity of air pollutants emitted and particulate matter emitted |
3.8 |
Driving curves for the determination of average emission levels |
3.8.1 |
General |
3.8.2 |
Allowed Deviations |
3.8.3 |
Use of the gearbox |
3.8.4 |
Further information on driving the travel curves |
3.9 |
Chassis dynamometer |
3.9.1 |
Procedure for calibration of the chassis dynamometer | |
General | |
Calibration of the performance indication in dependence on the performance recorded |
3.9.2 |
Driving resistance of a vehicle | |
General | |
Description of the road | |
Metereological conditions | |
Condition and preparation of the test vehicle | |
Measurement procedure for the energy change in the run-out test | |
Measurement method for torque at constant speed |
3.9.3 |
Testing of the total flyweight of the chassis dynamometer in electrical simulation | |
General | |
Principle | |
Rules | |
Control procedures | |
Technical note |
3.10 |
Description of the gas and particle removal systems |
3.10.1 |
Introduction |
3.10.2 |
Criteria for the system with variable dilution during measurement of gas and particulate air pollutants in the exhaust gas |
3.10.3 |
Description of the systems |
3.10.4 |
Determination of mass emissions |
3.11 |
Calibration procedures for the devices |
3.11.1 |
Creation of the analyser's calibration curve |
3.11.2 |
Checking the effectiveness of the NOx converter |
3.11.3 |
Calibration of the removal system with a constant volume (CVS-System) |
3.11.4 |
Review of the overall system |
3.12 |
Calibration of the measuring chamber and calculation of evaporative emissions |
3.12.1 |
Calibration of the gas-tight chamber for the determination of evaporative emissions |
3.12.2 |
Calculation of evaporative emissions |
3.13 |
Calculation of the emitted quantities of gaseous and particulate air pollutants |
3.13.1 |
General |
3.13.2 |
Volume provisions |
3.13.3 |
Calculation of the corrected concentration of air-contaminating gases in the collection bag |
3.13.4 |
Calculation of the humidity correction factor for NO |
3.13.5 |
Determination of the mean CH concentration in compression ignition engines |
4 |
Determination of the deterioration factor and the deterioration value |
4.1 |
General |
4.2 |
Carrying out the continuous running test |
4.3 |
Calculation |
4.4 |
Final Report |
5 |
Test fuel specification |
5.1 |
Technical data of the test fuel for the testing of vehicles with positive-ignition engines |
5.2 |
Technical data of the test fuel for the testing of vehicles with compression-ignition engines |
5.3 |
Test fuel for the testing of LPG vehicles with spark ignition engines |
6 |
Form: Communication on type-approval |
Annex I |
Vehicle description according to Appendix XXIII |
Annex II |
Main characteristics of the engine and information on the carrying out of the tests in accordance with Annex XXIII |
Rules for obtaining type-approval
Application Area This plant regulates the permissible emissions of air pollutants and particles of
Passenger cars and
Mobile homes with a maximum authorised mass of not more than 2 800 kg with spark-ignition engines (gasoline engines) and compression-ignition engines (diesel engines), having at least four wheels, a maximum authorised mass of at least 400 kg and a maximum permissible mass of at least 400 kg Maximum design speed of at least 50 km/h.
Exhaust emissions: air pollutants emitted by the engine through the exhaust port through the exhaust system into the atmosphere.
Reference mass: empty mass plus 136 kg.
Emission-reducing components: components which are incorporated into the vehicle for the purpose of reducing emissions of air pollutants and particles.
Emission-relevant components: components of the vehicle, which have direct or indirect influence on the exhaust gas, evaporation and crankcase emissions.
The life of the vehicle for the purposes of this Appendix is a journey of 80 000 km or a useful life of five years.
Vehicle type includes vehicles that do not differ significantly in their design and construction.
The total mass shall be the maximum mass of the vehicle prescribed by the manufacturer.
Fuel system is the total of all fuel-carrying parts such as fuel tank (s), fuel pump, fuel lines, carburetor or injection systems. It comprises all the associated openings as well as all components for preventing or reducing evaporation emissions.
Crankcase is the totality of all the spaces that are present in the engine or outside the engine and which are connected by internal and external connections to the oil sump.
Crankcase emissions are gases or vapors that can escape into the atmosphere from any part of the crankcase.
Empty mass is the mass of the ready-to-use vehicle without driver, passengers or cargo, with full fuel tank and other full fuel supply containers, with a standard on-board tool and with a standard spare wheel.
Air pollutants are carbon monoxide (CO), sum of hydrocarbons (CH; expressed as CH1.85), and sum of nitrogen oxides (NOx; expressed as NO2).
Air-contaminating particles are exhaust gas constituents which are separated at a temperature of not more than 52 ° C in the diluted exhaust gas with filters corresponding to point 3.
Tankatability losses: evaporative emissions from the fuel tank (s) generated by the fluctuations of ambient temperatures.
Evaporative emissions: evaporative emissions describe the hydrocarbons emitted from a motor vehicle to the atmosphere, which are not exhaust gas and crankcase emissions. They result from the addition of tankatability losses, emissions during the hot-setting phase and emissions during vehicle operation (travel curve I).
Degradation factor (dimensionless) for exhaust emissions: fv = exhaust emissions at 80 000 km divided by exhaust gas emissions at 6 400 km.
Evaporative emission: fD = evaporation emission value at 80 000 km minus evaporation value at 6 400 km.
Requirements The manufacturer must ensure, by means of appropriate measures, that the vehicles have the lowest possible emissions of air pollutants and particles during their entire service life. The effectiveness of the mitigation measures must be ensured in the whole speed range. The manufacturer must demonstrate and ensure that the limit values for air-contaminating gases and particles referred to in point 1.7 above a distance of 80 000 km or an operating period of five years (whichever is the first) ) in the case of proper maintenance, which is to comply with the maintenance plan to be submitted to the application for the granting of the type-approval, and in the case of the operation of the vehicle with unleaded fuel. Emission-reducing and emission-related components must be made during the lifetime of the vehicle , and in the speed ranges that occur, the individual tests described in points 1.7 and 1.8 shall be used to demonstrate:
Testing of the gaseous and particulate emissions of test vehicles according to point 1.7 (type test) by the technical service. This shall be supplemented by the deterioration factors determined in accordance with point 1.4.2.
Regular monitoring of compliance with the requirements of production in accordance with point (series testing) by the manufacturer, supplemented by sample series tests carried out by the approval authority in accordance with point by the manufacturer Technical service.
Application for the granting of type-approval
The application for the type-approval of exhaust gas and evaporative emission behaviour shall be submitted by the manufacturer or his authorised representative to the documents and declarations listed in point 2.2. Type-approval for exhaust gas and evaporative emission behaviour may be extended to other types of vehicles at the request of the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall submit to the approval authority the documents required for the assessment. The Authority shall decide on this on the basis of the criteria set out in point 2.1.
The manufacturer shall submit all the test data of the approval authority which has been determined in accordance with the test requirements for the life of the vehicle as described in point 4. The purpose of this data is to demonstrate to the manufacturer that the emission-reducing and relevant components of the test vehicles maintain their function in order to comply with the applicable emission limit values over the service life of the vehicles. Where a continuous operation (point 4) is carried out, all maintenance work must be documented and submitted. The manufacturer must also demonstrate that the facilities for reducing evaporative emissions are carried out in such a way as to ensure that: At the request of the manufacturer, the approval authority may rely on proof of compliance with the emission limit values in the course of a continuous operation. if the manufacturer has made it credible that the test vehicle is in force Limit values for air-contaminating gases and particulates over the life span. In the event of non-submission of the respective deterioration factor determined in the continuous run, a deterioration factor in the exhaust emissions of 1.3 and a deterioration value in the case of the exhaust gas emissions shall be the case for the decision on compliance with the limit values. Evaporative emissions of 0.3 g/test. In the case of an annual production of less than 10 000 vehicles per type of vehicle, including the types of vehicles to which the permit is extended, the following deterioration factors shall apply, respectively. -values provided that no deterioration factors are presented in the continuous run:
Exhaust Purification System Deterioration-
CHCONOxparticle Evaporative Emission
1. |
Spark-ignition engine with oxidation catalytic converter |
1.3 |
1.2 |
1.0 |
- |
0.0 |
2. |
Spark-ignition engine without catalytic converter |
1.3 |
1.2 |
1.0 |
- |
0.0 |
3. |
Spark-ignition engine with three-way catalytic converter |
1.3 |
1.2 |
1.1 |
- |
0.0 |
4. |
Diesel engines |
1.0 |
1.1 |
1.0 |
1.2 |
- |
The approval authority shall examine the completeness and plausibility of the application documents submitted by the manufacturer before the approval procedure described below under points 1.5 to 1.7 is initiated.
Approval procedures The approval authority shall select the test vehicles on the basis of the documents submitted in the application. The test vehicles selected shall be submitted to the Technical Service, which shall carry out the procedure described in point 3 below. Exams are commissioned. The tests take place at the Technical Service. At the manufacturer ' s request, the tests may be carried out by the manufacturer, if the test results obtained do not show any systematic deviations from those of the technical service. The characteristics according to which the extension of the Type-approval for exhaust gas and evaporative emission behaviour to other types of vehicles shall be described in point 2.1. In this case, two test vehicles shall be selected by the approval authority in accordance with the following criteria:
Test vehicle: vehicle type, which can be expected to have the highest emissions.
Test vehicle: Not necessary for the determination of evaporative emissions. Vehicle type, which has the highest test mass.
If several vehicle types have the same test mass, a test vehicle is selected among these types of vehicles, which has the highest driving resistance on the road at 80 km/h. If several vehicle types have the same driving resistance, then a test vehicle having the largest displacement capacity is selected among these vehicle types. If, in turn, several vehicle types have the same engine capacity, then a test vehicle is selected among these vehicle types, which has the highest total transmission ratio of the drive train. If the type of vehicle selected in this way also allows the highest emissions to be expected at the same time, and is thus already determined as the first test vehicle, then in the selection of the second test vehicle, further according to the above criteria catalog. If the selected second test vehicle is also identical to the first test vehicle, the approval authority shall select a different test vehicle. If the test vehicles selected in this way have the exhaust emission performance of the requested test vehicles, the test vehicles selected for the test vehicle are to be tested for the test vehicle. If the vehicle type is not sufficiently representative, the approval authority may issue another The test of exhaust emissions in the context of the procedure for the granting of a type-approval comprises driving tests of the driving curves I and II on the chassis dynamometer. In this case, the mass of the gas and particulate air impurities contained in the exhaust gases must be determined. Subsequently, the test is carried out in accordance with § 47a. The examination of evaporative emissions under the procedure for the granting of a type-approval is carried out in vehicles with spark-ignition. The test results obtained on a test vehicle show that the limit values for air-contaminating gases and particles referred to in point 1.7 are shown in the test results. , the manufacturer may request a repeat of the test for the test vehicle which has not been passed. In this case, only the results of the re-examination will be introduced for the granting of the type-approval. The values for the exhaust and evaporative emissions determined in the tests shall be part of the approval authority. Approval authority shall decide, on the basis of the emission values measured by the technical service, in the light of the deterioration factors and values, whether the limit values for air pollutants referred to in point 1.7 are complied with. . For this purpose, the measured exhaust gas and particulate emission values are multiplied by the respective deterioration factors; the deterioration value is added to the measured evaporative emission value.
Changes to approved vehicle types and the maintenance plan of the manufacturer to modify emission-relevant or reducing components shall be notified to the approval authority. The authority shall decide whether a re-examination is necessary. Any proposed changes to the maintenance plan of emission-related and reducing components shall also be submitted to the approval authority for approval.
The tests shall be carried out in accordance with Section 3. Vehicles for which a type-approval is requested in accordance with point 1.5 must comply with the following limit values for the emissions of the gaseous air pollutants, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides over their lifetime:
Travel curve I according to point 3.8
Carbon monoxide (CO):
2.1 g/km
Hydrocarbons (CH):
0.25 g/km
Oxides of nitrogen (NOx):
0.62 g/km
Driving curve II in accordance with point 3.8The effectiveness of the mitigation measure must be maintained at higher speeds. This shall also be deemed to be proven if the following limit values are complied with in the test according to the driving curve II *) :
Oxides of nitrogen (NOx):
0.76 g/km
Vehicles with compression-ignition engines must also keep limit values for the emissions of particulate air pollutants over their life cycle.
0.124 g/km
Vehicles with a spark ignition engine must also keep the following limit on evaporative emissions over their lifetime.
Hydrocarbon (CH):
2.0 g/test
Emissions of gaseous air pollutants from the crankcase of vehicles with spark-ignition (gasoline engines). From the ventilation system of the crankcase, emissions of gaseous air pollutants (hydrocarbons) must not escape.
Verification of compliance with the rules in production and during the life of the vehicle
The limit values for air-polluting gases and particulates set out in point 1.7 of this Directive must be complied with in the event of proper maintenance and operation of the vehicle with unleaded fuel in respect of the life of the vehicle. The operability of the emission-reducing and emission-relevant components must be given during the life of the vehicle. Compliance with these provisions shall be demonstrated and ensured in the implementation of the series tests described below and in the case of a verification of the emission performance of vehicles on the market.
Conformity of production (serial inspection)
Serial testing by the manufacturer The manufacturer shall, on its own responsibility, take a sample of the vehicles of a vehicle type produced according to statistical selection criteria to the following extent: in the case of an annual production per vehicle type of vehicle, the following shall be taken into consideration:
a) |
≥ 20 000 |
-1 Promille of production |
b) |
≥ 2 000 < 20 000 |
-five vehicles per quarter |
c) |
< 2 000 |
-four vehicles a year. |
In the case of an annual production of less than 100 vehicles per type of vehicle, the production test shall be omitted from the manufacturer. The vehicles taken from the production shall be tested for exhaust emissions in accordance with the driving curves I and II, and shall be subject to the following conditions: § 47a. The emissions of gaseous and particulate air pollutants shall not exceed the limit values set out in point 1.7, taking account of the factors and values of deterioration. if
more than 70 per cent of the vehicles in the sample are below the permissible limit values, taking into account the deterioration factors and values, and
the sample tested meets the following conditions:
x + k-S ≤ L |
x: |
The respective arithmetic mean of emissions of gaseous and particulate air pollutants |
L: |
permitted limit, taking into account the respective deterioration factors and values |
S: |
Standard deviation  |
n: |
Number of tests |
k: |
statistical factor that depends on n and is given in the table below |
xi: |
Measurement of emissions of gaseous air pollutants |
N |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
K |
0.973 |
0.613 |
0.489 |
0.421 |
0.376 |
0.342 |
N |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
K |
0.317 |
0.296 |
0.279 |
0.265 |
0.253 |
0.242 |
N |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
K |
0.233 |
0.224 |
0.216 |
0.210 |
0.203 |
0.198 |
if n ≥ 20, |
The manufacturer must, at the request of the approval authority, submit the following data at the request of the approval authority, in accordance with the test carried out by the manufacturer:
Number of vehicles of a vehicle type produced
Number of tested vehicles of a vehicle type
Description and description of vehicles tested
a full list of the emission results of each vehicle tested and of the test equipment used.
The documents submitted shall be marked with the date, place of the test and mileage of the test vehicle by the competent authority designated by the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall ensure that the emission values transmitted represent, in accordance with his best knowledge, the average emission performance of the series.
Serial testing by the Technical Service The approval authority may, in justified cases, allow sample tests to be carried out in the same way to monitor the emissions behaviour of the vehicles from production by the technical service. The tests shall be carried out with the Technical Service. The vehicle (s) taken from the series shall be subject to the exhaust emissions test according to the driving curve I and II and to § 47a. The approval authority may also be responsible for the Testing of evaporative emissions in accordance with point 3.6.2 shall be carried out. If the above limit values are not met by this vehicle (s) of the first sample, the manufacturer shall be free to carry out sample measurements further from the Production taken from vehicles, the sample being the (the) the originally tested vehicle (s) must be included. The vehicles shall be subjected to the same tests. The size of the sample is determined by the manufacturer. The selection of vehicles shall be carried out by the approval authority. In this case, the manufacturer must bear the costs of the extended test. The series test shall be deemed to be correct if the sample tested meets the conditions set out in point
The approval authority for the approval authority in the sense of this annex is the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt, Fördestraße 16, 24944 Flensburg. This shall not apply to the procedure in accordance with § 21. The Federal Motor Services Office can transfer tasks to the Technical Service within the framework of the approval procedure.
Notification of the examination After the examination, the Federal Motor Office (approval authority) has to fill out the form on the notification referred to in section 6. A copy of this notice shall be sent to the manufacturer or his authorised representative. The information provided in the notification referred to in Section 6 may be published by the approval authority.
Recognition of tests carried out in other States tests which have undergone a vehicle type in another Member State shall be recognised if the manufacturer or his representative proves the conduct of equivalent tests and the tests are carried out in the case of a the approval authority or an official inspection body. Proof must be provided by the submission of the type-approval issued in the other State and of the corresponding complete application documents to be submitted to the approval authority of the other State; to foreign-language documents shall be accompanied by German translations. The approval authority shall decide on the recognition of the equivalence of the examinations in another State in consultation with the Technical Service.
Criteria for the extension of the type-approval, description of the vehicle, main characteristics of the engine, maintenance plan
Criteria for the extension of type-approval
Vehicles with a similar exhaust emission characteristic must be in accordance with the following structural characteristics:
Distance from center to center of cylinder holes
Arrangement, number of cylinders and design of the cylinder block (for example, air-cooled or water-cooled, 4-cylinder in-line motor, V 6-engine, etc.)
Position of the inlet and outlet valves (or openings)
Air intake processes (for example, exhaust gas loaders)
Charge air cooler type
Type of exhaust gas aftertreatment system
Ignition system
Mixture preparation system
The criteria may be further specified if the approval authority or manufacturer considers this to be necessary:
Drilling and Hub
Surface volume ratio of the combustion chamber (at the piston position upper dead center)
Intake system and exhaust manifold
Size of inlet and outlet valves
Fuel system
Camshaft timing
Ignition and injection adjustment values
Vehicles with similar evaporative emission characteristics must be in accordance with the following structural characteristics:
Fuel retention device (for example, adsorption trap, air filter, crankcase)
Fuel tank (for example, material and shape)
Fuel line and conveyor system
Mixture preparation
Description of the vehicle, main characteristics of the engine, the emission-reducing and -relevant components of the vehicle type for which the type-approval is requested
The vehicle description, the main characteristics of the engine and the information on the performance of the test shall be submitted in accordance with Annexes I and II.
Additional information, except as described in Annex I or II:
List and description of all parameters of the components that affect the emissions. Data of the adjustment values recommended by the manufacturer and the permissible tolerances of components which affect the emissions. Description of the Fixing devices which fix the setting range recommended by the manufacturer and prevent unauthorised adjustment. Information on the adjustment of the fixing devices and on the tolerances associated with them.
Proof of how the unauthorised adjustment of emission-relevant adjustment variables is effectively prevented in vehicles on the market.
Proof of how, by means of appropriate constructive measures, the vehicles with petrol engines can be refuelled exclusively with unleaded fuel. This proof shall be deemed to have been provided if the tank filler neck is designed in such a way that the vehicle is only equipped with a tap with an outer diameter of the end opening of not more than 2.134 cm and a straight mouthpiece of at least 6.34 cm in length can be refuelled.
Maintenance plan with detailed description and list of the regularly performed maintenance work on the emission-relevant and emission-reducing components.
A model of a maintenance book that comes with the vehicle, and with which the proper maintenance of the emission-relevant and -reducing components can be documented by the workshop and vehicle holder. The maintenance book should also include the maintenance plan. Proof of the execution of the proper maintenance work can also be carried out in another way.
Maintenance plan for the emission-reducing and relevant components The proper performance of the maintenance work at the scheduled intervals is the prerequisite for the manufacturer's warranty obligation for the emission-relevant and -reducing components. As proper maintenance, if the work required by the manufacturer is carried out in accordance with its specifications at the prescribed mileage (+ 2 000 km) or at the prescribed time (± 3 months) and shall be documented by the workshop, and where appropriate shall be used for the necessary spare parts which comply with the specifications of the manufacturer. Proper maintenance shall also apply where the vehicle holder makes undue work to remedy an emergency, provided that the vehicle holder brings the vehicle back to the vehicle within a reasonable period of time. state of the law.
Carrying out the tests of gaseous and particulate pollutants
Introduction This Annex describes the procedures and facilities necessary to verify compliance with the emission rules adopted for the granting of the type-approval of vehicles. Further provisions for the carrying out of the fatigue test are described in Section 4.
Overview of the test procedures described in points 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 for the determination of the exhaust gas and/or the exhaust gas, respectively. Evaporative emissions are schematically shown in FIGS. 1 to 3. The ambient temperatures for the test vehicle during the entire test sequence should not be lower than 20 ° C. and not higher than 30 ° C. The ambient temperatures for the test vehicle during the entire test sequence should not be lower than 20 ° C. and not higher than 30 ° The vehicle is to be approximately flat during all phases of the test sequence.
Preparation Before the emission measurements are carried out, the test vehicles are to be conditioned in a uniform manner in order to ensure the reproducibility of the results. The conditioning consists of a trip on a driving dynamometer as well as a shut-off phase at a defined ambient temperature.
Exhaust emission testing The exhaust emissions test in the context of the procedure for the granting of a type-approval involves two driving tests on a chassis dynamometer, during which the quantities of air pollutants and particulates are determined . In the case of vehicles, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions, in the case of vehicles with compression-ignition engines (diesel engines), are additionally determined by the particulate emissions. The two driving tests are referred to below as the driving curve I and the travel curve II and are described in section 3.8. After the completion of the driving tests, the test is carried out in accordance with § 47a.
Figure 1Test procedure for vehicles with spark-ignition engines
Figure 2Test procedure for vehicles with spark-ignition engine evaporative emissions
Figure 3 Test sequence for vehicles with compression ignition engines
Testing of evaporative emissions The testing of evaporative emissions in the context of the procedure for the granting of the type-approval is carried out in vehicles with gasoline engines. In this case, the tankatability losses and the evaporative emissions are determined during the hot setting in a gas-tight measuring chamber. Between these two tests a test of the exhaust emissions in the driving curve I must be carried out. If necessary, the evaporative emissions during this driving operation are additionally determined by measuring traps.
Test vehicle and fuel
Test vehicle
The test vehicle must be in perfect operating condition. In this respect, it must be retracted that largely the stability of the exhaust gas emissions is ensured. However, the vehicle must not have completed more than 6 400 km before the test.
The exhaust system must not have a leak.
The tightness of the intake system can be checked to ensure that the combustion process is not changed by an unintended air supply.
The setting of the engine and the controls of the vehicle shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications in the maintenance requirements and shall be consistent with the settings of the series vehicles. This shall apply in particular to the adjustment of the vehicle. the idling (speed and CO content in the exhaust gas), the cold-starting device and the systems.The vehicle to be tested or an equivalent must, if necessary, be equipped with a device for measuring the shall be accompanied by characteristic parameters which comply with the requirements laid down in points 3.5 and 3.9 for the adjustment of the chassis dynamometer. The technical service can check whether the performance of the vehicle is in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, whether it is for normal driving and, above all, whether it is for cold and cold- Reboot is appropriate.
Additional devices on the test vehicle
In the case of vehicles with spark-ignition (spark-ignition engines), a temperature sensor shall be fitted to register the temperature of the tank. The temperature sensor must be installed in such a way that the temperature in the middle of the filled fuel is measured at a filling volume of 40 per cent of the tank's volume.
A device on the vehicle tank, which makes possible a complete emptying of the fuel, is required.
Fuel As fuel, the test fuel specified in point 5 shall be used.
Test Facilities
Chassis dynamometer
A road journey is simulated on the driving test bench. In this case, the vehicle masses are taken into account during accelerations and decelerations by means of switchable flywheels on the rollers or by electric flywheel sensitivity. The power losses occurring during the road travel are caused by a change in the speed of the flywheel. by air and rolling resistance, are simulated by adjustable power brakes. The driving dynamometer shall be calibrated at regular intervals (one month) in accordance with one of the procedures referred to in point 3.9.
The operating behaviour of the test vehicle must not be affected by the test bench, for example due to vibrations. The vehicle must occupy an approximately horizontal position on the test bench.
The test bench shall be equipped with a device to indicate to the driver the instantaneous driving speed of the test vehicle relative to the desired speed in such a way that the driver is required to use the travel curves I and II with the required speed. Accuracy can be followed.
In the case of test benches with two rollers, the devices used to simulate the inertia mass and the driving resistances must be driven by the front roller, provided that both rollers are not coupled.
The vehicle speed must be determined according to the speed of rotation of the test bench roll. It must be accurately measured at speeds above 10 km/h to ± 1 km/h. With the device for speed measurement, a device must be coupled to determine the travel distance covered on the test bench.
In the case of the chassis dynamometer, the adjustment of the performance recorded on the road must be adjusted to ± 5 per cent at 80, 60 and 40 km/h, and to ± 10 per cent at 20 km/h. The value must be positive.
The total mass of the flywheel shall be known and shall correspond to the flywheel mass class for the test to ± 20 kg.
Cooling fan During the driving tests, a cooling fan with a constant speed is to be installed in such a way that cooling air is supplied to the vehicle in a suitable manner when the engine hood is open. In the case of vehicles with a front engine, the blower shall be placed at a distance of 300 mm in the middle of the vehicle. In the case of vehicles with a rear engine (or if a special design makes the above arrangement inconvenient), the cooling fan must be arranged in such a way that it provides sufficient air to maintain the cooling of the vehicle. The blower capacity shall normally be 2.50 m 3 Do not exceed. However, if the manufacturer can prove that additional cooling is necessary in order to be able to carry out a representative test, the blower capacity may be increased or additional fans may be used if this is previously the case. has been approved by the Technical Service.
Exhaust gas and particle extraction equipment
The collecting means described in point 3.10 shall be used to measure the gases and particulate pollutants in the exhaust gases. In this case, the removal system with a constant volume (CVS) is used. For this purpose, the exhaust gases of the vehicle must be continuously diluted with the ambient air under controlled conditions. In order to be able to measure the quantities emitted using these CVS methods, two conditions must be met: the total volume of the mixture of exhaust gases and dilution air must be measured and a proportional sample of this volume must be continuous for the The quantity of particles emitted is determined in that the particles are deposited on suitable filters from a partial stream over the entire duration of the test and the quantity is determined gravimetrically (see number: The emitted quantities of air pollutants shall be obtained from the Concentrations in the sample, taking into account the concentration of these gases in the ambient air, and the flow rate during the test period.
The flow through the equipment shall be large enough to prevent, under all conditions, water vapour condensation which might occur during an inspection, in accordance with the provisions of point 3.10.
The schematic representation of the removal system is shown in the figure below, FIG. 4. Number 3.10 describes examples of CVS removal systems that meet the requirements of this section.
The air/exhaust gas mixture must be homogeneous in the take-off probes.
The probes must remove a representative sample of dilute exhaust gases.
Figure 4Schema of a sampling and analysis system for the determination of gaseous emissions in passenger cars with gasoline engines
The removal device must be gas-tight. It must be of such a nature and consist of such materials that the concentrations of the exhaust gas constituents in the diluted exhaust gases are not affected. If an equipment part (heat exchanger, fan, etc.) influences the concentration of an air-contaminating gas in the diluted gases, the sample of this gas must be removed before this part, if the influence is not switched off can.
If the vehicle to be tested has an exhaust system which has a number of tailpipes, these tubes shall be connected to each other as close as possible to the vehicle.
When the removal device is connected, the pressure variations on the tail pipe (s) may change by no more than ± 1.25 kPa compared to the pressure variations measured on the test bench during the travel curves, if the pressure fluctuation (s) is (s): Exhaust pipe (e) is (are) not connected to the extraction device. A removal device, which may reduce these pressure differences to ± 0.25 kPa, shall be used if the manufacturer requires the approval authority to do so in writing, with proof of the need for such a reduction. The counterpressure must be measured in the exhaust pipe as far as possible at the outer end or an extension tube with the same diameter.
The individual valves for the transmission of gas samples must be quick-release valves.
The gas samples are to be collected in sufficiently large bags. These bags must be made of materials which change the content of air-contaminating gases 20 minutes after collection by no more than ± 2 per cent.
The invention relates to a device for determining the evaporation emission. The device for determining the evaporation emissions consists of the components described below.
Gas-tight sleeve A gas-tight casing forms a rectangular measuring chamber, in which the vehicle to be tested is located. The free access to the vehicle must be guaranteed by all sides. In the closed state, the chamber shall be gas-tight in accordance with the test referred to in point 3.12. The interior surface of the casing must be impermeable to hydrocarbons. At least one surface must be made of flexible impervious material in order to be able to compensate for smaller pressure fluctuations resulting from temperature fluctuations due to volume changes. In the design of the walls, a good heat distribution is to be sought. If the chamber is cooled, the temperature of the inner wall surface shall not be less than 20 ° C at any point.
Hydrocarbon analyser The hydrocarbon concentration in the chamber is determined with the aid of a flame-ionization detector (FID). The non-burnt part of the sample gas stream must be returned to the chamber. The requirements for the accuracy of the device and the calibration are described in point 3.11. The FID must be equipped with devices for the continuous recording or storage of the measurement data.
Tank heating, Temperature measurement The heating of the fuel tank is carried out by a heat source that is adjustable in the heating power. Suitable, for example, is a heating mat with a power of 2 000 W. The setting of the heating power can be effected manually or automatically. The heat supply must be evenly distributed to the tank walls below the fuel level. The tank-heating device must allow the fuel to be heated uniformly in the tank from 16 ° C by 14 K within 60 minutes. The fuel temperature is to be measured approximately in the middle of the fuel volume in the tank. The room temperature is detected at two points of temperature sensors, which must be switched in such a way that an average value is indicated. The measuring points are located approximately 10 cm away from the vertical centre line of each side wall at a height of 90 ± 10 cm.The temperatures must be recorded or stored at intervals of one minute each time during the evaporation measurements. . The measurement accuracy, including the recording, must be ± 1.5 K. The recording or storage system must be able to reproduce the times with a resolution of ± 15 s and the temperatures with a resolution of ± 0.4 K.
Blower Through the use of a blower or multiple blowers, it must be possible to ensure that
the CH concentration in the chamber is reduced to ambient concentration prior to measurement,
a uniform temperature and CH distribution in the chamber during the measurement is achieved. The vehicle to be tested must not be exposed to any direct current.
CH-collection centres With the CH collection points-to the extent required under point (m)-the evaporative emissions resulting from the operation according to the driving curve I must be able to be collected.
General provisions
The analysis of the air pollutants and particulate matter shall be carried out using the following equipment:
Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) :Non-dispersive infrared absorption analyser (NDIR);
Hydrocarbons (CH)-Vehicles with positive-ignition engines: flame ionization detector (FID), expressed in carbon-carbon equivalent (C1);
Hydrocarbons (CH)-Vehicles with diesel engines: Flame-ionization detector with valves, piping, etc. Heated to 190 ° C ± 10 ° C (HFID); propancalibrated, expressed in carbon-carbon equivalent (C1);
Nitrogen oxides (NOx): chemiluminescent analyser (CLA) with NOx/NO-converter;
Particles: Gravimetric determination of the separated particles. The particles are deposited on in each case two filters arranged one behind the other in the sample gas stream. The separated particle quantity should be between 2 and 5 mg per filter pair. The filter surface is to be made of a material which is hydrophobic and inert towards the exhaust gas components (PTFE or equivalent material).
Measuring accuracy The analysers must have a measuring range with the required accuracy, which is suitable for measurements of the respective gas concentration in the exhaust gas samples. The measurement error must not exceed ± 3%, the actual value of the calibration gases being disregarded. At concentrations of less than 100 ppm, the measurement error must not exceed ± 3 ppm. The analysis of the ambient air sample is carried out with the same analyser and with the same measuring range as the corresponding sample of the diluted exhaust gases. The weighing of the separated particles must ensure an accuracy of 1 mg.
A gas drying plant shall not be used in front of the analyser unless it is demonstrated that it has no detectable effect on the content of the air-contaminating gases of the diluted exhaust gas stream.
Special requirements for diesel engines It is necessary to use a heated sampling line in the dilution tunnel for the continuous analysis of the hydrocarbons (CH) with a heated flame ionization detector (HFID) and recording equipment. The average concentration of the hydrocarbons measured is determined by integration. During the whole test, the temperature of this line must be set at 190 ° C. The line must be provided with a heated filter with a 99% efficiency for the particles > 0.3 μm, with which the particles are filtered out of the continuous gas stream used for the analysis. The response time of the sampling system (from the probe to the entry into the analyser) must be less than 4 seconds. The heated flame ionization detector (HFID) must be provided with a constant flow rate system to allow the removal of the data from the sensor. a representative sample, unless flow fluctuations in the CFV system (Critical Flow Venturi-see point 3.10) are compensated for. The particle sampling unit consists of dilution tunnel, sampling probe, filter unit, Partial flow pump, flow control and measuring device. The particle sample partial flow is drawn in each case via two filters arranged one behind the other. After the removal of the particles has been completed, switching to a filter unit arranged in parallel is necessary. The sampling probe for the particulate sample gas stream must be arranged in the dilution channel in such a way that a representative sample gas stream of the homogeneous air/exhaust gas mixture can be removed and that the temperature of the sampling point at the point of removal of the sample gas can be determined by the temperature of the sample gas stream. Air/exhaust gas mixture does not exceed 52 ° C. The temperature of the sample gas stream may fluctuate by no more than ± 3 K over the length of the sampling line (take-off flow meters), and the flow rate must not exceed ± 5 per cent. The mass of the particles separated during the test phase is determined by differential weighing.
Calibration Each analyser shall be calibrated as often as necessary and in any case in the month prior to the test and the verification of conformity of production. The calibration procedure for the types of analysers referred to in point shall be described in point 3.11.
Volume Measurement
The method used to measure the total volume of diluted exhaust gases used in the CVS system must have an accuracy of ± 2%.
Calibration of the CVS system The volume meter of the CVS system must be calibrated in a way and at such short time intervals that the required accuracy is guaranteed and preserved. Point 3.11 shows an example of a calibration procedure with which the required accuracy is achieved. In this method, a dynamic flowmeter is used for the CVS system, which is suitable for the high throughputs that occur. The accuracy of the device must be certified and comply with a national or international standard.
Pure gases The pure gases used for the calibration and the use of the equipment must meet the following conditions:
purified nitrogen (purity ≤ 1 ppm C, ≤ 1 ppm CO, ≤ 400 ppm CO2, ≤ 0.1 ppm NO),
Purified synthetic air (purity ≤ 1 ppm C, ≤ 1 ppm CO, ≤ 400 ppm CO2, ≤ 0.1 ppm NO) oxygen content between 18 and 21% by volume,
purified oxygen (purity ≤ 99.5% by volume O2),
purified hydrogen (and hydrogen-containing mixture) (purity ≤ 1 ppm C, ≤ 400 ppm CO2).
The gas mixtures used for the calibration shall have the chemical composition referred to below:
C3H8 and purified synthetic air
CO and purified nitrogen
CO2 and purified nitrogen
NO and purified nitrogen (the NO2 content in the calibration gas must not exceed 5 per cent of the NO content).
The actual concentration of a test gas shall be equal to ± 2% with the nominal value. This must be ensured by means of regular comparisons with national or international standards. The concentrations of the test gases prescribed in point 3.11 may also be used with a gas mixing doser by dilution with purified gas. Nitrogen or purified synthetic air is obtained. The mixing device must operate in such a way that the concentration of the diluted test gases can be determined to be ± 2%.
Additional measuring instruments
Temperature The temperatures, unless otherwise specified, must be measured to ± 1.5 K.
Pressure The air pressure must be measured to ± 0,1 kPa accurately.
Absolute humidity The absolute humidity must be precisely determined to ± 5 percent.
Exhaust gas sampling system The exhaust gas sampling system must be tested with the method described in point 3.11.4. The maximum permissible deviation between the introduced and measured quantities of gas may be 5%.
Preparation of the tests
Adjustment of the equivalent inertia masses to the translatory moving masses of the vehicle, a flywheel mass is used to achieve a total inertia of the circulating masses, which are the reference mass of the vehicle in accordance with the following Values are equal. If the corresponding flywheel mass is not available at the test stand, the next higher mass must be used (the difference to the reference mass must not be higher than 120 kg).
Reference mass of the vehicle Pr (kg) Equivalent flyweight I (kg)
480 < Pr ≦ 480 |
450 |
480 < Pr ≦ 540 |
510 |
540 < Pr ≦ 600 |
570 |
600 < Pr ≦ 650 |
625 |
650 < Pr ≦ 700 |
680 |
700 < Pr ≦ 780 |
740 |
780 < Pr ≦ 820 |
800 |
820 < Pr ≦ 880 |
850 |
880 < Pr ≦ 940 |
910 |
940 < Pr ≦ 990 |
960 |
990 < Pr ≦ 1 050 |
1 020 |
1 050 < Pr ≦ 1 110 |
1 080 |
1 110 < Pr ≦ 1 160 |
1 130 |
1 160 < Pr ≦ 1 220 |
1 190 |
1 220 < Pr ≦ 1 280 |
1 250 |
1 280 < Pr ≦ 1 330 |
1 300 |
1 330 < Pr ≦ 1 390 |
1 360 |
1 390 < Pr ≦ 1 450 |
1 420 |
1 450 < Pr ≦ 1 500 |
1 470 |
1 500 < Pr ≦ 1 560 |
1 530 |
1 560 < Pr ≦ 1 620 |
1 590 |
1 620 < Pr ≦ 1 670 |
1 640 |
1 670 < Pr ≦ 1 730 |
1 700 |
1 730 < Pr ≦ 1 790 |
1 760 |
1 790 < Pr ≦ 1 870 |
1 810 |
1 870 < Pr ≦ 1 980 |
1 930 |
1 980 < Pr ≦ 2 100 |
2 040 |
2 100 < Pr ≦ 2 210 |
2 150 |
2 210 < Pr ≦ 2 320 |
2 270 |
2 320 < Pr ≦ 2 440 |
2 380 |
2 440 < Pr ≦ 2 610 |
2 490 |
2 610 < Pr ≦ 2 830 |
2 720 |
2 830 < Pr ≦ 2 830 |
2 940 |
Adjustment of the brake on the test bench The braking power shall be adjusted in accordance with the method described in point 3.9. The method used and the values determined (equivalent flyweight, setting characteristic) shall be indicated in the test report.
Preparation of the measuring equipment The analysers used shall be calibrated in accordance with the rules set out in point 3.11.
Preparation of the vehicle
Following the arrival of the vehicle in the test field, the following test preparations are carried out. The ambient temperature of the vehicle must be between 20 and 30 ° C.
The fuel tank (s) is/are emptied and filled with the prescribed volume of test fuel. The system for limiting evaporative emissions must be in the normal state, that is to say, it must not be freshly cleaned or fully loaded.
Within one hour after refuelling, the vehicle shall complete the driving curve I (without the parking phase and the third driving phase) in accordance with point 3.8 on a driving dynamometer for pre-conditioning.
At the discretion of the technical service or at the request of the manufacturer with the consent of the technical service, the process of pre-conditioning may be extended in exceptional cases if it is necessary to stabilise the emission performance is. In this case, the travel curve can be repeated up to three times after a service life of one hour.
Within five minutes of the completion of the pre-conditioning, the vehicles will be brought to a parking place by the driving dynamometer. The ambient temperature must be between 20 and 30 ° C.
Vehicles with spark-ignition engines (gasoline engines) must remain there for between 10 and 35 hours until the preparations for the test of the tanking-losses in accordance with point begin. Within one hour of the completion of this operation, the tests must begin to determine the average exhaust emissions in the driving mode.
Vehicles with compression-ignition engines (diesel engines) must remain there for between 12 and 36 hours until the average exhaust emissions test in the driving operation as specified in point 3.6.3 are commenced.
In order to protect the tyres during the driving tests, the tyre pressure in the drive wheels can be increased to up to 310 kPa. The tyre pressure shall be noted in the test report.
Emissions tests
General provisions
The ambient temperature of the vehicle shall be between 20 and 30 ° C during the tests referred to below. The absolute humidity (H) in the test chamber or the intake air of the engine must satisfy the following condition: 5.5 g ≤ H ≤ 12.2 g H2O/kg dry air.
The vehicle must be approximately horizontal during the test, in order to avoid abnormal fuel distribution.
Vehicles with spark-ignition engines
General to the test sequence The vehicle preparation was completed with the setting-up of the vehicle at an ambient temperature of between 20 and 30 ° C for conditioning for the emission tests. At least ten and a maximum of 35 hours after the vehicle has been shut down, the measurement of the loss of tankatability shall begin as part of the testing of evaporative emissions. The tankatalysis occurs as a result of the temperature change of the fuel. During the test, the fuel in the tank is heated by 14 K in accordance with the following instructions. Fuel heating is also to be carried out on vehicles which are not to be subjected to a test of evaporative emissions, in order to possibly be able to carry out the tests. Effects of the evaporation emission reduction system shall be taken into account in the exhaust emissions. In the case of such vehicles, the test chamber and the CH concentration measurements can then be dispensed with. The evaporation measurements are completed after the travel curve I has passed through with the test of evaporation in the case of hot off. Vehicles in which the evaporative emissions are to be determined must comply with the exhaust gas limit values.
Testing of tankatability losses
The measuring chamber shall be rinsed for several minutes immediately prior to the test.
The blower (s) for mixing the chamber (s) is/are to be switched on.
The fuel tank (s) of the test vehicle are/are emptied and filled with the test fuel according to section 5. The filling volume should amount to 40 percent of the tank volume. The temperature of the fuel must be between 10 and 16 ° C prior to filling. The tank (s) is/are initially to be unsealed.
In the case of vehicles with a plurality of tanks, all tanks must be heated in the same way as described below. The temperatures of the tanks must be equal to ± 1.5 K.
The test vehicle is to be brought into the measuring chamber with the engine removed, windows and boot lid are to be opened, tank temperature sensors are to be connected, and if necessary is to connect the heating device for the fuel. The temperatures of the fuel and the room air are to be recorded from now on, respectively. to register.
The fuel can be artificially heated up to the temperature of the start of measurement (16 ± 1 ° C).
As soon as the fuel has reached 14 ° C,
is to close the tank
the blower is to be switched off, if not done earlier
the measuring chamber shall be closed in a gas-tight manner.
As soon as the fuel has reached 16 ± 1 ° C,
is to measure the CH concentration in the measuring chamber (initial value for the evaluation)
is to begin with a linear, 60 ± 2 minute warming.
The permissible deviation from the target temperature during the heating process is ± 1.5 K.
If 60 ± 2 minutes after the initial measurement and the heating start the fuel temperature has increased by 14 ± 0.5 K, the CH concentration in the chamber shall be measured (final value for the evaluation).
After opening the chamber and releasing all connections for the above-mentioned measurement procedure, the vehicle is to be removed from the measuring chamber with the engine removed and prepared for the subsequent test.
A determination of evaporative emissions during driving is only necessary if, after examination of the technical conditions, it cannot be ruled out that such emissions occur during the driving operation. The measurement in the driving mode takes place by means of CH collecting traps, which are attached to all openings of the fuel system. The traps must have been weighed beforehand. After the end of the first two phases (a 10-minute pause) of the curve I, in which the exhaust emissions are checked, as described below, the traps must be removed within one minute, closed and within a single minute. Hour to weigh. The evaporative emissions in the driving operation result from the mass difference of the traps before and after the first two phases of the travel curve I.
Exhaust emissions test
General The test according to driving curve I and II is carried out on the roll test stand. The course of the journey over time shall be recorded in order to assess the validity of the test bench test. The speed and distance travelled are measured on the basis of the rotations of the same test bench roller or shaft. The driving distances travelled during the collection time of the individual sample gas quantities are to be determined separately. The engine and vehicle temperatures are in this case by blower on the temperatures usually occurring during road driving operation. Vehicles with four-wheel drive are tested in two-wheel drive. In the case of vehicles with a continuous four-wheel drive, a set of drive wheels is temporarily switched off. A proportional partial flow is removed from the exhaust gas diluted with ambient air and supplied to the collecting bags. I the sample gas stream is successively passed into three collecting bags, the first collecting bag the exhaust gas sample during the first 505 seconds of the cold start test, the second collecting bag the exhaust gas sample during the remaining part of the cold start test. and the third bag, the exhaust gas sample during the 505 seconds after the During the passage of the travel curve II, the sample gas stream is directed into a collecting bag. The contents of the sample bags are then analyzed for the concentrations of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. In order to be able to take into account the influence of the ambient air concentrations, ambient air samples are drawn in parallel. The amount of emission allowances shall be calculated in accordance with point 3.13.
Preparations for the test vehicles
The vehicle must be brought to the role of the driving dynamometer by means of the drive wheels without starting the engine.
The engine compartment cover is to be opened and the cooling fan to be placed in position.
With the sample changeover valves in the waiting position, the emptied collecting bags are to be connected for the diluted exhaust gas and ambient air samples.
The CVS system (constant volume removal system) must now be switched on at the latest, as well as the sample pumps. The temperature of the exhaust-gas-air mixture at the sampling point is to be recorded from now on. The cooling fan is to be switched on. A possible existing heat exchanger in the CVS system must have been preheated to its operating temperature.
The sample gas flow rates must be adjusted to the desired values, but at least to 5 l/min.
The exhaust pipe is to be connected in a gas-tight manner to the exhaust gas pipe (s) of the vehicle.
The gas flow meter and the switchover valves are to be adjusted so that the exhaust gas sample flow into the first bag for the first phase as well as the ambient air sample flow into its corresponding bag. By operating the ignition key, the immediately thereafter the starting process is initiated.
Passing through the travel curve IWith the test vehicle, the travel curve I is to be passed through taking into account the provisions laid down there. Special provisions are set out below.
Engine power The engine must be set in the operating instructions in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The first idle phase of the driving curve I, which lasts for 20 seconds, begins as soon as the engine starts up. 15 seconds after the engine jumpings, the gear is to be inserted. If necessary, for example in the case of vehicles with an automatic transmission, the brake can be actuated in order to prevent the drive wheels from rotating in advance. If the engine does not jump after ten seconds of spinning, the startup process must be canceled. If the failure is due to an operating error, the check can be resumed with a new cold start. If the failure is based on a vehicle fault, the check is to be cancelled and declared invalid.
If the engine stops when the engine is idle, it must be immediately started again and the test must be continued. Outside of an idle phase, the driver's hand indicator is to be held until the travel curve can be continued. If the engine does not start again within one minute, the test will be cancelled. If the manufacturer does not require a hot engine starting procedure, then the engine (engines with automatic start-up and with the engine) is not required. manual choke) by pressing the accelerator pedal down by about half and turning the motor through until it picks up.
End of the first phase of the travel curve IWith the end of the deceleration at the time of 505 seconds after the start of the travel curve I, the first phase of the travel curve I ends. From this point in time, the sample gas stream and the ambient air sample must be in each case in the respective case. Prior to the start of the acceleration of 511 seconds, the number of rollers measured in the first phase, respectively, is determined. To hold the shaft revolutions, the counter is to be set to zero or it must be switched to a second counter.
Depositions after the second phase of the driving curve IThe motor is to be set to two seconds after the end of the last delay, i.e. at 1 369 seconds. Five seconds after the engine has stopped running, the rehearsals switch-over valves are to be switched to waiting. The cooling fan should be switched off immediately, the bonnet is to be closed. The CVS system shall be switched off or the exhaust pipe shall be separated from the tail pipe (the tailpipe) of the vehicle. The number of roles measured in the second phase, or Shaft revolutions of the chassis dynamometer must be recorded, the counter must then be set to zero, or it must be switched to a third counter.
Preparation and implementation of the third phase of the heading IVor of the third phase, the preparatory work referred to in point (b) to (h) shall be repeated, and the work referred to in point (h) must be carried out within nine to eleven minutes after the end of the sample collection of the second phase. After the end of the delay at the time of 505 seconds after the start of the third phase, the sample switching valves are to be switched to a waiting position. The number of measured rolls or Shaft rotations must be recorded. The engine can now be turned off.
As soon as possible, the exhaust gas and ambient air samples must in each case be fed from the individual phases of the analytical system, that is to say, if necessary, even before the complete travel curve is completed. No more than 20 minutes shall pass between the end of the respective collection phase and the reading of the associated stable analytical values on all analysers.
For test vehicles which are subjected to the complete testing of the exhaust gas emissions, the travel curve II is followed. It is also necessary to proceed in accordance with point For test vehicles which are subjected to the test of evaporative emissions, the hot-setting test follows. It shall continue to be followed in accordance with point
Driving curve IIIn the test of exhaust emissions in driving curve II, the speed-time sequence described in point 3.8 is to be passed twice, the first passing of the conditioning of the vehicle serving, and the Emission quantities will be determined only in the second pass. The test procedure is as follows:
The preparatory work referred to in point (a) to (g) shall be carried out. The sample changeover valves remain in the waiting position. (Only one bag is required for the sample gas and one bag for the ambient air sample.)
The vehicle must be started in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. With regard to the non-response or Engine standing shall be subject to the provisions of point (a) and (b).
The travel curve II is to be passed for the first time in accordance with point 3.8.
If the standstill of the vehicle at the end of the first passage of the travel curve II is reached, 17 seconds are available until the second pass begins. The counter for determining the travel distance shall be set to zero.
Two seconds before the first acceleration begins in the second pass, the sample changeover valves must be switched to the sample gas bag and the ambient air sample bag.
The travel curve II shall be passed for the second time in accordance with point 3.8.
Two seconds after the vehicle has reached the standstill at the end of the travel curve II, the changeover valves are to be switched to a waiting position. The number of measured rolls or Shaft rotations must be recorded. The engine can be shut down.
The concentrations of the exhaust gas components CO, CO2, CH, NOx must be determined within 20 minutes.
The quantity of air pollutants emitted per kilometre shall be calculated in accordance with point 3.13.
Testing of evaporative emissions during hot-off setting The determination of evaporative emissions during a 60-minute hot-off after travel curve I is used to complete the test of evaporation emission behavior.
Before the end of the journey according to the travel curve I, the measuring chamber must have been flushed for several minutes.
After the end of the travel curve I, the engine hood must be closed and all connections from the vehicle to the test stand must be released. The vehicle is then to be driven to the measuring chamber with the smallest possible actuation of the accelerator pedal. The engine must be shut off in front of the measuring chamber; the timing of the engine delivery shall be recorded. The vehicle must then be brought into the measuring chamber in a drive-free way.
The blower (s) for mixing the chamber must be switched on before the vehicle enters the measuring chamber.
The window and boot lid of the vehicle must now be open.
The temperature of the room air is to be recorded from now on.
Within two minutes after the engine has been shut down and within seven minutes after the end of the travel curve I, the measuring chamber must be sealed in a gas-tight manner.
The CH concentration in the measuring chamber is measured with the FID (analyser with flame ionization detector) and is now continuously registered. The value of the CH concentration measured shortly after closing of the measuring chamber forms the initial value for the evaluation according to section 3.12.
The vehicle must be within 60 minutes (± 0.5 minutes) within the measuring chamber. At the end of the test time, which lasts 60 minutes (± 0.5 minutes), the CH concentration in the measuring chamber is determined. This value shall be the final value for the evaluation referred to in point 3.12.
The examination of the evaporative emissions has thus been completed.
Vehicles with compression-ignition engines (diesel engines)
General to the test sequence The vehicle preparation is completed with the setting up of the vehicle at an ambient temperature of between 20 and 30 ° C for conditioning for the emission tests. At least twelve and at most 36 hours after the vehicle has been shut down, the exhaust gas emissions test shall begin in the driving curve I.
Exhaust emissions testing of vehicles with compression-ignition engines (diesel engines) The statements made in point for the testing of exhaust emissions from vehicles with spark-ignition engines (gasoline engines) shall apply with the following: the following additions and amendments (see FIG. 5).
General The exhaust gas is mixed in a dilution tunnel with ambient air. For particle measurement, a proportional partial flow is taken via a probe. The particles are separated from the exhaust gas-air sample stream for subsequent weighing. The six filters are arranged in the particle sample line in such a way that they form three parallel filter pairs, that is to say in each branch part two are Filter is connected in series in the direction of the sample gas flow. The same flow conditions must prevail in each branch. Quick-release valves are to be arranged in such a way that the filter pairs can be acted upon in succession with the sample gas stream. The chronological sequence of the application corresponds to the sample feed described in point for the three phases of the travel curve I. The CH concentration is continuously measured in the diluted exhaust gas with a heated FID (HFID). and integrated. The sample gas is removed via a separate probe. The sampling for the collection bags for the purpose of the subsequent concentration measurements corresponds to the procedure described in point
Figure 5Schema of a sampling and analysis system for the determination of gas and particulate emissions in passenger cars with diesel engines
Preparations for the test procedures The procedure corresponds to the procedure described in point for vehicles with spark-ignition engines (gasoline engines), with the following additions:
The recording or recording of the recording medium The recording equipment of the heated FID (HFID) is to be switched on.
to f)
The sample gas stream for the heated FID (HFID) must be at least 2 l/min.
During the test, the flow rate through the particulate filters shall be adjusted in such a way that the flow rate remains constant at ± 5 per cent. The mean temperature and pressure at the inlet of the flowmeter shall be recorded. If the flow rate changes impermissibly due to excessive filter loading, the test must be stopped. In the case of repetition, a lower flow rate must be set or a larger filter must be used (if necessary both).
Passing the driving curve IThe provisions of point apply with the following additions or modifications.
From the time of 505 seconds, the second particle filter pair is acted upon. A marking is to be carried out on the recording device for the hydrocarbon concentration measurement, according to which the first and second phases can be identified. The integration of the CH values takes place separately according to the individual collection phases.
Likewise, five seconds after the engine has stopped running, the recording of the CH concentration is to be marked accordingly, the integration is to be ended via the second phase and is the sample flow flow through the second phase. The two pairs of particles that have been acted upon so far are to be carefully removed from their respective holders and each to be placed in a Petri dish for each subsequent weighing process. The sample shells are to be covered.
on e)
The steps necessary for the implementation and termination of the CH measurement and for the separation of particles in the third phase shall be carried out in accordance with the additions to be made to points (c) and (d).
to f)
As soon as possible, but in no case later than one hour after the end of the third phase of the travel curve I, the six particulate filters shall be conditioned for the weighing.
Driving curve III The provisions and the sequence according to point shall apply. A measurement of particulate emissions is not required.
Testing according to § 47aAfter completion of the test of exhaust emissions in the driving curves I and II, the test vehicles pass through the test according to § 47a.
Gas, particulate extraction, analysis
Test by travel curve IThe removal begins, as specified in point, simultaneously with the starting of the vehicle engine. In separate bags or Filter pairs are used during the
Cold start transition phase (505 seconds after cold start)
Cold start stabilised phase (from 506. Second to turn off)
Reboot transition phase (505 seconds after start of warm start)
The corresponding exhaust gas and particulate samples are taken from the driving curve I. The removal ends after the third phase with the motor running. In parallel to each waste gas sample bag, bags are filled with ambient air samples.
Test after travel curve IIThe sampling begins and ends with a running vehicle engine. During the entire travel time, the exhaust gas and the ambient air pass into one sample bag each.
The analysis of the gases contained in the bags shall be carried out as soon as possible after the completion of the individual stages of the test; the undiluted exhaust gas in the sample bags shall be analysed within 20 minutes of the end of the phase. The required particulate filters shall be at least eight hours, at most 56 hours, in an open shell, protected against dust, before the test in an air-conditioned chamber (temperature, humidity). After this conditioning, the empty filters are weighed and stored until used. At the earliest one hour before the start of the test, filters of the chamber will be removed. The loaded particulate filters must be kept at the latest one hour after the end of the test. Exhaust gas test brought into the chamber, conditioned there between one and 56 hours and then weighed.
Before each sample analysis, the zero point of the respective analyser is set with the respective test gas.
The calibration curves of the analyzers are then adjusted with test gases whose nominal concentrations are between 70 and 100 percent of the scale end value.
Subsequently, the zero position of the analyzer is checked again. If the value read out differs by more than 2% of the scale end value from the value obtained at the setting prescribed in point, then the operation must be repeated.
The samples must then be analysed.
After the analysis, the zero position and the setting values are checked with the same gases. If these values do not differ by more than 2 per cent from those obtained in accordance with the setting laid down in point, the results of the analysis may be used for the calculation of the test values.
For all the operations described in this section, the flow rates and pressures of the various gases shall be the same as those used for the calibration of the analysers.
The concentration of the hydrocarbons from engines with self-ignition is registered and integrated at the heated FID over the duration of the test phases. In accordance with point 3.13, the quantity of hydrocarbons emitted is determined.
Determination of the quantity of air pollutants emitted and particulate matter emitted
Significant volume The relevant volume shall be adjusted to the normal conditions of 101.33 kPa and 273.2 K.
Total mass of the emitted air pollutants and particulate matter The mass m of gaseous air pollutants emitted by the vehicle during the test shall be determined for the individual test phases by the volume concentration product and the shall be calculated on the basis of the following density values in accordance with the above mentioned reference conditions:
for carbon monoxide (CO): d = 1,25 kg/m 3
for hydrocarbons (CH1.85): d = 0,619 kg/m 3
For nitrogen oxides (NO2): d = 2,05 kg/m 3
The mass m of the particles emitted by the vehicle during the test is determined for the individual test phases from the weighed particle mass on the filter pairs. At least 95 percent of the particles must be on the first filter. Under these conditions, it is sufficient to draw up the mass occupancy of the first filter for the calculation of the emitted particle mass. The corresponding calculation methods for the determination of the masses of the emitted particles are included in point 3.13. air contaminating gases and particles.
Driving curves for the determination of average emission levels
General The test vehicle passes through the driving curves I and II described in graphical and tabular form on the chassis dynamometer in order to be able to determine the gaseous and solid air impurities contained in the exhaust gases.
Permissible deviation The deviations from the prescribed speed at any time of the driving curves are limited as follows: the upward deviation is at 3.2 km/h higher than the highest speed to the relevant Time ± 1 Sekunde.The deviation from below is 3.2 km/h lower than the lowest speed at that time ± 1 Sekunde.Speed deviations exceeding these tolerances are only allowed if they are less than than two seconds. Speeds that are lower than required are only permitted if the vehicle is delivering the highest available power.
Use of the gearbox In the case of vehicles with manual transmissions, the switching points are fixed in the driving curve according to the specifications of the manufacturer. These must be made by the manufacturer's recommendations to the customer and the usual driving behavior. of a driver and allow to follow the driving curves. The choice of the switching points is to be approved by the technical service. If no switching points are specified by the manufacturer, these are selected by the technical service. Vehicles with automatic transmissions are to be driven in the highest driving level (drive).
Further information on driving the travel curves
The travel curves are to be travered while maintaining the required tolerances with the smallest possible movement of the accelerator pedal. With respect to the indicated switching points, it must be continuously accelerated or delayed in this case.
A switching operation must be carried out as soon as possible; the accelerator pedal must not be operated during the gear change.
If the acceleration values determined by the travel curve are not reached, the vehicle must be accelerated with full load until the prescribed speed value of the road travel curve is reached.
During the idling phases of the travel curve, the gear must be engaged and the motor disengaged. This does not apply to the first idle phase of the travel curve. In the case of vehicles with an automatic transmission, the drive gear must be selected and the brake must be actuated.
The deceleration phases of the travel curve are traversed when the gear is engaged, the engine is engaged, and the accelerator pedal is unloaded. If necessary, constant delays can be maintained by using the vehicle brake. If it is delayed to a standstill, it is to be uncoupled at 24 km/h.
Table for driving curve IDriving time (t) in (s)-Driving speed (v) in (km/h)
0 |
0.0 |
20 |
0.0 |
40 |
24.0 |
60 |
38.9 |
80 |
41.4 |
100 |
48,8 |
120 |
24.8 |
1 |
0.0 |
21 |
4.8 |
41 |
24.5 |
61 |
39.6 |
81 |
42.0 |
101 |
49.4 |
121 |
19.5 |
2 |
0.0 |
22 |
9.5 |
42 |
24.9 |
62 |
40.1 |
82 |
43.0 |
102 |
49,7 |
122 |
14.2 |
3 |
0.0 |
23 |
13.8 |
43 |
25.7 |
63 |
40.2 |
83 |
44,3 |
103 |
49.9 |
123 |
8.9 |
4 |
0.0 |
24 |
18.5 |
44 |
27,5 |
64 |
39.6 |
84 |
46.0 |
104 |
49,7 |
124 |
3.5 |
5 |
0.0 |
25 |
23.0 |
45 |
30.7 |
65 |
39.4 |
85 |
47.2 |
105 |
46.9 |
125 |
0.0 |
6 |
0.0 |
26 |
27.2 |
46 |
34.0 |
66 |
39.8 |
86 |
48,0 |
106 |
48,0 |
126 |
0.0 |
7 |
0.0 |
27 |
27.8 |
47 |
36.5 |
67 |
39.9 |
87 |
48,4 |
107 |
48,1 |
127 |
0.0 |
8 |
0.0 |
28 |
29.1 |
48 |
36.9 |
68 |
39.8 |
88 |
48,9 |
108 |
48,6 |
128 |
0.0 |
9 |
0.0 |
29 |
33.3 |
49 |
36.5 |
69 |
39.6 |
89 |
49.4 |
109 |
49.4 |
129 |
0.0 |
10 |
0.0 |
30 |
34.9 |
50 |
36.4 |
70 |
39.6 |
90 |
49.4 |
110 |
50.2 |
130 |
0.0 |
11 |
0.0 |
31 |
36.0 |
51 |
34.3 |
71 |
40.4 |
91 |
49,1 |
111 |
51.2 |
131 |
0.0 |
12 |
0.0 |
32 |
36.2 |
52 |
30.6 |
72 |
41.2 |
92 |
48,9 |
112 |
51.8 |
132 |
0.0 |
13 |
0.0 |
33 |
35.6 |
53 |
27,5 |
73 |
41.4 |
93 |
48,8 |
113 |
52.1 |
133 |
0.0 |
14 |
0.0 |
34 |
34.6 |
54 |
25.4 |
74 |
40.9 |
94 |
48,9 |
114 |
51.8 |
134 |
0.0 |
15 |
0.0 |
35 |
33.6 |
55 |
25.4 |
75 |
40.1 |
95 |
49.6 |
115 |
51.0 |
135 |
0.0 |
16 |
0.0 |
36 |
32.8 |
56 |
28,5 |
76 |
40.2 |
96 |
48,9 |
116 |
46.0 |
136 |
0.0 |
17 |
0.0 |
37 |
31.9 |
57 |
31.9 |
77 |
40.9 |
97 |
48,1 |
117 |
40.7 |
137 |
0.0 |
18 |
0.0 |
38 |
27.4 |
58 |
34.8 |
78 |
41.8 |
98 |
47.5 |
118 |
35,4 |
138 |
0.0 |
19 |
0.0 |
39 |
24.0 |
59 |
37,3 |
79 |
41.8 |
99 |
48,0 |
119 |
30.1 |
139 |
0.0 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
140 |
0.0 |
160 |
0.0 |
180 |
41.5 |
200 |
67.8 |
220 |
80.5 |
240 |
91.2 |
260 |
87.1 |
141 |
0.0 |
161 |
0.0 |
181 |
43.8 |
201 |
70.0 |
221 |
81.4 |
241 |
91.2 |
261 |
86.6 |
142 |
0.0 |
162 |
0.0 |
182 |
42.6 |
202 |
72.6 |
222 |
82.1 |
242 |
90.9 |
262 |
85.9 |
143 |
0.0 |
163 |
0.0 |
183 |
38.6 |
203 |
74.0 |
223 |
82.9 |
243 |
90.9 |
263 |
85.3 |
144 |
0.0 |
164 |
5.3 |
184 |
36.5 |
204 |
75.3 |
224 |
84.0 |
244 |
90.9 |
264 |
84.7 |
145 |
0.0 |
165 |
10.6 |
185 |
31.2 |
205 |
76.4 |
225 |
85.6 |
245 |
90.9 |
265 |
83.8 |
146 |
0.0 |
166 |
15.9 |
186 |
28,5 |
206 |
76.4 |
226 |
87.1 |
246 |
90.9 |
266 |
84.3 |
147 |
0.0 |
167 |
21.2 |
187 |
27.7 |
207 |
76.1 |
227 |
87.9 |
247 |
90.9 |
267 |
83.7 |
148 |
0.0 |
168 |
26.6 |
188 |
29.1 |
208 |
76.0 |
228 |
88.4 |
248 |
90.6 |
268 |
83.5 |
149 |
0.0 |
169 |
31.9 |
189 |
29.9 |
209 |
75.6 |
229 |
88.5 |
249 |
90.3 |
269 |
83.2 |
150 |
0.0 |
170 |
35.7 |
190 |
32.2 |
210 |
75.6 |
230 |
88.4 |
250 |
89.8 |
270 |
82.9 |
151 |
0.0 |
171 |
39,1 |
191 |
35.7 |
211 |
75.6 |
231 |
87.9 |
251 |
88.7 |
271 |
83.0 |
152 |
0.0 |
172 |
41.5 |
192 |
39.4 |
212 |
75.6 |
232 |
87.9 |
252 |
87.9 |
272 |
83.4 |
153 |
0.0 |
173 |
42.5 |
193 |
43.9 |
213 |
75.6 |
233 |
88.2 |
253 |
87.2 |
273 |
83.8 |
154 |
0.0 |
174 |
41.4 |
194 |
49,1 |
214 |
76.0 |
234 |
88.7 |
254 |
86.9 |
274 |
84.5 |
155 |
0.0 |
175 |
40.4 |
195 |
53.9 |
215 |
76.3 |
235 |
89.3 |
255 |
86.4 |
275 |
85.3 |
156 |
0.0 |
176 |
39.8 |
196 |
58.3 |
216 |
77.1 |
236 |
89.6 |
256 |
86.3 |
276 |
86.1 |
157 |
0.0 |
177 |
40.2 |
197 |
60.0 |
217 |
78.1 |
237 |
90.3 |
257 |
86.7 |
277 |
86.9 |
158 |
0.0 |
178 |
40.6 |
198 |
63.2 |
218 |
79.0 |
238 |
90.6 |
258 |
86.9 |
278 |
88.4 |
159 |
0.0 |
179 |
40.9 |
199 |
65.2 |
219 |
79.7 |
239 |
91.1 |
259 |
87.1 |
279 |
89.2 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
280 |
89.5 |
300 |
79.0 |
320 |
44,3 |
340 |
0.0 |
360 |
49.6 |
380 |
58.7 |
400 |
0.0 |
281 |
90.1 |
301 |
78.2 |
321 |
39.9 |
341 |
0.0 |
361 |
50.9 |
381 |
58.6 |
401 |
0.0 |
282 |
90.1 |
302 |
77.4 |
322 |
34.6 |
342 |
0.0 |
362 |
51.7 |
382 |
57.9 |
402 |
0.0 |
283 |
89.8 |
303 |
76.0 |
323 |
32.3 |
343 |
0.0 |
363 |
52.3 |
383 |
56.5 |
403 |
4.2 |
284 |
88.8 |
304 |
74.2 |
324 |
30.7 |
344 |
0.0 |
364 |
54.1 |
384 |
54.9 |
404 |
9.5 |
285 |
87.7 |
305 |
72.4 |
325 |
29.8 |
345 |
0.0 |
365 |
55.5 |
385 |
53.9 |
405 |
14.5 |
286 |
86.3 |
306 |
70.5 |
326 |
27.4 |
346 |
0.0 |
366 |
55.7 |
386 |
50.5 |
406 |
20.1 |
287 |
84.5 |
307 |
68.6 |
327 |
24.9 |
347 |
1.6 |
367 |
56.2 |
387 |
46.7 |
407 |
25.4 |
288 |
82.9 |
308 |
66.8 |
328 |
20.1 |
348 |
6.9 |
368 |
56.0 |
388 |
41.4 |
408 |
30.7 |
289 |
82.9 |
309 |
64.9 |
329 |
17.4 |
349 |
12.2 |
369 |
55.5 |
389 |
37,0 |
409 |
36.0 |
290 |
82.9 |
310 |
62.0 |
330 |
12.9 |
350 |
17.5 |
370 |
55.8 |
390 |
32.7 |
410 |
40.2 |
291 |
82.2 |
311 |
59.5 |
331 |
7.6 |
351 |
22.9 |
371 |
57.1 |
391 |
28.2 |
411 |
41.2 |
292 |
80.6 |
312 |
56.6 |
332 |
2.3 |
352 |
27.8 |
372 |
57.9 |
392 |
23.3 |
412 |
44,3 |
293 |
80.5 |
313 |
54.4 |
333 |
0.0 |
353 |
32.2 |
373 |
57.9 |
393 |
19.3 |
413 |
46.7 |
294 |
80.6 |
314 |
52.3 |
334 |
0.0 |
354 |
36.2 |
374 |
57.9 |
394 |
14.0 |
414 |
48,3 |
295 |
80.5 |
315 |
50.7 |
335 |
0.0 |
355 |
38.1 |
375 |
57.9 |
395 |
8.7 |
415 |
48,4 |
296 |
79.8 |
316 |
49,2 |
336 |
0.0 |
356 |
40.6 |
376 |
57.9 |
396 |
3.4 |
416 |
48,3 |
297 |
79.7 |
317 |
49,1 |
337 |
0.0 |
357 |
42.8 |
377 |
57.9 |
397 |
0.0 |
417 |
47.8 |
298 |
79.7 |
318 |
48,3 |
338 |
0.0 |
358 |
45.2 |
378 |
58.1 |
398 |
0.0 |
418 |
47.2 |
299 |
79.7 |
319 |
46.7 |
339 |
0.0 |
359 |
48,3 |
379 |
58.6 |
399 |
0.0 |
419 |
46.3 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
420 |
45.1 |
440 |
0.0 |
460 |
54.1 |
480 |
56.6 |
500 |
21.2 |
520 |
25.7 |
540 |
40.6 |
421 |
40.2 |
441 |
0.0 |
461 |
56.0 |
481 |
56.3 |
501 |
16.6 |
521 |
28,5 |
541 |
40.2 |
422 |
34.9 |
442 |
0.0 |
462 |
56.5 |
482 |
56.5 |
502 |
11.6 |
522 |
30.6 |
542 |
40.2 |
423 |
29.6 |
443 |
0.0 |
463 |
57.3 |
483 |
56.6 |
503 |
6.4 |
523 |
32.3 |
543 |
40.2 |
424 |
24.3 |
444 |
0.0 |
464 |
58.1 |
484 |
57.1 |
504 |
1.6 |
524 |
33.8 |
544 |
39,3 |
425 |
19.0 |
445 |
0.0 |
465 |
57.9 |
485 |
56.6 |
505 |
0.0 |
525 |
35,4 |
545 |
37,2 |
426 |
13.7 |
446 |
0.0 |
466 |
58.1 |
486 |
56.3 |
506 |
0.0 |
526 |
37,0 |
546 |
31.9 |
427 |
8.4 |
447 |
0.0 |
467 |
58.3 |
487 |
56.3 |
507 |
0.0 |
527 |
38.3 |
547 |
26.6 |
428 |
3.1 |
448 |
5.3 |
468 |
57.9 |
488 |
56.3 |
508 |
0.0 |
528 |
39.4 |
548 |
21.2 |
429 |
0.0 |
449 |
10.6 |
469 |
57.5 |
489 |
56.0 |
509 |
0.0 |
529 |
40.1 |
549 |
15.9 |
430 |
0.0 |
450 |
15.9 |
470 |
57.9 |
490 |
55.7 |
510 |
0.0 |
530 |
40.2 |
550 |
10.6 |
431 |
0.0 |
451 |
21.2 |
471 |
57.9 |
491 |
55.8 |
511 |
1.9 |
531 |
40.2 |
551 |
5.3 |
432 |
0.0 |
452 |
26.6 |
472 |
57.3 |
492 |
53.9 |
512 |
5.6 |
532 |
40.2 |
552 |
0.0 |
433 |
0.0 |
453 |
31.0 |
473 |
57.1 |
493 |
51.5 |
513 |
8.9 |
533 |
40.2 |
553 |
0.0 |
434 |
0.0 |
454 |
37,2 |
474 |
57.0 |
494 |
48,4 |
514 |
10.5 |
534 |
40.2 |
554 |
0.0 |
435 |
0.0 |
455 |
42.5 |
475 |
56.6 |
495 |
45.1 |
515 |
13.7 |
535 |
40.2 |
555 |
0.0 |
436 |
0.0 |
456 |
44,7 |
476 |
56.6 |
496 |
41.0 |
516 |
15.4 |
536 |
41.2 |
556 |
0.0 |
437 |
0.0 |
457 |
46.8 |
477 |
56.6 |
497 |
36.2 |
517 |
16.9 |
537 |
41.5 |
557 |
0.0 |
438 |
0.0 |
458 |
50.7 |
478 |
56.6 |
498 |
31.9 |
518 |
19.2 |
538 |
41.8 |
558 |
0.0 |
439 |
0.0 |
459 |
53.1 |
479 |
56.6 |
499 |
26.6 |
519 |
22.5 |
539 |
41.2 |
559 |
0.0 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
560 |
0.0 |
580 |
28,5 |
600 |
34.8 |
620 |
0.0 |
640 |
0.0 |
660 |
41.2 |
680 |
0.0 |
561 |
0.0 |
581 |
28.2 |
601 |
35,4 |
621 |
0.0 |
641 |
0.0 |
661 |
41.8 |
681 |
0.0 |
562 |
0.0 |
582 |
27.4 |
602 |
36.0 |
622 |
0.0 |
642 |
0.0 |
662 |
43.9 |
682 |
0.0 |
563 |
0.0 |
583 |
27.2 |
603 |
36.2 |
623 |
0.0 |
643 |
0.0 |
663 |
43.1 |
683 |
0.0 |
564 |
0.0 |
584 |
26.7 |
604 |
36.2 |
624 |
0.0 |
644 |
0.0 |
664 |
42.3 |
684 |
0.0 |
565 |
0.0 |
585 |
27.4 |
605 |
36.2 |
625 |
0.0 |
645 |
0.0 |
665 |
42.5 |
685 |
0.0 |
566 |
0.0 |
586 |
27,5 |
606 |
36.5 |
626 |
0.0 |
646 |
3.2 |
666 |
42.6 |
686 |
0.0 |
567 |
0.0 |
587 |
27.4 |
607 |
38.1 |
627 |
0.0 |
647 |
7.2 |
667 |
42.6 |
687 |
0.0 |
568 |
0.0 |
588 |
26.7 |
608 |
40.4 |
628 |
0.0 |
648 |
12.6 |
668 |
41.8 |
688 |
0.0 |
569 |
5.3 |
589 |
26.6 |
609 |
41.8 |
629 |
0.0 |
649 |
16.4 |
669 |
41.0 |
689 |
0.0 |
570 |
10.6 |
590 |
26.6 |
610 |
42.6 |
630 |
0.0 |
650 |
20.1 |
670 |
38.0 |
690 |
0.0 |
571 |
15.9 |
591 |
26.7 |
611 |
43.5 |
631 |
0.0 |
651 |
22.5 |
671 |
34.4 |
691 |
0.0 |
572 |
20.9 |
592 |
27.4 |
612 |
42.0 |
632 |
0.0 |
652 |
24.6 |
672 |
29.8 |
692 |
0.0 |
573 |
23.5 |
593 |
28.3 |
613 |
36.7 |
633 |
0.0 |
653 |
28.2 |
673 |
26.4 |
693 |
0.0 |
574 |
25.7 |
594 |
29.8 |
614 |
31.4 |
634 |
0.0 |
654 |
31.5 |
674 |
23.3 |
694 |
2.3 |
575 |
27.4 |
595 |
30.9 |
615 |
26.1 |
635 |
0.0 |
655 |
33.8 |
675 |
18.7 |
695 |
5.3 |
576 |
27.4 |
596 |
32.5 |
616 |
20.8 |
636 |
0.0 |
656 |
35.7 |
676 |
14.0 |
696 |
7.1 |
577 |
21.4 |
597 |
33.8 |
617 |
15.4 |
637 |
0.0 |
657 |
37,5 |
677 |
9.3 |
697 |
10.5 |
578 |
28.2 |
598 |
34.0 |
618 |
10.1 |
638 |
0.0 |
658 |
39.4 |
678 |
5.6 |
698 |
14.8 |
579 |
28,5 |
599 |
34.1 |
619 |
4.8 |
639 |
0.0 |
659 |
40.7 |
679 |
3.2 |
699 |
18.2 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
700 |
21.7 |
720 |
24.1 |
740 |
41.0 |
760 |
15.1 |
780 |
44,3 |
800 |
45.1 |
820 |
50.9 |
701 |
23.5 |
721 |
19.3 |
741 |
42.6 |
761 |
10.0 |
781 |
45.1 |
801 |
45.9 |
821 |
50.7 |
702 |
26.4 |
722 |
14.5 |
742 |
43.6 |
762 |
4.8 |
782 |
45.5 |
802 |
48,3 |
822 |
49,2 |
703 |
26.9 |
723 |
10.0 |
743 |
44.4 |
763 |
2.4 |
783 |
46.5 |
803 |
49.9 |
823 |
48,3 |
704 |
26.6 |
724 |
7.2 |
744 |
44.9 |
764 |
2.4 |
784 |
46.5 |
804 |
51.5 |
824 |
48,1 |
705 |
26.6 |
725 |
4.8 |
745 |
45.5 |
765 |
0.8 |
785 |
46.5 |
805 |
53.1 |
825 |
48,1 |
706 |
29.3 |
726 |
3.4 |
746 |
46.0 |
766 |
0.0 |
786 |
46.3 |
806 |
53.1 |
826 |
48,1 |
707 |
30.9 |
727 |
0.8 |
747 |
46.0 |
767 |
4.8 |
787 |
45.9 |
807 |
54.1 |
827 |
48,1 |
708 |
32.3 |
728 |
0.8 |
748 |
45.5 |
768 |
10.1 |
788 |
45.5 |
808 |
54.7 |
828 |
47.6 |
709 |
34.6 |
729 |
5.1 |
749 |
45.4 |
769 |
15.4 |
789 |
45.5 |
809 |
55.2 |
829 |
47.5 |
710 |
36.2 |
730 |
10.5 |
750 |
45.1 |
770 |
20.8 |
790 |
45.5 |
810 |
55.0 |
830 |
47.5 |
711 |
36.2 |
731 |
15.4 |
751 |
44,3 |
771 |
25.4 |
791 |
45.4 |
811 |
54.7 |
831 |
47.2 |
712 |
35.6 |
732 |
20.1 |
752 |
43.1 |
772 |
28.2 |
792 |
44.4 |
812 |
54.7 |
832 |
46.5 |
713 |
36.5 |
733 |
22.5 |
753 |
41.0 |
773 |
29.6 |
793 |
44,3 |
813 |
54.6 |
833 |
45.4 |
714 |
37,5 |
734 |
25.7 |
754 |
37,8 |
774 |
31.4 |
794 |
44,3 |
814 |
54.1 |
834 |
44.6 |
715 |
37,8 |
735 |
29.0 |
755 |
34.6 |
775 |
33.3 |
795 |
44,3 |
815 |
53.3 |
835 |
43.5 |
716 |
36.2 |
736 |
31.5 |
756 |
30.6 |
776 |
35,4 |
796 |
44,3 |
816 |
53.1 |
836 |
41.0 |
717 |
34.8 |
737 |
34.6 |
757 |
26.6 |
777 |
37,3 |
797 |
44,3 |
817 |
52.3 |
837 |
38.1 |
718 |
33.0 |
738 |
37,2 |
758 |
24.0 |
778 |
40.2 |
798 |
44,3 |
818 |
51.5 |
838 |
35,4 |
719 |
29.0 |
739 |
39.4 |
759 |
20.1 |
779 |
42.6 |
799 |
44.4 |
819 |
51.3 |
839 |
33.0 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
840 |
30.9 |
860 |
46.7 |
880 |
46.8 |
900 |
43.3 |
920 |
36.4 |
940 |
40.2 |
960 |
3.2 |
841 |
30.9 |
861 |
46.8 |
881 |
46.7 |
901 |
42.8 |
921 |
37,7 |
941 |
39.6 |
961 |
8.5 |
842 |
32.3 |
862 |
46.7 |
882 |
46.5 |
902 |
42.6 |
922 |
38.6 |
942 |
39.6 |
962 |
13.8 |
843 |
33.6 |
863 |
45.2 |
883 |
45.9 |
903 |
42.6 |
923 |
38.9 |
943 |
38.8 |
963 |
19.2 |
844 |
34.4 |
864 |
44,3 |
884 |
45.2 |
904 |
42.6 |
924 |
39,3 |
944 |
39.4 |
964 |
24.5 |
845 |
35,4 |
865 |
43.5 |
885 |
45.1 |
905 |
42.3 |
925 |
40.1 |
945 |
40.4 |
965 |
28.2 |
846 |
36.4 |
866 |
41.5 |
886 |
45.1 |
906 |
42.2 |
926 |
40.4 |
946 |
41.2 |
966 |
29.9 |
847 |
37,3 |
867 |
40.2 |
887 |
44.4 |
907 |
42.2 |
927 |
40.6 |
947 |
40.4 |
967 |
32.2 |
848 |
38.6 |
868 |
39.4 |
888 |
43.8 |
908 |
41.7 |
928 |
40.7 |
948 |
38.6 |
968 |
34.0 |
849 |
40.2 |
869 |
39.9 |
889 |
42.8 |
909 |
41.2 |
929 |
41.0 |
949 |
35,4 |
969 |
35,4 |
850 |
41.8 |
870 |
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890 |
43.5 |
910 |
41.2 |
930 |
40.6 |
950 |
32.3 |
970 |
37,0 |
851 |
42.8 |
871 |
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891 |
44,3 |
911 |
41.7 |
931 |
40.2 |
951 |
27.2 |
971 |
39.4 |
852 |
42.8 |
872 |
41.4 |
892 |
44,7 |
912 |
41.5 |
932 |
40.3 |
952 |
21.9 |
972 |
42.3 |
853 |
43.1 |
873 |
42.2 |
893 |
45.1 |
913 |
41.0 |
933 |
40.2 |
953 |
16.6 |
973 |
44,3 |
854 |
43.5 |
874 |
43.3 |
894 |
44,7 |
914 |
39.6 |
934 |
39.8 |
954 |
11.3 |
974 |
45.2 |
855 |
43.8 |
875 |
44,3 |
895 |
45.1 |
915 |
37,8 |
935 |
39.4 |
955 |
6.0 |
975 |
45.7 |
856 |
44,7 |
876 |
44,7 |
896 |
45.1 |
916 |
35.7 |
936 |
39,1 |
956 |
0.6 |
976 |
45.9 |
857 |
45.2 |
877 |
45.7 |
897 |
45.1 |
917 |
34.8 |
937 |
39,1 |
957 |
0.0 |
977 |
45.9 |
858 |
46.3 |
878 |
46.7 |
898 |
44.6 |
918 |
34.8 |
938 |
39.4 |
958 |
0.0 |
978 |
45.9 |
859 |
46.5 |
879 |
47.0 |
899 |
44.1 |
919 |
34.9 |
939 |
40.2 |
959 |
0.0 |
979 |
44.6 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
980 |
44,3 |
1000 |
37,8 |
1020 |
12.2 |
1040 |
0.0 |
1060 |
32.2 |
1080 |
29.0 |
1100 |
0.0 |
981 |
43.8 |
1001 |
38.6 |
1021 |
6.9 |
1041 |
0.0 |
1061 |
35.1 |
1081 |
24.1 |
1101 |
0.2 |
982 |
43.1 |
1002 |
39.6 |
1022 |
1.6 |
1042 |
0.0 |
1062 |
37,0 |
1082 |
19.8 |
1102 |
1.0 |
983 |
42.6 |
1003 |
39.9 |
1023 |
0.0 |
1043 |
0.0 |
1063 |
38.6 |
1083 |
17.9 |
1103 |
2.6 |
984 |
41.8 |
1004 |
40.4 |
1024 |
0.0 |
1044 |
0.0 |
1064 |
39.9 |
1084 |
17.1 |
1104 |
5.8 |
985 |
41.4 |
1005 |
41.0 |
1025 |
0.0 |
1045 |
0.0 |
1065 |
41.2 |
1085 |
16.1 |
1105 |
11,1 |
986 |
40.6 |
1006 |
41.2 |
1026 |
0.0 |
1046 |
0.0 |
1066 |
42.6 |
1086 |
15.3 |
1106 |
16.1 |
987 |
38.6 |
1007 |
41.0 |
1027 |
0.0 |
1047 |
0.0 |
1067 |
43.1 |
1087 |
14.6 |
1107 |
20.6 |
988 |
35,4 |
1008 |
40.2 |
1028 |
0.0 |
1048 |
0.0 |
1068 |
44.1 |
1088 |
14.0 |
1108 |
22.5 |
989 |
34.6 |
1009 |
38.8 |
1029 |
0.0 |
1049 |
0.0 |
1069 |
44.9 |
1089 |
13.8 |
1109 |
23.3 |
990 |
34.6 |
1010 |
38.1 |
1030 |
0.0 |
1050 |
0.0 |
1070 |
45.5 |
1090 |
14.2 |
1110 |
25.7 |
991 |
35.1 |
1011 |
37,3 |
1031 |
0.0 |
1051 |
0.0 |
1071 |
45.1 |
1091 |
14.5 |
1111 |
29.1 |
992 |
36.2 |
1012 |
36.9 |
1032 |
0.0 |
1052 |
0.0 |
1072 |
44,3 |
1092 |
14.0 |
1112 |
32.2 |
993 |
37,0 |
1013 |
36.2 |
1033 |
0.0 |
1053 |
1.9 |
1073 |
43.5 |
1093 |
13.8 |
1113 |
33.6 |
994 |
36.7 |
1014 |
35,4 |
1034 |
0.0 |
1054 |
6.4 |
1074 |
43.5 |
1094 |
12.9 |
1114 |
34.1 |
995 |
36.7 |
1015 |
34.8 |
1035 |
0.0 |
1055 |
11.7 |
1075 |
42.3 |
1095 |
11.3 |
1115 |
34.3 |
996 |
37,0 |
1016 |
33.0 |
1036 |
0.0 |
1056 |
17.1 |
1076 |
39.4 |
1096 |
8.0 |
1116 |
34.4 |
997 |
36.5 |
1017 |
28.2 |
1037 |
0.0 |
1057 |
22.4 |
1077 |
36.2 |
1097 |
6.8 |
1117 |
34.9 |
998 |
36.5 |
1018 |
22.9 |
1038 |
0.0 |
1058 |
27.4 |
1078 |
34.6 |
1098 |
4.2 |
1118 |
36.2 |
999 |
36.5 |
1019 |
17.5 |
1039 |
0.0 |
1059 |
29.8 |
1079 |
33.2 |
1099 |
1.6 |
1119 |
37,0 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
1120 |
38.3 |
1140 |
41.8 |
1160 |
0.0 |
1180 |
32.2 |
1200 |
10.5 |
1220 |
34.6 |
1240 |
9.7 |
1121 |
39.4 |
1141 |
41.0 |
1161 |
0.0 |
1181 |
26.9 |
1201 |
15.8 |
1221 |
35.1 |
1241 |
6.4 |
1122 |
40.2 |
1142 |
39.6 |
1162 |
0.0 |
1182 |
21.6 |
1202 |
19.3 |
1222 |
35,4 |
1242 |
4.0 |
1123 |
40.1 |
1143 |
37,8 |
1163 |
0.0 |
1183 |
16.3 |
1203 |
20.8 |
1223 |
35.2 |
1243 |
1.1 |
1124 |
39.9 |
1144 |
34.6 |
1164 |
0.0 |
1184 |
10.9 |
1204 |
20.9 |
1224 |
34.9 |
1244 |
0.0 |
1125 |
40.2 |
1145 |
32.2 |
1165 |
0.0 |
1185 |
5.6 |
1205 |
20.3 |
1225 |
34.6 |
1245 |
0.0 |
1126 |
40.9 |
1146 |
28.2 |
1166 |
0.0 |
1186 |
0.3 |
1206 |
20.6 |
1226 |
34.6 |
1246 |
0.0 |
1127 |
41.5 |
1147 |
25.7 |
1167 |
0.0 |
1187 |
0.0 |
1207 |
21.1 |
1227 |
34.4 |
1247 |
0.0 |
1128 |
41.8 |
1148 |
22.5 |
1168 |
0.0 |
1188 |
0.0 |
1208 |
21.1 |
1228 |
32.3 |
1248 |
0.0 |
1129 |
42.5 |
1149 |
17.2 |
1169 |
3.4 |
1189 |
0.0 |
1209 |
22.5 |
1229 |
31.4 |
1249 |
0.0 |
1130 |
42.8 |
1150 |
11.9 |
1170 |
8.7 |
1190 |
0.0 |
1210 |
24.9 |
1230 |
30.9 |
1250 |
0.0 |
1131 |
43.3 |
1151 |
6.6 |
1171 |
14.0 |
1191 |
0.0 |
1211 |
27.4 |
1231 |
31.5 |
1251 |
0.0 |
1132 |
43.5 |
1152 |
1.3 |
1172 |
19.3 |
1192 |
0.0 |
1212 |
29.9 |
1232 |
31.9 |
1252 |
1.6 |
1133 |
43.5 |
1153 |
0.0 |
1173 |
24.6 |
1193 |
0.0 |
1213 |
31.7 |
1233 |
32.2 |
1253 |
1.6 |
1134 |
43.5 |
1154 |
0.0 |
1174 |
29.9 |
1194 |
0.0 |
1214 |
33.8 |
1234 |
31.4 |
1254 |
1.6 |
1135 |
43.3 |
1155 |
0.0 |
1175 |
34.0 |
1195 |
0.0 |
1215 |
34.6 |
1235 |
28.2 |
1255 |
1.6 |
1136 |
43.1 |
1156 |
0.0 |
1176 |
37,0 |
1196 |
0.0 |
1216 |
35.1 |
1236 |
24.9 |
1256 |
1.6 |
1137 |
43.1 |
1157 |
0.0 |
1177 |
37,8 |
1197 |
0.3 |
1217 |
35.1 |
1237 |
20.9 |
1257 |
2.6 |
1138 |
42.6 |
1158 |
0.0 |
1178 |
37,0 |
1198 |
2.4 |
1218 |
34.6 |
1238 |
16.1 |
1258 |
4.8 |
1139 |
42.5 |
1159 |
0.0 |
1179 |
36.2 |
1199 |
5.6 |
1219 |
34.1 |
1239 |
12.9 |
1259 |
6.4 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
1260 |
8.0 |
1280 |
39.4 |
1300 |
45.5 |
1320 |
0.0 |
1340 |
13.0 |
1360 |
26.6 |
1261 |
10.1 |
1281 |
38.6 |
1301 |
46.7 |
1321 |
0.0 |
1341 |
18.3 |
1361 |
24.9 |
1262 |
12.9 |
1282 |
37,8 |
1302 |
46.8 |
1322 |
0.0 |
1342 |
21.2 |
1362 |
22.5 |
1263 |
16.1 |
1283 |
37,8 |
1303 |
46.7 |
1323 |
0.0 |
1343 |
24.3 |
1363 |
17.7 |
1264 |
16.9 |
1284 |
37,8 |
1304 |
45.1 |
1324 |
0.0 |
1344 |
27.0 |
1364 |
12.9 |
1265 |
15.3 |
1285 |
37,8 |
1305 |
39.8 |
1325 |
0.0 |
1345 |
29,5 |
1365 |
8.4 |
1266 |
13.7 |
1286 |
37,8 |
1306 |
34.4 |
1326 |
0.0 |
1346 |
31.4 |
1366 |
4.0 |
1267 |
12.2 |
1287 |
37,8 |
1307 |
29.1 |
1327 |
0.0 |
1347 |
32.7 |
1367 |
0.0 |
1268 |
14.2 |
1288 |
38.6 |
1308 |
23.8 |
1328 |
0.0 |
1348 |
34.3 |
1368 |
0.0 |
1269 |
17.7 |
1289 |
38.8 |
1309 |
18.5 |
1329 |
0.0 |
1349 |
35.2 |
1369 |
0.0 |
1270 |
22.5 |
1290 |
39.4 |
1310 |
13.2 |
1330 |
0.0 |
1350 |
35.6 |
1370 |
0.0 |
1271 |
27.4 |
1291 |
39.8 |
1311 |
7.9 |
1331 |
0.0 |
1351 |
36.0 |
1371 |
0.0 |
1272 |
31.4 |
1292 |
40.2 |
1312 |
2.6 |
1332 |
0.0 |
1352 |
35,4 |
1273 |
33.8 |
1293 |
40.9 |
1313 |
0.0 |
1333 |
0.0 |
1353 |
34.8 |
1274 |
35.1 |
1294 |
41.2 |
1314 |
0.0 |
1334 |
0.0 |
1354 |
34.0 |
1275 |
35.7 |
1295 |
41.4 |
1315 |
0.0 |
1335 |
0.0 |
1355 |
33.0 |
1276 |
37,0 |
1296 |
41.8 |
1316 |
0.0 |
1336 |
0.0 |
1356 |
32.2 |
1277 |
38.0 |
1297 |
42.2 |
1317 |
0.0 |
1337 |
0.0 |
1357 |
31.5 |
1278 |
38.8 |
1298 |
43.5 |
1318 |
0.0 |
1338 |
2.4 |
1358 |
29.8 |
1279 |
39.4 |
1299 |
44,7 |
1319 |
0.0 |
1339 |
7.7 |
1359 |
28.2 |
Table for driving curve IIDriving time (t) in (s)-Driving speed (v) in (km/h)
0 |
0.0 |
20 |
52.9 |
40 |
59.3 |
60 |
71.6 |
80 |
75.4 |
100 |
78.0 |
120 |
77.3 |
1 |
0.0 |
21 |
53.9 |
41 |
59.5 |
61 |
72.0 |
81 |
75.4 |
101 |
78.5 |
121 |
76.7 |
2 |
0.0 |
22 |
54.8 |
42 |
59.5 |
62 |
72.2 |
82 |
75.6 |
102 |
79.0 |
122 |
76.2 |
3 |
3.2 |
23 |
55.6 |
43 |
59.5 |
63 |
72.4 |
83 |
75.7 |
103 |
79.1 |
123 |
76.1 |
4 |
7.8 |
24 |
56.1 |
44 |
59.5 |
64 |
72.5 |
84 |
75.7 |
104 |
79.0 |
124 |
76.4 |
5 |
13.0 |
25 |
56.4 |
45 |
59.5 |
65 |
73.0 |
85 |
75.9 |
105 |
79.0 |
125 |
76.9 |
6 |
18.1 |
26 |
57.4 |
46 |
59.5 |
66 |
73.5 |
86 |
75.7 |
106 |
78.8 |
126 |
77.0 |
7 |
23.3 |
27 |
57.7 |
47 |
59.6 |
67 |
74.0 |
87 |
75.6 |
107 |
78.8 |
127 |
77.2 |
8 |
27.8 |
28 |
57.6 |
48 |
60.0 |
68 |
74.4 |
88 |
75.4 |
108 |
79.0 |
128 |
77.0 |
9 |
31.5 |
29 |
56.7 |
49 |
60.4 |
69 |
74.8 |
89 |
74.8 |
109 |
79.1 |
129 |
77.0 |
10 |
35.0 |
30 |
56.1 |
50 |
62.1 |
70 |
75.3 |
90 |
74.4 |
110 |
79.3 |
130 |
77.0 |
11 |
38.6 |
31 |
55.5 |
51 |
63.2 |
71 |
75.4 |
91 |
74.3 |
111 |
79.4 |
131 |
77.2 |
12 |
41.5 |
32 |
55.6 |
52 |
64.3 |
72 |
75.6 |
92 |
74.4 |
112 |
79.6 |
132 |
77.2 |
13 |
43.6 |
33 |
55.9 |
53 |
65.4 |
73 |
75.7 |
93 |
74.8 |
113 |
79.6 |
133 |
77.2 |
14 |
46.0 |
34 |
56.4 |
54 |
66.6 |
74 |
75.9 |
94 |
75.4 |
114 |
79.6 |
134 |
77.0 |
15 |
48,1 |
35 |
57.4 |
55 |
67.8 |
75 |
76.1 |
95 |
75.7 |
115 |
79.4 |
135 |
76.1 |
16 |
48,2 |
36 |
58.0 |
56 |
69.0 |
76 |
75.9 |
96 |
76.2 |
116 |
79.0 |
136 |
74.0 |
17 |
49.3 |
37 |
58.2 |
57 |
69.9 |
77 |
75.7 |
97 |
76.7 |
117 |
78.6 |
137 |
69.6 |
18 |
50.6 |
38 |
58.7 |
58 |
70.7 |
78 |
75.6 |
98 |
77.2 |
118 |
78.1 |
138 |
66.2 |
19 |
51.8 |
39 |
59.0 |
59 |
71.2 |
79 |
75.4 |
99 |
77.5 |
119 |
77.8 |
139 |
63.5 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
140 |
63.0 |
160 |
75.3 |
180 |
69.3 |
200 |
69.8 |
220 |
69.3 |
240 |
75.6 |
260 |
79.0 |
141 |
62.7 |
161 |
75.4 |
181 |
67.8 |
201 |
69.5 |
221 |
69.5 |
241 |
75.4 |
261 |
79.0 |
142 |
62.7 |
162 |
75.6 |
182 |
66.7 |
202 |
69.5 |
222 |
69.8 |
242 |
75.3 |
262 |
79.0 |
143 |
62.9 |
163 |
75.7 |
183 |
66.7 |
203 |
69.3 |
223 |
70.6 |
243 |
75.4 |
263 |
79.0 |
144 |
63.5 |
164 |
76.5 |
184 |
67.7 |
204 |
69.1 |
224 |
71.2 |
244 |
75.6 |
264 |
78.8 |
145 |
64.5 |
165 |
77.0 |
185 |
69.0 |
205 |
69.1 |
225 |
71.9 |
245 |
75.9 |
265 |
78.6 |
146 |
65.9 |
166 |
77.2 |
186 |
69.9 |
206 |
69.3 |
226 |
72.5 |
246 |
76.4 |
266 |
77.5 |
147 |
67.5 |
167 |
77.2 |
187 |
70.6 |
207 |
69.8 |
227 |
73.0 |
247 |
77.0 |
267 |
76.7 |
148 |
69.3 |
168 |
77.0 |
188 |
70.1 |
208 |
70.6 |
228 |
73.6 |
248 |
77.2 |
268 |
76.4 |
149 |
70.3 |
169 |
76.9 |
189 |
69.6 |
209 |
70.7 |
229 |
74.8 |
249 |
77.2 |
269 |
75.9 |
150 |
70.9 |
170 |
76.1 |
190 |
69.1 |
210 |
69.9 |
230 |
75.4 |
250 |
77.2 |
270 |
75.1 |
151 |
71.2 |
171 |
75.1 |
191 |
69.3 |
211 |
68.5 |
231 |
75.9 |
251 |
77.2 |
271 |
74.3 |
152 |
71.4 |
172 |
74.3 |
192 |
69.8 |
212 |
66.7 |
232 |
76.2 |
252 |
77.2 |
272 |
74.0 |
153 |
71.7 |
173 |
73.8 |
193 |
70.6 |
213 |
65.4 |
233 |
76.1 |
253 |
77.3 |
273 |
73.6 |
154 |
71.9 |
174 |
73.5 |
194 |
71.2 |
214 |
64.3 |
234 |
76.1 |
254 |
77.5 |
274 |
73.3 |
155 |
72.2 |
175 |
73.2 |
195 |
71.7 |
215 |
64.3 |
235 |
75.9 |
255 |
77.5 |
275 |
73.0 |
156 |
72.7 |
176 |
73.0 |
196 |
72.2 |
216 |
64.8 |
236 |
75.9 |
256 |
77.3 |
276 |
72.7 |
157 |
73.5 |
177 |
72.8 |
197 |
72.0 |
217 |
65.9 |
237 |
75.9 |
257 |
78.1 |
277 |
72.4 |
158 |
73.8 |
178 |
72.4 |
198 |
71.4 |
218 |
67.5 |
238 |
75.7 |
258 |
78.6 |
278 |
71.9 |
159 |
74.4 |
179 |
70.7 |
199 |
70.6 |
219 |
68.7 |
239 |
75.6 |
259 |
79.0 |
279 |
71.6 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
280 |
71.1 |
300 |
53.7 |
320 |
74.8 |
340 |
92.1 |
360 |
92.3 |
380 |
90.4 |
400 |
91.8 |
281 |
69.9 |
301 |
57.2 |
321 |
75.3 |
341 |
92.6 |
361 |
92.0 |
381 |
90.1 |
401 |
92.5 |
282 |
68.8 |
302 |
60.3 |
322 |
75.7 |
342 |
93.0 |
362 |
91.8 |
382 |
90.1 |
402 |
93.0 |
283 |
67.5 |
303 |
62.9 |
323 |
76.7 |
343 |
93.3 |
363 |
91.7 |
383 |
90.1 |
403 |
93.3 |
284 |
64.5 |
304 |
64.6 |
324 |
77.7 |
344 |
93.4 |
364 |
91.7 |
384 |
90.2 |
404 |
93.3 |
285 |
62.1 |
305 |
66.1 |
325 |
78.8 |
345 |
93.9 |
365 |
91.5 |
385 |
90.7 |
405 |
93.3 |
286 |
60.3 |
306 |
67.2 |
326 |
79.9 |
346 |
94.4 |
366 |
91.5 |
386 |
91.2 |
406 |
93.3 |
287 |
57.6 |
307 |
68.2 |
327 |
80.9 |
347 |
94.6 |
367 |
91.5 |
387 |
91.5 |
407 |
93.3 |
288 |
55.8 |
308 |
68.8 |
328 |
82.0 |
348 |
94.7 |
368 |
91.7 |
388 |
91.8 |
408 |
93.3 |
289 |
54.7 |
309 |
69.6 |
329 |
83.1 |
349 |
94.9 |
369 |
91.7 |
389 |
92.1 |
409 |
93.1 |
290 |
53.5 |
310 |
70.4 |
330 |
84.3 |
350 |
94.9 |
370 |
91.7 |
390 |
92.3 |
410 |
93.0 |
291 |
52.2 |
311 |
71.2 |
331 |
85.4 |
351 |
94.7 |
371 |
91.7 |
391 |
92.3 |
411 |
92.8 |
292 |
51.0 |
312 |
71.9 |
332 |
86.5 |
352 |
94.6 |
372 |
91.7 |
392 |
92.0 |
412 |
92.8 |
293 |
49,2 |
313 |
72.4 |
333 |
87.6 |
353 |
94.2 |
373 |
91.7 |
393 |
91.7 |
413 |
93.0 |
294 |
47.6 |
314 |
72.7 |
334 |
88.8 |
354 |
93.9 |
374 |
91.7 |
394 |
91.5 |
414 |
93.1 |
295 |
46.3 |
315 |
73.0 |
335 |
89.7 |
355 |
93.6 |
375 |
91.7 |
395 |
91.0 |
415 |
93.3 |
296 |
46.1 |
316 |
73.2 |
336 |
90.7 |
356 |
93.4 |
376 |
91.7 |
396 |
90.5 |
416 |
93.4 |
297 |
46.0 |
317 |
73.6 |
337 |
91.5 |
357 |
93.3 |
377 |
91.5 |
397 |
90.2 |
417 |
93.9 |
298 |
47.4 |
318 |
74.0 |
338 |
91.7 |
358 |
93.1 |
378 |
91.3 |
398 |
90.7 |
418 |
94.7 |
299 |
50.5 |
319 |
74.1 |
339 |
91.8 |
359 |
92.6 |
379 |
90.9 |
399 |
91.2 |
419 |
95.0 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
420 |
95.5 |
440 |
93.1 |
460 |
93.3 |
480 |
88.6 |
500 |
88.0 |
520 |
88.1 |
540 |
90.1 |
421 |
96.2 |
441 |
93.1 |
461 |
93.4 |
481 |
88.4 |
501 |
87.8 |
521 |
88.3 |
541 |
90.1 |
422 |
96.3 |
442 |
93.1 |
462 |
93.4 |
482 |
88.3 |
502 |
87.5 |
522 |
88.4 |
542 |
90.1 |
423 |
96.3 |
443 |
93.1 |
463 |
93.6 |
483 |
88.3 |
503 |
87.3 |
523 |
88.6 |
543 |
90.1 |
424 |
96.2 |
444 |
93.1 |
464 |
93.8 |
484 |
88.3 |
504 |
87.3 |
524 |
88.8 |
544 |
90.1 |
425 |
95.8 |
445 |
93.3 |
465 |
93.8 |
485 |
88.3 |
505 |
87.2 |
525 |
88.8 |
545 |
90.1 |
426 |
95.5 |
446 |
93.4 |
466 |
93.8 |
486 |
88.3 |
506 |
87.0 |
526 |
88.9 |
546 |
90.1 |
427 |
95.2 |
447 |
93.4 |
467 |
93.6 |
487 |
88.3 |
507 |
87.0 |
527 |
89.1 |
547 |
89.9 |
428 |
95.0 |
448 |
93.6 |
468 |
93.4 |
488 |
88.4 |
508 |
87.0 |
528 |
89.2 |
548 |
89.9 |
429 |
94.9 |
449 |
93.6 |
469 |
93.3 |
489 |
88.4 |
509 |
86.8 |
529 |
89.4 |
549 |
89.9 |
430 |
94.7 |
450 |
93.6 |
470 |
93.0 |
490 |
88.4 |
510 |
86.8 |
530 |
89.6 |
550 |
89.7 |
431 |
94.4 |
451 |
93.4 |
471 |
92.5 |
491 |
88.4 |
511 |
86.8 |
531 |
89.7 |
551 |
89.4 |
432 |
94.2 |
452 |
93.3 |
472 |
91.8 |
492 |
88.4 |
512 |
86.8 |
532 |
89.9 |
552 |
89.1 |
433 |
94.1 |
453 |
93.3 |
473 |
91.7 |
493 |
88.4 |
513 |
86.8 |
533 |
90.1 |
553 |
88.8 |
434 |
93.9 |
454 |
93.3 |
474 |
91.0 |
494 |
88.6 |
514 |
86.8 |
534 |
90.1 |
554 |
88.6 |
435 |
93.9 |
455 |
93.3 |
475 |
90.2 |
495 |
88.6 |
515 |
86.8 |
535 |
90.1 |
555 |
88.4 |
436 |
93.8 |
456 |
93.3 |
476 |
90.1 |
496 |
88.4 |
516 |
86.8 |
536 |
90.1 |
556 |
88.3 |
437 |
93.6 |
457 |
93.3 |
477 |
89.7 |
497 |
88.3 |
517 |
87.0 |
537 |
90.1 |
557 |
87.8 |
438 |
93.4 |
458 |
93.1 |
478 |
89.2 |
498 |
88.3 |
518 |
87.2 |
538 |
90.1 |
558 |
87.5 |
439 |
93.3 |
459 |
93.1 |
479 |
88.8 |
499 |
88.1 |
519 |
87.6 |
539 |
90.1 |
559 |
87.2 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
560 |
87.0 |
580 |
82.2 |
600 |
77.7 |
620 |
79.9 |
640 |
74.8 |
660 |
82.0 |
680 |
81.2 |
561 |
86.5 |
581 |
81.5 |
601 |
77.2 |
621 |
81.4 |
641 |
74.3 |
661 |
82.2 |
681 |
80.6 |
562 |
85.9 |
582 |
80.9 |
602 |
77.0 |
622 |
82.8 |
642 |
74.0 |
662 |
82.7 |
682 |
80.1 |
563 |
85.7 |
583 |
80.2 |
603 |
76.9 |
623 |
83.9 |
643 |
74.0 |
663 |
83.1 |
683 |
79.9 |
564 |
85.4 |
584 |
79.3 |
604 |
76.7 |
624 |
84.7 |
644 |
74.4 |
664 |
83.6 |
684 |
79.8 |
565 |
85.1 |
585 |
78.3 |
605 |
77.0 |
625 |
85.2 |
645 |
75.3 |
665 |
83.9 |
685 |
79.6 |
566 |
84.6 |
586 |
77.5 |
606 |
77.7 |
626 |
86.2 |
646 |
76.4 |
666 |
84.4 |
686 |
79.6 |
567 |
84.3 |
587 |
77.3 |
607 |
78.8 |
627 |
86.8 |
647 |
77.5 |
667 |
84.9 |
687 |
79.9 |
568 |
83.9 |
588 |
77.2 |
608 |
79.0 |
628 |
87.0 |
648 |
78.5 |
668 |
84.7 |
688 |
80.4 |
569 |
83.8 |
589 |
77.2 |
609 |
78.8 |
629 |
87.5 |
649 |
79.6 |
669 |
84.6 |
689 |
80.7 |
570 |
83.6 |
590 |
77.3 |
610 |
78.6 |
630 |
88.0 |
650 |
80.7 |
670 |
84.1 |
690 |
81.4 |
571 |
83.6 |
591 |
77.8 |
611 |
77.2 |
631 |
88.6 |
651 |
81.5 |
671 |
84.1 |
691 |
82.2 |
572 |
83.6 |
592 |
78.6 |
612 |
75.7 |
632 |
89.1 |
652 |
82.2 |
672 |
84.3 |
692 |
83.0 |
573 |
83.6 |
593 |
78.8 |
613 |
74.3 |
633 |
89.1 |
653 |
83.1 |
673 |
84.4 |
693 |
83.5 |
574 |
83.8 |
594 |
79.0 |
614 |
74.1 |
634 |
88.4 |
654 |
83.9 |
674 |
84.7 |
694 |
83.6 |
575 |
83.6 |
595 |
79.0 |
615 |
74.1 |
635 |
87.6 |
655 |
84.4 |
675 |
84.7 |
695 |
83.8 |
576 |
83.6 |
596 |
78.8 |
616 |
74.3 |
636 |
86.2 |
656 |
83.8 |
676 |
84.3 |
696 |
84.3 |
577 |
83.5 |
597 |
78.8 |
617 |
75.4 |
637 |
84.4 |
657 |
83.0 |
677 |
83.8 |
697 |
85.1 |
578 |
83.0 |
598 |
78.6 |
618 |
76.9 |
638 |
80.7 |
658 |
82.2 |
678 |
83.1 |
698 |
85.7 |
579 |
82.7 |
599 |
78.1 |
619 |
78.8 |
639 |
77.5 |
659 |
82.0 |
679 |
82.2 |
699 |
86.4 |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
T |
C |
700 |
87.2 |
720 |
94.6 |
740 |
78.0 |
760 |
5.3 |
701 |
87.6 |
721 |
94.1 |
741 |
76.5 |
761 |
3.2 |
702 |
88.1 |
722 |
93.4 |
742 |
75.3 |
762 |
1.1 |
703 |
88.4 |
723 |
92.8 |
743 |
73.3 |
763 |
0.0 |
704 |
89.2 |
724 |
92.1 |
744 |
71.1 |
764 |
0.0 |
705 |
89.9 |
725 |
91.8 |
745 |
68.3 |
765 |
0.0 |
706 |
90.2 |
726 |
91.3 |
746 |
63.0 |
707 |
90.2 |
727 |
90.9 |
747 |
57.7 |
708 |
90.7 |
728 |
90.4 |
748 |
52.4 |
709 |
90.9 |
729 |
89.2 |
749 |
47.1 |
710 |
91.2 |
730 |
87.8 |
750 |
43.1 |
711 |
91.5 |
731 |
87.0 |
751 |
39.4 |
712 |
91.7 |
732 |
86.4 |
752 |
34.5 |
713 |
92.1 |
733 |
85.5 |
753 |
31.3 |
714 |
92.8 |
734 |
85.1 |
754 |
27.9 |
715 |
93.6 |
735 |
84.4 |
755 |
24.2 |
716 |
94.6 |
736 |
83.6 |
756 |
19.9 |
717 |
95.0 |
737 |
82.5 |
757 |
15.6 |
718 |
95.2 |
738 |
81.2 |
758 |
11.2 |
719 |
95.0 |
739 |
79.6 |
759 |
8.0 |
Chassis dynamometer
Procedure for calibration of the chassis dynamometer
General This section describes the procedure for determining the power absorbed by a driving test rig. This includes the power absorbed by the friction and the brake. The chassis dynamometer is driven at a speed that is greater than the highest test speed. The drive is then set off; the rotational speed of the driven roller is reduced. The kinetic energy of the rollers is used up by the brake and the friction. In this case, the different internal friction of the rollers in the case of the loaded and unstressed state is not taken into account. Likewise, the friction of the rear roll remains unaccounted for when it runs empty.
Calibration of the power display depending on the power received The performance indicator must be calibrated at speeds of 80 km/h, 60 km/h, 40 km/h and 20 km/h. The process for speed is 80 km/h . The calibration is to be repeated for the other mentioned speeds, whereby the initial and final velocities are to be chosen in a sense. Measurement of the rotational speed of the roller, if not already done. For this purpose, a fifth wheel, a tachometer or another device can be used. The vehicle is put on the test bench or another method is used to set the test bench in motion. Use of a flywheel or a The test bench is mounted at a speed of 80 km/h. Recording of the displayed power (Pi). Increase of the speed to 97 km/h.Solution of the device for driving of the test bench record of the test rig's delay time of 88 km/h up to 72 km/h.Setting the braking load to a different value. Repeating the described processes until the performance range is covered on the road. Calculation of the power absorbed according to the following formula:
recorded power in kW
Equivalent flywheel mass in kg (disregarded the inertia of the idle rear roll)
Initial speed in m/s (88 km/h = 24,4 m/s)
End speed in m/s (72 km/h = 20 m/s)
Time for the delay of the roll from 88 km/h to 72 km/h.
Diagram of the displayed power at 80 km/h depending on the power absorbed at the same speed:
Driving resistance of a vehicle
GeneralWith the procedures described below, the driving resistance of a vehicle travelling at a constant speed on the road shall be measured and this resistance shall be measured on the chassis dynamometer in accordance with the conditions laid down in the following conditions: in accordance with point The Technical Service may allow other methods of determining the resistance of the driving force. Frog **)
Description of the carriageway The carriageway must be horizontal and long enough to be able to carry out the measurements mentioned below. The slope must be constant at ± 0.1 percent and must not exceed 1.5 percent.
Meteorological conditions During the test, the average wind speed shall not exceed 3 m/s in the case of wind gusts of less than 5 m/s. In addition, the wind component in the transverse direction to the roadway must be less than 2 m/s. The wind speed shall be 0.7 m above the road surface. The road must be dry. The air density during the test shall not deviate by more than ± 7,5 per cent from the reference conditions P = 100 kPa and t = 293.2 K.
Condition and preparation of the test vehicle
The vehicle must be in normal driving and setting conditions. It is necessary to verify that the vehicle is in conformity with the manufacturer's information for the relevant use in relation to the points mentioned above:
Wheels, decorative caps, tires (brand, type, print)
Geometry of the front axle
Adjustment of the brakes (removal of disturbing influences)
Lubrication of the front and rear axle
Adjustment of the wheel suspension and the vehicle level
The vehicle shall be loaded at least up to its reference mass. The vehicle level shall be adjusted in such a way that the centre of gravity of the loading centre is situated in the middle between the "R" points of the outer front seats and on a straight line passing through these points.
For tests on the road, the windows should be closed. Possible covers for air conditioning, headlights, etc. shall be located in the positions resulting from the switched-off devices.
Immediately prior to the test, the vehicle must be brought to normal operating temperature in a suitable manner.
Measurement procedure for the energy change in the run-out test
On the road
Measuring instruments and permissible measuring errors The time measurement may be affected by an error of not more than 0.1 seconds, the speed with an error of not more than 2 percent.
Test method
The vehicle shall be brought to a speed greater than 10 km/h above the selected test speed v.
The transmission is to be brought into idling position.
The deceleration time t1 of the vehicle is measured from the speed
v2 = (v + Δv) km/h to v1 = (v-Δv) km/h,
where Δv is 5 km/h.
Implementation of the same test in the other direction for the determination of t2.
Determination of the mean value T1 from t1 and t2.
This test shall be repeated so often that the statistical accuracy (p) for the mean value
is equal to or less than 2% (p ≤ 2%). The statistical accuracy is defined by:
Coefficient according to the following table
Number of checks
standard deviation,
N |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
T |
3.2 |
2.8 |
2.6 |
2.5 |
2.4 |
2.3 |
1.6 |
1.25 |
1.06 |
0.94 |
0.85 |
0.77 |
N |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
T |
2.3 |
2.2 |
2.2 |
2.2 |
2.2 |
2.2 |
0.73 |
0.66 |
0.64 |
0.61 |
0.59 |
0.57 |
Calculation of performance according to the formula:
Power in kW
Test speed in m/s
Deviation from speed v in m/s
Reference mass in kg
Time in seconds
On the test bench
Measuring instruments and permissible measuring errors are the same equipment as used for the test on the road.
Test method
The vehicle will be placed on the chassis dynamometer.
The tyre pressure (cold) of the drive wheels shall be brought to the value necessary for the test bench.
Adjustment of the equivalent flywheel mass I of the test bench. The vehicle and the test bench shall be brought to the operating temperature by a suitable method.
Implementation of the measures described in point (a) to (c), (f) and (g), where in formula (g), M is replaced by I.
Setting the test bench brake according to point 3.9.1.
Other equivalent measurement methods for the energy change in the run-out test may be applied after the approval of the technical service.
Measurement method for torque at constant speed
On the road
Measuring instruments and permissible measurement errors
The torque must be measured with a gauge of an accuracy of 2 per cent,
the speed has to be determined exactly at 2 percent.
Test method
The vehicle must be brought to the selected constant speed V.
The torque C (t) and the speed shall be recorded for a period of at least 10 seconds with an instrument of class 1000 in accordance with ISO standard number 970.
The changes in the torque C (t) and the speed as a function of time must not exceed 5 per cent in each second of the recording time.
The relevant torque Ct1 is the mean torque, determined according to the following formula:
Carrying out the test in the other direction of travel for the determination of Ct2.
Determination of the mean value Ct from the two values for the torque Ct1 and Ct2.
On the test bench
Measuring instruments and permissible measuring errors are the same equipment as used for the test on the road.
Test method
Implementation of the measures referred to in point (a) to (d).
Implementation of the measures referred to in point (a) to (d).
Setting of the test stand brake in accordance with point 3.9.1.
Testing of the total flyweight of the chassis dynamometer in electrical simulation
General Use of the method described below is to check whether the total mass of the chassis dynamometer sufficiently simulates the actual values in the different phases of the travel curve.
Preparation of the work equation The forces occurring at the (the) roll (s) can be expressed by the following equation:
Force on the roll (s)
Total dynamometer mass of the test stand (equivalent flyweight of the vehicle)
Flywheel mass of the mechanical masses the test stand
Tangential acceleration on the circumference of the roll
Flywheel mass force
This formula is explained in section for test benches with mechanically simulated centrifugal masses.
The total mass of the sweat is expressed by the following formula:
are calculated or measured using traditional methods,
shall be measured on the test bench,
is calculated from the circumferential speed of the rolls.
The total mass "I" shall be determined in the case of an acceleration or deceleration test equal to or greater than the values measured in the case of a travel curve.
Permissible error in the calculation of the total flyweight With the testing and calculation methods, the total flyweight I must be able to be determined with a relative error (Δ I/I) of less than 2 percent.
The simulated total mass I must remain the same as the theoretical value of the equivalent inertia mass (see point 3.5.1), in the following limits:
± 5 per cent of the theoretical value for each instantaneous value,
± 2% of the theoretical value for the mean value, calculated for each operation of the driving curve.
The limits referred to in point (a) shall be changed for one second when driving up and, in the case of vehicles with manual transmission, shall be changed for two seconds by +50 per cent during gear change.
Control procedures
The control shall be carried out for each test throughout the duration of a driving curve. However, if the requirements of point are fulfilled, the instantaneous acceleration values shall be at least equal to or greater than the factor of three Values that occur in the travel curve are not required by the control described above.
Technical note explanation for the preparation of work equations.
Balance of power on the road
Balance of forces on the test bench with mechanically simulated centrifugal masses
Balance of forces on the test bench with non-mechanically (electrically) simulated centrifugal masses
In these formulas:
CR: |
Engine torque on the road |
Cm: |
Engine torque on the test bench with mechanically simulated centrifugal masses |
Ce: |
Engine torque on the test bench with electrically simulated centrifugal masses |
φ r1 |
Moment of inertia of the vehicle drive with respect to the drive wheels |
φ r2: |
Moment of inertia of the non-driven wheels |
φRm: |
Moment of inertia of the test stand with mechanically simulated centrifugal masses |
φRe: |
Mechanical moment of inertia of the test stand with electrically simulated centrifugal masses |
M: |
Mass of the vehicle on the road |
I: |
equivalent flyweight of the dynamometer with mechanically simulated centrifugal masses |
IM: |
mechanical centrifugal mass of a test rig with electrically simulated centrifugal masses |
Fs: |
Resulting force at constant speed |
C1: |
Resulting torque of the electrically simulated centrifugal masses |
F1: |
the resulting force of the electrically simulated centrifugal masses |
Angular acceleration of the drive wheels |
Angular acceleration of the non-driven wheels |
Angular acceleration of the test stand with mechanical centrifugal masses |
Angular acceleration of the test stand with electric centrifugal masses |
: |
linear acceleration |
r1: |
Wheel radius of the drive wheels under load |
r2: |
Tyre radius of non-driven wheels under load |
Rm: |
Roller radius of the test stand with mechanical centrifugal masses |
Re: |
Roller radius of the test stand with electric centrifugal masses |
k1: |
Coefficient dependent on the transmission ratio and the various inertial masses of the power transmission as well as of the "efficiency" |
k2: |
Transmission ratio of power transmission "Efficiency" |
k3: |
Transmission ratio of power transmission-"efficiency" |
Under the assumption that the two test bench types (see points and have the same characteristics, the following simplified formula is obtained:
Description of the gas and particle removal systems
Introduction There are several types of take-off systems which can meet the requirements of point 3.4.2. The systems described in point 3.10.3 shall comply with these requirements. Other sampling systems may be used if they meet the essential criteria for variable dilution sampling systems. In the opinion, the technical service must indicate the withdrawal system used for the test.
Criteria for the system with variable dilution during measurement of gas and particulate air pollutants in the exhaust gas
Indication of the functional characteristics of an exhaust gas extraction system used to measure the actual quantities of gaseous pollutants emitted from vehicle exhaust gases in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. With variable dilution to determine mass emissions, three conditions must be met:
The exhaust gases of the vehicle must be continuously diluted with ambient air under fixed conditions.
The total volume of the mixture of exhaust gases and dilution air must be accurately measured.
A partial flow of dilute exhaust gas and dilution air for analytical purposes can be removed continuously.
The quantity of gaseous air pollutants is determined according to the partial sample concentrations and the total volume measured during the test period. The sample concentrations are corrected in accordance with the content of gaseous air pollution of the ambient air.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The exhaust gases of the vehicle are to be diluted with sufficient ambient air in such a way that no condensation water is present in the removal and measuring system. The exhaust gas removal system must be provided with an exhaust gas discharge system which is connected to the exhaust gas discharge system. be designed to measure the average volumetric CO2, CO, CH, and NOx concentrations contained in the exhaust gases emitted during the test. The exhaust gas/air mixture must be homogeneous at the withdrawal probes (see Number A representative sample of the sample must be provided at the probes The equipment must be able to measure the total volume of the diluted exhaust gases of the vehicle to be tested. The withdrawal system must be gas-tight. The design and material of the removal system must prevent the concentration of the air impurities in the diluted exhaust gas from being influenced. If the concentration of a gaseous air pollution or of the particles in the diluted gas is altered by a part of the withdrawal system (heat exchanger, cyclone separator, blower, etc.), this air pollution must be carried out before this part. if this error cannot be corrected otherwise. If the vehicle to be tested has several exhaust pipes, they are to be connected to the vehicle as closely as possible to the vehicle. The gas samples are in sufficiently large to collect sampling bags so that the removal of gas during the withdrawal period is not is affected. The bags shall be made of a material which does not affect the concentrations of gaseous air pollutants in the exhaust gases (see point The variable dilution sampling system shall be such that the exhaust gas shall be without any significant effect on the counter-pressure in the exhaust pipe (see
Special provisions
Exhaust gas extraction and dilution equipment The connecting pipe between the exhaust pipe (s) and the mixing chamber shall be as short as possible; in no case shall it be possible to:
the static pressure at the tail pipes of the test vehicle by more than ± 0.75 kPa at 50 km/h or ± 125 kPa over the entire test period compared to the static pressure measured without the connection tube on the exhaust pipe. The pressure must be measured in the tailpipe or in an extension tube of the same diameter, preferably at the extreme end;
alter or influence the nature of the exhaust gases.
A mixing chamber shall be provided in which the exhaust gases of the vehicle and the dilution air are brought together in such a way that a homogeneous mixture is present at the sampling point. In this area, the homogeneity of the mixture may not exceed ± 2. Percent of the average of at least five points evenly distributed over the diameter of the gas stream. The pressure in the mixing chamber may differ from the air pressure by not more than ± 0.25 kPa in order to minimise the effect on the conditions in the tailpipes and to reduce the pressure drop in a dilution air conditioning system limit.
Main pump pumping capacity of the pump must be sufficient to prevent water condensation. This can generally be ensured by keeping the CO2 concentration of the diluted exhaust gases in the sample bag to a value of less than 3% by volume.
Volume measurement The volume measuring device must maintain a calibration accuracy of ± 2 percent under all operating conditions. If the device cannot compensate for temperature fluctuations of the diluted exhaust gas mixture at the point of measurement, a heat exchanger must be used to keep the temperature to ± 6 K of the intended operating temperature. If necessary, a cyclone separator can be provided for the protection of the volume meter. A temperature sensor is to be mounted directly in front of the volume measuring device. The temperature measuring instrument must have an accuracy of ± 1 K and a response time of 0.1 s at 62 per cent of a temperature change (measured in silicone oil). Pressure measurements during the test must have an accuracy of ± 0,4 kPa. of the pressure, in relation to the air pressure, must be carried out before and, if necessary, behind the flowmeter.
Gas removal
Dilute gas The sample of the diluted exhaust gas must be removed in front of the main flow pump, but after the conditioning device (if present). The flow must not deviate by more than ± 2% from the mean value. at least 5 l/min and must not exceed 0.2% of the flow rate of the diluted exhaust gas.
Dilution air A sample of the dilution air is to be taken at a constant flow in the immediate vicinity of the ambient air (after the filter, if present). The gas must not be contaminated by exhaust gases from the mixing zone. The dilution air sample shall be approximately equal to that of the diluted exhaust gas (≥ 5 l/min).
Removal process The materials used in the extraction must be such that the concentration of the gaseous air pollutants does not change. Filter can be provided for the separation of particles from the sample. The samples are to be transported to the collecting bags. To ensure the required flow rate of the sample, flow controllers and knives are to be used. Gas density can be used between the three-way valves and the collection bags. Quick couplings are used, which automatically close on the bag side. Other connections can also be used to route the samples to the analyzer (for example, three-way shut-off valves). In the various valves for the transfer of the gas samples, quick-switch and quick-control valves are to be used.
Storage of sample gas samples are in sufficiently large sample bags (approx. 150 l), in order not to reduce the flow rate of the samples. These bags must be made of a material which changes the concentration of the gas sample by no more than ± 2% within 20 minutes after the end of the sample removal.
Additional sampling device for the testing of vehicles with diesel engine deviation for the removal of gas from vehicles with petrol engines (spark-ignition) are the sampling points for the removal of the hydrocarbon and particulate samples in a Dilution tunnel. In order to reduce the heat loss in the exhaust gas from the exhaust pipe up to the entry into the dilution tunnel, the pipe used for this purpose may not exceed 3.6 m or less. 6,1 m, if thermally insulated, be long. Its internal diameter must not exceed 105 mm. In the dilution tunnel, a straight pipe made of electrically conductive material, turbulent flow conditions must prevail (Reynolds numbers of 4 000), so that the diluted exhaust gas is applied to the pipe. Sampling points are homogenous and the extraction of representative gas and particle samples is guaranteed. The dilution tunnel shall have a diameter of at least 200 mm. The system has to be grounded. The particulate sampling system consists of a sampling probe in the dilution tunnel, three filter units, each consisting of two filters arranged one behind the other, to which the sample gas stream of a test phase is switched over. The particle sampling probe shall be as follows: it must be installed in the vicinity of the tunnel centre line, approximately ten tunnel diameters downstream of the exhaust gas inlet, and must have an internal diameter of at least 12 mm. Distance from the sample tip to the filter holder must be at least The measurement unit of the sample gas flow consists of pumps, gas flow controllers and flowmeters. The hydrocarbon sampling system consists of a heated sampling probe, line, filter, -pumpe.The sampling probe must be installed at the same distance from the exhaust gas inlet as the particle sampling probe in such a way that a mutual influence on the sample frames is avoided. It must have a minimum internal diameter of 4.5 mm. All heated parts must be kept at a temperature of 190 ° C + 10 ° C by the heating system. If the flow fluctuations cannot be compensated, heat exchangers and a heat exchanger are not possible. Temperature controller according to point is required to ensure a constant flow through the system and thus the proportionality of the flow of the sample.
Description of the systems
Sampling system with variable dilution and displacement pump (PDP-CVS system) (Figure 5)
The constant volume and displacement pump sampling system (PDP-CVS) meets the conditions set out in point 3.4.2 by determining the quantity of gas flowing through the pump at constant temperature and constant pressure. For the measurement of the total volume, the number of revolutions of the calibrated displacement pump is counted. The sample gas is obtained by taking it at a constant flow rate with a pump, a flow meter and a flow control valve. shows the scheme of such a removal system. Since valid results can be achieved with different test arrangements, the system does not need to correspond exactly to the scheme. Additional parts can be used, such as instruments, valves, solenoid valves and switches, to obtain additional data and to coordinate the functions of the individual parts of the system.
A filter (1) for the dilution air, which can be preheated, if necessary. This filter consists of an activated carbon layer between two layers of paper; it is used to reduce and stabilize the hydrocarbon concentration of the surrounding emissions in the dilution air;
a mixing chamber (2) in which exhaust gases and air are homogeneously mixed;
a heat exchanger (3), the capacity of which is sufficiently large to maintain the temperature of the air/exhaust gas mixture measured immediately upstream of the displacement pump within ± 6 K of the intended temperature throughout the test period. This device shall not alter the content of gaseous air pollution of the diluted exhaust gases which are subsequently taken into account for the analysis;
a temperature controller for pre-heating the heat exchanger before testing and maintaining the temperature during the test within 6 K of the intended temperature;
A displacement pump (PDP) (4) for the transmission of a constant flow rate of the air/exhaust gas mixture. The capacity of the pump must be large enough to avoid water condensation in the plant under all conditions that can be adjusted during a test. For this purpose, a displacement pump is normally used, with
a capacity equivalent to twice the maximum exhaust gas flow rate generated at the acceleration phases of the travel curves or the
is sufficient to keep the CO2 concentration of the diluted exhaust gases in the sampling bag below 3% by volume;
a temperature measuring device (accuracy ± 1 K), which is mounted directly in front of the displacement pump. This device must be able to continuously monitor the temperature of the diluted exhaust gas mixture during the test;
a pressure gauge (12) (precision ± 0.4 kPa) which is placed directly in front of the displacement pump and which records the pressure gradient between the gas mixture and the ambient air;
a further pressure gauge (12) (precision ± 0.4 kPa), which is placed in such a way that the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the pump is recorded;
Sampling probes with which constant samples of the dilution air and the diluted exhaust gas/air mixture can be taken;
Filter (5) for the separation of particles from the gases extracted for the analysis;
Pumps for the removal of a constant flow rate of the dilution air as well as of the diluted exhaust/air mixture during the test;
Flow controllers, which keep the flow rate constant during the removal of gas during the test by the sampling probes; this flow rate must be so large that, at the end of the test, samples of sufficient size for analysis (≥ 5 l/min) are available;
Flow meter for the adjustment and monitoring of a constant gas sample quantity during the test;
Quick-release valves for the transfer of the constant gas sample quantity either into the sampling bag or into the atmosphere;
gas-tight quick couplings between the quick-release valves and the removal bags. The coupling must be closed automatically on the bag side. Other means can also be used to bring the sample into the analyzer (for example, three-way shutoff taps);
Bags (9, 10) for collecting the samples of diluted exhaust gases and the dilution air during the test. They must be large enough to not reduce the flow of gas sample. They must be made of a material which does not influence the measurements themselves or the chemical composition of the gas samples (for example polyethene/polyamide or polyfluorocarbon composite films);
a digital counter for recording the number of rotations of the displacement pump during the test.
Additional equipment for testing of vehicles with diesel engines The equipment shown in FIG. 5 shall be used for the testing of diesel engines: dilution tunnel heated hydrocarbon sampling system
Sampling probe in the dilution tunnel
Withdrawal Line
Multiway Valve
Pump, flowmeter, flow controller
Flame ionization detector (HFID)
Integration and recording equipment for current hydrocarbon concentrations
Quick coupling for the analysis of the sample of the ambient air with the HFID
Particulate sampling system
Sampling probe in the dilution tunnel
Filter unit, consisting of two filter units arranged one behind the other; switching device for further filter pairs arranged in parallel
Withdrawal Line
Pumps, flow controllers, flowmeters
Dilution system with Venturi tube and critical flow (CFV-CVS system) (Figure 4)
The use of a venturi tube with a critical flow in the context of the removal process with a constant volume is based on the principles of flow theory under the conditions of the critical flow. The flow rate at the Venturi tube (7) is continuously monitored, calculated and integrated throughout the test. The use of a further sampling venturi tube (4) ensures the proportional removal of the gas samples. Since the pressure and temperature at the inlet of the two Venturi tubes are the same, the volume of the gas removal is proportional to the total volume of the mixture produced from dilute exhaust gases. The system thus fulfills the conditions set out in this Annex. shows the scheme of such a withdrawal system. Since valid results can be achieved with different test arrangements, the system does not need to correspond exactly to the scheme. Additional parts can be used, such as instruments, valves, solenoid valves and switches, to obtain additional data and to coordinate the functions of the individual parts of the system.
A filter (1) for the dilution air, which can be pre-heated, where necessary. This filter consists of an activated carbon layer between two layers of paper; it is used to reduce and stabilize the hydrocarbon concentration of the surrounding emissions in the dilution air;
a mixing chamber (2) in which exhaust gases and air are homogeneously mixed;
a cyclone separator (3) for the separation of particles;
Sampling probes used to remove samples of the dilution air and diluted exhaust gases;
A critical flow removal venturi tube (4) with which partial samples of diluted exhaust gases can be taken from the sampling probe;
Filters for the separation of particles from the gases extracted for the analysis;
Pumps for collecting part of the air and dilute exhaust gases in the bags during the test;
Flow controller to keep the flow rate constant during gas extraction during the test by the sampling probe. This flow rate shall be so large that, at the end of the test, samples of sufficient size shall be available for analysis (55 l/min);
Flowmeter to adjust and monitor the flow rate during the test;
Quick-release valves for the transfer of the constant gas sample quantity either into the sampling bag or into the atmosphere;
gas-tight quick couplings between the quick-release valves and the removal bags. The coupling must be closed automatically on the bag side. Other means can also be used to bring the sample into the analyzer (for example, three-way shutoff taps);
Bags (9, 10) for collecting the samples of diluted exhaust gases and dilution air during the test. The bags must be large enough to not reduce the flow of gas sample. They must be made of a material which does not influence the measurements themselves or the chemical composition of the gas samples (for example, polyethene/polyamide or polyfluorocarbon composite films);
a pressure gauge (5) with an accuracy of ± 0.4 kPa;
a temperature measuring device (6) with an accuracy of ± 1 K and a response time of 0.1 second at 62 per cent of a temperature change (measured in silicone oil);
A Venturi tube with a critical flow rate (7) to measure the flow rate of the diluted exhaust gases;
A blower (8) with sufficient power to draw up the entire volume of the diluted gases.
The withdrawal system CFV-CVS must have a sufficiently large capacity to avoid water condensation in the device under all conditions which can be set during a test. For this purpose, a blower is normally used with a capacity equal to twice the maximum exhaust gas flow rate generated at the acceleration phases of the travel curve or which is sufficient to reduce the CO2 concentration of the diluted product. To keep exhaust gases in the removal bag below 3% by volume.
Additional equipment for the testing of vehicles with diesel engines The equipment shown in FIG. 5 shall be used for testing the diesel engine vehicles (see If a compensation of the flow fluctuations is not possible, a heat exchanger (3) and a temperature controller are required in order to achieve a constant flow through the sampling venturi tube and thus the proportionality of the flow through the To ensure the removal probe.
Determination of the mass emission of CO, CO2, NOx and CH mass emissions during the different test phases of the driving curves I and II is determined by measuring the average volumetric concentrations of the diluted exhaust gases collected in bags. The CH mass ejection of vehicles with a diesel engine is, on the other hand, determined by a continuously registering heated flame ionization detector. The mean volumetric concentration is determined by integration over the duration of the test phases (see point 3.1.3). The continuous measurement of CO, CO2 and NOx concentrations of the diluted exhaust gas can be used for the determination of the Mass expulsion during the individual test phases is used, provided that the mass ejection determined in the process deviates from the values determined in the bags by no more than ± 3 percent.
Calibration procedures for the devices
The calibration curve of the analyser shall be drawn up in accordance with the procedure laid down in point The calibration curve shall be determined by at least five calibration points, which shall be defined in accordance with the following procedure: shall be as equidistant as possible. The nominal concentration of the test gas of the highest concentration must be at least 80 per cent of the scale end value. The calibration curve shall be calculated according to the method of the "least squares". If the resulting degree of polynomial is greater than three, the number of calibration points shall be at least as large as the degree of this polynomial plus two. The calibration curve shall not exceed 2 per cent of the nominal value of each calibration gas. The chemiluminescence analyzer must be calibrated in the "NOx" position. Other methods (computers, electronic measuring range switching, etc.) can also be used if the technical service has been satisfactorily demonstrated. is that it will provide equivalent accuracy.
Calibration curve The calibration curve and the calibration points can be used to check the correct calibration of the calibration curve. The various characteristics of the analyser shall be indicated, in particular:
the scale division
the sensitivity
the zero point
the time of calibration.
Verification of the calibration curves normally used measurement range shall be checked before each analysis as follows: The calibration shall be checked with a zero gas and a test gas, the nominal value of which is approximately the diluted exhaust gas composition If the difference between the theoretical value and the value obtained during the check is not more than ± 5% of the scale value for the two points in question, the adjustment characteristic values may be readjusted. Otherwise, a new calibration curve shall be drawn up in accordance with point 3.11.1. After the check, the zero gas and the same test gas shall be used for a re-examination. The analysis is valid if the difference between the two measurements is less than 2 percent.
Checking the effectiveness of the NOx converter is to check the efficiency of the converter for the conversion of NO2 to NO. This check can be carried out with an ozonizer in accordance with the test setup according to FIG. 6 and the following described The analyser will be used in the most frequently used measuring range according to the manufacturer's instructions with the zero gas and calibration gas (the latter must have an NO content, which is about 80 percent of the scale end value). , the NO2 concentration in the gas mixture shall not exceed 5% of the NO concentration) is calibrated. The NOx analyser must be set to NO operation, so that the calibration gas does not enter the converter. The concentration indicated is to be recorded. By means of a T-connector, oxygen or synthetic air is continuously supplied to the gas stream until the concentration indicated is approximately 10% lower than the indicated concentration. Calibration concentration.
Figure 6Switching scheme for NO2-NO-converter verification
The indicated concentration (c) shall be recorded. During this whole process, the ozonizer has to be switched off. The ozonizer is then switched on and adjusted so that the indicated NO.sub.x concentration drops to 20 percent (minimum 10 percent) of the specified calibration concentration. The indicated concentration (d) is to be recorded. The analyser is then switched to the operating state NOx, and the gas mixture, consisting of NO, NO2, O2 and N2, flows only through the converter. The indicated concentration (a) is to be recorded. After that the ozonizer is switched off. The gas mixture flows through the converter into the measuring part. The indicated concentration (b) is to be recorded. If the ozonizer is still switched off, the supply of oxygen and synthetic air is also interrupted. The NOx value displayed by the analyser must then exceed the calibration value by no more than 5 per cent. The efficiency (Z) of the NO2 converter is calculated as follows:
The value thus obtained must not be less than 95 percent. The efficiency shall be checked at least once a week.
Calibration of the sampling system with a constant volume (CVS-System) The CVS system is calibrated with a precision flowmeter and a flow controller. The flow in the system is measured at different pressure values, the control characteristics of the system are determined, and the ratio between the latter and the flows is determined. Several types of flow meters can be obtained. (for example, calibrated Venturi tube, Laminar flowmeter, calibrated impeller flowmeter), provided that it is a dynamic measuring instrument, and the requirements of point are fulfilled. the following paragraphs will be used to calibrate PDP and CFV pick-up devices with Laminar flowmeter described. The accuracy of the laminar flow meters is sufficient to be able to check the validity of the calibration with a sufficient number of measurements (FIG. 7).
Calibration of the displacement pump (PDP)
Calibration procedures The calibration method defined below describes devices, test equipment and various characteristic values which must be measured for the determination of the throughput of the pump in the CVS system. All characteristic values of the pump are measured simultaneously with the characteristic values of the flow meter, which is connected in series with the pump. After that, the curve of the calculated flow rate (expressed in m 3 /min at the pump inlet at absolute pressure and absolute temperature) as a correlation function, which corresponds to a certain combination of pump characteristics. The linear equation, which expresses the ratio between the pump flow rate and the correlation function, is then set up. If the pump of the CVS system has a number of translation ratios, each translation used must be calibrated. This calibration procedure is based on the measurement of the absolute values of the pump and flow measurement values, which are at each point in Relationship to flow. Three conditions must be met in order to guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the calibration curve:
The pump pressures must be measured at the connection points of the pump itself and not on the outer pipes, which are connected to the pump inlet and outlet. The pressure connections at the upper and lower points of the front drive plate are exposed to the actual pressures present in the pump interior and thus reflect the absolute pressure differences;
during the calibration, a constant temperature must be maintained. The laminar flow meter is sensitive to fluctuations in the inlet temperature, which cause a scatter of the measured values. Temperature fluctuations of ± 1 K shall be permitted provided that they are gradually occurring within a period of several minutes;
all connection piping between the flowmeter and the CVS pump must be tight.
In the test for the determination of the exhaust gas emissions, the flow can be calculated from the calibration equation by measuring these pump characteristic values.
Fig. 7Schematic representation of a calibration device for CVS devices
FIG. 7 shows an example of a calibrating device. Amendments shall be admissible provided that they are recognised as equivalent by the Technical Service. When using the device described in FIG. 7, the following data must satisfy the specified accuracy tolerances:
Air pressure (corrected) (PB) |
± 0.03 |
kPa |
Ambient temperature (T) |
± 0.3 |
C |
Air temperature at LFE entry (ETI) |
± 0.15 |
C |
Vacuum before LFE (EPI) |
± 0.01 |
kPa |
Pressure drop through LFE-nozzle (EDP) |
± 0.001 |
kPa |
Air temperature at the inlet of the PDP-CVS pump (PTI) |
± 0.3 |
C |
Air temperature at the outlet of the PDP-CVS pump (PTO) |
± 0.3 |
C |
Negative pressure at the inlet of the CVS pump (PPI) |
± 0.022 |
kPa |
Pressure level at the outlet of the CVS pump (PPO) |
± 0.022 |
kPa |
Pump speed during the test (s) |
± 1 |
Revolution |
Duration of the test (t) (at least) 120 s) |
± 0.05 |
R |
If the structure according to FIG. 7 is carried out, then the flow control valve is fully open. The PDP-CVS pump must be in operation for 20 minutes before the calibration starts. The flow control valve is partially closed so that the vacuum at the pump inlet is higher (approx. 1 kPa), and in this way at least one number of six measurement points is available for the entire calibration. The system must stabilize within three minutes, after which the measurements should be repeated.
Analysis of results The air flow rate Qs at each test point will be based on the data of the manufacturer from the measured values of the flow meter in m 3 /min determined (normal conditions). The air flow rate is then applied to the pump flow rate Vo in m 3 Each rotation is converted at the absolute temperature and absolute pressure at the pump inlet.
Pump flow rate at Tp and Pp in m 3 /Rotate
Air flow rate at 101.33 kPa and 273.2 K in m 3 /min
Temperature at the pump inlet in K
absolute pressure at the pump inlet in kPa
Pump speed in min -1
In order to compensate for the mutual influence of the pressure fluctuations with the pump speed and the backflow losses of the pump, the correlation function (xo) between the pump rotational speed (n), the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the pump, is used. and the absolute pressure at the pump outlet with the following formula:
Correlation function
Pressure difference between pump inlet and pump outlet (kPa)
absolute pressure at the pump outlet (PPO + PB) (kPa)
The least-squares method is used to achieve a linear approximation in order to obtain the following calibration equations = Do-M (xo) n = A-B (ΔPp) Do, M, A and B are constants for the slope of the straight lines and for the axle sections. If the CVS system has multiple translations, a calibration has to be made for each translation. The calibration curves obtained for this translation must be approximately parallel, and the ordinate values Do need to become larger if the throughput range of the pump becomes smaller. In the case of careful calibration, the values calculated with the aid of the equation must be within ± 0.5% of the measured value Vo. The values M should be different depending on the pump. The calibration must be carried out when the pump is put into operation and after any major maintenance.
Calibration of the Venturi tube with critical flow (CFV) The calibration of the CFV-Venturi tube refers to the flow equation for a Venturi tube with critical flow:
Flow rate
Calibration oefficient
absolute pressure in kPa
absolute temperature in K
The gas flow rate is a function of the inlet pressure and the inlet temperature. The calibration method described below determines the value of the calibration coefficient in the case of measured values for pressure, temperature and air flow rate. Calibration of the electronic equipment of the CFV-Venturi tube is to be applied to the method recommended by the manufacturer. In the measurements for the calibration of the flow of the venturi tube with critical flow, the following shall be: Parameters satisfy the specified accuracy tolerances:
Air pressure (corrected) (PB) |
± 0.03 |
kPa |
Air temperature at LFE entry (ETI) |
± 0.15 |
C |
Vacuum of LFE (EPI) |
± 0.01 |
kPa |
Pressure drop through LFE-nozzle (EDP) |
± 0.001 |
kPa |
Air Flow Rate (Qs) |
± 0.5 |
% |
Vacuum at the CFV entrance (PPI) |
± 0.02 |
kPa |
Temperature at the Venturi tube entry (Tv) |
± 0.2 |
C |
In accordance with FIG. 7, the devices are to be built up and checked for tightness. Any leak between the flowmeter and the venturi tube with critical flow would greatly affect the accuracy of the calibration. The flow control valve is fully open, the blower is to be switched on and the system has to be be stabilized. The adjustment of the flow control valve must be changed, and at least eight measurements shall be carried out in the critical flow area of the Venturi tube: The calibration of the flow control valve shall be carried out at least eight measurements in the critical flow area of the venturi tube: Recorded measured values shall be used for the calculations below. The air flow rate Qs at each measuring point shall be determined from the measured values of the flow meter according to the method specified by the manufacturer. The values of the calibration coefficient Kv are to be calculated for each measurement point:
Flow rate in m 3 /min at 273.2 K and 101.33 kPa
Temperature at the entrance of the Venturi tube in K
absolute pressure at the inlet of the venturi tube in kPa
A curve Kv is to be recorded as a function of the pressure at the inlet of the venturi tube. At sound speed, Kv is almost constant. If the pressure drops (that is, when the vacuum is growing), Kv decreases above a certain input negative pressure. The resulting changes in Kv are not to be taken into consideration. For a minimum number of eight measurement points in the critical range, the mean value of Kv and the standard deviation are to be calculated. If the standard deviation of the mean value of Kv is more than 0.3 per cent, corrective measures must be taken.
Review of the overall system to verify compliance with the requirements of point 3, the overall accuracy of the CVS sampling system and of the analysers shall be determined by a known quantity of air pollutants in the The system shall be introduced if it is in operation as for a normal test; the analysis shall then be carried out and the mass of the pollutants shall be calculated in accordance with the formulas of the plant, but the density shall be 1.967 kg/m 3 under normal conditions. Two sufficiently precise methods are described below.
The measurement of a constant flow of a pure gas (CO or C3H8) is to be carried out with a measuring diaphragm for critical flow. A well known quantity of pure gas (CO or C3H8) is introduced into the CVS system introduced. If the inlet pressure is large enough, the flow rate set by the metering orifice is independent of the outlet pressure of the metering orifice (conditions for critical flow). If the detected deviations exceed 5 per cent, the cause shall be determined and removed. The CVS system will be operated for five to ten minutes, as is the case for exhaust emissions testing. The gases trapped in a bag are analysed with a normal device and the results obtained are compared with the already known concentration of the gas samples.
Checking the CVS system by gravimetric determination of a pure gas (CO or C3H8). The review of the CVS system using the gravimetric method is to be carried out as follows: It is a small bottle filled with carbon monoxide or propane , the mass of which shall be determined ± 0,01 g. Thereafter, the CVS system will be operated for five to ten minutes as well as for normal exhaust emissions testing, with CO or propane being introduced into the system. The introduced quantity of pure gas is determined by measuring the mass difference of the bottle. After that, the gases collected in a bag normally used for exhaust gas analysis are analysed. The results are then compared with the previously calculated concentration values.
Calibration of the measuring chamber and calculation of evaporative emissions
Calibration of the gas-tight chamber for the determination of the evaporative emission The process of calibration consists of three sections:
Determination of chamber volume
Determination of the background concentrations in the chamber
Examination of the chamber for tightness
Determination of the chamber volume Prior to commissioning, the chamber volume must be determined as follows:
Careful measurement of the internal length, width and height of the chamber (taking due account of the irregularities) for the calculation of the internal volume.
Examination of the chamber volume according to point If the propane mass calculated therefrom does not correspond to the accuracy of at least 2 percent with the mass dosed, the chamber volume must be corrected.
Determination of the background concentration in the chamber prior to commissioning and thereafter at least once a year, and any measure which could affect the stability of the background concentration, should be followed as follows: CH measurements are to be carried out with the FID specified in point 3. Ventilation of the chamber with ambient air until a constant concentration of CH has been established. Commissioning of the (des) required for the mixing of the chamber volume Blower (s). Close of the chamber. Measurement and recording of the temperature, pressure and CH concentration in the chamber. These are the initial values for the calculation of the background concentration. The chamber contents are to be continuously mixed for four hours without taking a sample gas stream. These are the final values for the calculation of the background concentration of the measuring chamber. The difference between the two values must be less than 0.4 g. If the values are above it, the disturbing influences must be eliminated.
Examination of the chamber on leak tightness Before the chamber is put into operation and thereafter at least once a month, the chamber must be checked for tightness as follows: aeration of the chamber with ambient air until a constant CH concentration in the chamber is present in the chamber. Closure of the chamber, measurement and recording of the values for the temperature, the pressure and the CH concentration in the chamber. These are the input values for the calculation of the cammeralibria. Introducing a quantity of pure propane, which is precisely determined to at least 0.5 percent. The amount of propane can be determined by volume flow measurement or by weighing. After at least five minutes of mixing, CH concentration, temperature and pressure in the chamber are measured and recorded. These are the final values for the calculation of the chambered calibration and, at the same time, the initial values for the calculations for checking the tightness of the chamber. The chamber contents are to be mixed for four hours without the removal of a sample gas stream. and recording of the values for the temperature, pressure and CH concentration in the chamber. These are the final values for the calculation of the tightness of the chamber. The calculated final quantity may not deviate by more than 4 per cent from the calculated initial quantity.
Calculation of evaporative emissions
Calibration With the procedure described in point 3.12.1, the change in the amount of hydrocarbon in the test chamber can be calculated as follows:
time change of the hydrocarbon quantity in the test chamber in g
measured hydrocarbon concentration in the test chamber in ppm C1 equivalents
Input Value
End Value
Pressure in kPa
Temperature in the chamber in K
Chamber volume in m 3
Calculation of the evaporative emissions referred to in point 3.6The test of the tankatation losses and evaporative emissions described in points and in the case of hot-setting shall determine the quantity of hydrocarbon emitted by means of the following: Equation:
time change of the hydrocarbon quantity in the test chamber in g
measured hydrocarbon concentration in the test chamber in ppm C1 equivalents
Chamber volume minus the volume of the vehicle (open window, open boot). If the volume of the vehicle has not been determined, a volume of 1.42 m 3 to use.
1.2 (12 + H/C)
H/C ratio of hydrocarbons for tankatation losses |
= 2.33
H/C ratio of hydrocarbons for hot-setting phase |
= 2,20 |
The entire evaporative emission in g/test is obtained by adding the
Tankatation losses
Emissions during the hot-off phase
Emissions during the operation of the vehicle.
Calculation of the emitted quantities of gaseous and particulate air pollutants
General The masses of gaseous and solid air pollutants emitted during the test in the driving curve I are calculated with the following equation:
Quantity of component i emitted during travel curve I in g/km
during the driving curve I in phase 1, the quantity of component i in g
Quantity of component i in g emitted during travel curve I in phase 3
during travel curve I in phase 2, quantity of component i in g
During travel curve I, the route of phase 1 is measured in km
During travel curve I, the phase 3 is measured in km
During travel curve I measured phase 2 (stabilisation phase) in km
The masses of gaseous air pollutants emitted during the test in the driving curve II are calculated with the following equation:
Quantity of component i emitted during travel curve II in g/km
Quantity of component i in g during travel curve II
Driving distance measured during travel curve II in km
The masses of air pollutants emitted in the individual test phases shall be calculated according to the following equation:
mi: |
Emitted quantity of gaseous air pollution i in g/test phase |
Vverd: |
Volume of dilute exhaust gases corrected under normal conditions (273.2 K, 101.33 kPa) in I/Test phase |
rel. Density of gaseous air pollution under normal conditions (273.2 K, 101.33 kPa) |
kH: |
Humidity correction factor for the calculation of the emitted amounts of nitrogen oxides (not permitted for humidity correction in the case of CH and CO) |
Ci: |
Concentration of gaseous air pollution in the diluted exhaust gas, expressed in ppm, and corrected with its concentration in the dilution air. |
Volume provisions
Calculation of the volume in a sampling system with Venturi tube for the measurement of the constant flow. The volume of the flow can be determined continuously, the total volume during the calculation of the volume during the removal of the water. The test period shall be calculated from this.
Calculations of the volume in an extraction system with displacement pump. The volume of the diluted exhaust gases measured in the removal systems with displacement pump shall be calculated using the following formula:
Volume of dilute exhaust gases (before correction) in l/test phase
Gas volume delivered by the displacement pump under test conditions in l/revolution
Number of revolutions of the pump during the test
Correction of the volume of dilute exhaust gases under normal conditions. The volume of the diluted exhaust gases is adjusted to normal conditions by the following formula:
Air pressure in the test room in kPa
Pressure difference between the negative pressure at the inlet of the displacement pump and the ambient pressure in kPa
Mean temperature in K of the diluted exhaust gases upon entry into the displacement pump during the test.
Calculation of the corrected concentration of air-contaminating gases in the collection bag
Concentration of the air pollutants in the diluted exhaust gas, expressed in ppm and corrected with its concentration in the dilution air
Measured concentration of air pollutants in the diluted exhaust gas, expressed in ppm
Measured concentration of air pollutants in the dilution air, expressed in ppm
Dilution factor
The dilution factor shall be calculated as follows:
CO2 concentration in the diluted exhaust gases in the collection bag, expressed in volume percent
CH concentration in the diluted exhaust gases in the collection bag, expressed in ppm of carbon equivalent
CO concentration in the diluted exhaust gases in the collection bag, expressed in ppm.
Calculation of the moisture correction factor for NOTo correct the effects of humidity on the results obtained for nitrogen oxides, the following formula shall be used:
In these formulas:
Absolute humid, expressed in grams of water per kilogram of dry air
Relative humidity of the ambient air, expressed as a percentage
Saturation vapour pressure at ambient temperature, expressed in kPa
Air pressure in the test room, expressed in kPa.
Determination of the mean CH concentration in self-ignition engines In order to determine the mass of CH emissions for diesel engines, the mean CH concentration is calculated using the following formula:
: |
Integral of the values recorded by the heated HFID analyser during the test period (t2-t1) |
Ce: |
CH concentration, measured in dilute exhaust gases in ppm |
Ce: |
replaces CCH directly in all corresponding equations |
Determination of the deterioration factor and the deterioration value
General The deterioration factors for exhaust emissions and the deterioration value for evaporative emissions are determined in a continuous run of more than 80 000 km. The continuous operation, which shall be representative of the normal driving conditions, shall be carried out in accordance with a defined driving programme on the road or on a driving test stand exposed to the normal weather conditions. Emission-reducing and-relevant components of the test vehicles retain their function to comply with the emission and evaporation emission limit values over the service life of the vehicles, may, at the request of the manufacturer, in agreement with the technical Service, instead of the following continuous operation, another equivalent test procedures. ***)
Carrying out the continuous running test
Selection of the durations test The vehicle of the vehicle type is to be selected for the continuous test. In the case of the extension of the type-approval to other types of vehicle, a vehicle of the type of vehicle which, according to the manufacturer's information, will be subject to the highest number of authorisations/sales figures shall be selected. If the vehicle type is not representative, it may determine a further test vehicle. Before the manufacturer starts the continuous-running test, the approval authority must agree to the choice of test vehicles. The application shall be accompanied by the information on the test vehicle.
Access during the examination The approval authority shall have access to the test facility at any time during the course of the operation. To grant test grounds. In addition, the approval authority shall, on request, submit all the examination documents at any time.
Driving operation and testing The driving operation is carried out on an outdoor driving test stand which is set according to the requirements for the exhaust gas tests. The driving programme referred to in point must be completed. With the permission of the approval authority, the driving operation may also be carried out on a fixed circular route.
The driving program consists of eleven cycles of 6 km each (FIG. 8). During the first nine cycles, the cycle must be stopped four times within the cycle, with an idling operation of 15 seconds each. It's normal to speed up and delay. In addition, within each cycle it is possible to delay five times-from the cycle speed to 32 km/h-and again slightly to speed up to the cycle speed. The tenth cycle is driven at a constant speed of 89 km/h. The eleventh cycle begins with an acceleration with full throttle from standstill to 113 km/h. At half-way, normal braking takes place until a standstill with a subsequent idling phase of 15 seconds, followed by a second acceleration with full throttle. Subsequently, the driving program is to start immediately from the front.
Figure 8Program for the driving operation
In principle, the programme consists of eleven cycles of 6 km each; the cycle rate for each cycle is given in the following table:
Cycle Cycle Speed in km/h
1 |
64 |
2 |
48 |
3 |
64 |
4 |
64 |
5 |
56 |
6 |
48 |
7 |
56 |
8 |
72 |
9 |
56 |
10 |
89 |
11 |
113 |
To carry out the continuous operation, commercially available fuel according to DIN 51 607, which is typical in its properties for the fuel available in the Federal Republic, must be used. An analysis of the fuel shall be carried out and submitted to the approval authority. In the new condition and in each case 10 000 ± 400 km during the continuous test, exhaust gas tests as referred to in point 3.6 and, if necessary, evaporation tests according to point 3.6 shall be taken. , The vehicle manufacturer has to carry out a continuous run up to the mileage of 80 000 km. The test results of each test shall be sent to the approval authority without delay, in the presence of the driving protocols. If an emission measured value over the exhaust gas or Evaporative emission limit values may be interrupted for continuous operation. In such a case, the approval authority shall be informed immediately of the reasons for the exceeding.
Maintenance of test vehicles The maintenance of emission-relevant and emission-reducing components during continuous operation shall be consistent with the recommendations of the manufacturer for the vehicle type. However, the maintenance work must not exceed the level set out by the manufacturer in the maintenance plan and shall not be carried out at shorter intervals. to notify the approval authority immediately. The approval authority shall decide within seven days whether the continuous run is continued. The time intervals prescribed by the manufacturer allow the exchange of engine and transmission oil, oil, fuel and air filters.
Calculation of the deterioration factor After the end of the continuous run, all the results of the exhaust gas measurements are to be compiled. All measured exhaust gas values must be below the exhaust gas limit values. With the aid of the methods of the smallest error squares, the regression line is calculated separately for each pollutant; this function is used to calculate the emission values at 80 000 km and 6 400 km. The quotient of the emission at 80 000 km and 6 400 km is the deterioration factor. If the quotient is less than 1.00, the deterioration factor shall be set at 1.00. The deterioration factor shall be specified in two places after the comma for each pollutant.
Calculation of the deterioration value After the end of the continuous run, all results of the evaporative measurements are to be compiled. The lowest error squares method is used to calculate the regression line; this function is used to calculate the emission values at 80 000 km and 6 400 km.The deterioration value for the evaporative emissions is calculated by Subtraction of evaporative emissions at 6 400 km of which at 80 000 km. The evaporative emission value shall be indicated in two places after the comma.
After completion of the work, the approval authority shall submit all the results of the continuous operation. Such results shall be accompanied by a declaration that the continuous operation has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Annex.
Test fuel specification
Technical data of the test fuel for the testing of vehicles with positive-ignition engine type: Super, unblemed
Requirements Check for
Min 96.0 |
DIN 51 756 |
Min 86.0 |
DIN 51 756 |
Density at 15 ° C |
Min 0,750 kg/l max. 0,770 |
DIN 51 757 |
Steam pressure according to Reid |
Min 0.56 bar max. 0.64 |
DIN 51 754 |
Boiling History |
DIN 51 751 |
Start of boiling |
Min 24 ° C Max 40 |
10% by volume |
Min 42 ° C Max 58 |
50 Vol.-%-Point |
Min 90 ° C max. 110 |
90 vol.% point |
Min 150 ° C max. 170 |
Boiling End |
Min 185 ° C max. 205 ° C |
Backlog |
max. 2 vol-% |
Hydrocarbon Analysis (FIA) |
DIN EN 10 |
Olefine |
max. 15 vol-% |
Aromatics |
max. 45 Vol.-% |
Saturated hydrocarbons |
Rest |
Oxidation stability |
Min 480 minutes |
DIN EN 9 |
Evaporation residue |
max. 4 mg/100 ml |
DIN EN 5 |
Sulphur content |
Max. 0.04% by weight |
DIN EN 41 or DIN 51 400 |
Lead Content |
max. 0.010 g/l |
DIN 51 769 Gas chromatography |
The fuel must not contain phosphorus-containing additives. The requirements for the boiling range include total vaporized amounts.
Technical data of the test fuel for the testing of vehicles with compression-ignition engine type: diesel fuel
Requirements Check for
Density at 15 ° C |
Min 0.835 kg/l max. 0,845 kg/l |
DIN 51 757 |
Cetane number |
Min 48 Max 54 |
DIN 51 773 |
Boiling History |
DIN 51 751 |
50 Vol.-%-Point |
Min 245 ° C |
90 vol.% point |
Min 320 ° C max. 350 ° C |
Boiling End |
max. 370 ° C |
Viscosity at 20 ° C |
Min 3 mm 2 S max. 5 mm 2 S |
DIN 51 561 |
Sulphur content |
Min 0.10% by weight Max. 0.30 wt% |
DIN EN 41 |
Flash point |
Min 55 ° C |
DIN 51 755 |
Filterability limit |
max. -5 ° C |
DIN 51 428 |
Koksrückstand after Conradson |
Max. 0.1% by weight |
DIN 51 551 |
Ash |
Max. 0.01% by weight |
DIN EN 7 |
Water content |
max. 0.05% by weight |
DIN 51 777 |
Copper corrosion |
max. 1-50 A 3 |
DIN 51 769 |
Neutralization Count |
max. 0.2 mg KOH/g |
DIN 51 558 |
The requirements for the boiling range include total vaporized amounts.
Test fuel for the testing of LPG vehicles with spark-ignition engines In the case of motor vehicles with a liquefied gas drive, liquid gas is to be used as a test fuel according to DIN 51 622 edition 1973.
Form: Communication on the maximum format for operating licences: A4Number of type-approval ..........
Type of vehicle ..........
Vehicle ' s trade name or trade name ..........
Vehicle type .......... .......... ..........
Types of vehicles to which the type-approval shall be extended ..........
Name and address of manufacturer ..........
Where appropriate, name and address of the manufacturer ' s representative ..........
Masses of approved vehicle types in running condition ..........
Reference masses of vehicles tested ..........
Technically permissible total masses of vehicles ..........
Gearbox ..........
Number of gears or Switching stages ..........
Translation ratios of all vehicles ..........
Performance of tested vehicles ..........
Date and number of test certificate ..........
Results of the tests ..........
Travel curve I ..........
Travel curve II ..........
§ 47a ..........
Evaporative measurement ..........
Duration test (deterioration factor/-value) ..........
Place and date ..........
Signature ..........
Criteria for equivalent proof shall be published in the Official Journal after obtaining the consent of the Länder.
The requirements shall be published in the Official Journal.
Assessment criteria shall be published in the Official Journal.
Annex Ivehicle description in accordance with Annex XXIII
Vehicle Type
0 |
General |
0.1 |
Make: |
0.2 |
Type and trade name: |
0.3 |
Type: |
0.4 |
Class of vehicle: |
0.5 |
Name and address of manufacturer: |
0.6 |
Name and address The manufacturer's representative (if applicable): |
1 |
General construction characteristics of the vehicle |
1.2 |
Driven wheels: |
2 |
Dimensions and weights |
2.6 |
Empty mass: Reference mass: |
2.7 |
Technically permissible maximum mass: |
3 |
Drive machine (s. Annex II) |
4 |
Power transmission |
4.3 |
4.5 |
Translation ratio: 1. Gang 2. Gang 3. Gang 4. Gang 5. Gang Transmission ratio of the axle transmission |
4.12 |
Switching points (mechanical transmission) between the individual gears in km/h: |
6 |
Suspension |
6.1 |
Normal tyres
Dynamic roll circumference (according to DIN or DIN) WdK):
Annexes: |
1. Light images and/or drawings of a representative vehicle design |
Description of the engine referred to in Annex II, including the equipment required in that Annex |
3. Light images of the engine and the engine compartment |
4. ff. (possibly List other assets) |
On presentation of an exhaust gas approval in accordance with point 1.12 of Annex XXIII for the type of vehicle presented, indication of the corresponding approval number.
Annex II-Main features of the engine
and information on the carrying out of the tests in accordance with Annex XXIII
1 |
Description of the engine |
1.1 |
Brand *) |
1.2 |
Type *) |
1.3 |
Mode of operation: spark ignition/self-ignition, with four-stroke/two-stroke 2) |
1.4 |
Hole |
1.5 |
Hub |
1.6 |
Number and arrangement of cylinders and ignition sequence |
1.7 |
Cubic capacity |
1.8 |
Compression Ratio 3) |
1.9 |
Drawings of the combustion chambers and pistons |
1.10 |
Cooling system |
Type of cooling system (water, air) |
1.11 |
Loading, Type, Short Description |
where applicable Type, drive and/or charge pressure, charge air cooling |
1.12 |
Intake system |
(description, device for adapting the air preheating to outside temperature) |
Intake manifold |
Drawing with main dimensions |
Air Filter |
Brand |
Drawing with main dimensions |
Type |
Intake silencer Brand Type |
where applicable |
1.13 |
Crankcase ventilation |
Description and sketches including the characteristic of the throttle restriction (s) |
2 |
Additional facilities for exhaust gas cleaning |
Description and sketches (including all essential data, including rule ranges) and labelling |
For example, secondary air supply Idle controller Speed switching device Clock Valve O2 probe Lambda control unit Catalyst Exhaust gas recirculation Particulate filter Warning facility for maintenance/malfunctions Evaporative emission-relevant components |
3 |
Intake and fuel system |
3.1 |
Description and sketches of the intake line and accessories |
For example, throttle-valve dampers, Prewarmer, additional air connections |
3.2 |
Fuel feed |
where applicable Information on the slideway and idle control |
3.2.1 |
by carburetor Number of carburetor |
Type of type | |
Brand |
Manufacturer | |
Type |
Type specification | |
Setting elements 1) |
(for electronic carburetor: e.g. Control unit, temperature sensors, throttle valve actuators, etc.) |
Idle setting and intervention protection |
Description and sketches | |
Nozzles |
Information on nozzle assembly, diameter data | |
Air funnel |
Diameter | |
Fill level in the swimming chamber |
Level of the filling level, indicating the test conditions | |
Weight of the float |
Weight | |
Float needle |
Diameter | |
Start Help |
Hand-operated or automatic |
Setting of the locking system 3) |
Indication of the adjustment | |
Fuel pump |
Print or characteristic curve 3) |
3.2.2 |
By injection device description of the system |
For example, K-Jetronic and possibly Air flow meter *) Control Unit *) Mengenteiler *) Warm-flow regulator *) Thermotimer *) Cold start valve *) Fuel feed pump (specify type) System Print (Specify Pressure) 3) Engagement Backup **) Clock Valve |
Specify Labeling
Description and sketches
Working methods |
For example, injection into the intake manifold/prechamber/swirl chamber, direct injection | |
Injection pump |
if not included in point 3.2.2 | |
Brand |
where applicable | |
Type | |
Injection quantity mm 3 Per stroke at min -1 the pump 2) 3) or Characteristic 2) 3) Calibration procedure: on the test bench/engine 2) |
| |
Injection Time |
where applicable | |
Injection curve |
where applicable | |
Injection nozzle |
Marking | |
Regulator |
| |
Type |
| |
Abnormal speed under load |
min -1 | |
Maximum speed without load |
min -1 | |
Idle speed: |
| |
Cold start device: |
| |
Brand: |
| |
Type: |
| |
Description: |
| |
Start Help: |
| |
Brand: |
| |
Type: |
| |
Description: |
4 |
Valve control times or equivalent data |
4.1 |
Maximum valve strokes and opening and closing angles or equivalent characteristics of other controls relative to top dead center |
Indication of valve stroke Indication of inlet/outlet before/after OT |
4.2 |
Reference and/or adjustment ranges 2) |
Indication of inlet/outlet game |
5 |
Ignition |
5.1 |
Type of ignition systems |
Description |
E.g. transistor ignition system |
5.1.1 |
Brand |
where applicable |
5.1.2 |
Type |
where applicable |
5.1.3 |
Ignition timing curve **) 3) |
Drawing (with additional measures for ignition adjustment adjustment range) |
5.1.4 |
Ignition Time 3) |
Indication of the boundary conditions |
5.1.5 |
Interrupting contact distance and closing angle |
where applicable Information on contact distance and type of regulation |
6 |
Muffler system |
6.1 |
Description and sketches |
Drawings of silencers and catalyst as well as scheme of the overall system with main dimensions of the components |
7 |
Additional information on the test conditions |
7.1 |
Spark plugs |
7.1.1 |
Brand |
7.1.2 |
Type |
Information on manufacturers Type Marking |
7.1.3 |
Electrode spacing |
7.2 |
Ignition coil |
7.2.1 |
Brand |
7.2.2 |
Type |
7.3 |
Ignition capacitor |
7.3.1 |
Brand |
if present |
7.3.2 |
Type |
8 |
Engine performance (to be specified by the manufacturer) |
8.1 |
Idle speed 3) |
8.2 |
Carbon monoxide content in the exhaust gas during idling, as specified by the manufacturer (volume%) |
CO%% where applicable before and after catalyst, where applicable Reference value gem. § 47a specify |
8.3 |
Rated Power Speed 3) |
8.4 |
Rated Performance |
Power in kW (Specify measurement method) |
9 |
Lubricants used |
9.1 |
Brand |
9.2 |
Type |
10 |
Start operation information |
11 |
Exchange of the O2 probe |
after |
Km |
where applicable |
Exchange of catalyst |
after |
Km |
where applicable |
In the case of non-traditional engine types and systems, the manufacturer must provide information which is equivalent to the following requirements.
Delete as appropriate.
Specify tolerance.
Where an exhaust gas approval is presented in accordance with point 1.12 of Annex XXIII, the name provided for the relevant market shall also be indicated.
In the case of field-controlled ignition, ignition characteristic field or characteristic points.
Annex XXIII, Sect. italic print: should be correctly "representative"
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XXIV (to § 47)
Measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from motor vehicles with foreign and compression ignition engines
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 888-897)
(Definition of non-polluting passenger cars)
Conditions for classification as a conditional low-pollutant motor vehicle
Application Area This Annex regulates the requirements with regard to emissions of air pollutants, which are
Passenger cars and
Mobile homes with a maximum authorised mass of not more than 2 800 kg
Spark-ignition engines (gasoline engines) or compression-ignition engines (diesel engines) with at least four wheels, not more than nine seats, including the driver's seat, a maximum authorised mass of at least 400 kg, and a design-related The maximum speed must be at least 50 km/h in order to be recognised as a limited pollutant arm. It also applies to passenger cars and motorhomes with a maximum authorised mass of no more than 2 800 kg with retrofitted exhaust gas purification systems (retrofitting) to reduce the emissions of air pollutants.
Low-emission passenger cars of stage AAs a low-pollutant passenger car of stage A shall apply:
passenger cars with positive-ignition engines, if they meet the requirements specified in point in the case of a series production, and in the case of retrofitting, in addition to the requirements laid down in point;
Passenger cars with LPG, if they meet the requirements of and in LPG operation,
Passenger cars with compression-ignition engines, if they meet the requirements of point
Low-emission passenger cars of stage BAs of low-pollutant passenger cars of stage B apply:
passenger cars if they comply with the requirements of point by installing exhaust gas purification systems; vehicles already on the market must satisfy the requirements laid down in point
Passenger cars with LPG if they comply with the requirements set out in points and in the LPG operation.
Non-polluting passenger cars of stage CAs low-pollutant passenger cars of stage C are subject to passenger cars with engines with a displacement of less than 1 400 cm 3 ,
if they meet the requirements laid down in point 1.5.3,
if they meet the requirements laid down in point 1.5.3 in conjunction with point as vehicles with liquefied gas installations in the liquefied gas industry.
Requirements The operability of the emission-reducing and emission-related components must be demonstrated by the tests described in more detail in section 1.5; the applicant must demonstrate that the functioning of these components is not possible. Components are guaranteed for a suitable service life when the operation is carried out in accordance with the intended purpose. The exhaust gas purification systems may not be equipped with devices that do not function these systems. This does not apply to devices which are absolutely necessary for the trouble-free operation of the vehicle. Devices for switching between gasoline and LPG operation are permitted in vehicles with LPG systems. In the case of motor vehicles which are fitted in rows and fitted with an exhaust gas purification system and where the fuel is required to operate unleaded, the tank filler neck shall be such that these vehicles shall be exclusively fitted with: unleaded fuel can be refuelled. This condition shall be deemed to be fulfilled if these vehicles cannot be refuelled with a tap with an outer diameter of the final opening of more than 2.134 cm. In the case of vehicles fitted with a vehicle, for the operation of which unleaded fuel is used. is required, a corresponding indication must be provided in the vicinity of the tank filler neck in a clearly visible position.
Application for a general type-approval and proof of reduced pollutant emissions on the basis of already granted general operating permits
In the case of motor vehicles, the vehicle manufacturer or his representative may request the granting of a general type-approval, or the granting of a supplement to the general type-approval of the vehicle, with the addition of the vehicle referred to in point 2.1. shall submit the documents and declarations listed.
If, by subsequent installation of exhaust gas purification systems, the emissions of air pollutants from motor vehicles are to be reduced, a general procedure for the exhaust gas purification systems shall be, unless specified in accordance with point 1.4.1. Type-approval required for vehicle parts according to § 22. The application may be made either by the vehicle manufacturer or by the manufacturer of the exhaust gas purification system or by the representative of the exhaust gas purification system, with the addition of the documents and explanations given in point 2.2.
For motor vehicles already on the market with positive-ignition engines which meet the requirements of point without retrofitting, the vehicle manufacturer or his representative may, on the basis of the general requirements for the type of vehicle, be: Type-approval to demonstrate that the motor vehicle is considered to be low-pollutant in accordance with stage A or C. In addition, it must confirm that the row-by-row manufactured vehicles comply with these requirements, taking into account the number 1.5.
For vehicles already on the market with compression-ignition engines meeting the requirements laid down in point, the vehicle manufacturer or his representative may, on the basis of the general type-approval granted for the vehicle type, and if appropriate subsequently carried out tests, prove that the motor vehicle is considered to be low-pollutant in accordance with stage A or C. In addition, it must confirm that the row-by-row manufactured vehicles comply with these requirements, taking into account the number 1.5.
The provisions of points 1.4.1 to 1.4.4 shall apply to vehicles which are, for the first time, placed on the market or have come into circulation pursuant to a type-approval pursuant to § 21 and which are suitable for exhaust gas purification systems installed in these vehicles.
VerifiationsThe tests shall be carried out in accordance with point 3.
Stage AFor motor vehicles with foreign or compression ignition engines and for exhaust gas purification systems, for which a type-approval for recognition according to stage A is applied for in accordance with points 1.4.1, 1.4.2 or 1.4.5, the following shall apply in the case of the type test: Requirements:
Limit values for gaseous pollutants, measured in accordance with the European driving cycle of Annex I to Council Directive 83 /351/EEC of 16 June 1983 amending Directive 70 /220/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to: Measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from motor vehicle engines with spark-ignition (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. OJ L 197, 20.7.1983, p. 1):
Reference mass of Prsum CH + NOxNOx
(kg) (g/test) (g/test)
Pr ≤ 1 250 |
12.75 |
6 |
Pr > 1 250 |
15 |
6 |
In the case of motor vehicles which are first placed on the market, the CO-type test limit values must be laid down in accordance with Directive 83 /351/EEC or Regulation No 15/04, or , in accordance with Commission Directive 78 /665/EEC of 14 July 1978 adapting to the Council Directive 70 /220/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by exhaust gases from Motor vehicle engines with spark-ignition to technical progress (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, 48) or the EC Regulation No 15/03 and in the case of the other motor vehicles, the CO-type test limit value applicable to the type of vehicle in question is complied with. In the case of motor vehicles with LPG, the can be operated either with LPG or petrol, the above-mentioned pollutant limit values must be complied with only in LPG operation; in petrol operation, at least the type test limit values applicable to the vehicle type must be complied with .
Fuel consumption and operating behaviour of motor vehicles with positive-ignition engines, the pollutant emissions of which are subsequently reduced by retrofitting, the following is to be proved in addition to the test vehicle without retrofitting:
The fuel consumption determined in accordance with DIN 70 030 must not increase by more than 5 percent, whereby the arithmetic mean values from the two consumption measurements are compared. In this case, consumption disadvantages are to be deducted from the measurement result by means of lower octane numbers of the unleaded gasoline (1 percent per octane number).
The operating behaviour shall not deteriorate at the normal operating temperatures of the vehicle, the assessment being carried out as follows on the roll test stand:
Operating behavior at normal temperature operating behaviour during starting operation of the starter (ten seconds maximum) Duration of the breaks between the starting tests 15 seconds When the engine starts to run for 60 seconds, idling while taking into account the Operating instructions (kick-down, setting of the starter flap) Operating behaviour during the warm-up phases of a driving cycle based on the type I test of Annex I to Council Directive 83 /351/EEC of Annex XIV, with an additional Acceleration phase in the third section of the driving cycle from 40 km/h to 100 km/h in the the highest possible gear. The test shall consist of three cycles and shall be carried out without interruption.
Operating behavior with low temperature operating behavior in the cold chamber on the roller test bench at -10 ° C air and engine oil temperature, provided that the exhaust gas cleaning system deteriorates operating performance at low temperatures The operating behaviour shall be checked during the starting operation and during the warm-up phase in accordance with point
In the event that the vehicle manufacturer undertakes in writing that the vehicle type is properly operating, the tests specified in point may be waived.
Points and shall not apply to vehicles with liquefied gas installations.
Stage BFor motor vehicles with positive-ignition engines and for exhaust gas purification systems, for which a type-approval for recognition according to stage B is requested in accordance with points 1.4.1, 1.4.2 or 1.4.5, the following requirements shall apply in the case of the type-approval:
Limit values for gaseous pollutants, measured according to the European driving cycle of Annex I to Council Directive 83 /351/EEC: NOx emission of the test vehicle with a built-in exhaust gas purification system shall be at least 30 per cent less than the emission limit of the NOx emission of the test vehicle without exhaust gas purification system.In addition, the test vehicle must be fitted with the exhaust gas purification system installed in accordance with Directive 78 /665/EEC and/or Directive 78 /665/EEC, respectively. 77 /102/EEC of 30 November 1976 adapting the provisions of Council Directive 70 /220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by exhaust gases from Motor vehicle engines with a spark-ignition engine (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. 32) or EC Regulation No 15/03, respectively. In the case of a vehicle type approved in accordance with Directive 83 /351/EEC or EC Regulation No 15/04, the NOx emission of the test vehicle shall be included in the NOx-type test limit for the test vehicle, which shall be in force at least 30 per cent in force. Exhaust gas purification system shall be at least 30 per cent of the NOx-type test limit for this type of vehicle specified in Directive 78 /665/EEC or in accordance with EC Regulation No 15/03. CH and CO emissions shall continue to be allowed only for each an inspection before and after installation of the exhaust gas purification system after installation to a maximum of 5 per cent, otherwise it shall be demonstrated, on the basis of three measurements, that the CH and CO emissions do not increase significantly. In addition, in the test vehicle, before installation of the exhaust gas purification system, the requirements for the respective test vehicles must be determined. In the case of motor vehicles with LPG, which may be operated either with LPG or petrol, the requirements referred to above must be met only in the case of a vehicle with a In the case of petrol operations, at least those for the the type of vehicle type applicable to the type of vehicle is complied with.
Fuel consumption and performance of vehicles on the market which comply with the requirements of point after the installation of an exhaust gas purification system, is also in comparison with the test vehicle without exhaust gas purification system to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of point in terms of fuel consumption and operating behaviour. In the case of vehicles with liquefied gas installations, points and are not to be applied.
Stage CFor motor vehicles with foreign or compression ignition engines and for exhaust gas purification systems, for which a type-approval for the recognition according to stage C is requested in accordance with points 1.4.1, 1.4.2 or 1.4.5, the following shall apply in the case of the type test: Requirements:
Limit values for gaseous pollutants, measured in accordance with the European driving cycle of Annex I to Council Directive 83 /351/EEC:
HubraumCOSum CH + NOxNOx
(cm ) (g/Test) (g/Test)
less than 1 400 |
38.25 |
12.75 |
6 |
In addition, the provisions of sections to shall apply.
If there is evidence that motor vehicles do not comply with the requirements of point 1.3 sets 2 and 3, the technical service may carry out comparison measurements to check the emission behaviour even at higher speeds.
Series tests by the technical service
In the case of vehicles produced as a result of the production of vehicles, the approval authority may, according to § 20, carry out tests for the monitoring of the emission behaviour of the vehicles from the production by the technical service. Conformity of production shall be carried out in accordance with the exhaust gas tests referred to in point 1.5 for the type of vehicle concerned, and the limit values applicable to the tests in question may be exceeded by 20 per cent.
In the case of exhaust gas purification systems for subsequent installation, the approval authority may carry out tests to monitor the conformity of production by the technical service in accordance with section 22 of the examination. Exhaust gas purification systems in combination with a specific type of vehicle shall be subject to the emission limit values referred to in point
The approval authority for the approval authority within the meaning of this annex-with the exception of point 1.4.5-is the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt, Fördestraße 16, 24944 Flensburg.
Recognition of tests carried out by other states which have undergone a vehicle type in an EC Member State or in another European country with which a mutual agreement exists, shall be recognised when tests are carried out in the case of a in accordance with the test conditions of this Annex, the approval authority or an official inspection body has been carried out. The requirements of this installation must be met. Proof must be provided by the submission of the test report and the complete application documents in accordance with Annex I to III to the approval authority; German translations shall be accompanied by foreign language documents. The approval authority shall, on the basis of the submitted application documents and test results, grant an authorisation under the condition that the applicant complies with the obligations arising out of this Annex.
Description of the motor vehicle, the main characteristics of the engine, the emission-reducing and emission-relevant components of the vehicle type for which the type-approval is requested, and description of the exhaust gas purification system in conjunction with the Vehicle type concerned, test reports
For the general type-approval of motor vehicles, together with the test report of the technical service, the vehicle description, the main characteristics of the engine and information on the performance of the tests shall be submitted in accordance with Annexes I and II.
For the general type-approval of exhaust gas purification systems which are subsequently installed in motor vehicles, the information and the test report shall be submitted in accordance with Annex III.
Carrying out the tests
The tests for the determination of gaseous emissions shall be carried out on the basis of Annex I to Council Directive 83 /351/EEC, Type I test, using the testing and measuring equipment required in that Annex.
The measurement of fuel consumption shall be carried out in accordance with DIN 70 030, Part 1, issue 78, or by Directive 80 /1268/EEC, and shall be used to use the measuring equipment required there.
The testing of vehicles on the market, which are subsequently equipped with exhaust gas purification systems, must continue to be observed:
Preparation of motor vehicles The vehicles and, in particular, the engines must be in perfect condition, that is to say they must be maintained and set in accordance with the instructions of the vehicle manufacturer.
Testing and setting of the engine Before the start of the test, new spark plugs and, if necessary, interrupting contacts are to be incorporated. Furthermore, the characteristics of the engine listed below must be checked and, if necessary, adjusted according to the vehicle manufacturer's specifications: compression pressure valve clearance ignition timing, if appropriate, closing angle idling speed CO content in the Idling tightness of the exhaust system, battery, if necessary.
Inspection of the installation and adjustment instructions for the subsequent installation of the exhaust gas cleaning system The installation and the adjustment of the exhaust gas cleaning system are carried out by the applicant in the presence of the technical service on the basis of the included installation and Adjustment instructions to be carried out on the test vehicle; if necessary, the installation and adjustment instructions must be corrected.
In the case of motor vehicles with positive-ignition engines and exhaust-gas purification systems which require the operation of unleaded petrol, the test fuel shall be used in accordance with Annex XXIII, point 5.1. In the case of motor vehicles with positive-ignition engines, which are used for Liquefied petroleum gas shall be used in accordance with Annex XXIII, point 5.3. In the case of motor vehicles with positive-ignition engines and exhaust gas purification systems which can be operated with leaded petrol, the test fuel shall be used in accordance with Annex VI to Council Directive 83 /351/EEC is to be used. Motor vehicles with compression-ignition engines shall be used for the test fuel according to Annex XXIII, point 5.2.
Annex Ivehicle description in accordance with Annex XXIV
Type of vehicle:
0 |
General |
0.1 |
Make: .......... |
0.2 |
Type and trade name: .......... |
0.3 |
Type: .......... |
0.4 |
Class of vehicle: .......... |
0.5 |
Name and address of manufacturer: .......... |
0.6 |
Name and address of the manufacturer's authorized representative (if applicable): .......... |
1 |
General construction characteristics of the vehicle |
1.2 |
Powered wheels: .......... |
2 |
Dimensions and weights |
2.6 |
Empty mass: .......... |
Reference mass: .......... |
2.7 |
Technically permissible maximum mass: .......... |
3 |
Drive Machine |
(see Annex II) |
4 |
Power transmission |
4.3 |
Gearbox: .......... |
-Design .......... |
-automatis/mechanical .......... |
4.5 |
Translation ratio: .......... |
1. Gang .......... |
2. Gang .......... |
3. Gang .......... |
4. Gang .......... |
5. Gang .......... |
Transmission ratio of the axle transmission: .......... |
6 |
Suspension |
6.1 |
Normalization .......... |
-Dimensions: .......... |
-Dynamic roll circumference (according to DIN and/or DIN) WdK): .......... |
Annexes: |
1. |
Light images and/or drawings of a representative vehicle design |
2. |
Description of the engine referred to in Annex II, including the equipment required in that Annex |
3. |
Light images of the engine and engine compartment |
4. |
ff. (possibly List other assets) |
Annex II-Main features of the engine
and information on the conduct of the tests
pursuant to Annex XXIV
1 |
Description of the engine |
1.1 |
Brand |
1.2 |
Type |
1.3 |
Mode of operation: spark ignition/self-ignition, with four-stroke/two-stroke 2) |
1.4 |
Hole |
1.5 |
Hub |
1.6 |
Number and arrangement of cylinders and ignition sequence |
1.7 |
Cubic capacity |
1.8 |
Compression Ratio 3) |
1.9 |
Drawings of the combustion chambers and pistons |
1.10 |
Cooling system |
Type of cooling system (water, air) |
1.11 |
Loading, Type, Short Description |
where applicable Type, drive and/or charge pressure, charge air cooling |
1.12 |
Intake system |
(description, device for adapting the air preheating to outside temperature) |
Intake manifold |
Drawing with main dimensions |
Air Filter Brand Type |
Drawing with main dimensions |
Intake silencer Brand Type |
where applicable |
1.13 |
Crankcase ventilation |
Description and sketches including the characteristic of the throttle restriction (s) |
2 |
Additional facilities for exhaust gas cleaning |
Description and sketches (including all essential data, including rule ranges) and labelling |
For example, secondary air supply Idle controller Speed switching device Catalyst Exhaust gas recirculation Particulate filter Warning facility for maintenance/malfunctions |
3 |
Intake and fuel system |
3.1 |
Description and sketches of the intake line and accessories |
For example, throttle-valve dampers, Pre-warmer, additional air connections |
3.2 |
Fuel feed |
where applicable Information on the slideway and idle control |
3.2.1 |
by carburetor Number of carburetor |
Type of type | |
Brand |
Manufacturer | |
Type |
Type specification | |
Setting elements 1) |
(for electronic carburetor: e.g. Control unit, temperature sensors, throttle valve actuators, etc.) |
Idle setting and intervention protection |
Description and sketches | |
Nozzles |
Information on nozzle assembly, diameter data | |
Air funnel |
Diameter | |
Fill level in the swimming chamber |
Level of the filling level, indicating the test conditions | |
Weight of the float |
Weight | |
Float needle |
Diameter | |
Start help setting of the locking system 3) |
Hand-operated or auto-indication of the adjustment | |
Fuel pump |
Print or characteristic curve 3) |
3.2.2 |
By injection device description of the system |
For example, K-Jetronic and possibly Air flow meter *) Control Unit *) Mengenteiler *) Warm-flow regulator *) Thermotimer *) Cold start valve *) Fuel feed pump (specify type) System Print (Specify Pressure) 3) Engagement Backup **) |
Specify Labeling
Description and sketches
Working methods |
For example, injection into the intake manifold/prechamber/vortex chamber; direct injection | |
Injection pump |
if not included in 3.2.2 | |
Brand |
| |
Type |
where applicable | |
Injection quantity mm 3 Per stroke at min -1 the pump 2) 3) or Characteristic 2) 3) Calibration procedure: on the test bench/engine 2) |
| |
Injection Time |
where applicable | |
Injection curve |
where applicable | |
Injection nozzle |
Marking | |
Regulator |
| |
Type |
| |
Abnormal speed under load |
min -1 | |
Maximum speed without load |
min -1 | |
Idle speed: |
| |
Cold start device: |
| |
Brand: |
| |
Type: |
| |
Description: |
| |
Start Help: |
| |
Brand: |
| |
Type: |
| |
Description: |
4 |
Valve control times or equivalent data |
4.1 |
Maximum valve strokes and opening and closing angles or equivalent characteristics of other controls relative to top dead center |
Indication of valve stroke Indication of inlet/outlet before/after OT |
4.2 |
Reference and/or adjustment ranges 2) |
Indication of inlet/outlet game |
5 |
Ignition |
5.1 |
Type of ignition system Description |
E.g. transistor ignition system |
5.1.1 |
Brand |
where applicable |
5.1.2 |
Type |
where applicable |
5.1.3 |
Ignition timing curve *) 3) |
Drawing (with additional measures for ignition adjustment adjustment range) |
5.1.4 |
Ignition Time 3) |
Indication of the boundary conditions |
5.1.5 |
Interrupting contact distance and closing angle |
where applicable Information on contact distance and type of regulation |
6 |
Muffler system |
6.1 |
Description and sketches |
Drawings of silencers and catalyst as well as scheme of the overall system with main dimensions of the components |
7 |
Additional information on the test conditions |
7.1 |
Spark plugs |
7.1.1 |
Brand |
7.1.2 |
Type |
Information on manufacturers Type Marking |
7.1.3 |
Electrode spacing |
7.2 |
Ignition coil |
7.2.1 |
Brand |
7.2.2 |
Type |
7.3 |
Ignition capacitor |
7.3.1 |
Brand |
if present |
7.3.2 |
Type |
8 |
Engine performance (to be specified by the manufacturer) |
8.1 |
Idle speed 3) |
8.2 |
Carbon monoxide content in the exhaust gas during idling, as specified by the manufacturer (Vol. %) |
CO%% where applicable before and after catalyst where applicable Reference value gem. § 47a specify |
8.3 |
Rated Power Speed 3) |
8.4 |
Rated power (kW, measurement method) |
9 |
Lubricants used |
9.1 |
Brand |
9.2 |
Type |
10 |
Exchange of catalyst |
by km |
where applicable |
In the case of non-traditional engine types and systems, the manufacturer must provide information which is equivalent to the following requirements.
Delete as appropriate.
Specify tolerance.
In the case of field-controlled ignition, ignition characteristic field or characteristic points.
Annex IIIRequired documents for the application for grant
General type-approval according to § 22 for exhaust gas cleaning systems
Test Report The Technical Service confirms in its audit report that the tested vehicle type meets the requirements of Annex XXIV after installation of the exhaust gas purification system and therefore the type of vehicle as a conditionally low-pollutant in accordance with stage A, B or C gilt.The test report must contain: description of the test vehicle
Vehicle manufacturer type execution ABE number, if applicable Night ragout vehicle identification number mileage
MotorManufacturer type execution engine power/speed/speed mixture system
Exhaust gas cleaning system type manufacturer type and identification test results
Indication of the types of vehicles to which the permit may be granted can be extended.
Drawings and parts lists for the clear description of the exhaust gas cleaning system, illustrations and texts of the installation and adjustment instructions, description of all modifications of parts and settings, which after the installation of the exhaust gas cleaning system may be made, if necessary Information on the conditions for the operation (e.g. (b) unleaded fuel).
Ggf. Indication of the changed set-point values for the test according to § 47a.
A confirmation from the applicant that the exhaust gas purification system, when used as intended, shall be used in accordance with the operational characteristics of the vehicle as specified in point or 1.2.2. not deteriorated in conjunction with point
Confirmation of the applicant that the functional capability of the exhaust gas purification system is ensured over an appropriate service life when used in accordance with the intended use.
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XXV (to § 47)
Measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from motor vehicles with external ignition engines or compression ignition engines
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 898-899)
(Definition of low-pollutant passenger cars in accordance with the European Standard)
Application Area This Appendix regulates the permissible emissions of air pollutants from passenger cars and mobile homes with foreign or compression-ignition engines, with at least four wheels, up to nine seats, including the The driver's seat, the maximum permissible mass of at least 400 kg and not more than 2 500 kg, a maximum design speed of at least 50 km/h and a displacement capacity of 1 400 ccm.
Text deleted
For the purposes of this Annex, motor vehicles with external or compression-ignition engines shall be considered to be low-pollutant if they meet the technical requirements of Annexes I to VI to Directive 83 /351/EEC, to the extent that the following points 4 and 5 nothing else is determined.
By way of derogation from Annex I to Council Directive 83 /351/EEC, the following amendments shall apply:
The following point 3.2.4 shall be inserted: description of the measures to ensure that vehicles equipped with positive-ignition engines are used only with unleaded petrol in accordance with the provisions of Council Directive 85 /210/EEC of 20 March 1985 on the Approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the lead content of petrol (OJ L 327, OJ L 96, 3.4.1985, p. This provision may, for example, be considered to be satisfied if it is established that the filler neck of the tank is so designed that it makes it impossible to fill it with a fuel tap valve, the inlet fitting of which does not include a fuel injector. Outer diameter of more than 2.1 cm has.
Subject to the provisions of points and, the test shall be carried out three times instead of point The mass of carbon monoxide, the sum of the masses of the hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen and the mass of nitrogen oxides shall be below the following values for the appropriate classes of vehicles:
Cubic capacity C (in ccm) Carbon monoxide mass L1 (g per test) Sum of the masses of the hydrocarbons and Oxides of nitrogen L2 (g per test) Nitrogen oxide mass L3 (g per test)
C > 2 000 |
25 |
6.5 |
3.5 |
1 400 < C ≤ 2 000 |
30 |
8 |
- |
Motor vehicles with a compression ignition engine and a displacement capacity of 1 400 ccm must comply with the corresponding limit values of the engine capacity of between 1 400 ccm and 2 000 ccm.
In points,, and, the expression "sum of the masses (emissions) of the hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides" shall be added "and the mass (emission) of nitrogen oxides".
In point, the limit values shall be:
Cubic capacity C (in ccm) Carbon monoxide mass L1 (g per test) Sum of the masses of the hydrocarbons and Oxides of nitrogen L2 (g per test) Nitrogen oxide mass L3 (g per test)
C > 2 000 |
30 |
8.1 |
4.4 |
1 400 < C ≤ 2 000 |
36 |
10 |
- |
Motor vehicles with a compression ignition engine and a displacement capacity of 1 400 ccm must comply with the corresponding limit values of the engine capacity of between 1 400 ccm and 2 000 ccm.
In point, the definition of L shall be as follows:
Limit value according to point for carbon monoxide emissions, the sum of the emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides and the emissions of nitrogen oxides
The number 8 does not apply.
In addition:
Vehicles with spark-ignition engines shall be designed to be operated with unleaded petrol under Directive 85 /210/EEC.
In the case of motor vehicles with a liquefied gas drive, liquid gas is to be used as the reference fuel in accordance with DIN 51 622, November 1973, whose content of propane is 95 per cent ± 3 per cent. In the case of motor vehicles with LPG systems which can be operated either with LPG or gasoline, the above-mentioned pollutant limits must also be complied with in gasoline operation. The standard is in Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstraße 6, 10787 Berlin, published and secured by the German Patent Office in the archive.
The operability of the emission-reducing and emission-related components must be demonstrated by testing in accordance with point 3; the applicant shall demonstrate that the function of these components shall be adequate for an adequate service life; the intended operation is ensured. The exhaust gas purification systems may not be equipped with devices that do not function these systems. This does not apply to devices which are absolutely necessary for the trouble-free operation of the vehicle. Devices for switching between gasoline and LPG operation are permitted in vehicles with LPG systems.
If there is evidence that motor vehicles do not comply with the requirements of point 4.2.3, the technical service may carry out comparison measurements to check the emission behaviour even at higher speeds.
In Annex III, Section 3.1.7 shall not apply.
In Annex VI, Section 1 shall apply as follows: The test fuels shall be used in accordance with the specifications set out in point 5 of Appendix XXIII.
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XXVI (to section 47 (3a))
Measures to be taken against air pollution by particles of motor vehicles with compression-ignition engines
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 900-915)
table of contents
1 |
General |
1.1 |
Scope |
1.2 |
Definitions and abbreviations |
2 |
Definitions of reduction levels |
2.1 |
Post-Disarmament State |
2.1.1 |
Level PM 01 |
2.1.2 |
Level PM 0 |
2.1.3 |
Level PM 1 |
2.1.4 |
Level PM 2 |
2.1.5 |
Level PM 3 |
2.1.6 |
Level PM 4 |
2.2 |
First-time equipment |
2.2.1 |
Level PM 5 |
3 |
Requirements for unregulated particle reduction systems |
3.1 |
Compliance criteria for unregulated particle reduction systems |
3.2 |
Testing of the unregulated particle reduction system |
3.3 |
Continuous operation |
3.3.1 |
In the new European driving cycle (NEDC); only part 1 |
3.3.2 |
In the new European driving cycle (NEDC); with Vmax 70 km/h |
3.3.3 |
According to an inner-city driving profile |
3.4 |
Tests in continuous operation |
3.5 |
Exhaust gas investigation |
3.6 |
"Worst case regeneration" after endurance |
3.7 |
Exhaust gas measurements during continuous operation |
3.7.1 |
Determination of particle emission in the NEDC |
3.7.2 |
Determination of gaseous emissions (NOx, CO, HC) and fuel consumption in CO2 |
3.8 |
Evaluation of the unregulated particle reduction system |
3.8.1 |
Particulate emission |
3.8.2 |
Retention rate |
3.8.3 |
Retention rate during soot oxidation |
3.8.4 |
Particle emission after "Worst-Case-Regeneration" |
3.8.5 |
Limited pollutants |
3.8.6 |
Turbidity measurements |
4 |
Requirements for an unregulated particle reduction system for the formation of a vehicle family |
4.1 |
Match criteria for vehicle families |
4.2 |
Selection of test vehicles |
4.3 |
Test criteria for the area of use within a family referred to in point 1.2 of Annex I. |
4.4 |
Test and measurement procedure on the roller test bench |
4.5 |
Evaluation of the unregulated particulate reduction systems for use within a vehicle family |
4.5.1 |
Particulate emission |
4.5.2 |
Fuel consumption in CO2 |
4.5.3 |
Limited pollutants |
5 |
Requirements for periodically regenerating particle reduction systems |
5.1 |
Compliance criteria for controlled particle reduction systems |
5.2 |
Testing and evaluation of the controlled particle reduction system |
5.3 |
Retention rate |
5.4 |
Ki Factor |
5.5 |
Limited pollutants |
5.6 |
Fuel consumption in CO2 |
5.7 |
Turbidity coefficient |
5.8 |
Requirements for a controlled particle reduction system for the formation of a vehicle family |
6 |
Approval |
6.1 |
New motor vehicles |
6.1.1 |
EC type-approval or general type-approval |
6.1.2 |
Single-vehicle type-approval |
6.2 |
Motor vehicles registered for the transport of vehicles |
6.2.1 |
EC type-approval or general type-approval |
6.2.2 |
Single-vehicle type-approval |
6.2.3 |
Particulate reduction system for retrofitting |
7 |
Approval Authority |
8 |
Withdrawal of authorisation |
9 |
Additional requirements |
9.1 |
Operational Behavior |
9.2 |
Noise |
9.3 |
Additivization |
9.4 |
Electromagnetic compatibility |
10 |
Installation and acceptance of retrofitting with an approved particle reduction system |
10.1 |
Installation |
10.2 |
Decrease |
Annex I |
Overview of audit flows |
1 |
Unregulated particle reduction systems |
1.1 |
Particle reduction system |
1.2 |
Area of use for vehicle families |
2 |
Regulated particulate reduction systems |
2.1 |
Particle reduction system |
2.2 |
Area of use for vehicle families |
Annex II |
Certificate issued by the holder of EC type-approval or general type-approval of the motor vehicle according to Annex XXVI, point 6.1.1, 6.2.1 or 6.2.3 (b) |
Annex III |
Certificate for § 21 Type-approval of individual vehicles according to Annex XXVI, point 6.1.2, 6.2.2 or 6.2.3 |
Annex IV |
Application for approval of vehicle parts according to § 22 for particle reduction systems and required documents |
Annex V |
Certificate of acceptance of the proper installation of an approved particle reduction system for submission to the approval authority |
Application Area This plant regulates the requirements for the exhaust gas behavior of passenger cars and motorhomes with compression-ignition engines, which
by retrofitting with a particulate reduction system, or
from the date on which they are registered for the first time on the market in accordance with Section 47 (3a), as particularly reduced in particle size. For the purposes of this provision:
Passenger cars: motor vehicles of category M1 in accordance with Annex II, Section A, point 1
Motorhomes: motor vehicles referred to in Annex II, Section A, point 5.1
Directive 70 /156/EEC, which is powered by compression-ignition engines and with diesel fuel, in accordance with Directive 98 /70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 1991, Council Directive 93 /12/EEC on the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Council Directive 93 /12/EEC (OJ 1998 L 327, p. 58), which was last amended by Directive 2009 /30/EC (OJ L 327, 28.12.2009, p. This Annex also regulates the requirements for the particulate reduction systems intended for the retrofitting of motor vehicles. The requirements of this Annex can also be applied in accordance with the requirements of this Annex. For commercial vehicles of category N1, which fall within the scope of Article 47 (1). The area of use of approved particulate reduction systems for passenger cars or campers may be extended to the corresponding commercial vehicles of category N1. Compliance with the requirements laid down in point 4 of this Appendix shall be established. For the allocation of the particle reduction class, Annex XIV, point 3.4 shall apply.
Definitions and abbreviations loading condition: Constant particle loading condition of the particle reduction system under certain driving conditions without external regeneration measures. Bypass ratio: ratio of free geometric cross-section, by which a partial exhaust gas flow unagrees partially or completely to the particle reduction system, based on the total filter inlet cross-sectional. Number 5.3 determined gravimetric Particle retention rate of at least 90 percent possest.Ki-factor: Ratio of each limited pollutant "n" between the averaged total emission of periodically regenerating systems during the regeneration and the averaged total emission of periodically regenerating systems during the entire particle-loading phase without regeneration from the NEFZ.Continuous regenerating particle reduction system: particle reduction system, in which no changes in engine control parameters, Additional systems or engine full-load operating points Regeneration is initiated. Continuous regeneration of a particle reduction system shall be carried out continuously in certain exhaust-gas temperature ranges. NEFZ:New European driving cycle in accordance with Annex III, Appendix 1 to Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by the Directive 98 /69/EWG.Unregulated particulate reduction system: particulate reduction system, which has a gravimetric particle retention rate of between 30 per cent and < 90 per cent determined in accordance with point 3.8.2. Exhaust gas aftertreatment to reduce particle emission by mechanical and/or aerodynamic separation as well as diffusion and/or inertial effects. Engine-specific modifications to electronic components and electronic components do not count towards the particle reduction systems.Particle reduction system family: Family of all particle reduction systems, which are technically identical in their function are considered in accordance with the criteria of conformity in point 4.1. Pericodically regenerating particle reduction system: particle reduction system, in which periodic regeneration via additional devices (for example, electrical heating, additive, modified engine parameters). During regeneration, the emission limit values can be exceeded. These are to be taken into account by the Ki factor. Restraint Degree ratio of retained particle mass by the particle reduction system to the particle mass in the initial state of the vehicle, measured in the NEDC. "Worst-case regeneration" :Regeneration an unregulated particle reduction system with maximum particle load after a continuous flow of 4 000 km with the lowest exhaust gas cooling by the engine and high oxygen excess in the exhaust gas. The "Worst-Case-Regeneration" is used to demonstrate the thermal stability of the particle reduction system.
Retention rate
Weighting factor for particle emission in condition I
Weighting factor for particle emission in condition II
Weighting factor for particle emission in condition III
Number of cycles between two regenerations
Number of cycles required for regeneration
Weighted overall emissions (g/km) for controlled particulate reduction systems
Averaged emission measured over several cycles (NEDC) without regeneration (g/km)
Emission during regeneration (NEDC)
Post-reed condition
Arithmetically averaged particle emission in condition I
Arithmetically averaged particle emission in condition II
Arithmetically averaged particle emission in condition III
Arithmetically averaged particulate emissions in condition IV, measured in part 2 of the NEDC
Arithmetically averaged particle emission in state IV
Particle reduction system
Arithmetically averaged particle emission in retrofitted state in the case of unregulated systems
Particulate emission for an unregulated system of a family, measured in accordance with point 1.2 (e) of Annex I
Particle emission for open system of a family, measured in accordance with point 1.2 (g) of Annex I
Total particle emission in the upgraded state for a closed system of a family, measured in accordance with point 2.2 (e) of Annex I
Arithmetically averaged particle emission in the initial state (without PMS)
Volume of the particle reduction system
Engine stroke volume
Definitions of passenger cars or motorhomes with compression-ignition engines shall be considered to be particularly reduced,
provided that they have been equipped with a particulate reduction system after the allocation of an official registration mark (retro-fitting) as
Level PM 01, if they comply with the provisions referred to in points (m), (n) or (o) of the Annex to the provisions of Article 47 (1), do not already comply with the limit values for Group I of the table in point of Annex I and with one of the following: Point 6.2.3 has been provided to ensure that the particulate mass limit of 0,170 g/km is not exceeded;
Level PM 0, if
comply with the requirements of Section 47 (3) (3) or (4); or
they comply with the requirements of Article 47 (3) (6) or (7) in the case of more than six seats, including the driver's seat or the maximum authorised mass of more than 2 500 kg, and only the limit values for Group II or III of the Table in point of Annex I
and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 6.2.3, which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0,100 g/km is not exceeded;
Level PM 1, if
they comply with the requirements of § 47 (3) (3), (4), (5), (6) or (7), where the vehicle documents are not already described as low-emission D3 or D4; or
they comply with the requirements of Article 47 (3) (8), (9), (10), (11), (12) or (13) for a maximum authorised mass of more than 2 500 kg, and in so doing only the limit values set out in line A for groups II or III of the table in point of Annex I be complied with
and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 6.2.3 and which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0.050 g/km is not exceeded;
Level PM 2, if
they meet the requirements of Section 47 (3) (5) or any of the subsequent numbers in which the vehicle documents are not already described as the pollutant arm D4, Euro 3 and D4 or Euro 4; or
they comply with the requirements laid down in Article 47 (3) (8) or one of the following numbers for a maximum authorised mass of more than 2 500 kg, and only the limit values set out in row B for Group II or III of the table in point of Annex I shall be complied with
and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 6.2.3 and which ensures that the particulate mass limit of 0.025 g/km is not exceeded;
Level PM 3 if they comply with the requirements of Section 47 (3) (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12) or (13) and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 6.2.3, and which ensures that the limit value for the the particulate mass of 0.0125 g/km shall not be exceeded;
Level PM 4, if they comply with the requirements of section 47 (3) (8), (9), (10), (11), (12) or (13) and have been fitted with a particulate reduction system approved in accordance with point 6.2.3, ensuring that the limit value for the the particulate mass of 0.005 g/km shall not be exceeded;
if, from the date on which they are first admitted to the market (initial equipment), they shall be
Level PM 5, if
comply with the requirements of Article 47 (3) (8), (9), (10), (11), (12) or (13), the limit values L1, L3, L2 + 3 as defined in line A or line B, vehicle class M or, for a maximum authorised mass of more than 2 500 kg, the values for Group II or III of the The table in point of Annex I to Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended, and
in the case of the particulate mass as the limit value L4, do not exceed 0.005 g/km and the conditions for the approval referred to in point 6.1 or 6.2 are fulfilled.
Requirements for unregulated particulate reduction systemThe applicant requesting the type-approval of a particulate reduction system in accordance with Annex IV shall prove, by means of the tests described in point 3.2., that the Functioning of this system in the case of intended operation over a service life of up to five years or up to a mileage of 80 000 km-depending on which criterion is first achieved. The particle reduction systems may not be provided with devices that do not function these systems.
Compliance criteria for unregulated particulate reduction systemThe unregulated particle reduction system shall not differ in the following characteristics:
Type of restraint, working methods, materials (metal, ceramics),
Reduction construction of the filter material (sheets, braiding, wound, minimum cell/material/non-woven density, maximum porosity, pore diameter, pockets/ball number, surface roughness, wire/ball/fiber diameter),
Minimum coating of the particle reduction system (g/ft) 3 ),
Canning/packaging (storage/holding of the carrier),
volume ± 20 per cent,
Regeneration type (periodic or continuous),
Regeneration strategy (catalytic, thermal, electrothermal regeneration),
the type of additivation (if any),
Type of additive (if any),
bypass ratio,
with or without an oxidation catalytic converter.
Re-use of the existing oxidation catalyst (s): oxidation catalysts upstream of the reduction system can be used further in case of retrofitting in individual cases if it is proven that these catalysts are:
are not older than five years,
were no longer than 80 000 km in the vehicle (proof of mileage via service level and distance counter) and
are not affected by visible defects, or
the manufacturer of the particulate reduction system shall, within the framework of the type-approval required under point 6.2.3, show that the required limit values are complied with even without the oxidation catalyst (s) as standard (s) (Type approval must contain proof).
If none of the above-mentioned evidence is provided, the oxidation catalysts must be renewed prior to retrofitting with the particle reduction system.
Testing of the unregulated particulate reduction system For the evaluation of the particulate reduction system referred to in point 3.1, a continuous operation in accordance with point 3.3 of at least 4 000 km shall be carried out in order to demonstrate the functioning of the particulate reduction system in future field use. The continuous operation shall be used to demonstrate the functioning and stability of the system and its efficiency. The motor vehicle used for this purpose shall comply with the requirements of stage PM 2; in the case of motor vehicles with a maximum permissible mass of more than 2 500 kg of the requirements of the level PM 1. The particulate emission of the continuous vehicle in the initial state shall not be less than 0.030 g/km in the NEDC. In the absence of a permanent vehicle with a corresponding particle emission, the steps shall be 2 000 km, or 2 000 km, respectively. 4 000 km to extend the ratio of the prescribed particulate mass of 0.030 g/km to the actual vehicle emission (example: at 0.020 g/km the measurements are shifted from 2 000 km to 3 000 km and from 4 000 km to 6 000 km). The motor vehicle selected for continuous operation does not have to be from the same vehicle manufacturer as the intended use. The area of application of a system includes an engine power range of between 65 percent and 130 percent, based on the engine power of the test vehicle. As a test cycle for the exhaust gas measurements on the roller test bench, the NEDC is equipped with inner and non-urban part (part 1 and part 2) to be applied in accordance with Annex III, Appendix 1 to Directive 70 /220/EEC, as amended by Directive 98 /69/EEC.
Continuous running is to be carried out over a distance of at least 4 000 km. At the request of the applicant, a vehicle inspection can be carried out prior to the start of the continuous operation by the technical service, which is responsible for the evaluation, as well as the read-out of the OBD system.
The course accumulation can be carried out on the roll test stand by repeating the inner-city part of the NEDC (Part 1).
The course accumulation on the roller test bench can be carried out in the NEDC with inner (part 1) and extra-urban (part 2, reduced) share. In part 2 of the NEDC, a driving speed of 70 km/h and a maximum exhaust-gas temperature of 300 ° C must not be exceeded immediately before the reduction system.
Alternatively, the continuous running path to be described in detail in the test documentation can be selected by the expert opinion in such a way that it corresponds to a realistic inner-city driving profile. The average speed must be between 25 and 35 km/h, the maximum speed below 70 km/h, the time-idle percentage not below 7 per cent and the speed in time between 50 to 70 km/h below 10 per cent (not at the end of the continuous operation). The maximum exhaust gas temperature immediately before and after the particle reduction system must always be below 300 ° C without external regeneration on average, the engine speed below 60% of the rated speed. During the entire continuous operation, the vehicle speed, the path, the engine speed and the differential pressure between the input and output of the particle reduction system must be included in the test documentation.
Continuous-flow tests The exhaust gas measurements with a built-in unregulated particulate reduction system shall be defined in accordance with Annex I, point 1.1.
before continuous start (basic surveying, condition I),
after at least 2 000 km (Condition II) and
after at least 4 000 km (condition III) and
after the "Worst-Case-Regeneration" (Condition IV)
Before and after continuous operation, the vehicle will be measured without a particle reduction system for the later determination of the particle reduction efficiency in the initial state. The manufacturer can in each case according to the 2 000 km-and the 4 000 km-measurements apply for additional exhaust gas measurements in the initial state. After rebuilding the system, the exhaust gas measurement is to be repeated in this case. The highest exhaust gas value in each case is to be used for the determination of the retention degree. The deviation of the exhaust gas measurements with a particle reduction system before/after installation/removal may not exceed 15 percent.
Exhaust gas examination If unregulated particulate reduction systems are to be used, additional exhaust gas tests as specified in point 3.2 of Annex XIa shall be carried out with the determination of the peak value for the flue gas test.
"Worst case regeneration" after continuous operation To safeguard the thermal stability in the later field use of retrofitted vehicles, after the 4 000-km exhaust gas measurements and after the exhaust gas examination, a "worst-case regeneration" The thermal "Worst-Case-Regeneration" is initiated with the test vehicle on the roller test bench via the engine load (fast load change from lower part load to full load). After detection of the ignition of the particles in the reduction system, the idling point is approached via motor thrust. The test vehicle remains idling until no soot burn in the restraint system takes place. Unless exhaust temperatures of 600 ° C have occurred at the latest after 10 minutes under the aforementioned operating conditions, the "worst-case test" is to be used. In the case of vehicles above a motor power of 160 kW, the introduction of the "Worst case regeneration" on the road. If no thermal regeneration could be initiated, a regeneration of the particle reduction system according to the manufacturer's specifications in the vehicle operation is to be carried out. In all cases, the following will be used: then carried out exhaust gas measurements. The particle emission, which is arithmetically averaged, must not exceed 15 per cent of the particle emission. In addition, the manufacturer must prove and confirm that the scorched particle mass and the occurring particulate matter have occurred in the course of the following: Exhaust gas temperatures with regard to the durability of the system should be regarded as uncritical.
Exhaust gas measurements during continuous operation
Determination of the particle emission in the NEFZ: The exhaust emission values in the initial state (PS), state I (basic measurement) (PI), state II (PII), state III (PIII) and state IV (PIV) each result as a mean value of two in each case, if the measurements are carried out. No more than 15 percent differ from each other, otherwise three measurements are taken in the NEDC.
Determination of gaseous emissions (NOx, CO, HC) and fuel consumption in CO2:
Arithmetic mean of NEDC in the initial state without a reduction system (HCS, COS, NOx S) and (CO2 S);
Arithmetic mean of NEDC in the post-fitted state with a reduction system (HC (I, II, III), CO (I, II, III), NOx (I, II, III) and CO2 (I, II, III)). The emissions during the "worst-case regeneration" are not taken into account.
Evaluation of the unregulated particulate reduction system The test of the particulate reduction system for the system shall be deemed to have been passed if the following criteria are met:
Particulate emission by PNg = (fa PI + fc PII + fc PIII)/(fa + fb + fc) with fa = 1; fb = 2 and fc = 4 must be below the limit of 0.025 g/km; for motor vehicles with a maximum authorised mass of more than 2 500 kg below the limit value of 0.050 g/km.
The retention rate η = 1-(PNG/PS) must reach at least 0.3 (= 30 percent) with PS = (PS1 + PS2)/2.
The degree of retention during the soot oxidation ηR = 1-(PIVT2/PST2) from the respective measurements PIV from the part 2 of the NEDC (extra-urban component) must reach at least 0.3 (= 30 percent).
The measured particle emission PIV shall be less than 1.15 PNg.
The limited pollutants must fall below the limit values of the original homologated class of pollutants in the initial state and in the post-fitted state.
In the case of turbidity measurements as set out in point 1.1 of Annex I, the manufacturer's comfort coefficients may not be exceeded in the initial state and in the post-fitted state.
Requirements for an unregulated particulate reduction system to form a vehicle family vehicle family may be subject to unregulated particulate reduction systems of different sizes (volumes), subject to compliance with the number of conformity criteria by number 3.1.
Match criteria for vehicle families
For the purpose of determining the area of use of a particulate reduction system according to point 3.1, but with different volumes, for different types of vehicles, the test carriers shall not be allowed to meet in the characteristics referred to in point 4.1.2. . The upper and lower limits of the area of use of a system shall be determined per vehicle manufacturer by measuring two different test vehicles in accordance with point 4.2 on the roll test stand.
The vehicle types belonging to the family, as well as the test vehicles themselves, must be in accordance with the following criteria:
Vehicle manufacturers (use other vehicle manufacturers to use the same drive motor of the tested vehicle manufacturer, if all other requirements are met, these types of vehicles may also be included in the area of use.)
Suction motor, turbocharged engine
Pollutant classes:
Class 0 class: |
Euro 1 |
Class I class: |
Euro 1, Euro 2 |
Class II: |
D3, Euro 3 |
Class III: |
D4, Euro 4 |
Place of installation in the exhaust gas line (connection exhaust manifold up to the entry PMS ± 300 mm from the thumb drive). In this connection, the applicant must confirm that the temperature profile for the motor vehicles referred to in the area of use shall not be more than 30 ° C in relation to the base vehicle for continuous operation when a continuous operation is carried out in accordance with point 3.3. to the bottom.
Selection of test vehicles The test vehicles for a selected area of use must meet the following criteria:
Test vehicle I:
maximum performance in the field of use
largest filter volume (VFI)
highest flyweight class
frequently installed transmission configuration
High frequency roll load
Test vehicle II:
Lowest performance in the use area
minimum filter volume (VFII)
Smallest flywheel mass class
frequently installed transmission configuration
Least frequently occurring roll load
If, within category I, the emissions classes Euro 1 and Euro 2 for motor vehicles of a manufacturer are to be covered by the tests, one of the test vehicles must cover Euro 1 and the other Euro 2.
Test criteria for the area of use within a family in accordance with Annex I, point 1.2The test vehicles must have a running capacity of at least 15 000 km. The test vehicles must comply with the values of their originally homologated limit value level in the initial state and in the upgraded state in the case of all limited emissions. The deterioration factors are not to be used. The conversion to the test vehicle must correspond to the requested later stage of the conversion. Vehicles with "on-board diagnosis" may be replaced by the installation of the retrofit system in their Monitoring function is not restricted. The electronic engine control unit (for example, for injection, air mass meter, exhaust gas reduction) must not be changed by the retrofitting.
Test and measurement procedure on the roller test bench
The vehicles shall be conditioned by 2 x 10 NEDC (220 km) (see Annex I, point 1.2).
Identification of all limited pollutants in the NEDC for:
Initial state; arithmetic mean of two to three exhaust gas measurements for each pollutant component
Retrofit status; arithmetic mean of two to three exhaust gas measurements for each pollutant component.
Determination of fuel consumption (CO2) in the NEDC for:
Fuel consumption (initial state); arithmetic mean of two to three exhaust gas measurements
Fuel consumption (retrofit); arithmetic mean of two to three exhaust gas measurements.
Assessment of unregulated particulate reduction systems for use within a vehicle family The testing of a particulate reduction system for the area of use of a vehicle family shall be deemed to have been passed if the following criteria are met: are:
Particulate emission
The particulate emission PNgFe in the re-fitted state shall be below the limit value of the corresponding reduction level PM 1, PM 2, PM 3, PM 4, PM 5. PNGFe (Annex I, point 1.2 (e)) is the average of a maximum of three measurements in the NEDC after the preparation of the system.
The degree of retention of ηNgFe = 1-(PNgFe/((PS1F + PS2F) /2) must be at least 0.3 (= 30 percent) in the post-fitted state.
PNgFg shall not be greater than 1.15 PNgFe. PNGFg (Annex I, point 1.2 (g)) shall be the average of a maximum of three measurements in the NEDC for system stability.
In the case of turbidity measurements in accordance with Annex I, point 1.2, the manufacturer's comfort coefficients may not be exceeded in the initial state and in the post-fitted state.
The average fuel consumption in the retrofitted state shall not exceed the fuel consumption in the initial state by more than 4 percent.
The limited pollutants must fall below the limit values of the original homologated class of pollutants in the initial state and in the post-fitted state.
Requirements for periodically regenerating particle reduction systems The applicant requesting the type-approval of a particulate reduction system in accordance with Annex IV shall verify and confirm the examination described in Annex I, point 2, that the functioning of this system is guaranteed for a period of up to five years or up to a mileage of 80 000 km, depending on which criterion is first achieved, when the system is in its intended operation. The particle reduction systems may not be provided with devices that do not function these systems.
Conformity criteria for regulated particulate reduction systems The conformity criteria shall apply in accordance with ECE Regulation No 83 on uniform conditions for the approval of vehicles with regard to the emission of pollutants from the Engine according to the engine fuel requirements, Annex 13, point 2.1 (VkBl. 767).
Testing and evaluation of the controlled particulate reduction system In the case of periodically regenerating systems, the particulate emission MPi must be below the limit value of 0.005 g/km for all measurements, determined in accordance with ECE-R 83, Annex 13, point 3.3, with MPi = [(Msi fD) + (Mri fd)]/(fD + fd).
In the case of controlled systems, the degree of restraint ηNg = 1-(MPi/PS1) in the re-equipped state must be at least 0.9 (= 90 percent).
The determination of the Ki factor in periodically regenerating systems is carried out according to ECE-R 83.
Ki = Mpi/Msi.
The limited pollutants (CO, HC, NOx) must not exceed the limit values of the respective stage, taking into account the Ki factor in all exhaust gas measurements with PMS (exception: during periodic regeneration). The mean emission is calculated in each case from the product of the emissions measured in the cycle without regeneration by the Ki factor.
The average fuel consumption (CO2 Ng) must not exceed the fuel consumption in the initial state (CO2 S) by more than 4 percent.
The averaged turbidity coefficient in the PNgh state (Annex I, point 2.1 (h)) shall not exceed the manufacturer's limit value.
Requirements for a regulated particulate reduction system to form a vehicle family vehicle family may be provided with controlled particulate reduction systems in accordance with the conformity criteria in accordance with ECE-R 83 Annex 13, point 2.1. Proof of functionality within the family shall be deemed to have been provided if the requirements set out in points 5.2 and 5.3 are satisfied, taking into account the Ki factor referred to in point 5.4, measured in accordance with point 2.2 of Annex I.
New motor vehicles
EC type-approval or general type-approval In the case of motor vehicles with compression-ignition engines for the first time which meet the requirements set out in point 2.2, the vehicle manufacturer or his representative shall, on the basis of the EC type-approval or general type-approval granted to the approval authority for the type of vehicle must be issued with a declaration that the motor vehicles which it has produced are considered to be particularly particle-reduced in accordance with the level of PM 5 shall apply and the certificate referred to in Annex II shall be issued only if: shall continue to comply with all the provisions of Directive 70 /220/EEC, taking into account the limit values applicable to the PM 5 level.
Vehicle type-approval for motor vehicles which are to be approved for transport by means of a type-approval pursuant to § 21, the officially recognised expert responsible for the evaluation shall determine whether the motor vehicle has been approved by the vehicle. is sufficient to meet the requirements of level PM 5. Certificates in accordance with Annex II may also be used. If that is the case, it shall, in addition, have the right to assess and, where appropriate, confirm, by means of a certificate in accordance with Annex III, that it is not to be expected that the exhaust gas behaviour of the motor vehicle will not be expected to take place in the event of a determination. Operating in a period of up to five years or up to a mileage of 100 000 km, whichever criterion is first achieved, will worsen significantly.
Motor vehicles registered for the transport of vehicles
EC type-approval or general type-approval of motor vehicles fitted with compression-ignition engines, which meet the requirements of point 2.2 without retrofitting, the vehicle manufacturer or his representative shall, on the basis of the to give an EC type-approval or a general type-approval to the approval authority, to make a declaration that the motor vehicles which it has produced are, in particular, reduced to a level of particulate reduction by stage PM 5 and it shall issue the certificate referred to in Annex II only if: whereas, having regard to the limit value applicable to the level of PM 5, all the provisions of Directive 70 /220/EEC have so far been complied with and will continue to be complied with;
Type-approval of motor vehicles which have been approved for the transport of vehicles by means of a type-approval pursuant to § 21, the officially recognised expert responsible for the assessment shall determine whether the motor vehicle is to be used for the motor vehicle. Requirements of level PM 5 are sufficient. Certificates in accordance with Annex II may also be used. If that is the case, it shall, in addition, have the right to assess and, where appropriate, confirm, by means of a certificate in accordance with Annex III, that it is not to be expected that the exhaust gas behaviour of the motor vehicle will not be expected to take place in the event of a determination. Operating in a period of up to five years or up to a mileage of 100 000 km, whichever criterion is first achieved, will worsen significantly.
Particulate reduction system for retrofit intended to be reduced by the incorporation of particulate reduction systems emissions of particulate pollutants from motor vehicles already authorised for use in the transport sector shall be used for the particulate reduction system a
Type-approval of vehicle parts according to § 22 or
System approval required for the vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Directive 70 /220/EEC or in accordance with the provisions of ECE-R 83.
In the case of point (a), the type-approval of the particulate reduction system shall demonstrate compliance with one of the particulate reduction stages PM 01 to PM 4 in accordance with the provisions of this Appendix. Details of the use of the particulate reduction system and of the installation shall be obtained from the operating licence. In the case of point (b) for a vehicle type intended for retrofitting with a particulate reduction system, the following shall be provided for: the system approval, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 70 /220/EEC or in accordance with the ECE-R 83, has already demonstrated that the requirements set out in point 2.2.1 in the case of equipment with the particulate reduction system are complied with, the motor vehicles shall apply: of this type in the case of subsequent equipment with the particulate reduction system as particularly particle-reduced after level PM 4. With regard to the re-use of the oxidation catalyst, the provisions of point 3.1 shall apply. The parts for the retrofitting of the motor vehicle, including the assembly instructions, shall be provided by the vehicle manufacturer. The manufacturer shall issue a certificate in accordance with Annex II. This shall be supplemented with the part numbers of the retrofit kit and the installation conditions, and shall be accompanied by the acceptance certificate in accordance with Annex V.
Approval Authority
The approval authority for the purpose of this plant is the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt, Fördestraße 16, 24944 Flensburg. This shall not apply in the case of the procedure in accordance with § 21.
Particulate reduction systems from other Member States of the European Community or of Turkey or of an EFTA State party to the EEA Agreement shall be recognised for the retrofitting of motor vehicles with diesel engines, if the same The level of the particle reduction that this plant contains will be ensured.
Withdrawal of the permit A permit shall be withdrawn if it is established that the conditions for the approval no longer exist or are fulfilled or the holder of the authorisation is not satisfied with the obligations arising from the authorisation .
Additional requirements
Operating behavior The installation of the particle reduction system must not interfere with the operating behaviour and no additional hazards to the vehicle safety.
Noise-holding particle reduction systems must not be expected to have a negative effect on noise.
Additivization If this is an additively supported particle reduction system, a declaration of safety by the Federal Environment Agency in relation to the system in conjunction with the additive used for the assessment is based on the .
Electromagnetic compatibility If electronic components and/or control units are used, they must comply with the provisions of § 55a.
Installation and acceptance of retrofitting with an approved particle reduction system
The retrofitting with an approved particulate reduction system shall be approved by a vehicle for carrying out the exhaust gas inspection of motor vehicles with compression ignition engines as set out in Annex VIIIc, point 1 in conjunction with Annex VIII, point AU motor vehicle workshop to be carried out. By way of derogation from the first sentence, the retrofitting may also be carried out by a different entity. In this case, point 10.2 (b) shall apply.
The motor vehicle to be retroactive must be in a technically sound condition. If necessary, defects must be eliminated before retrofitting, which call into question the achievement of the particle reduction demonstrated by the type approval of the particle reduction system or the durability.
Acceptance The correct installation of all parts and the perfect function of the particle reduction system are
from the recognised AU Motor Vehicle Workshop, provided that it has carried out the retrofitting itself, on a certificate of acceptance of particulate reduction systems to be submitted to the Admissions Authority, in accordance with Annex V, or
by an officially recognised expert or auditor for the carriage of motor vehicles or by a motor vehicle expert or employee in accordance with the provisions of Annex VIIIb, on a certificate of acceptance within the meaning of Annex V
to confirm.
Annex I
(points 3.4, 4.3, 4.4.1, 4.5.1 or 5 of Annex XXVI)
Overview of audit flows
Unregulated particle reduction systems
Particle reduction system: initial state S1:
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
Exhaust gas investigation (AU) Turbidity coefficient series
Installation of particle reduction system state I (basic surveying):
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
2 000 km continuous running II:
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
2 000 km of continuous running up to 4 000 km of total state III:
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
AU Turbidity Coefficient Retrofitting
"Worst case regeneration" Condition IV (thermally aged state):
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
Expansion of particle reduction system initial state S2:
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
AU turbidity coefficient series
Use range for vehicle family home condition S1F:
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
AU turbidity coefficient series
Installation of the NgF particulate reduction system:
System preparation: 10 x NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 NEDC (cold)
System stability: 10 x NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
AU Turbidity Coefficient Retrofitting
Expansion of the particle reduction system initial state S2F:
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
Regulated particulate reduction systems
Particle reduction system: initial state S1G:
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
AU turbidity coefficient series
Installation of particle reduction system condition IG (basic surveying):
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Determination of the Ki factor (test according to ECE-R 83)
Exhaust gas measurement during regeneration
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold) without regeneration
AU turbidity coefficient series
Expansion of the particle reduction system initial state S2G:
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
Application area for vehicle family manufacturer proposals for pre-conditioning starting condition SFG:
Conditioning: 3 x part 2 of the NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
AU turbidity coefficient series
Installation of the particle reduction system retrofit state PNFG:
Conditioning: 7 x NEDC
Exhaust gas measurement: 2-3 x NEDC (cold)
AU Turbidity Coefficient Retrofitting
Annex II
(points 6.1.1, 6.2.1 or 6.2.3 (b) of Annex XXVI)
the proprietor of the EC type-approval
or general type-approval of the motor vehicle
pursuant to Annex XXVI, point 6.1.1, 6.2.1 or 6.2.3 (b)
Vehicle manufacturer: holder of EC type-approval/General type-approval: EC type-approval number/General type-approval:
Type and Execution Type Key-Number Emissions- Key number approval of the Particle reduction system registration of the Particle reduction level
Instead of type and design, the vehicle identification number must be specified if all motor vehicles do not meet the conditions.
It shall be certified that the types of vehicles listed and statements comply with the requirements of the particulate reduction stage set out in column 5 in accordance with Annex XXVI to Article 47 (3a) and in the vehicle documents in the "Remarks" field. can be identified. The specifications in Annex III or V.Compared with the approval authority, the declaration required under Annex XXVI, points 6.1.1, 6.2.1 and/or 6.2.3 (b) has been made for the marking.
Date |
.......... |
Signature: |
.......... |
(licence holder or for the exhibition authorized representative of vehicle documents) |
Annex III
(points 6.1.2, 6.2.2 or 6.2.3 of Annex XXVI)
Certificate for § 21 Type-approval
For single vehicles according to Annex XXVI, point 6.1.2, 6.2.2 or 6.2.3
Vehicle manufacturer: vehicle identification number:
Type Key-Number Emissions- Key number approval of the Particle reduction system registration of the Particle reduction level
It shall be certified that the above-described vehicle (s) shall comply with the requirements of the particulate reduction stage set out in column 4 according to Annex XXVI to section 47 (3a) and in the vehicle documents in the field "Remarks" in compliance with
Particulate reduction levels PM 01 to PM 4: in accordance with the requirements in Annex V
Particulate reduction level PM 5: as "Level PM 5 from day initial."
shall be marked as being indicated. Documents used for the respective assessment, such as certificates in accordance with Annex II, Annex V or general operating licences according to § 22, shall be listed. It is not to be expected that the exhaust behaviour of the vehicle shall be subject to normal conditions of use when the vehicle is properly used. Operation over a period of up to five years or up to a mileage of 100 000 km, whichever criterion is reached first, will worsen significantly. Technical service: ..........
Date, signature: ..........
Annex IV
(to point 3 or 5 of Annex XXVI)
Application for the granting of an operating licence for vehicle parts
in accordance with § 22 for particle reduction systems and required documents
An informal application for a general type-approval of a particle reduction system shall be submitted to the approval authority.
The applicant must comply with the administrative and technical requirements for the issuing of a general type-approval pursuant to § 20 in conjunction with § 22, and submit the required documents as required by the approval authority.
The basis for the grant is the Technical Report of an accredited technical service in which the particulate reduction system is described, the tests to be carried out in accordance with the XXVI plant are documented and confirmed that the the corresponding provisions of Annex XXVI.
In the authorisation procedure, an approved type of particle reduction system shall be established with regard to the shape and dimensions of the carrier. Subsequent changes to the carrier length and the cross section are possible within the scope of an extension with maximum deviations of up to ± 10 percent. These changes allow the volume to be increased up to a maximum of 10 percent. A reduction in the original volume is inadmissible.
Annex V
(point 10.2 of Annex XXVI)
Certificate of acceptance of the proper installation
of an approved particulate reduction system for submission to the approval authority
Confirmation of proper installation
Prior to the installation of the particle reduction system, the technically perfect condition of the motor vehicle is fixed/manufactured *) .
The motor vehicle described in point 2 has been fitted with the particulate reduction system referred to in point 3, and the proper installation of all parts and the proper functioning of the particulate reduction system are hereby confirmed.
The renewal of the built-in oxidation catalytic converter was
is not required. *)
is required and has been carried out. *)
Information on the motor vehicle
Official identifier:
Name and address of vehicle holder:
Vehicle manufacturer:
Vehicle identification number:
Date of first authorisation:
Position of the distance counter:
Information on the particulate reduction system (PMS)
Manufacturer of the PMS:
Approval number:
Impression of the ABE for the PMS according to § 22 StVZO *) ,
Print of the ABE according to § 21 StVZO for the single vehicle *) or
Manufacturer certificate *) is attached.
Information on the vehicle documents:
By equipping the particulate reduction system as described in point 3, the motor vehicle shall meet the requirements of the particulate reduction stage listed below and shall be in the vehicle documents in the "Remarks" box as follows: mark:
" Level PM 01 nachger. m. Type: (register); KBA (No. record), ab (date) " *)
" Level PM 0 nachger. m. Type: (register); KBA (No. record), ab (date) " *)
" Level PM 1 nachger. m. Type: (register); KBA (No. record), ab (date) " *)
" Level PM 2 nachger. m. Type: (register); KBA (No. record), ab (date) " *)
" Level PM 3 nachger. m. Type: (register); KBA (No. record), ab (date) " *)
" Level PM 4 nachger. m. Type: (register); KBA (No. record), ab (date) " *)
Executive Body: |
.......... |
(name, address, control number the recognised AU workshop) |
.......... Place, date, signature of the responsible person pursuant to § 29 (12) or § 47a (3) StVZO
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XXVII (to section 48 (2) and Annex XIV (3.4))
Measures to be taken against air pollution by particles of commercial vehicles and of mobile machinery and compression-ignition engines
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 916-929)
table of contents
1 |
General |
1.1 |
Scope |
1.2 |
Definitions and abbreviations |
2 |
Definitions of particle reduction classes |
3 |
Requirements for particle reduction systems |
3.1 |
Match Criteria |
3.2 |
Active facilities |
3.3 |
Fuel |
3.3.1 |
Fuel Quality |
3.3.2 |
Fuel consumption |
4 |
Testing of a particle reduction system |
4.1 |
Proof of continuous regeneration |
4.2 |
Selection of the family test motor |
4.3 |
Testing of regeneration behaviour in unregulated systems |
4.4 |
Testing of flue gas testing in the ELR test cycle |
5 |
Evaluation criteria for continuously regenerating particle reduction systems |
5.1 |
Retention rate |
5.2 |
Limited pollutants |
5.3 |
Flue Gas |
6 |
Evaluation criteria for periodically regenerating particle reduction systems |
6.1 |
Retention rate |
6.2 |
Limited pollutants |
6.2.1 |
Weighted gaseous emissions |
6.3 |
Flue Gas |
7 |
Requirements for particle reduction systems to form a system family |
7.1 |
Match criteria for system families |
7.2 |
Requirements for the test motor |
7.3 |
Test and measurement procedure on the engine test bench |
7.4 |
Evaluation of the particle reduction systems for the area of use within a motor/vehicle family |
7.4.1 |
Particulate emission |
7.4.2 |
Retention rate |
7.4.3 |
Flue Gas |
7.4.4 |
Limited gaseous components |
8 |
Approval |
9 |
Approval Authority |
10 |
Withdrawal of authorisation |
11 |
Additional requirements |
11.1 |
Operational Behavior |
11.2 |
Noise |
11.3 |
Additivization |
11.4 |
Electromagnetic compatibility |
12 |
Installation and acceptance of retrofitting with an approved particle reduction system |
12.1 |
Installation |
12.2 |
Decrease |
Annex I |
Overview of audit flows |
Annex II |
Certificate for § 21 Type-approval of individual vehicles according to Appendix XXVII |
Annex III |
Application for approval of vehicle parts according to § 22 for particle reduction systems and required documents |
Annex IV |
Certificate of acceptance of the proper installation of an approved particle reduction system for submission to the approval authority |
Annex V |
ESC Custom Cycle |
Application Area This Annex regulates the requirements for particulate reduction systems for the retrofitting of commercial vehicles or mobile machinery and equipment for which the engine is powered by compression-ignition engines § 47 (6) or (b) 8b. For the purposes of this provision, commercial vehicles shall be considered
Motor vehicles of category M, excluding passenger cars (M1)
Motor vehicles of category N
, in accordance with Annex II, Section A and section C of Directive 70 /156/EEC, which are powered by compression-ignition engines and operated with diesel fuel under Directive 98 /70/EC.
Definitions and abbreviations loading condition: Constant particle loading condition of the particle reduction system under certain driving conditions without external regeneration measures. ESC-Test cycle: test cycle-consisting of 13 stationary test phases- in accordance with Annex III, Appendix 1 to Directive 2005 /55/EC, as amended by Directive 2006 /51/EC (OJ L 327, 30.12.2006, p. 11). ELR test cycle: test cycle-consisting of a series of loading steps at the same speeds-Annex III, Appendix 1 to Directive 2005 /55/EC as amended by the Directive 2006 /51/EG.ETC-Test cycle-consisting of transient, changing phases-Annex III, Appendix 2 to Directive 2005 /55/EC, as amended by Directive 2006 /51/G.NRSC-cycle: Stationary test for mobile machinery and equipment as appendix III-point 3 of Directive 97 /68/EC as amended by Directive 2004 /26/EG.NRTC:dynamical test for mobile Machinery and equipment referred to in point 4 of Annex III to Directive 97 /68/EC, as amended by Directive 2004 /26/EC (PMS) :An exhaust gas aftertreatment to reduce particulate emission by mechanical and/or aerodynamic Separation and diffusion and/or inertial effects. Engine-specific modifications to components and electronic components and electronic components are not part of the particle reduction systems. However, if additional measures on emission-related components and/or system components such as, for example, a change in the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control are necessary for the retrofitting with the PMS, this must be done for this purpose. A release by the engine manufacturer. A controlled particle reduction system: a particulate reduction system which has a gravimetric particle retention rate of at least 90 per cent determined in accordance with point 5 or point 6. Regeneration: a regeneration process Post-treatment system which is permanently or at least once per test cycle. Unregulated particulate reduction system: particulate reduction system, which has a gravimetric particle retention rate of at least 5 or 6 determined in accordance with point 5 or point 6. 50 percent. For engines with a displacement of less than 0.75 dm 3 Per cylinder and a rated power speed of more than 3 000 min -1 A particle retention rate of at least 30%. Particle reduction system family: family of all particle reduction systems which, in their function, are considered to be technically identical in accordance with the conformity criteria for system families in point 7.1 Pericodically regenerating particle reduction system: particulate reduction system, in which periodic regeneration is recurrent in less than 100 hours of engine operation. Restraint degree: ratio of retained particulate mass by the particulate reduction system Particle reduction system to the particle mass in the Initial state of the vehicle, measured in the ESC test cycle for PMK 0 and PMK 1, and in the ETC test cycle for PMK 2 and/or in the NRSC cycle for PMK 0, PMK 1 and NRTC cycle for PMK 2 and calculated according to the formula in number 5.1 or number 6.1.Abbreviations:
η: |
Retention rate |
Mpi: |
weighted total emission (g/kWh) for controlled particulate reduction systems |
Mri: |
Emission during regeneration |
Msi: |
Averaged emission measured over several cycles without regeneration (g/kWh) |
MGas: |
Emission of gaseous components |
PT: |
Particulate emission |
Arithmetically averaged particulate emission in the reprimed state as specified in point 4.1 or point 6 |
PTS: |
Arithmetically averaged particle emission of the engine without a particle reduction system from at least two cycle values of the cycle to be applied |
VF: |
Volume of the particle reduction system |
VH: |
Engine stroke volume |
Definitions of particulate reduction class Commercial vehicles fitted with a particle reduction system are part of the particle reduction class
PMK 01, if it is the one in point 3.4.1,
PMK 0, if they are referred to in point 3.4.2 under Section 1, 2 or 3,
PMK 1, if they are referred to in point 3.4.3 under Section 1, 2 or 3,
PMK 2, if they are referred to in point 3.4.4 under Section 1, 2 or 3,
PMK 3, if they are referred to in point 3.4.5 in Section 1,
PMK 4, if they are the one in point 3.4.6
the requirements of Annex XIV.
Requirements for particle reduction systemsThe applicant shall prove, by means of the tests described in points 4 and 5 or 6, that the functioning of the system shall be carried out in the course of its intended operation, in accordance with
Commercial vehicles with a capacity of 80 000 km for engines with a displacement of less than 0,75 dm 3 Per cylinder and a rated power speed of more than 3 000 min -1 , otherwise of 200 000 km or over a service life of up to six years-whichever is the first-
mobile machinery or equipment over 4 000 operating hours or over a service life of up to six years-depending on which criterion is first achieved,
is guaranteed. The particulate reduction systems may not be fitted with devices that do not function these systems; otherwise, the requirements set out in point 3.2 shall apply.
Match criteria The particle reduction system shall not deviate from the following characteristics:
The type of restraint and the working methods of reducing material (metal, ceramics),
Reduction construction of the filter material (sheets, braiding, wound, cell/material/non-woven density, porosity, pore diameter, pocket/blade/ball number, surface roughness, wire/ball/fibre diameter),
Minimum coating of the particle reduction system or pre-switched catalysts (g/ft 3 ),
Canning/packaging (storage/holding of the carrier),
Volume ± 30%,
Regeneration type (periodic or continuous),
Regeneration strategy (catalytic, thermal, electrothermal regeneration),
Type of additivation/dosing system (if available),
Type of additive (if any),
Mounting conditions (max. + 0.5 m of mounting difference between turbocharger outlet (turbine) and inlet particle reduction system),
with or without an oxidation catalytic converter.
Further use of the oxidation catalyst (s) present: oxidation catalysts upstream of the reduction system can be used further in the case of retrofitting in individual cases, if it is proven that these catalysts are:
are not older than five years,
in the case of engines with a displacement of less than 0.75 dm 3 Per cylinder and a rated power speed of more than 3 000 min -1 were no longer than 80 000 km, otherwise 150 000 km were installed in the vehicle (proof of mileage via service level and distance counter) and
are not affected by visible defects, or
the manufacturer of the particle reduction system, within the framework of the type-approval required under point 8, proves that the required limit values are complied with even without the oxidation catalytic converter (s) as standard (type approval) must contain proof).
If none of the above-mentioned evidence is provided, the oxidation catalysts shall be renewed prior to retrofitting with the particulate reduction system. To test the particulate reduction system on the engine test bench, the system shall at least in one The distance of 2 m from the output of the turbocharger (turbine) is attached. If the applicant can prove that a shorter distance is to be considered as the maximum distance within his later use range, the line length can be correspondingly shortened. Isolations or similar are only permissible if they are also used in the later use of the vehicle.
Active equipment If available in or with the PMS facilities which result in the limit values specified for the system referred to in point 2 being no longer being complied with under certain conditions, the applicant shall: proof,
the conditions under which such facilities are activated/deactivated,
that they are used only to protect the PMS or the engine and/or the regeneration of the PMS and are not permanently activated,
After activation, the device is deactivated after two test cycles for the system according to point 2 at the latest, in such a way that the original state is restored. Proof must be provided in a continuous run containing at least five activations/deactivations,
that the specified durability criteria are complied with, and
that the driver is informed of the activation of such a facility.
Fuel quality The measurements to be taken in order to test the particulate reduction systems shall be carried out using commercial fuels as specified in point 1.1.
Fuel consumption The specific fuel consumption related to the test cycle to be used in each case may be up to 4 per cent above the specific consumption in the non-reprimed state in the re-fitted state. The measurements to determine the fuel consumption shall be carried out in parallel with the measurements referred to in point 4.1 for continuously regenerating systems or in accordance with point 6.2.1 for periodically regenerating systems.
Testing of a particle reduction system The test procedure is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Annex I. For the evaluation of the particle reduction system, a continuous run of at least 100 must be demonstrated in order to demonstrate the functioning of the particle reduction system in the future field use. ETC test cycles or 50 NRTC cycles are performed. The continuous run serves to demonstrate the functionality and stability of the system as well as its efficiency. The measurement of the gaseous emissions as well as the particles should be carried out at least in every fifth test cycle. The particle reduction system is tested in a system-or family-bound way for the respective area of use, that is, a system test is carried out for each area of use. In addition, proof is provided as a result of the continuous operation, whether it is Can the applicant demonstrate that a particulate reduction system for vehicles of category M other than M1 or class N is used in the same way as: Self-ignition engines for use in mobile machines and devices The application and the family test engine referred to in point 4.2 as well as the conformity criteria according to point 7.1.2 are also representative of such applications, the scope of application may also be used for self-ignition engines for use in mobile Machines and equipment will be expanded. A reverse extension is not possible.
Proof of continuous regeneration The proof of a continuously running regeneration process is considered to be the case if a suitable evaluation quantity for the particle reduction system is available over a period of at least 25 test cycles. can be considered constant. The particle emission as well as the exhaust gas back pressure are to be regarded as suitable evaluation variables. In the case of a variance of less than 15 percent, these variables are considered to be constant within the meaning of this test specification. The measurement of the exhaust gas back pressure is carried out continuously, the measurement of the particle emission is carried out at least in every fifth test cycle. The variance is calculated as follows:
and: Mean = (x1 + x2 + ... + xn) /nmitn = number of measured values = respective individual measured value
Selection of the family test motor The engine selected for the tests should come from a motor family corresponding to the later use range. The test engine for the selected area of use must meet the following criteria:
100 per cent to 60 per cent of the power of the parent engine in the area of use (trunk engine of a motor family in accordance with point 8.2 of Annex I, or Annex I, point 7 of the Directives referred to in 7.1.2),
the smallest filter volume (VFI) used for the selected test motor in accordance with the later use.
The test cycle for the exhaust gas measurement of engines for commercial vehicles on the engine test bench shall in all cases be subject to the appropriate ESC test cycle according to Annex V and for PMK 2, including the ETC test cycle. For engines for mobile machines and devices, the NRSC cycle and PMK 2 of the NRTC cycle shall be applied to PMK 0 and PMK 1. The measurement of the gaseous emissions as well as of the particles shall be carried out at least in every fifth test cycle within the measurements for the detection of the regeneration behaviour.
Testing of regeneration behaviour in the event of unregulated system unregulated particulate reduction systems according to point 1.2 shall be subject to a further test for the detection of regeneration behaviour. This test shall be carried out by means of system loading up to To achieve a constant exhaust gas back pressure or for a period of not more than 100 hours. The exhaust gas back pressure shall be considered to be constant if, at the earliest after 50 hours, the exhaust gas back pressure is within a range of 4 mbar within a period of 30 minutes. The test points of the loading cycle shall be chosen in such a way that a maximum exhaust gas temperature of 180 ° C is not exceeded before the particle reduction system. The loading is preferably carried out by starting at a constant speed in the range between 50 percent to 75 percent of the rated speed of the test motor. After the system load has been reached or after a maximum of 100 hours, regeneration is initiated. This can be initiated, for example, by starting the test phase 8 in the adjusted ESC test cycle in accordance with Annex V. After completion of the regeneration, exhaust gas measurements are carried out in at least three ESC test cycles in accordance with Annex V and/or three ETC test cycles, respectively. three NRSC or NRTC cycles. The exhaust gas values measured thereby may not be more than 15 percent for the gaseous emissions and 20 percent for the emissions of the particulate mass from the measured exhaust gas values before the load cycle. The manufacturer must confirm that: that the temperatures entering the regeneration process can be considered as non-critical. Alternatively, the manufacturer can present an already borderline particle reduction system for the regeneration of the regeneration.
Test of flue gas testing in the ELR test cycle The test of the flue gas test is in accordance with the provisions of Annex III, Appendix 1, point 3, in conjunction with point 6 of Directive 2005 /55/EC as amended by Directive 2006 /51/EC (OJ L 327, 22.12.2006, p. OJ L 152, 7.6.2006, p. 11). Annex I lays down the date on which this examination must be carried out.
Evaluation criteria for continuously regenerating particle reduction systems The test procedure is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Annex I. The system check of the particle reduction system is considered to be a pass if the following criteria are met:
Retention degree The retention rate η must be in the reequipped state
in the case of unregulated systems for engines with a displacement of less than 0.75 dm 3 Per cylinder and a rated power speed of more than 3 000 min -1 at least 0.3 (= 30 percent), otherwise at least 0.5 (= 50 percent),
for controlled systems, at least 0.9 (= 90 percent)
The retention rate η is calculated as follows: η = 1-(PTNg/PTS).
Limited pollutant eThe limited pollutants (CO, HC, NOx) must comply with the limit values of the originally homologated class of pollutants in the initial state and in the re-fitted state. The NO2/NOx ratio is to be documented for the initial and retrofit status and to be specified in the test report. The determination of the NO2 and NOx mass emissions is to be determined by simultaneous measurement. The measurement can be carried out by a NO2 and NOx analyser in each case or by a combined NO2-/NOx analyser.
Flue gas testing The flue gas test determined in accordance with point 6 of Annex III, Appendix 1, point 3, in conjunction with point 6 of Directive 2005 /55/EC, must be in the initial state and in the post-fitted state the value of 0.8 m -1 do not exceed.
Evaluation criteria for periodically regenerating particle reduction systems The test shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Annex I.The system check of the particulate reduction system shall be deemed to have been passed if the following criteria are met: periodically regenerating systems, the particle emission is determined as follows :PT = (n1 × PT, n1 + n2 × PT, n2 )/ (n1 + n2) with:
n1 = |
Number of adjusted ESC test cycles according to Annex V (PMK 0, PMK 1) /ETC test cycle (PMK 2) between two regenerations |
n2 = |
Number of adjusted ESC test cycles according to Annex V (PMK 0, PMK 1) /ETC test cycle (PMK 2) during regeneration (minimum of 1 test cycle) |
PT, n1 = |
Emission during loading (arithmetic mean value from the measurement at the beginning of loading and from the measurement at the end of loading; more measurements are also allowed) |
PT, n2 = |
Emission during regeneration |
For periodically regenerating exhaust gas after-treatment, the emissions must be determined at least in three adjusted ESC test cycles according to Annex V (once at the beginning, once at the end of the loading and once during regeneration). The regeneration process must occur at least once during a customized ESC test cycle in accordance with Annex V. The measurements can be carried out within the continuous process according to point 4.1. If more than two measurements are used between the regeneration phases for emission determination, these further measurements must be carried out at equidistant intervals and must be carried out at equidistant intervals. The manufacturer must indicate under which conditions (loading, temperature, counter-pressure, duration, etc.) the regeneration occurs in the normal case. For the measurements during regeneration, the applicant can place a borderline system for the measurement. During the regeneration phases, the respective limit values to be used may be exceeded.
Retention degree The retention rate η must be in the reequipped state
in the case of unregulated systems for engines with a displacement of less than 0.75 dm 3 Per cylinder and a rated power speed of more than 3 000 min -1 at least 0.3 (= 30 percent), otherwise at least 0.5 (= 50 percent),
for controlled systems, at least 0.9 (= 90 percent)
The retention rate η is calculated as follows: η = 1-(PT/PTS).
Limited pollutants (CO, HC, NOx) must comply with the limit values of the originally homologated class of pollutants, taking into account the calculation in point 6.2.1 in the initial state and in the post-fitted state. The NO2-/NOx ratio shall be documented in accordance with point 5.2 for the initial and retrofit status and shall be indicated in the test report.
Weighted gaseous emission For periodically regenerating systems, the emission of the gaseous components is determined as follows: MGas = (n1 × MGas, n1 + n2 × MGas, n2 )/ (n1 + n2) with:
n1 = |
Number of adjusted ESC test cycles according to Annex V (PMK 0, PMK 1) /ETC test cycle (PMK 2) between two regenerations |
n2 = |
Number of adjusted ESC test cycles according to Annex V (PMK 0, PMK 1) /ETC test cycle (PMK 2) during regeneration (minimum of 1 test cycle) |
MGas, n1 = |
Emission during loading (arithmetic mean value from the measurement at the beginning of loading and from the measurement at the end of loading; more measurements are also allowed) |
MGas, n2 = |
Emission during regeneration |
Flue gas testing The flue gas test determined in accordance with point 6 of Annex III, Appendix 1, point 3, in conjunction with point 6 of Directive 2005 /55/EC, must be in the initial state and in the post-fitted state the value of 0.8 m -1 do not exceed.
Requirements for particle reduction systems for the formation of a system family system family can be formed with particle reduction systems of different sizes (volumes) in accordance with the conformity criteria according to point 7.1.
Match criteria for system families
For the purpose of determining the area of use of a particulate reduction system with different volumes, with different volumes, for different engines or types of vehicles, the test carriers shall not be distinguished in the characteristics referred to in point 3. The limit of the range of use of a system shall be per engine or engine. Vehicle manufacturer determined by measuring a test motor according to point 4.2 on the engine test bench.
The area of use of a PMS family of engines shall be extended to cover the engine family covered by the respective test engine referred to in point 4.2 in accordance with Directive 2005 /55/EC or Directive 97 /68/EC as amended by Directive 2004 /26/EC (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. 3) of a motor manufacturer. If the applicant can demonstrate that other engine families of a manufacturer or engine family of other manufacturers covered by the test engine are identical with respect to the family training criteria, the applicant may: Area of use to be extended to these engine families. For the extension of the area of use, the family training criteria are ± 15% of the single cylinder stroke volume and the intake method (turbo-/suction motor).
Requirements for the test motor The test motor must keep the values of the originally homologated limit value in the series state and in the retrofitted state for all limited emissions. The conversion to the test engine must be submitted to the requested later Vehicles with "on-board diagnostics" may not be restricted by the installation of the retrofit system in their monitoring function. The electronic engine control unit (e.g. If the test engine has no exhaust gas recirculation (AGR), the range of use on engines with AGR may be extended only if the applicant is not responsible for the use of the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). demonstrate that the particulate reduction system does not adversely affect the limited gaseous pollutant components. If there is a corresponding release of the engine manufacturer, no proof is required.
Test and measurement procedure on the engine test bench In Annex I, the test procedure for unregulated and regulated particle reduction systems is shown.
Assessment of particulate reduction systems for use within a motor/vehicle family The testing of a particle reduction system for the area of use shall be deemed to have been passed if the following criteria are met:
Particulate Emission Particulate emission in the upgraded state shall be below the limit value of the corresponding reduction level of PMK 0, PMK 1 or PMK 2.
Retention degree The retention rate η must be in the reequipped state
in the case of unregulated systems for engines with a displacement of less than 0.75 dm 3 Per cylinder and a rated power speed of more than 3 000 min -1 at least 0.3 (= 30 percent), otherwise at least 0.5 (= 50 percent),
for controlled systems, at least 0.9 (= 90 percent)
Flue gas testing The flue gas test determined in accordance with point 6 of Annex III, Appendix 1, point 3, in conjunction with point 6 of Directive 2005 /55/EC, must be in the initial state and in the post-fitted state the value of 0.8 m -1 do not exceed.
Limited gaseous components The limited gaseous components must fall below the limit values of the originally homologated class of pollutants in the serial state and in the post-fitted state.
Approval If particulate reduction systems are to be fitted, the emissions of particulate pollutants from motor vehicles already authorised for transport are to be reduced, the particulate reduction system shall be subject to a
Type-approval of vehicle parts according to § 22 or
Approval in the framework of a vehicle type-approval pursuant to § 21
In the case of point (a), the approval of the particulate reduction system shall demonstrate compliance with one of the particulate reduction classes PMK 0, PMK 1 or PMK 2 in accordance with the provisions of this Appendix. Details of the use of the particulate reduction system and the installation result from the operating licence. In the case referred to in point (b), the officially recognised expert responsible for the assessment shall establish whether the motor vehicle is comply with the requirements of the particulate reduction class PMK 0, PMK 1 or PMK 2. It shall also, in accordance with its discretion, assess and, where appropriate, confirm, by means of a certificate in accordance with Annex II, that it is not to be expected that the exhaust gas behaviour of the motor vehicle may be used in the course of its intended operation in the shall not deteriorate significantly in the run-time period referred to in point 3.
Approval Authority
The approval authority for the purpose of this plant is the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt, Fördestraße 16, 24944 Flensburg. This shall not apply to the procedure in accordance with § 21.
Particulate reduction systems from other Member States of the European Community or of Turkey or of an EFTA State party to the EEA Agreement shall be recognised for the retrofitting of motor vehicles with diesel engines if the same The level of the particle reduction that this plant contains will be ensured.
Withdrawal of the permit A permit shall be withdrawn if it is established that the conditions for the approval no longer exist or are fulfilled or the holder of the authorisation is grossly against the obligations arising from the authorisation. .
Additional requirements
Operating behavior The installation of the particle reduction system must not interfere with the operating behaviour and no additional hazards to the vehicle safety.
Noisedeed Applicants must demonstrate that the retrofitting of a particle reduction system will not cause any deterioration in noise performance. In addition to the particulate reduction systems installed in addition to the standard sound-damping system, noise measurement can be dispensed with.
Additivization If this is an additively supported particle reduction system, a declaration of safety by the Federal Environment Agency in relation to the system in conjunction with the additive used for the assessment is based on the .
Electromagnetic compatibility If electronic components and/or control units are used, they must comply with the provisions of § 55a.
Installation and acceptance of retrofitting with an approved particle reduction system
The retrofitting of an approved particulate reduction system shall be approved by a vehicle for carrying out the exhaust gas inspection of motor vehicles with compression ignition engines as set out in Annex VIIIc, point 1, in conjunction with Annex VIIIa, point AU motor vehicle workshop to be carried out. By way of derogation from the first sentence, the retrofitting may also be carried out by a different entity. In this case, point 12.2 (b) shall apply.
The motor vehicle to be retroactive must be in a technically sound condition. If necessary, defects must be eliminated before retrofitting, which call into question the achievement of the particle reduction demonstrated by the type-approval of the particle reduction system or the durability.
Acceptance The correct installation of all parts and the perfect function of the particle reduction system are
from the recognised AU Motor Vehicle Workshop, provided that it has carried out the retrofitting itself, on a certificate of acceptance of particulate reduction systems to be submitted to the Admissions Authority, in accordance with Annex IV, or
by an officially recognised expert or auditor for the transport of motor vehicles or by a motor vehicle expert or employee in accordance with the provisions of Annex VIIIb, on a certificate of acceptance within the meaning of Annex IV
to confirm.
Annex I
(to number 4, 5 or 6)
Annex II
(point 8 (b))
Certificate for § 21
Type-approval of individual vehicles according to Appendix XXVIIVehicle Manufacturers: vehicle identification number:
Type-Key-Number Emissions- Key number approval of the Particle reduction system registration of the Particle reduction class
It shall be certified that the vehicle described above/the above-described vehicles comply with the requirements of the particulate reduction class listed in column 4 according to Annex XIV to section 48 in conjunction with Annex XXVII and in the Vehicle documents in the "Remarks" field are to be marked in accordance with the requirements in Annex V. Use documents for the respective evaluation, such as certificates in accordance with Annex IV or General Operating permits according to § 22, shall be made available to: . It is not to be expected that the exhaust behaviour of the vehicle will be for a period of up to five years or up to a mileage of 80 000 km for engines with a displacement of less than 0,75 dm
3 Per cylinder and a rated power speed of more than 3 000 m
-1 , otherwise of 200,000 km, depending on which criterion is reached first, significantly deteriorate wird.Technical service: .......... Date, signature: ..........
Annex III
(points 3 and 8 (a))
Application for grant
Type-approval of vehicle parts
in accordance with § 22 for particle reduction systems and required documents
An informal application for a general type-approval of a particle reduction system shall be submitted to the approval authority.
The applicant must comply with the administrative and technical requirements for the issuing of a general type-approval pursuant to § 20 in conjunction with § 22, and submit the required documents as required by the approval authority.
The basis for the grant is the Technical Report of an accredited technical service in which the particulate reduction system is described, the tests to be carried out under Annex XXVII are documented and it is confirmed that the the corresponding provisions of Annex XXVII.
In the authorisation procedure, an approved type of particle reduction system shall be established with regard to the shape and dimensions of the carrier. Subsequent changes to the carrier length and the cross section are possible within the scope of an extension with maximum deviations of up to ± 10 percent. These changes allow the volume to be increased up to a maximum of 10 percent. A reduction in the original volume is inadmissible.
Annex IV
(on point 12.2)
Certificate of acceptance of the proper installation
of an approved particulate reduction system for submission to the approval authority
Confirmation of proper installation
Prior to the installation of the particle reduction system, the technically perfect condition of the motor vehicle is fixed/manufactured *) .
The motor vehicle described in point 2 has been fitted with the particulate reduction system referred to in point 3, and the proper installation of all parts and the proper functioning of the particulate reduction system are hereby confirmed.
The renewal of the built-in oxidation catalytic converter was
not required *)
has been made and has been made *)
Information on the motor vehicle
Official identifier:
Name and address of vehicle holder:
Vehicle manufacturer:
Vehicle identification number:
Date of first authorisation:
Position of the distance counter:
Information on the particulate reduction system (PMS)
Manufacturer of the PMS:
Approval number:
Impression of the ABE for the PMS according to § 22 StVZO *)
Print of the ABE according to § 21 StVZO for the single vehicle *)
Information on the vehicle documents:
By means of the equipment with the particulate reduction system described in point 3, the motor vehicle shall meet the requirements of the particle reduction class listed below and shall be shown in the vehicle documents in the "Remarks" box as follows: mark:
" PMK 0 nachger. m. Type: (register); KBA (No. record), ab (date) " *)
" PMK 1 successor. m. Type: (register); KBA (No. record), ab (date) " *)
" PMK 2 nachger. m. Type: (register); KBA (No. record), ab (date) " *)
Executive body: ..........
.......... (name, address, control number of the recognised AU workshop) place, date, signature of the person responsible for the investigation of the exhaust gases pursuant to § 29 (12) or § 47a (3) StVZO .......... ..........
It is not appropriate to delete it.
Annex V
(to point 4.2, 4.3 or 6)
ESC Custom Cycle
ESC cycle for the determination of particle emission in periodically regenerating systems
For the determination of the particle emission in periodically regenerating systems, an ESC cycle with the following stages and collection times is used:
CheckphaseEngine engine speed partial load ratio duration of the CheckphasePM collection time
1 |
Idle |
- |
240 sec |
210 sec |
2 |
A |
100 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
3 |
B |
50 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
4 |
B |
75 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
5 |
A |
50 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
6 |
A |
75 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
7 |
A |
25 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
8 |
B |
100 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
9 |
B |
25 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
10 |
C |
100 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
11 |
C |
25 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
12 |
C |
75 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
13 |
C |
50 |
120 sec |
90 sec |
The determination of the effective weighting factors is eliminated in the evaluation of periodically regenerating systems according to point 6.
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XXVIII (§ 35a (8))
Example of a warning against the use of a rear-facing restraint device for children on passenger seats with an airbag
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 930)

Notes: The pictogram is red.
The seat, child seat and border of the air bag are black.
The word airbag and the airbag are white.
The diameter of the pictogram is at least 60 mm.
Unofficial table of contents
Annex XXIX (to § 20 (3a) sentence 4)
EC vehicle classes
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 931-935)
Section 1
Motor vehicles with at least four wheels
and a maximum design speed of more than 25 km/h
and their trailers, as far as not separately under Section 2 or Section 3
, as well as self-proponent working machines and trailers-working machines
1) In the following definitions, the term "maximum permissible mass" shall mean the "technically permissible maximum laden mass in the laden state" indicated by the manufacturer.
Category M:
Motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers and having at least four wheels.
Category M1:
Motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, with a maximum of eight seats in addition to the driver ' s seat.
Category M2:
Motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, with more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat and a maximum authorised mass of up to 5 tonnes.
Category M3:
Motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers with more than eight seats in addition to the driver ' s seat and a maximum authorised mass of more than 5 tonnes.
Class N:
Motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of goods, having at least four wheels.
Category N1:
Motor vehicles designed and built for the carriage of goods and having a maximum authorised mass of up to 3.5 tonnes.
Category N2:
Motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of goods, with a maximum authorised mass exceeding 3,5 tonnes, up to 12 tonnes.
Class N3:
Motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of goods and having a maximum authorised mass of more than 12 tonnes.
In the case of a towing vehicle intended for connection to a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, the mass of the vehicle used for classification of the vehicle shall consist of the sum of the mass of the towing vehicle, the load bearing the load, the load the mass to be transferred from the saddle or central axle trailer to the towing vehicle and, where appropriate, the maximum mass of the load of the towing vehicle.
Class O:
Trailers (including semi-trailers).
Category O1:
Trailers with a maximum authorised mass of up to 0.75 tonnes.
Class O2:
Trailers with a maximum authorised mass of more than 0.75 tonnes up to 3.5 tonnes.
Class O3:
Trailers with a maximum authorised mass of more than 3.5 tonnes up to 10 tonnes.
Class O4:
Trailers with a maximum authorised mass of more than 10 tonnes.
In the case of a semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer, the maximum mass applicable to the classification shall be equal to the load transferred from the axle or axles of the trailer to the ground when the trailer is connected to the towing vehicle and, until the trailer has been connected to the tractor, the maximum mass of the trailer or centre-axle trailer is equal to is loaded to the maximum permissible value.
Off-road vehicles (symbol G)
Vehicles of category N1 with a maximum authorised mass of not more than 2 tonnes and vehicles of category M1 shall be considered to be off-road vehicles, provided they are equipped as follows:
with at least one front axle and at least one rear axle designed to be able to be driven at the same time, the drive of an axle being able to be switched off;
with at least one differential lock or at least one device which ensures a similar effect; as a single vehicle, they must be able to overcome a 30 per cent gradient, as proven by calculation.
In addition, they must meet at least five of the following six requirements:
the front overhang angle must be at least 25 degrees,
the rear overhang angle must be at least 20 degrees,
the ramp angle must be at least 20 degrees,
the ground clearance below the front axle must be at least 180 mm,
the ground clearance under the rear axle must be at least 180 mm,
the ground clearance between the axles must be at least 200 mm.
Vehicles of category N1 with a maximum authorised mass of more than 2 tonnes and vehicles of categories N2 and M2 and of category M3 with a maximum authorised mass of not more than 12 tonnes shall be considered to be off-road vehicles when all the wheels are at the same time , the drive of an axle can be switched off, or if the following three requirements are met:
At least one front axle and at least one rear axle are designed so that they can be driven at the same time, the drive of an axle being able to be switched off,
there is at least one differential lock or at least one device which has a similar effect,
as a single vehicle, they must be able to overcome a gradient of 25 per cent, proven by calculation.
Vehicles of category M3 with a maximum authorised mass of more than 12 tonnes and vehicles of category N3 shall be considered to be off-road vehicles when all the wheels can be driven simultaneously, the drive of an axle being able to be switched off, or if: the following requirements are met:
At least 50 percent of the wheels are powered,
there is at least one differential lock or at least one device which has a similar effect,
as a single vehicle, the vehicle must be able to overcome a gradient of 25 per cent, proven by calculation,
and at least four of the following six requirements are met:
the front overhang angle must be at least 25 degrees,
the rear overhang angle must be at least 25 degrees,
the ramp angle must be at least 25 degrees,
the ground clearance below the front axle must be at least 250 mm,
the ground clearance between the axles must be at least 300 mm,
the ground clearance under the rear axle must be at least 250 mm.
Load and test conditions
Vehicles of category N1 with a maximum authorised mass of not more than two tonnes and vehicles of category M1 must be ready for driving, that is to say provided with cooling liquid, lubricants, fuel, tools and spare wheel, and with the driver be occupied. (The mass of the driver is estimated at 75 kg-of which, according to ISO standard 2416-1992, 68 kg are to the mass of the passenger and 7 kg to the mass of the luggage-the fuel tank is 90 per cent and the other liquids containing liquids are Systems-other than systems used for water-are 100% of the capacity specified by the manufacturer.)
Vehicles other than those referred to in 4.4.1 must be laden with the technically permissible maximum laden mass indicated by the manufacturer.
The testing of the required slope capability (25 percent and 30 percent) is performed by simple calculations. In borderline cases, however, the technical service may require a vehicle type to be subjected to a practical driving test.
In the case of the measurement of the front and rear overhang angle and the ramp angle, the underprotection devices are not taken into account.
Definitions and sketches of ground clearance. (definitions for the front and rear overhang angles and the ramp angle according to ISO standard 612-1978, point 6.10, 6.11 and 6.9.)
The "ground clearance between the axles" is the smallest distance between the stand plane and the lowest fixed point of the vehicle. Multi-axle assemblies are considered to be a single axis.
The "ground clearance under an axis" is determined by the apex height of a circular arc passing through the centre of the contact surface of the tyres of an axle (the inner tyre in the case of twin tyres) and the lowest fixed point between the wheels. No rigid part of the vehicle may project into the broken circle section of the drawing. Where appropriate, the ground clearance of a plurality of axles shall be indicated in the order in which they are arranged, for example, 280/250/250.
Composite Label
The symbol "G" is combined with the symbol "M" or "N". Thus, for example, a vehicle of class N1, which can be used as a off-road vehicle, is designated N1G.
Vehicles with special purpose: vehicles of category M, N or O for the carriage of passengers or goods with a special function for which the structure or equipment must be adapted accordingly.
Motorhome: vehicle of category M with special purpose, designed to allow the accommodation of persons and at least the following equipment:
table and seating,
Sleeping opportunities, the U. can serve as seats during the day,
Cooking opportunity and
Facilities for the accommodation of luggage and other items.
These items of equipment shall be fixed in the living area, with the exception of the table, which may be easily removable.
Protected vehicles: vehicles used to protect the passengers or passengers who are transported Goods bullet-proof are armored.
Ambulances: motor vehicles of category M equipped for the carriage of crankers or injured persons.
Trolley: Vehicles of category M equipped for the transport of corpses.
Housing trailer: see ISO Standard 3833-1977, term
Mobile cranes: vehicles with a special purpose class N3, which are not suitable for the carriage of goods and are equipped with a crane with a permissible load torque of up to 400 kNm.
Other special purpose vehicles: vehicles referred to in point 5, with the exception of vehicles, in accordance with points 5.1 to 5.6.
Section 2
Two-, three-and four-wheel motor vehicles
Class L1e: |
two-wheeled mopeds with a maximum design speed of up to 45 km/h and a displacement of up to 50 cm 3 in the case of internal combustion engines or a maximum rated power of up to 4 kW in the case of electric motors;
Class L2e: |
Three-wheel mopeds with a maximum design speed of up to 45 km/h and a cylinder capacity of up to 50 cm 3 in the case of spark-ignition engines or a maximum net power of up to 4 kW in the case of other internal combustion engines, or a maximum nominal power of up to 4 kW in the case of electric motors;
Class L3e: |
Motorcycles, that is, two-wheel motor vehicles with a displacement of more than 50 cm without a vehicle 3 in the case of internal combustion engines and/or a maximum design speed of more than 45 km/h;
Class L4e: |
Motorcycles with side-wagons;
Class L5e: |
Three-wheel motor vehicles, that is to say, motor vehicles equipped with three symmetrically arranged wheels with a cylinder capacity of more than 50 cm 3 in the case of internal combustion engines and/or a maximum design speed of more than 45 km/h;
Class L6e: |
Four-wheel light-weight vehicles with an empty mass of up to 350 kg, without mass of batteries in the case of electric vehicles, with a maximum design speed of up to 45 km/h and a cylinder capacity of up to 50 cm 3 in the case of spark-ignition engines or a maximum net power of up to 4 kW in the case of other internal combustion engines or a maximum nominal power rating of up to 4 kW in the case of electric motors. These vehicles must meet the technical requirements for three-wheel mopeds of class L2e, unless otherwise provided for in the separate Directives;
Class L7e: |
four-wheel motor vehicles which do not fall under class L6e, with an empty mass of up to 400 kg (550 kg in the case of vehicles used for the carriage of goods), without mass of batteries in the case of electric vehicles, and with a maximum net power of up to 15 kW. These vehicles shall be considered to be three-wheel motor vehicles and shall comply with the technical requirements for three-wheel motor vehicles of category L5e, unless otherwise provided for in the separate Directives. |
This classification shall not apply to the vehicles referred to below:
Vehicles with a maximum design speed of up to 6 km/h;
vehicles guided by pedestrians;
vehicles intended for use by physically disabled persons;
vehicles intended for sporting competition on the road or on the premises;
agricultural or forestry tractors;
self-proponent working machines;
All-terrain vehicles with three symmetrically arranged wheels (one front wheel and two rear wheels) designed for leisure purposes;
Bicycles with emergency aid equipped with an auxiliary electric motor with a maximum rated power rating of 0.25 kW, the support of which is progressively reduced as the vehicle speed increases and when a vehicle is reached Speed of 25 km/h or earlier, when the driver stops in the pedal.
Section 3
Agricultural or forestry tractors
with a maximum design speed
of at least 6 km/h, their trailers and the exchangeable machines that they draw
Class T:
Class T1:
Tractors on wheels with a maximum design speed of up to 40 km/h, a gauge of the axle closest to the driver-in the case of tractors with a reversible driver's seat (seat and steering wheel are reversible), the axle shall apply to the axle, which shall be used to: The tyre is equipped with the largest diameter than the driver nearest to the driver, of at least 1 150 mm, an empty mass in the running order of more than 600 kg and a ground clearance of up to 1 000 mm. |
Class T2:
Tractors on wheels with a maximum design speed of up to 40 km/h, a minimum track width of less than 1 150 mm, an empty mass in running order of more than 600 kg and a ground clearance of up to 600 mm. However, if the quotient of the height of the centre of gravity of the tractor (in accordance with ISO standard 789-6:1982) above the ground and the median minimum track width of the axles is greater than 0.90, the maximum design speed shall be limited to 30 km/h. |
Class T3:
Tractors on wheels with a maximum design speed of up to 40 km/h and an empty mass in running order up to 600 kg. |
Class T4:
Tractors on wheels with special purpose specification with a maximum design speed up to 40 km/h (T4.1: Stelzradzugmaschinen, T4.2: overwidth tractors, T4.3: tractors with low ground clearance). |
Class T5:
Tractors on wheels with a maximum design speed of more than 40 km/h. |
Class C:
Tractors on track chains |
Tractors on track chains which are driven and steered by means of the track chains and whose classes C1 to C5 are defined analogously to classes T1 to T5. |
Class R:
Class R1:
Trailers in which the sum of technically permissible masses per axle is up to 1 500 kg.
Class R2:
Trailers in which the sum of technically permissible masses per axle is more than 1 500 kg and up to 3 500 kg.
Class R3:
Trailers in which the sum of technically permissible masses per axle is more than 3 500 kg and up to 21 000 kg.
Class R4:
Trailers in which the sum of technically permissible masses per axle is more than 21 000 kg.
In addition, each class of trailers shall be marked with the letter "a" or "b", depending on the maximum speed for which it is designed:
Letter "a" for trailers with a maximum design speed of less than or equal to 40 km/h;
Letter "b" for trailers with a maximum design speed of more than 40 km/h.
For example, in the case of a trailer of category Rb3, the sum of the technically permissible masses per axle is more than 3 500 kg and up to 21 000 kg, and it is designed for carriage by a tractor of class T5.
Category S:
Drawn interchangeable machines
Class S1:
Exchangeable, exchangeable machines for use in agriculture or forestry where the sum of technically permissible masses per axle is up to 3 500 kg.
Class S2:
Exchangeable, exchangeable machines for use in agriculture and forestry, where the sum of technically permissible masses per axle is more than 3 500 kg.
In addition, each class of towed interchangeable machinery shall be identified by the letter "a" or "b", depending on the maximum speed for which it is designed:
(a) for drawn interchangeable machinery with a maximum design speed of less than or equal to 40 km/h,
Letter "b" for drawn interchangeable machines with a maximum design speed of more than 40 km/h.
For example, in the case of an interchangeable machine of category Sb2, the sum of the technically permissible masses per axle is more than 3 500 kg, and it shall be designed for carriage by a tractor of class T5. For special applications in forestry machinery such as rope tugs (Skidder) and return trains (Forwarder) according to ISO standard 6814:2000, for forestry machines on chassis for earthworks according to ISO standard 6165 :2001and for interchangeable Machinery used in public road transport by another vehicle in full raised position is carried out.
Unofficial table of contents
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 936-947;
with regard to of the individual amendments. Footnote)
Regulation the following provisions shall apply:
Section 30a (1a) |
Chapter 7 |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles 1. OJ L 226, 18.8.1997, p. 1), amended by the
Corrigendum of 17 June 1997
1. OJ No L 65, 5.3.1998, p. 35).
Section 30a (3) |
Annex I, Annex 1, Annex II, Annex 1, Appendix 2 with base 1, Appendix 3 |
Directive 95 /1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 February 1995 on the maximum design speed and maximum torque and maximum power of the engine of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles 1. OJ No L 52, 8.3.1995, p. 1). |
Section 30c (2) |
Annex I, 1, 2, 5 and 6, Annex II |
Council Directive 74 /483/EEC of 17 September 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the projecting external edges of motor vehicles 1. OJ L 266, 2.10.1974, p.4), modified by
Commission Directive 79 /488/EEC of 18 April 1979
1. OJ L 128, 26.5.1979, p. 1),
Council Directive 87 /354/EEC of 25 June 1987
1. OJ L 192, 11.7.1987, p. 43).
Section 30c (3) |
Chapter 3 Annexes I and II |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.9.1997, p. OJ L 226 of 18.8.1997, p. 1). |
Section 30c (4) |
Annex I |
Directive 2005 /66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 on the use of frontal protection systems on vehicles and amending Council Directive 70 /156/EEC (OJ L 327, 28.12.2005, p. OJ L 309, 25.11.2005, p.37), Commission Decision of 20 March 2006 laying down detailed technical rules for the implementation of the provisions of Directive 2005 /66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the use of frontal protection systems on motor vehicles (OJ L 327, OJ L 140, 29.5.2006, p. 33). |
§ 30d Paragraph 1, 2, 3 |
Annexes I to VI, VIII, IX |
Directive 2001 /85/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2001 laying down special provisions for vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat and amending Directives 70 /156/EEC and 97 /27/EC OJ L 42, 13.2.2002, p. 1). |
Section 30d (4) |
Annex VII |
Directive 2001 /85/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2001 laying down special provisions for vehicles intended for the carriage of passengers comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat and amending Directives 70 /156/EEC and 97 /27/EC OJ L 42, 13.2.2002, p. 1). |
Section 32d (4) |
Annex II |
Directive 2000 /40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the front underrun protection of motor vehicles, and amending Council Directive 70 /156/EEC 1. OJ No L 203, 10.8.2000, p. 9). |
Section 32c (4) |
Annex |
Council Directive 89 /297/EEC of 13 April 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the lateral protection devices (side protection) of certain motor vehicles and their trailers (OJ L 206, 22.7.1989, p. OJ No L 124, 5.5.1989, p. 1). |
Section 34 (5a) |
Annex, point 3.2 until |
Council Directive 93 /93/EEC of 29 June 1993 1 October 1993 on the masses and dimensions of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 327, 31.12.1993, p. OJ No L 311, 14.12.1993, p. 76). |
Section 34 (10) |
(dropped) |
Section 34, paragraph 11 |
Annex IV |
Directive 97 /27/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 July 1997 relating to the masses and dimensions of certain categories of motor vehicles and their trailers and amending Directive 70 /156/EEC 1. OJ L 233, 25.8.1997, p. 1), amended by the
Commission Directive 2003 /19/EC of 21 March 2003
1. OJ No L 79, 26.3.2003, p. 6).
Section 35a (2) |
Annex I, Section 6, Annex II, III and IV |
Council Directive 74 /408/EEC of 22 July 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the interior fittings of motor vehicles (the resistance of the seats and their anchorage) 1. OJ L 221, 12.8.1974, p. 1), amended by the
Council Directive 81 /577/EEC of 20 July 1981
1. OJ L 209, 29.7.1981, p. 34),
Commission Directive 96 /37/EC of 17 June 1996
1. OJ L 186, 25.7.1996, p. 28,
1. OJ L 214, 23.8.1996, p. 27,
1. OJ L 221, 31.8.1996, p. 71),
Directive 2005 /39/EC (OJ L 327, 28. OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 143),
§ 35a Paragraphs 3, 6 and 7 |
Annex I, Sections 1, 4 and 5 Annex II and III |
Council Directive 76 /115/EEC of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to anchorages for safety belts in motor vehicles 1. OJ L 24, 30.1.1976, p. 6), amended by the
Council Directive 81 /575/EEC of 20 July 1981
1. OJ L 209, 29.7.1981, p.30),
Commission Directive 82/318/EEC of 2 April 1982
1. OJ L 139, 19.5.1982, p. 9),
Commission Directive 90 /629/EEC of 30 June 2001 on the October 1990
1. OJ L 341, 6.12.1990, p. 14),
Commission Directive 96 /38/EC of 17 June 1996
1. OJ L 187, 26.7.1996, p. 95,
1. OJ L 76, 18.3.1997, p. 35),
Directive 2005 /41/EC (OJ L 46, 17.1.2005 OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 149).
§ 35a Paragraph 4, 6, 7 and 12 |
Annex I, Sections 1 and 3, Annexes XV and XVII |
Council Directive 77 /541/EEC of 28 June 1977 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to seatbelts and restraint systems of motor vehicles 1. OJ L 220, 29.8.1977, p. 95), amended by the
Act of Accession of 24 May 1979
1. OJ L 291, 19.11.1979, p.110),
Council Directive 81 /576/EEC of 20 July 1981
1. OJ L 209, 29.7.1981, p.32),
Commission Directive 82/319/EEC of 2 April 1982
1. OJ L 139, 19.5.1982, p. 17,
1. OJ L 209, 17.7.1982, p. 48),
Act of Accession of 11 June 1985
1. OJ L 302, 15.11.1985, p. 211),
Council Directive 87 /354/EEC of 25 June 1987
1. OJ L 192, 11.7.1987, p.43),
Commission Directive 90 /628/EEC of 30 June 2001 on the October 1990 (OJ C 327, OJ L 341, 6.12.1990, p. 1),
EEA Agreement of 2 May 1992
1. OJ L 1, 3.1.1994, p. 1),
Commission Directive 96 /36/EC of 17 June 1996
1. OJ L 178, 17.7.1996, p. 15),
Commission Directive 2000 /3/EC of 22 February 2000 (OJ L 175, 5.7.2000, p. OJ L 53, 25.2.2000, p.1),
Directive 2005 /40/EC OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 146).
Section 35a (11) |
Chapter 11 Annexes I to IV and VI |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.9.1997, p. OJ L 226 of 18.8.1997, p. 1). |
Section 35a (13) |
Article 2 paragraph 1 point (c) Double letter ii |
Council Directive 91 /671/EEC of 16 December 1991 on the compulsory use of safety belts in motor vehicles and the obligation to use child restraint systems in motor vehicles (OJ L 327, 31.12.1991, p. 26), as last amended by Article 1 (2) of the Implementing Directive 2014 /37/EU of 27 February 2014 (OJ L 378, 27.12.2014, p. 32), with regard to the EC Regulation No 129 on uniform conditions for the approval of improved child restraint systems for use in motor vehicles (OJ L 344, 28.12.2014, p. OJ No L 97, 29.3.2014, p. 21). |
Section 35c (2) |
Annexes II to IX |
Directive 2001 /56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on heating systems for motor vehicles and their trailers and amending Council Directive 70 /156/EEC and repealing Directive 78 /548/EEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the repeal of Directive 78 /548/EEC Council 1. OJ L 292, 9.11.2001, p. 21), amended by the
Directive 2004 /78/EC (OJ L 378, 27. OJ L 153, 30.4.2004, p.104),
Corrigendum to Directive 2004 /78/EC (OJ L 136, 30.4.2004 OJ L 231 of
30.6.2004, p. 69),
Directive 2006 /119/EC (OJ L 327, 22. OJ L 330, 28.11.2006, p.12).
Section 35j |
Annexes IV to VI |
Directive 95 /28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the burning behaviour of materials of the interiors of certain categories of motor vehicles (OJ C 327, 22.12. OJ L 281, 23.11.1995, p. 1). |
Section 36 (1a) |
Annexes II and IV Sections 1, 2, 3 and 6, Annexes 3 to 7 Sections 1, 2, 3 and 6, Annexes 3 to 8 Sections 1, 2, 3 and 6, Annexes 3 to 9 Chapter 1 Annex II Annex III (without installations) |
Council Directive 92/23 EEC of 31 March 1992 relating to tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers and to their assembly (OJ L 327, 30.12.1992, p. OJ L 129 of 14.5.1992, p. 95), Revision 1 of the ECE Regulation No 30 on uniform conditions for the approval of pneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and trailers of 9 March 1995 (BGBl. 1995 II p. 228), ECE Regulation No 54 on uniform conditions for the approval of pneumatic tyres for commercial vehicles and their trailers of 20 June 1986 (BGBl. 1986 II p. 718), ECE Regulation No 75 on uniform conditions for the approval of pneumatic tyres for motorcycles of 25 February 1992 (BGBl. 1992 II p. 184), Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.9.1997, p. OJ L 226 of 18.8.1997, p. 1). |
Section 38 (2) |
Annexes I, III, IV, V |
Council Directive 70 /311/EEC of 8 June 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the steering systems of motor vehicles and their trailers 1. OJ L 133, 18.6.1970, p. 10), amended by the
Corrigendum to Directive 70 /311/EEC
1. OJ L 196, 3.9.1970, p. 14),
Act of Accession of 22 January 1972
1. OJ L 73, 27.3.1972, p. 116),
Directive 92/62/EEC of 2 July 1992
1. OJ No L 199, 18.7.1992, p. 33).
Section 38 (3) |
Annex |
Council Directive 75 /321/EEC of 20 May 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the steering system of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 327, 30.5.1975, p. OJ L 147, 9.6.1975, p. 24), amended by the
Directive 82/890/EEC of 17 December 1982
1. OJ L 378, 31.12.1982, p. 45),
Corrigendum to Directive 82 /890/EEC
1. OJ L 118, 6.5.1988, p. 42),
Directive 88 /411/EEC of 21 June 1988
1. OJ L 200, 26.7.1988, p.30),
Directive 97 /54/EC of 23 September 1997
1. OJ L 277, 10.10.1997, p. 24),
Directive 98 /39/EC of 5 June 1998
1. OJ No L 170, 16.6.1998, p. 15).
Section 38a (1) |
Annexes IV and V |
Council Directive 74 /61/EEC of 17 December 1973 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safety device against unauthorised use of motor vehicles (OJ L 376, 27.12.1973, p. 22), as amended by Commission Directive 95 /56/EC of 8 November 1995 (OJ L 327, 22.12.1995, p. OJ L 286 of 29.11.1995, p. 1). |
Section 38a (2) |
Annexes I and II |
Council Directive 93 /33/EEC of 14 June 1993 on the safety device against unauthorised use of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles 1. OJ L 188, 29.7.1993, p.32), amended by the
Commission Directive 1999 /23/EC of 9 April 1999
1. OJ L 104, 21.4.1999, p. 13).
Section 38b |
Annex VI |
Council Directive 74 /61/EEC of 17 December 1973 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safety device against the unauthorised use of motor vehicles 1. OJ L 38, 11.2.1974, p. 22), amended by the
Commission Directive 95 /56/EC of 8 November 1995
1. OJ L 286, 29.11.1995, p.1),
Corrigendum to Directive 95 /56/EC
1. OJ No L 103, 3.4.1998, p. 38).
Section 39a (1) |
Annexes I to IV |
Council Directive 78 /316/EEC of 21 December 1977 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the interior fittings of motor vehicles (identification of the controls, control lamps and indicators) 1. OJ L 81 of 28.3.1978, p. 3), amended by the
Commission Directive 93 /91/EEC of 29. October 1993
1. OJ L 284, 19.11.1993, p. 25),
Commission Directive 94 /53/EC of 15 November 1994
1. OJ L 299, 22.11.1994, p.
Section 39a (2) |
Annex I |
Council Directive 93 /29/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning the identification of controls, control lamps and indicators for two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ 1993 L 199, p. OJ L 188, 29.7.1993, p. 1). |
Section 39a (3) |
Annexes II to IV |
Council Directive 86 /415/EEC of 24 July 1986 on the installation, location, operation and identification of the controls of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 327, 31.12.1986, p. 1), as amended by Directive 97 /54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 1997 (OJ L 210, 31.7.1997, p. OJ L 277, 10.10.1997, p. 24). |
Section 40 (3) |
Chapter 12, Annex I (without installations) Annex II, Annex 1 and 2 |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.9.1997, p. OJ L 226 of 18.8.1997, p. 1). |
Section 41 Paragraph 18 Section 41b |
Annexes I up to VIII, X to XII and XV |
Council Directive 71 /320/EEC of 26 July 1971 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the braking systems of certain categories of motor vehicles and their trailers (OJ L 71, 27.1.1971, p. OJ L 202, 6.9.1971, p. 37), amended by the
Commission Directive 74 /132/EEC of 11 February 1974
1. OJ L 74, 19.3.1974, p. 7),
Commission Directive 75 /524/EEC of 25 July 1975
1. OJ L 236, 8.9.1975, p. 3),
Commission Directive 79 /489/EEC of 18 April 1979
1. OJ L 128, 26.5.1979, p. 12),
Commission Directive 85 /647/EEC of 23 December 1985 (OJ L 175, 5.7.1985, p. OJ L 380, 31.12.1985, p. 1),
Commission Directive 88 /194/EEC of 24 March 1988
1. OJ No L 92, 9.4.1988, p. 47),
Commission Directive 91 /422/EEC of 15 July 1991
1. OJ L 233, 22.8.1991, p. 21),
Commission Directive 98 /12/EC of 27 January 1998
1. OJ No L 81, 18.3.1998, p. 1).
Section 41 (19) |
Annex |
Council Directive 93 /14/EEC of 5 April 1993 relating to braking systems for two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 327, 31.12.1993, p. OJ No L 121, 15.5.1993, p. 1). |
Section 41 (20) |
Annexes I to IV |
Council Directive 76 /432/EEC of 6 April 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the braking systems of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors 1. OJ L 122, 8.5.1976, p. 1), amended by the
Council Directive 82/890/EEC of 17 December 1982
1. OJ L 378, 31.12.1982, p. 45),
Corrigendum to Directive 82 /890/EEC
1. OJ L 118, 6.5.1988, p. 42),
Commission Directive 96 /63/EC of 30 September 1996
1. OJ L 253, 5.10.1996, p. 13),
Directive 97 /54/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 23 September 1997
1. OJ L 277, 10.10.1997, p. 24).
§ 41a paragraph 1 Point 1 and paragraph 4 Sentence 1 |
Part II |
ECE Regulation No 67 on uniform conditions for the
Approval of the special equipment of motor vehicles used in the propulsion system of liquefied gases;
Approval of a vehicle equipped with the special equipment for the use of liquefied gases in its propulsion system, in relation to the installation of such equipment
of 1 June 1987, as amended by Amendment No 01 (Official Journal 2002, p. 339). |
§ 41a paragraph 1 Point 2 and (4), first sentence |
Part II |
ECE Regulation No 110 on uniform conditions for the authorisation of
special components of motor vehicles in which compressed natural gas (CNG) is used in their drive system;
Vehicles with regard to the installation of special components of an approved type for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system
of 18 December 2000 (Transport Bulletin 2002 p. 339). |
§ 41a Paragraph 2 and (4), first sentence |
EC-Regulation No 115 on uniform conditions for the authorisation of
Special retrofit systems for LPG (LPG) for use in motor vehicles for the use of LPG in their propulsion system;
Special retrofit systems for compressed natural gas (CNG) to be installed in motor vehicles for the use of compressed natural gas in their propulsion system
of the 30. October 2003 (Transport sheet 2004 p. 5). |
§ 41a (3), first sentence Point 1 and (4), first sentence |
Part I |
ECE Regulation No 67 on uniform conditions for the
Approval of the special equipment of motor vehicles used in the propulsion system of liquefied gases;
Approval of a vehicle equipped with the special equipment for the use of liquefied gases in its propulsion system, in relation to the installation of such equipment
of 1 June 1987, as amended by Amendment No 01 (Official Journal 2002, p. 339). |
§ 41a (3), first sentence Point 2 and (4), first sentence |
Part I |
ECE Regulation No 110 on uniform conditions for the authorisation of
special components of motor vehicles in which compressed natural gas (CNG) is used in their drive system;
Vehicles with regard to the installation of special components of an approved type for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system
of 18 December 2000 (Transport Bulletin 2002 p. 339). |
§ 41a (3), second sentence and paragraph 4, first sentence |
EC-Regulation No 115 on uniform conditions for the authorisation of
Special retrofit systems for LPG (LPG) for use in motor vehicles for the use of LPG in their propulsion system;
Special retrofit systems for compressed natural gas (CNG) to be installed in motor vehicles for the use of compressed natural gas in their propulsion system
of the 30. October 2003 (Transport sheet 2004 p. 5). |
§ 41a paragraph 8 |
Council Directive 87 /404/EEC of 25 June 1987 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to simple pressure vessels 1. OJ L 220, 8.8.1987, p. OJ L 31, 2.2.1990, p. 46), amended by the
Council Directive 90 /488/EEC of 17 September 1990
1. OJ L 270, 2.10.1990, p. 25),
Council Directive 93 /68/EEC of 22 July 1993
1. OJ No L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1).
Section 43 paragraph 5 |
Chapter 10 Annex I, Appendix 1 to 3 |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.9.1997, p. OJ L 226 of 18.8.1997, p. 1). |
Section 45 (1a) |
Annex I Number 5.4 up to 5.8 as well as to annexes 1 and 2 |
Council Directive 70 /221/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the containers for liquid fuel and the underrun protection of motor vehicles and their trailers 1. OJ L 76, 6.4.1970, p. 23), amended by the
Directive 79 /490/EEC OJ L 128, 26.5.1979, p. 22),
Directive 81 /333/EEC (OJ L 206, 22.7.1985 OJ L 131, 18.5.1981, p. 4),
Directive 97 /19/EEC OJ L 125, 16.5.1997, p. 1),
Directive 2000 /8/EC (OJ L 327, 22. OJ No L 106, 3.5.2000, p. 7).
Section 45 (4) |
Chapter 6 Annex I, Annex 1, Annex II (excluding attachments) |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles 1. OJ L 226 of 18.8.1997, p. 1). |
§ 47 paragraph 1 |
Article 1 up to 7 Annexes |
Council Directive 70 /220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicle engines 1. OJ L 76, 6.4.1970, p. 1), amended by the
Act of Accession of 22 January 1972
1. OJ L 73, 27.3.1972, p. 115),
Council Directive 74 /290/EEC of 28 May 1974
1. OJ L 159, 15.6.1974, p. 61),
Commission Directive 77 /102/EEC of 30 November 1976 (OJ L 378, 31.12.1976, p. 32), and
Commission Directive 78 /665/EEC of 14 July 1978
1. OJ L 223, 14.8.1978, p. 48),
Council Directive 83 /351/EEC of 16 June 1983
1. OJ L 197, 20.7.1983, p.1),
Council Directive 88 /76/EEC of 3 December 1987
1. OJ L 36, 9.2.1988, p. 1),
Council Directive 88 /436/EEC of 16 June 1988
1. OJ L 214, 6.8.1988, p. 1),
Corrigendum to Directive 88 /436/EEC
1. OJ L 303, 8.11.1988, p. 36),
Commission Directive 89 /491/EEC of 17 July 1989
1. OJ L 238, 15.8.1989, p. 43),
Council Directive 89 /458/EEC of 18 July 1989
1. OJ L 226, 3.8.1989, p. 1),
Corrigendum to Directive 89 /458/EEC
1. OJ L 270, 19.9.1989, p.16),
Council Directive 91 /441/EEC of 26 June 1991
1. OJ L 242, 30.8.1991, p. 1),
Council Directive 93 /59/EEC of 28 June 1993
1. OJ L 186, 28.7.1993, p. 21),
Directive 94 /12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 March 1994
1. OJ L 100, 19.4.1994, p. 42),
Commission Directive 96 /44/EC of 1 July 1996
1. OJ L 210, 20.8.1996, p.25),
Directive 96 /69/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 October 1996
1. OJ L 282, 1.11.1996, p. 64),
Corrigendum to 8. October 1996
1. OJ L 83, 25.3.1997, p. 23),
Commission Directive 98 /77/EC of 2 October 1998
1. (OJ L 286, 23.10.1998, p. 34),
Directive 98 /69/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998
1. OJ L 350, 28.12.1998, p. 1),
Corrigendum of 21 April 1999
1. OJ L 104, 21.4.1999, p.31),
Commission Directive 1999 /102/EC of 15 December 1999
1. OJ L 334, 28.12.1999, p.43),
Directive 2001 /1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 January 2001
1. OJ L 35, 6.2.2001, p.
Directive 2001 /100/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 December 2001
1. OJ L 16, 18.1.2002, p.32),
Commission Directive 2002/80/EC of 3. October 2002
1. OJ L 291, 28.10.2002, p.20),
Commission Directive 2003 /76/EC of 11 August 2003
1. OJ L 206 of 15.8.2003, p. 29).
Section 47 (1a) |
Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 on type approval of motor vehicles with regard to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access on vehicle repair and maintenance information (OJ L 196, 27.7.2005, p OJ L 171, 29.6.2007, p.1), modified by
Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008 on the implementation and amendment of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 (OJ L 378, 27.11.2008, p. OJ L 199, 28.7.2008, p. 1)
Commission Regulation (EC) No 566/2011 of 8 June 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 on access to repair and repair services Maintenance information for vehicles (OJ L 327, 22. (OJ L 158, 16.6.2011, p. 1)
and |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008 on the implementation and amendment of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 (OJ L 378, 27.11.2008, p. OJ L 199, 28.7.2008, p.1), modified by
Commission Regulation (EC) No 566/2011 of 8 June 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 on access to repair and repair services Maintenance information for vehicles (OJ L 327, 22. OJ L 158, 16.6.2011, p. 1).
§ 47 paragraph 2 |
Article 1
up to 6 Annexes I to X
Council Directive 72/306/EEC of 2 August 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles (OJ No L 73, 27.2.1972, p. 1). 1), as amended by Commission Directive 89 /491/EEC of 17 July 1989 (OJ L 190, 20.7.1989, p. OJ L 238, 15.8.1989, p. 43), |
Article 1
up to 6 Annexes I to VIII
Council Directive 72/306/EEC of 2 August 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles (OJ No L 73, 27.2.1972, p. 1). 1), as amended by Commission Directive 97 /20/EC of 18 April 1997 (OJ L 190, 18.7.1997, p. OJ No L 125, 16.5.1997, p. 21). |
Article 1
to 5
Commission Directive 2005 /21/EC of 7 March 2005 adapting to the European Parliament Council Directive 72/306/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of pollutants from diesel engines of vehicles (OJ OJ L 61, 8.3.2005, p. 25). |
§ 47 paragraph 6 |
Article 1 up to 7 Annexes |
Council Directive 88 /77/EEC of 3 December 1987 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for the purpose of driving Vehicles and the emission of gaseous pollutants from self-ignition engines fueled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas for the purpose of driving vehicles 1. OJ L 36, 9.2.1988, p. 33), amended by the
Council Directive 91 /542/EEC of 1 July 1991 October 1991
1. OJ L 295, 25.10.1991, p. 1),
Decision 94 /1/ECSC, EC of the Council and of the Commission of 13 December 1993
1. OJ L 1, 3.1.1994, p. 1, 274),
Decision 94 /2/EGKS, EC of the Council and the Commission of 13 December 1993
1. OJ L 1, 3.1.1994, p. 571, 583),
Directive 96 /1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 January 1996
1. OJ L 40, 12.2.1996, p. 1),
Directive 1999 /96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1999
1. OJ L 44, 16.2.2000, p. 1),
Commission Directive 2001 /27/EC of 10 April 2001
1. OJ L 107, 18.4.2001, p. 10),
Corrigendum to 6. October 2001
1. OJ L 266, 6.10.2001, p. 15).
Section 47 (6a) |
Directive 2005 /55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from the Self-ignition engines for the propulsion of vehicles and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive-ignition engines fuelised with liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas for the propulsion of vehicles (OJ L 327, 22.7.1997, p. OJ L 275, 20.10.2005, p.1), modified by
Commission Directive 2006 /51/EC of 6 June 2006 amending, for the purpose of adapting to technical progress, Annex I to Directive 2005 /55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Annexes IV and V to Directive 2005 /78/EC with regard to the requirements for monitoring systems for emission-reducing devices for installation in vehicles and with regard to the exemptions for gas engines (OJ L 196, 27.7.2005, p OJ L 152, 7.6.2006, p.11),
Commission Directive 2008 /74/EC of 18 July 2008 amending Directive 2005 /55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and of Directive 2005 /78/EC as regards the type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to emissions from light passenger cars and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and access to vehicle repair and maintenance information (OJ L 196, 27.7.2005, p. (OJ L 192, 19.7.2008, p. 51)
and |
Commission Directive 2005 /78/EC of 14 November 2005 on the implementation of Directive 2005 /55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous Pollutants and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for the propulsion of vehicles and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive-ignition engines fuelling liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas for the propulsion of vehicles and for amending their Annexes I, II, III, IV and VI (OJ L 196, 27.7.1985, p OJ L 313, 29.11.2005, p.1), modified by:
Commission Directive 2006 /51/EC of 6 June 2006 amending, for the purpose of adapting to technical progress, Annex I to Directive 2005 /55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Annexes IV and V to Directive 2005 /78/EC with regard to the requirements for monitoring systems for emission-reducing devices for installation in vehicles and with regard to the exemptions for gas engines (OJ L 196, 27.7.2005, p OJ L 152, 7.6.2006, p.11),
Commission Directive 2008 /74/EC of 18 July 2008 amending Directive 2005 /55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and of Directive 2005 /78/EC as regards the type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to emissions from light passenger cars and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and access to vehicle repair and maintenance information (OJ L 196, 27.7.2005, p. OJ L 192, 19.7.2008, p. 51).
§ 47 Paragraph 8a |
Chapter 5 |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles 1. OJ L 226, 18.8.1997, p. 1), amended by the
Corrigendum of 17 June 1997
1. OJ L 65, 5.3.1998, p. 35),
Directive 2002/51/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002
1. OJ L 252, 20.9.2002, p.20),
Commission Directive 2003 /77/EC of 11 August 2003
1. OJ L 211, 21.8.2003, p.24),
Commission Directive 2005 /30/EC of 22 April 2005 amending Directives 97 /24/EC and 2002 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles with a view to adapting it to the technical progress (OJ C 327, OJ L 106, 27.4.2005, p.17),
Commission Directive 2006 /72/EC of 18 August 2006 amending Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles in order to adapt them to the technical progress (OJ C 327 OJ L 227, 19.8.2006, p.43),
Commission Directive 2006 /120/EC of 27 November 2006 correcting and amending Directive 2005 /30/EC amending Directives 97 /24/EC and 2002 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of two-or two-wheeled vehicles Three-wheel motor vehicles for the purpose of adapting to technical progress (OJ L 327, 22. OJ L 330, 28.11.2006, p.16).
§ 47 Paragraph 8c |
Directive 2000 /25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2000 on measures to be taken to combat emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants from engines for the propulsion of agricultural and forestry , and amending Council Directive 74 /150/EEC (OJ L 73, 27.2.1974, p. OJ L 173, 12.7.2000, p.
Commission Directive 2005 /13/EC of 21 February 2005 amending Directive 2000 /25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from engines, which are intended for the propulsion of agricultural or forestry tractors, and amending Annex I to Directive 2003 /37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors Tractors (OJ OJ L 55, 1.3.2005, p.35),
Commission Directive 2010 /22/EU of 15 March 2010 adapting to the Council Directives 80 /720/EEC, 86 /298/EEC, 86 /415/EEC and 87 /402/EEC and Directives 2000 /25/EC and 2003 /37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors to technical progress (OJ C 327, 28.4.2002, p. OJ L 91, 10.4.2010, p. 1).
Section 47d |
Articles 1 to 5 Annexes I and II |
Council Directive 80 /1268/EEC of 16 December 1980 on carbon dioxide emissions and on the fuel consumption of motor vehicles 1. OJ L 375, 31.12.1980, p. 36), amended by the
Commission Directive 89 /491/EEC of 17 July 1989
1. OJ L 238, 15.8.1989, p. 43),
Commission Directive 93 /116/EC of 17 December 1993
1. OJ L 329, 30.12.1993, p. 39),
Corrigendum of 15 February 1994
1. OJ L 42, 15.2.1994, p. 27),
Commission Directive 1999 /100/EC of 15 December 1999 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 80 /1268/EEC relating to carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption of motor vehicles
1. OJ L 334, 28.12.1999, p.36),
Corrigendum of 15.12.1999
1. OJ L 163, 4.7.2000, p.38),
Directive 2004 /3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 amending Council Directives 70 /156/EEC and 80 /1268/EEC with regard to the measurement of carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption of vehicles Category N1 (OJ L 327, OJ No L 49, 19.2.2004, p. 36).
Article 5 (3e) |
Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 on type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access on vehicle repair and maintenance information (OJ L 196, 27.7.2005, p OJ L 171, 29.6.2007, p. 1), and |
Article 3 (3) Annex XII |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008 on the implementation and amendment of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 (OJ L 378, 27.11.2008, p. OJ L 199, 28.7.2008, p. 1). |
§ 47e |
Directive 2006 /40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 relating to emissions from air-conditioning systems in motor vehicles and amending Directive 70 /156/EEC (OJ L 103, 25.4.2006, p. (OJ L 161, 14.6.2006, p. 12) |
and |
Commission Regulation (EC) No 706/2007 of 21 June 2007 laying down the administrative provisions relating to the EC type-approval of motor vehicles and a harmonised procedure for the measurement of leaks from certain air-conditioning systems in accordance with the Directive 2006 /40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 103, 25.4.2006 OJ L 161, 22.6.2007, p. 33). |
§ 49 paragraph 2 Point 1 |
Articles 1 to 5 Annexes I to IV |
Council Directive 70 /157/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the permissible sound level and the exhaust system of motor vehicles 1. OJ L 42, 23.2.1970, p. 16), amended by the
Act of Accession of 22 January 1972
1. L No 73, 27.3.1972, p. 115),
Commission Directive 73 /350/EEC of 7 November 1973
1. OJ L 321, 22.11.1973, p. 33),
Council Directive 77 /212/EEC of 8 March 1977
1. OJ L 66, 12.3.1977, p. 33),
Commission Directive 81 /334/EEC of 13 April 1981
1. OJ L 131, 18.5.1981, p. 6),
Commission Directive 84 /372/EEC of 3 July 1984
1. OJ L 196, 26.7.1984, p. 47),
Council Directive 84 /424/EEC of 3 September 1984
1. OJ L 238, 6.9.1984, p. 31),
Act of Accession of 11 June 1985
1. OJ L 302, 15.11.1985, p. 211),
Council Directive 87 /354/EEC of 25 June 1985
1. OJ L 192, 11.7.1987, p.43),
Commission Directive 89 /491/EEC of 17 July 1989
1. OJ L 238, 15.8.1989, p. 43),
Council Directive 92/97/EEC of 10 November 1992
1. OJ L 371, 19.12.1992, p. 1),
Decision 94 /1/ECSC, EC of the Council and of the Commission of 13 December 1993
1. OJ L 1, 3.1.1994, p. 1, 264),
Decision 94 /2/EGKS, EC of the Council and the Commission of 13 December 1993
1. OJ L 1, 3.1.1994, p. 571, 583),
Commission Directive 96 /20/EC of 27 March 1996
1. OJ L 92, 13.4.1996, p. 23),
Commission Directive 1999 /101/EC of 15 December 1999 (OJ L 346, 31.12.1999, p. OJ L 334, 28.12.1999, p. 41).
§ 49 paragraph 2 Point 2 |
Articles 1 to 6 Annex I to VI |
Council Directive 74 /151/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to certain components and characteristics of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors 1. OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 25), amended by the
Council Directive 82/890/EEC of 17 December 1982
1. OJ L 378, 31.12.1982, p. 45),
Corrigendum to Directive 82 /890/EEC
1. OJ L 118, 6.5.1988, p. 42),
Commission Directive 88 /410/EEC of 21 June 1988
1. OJ No L 200, 26.7.1988, p. 27).
§ 49 paragraph 2 Point 4 |
Chapter 9 |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles 1. OJ L 226, 18.8.1997, p. 1), amended by the
Corrigendum of 17 June 1997
1. OJ L 65, 5 March 1998, p. 35),
Corrigendum of 17 June 1997
1. OJ L 244 of 3 September 1998, p. 20).
§ 49a (5), second sentence Point 5 |
ECE Regulation No 87 on uniform conditions for the approval of daytime running lamps for motor vehicles (BGBl. 1995 II p. 36). |
§ 50 paragraph 8 Section 51b |
Annex II |
Council Directive 76 /756/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers 1. OJ L 262, 27.9.1976, p. 1), amended by the
Commission Directive 80 /233/EEC of 21 November 1979 (OJ L 376, 31.12.1979, p. OJ L 51, 25.2.1980, p. 8),
Commission Directive 82/244/EEC of 17 March 1982
1. OJ L 109, 22.4.1982, p. 31),
Council Directive 83 /276/EEC of 26 May 1983
1. OJ L 151, 9.6.1983, p. 47),
Commission Directive 84 /8/EEC of 14 December 1983
1. OJ L 9, 12.1.1984, p. 24),
Commission Directive 91 /663/EEC of 10 December 1991 (OJ L 206, 22.7.1991, p. OJ L 366, 31.12.1991, p. 17),
Corrigendum to Directive 91 /663/EEC
1. OJ L 172, 27.6.1992, p. 87),
Commission Directive 97 /28/EC of 11 June 1997
1. OJ No L 171, 30.6.1997, p. 1).
Section 53 Paragraph 10 Point 1 |
EC Regulation No 69 on uniform conditions for the approval of tables for the rear marking of motor vehicles, which are slow in construction, and their trailers, of 6 July 1994 (BGBl. 1994 II p. 1023). |
Section 53 Paragraph 10 Point 2 |
EC-Regulation No 70 on uniform conditions for the approval of plates for the rear marking of heavy and long vehicles of 27 June 1994 (BGBl. 1994 II p. 970). |
Section 53 (10) Sentence 1 (3) and sentence 2 |
EC-Regulation No 48 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)-Uniform conditions for the approval of vehicles with regard to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices (OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. OJ L 323, 6.12.2011, p. 46). |
Section 53 (10), first sentence, point 4 and sentence 3 |
EC-Regulation No 104 on uniform conditions for the approval of retroreflective markings for vehicles of categories M, N and O (BGBl. 1134). |
§ 55 Paragraph 2a |
Annexes I and II (in each case without attachments) |
Council Directive 93 /30/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning the equipment for the sound signals of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ 1993 L 327, p. OJ L 188, 29.7.1993, p. 11). |
§ 55a paragraph 1 |
Annexes I, IV to IX |
Council Directive 72/245/EEC of 20 June 1972 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the suppression of the radio interference of motor vehicle engines with spark-ignition (OJ 1972 L 73, p. 1). 15), as amended by Commission Directive 95 /54/EC of 31 July 1972, October 1995 (OJ C 327, OJ L 266, 8.11.1995, p. 1). |
§ 55a paragraph 2 |
Chapter 8 Annexes I to VII |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.9.1997, p. OJ L 226 of 18.8.1997, p. 1). |
§ 56 paragraph 2 Number 1 and 2 |
Annex I, No 1, Annex II, Annex III |
Directive 2003 /97/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2003 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of devices for indirect vision and of such bodies , and amending Directive 70 /156/EEC and repealing Directive 71 /127/EEC 1. OJ L 25, 29.1.2004, p.1), amended by the
Commission Directive 2005 /27/EC of 29 March 2005 amending Directive 2003 /97/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of devices for indirect Vision and of vehicles equipped with such equipment with a view to adapting to technical progress
1. OJ L 81, 30.3.2005, p. 44).
§ 56 paragraph 2 Point 3 |
Directive 2007 /38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on the retrofitting of mirrors to heavy goods vehicles registered in the Community (OJ L 158, 30.4.2007, p. OJ L 184, 14.7.2007, p.25). |
§ 56 paragraph 2 Point 4 |
Annex |
Council Directive 74 /346/EEC of 25 June 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the rear-view mirrors of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 327, 30.4.1974, p. OJ L 191, 15.7.1974, p. 1), amended by the
Council Directive 82/890/EEC of 17 December 1982
1. OJ L 378, 31.12.1982, p. 45,
1. OJ L 118, 6.5.1988, p. 42),
Directive 97 /54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 1997
1. OJ L 277, 10.10.1997, p. 24),
Commission Directive 98 /40/EC of 8 June 1998
1. OJ No L 171, 17.6.1998, p. 28, L 351, 29.12.1998, p. 42).
§ 56 paragraph 2 Point 5 |
Chapter 4, Annex I, Annex II, Appendix 1 and 2 and Annex III (without installations) |
Directive 97 /24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.9.1997, p. OJ L 226 of 18.8.1997, p. 1). |
Section 57 paragraph 2 |
(a) Annex II (excluding attachments) |
Council Directive 75 /443/EEC of 26 June 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the reverse gear and the speed measuring device in motor vehicles (OJ L 75, 15.3.1975, p. 1). OJ L 196, 26.7.1975, p. 1), amended by the
Commission Directive 97 /39/EC of 24 June 1997
1. OJ L 177, 5.7.1997, p. 15),
b) Annex (excluding attachments) |
Directive 2000 /7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 on the speedometer of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 376, 27.3.2000, p. OJ L 106, 3.5.2000, p. 1). |
Section 57c paragraph 4 |
Annex I and III |
Council Directive 92/24/EEC of 31 March 1992 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to speed limitation devices and comparable speed limitation systems (OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p. OJ No L 129, 14.5.1992, p. 154). |
§ 59 Paragraph 1a |
Annex |
Council Directive 76 /114/EEC of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the signs, the prescribed particulars, their position and the mode of attachment of motor vehicles and their trailers 1. OJ L 24, 30.1.1976, p. 1), amended by the
Commission Directive 78 /507/EEC of 19 May 1978
1. OJ L 155, 13.6.1978, p.31),
Act of Accession of 24 May 1979
1. OJ L 291, 19.11.1979, p.110),
Corrigendum to Directive 76 /114/EEC
1. OJ L 329, 25.11.1982, p. 31),
Act of Accession of 11 June 1985
1. OJ L 302, 15.11.1985, p. 211),
Council Directive 87 /354/EEC of 25 June 1987
1. OJ L 192, 11.7.1987, p. 43).
§ 59 Paragraph 1b |
Annex |
Council Directive 93 /34/EEC of 14 June 1993 on the prescribed indications of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles (OJ 1993 L 199, p. 38), as amended by Commission Directive 1999 /25/EC of 9 April 1999 (OJ L 188, 18.7.1999, p. OJ No L 104, 21.4.1999, p. 19). |
§ 59a |
Article 6 |
Council Directive 96 /53/EC of 25 July 1996 laying down the maximum dimensions for certain road vehicles in national and international transport in the Community and the maximum authorised weights in cross-border traffic (OJ L 327, 59), as amended by Directive 2002 /7/EC (OJ L 230, 19.8.2002, p. OJ No L 67, 9.3.2002, p. 47). |
Section 61 paragraph 1 |
Annex (excluding attachments) |
Council Directive 93 /32/EEC of 14 June 1993 on passenger hand-holds for two-wheel motor vehicles (OJ L 378, 27.9.1993, p. 28), as amended by Commission Directive 1999 /24/EC of 9 April 1999 (OJ L 188, 18.7.1999, p. OJ L 104, 21.4.1999, p. 16). |
Section 61 paragraph 3 |
Annex (excluding attachments) |
Council Directive 93 /31/EEC of 14 June 1993 on stands for two-wheel motor vehicles 1. OJ L 188, 29.7.1993, p. 19), amended by the
Commission Directive 2000 /72/EC of 22 November 2000 (OJ L 136, 31.4.2000, p. OJ L 300 of 29.11.2000, p. 18).
Unofficial table of contents
Patterns 1 to 2c (omitted)
Unofficial table of contents
Pattern 2d (§ 20)
Preliminary remarks
(Fundstelle: BGBl. I 2012, 949-951)
Design of the data confirmation
Carrier material The data confirmation must be designed to be forgery-aggravated. For this purpose, paper must be used for printing, which is either protected by colour graphic representation or contains the manufacturer's character as watermark. The data confirmation has the format DIN A4. It can be printed on two sides or can consist of two sides, each of which is printed on one side. The addition of further pages is permissible if the writing space in the field (22) and/or in the field (22a) is not sufficient. On each other page, the information must be specified according to the header of page 2 of the pattern.
The structure and content of the data confirmatory structure and the content of the data confirmation must correspond to the pattern 2d. Derogations shall be permitted only if the confirmation of the data concerning the certificate of conformity in accordance with Directive 2007 /46/EC, Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 March 2002 on the certificate of conformity, Type-approval of two-or three-wheel motor vehicles and repealing Council Directive 92 /61/EEC (OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p. 1). 1), Directive 2003 /37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed machinery as well as for systems, components and separate technical units of such vehicles and repealing Directive 74 /150/EEC (OJ L 206, 22.7.1974, p. 1), as amended in each case, is in force. In this case, however, the head of the first page as well as the following pages and the certificate of the information provided by the issuing authority must essentially correspond to the model of the confirmation of the data.
Data Confirmation for the vehicle described below for the purpose of presentation
in the case of the registration authority for the registration of the vehicle, to the extent that an expert opinion/additional opinion is not required for the authorisation 1)
in the case of an officially recognised expert, in cases where an opinion/supplementary opinion is required for the issue of the type-approval. 1)
Field 2) |
Part II 3) |
Label |
Data 2) |
D.1 |
X |
Brand |
D.2 |
X |
Type |
Variant |
Version |
D.3 |
X |
Trade name (s) |
E |
X |
Vehicle identification number |
F.1 |
Technically permissible maximum mass in kg |
F.2 |
Maximum authorised mass in kg in the Member State of authorisation |
G |
Mass of the vehicle in operation in kg (empty mass) |
Y |
X |
Vehicle Class |
C |
X |
Number of EC type-approval or ABE |
L |
Number of axles |
O |
Technically permissible towbar in G |
O.1 braked in kg |
O.2 unbraked in kg |
P.1 |
X |
Cubic capacity in cm 3 |
P.2 P.4 |
X |
Rated power in kW Nominal speed at min -1 |
P.3 |
X |
Type of fuel or energy source |
Q |
Power weight in kW/kg (only in the case of herders) |
R |
X |
Color of the vehicle |
S.1 |
Seats including the driver's seat |
S.2 |
Standing places |
T |
Maximum speed in km/h |
U.1 |
Stand noise in dB (A) |
U.2 |
Speed in min -1 to U.1 |
U.3 |
Driving noise in dB (A) |
V.7 |
CO2 (in g/km) |
V.9 |
Pollutant class applicable to EC type-approval |
(2) |
X |
Manufacturer-Short Label |
(2.1) |
X |
Code to (2) |
(2.2) |
X |
Code to (D.2) with check digit |
Type/Variant/Variation |
Check digit |
(3) |
X |
Vehicle identification number check digit |
(4) |
X |
Type of bodywork |
(5) |
X |
Name of vehicle class and bodywork |
(6) |
X |
Date to K |
(7.1) |
Technically permissible maximum Axle load/mass per axle group in kg: |
Axis 1 |
(7.2) |
Axis 2 |
(7.3) |
Axis 3 |
(8.1) |
Maximum axle load allowed in Marketing authorisation Member State in kg |
Axis 1 |
(8.2) |
Axis 2 |
(8.3) |
Axis 3 |
(9) |
Number of drive axles |
Continued 4) :
Confirmation of data for the vehicle |
(2) Manufacturer-Short description
E vehicle identification number
(10) |
X |
Code to P.3 |
(11) |
X |
Code to R |
(12) |
Tank capacity of tank vehicles in m 3 |
(13) |
Support load in kg |
(14) |
Designation of national emission class |
(14.1) |
Code to V.9 or (14) |
(15.1) |
Tyres-Axis 1 |
(15.2) |
Tyres-Axis 2 |
(15.3) |
Tyres-Axis 3 |
(18) |
Length in mm |
(19) |
Width in mm |
(20) |
Height in mm |
(22) |
Remarks and exceptions
[Note: Only those particulars which are provided in accordance with the guide are to be entered] |
(22a) |
[Note: room for further details of the marketing authorisation holder for technical vehicle description which will not be included in the registration certificate] |
(23) |
X |
Room for internal Endorsements Manufacturer |
[ Note: In the case of issuing a certificate of approval, Part II must be indicated: Certificate of approval Part II issued on: .........., with the number: .......... otherwise other internal manufacturer details, For example, a vehicle identification number as a barcode] |
Certificate of the information provided by the issuing authority
5) :
The accuracy of the above information will be certified today.
The agreement with the ABE and the type of the same name given under box K and (6) may be In addition to version/version or Confirming execution.
An expert opinion/partial opinion is required for the approval.
Date |
.......... |
Company |
Signature |
i. V. (xxxx) |
Unofficial table of contents
Patterns 3 to 13 (omitted)