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RS 0.916.026.81 Agreement of 21 June 1999 between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on trade in agricultural products (with annexes and final act)

Original Language Title: RS 0.916.026.81 Accord du 21 juin 1999 entre la Confédération suisse et la Communauté européenne relatif aux échanges de produits agricoles (avec annexes et acte final)

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Original text

Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on trade in agricultural products

Concluded June 21, 1999

Approved by the Federal Assembly on October 8, 1999 1

Instrument of ratification deposited by Switzerland on 16 October 2000

Entered into force on 1 Er June 2002

(State 1 Er January 2016)

The Swiss Confederation,

Hereinafter referred to as "Switzerland", and

The European Community 2 ,

Hereinafter referred to as 'the Community',

Hereinafter "the Parties",

Resolved to progressively eliminate the obstacles for the bulk of their trade, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization concerning the establishment of free trade zones,

Whereas in Art. 15 of the Free Trade Agreement 3 On 22 July 1972, the Parties declared themselves ready to promote, in accordance with their agricultural policies, the harmonious development of trade in agricultural products to which this agreement does not apply,

Agreed to the following provisions:

Art. 1 Objective

1. The purpose of this Agreement is to strengthen free trade relations between the Parties by improving their access to the market for agricultural products of the other Party.

2. "Agricultural products" means the products listed in chap. 1 to 24 of the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 1 For the purposes of the application of Annexes 1 to 3 to this Agreement, the products of the chap shall be excluded. 3 and headings 16.04 and 16.05 of the Harmonized System and the products of CN codes 05119110, 05119190, 19022010 and 23012000.

(3) This Agreement shall not apply to matters covered by Protocol No. O 2 2 The Free Trade Agreement, with the exception of the related concessions granted in Annexes 1 and 2.

Art. 2 Tariff Concessions

Annex 1 to this Agreement lists the tariff concessions that Switzerland confers on the Community, without prejudice to those contained in Annex 3.

2. Annex 2 to this Agreement lists the tariff concessions granted by the Community to Switzerland, without prejudice to those contained in Annex 3.

Art. 3 Concessions related to cheese

Annex 3 to this Agreement contains the specific provisions applicable to the exchange of cheese.

Art. 4 Rules of origin

The rules of mutual origin for the application of Annexes 1 to 3 to this Agreement shall be those of Protocol No. O 3 1 The Free Trade Agreement.

Art. 5 Reducing technical barriers to trade

Annexes 4 to 12 to this Agreement shall determine the reduction of technical barriers to trade in agricultural products in the following areas: 1

Annex 4 on the plant health sector
Annex 5 on animal feed
Annex 6 on the seed sector
Annex 7 on trade in wine-producing products
Annex 8 concerning the mutual recognition and protection of names in the sector of spirit drinks and aromatised wine-based drinks
Annex 9 on agricultural products and foodstuffs obte naked according to organic production method
Annex 10 on the recognition of compliance with marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables
Annex 11 on sanitary and zootechnical measures applicable to trade in live animals and animal products
Annex 12 2 On the protection of designations of origin and geographical cations of agricultural products and foodstuffs.

2. Art. 1, para. 2 and 3, and art. 6 to 8 and 10 to 13 of this Agreement do not apply in Annex 11.

1 New content according to Art. 1 para. 1 of the Ac. Of 17 May 2011 between Switzerland and the EU on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs, in force since 1 Er Dec. 2011 ( RO 2011 5149 ).
2 New content according to Art. 1 para. 1 of the Ac. Of 17 May 2011 between Switzerland and the EU on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs, in force since 1 Er Dec. 2011 ( RO 2011 5149 ).

Art. 6 Joint Committee on Agriculture

1. A Joint Committee on Agriculture shall be established (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), which shall be composed of representatives of the Parties.

2. The Committee shall be responsible for the management of this Agreement and shall ensure its proper functioning.

The Committee shall have decision-making power in the cases provided for in this Agreement and its annexes. The execution of such decisions shall be carried out by the Parties according to their own rules.

The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.

5. The Committee shall decide by mutual agreement.

For the purposes of the proper implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall, at the request of one of the Parties, consult each other within the Committee.

The Committee shall constitute the working groups necessary for the management of the Annexes to this Agreement. It shall adopt in its rules of procedure, in particular, the composition and functioning of these working groups.

8. 1 The Committee has the power to approve authentic versions of the agreement in new languages.

1 New content according to Art. 1 para. 1 of the Ac. Of 17 May 2011 between Switzerland and the EU on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs, in force since 1 Er Dec. 2011 ( RO 2011 5149 ).

Art. 7 Dispute Settlement

Each Party may submit a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement to the Committee. The Board strives to resolve the dispute. All relevant information to allow for a thorough review of the situation with a view to finding an acceptable solution is provided to the Committee. To this end, the Committee shall examine all possibilities for maintaining the proper functioning of this Agreement.

Art. 8 Information exchanges

The Parties shall exchange any relevant information concerning the implementation and application of the provisions of this Agreement.

2. Each Party shall inform the other of the changes it intends to make to the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the subject matter of the Agreement and shall inform it of the new provisions as soon as possible.

Art. Confidentiality

Representatives, experts and other agents of the Parties shall be required, even after the termination of their duties, not to disclose the information obtained under this Agreement, which is covered by professional secrecy.

Art. 10 Backup Measures

1. If, in the context of the application of Annexes 1 to 3 to this Agreement and, taking into account the particular sensitivity of the agricultural markets of the Parties, imports of products originating in one of the Parties shall cause a serious disturbance to the Markets in the other Party, the two Parties shall immediately initiate consultations in order to find an appropriate solution. Pending such a solution, the party concerned may take such measures as it deems necessary.

2. In the event of the application of safeguard measures provided for in par. 1 or in the other annexes:

The following procedures shall apply in the absence of specific provisions:
Where a Party intends to implement safeguard measures in respect of part or all of the territory of the other Party, the Party shall inform the Party or the Party in advance of the grounds.
Where a Party takes safeguard measures in respect of part or all of its territory or that of a third country, it shall inform the other Party as soon as possible.
Without prejudice to the immediate implementation of safeguard measures, consultations between the two Parties shall be held as soon as possible with a view to finding appropriate solutions.
In the case of safeguard measures taken by a Member State of the Community in respect of Switzerland, another Member State or a third country, the Community shall inform Switzerland as soon as possible.
The measures that provide the least disruption to the operation of this Agreement shall be chosen by priority.
Art. 11 1 Amendments

The Committee may decide to amend the Annexes and the Appendices to the Annexes to the Agreement.

1 New content according to Art. 1 para. 1 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 12 Revision

1. Where a Party wishes to review this Agreement, it shall submit to the other Party a reasoned request.

2. The Parties may entrust the Committee with the task of considering this request and, where appropriate, to make recommendations, in particular with a view to initiating negotiations.

3. The agreements resulting from the negotiations referred to in paragraph 1. 2 shall be subject to ratification or approval by the Parties, in accordance with their own procedures.

Art. 13 Scalable Clause

The Parties undertake to continue their efforts to achieve progressively greater liberalisation of agricultural trade between them.

2. To this end, the Parties shall, within the framework of the Committee, regularly review the conditions of their trade in agricultural products.

In the light of the results of such reviews, within the framework of their respective agricultural policies and taking into account the sensitivity of agricultural markets, the Parties may enter into negotiations, in the context of this Agreement, with a view to establishing, On a reciprocal and mutually beneficial basis, further reductions in barriers to trade in agriculture.

4. The agreements resulting from the negotiations referred to in par. 3 shall be subject to ratification or approval by the Parties, in accordance with their own procedures.

Art. 14 Implementation of the Agreement

(1) The Parties shall take all general or specific measures to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations of this Agreement.

2. They shall refrain from any measure which may jeopardise the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement.

Art. 15 Annexes

The Annexes to this Agreement, including the Appendices thereto, shall form an integral part thereof.

Art. 16 Territorial scope of application

This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which the Treaty establishing the European Community is applicable and under the conditions laid down in that Treaty, and on the other hand, to the territory of Switzerland.

Art. 17 Entry into force and duration

(1) This Agreement shall be ratified or approved by the Parties in accordance with their own procedures. It shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the last notification of the deposit of instruments of ratification or approval of all seven agreements:

Agreement on trade in agricultural products,
Agreement on the free movement of persons 1 ,
Air transport agreement 2 ,
Agreement on the carriage of goods and passengers by rail and road 3 ,
Mutual recognition agreement on conformity assessment 4 ,
Agreement on certain aspects relating to public procurement 5 ,
Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation 6 .

2. This Agreement shall be concluded for an initial period of seven years. It shall be renewed for an indefinite period unless the Community or Switzerland notifies the other Party before the expiry of the initial period. In the case of notification, the provisions of s. 4 apply.

The Community or Switzerland may denounce this Agreement by notifying the other Party of its decision. In the case of notification, the provisions of s. 4 apply.

4. The seven agreements mentioned in par. 1 cease to be applicable six months after the receipt of the notification relating to the non-renewal referred to in paragraph 1. 2 or the denunciation referred to in s. 3.

Done at Luxembourg, the twenty-one June of the year nine hundred and ninety-nine, in duplicate, in the German, English, Danish, Spanish, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Swedish languages, each of these Texts being equally authentic.

For the Swiss Confederation:

Pascal Couchepin Joseph Deiss

For the European Community:

Joschka Fischer Hans van den Broek

Table of Contents

Annex 1 Concessions of Switzerland

Annex 2 Community Concessions

Annex 3

Annex 4 On the plant health sector

Appendix 1 Plants, plant products and other objects

Appendix 2 Legislation

Appendix 3 Authorities to provide on request the list of official bodies responsible for establishing the plant passport

Appendix 4 Areas under Art. 4 and specific requirements

Appendix 5 Exchange of information

Annex 5 Concerning animal feed

Appendix 1 Provisions

Appendix 2 List of legislative provisions referred to in Article 9

Annex 6 Relating to the seed sector

Appendix 1 Legislation

Appendix 2 List of Authorities under Art. 2, para. 3

Appendix 3 Derogations

Appendix 4 List of third countries

Annex 7 Trade in Wine Products

Appendix 1 Wine products referred to in s. 2

Appendix 2 Specific provisions referred to in s. 3 (a) and (b)

Appendix 3 List of acts and technical provisions referred to in Art. 4 on wine-growing products

Appendix 4 Protected Denominations Under Art. 5

Appendix 5 Conditions and terms and conditions referred to in s. 8 (9) and 25 (1) (b)

Annex 8 Concerning the mutual recognition and protection of names in the sector of spirit drinks and aromatised wine-based drinks

Appendix 1 Geographical indications relating to spirit drinks originating in the European Union

Appendix 2 Denominations protected for spirit drinks originating in Switzerland

Appendix 3 Protected names for flavoured drinks originating in the Community

Appendix 4 Denominations protected for flavoured drinks originating in Switzerland

Appendix 5 List of acts referred to in s. 2 relating to spirit drinks, aromatised wines and flavoured drinks

Annex 9 On agricultural products and foodstuffs obtained according to the organic method of production

Appendix 1 List of acts referred to in s. 3 on agricultural products and foodstuffs obtained according to the organic method of production

Appendix 2 Implementing rules

Annex 10 On the recognition of checks on compliance with marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables

Appendix Swiss supervisory bodies authorised to issue the certificate of control provided for in Art. 3 of Annex 10

Annex 11 Relating to sanitary and zootechnical measures applicable to trade in live animals and animal products

Appendix 1 Disease control/reporting measures

Appendix 2 Animal health: trade and marketing

Appendix 3 Importation of live animals, semen, ova and embryos from third countries

Appendix 4 Zootechnics, including imports from third countries

Appendix 5 Live animals, semen, ova and embryos: controlled at borders and royalties

Appendix 6 Animal products

Appendix 7 Competent Authorities

Appendix 8 Adaptations to regional conditions

Appendix 9 Guidelines for audit procedures

Appendix 10 Animal products: border controls and charges

Appendix 11 Contact points

Annex 12 On the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs

Appendix 1 List of respective IGs covered by the other Party

Appendix 2 Legislation of the Parties

Final Act Joint Statements

Appendix A Plants, plant products and other objects for which the two Parties shall endeavour to find a solution in accordance with the provisions of Annex 4

Appendix B Legislation

Appendix C Official bodies responsible for establishing the plant passport

Appendix D Areas under Art. 4 and related particle requirements

Final Act of the Amendment of 23 December 2008 and Joint Declaration

Final Act of the Amendment of 14 May 2009 and Joint Declaration and Declaration of the Community

Final Act of the Amendment of 17 May 2011 and Joint Declaration

Annex 1 1

Concessions of Switzerland

Switzerland shall grant the following tariff concessions for products originating in the Community and, where appropriate, within the limits of an annual quantity fixed:

Tariff Position of Switzerland

Description of Goods

Applicable customs duty (in Swiss francs/100 kg gross)

Annual Quantity Net Weight (tonnes)

0101 90 95

Live Horses (excluding purebred purebred breeding animals) (in number of heads)


100 heads

0204 50 10

Goat meat, fresh, chilled or frozen



0207 14 81

Coq and Chicken Poitrins of Domestic Species, Frozen



0207 14 91

Cuts and edible offal of coqs and hens of domestic species, including livers (excluding breasts), frozen



0207 27 81

Pests of turkeys and turkeys of domestic species, frozen



0207 27 91

Edible seals and offal of turkeys of domestic species, including livers (excluding breasts), frozen



0207 33 11

Domestic species, not cut into pieces, frozen



0207 34 00

Fat of ducks, geese or guinea fowl of domestic species, fresh or chilled



0207 36 91

Edible seals and offal of ducks, geese or pintades of domestic species, frozen (excluding foie gras)



0208 10 00

Meat and edible offal of rabbits or hares, fresh, chilled or frozen



0208 90 10

Meat and edible offal of game, fresh, chilled or frozen (excluding hares and wild boars)



0210 11 91

Jambons and their pieces, not boneless, of the porcine species (other than wild boars), salted or in brine, dried or smoked

Zero right

1,000 (1)

0210 19 91

Cutette without bones, brined and smoked

Zero right

0210 20 10

Dried meat of the bovine species

Zero right

200 (2)

0407 00 10

Eggs of birds of consumption, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked



0409 00 00

Natural acacia honey



0409 00 00

Natural honey, other (except acacia)



0602 10 00

Non-racked buttons and grafts

Zero right


Plants in the form of rootstock of seeds (from seedlings or vegetative propagation):

Zero right


0602 20 11
Grafted, with bare roots
0602 20 19
Grafted, with motte
0602 20 21
Not grafted, with bare roots
0602 20 29
Not grafted, with motte

Plants in the form of rootstocks of kernels (from seedlings or vegetative propagation):

Zero right


0602 20 31
Grafted, with bare roots
0602 20 39
Grafted, with motte
0602 20 41
Not grafted, with bare roots
0602 20 49
Not grafted, with motte

Plants other than in the form of rootstocks of seeds or kernels (from seedlings or vegetative propagation), of edible fruits:

Zero right


0602 20 51
With bare roots
0602 20 59
Other than bare roots

Trees, shrubs, shrubs and bushes, with edible fruits, with bare roots:

Zero right


0602 20 71
Of pepines
0602 20 72
Of fruit to nuclei
0602 20 79
Other than pome or kernel fruit

Zero right


Trees, shrubs, shrubs and bushes, with edible fruit, with motte:

Zero right


0602 20 81
Of pepines
0602 20 82
Of fruit to nuclei
0602 20 89
Other than pome or kernel fruit

Zero right


0602 30 00

Rhododendrons and azalea, grafted or not

Zero right


Rosiers, grafted or not:

Zero right


0602 40 10
Wild rosiers-savages and rosiers-cane
Other than wild rosiers-savageons and rosiers-cane:
0602 40 91
With bare roots
0602 40 99
Other than bare roots, with motte

Plants (from seedlings or vegetative propagation) of plants of utility; white mushrooms:

Zero right


0602 90 11
Vegetable and turf plants in rolls
0602 90 12
Mushroom whites
0602 90 19
Other than vegetable, turf and white mushroom plants

Other living plants (including their roots):

Zero right


0602 90 91
With bare roots
0602 90 99
Other than bare roots, with motte
0603 11 10

Roses, cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, of 1 Er May to 25 October

Zero right


0603 12 10

Tickets, cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, of 1 Er May to 25 October

0603 13 10

Orchids, cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, of 1 Er May to 25 October

0603 14 10

Chrysanthema, cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, of 1 Er May to 25 October

Flowers and flower buds (other than carnations, roses, orchids or chrysanthemthemes), cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, of 1 Er May to 25 October:

0603 19 11
0603 19 19
Other than wood
0603 12 30

Tickets, cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, from October 26 to April 30

Zero right


0603 13 30

Orchids, cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, from October 26 to April 30

0603 14 30

Chrysanthema, cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, from October 26 to April 30

0603 19 30

Tulips cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, from October 26 to April 30

Other flowers and flower buds, cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh, from October 26 to April 30:

Zero right


0603 19 31
0603 19 39
Other than wood

Tomatoes, fresh or chilled:

Zero right


0702 00 10
Cherry tomatoes:
October 21 to April 30
0702 00 20
Peretti Tomatoes (elongated):
October 21 to April 30
0702 00 30
Other tomatoes with a diameter of 80 mm or more (fleshy tomatoes):
October 21 to April 30
0702 00 90
October 21 to April 30

Iceberg Salad without external sheet:

Zero right


0705 11 11
Of 1 Er January to late February

Fresh or chilled witloofs Chicory:

Zero right


0705 21 10
May 21 to September 30
0707 00 10

Salad Cucumbers, October 21 to April 14



0707 00 30

Canned cucumbers, of a length > 6 cm but ≤12 cm, fresh or chilled, from October 21 to April 14



0707 00 31

Canned cucumbers, of a length > 6 cm but ≤12 cm, fresh or chilled, from April 15 to October 20



0707 00 50

Fresh or chilled chilled



Aubergins, fresh or chilled:

Zero right


0709 30 10
October 16 to May 31
0709 51 00
0709 59 00

Mushrooms, fresh or chilled, of the genus Agaricus Or other, except truffles

Zero right


Peppers, fresh or chilled:



0709 60 11
Of 1 Er November to 31 March
0709 60 12

Fresh or chilled peppers from 1 Er April to 31 October



Courgettes (including zucchini flowers), fresh or chilled:

Zero right


0709 90 50
October 31 to April 19
0710 80 90

Mushrooms, uncooked or cooked in water or steam, frozen

Zero right


0711 90 90

Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, provisionally preserved (e.g. By means of sulphurous gas or in salt water, welded or added to other substances used to temporarily conserve them), but not fit for supply in the state



0712 20 00

Onions, dried, whether or not cut into pieces or sliced or crushed or ground, but not otherwise prepared



0713 10 11

Peas ( Pisum sativum ), dry, shelled, whole grains, not worked, for feeding animals

0.90 Discounts on Applied Right


0713 10 19

Peas ( Pisum sativum ), dry, shelled, whole grains, not worked (excluding those for animal feed, for technical uses or for the manufacture of beer)



Shoppers ( Corylus Spp.), fresh or dried:

Zero right


0802 21 90
In shell, other than for animal feed or for the extraction of oil
0802 22 90
Non-hulls, other than for animal feed or for the extraction of oil
0802 32 90

Inshell Fruits

Zero right


0802 90 90

Gables, fresh or dried

Zero right


0805 10 00

Oranges, fresh or dried

Zero right


0805 20 00

Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas), clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, fresh or dried

Zero right


0807 11 00

Fresh watermelons

Zero right


0807 19 00

Melons, fresh, other than watermelons

Zero right


Apricots, fresh, overdraft:

Zero right


0809 10 11
Of 1 Er September to 30 June
0809 10 91
Otherwise packed:
Of 1 Er September to 30 June
0809 40 13

Prunes, fresh, discovered, of 1 Er July to 30 September



0810 10 10

Strawberries, fresh, 1 Er September to 14 May

Zero right


0810 10 11

Strawberries, fresh, May 15 to August 31



0810 20 11

Raspberries, fresh, of 1 Er June to 14 September



0810 50 00

Kiwis, fresh

Zero right


0811 10 00

Strawberries, not cooked or cooked in water or steam, frozen, without the addition of sugar or other sweetening matter, not presented in packagings for retail sale, intended for industrial implementation



0811 20 90

Raspberries, blackberries or blackberries, blackberries and currants or mackerel, not cooked or cooked in water or steam, frozen, without addition of sugar or other sweetening matter, not presented in packagings for sale in Retail, for industrial implementation



0811 90 10

Myrtilles, not cooked or cooked by water or steam, frozen, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter



0811 90 90

Edible fruit, not cooked or cooked in water or steam, frozen, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excluding strawberries, raspberries, blackberries or blackberries, raspberries, cluster currants, or Mackerel, bilberries and tropical fruits)



0904 20 90

Gender Piments Capsicum Or gender Pimenta , dried or crushed or ground, worked



0910 20 00


Zero right


1001 90 60

Cheese (wheat) and meslin [excluding durum wheat], denatured, for feeding animals

Discounts of 0.60 on applied law


1005 90 30

Corn for feeding animals

Discounts of 0.50 on the applied right


Olive oil, virgin, other than for animal feed:

1509 10 91
In containers of glass of a capacity not exceeding 2 l

60.60 (4)


1509 10 99
In containers of glass of a capacity exceeding 2 l, or in other containers

86.70 (4)


Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, other than for animal feed:

1509 90 91
In containers of glass of a capacity not exceeding 2 l

60.60 (4)


1509 90 99
In containers of glass of a capacity exceeding 2 l, or in other containers

86.70 (4)


0210 19 91

Jambon brined without bone, introduced into a bladder or in an artificial hose

Zero right


0210 19 91

Bone-free, smoky, smoker

1601 00 11
1601 00 21

Sausages, sausages and the like, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products of animals heading 0101 to 0104, excluding wild boars

0210 19 91
1602 49 10

Cou de pig saumuré et dried à l' air, en pièce integer, en morceaux ou en fines tranches

Tomatoes, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid:

10 10 10
2002 10 20
In containers exceeding 5 kg
In containers not exceeding 5 kg





Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, other than whole or in pieces:

Zero right


2002 90 10
In containers exceeding 5 kg
2002 90 21

Pulps, purées and concentrates of tomatoes, in hermetically sealed containers, of which the dry extract content is 25 % by weight or more, composed of tomatoes and water, whether or not containing added salt or seasoning, in containers not exceeding 5 kg

Zero right


2002 90 29

Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, other than whole or in pieces, and other than pulp, purées and concentrates of tomatoes:

Zero right


In containers not exceeding 5 kg
2003 10 00

Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus , prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid



Artichokes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of n O 2006:

2004 90 18
In containers exceeding 5 kg



2004 90
In containers not exceeding 5 kg



Asparagus prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of n O 2006:

Zero right


2005 60 10
In containers exceeding 5 kg
2005 60 90
In containers not exceeding 5 kg

Olives prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of n O 2006:

Zero right


2005 70 10
In containers exceeding 5 kg
2005 70 90
In containers not exceeding 5 kg

Cables and artichokes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of n O 2006:

2005 99 11
In containers exceeding 5 kg



2005 99 41
In containers not exceeding 5 kg



2008 30 90

Citrus fruit, otherwise prepared or preserved, with or without addition of sugar or other sweetening matter or alcohol, not elsewhere specified or included

Zero right


2008 50 10

Apricot pumps, otherwise prepared or preserved, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, not elsewhere specified or included



2008 50 90

Apricots, otherwise prepared or preserved, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter or alcohol, not elsewhere specified or included



2008 70 10

Fisheries pumps, otherwise prepared or preserved, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, not elsewhere specified or included

Zero right


2008 70 90

Fisheries, otherwise prepared or preserved, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter or alcohol, not elsewhere specified or included

Zero right


Jus of any other agrume than orange or grapefruit or pomelo, not fermented, without adding alcohol:

2009 39 19
Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, concentrates



2009 39 20
Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, concentrates



Soft wines, specialities and mistelles in containers holding:

2204 21 50
Not exceeding 2 l (5)



2204 29 50
Exceeding 2 l (5)



2204 21 50

Porto, in containers of a capacity not exceeding 2 l, according to description (6)

Zero right

1000 hl

2204 21 21

Retsina (Greek white wine) in containers of a capacity not exceeding 2 l, according to description (7)

Zero right

500 hl

Retsina (Greek white wine) in containers of a capacity exceeding 2 l, according to description (7) , of an alcoholic strength by volume:

2204 29 21
Exceeding 13 % vol.
2204 29 22
Not exceeding 13 % vol.
Including 480 t for Parma and San Daniele ham, according to the exchange of letters between Switzerland and the EC of 25 January 1972.
Including 170 t of Bresaola, according to the exchange of letters between Switzerland and the EC of 25 January 1972.
Within an overall annual quota of 60 000 plants.
Includes the contribution to the guarantee fund for mandatory storage.
Only products within the meaning of Annex 7 of the Agreement are covered.
Description: wine of "Oporto" means a quality wine produced in the Portuguese specified region bearing that name within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No O 1493/1999.

(7) Description: wine of "Retsina" means a table wine within the meaning of the Community provisions referred to in Annex VII, point A. 2 of Regulation (EC) No O 1493/1999.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 2/2008 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 24 June 2008, approved by the Ass. Fed. On 29 May 2008, in force since 1 Er Jan 2010 ( RO 2010 251 249; FF 2008 931 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 2 1

Community Concessions

The Community shall grant, for products originating in Switzerland and set out in the following table, the following tariff concessions, where appropriate within the limits of an annual quantity fixed:

NC Code

Description of Goods

Applicable customs duty (in euro/100 kg net)

Annual Quantity Net Weight (tonnes)

0102 90 41
0102 90 49
0102 90 51
0102 90 59
0102 90 61
0102 90 69
0102 90 71
0102 90 79

Live animals of the bovine species weighing more than 160 kg


4,600 heads

0210 20 90

Meat of bovine species, boneless, dried

Zero right


0401 30

Cream, of a fat content exceeding 6 %

Zero right


0403 10


0402 29 11
0404 90 83

Special milk containers, in hermetically sealed containers, of a net content not exceeding 500 g, of a fat content exceeding 10 %h (1)




Other living plants (including roots), cuttings and grafts; mushroom whites

Zero right


0603 11 00
0603 12 00
0603 13 00
0603 14 00
0603 19

Flowers and flower buds, cut, for bouquets or for ornaments, fresh

Zero right


0701 10 00

Potatoes, seed, fresh or chilled

Zero right


0702 00 00

Tomatoes, fresh or chilled

Zero right (2)


0703 10 19
0703 90 00

Onions, other than seed, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled

Zero right


0704 10 00
0704 90

Cabbage, cauliflower, frised cabbage, rave cabbage and similar edible products of Brassica, except Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled

Zero right



Lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) And chicory ( Cichor I Um Spp.), fresh or chilled

Zero right


0706 10 00

Carrots and turnips, fresh or chilled

Zero right


0706 90 10
0706 90 90

Salad Betteraves, salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots, with the exception of horseradish ( Cochlearia armoracia ), fresh or chilled

Zero right


0707 00 05

Cucumbers, fresh or chilled

Zero right (2)


0708 20 00

Beans ( Vigna Spp., Phaseolus Spp.), fresh or chilled

Zero right


0709 30 00

Aubergins, fresh or chilled

Zero right


0709 40 00

Celeris, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled

Zero right


0709 51 00
0709 59

Mushrooms and truffles, fresh or chilled

Zero right


0709 70 00

Spinach, tetragonal (New Zealand spinach) and rock (giant spinach), fresh or chilled

Zero right


0709 90 10

Salads, other than lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) And chicory ( Cichorium Spp.), fresh or chilled

Zero right


0709 90 20

Cardes and cardons

Zero right


0709 90 50

Fresh or chilled Fenouil

Zero right


0709 90 70

Courgettes, fresh or chilled

Zero right (2)


0709 90 90

Other vegetables, fresh or chilled

Zero right


0710 80 61
0710 80 69

Mushrooms, uncooked or cooked in water or steam, frozen

Zero right


0712 90

Vegetables, whether or not cut into pieces or slices, or crushed or ground, whether or not obtained from vegetables previously cooked but not otherwise prepared, except onions, mushrooms and truffles

Zero right


0808 10 80

Apples, other than apple cider, fresh

Zero right (2)


0808 20

Pears and Coings, fresh

Zero right (2)


0809 10 00

Apricots, fresh

Zero right (2)


0809 20 95

Cherries, other than acid cherries ( Prunus cer A Sus ), fresh

Zero right (2)

1500 (3)

0809 40

Plums and Borrowers, Fresh

Zero right (2)


0810 10 00


Zero right


0810 20 10

Raspberries, fresh

Zero right


0810 20 90

Raspberry or blackberries, fresh raspberries, fresh

Zero right


1106 30 10

Flour, meal and banana powders

Zero right


1106 30 90

Flours, meal and powders of other fruits of Chapter 8

Zero right


0210 19 50

Jambon brined without bone, introduced into a bladder or in an artificial hose

Zero right


0210 19 81

Bone-free, smoky, smoker

1601 00

Sausages, sausages and the like, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products of animals heading 0101 to 0104, excluding wild boars

0210 19 81
1602 49 19

Cou de pig saumuré et dried à l' air, en pièce integer, en morceaux ou en fines tranches

2002 90 91
2002 90 99

Tomato powders, with or without added sugar, other sweetening matter or starch (4)

Zero right


2003 90 00

Mushrooms, other than those of genus Agar I Cus , prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid

Zero right


0710 10 00

Potatoes, not cooked or cooked by water or steam, frozen

Zero right


2004 10 10
2004 10 99

Potatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of n O 2006, with the exception of meal, meal or flakes

2005 20 80

Potatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than those under n O 2006, with the exception of preparations in the form of meal, meal, flakes and preparations in fine slices, fries, whether or not salted or flavoured, in hermetically sealed containers, suitable for consumption in the state

2005 91 00
2005 99

Prepared powders of vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, with or without added sugar, other sweetening matter or starch (4)

Zero right


2008 30

Citrus flakes and powders, with or without added sugar, other sweetening matter or starch (4)

Zero right


2008 40

Flakes and powders of pears, with or without added sugar, other sweetening matter or starch (4)

Zero right


2008 50

Apricot flakes and powders, with or without added sugar, other sweetening matter or starch (4)

Zero right


2008 60

Cherries, otherwise prepared or preserved, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter or alcohol, not elsewhere specified or included

Zero right


0811 90 19
0811 90 39

Cherries, not cooked or cooked by water or steam, frozen, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter

0811 90 80

Sweet cherries, not cooked or cooked in water or steam, frozen, without added sugar or other sweetening matter

2008 70

Fishing flakes and powders, with or without added sugar, other sweetening matter or starch (4)

Zero right


2008 80

Flakes and powders of strawberries, with or without added sugar, other sweetening matter or starch (4)

Zero right


2008 99

Flakes and powders of other fruits, with or without added sugar, other sweetening matter or starch (4)

Zero right


2009 19

Orange juice powders, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter

Zero right


2009 21 00
2009 29

Grapefruit juice powders, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter

Zero right


2009 31
2009 39

Juice powders of any other agrum, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter

Zero right


2009 41
2009 49

Pineapple juice powders, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter

Zero right


2009 71
2009 79

Powders of apple juice, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter

Zero right


2009 80

Juices of juice of any other fruit or vegetable, with or without added sugar or other sweetening matter

Zero right


For the purposes of this subheading, special laits are defined as "for infants", products that are free from pathogenic and toxicogenic germs and contain less than 10 000 reliable aerobic bacteria and less than two bacteria Coliforms per gram.
The specific right other than the minimum duty shall apply, where appropriate.
Including the 1000 t for the exchange of letters of 14 July 1986.

(4) See joint declaration on the tariff classification of vegetable powders and fruit powders.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 2/2008 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 24 June 2008, approved by the Ass. Fed. On 29 May 2008, in force since 1 Er Jan 2010 ( RO 2010 251 249; FF 2008 931 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 3 1

Bilateral trade in all products falling under tariff code 0406 in the Harmonised System has been fully liberalised since 1 Er June 2007 due to the elimination of all customs duties and quotas.

2. The European Union does not apply cheese export refunds to Switzerland. Switzerland does not apply export subsidies 2 Cheese to the European Union.

3. All products falling within CN code 0406 originating in the European Union or Switzerland and being traded between these two Parties shall not be subject to the submission of an import permit.

4. The European Union and Switzerland ensure that mutually agreed benefits are not undermined by other measures affecting imports and exports.

5. If disturbances in the form of price changes and/or changes in imports occur in the market of one of the Parties, consultations within the Committee referred to in Art. 6 of the agreement shall take place, at the request of one of the Parties, as soon as possible, with a view to finding the appropriate solutions. In this regard, the Parties agree to periodically exchange listings and other useful information concerning the market for domestic and imported cheeses.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2011 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 31 March 2011, in force since 1 Er Apr 2011 ( RO 2011 1613 ).
2 The basic amounts on which the abolition of export subsidies was based were calculated by mutual agreement by the Parties on the basis of the difference in the institutional prices of milk which could be applicable at the time of The entry into force of the Ac., including a supplement for milk processed into cheese, and obtained on the basis of the quantity of milk necessary for the manufacture of the cheese concerned and, with the exception of the quota cheese, deducted from the Amount of the reduction of customs duties by the Community.

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 4

On the phytosanitary sector

Art. 1 Purpose

1. This Annex concerns the facilitation of trade between the Parties of plants, plant products and other objects subject to phytosanitary measures originating in their respective territories or imported from third countries, which are contained in An Appendix 1 to be established by the Committee in accordance with Art. 11 of the agreement.

2. 1 By way of derogation from art. 1 of the Agreement, this Annex applies to all plants, plant products and other objects of Appendix 1 referred to in s. 1.

1 Introduced by Art. 1 para. 2 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 2 Principles

Parties observe that they have similar legislation concerning measures to protect against the introduction and spread of organisms harmful by plants, plant products or other objects, leading to results Protection against the introduction and spread of organisms harmful to plants or plant products listed in Appendix 1 referred to in Article 1. This also concerns phytosanitary measures taken with regard to plants, plant products and other introduced objects from third countries.

2. The legislation referred to in paragraph 2. 1 are set out in Appendix 2 to be established by the Committee in accordance with Art. 11 of the agreement.

3. 1 The Parties shall mutually recognise the plant passports issued by the bodies which have been approved by the respective authorities. A list of these bodies, updated periodically, may be obtained from the authorities listed in Appendix 3. Phytosanitary passports shall attest to compliance with their respective legislation, the references of which are set out in Appendix 2, in accordance with the provisions of par. 2, and shall be regarded as meeting the documentary requirements laid down in those laws for the movement within the territory of the respective Parties of plants, plant products and other objects listed in Appendix 1 in accordance with Provisions of s. 1.

4. Plants, plant products and other items listed in Appendix 1 referred to in Article 1 and which are not subject to the system of the plant passport for exchanges within the territory of the two Parties shall be exchanged between The two Parties without a plant passport, without prejudice, however, of the requirement of other documents required under the laws of the respective Parties, and in particular those established in a system allowing the origin of these Plants, plant products and other objects.

1 New content according to Art. 1 para. 3 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 3

1. Plants, plant products and other objects not explicitly listed in Appendix 1 referred to in Article 1 and not subject to phytosanitary measures in either Party may be exchanged between the two Parties Without control in relation to phytosanitary measures (documentation controls, identity checks, phytosanitary checks).

2. Where a Party intends to adopt a phytosanitary measure in respect of plants, plant products and other objects referred to in s. 1, it shall inform the other Party.

3. Pursuant to s. 10, para. 2, the "Phytosanitary Working Group" shall evaluate the consequences for this Annex of the amendments adopted within the meaning of s. 2 to propose a possible modification of the relevant appendices.

Art. 4 Regional Requirements

(1) Each Party may establish, in accordance with similar criteria, specific requirements relating to the movement of plants, plant products and other objects, irrespective of their origin, in and to an area of its territory, to the extent that the Phytosanitary situation prevailing in this area justifies it.

2. Appendix 4 to be established by the Committee in accordance with art. 11 of the Agreement defines the areas referred to in subs. 1, as well as the specific requirements relating thereto.

Art. 5 Import Control

Each Party shall conduct plant health checks by sampling and sampling in a proportion not exceeding a certain percentage of the consignments of plants, plant products and other items listed in Appendix 1 referred to in Art. 1. This percentage, proposed by the Plant Health Working Group and adopted by the Committee, is determined by plant, plant and other subject according to plant health risk. At the entry into force of this Annex, this percentage shall be set at 10 %.

2. Pursuant to s. 10, para. 2, of this Annex, the Committee, on a proposal from the Plant Health Working Group, may decide to reduce the proportion of checks provided for in paragraph 1.

3. The provisions of s. 1 and 2 shall apply only to the phytosanitary controls of trade in plants, plant products and other objects between the two Parties.

4. The provisions of s. 1 and 2 are applicable subject to the provisions of s. 11 of the Agreement and Art. 6 and 7 of this annex.

Art. 6 Backup Measures

Safeguard measures shall be taken in accordance with the procedures laid down in Art. 10, para. 2, of the agreement.

Art. 7 Derogations

(1) Where a Party intends to implement derogations in respect of part or all of the territory of the other Party, it shall inform it in advance by indicating the reasons. Without limiting the possibility of immediate implementation of the envisaged derogations, consultations between the two Parties shall be held as soon as possible with a view to finding appropriate solutions.

(2) Where a Party makes derogations in respect of part of its territory or of a third country, it shall inform the other Party as soon as possible. Without limiting the possibility of immediate implementation of the envisaged derogations, consultations between the two Parties shall be held as soon as possible with a view to finding appropriate solutions.

Art. 8 Joint Control

Each Party shall accept that joint monitoring may be conducted at the request of the other Party in order to assess the phytosanitary situation and the measures leading to equivalent results as referred to in Art. 2.

2. By joint control, it is necessary to understand the verification at the border of the phytosanitary requirements of a shipment originating from one of the Parties.

3. This control is carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Committee, on the proposal of the "Phytosanitary Working Group".

Art. Exchange of information

1. Pursuant to s. 8 of the Agreement, the Parties shall exchange any useful information concerning the implementation and application of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions which are the subject of this Annex and the information referred to in Appendix 5.

2. In order to ensure the equivalence of the application of the implementing rules of the laws covered by this Annex, each Party shall, at the request of the other Party, agree to visits by experts from the other Party on its territory, which shall be carried out In cooperation with the official phytosanitary organisation responsible for the territory concerned.

Art. 10 "Plant Health" Working Group

1. The "Phytosanitary Working Group", referred to as the Working Group, established under Art. 6, para. 7, of the Agreement shall consider any matter relating to this Annex and its implementation.

2. The Working Party shall periodically review the evolution of the internal laws and regulations of the Parties in the areas covered by this Annex. It shall, inter alia, make proposals to the Committee for the adaptation and updating of the Appendices to this Annex.

Appendix 1 1

Plants, plant products and other objects

A. Plants, plant products and other objects, originating in either party, for which the two parties have similar legislation leading to equivalent results and recognise the plant passport

Plants and plant products
Plants, genera Amelanchier Med., Chaenomeles Lindl., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Prunus L., other than Prunus laurocerasus L. and Prunus lusitanica L., Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. and Sorbus L., intended for planting, other than seeds
Plants of Beta vulgaris L. and Humulus lupulus L., intended for planting, except seeds
Plants of stoloniferous or tuberous species Solanum L. or their hybrids for planting
Plants of Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, and Casimiroa La Llave, Clausena Burm. F., Vepris Comm., Zanthoxylum L. and Vitis L., except for fruit and seeds
Without prejudice to point 1.6, plants of Citrus L. and its hybrids, other than fruits and seeds
Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, with leaves and stalks
Wood, originating in the Union, which has completely or partially kept its natural round surface, with or without bark, or which occurs in the form of wafers, particles, sawdust, waste or wood debris:
Where it was obtained, in whole or in part, from Platanus L., including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, and
Where it corresponds to one of the designations of the second part of Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No O 2658/87 2 , which are shown in the table below:

NC Code



Firewood in logs, logs, ramets, faggots or similar forms


Wood in platelets or particles other than conifers


Wood waste and scrap (except sawdust), not agglomerated in the form of logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms


Raw wood, coated with paint, dyeing, creosote or other preservatives, whether or not debarked or grossly equated


Wood other than conifers [except for tropical timber specified in Note 1 to Chapter 44 and other tropical woods, oak woods ( Quercus Spp.) or beech wood ( Fagus Spp.)], raw, whether or not debarbied or grossly equated, not coated with paint, dyeing, creosote or other preservatives


Non-coniferous split-chalas; piles and wooden stakes other than conifers, stippled, not sawn longitudinally


Wood other than conifers [except for tropical timber specified in Note 1 to Chapter 44 and other tropical woods, oak woods ( Quercus Spp.) or beech wood ( Fagus Spp.)], sawn or ditched longitudinally, sliced or peeled, planed or not, sanded or collated by digital join, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm

Plants, plant products and other objects produced by producers authorized to produce for sale to plant production professionals, other than plants, plant products and other items that are prepared and ready for sale To the final consumer, and for which the official bodies responsible for the Member States of the Union or of Switzerland guarantee that their production is clearly separated from that of other products
Plants for planting (excluding seed) of the genus Abies Mill. And Apium graveolens L., Argyranthemum Spp., Asparagus off I Cinalis L., Aster Spp., Brassica Spp., Castanea Mill., Cucumis Spp., Cst R Anthema (DC.) Moul., Dianthus L. and hybrids, Exacum Spp., Fragaria L., Gerbera Cass., Gypsophila L., Impatiens L. (all varieties of New Guinea hybrids), Lactuca Spp., Larix Mill., Leucanthemum L., Lupinus L., Pelargonium The Heir. Ex Ait, Picea A. Dietr., Pinus L., Platanus L., Populus L., Prunus laurocerasus L., Prunus lusitanica L., Pseudotsuga Carr., That R Cus L., Rubus L., Spinacia L., Tanacetum L., Tsuga Carr., Verbena L. and other plants of herbaceous species (with the exception of the Gramineae family) for planting (except bulbs, corms, rhizomes, seeds and tubers)
Solanaceous plants, other than those referred to in 1.3, intended for planting, other than seeds
Plants of Araceae , Marantaceae , Musaceae , Persea Spp. And Strelitziaceae , racised or with an adherent or associated culture medium
Plants of Palmae , intended for planting, having a diameter at the base of the trunk greater than 5 cm and belonging to the following genera: Brahea Mart., Butia Becc., Chamaerops L., Jubaea Kunth., Livistona R. Br., Phoenix L., Sabal Adans., Syagrus Mart., Trachycarpus H. Wendl, Trithrinax Mart., Washingtonia Raf.
Plants, seeds and bulbs:
Seeds and bulbs of Allium ascalonicum L., Allium cepa L. and Allium schoenoprasum L. intended for planting and plants of Allium porrum L. for planting
Seeds of Medicago sativa L.
Seeds of Helianthus annuus L., of Solanum lycopersicum L. and Phaseolus L.
Bulbs, corms, tubers and rhizomes Camassia Lindl., Chionodoxa Boiss., Crocus flavus Weston "Golden Yellow", Dahlia Spp., Galanthus L., Galtonia candicans (Baker) Decne., Gladiolus Tourn. Ex L. (miniaturized cultivars and their hybrids such as Gladiolus callianthus Marais, Gladiolus colvillei Sweet, Gladiolus nanus Hort., Gladiolus ramosus Sleeps. And Gladiolus tubergenii Hort.), Hyacinthus L., Iris L., Ismene Herbert, Lilium Spp., Muscari Miller, Narcissus L., Ornithogalum L., Puschkinia Adams, Scilla L., Tigridia Juss. And Tulipa L., intended for planting, produced by producers authorized to produce for sale to professionals in plant production, with the exception of plants, plant products and other items that are prepared and ready for sale in the Final consumer, and for which the official bodies responsible for the Member States of the Union or of Switzerland guarantee that their production is clearly separated from that of other products.

B. Plants, plant products and other objects, originating in territories other than those of either Party, for which the phytosanitary provisions on imports of the two parties lead to equivalent results and which may Be exchanged between the two parties with a plant passport if they are mentioned in letter A of this appendix or freely if it is not

Without prejudice to plants referred to in letter C of this Appendix, all plants intended for planting, except seeds but including seeds of: Cruciferae, Gramineae and Trifolium Spp., originating in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Chile, New Zealand and Uruguay, of the genera Triticum, Secale And X Triticosecale From Afghanistan, South Africa, India, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan and the United States of America, Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle and Poncirus Raf., and their hybrids, Capsicum Spp., Helianthus annuus L., Solanum lycopersicum L., Medicago sativa L., Prunus L., Rubus L., Oryza Spp., Zea, but L., Allium ascalonicum L., Allium cepa L., Allium porrum L., Allium schoenoprasum L. and Phaseolus L.
Parts of plants (except fruits and seeds) of:
Castanea Mill., Dendranthema (DC.) Moul., Dianthus L., Gyps O Phila L., Pelargonium The Heir. Ex Ait, Phoenix Spp., Populus L., That R Cus L., Solidago L., and cut flowers from Orchidaceae
Conifers ( Conifers )
Acer saccharum Marsh. Originating in Canada and the United States of America
Prunus L. originating in non-European countries
Cut flowers of Aster spp., Eryngium L., Hypericum L., Lisianthus L., Rosa L. and Trachelium L., originating in non-European countries
Leafy leaves of Apium Graveolens L., Ocimum L., Limnophila L. and Eryngium L.
Sheets of Manihot esculenta Crantz
Cut branches of Betula L. with or without foliage
Cut branches of Fraxinus L., Juglans ailantifolia Carr., Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Ulmus davidiana Planch. And Pterocarya rhoifolia Siebold & Zucc., with or without foliage, originating in Canada, China, Japan, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Russia, and the United States of America
Amiris P. Browne, Casimiroa La Llave, Citropsis Swingle & Kellerman, Eremocitrus Swingle, Esenbeckia Kunth., Glycosmis Corrêa, Merrillia Swingle, Naringi Adans., Tetradium Lour., Toddalia Juss. And Zanthoxylum L.
Parts of plants (except fruits, but including seeds) of Aegle Corrêa, Aeglopsis Swingle, Afraegle Engl., Atalantia Corrêa, Ba L Samocitrus Stapf Burkillanthus Swingle, Calodendrum Thunb, Selected Kunth, Clausena Burm. F., Limonia L., Microcitrus Swingle, Murraya J. Koenig ex L., Pamburus Swingle, Severinia Ten., Swinglea Merr., Triphasia Lour. And Vepris Comm.
Fruits of:
Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf. And their hybrids, Momo R Dica L. and Solanum melongena L.
Annona L., Cydonia Mill., Diospyros L., Malus Mill., Mangifera L., Passiflora L., Prunus L., Psidium L., Pyrus L., Ribes L. Syzygium Gaertn., and Vaccinium L., originating in non-European countries
Capsicum L.
Tubers of Solanum tuberosum L.
Isolated Ecorce from:
Conifers ( Conifers ) Originating from non-European countries
Acer saccharum Marsh., Populus L. and Quercus L. except for Quercus suber L.
Fraxinus L., Juglans ailantifolia Carr., Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Ulmus davidiana Planch. And Pterocarya rhoifolia Siebold & Zucc., originating in Canada, China, Japan, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Russia and the United States of America
Betula L. originating in Canada and the United States of America
Wood within the meaning of Article 2 (2), first subparagraph of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC 3 :
Where it has been obtained in whole or in part from one of the following orders, genera or species, with the exception of the wooden packaging material defined in Annex IV, Part A, Chapter I, point 2 of Directive 2000 /29/EC:
Quercus L., including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, originating in the United States of America, with the exception of wood satisfying the designation referred to in point (b) of CN code 44160000, and when accompanied by supporting documents Certifying that it has undergone thermal treatment to achieve a minimum temperature of 176 ° C for twenty minutes
Platanus L., including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, originating in Armenia and the United States of America
Populus L., including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, originating in countries of the American continent
Acer saccharum Marsh., including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, originating in Canada and the United States of America
Conifers ( Conifers ), including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, originating in non-European countries, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey
Fraxinus L., Juglans ailantifolia Carr., Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Ulmus Davidiana Planch. And Pterocarya rhoifolia Siebold & Zucc., including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, originating in Canada, China, Japan, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Russia, and the United States of America Of Taiwan
Betula L., including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, originating in Canada and the United States of America; and
Where it corresponds to one of the designations of the second part of Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No O 2658/87, which appear in the table below:

NC Code



Firewood in logs, logs, ramets, faggots or similar forms


Coniferous, wafer or particle wood


Wood Other than Coniferous, Platelets or Particles


Sawdust, not agglomerated in the form of logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms


Other wood waste and scrap, not agglomerated, in the form of logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms


Raw wood, treated with paint, creosote or other preservatives, whether or not debarked, wilted or equarrated


Conifer wood, raw, whether or not debarbied or equated, not treated with paint, creosote or other preservatives


Oak wood ( Quercus Spp.), raw, whether or not debarbied or equated, not treated with paint, creosote or other preservatives


Wood other than conifers [except for tropical timber referred to in Note 1 to subheading No. 1 of Chapter 44 and other tropical woods, oak woods ( Quercus Spp.), beech ( Fagus Spp.) or birch ( Betula (L.)], raw, whether or not debarbied or equated, not treated with paint, creosote or other preservatives


Birch sawlogs ( Betula L.), raw, whether or not debarked, unpickled or equarries


Birchwood ( Betula (L.), raw, whether or not debarbied or equated, other than sawlogs


Splined chalas; piles and wooden stakes, stippled, not sawn longitudinally


Wooden crossings for railways or the like


Coniferous wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or collated by assembly in the end, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm


Oak wood ( Quercus Spp.), sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or collated by assembly in the end, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm


Wood of Acer saccharum Marsh., sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or collated by assembly in the end, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm


Wood of ash ( Fraxinus Spp.), sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or collated by assembly in the end, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm


Wood other than conifers [except for tropical timber referred to in Note 1 to subheading No. 1 of Chapter 44 and other tropical woods, oak woods ( Quercus Spp.), beech ( Fagus Spp.), maple (Acer spp.), cherry ( Prunus Spp.) and ash ( Fraxinus Spp.)], sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or collated by assembly in the end, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm


Conifer leaves for veneer (including those obtained by slicing laminated wood), sheets for plywood or for similar laminated wood and other wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded, assembled On board or in the end, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm


Sizes, vats, baquets and other works of cooperage and parts thereof, of wood, including mariners


Wooden prefabricated buildings

Land and culture media:
Earth and culture medium as such, consisting wholly or partly of soil or organic matter such as parts of plants, humus including peat or bark, other than that made in whole peat
Land and culture medium which are members or associated with plants, consisting of all or part of the materials referred to in point (a) or made in part of any solid inorganic matter, intended to maintain the vitality of originating plants:
Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine,
Non-European countries other than Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia
Cereals of Triticum, Secale And X Triticosecale From Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa and the United States of America

C. Plants, plant products and other articles from either party for which the two parties do not have similar legislation and do not recognise the plant passport

Plants and plant products from Switzerland which must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate when imported by a Member State of the Union
Plants for planting, except seeds
Parts of plants, except fruits and seeds
Wood, which has completely or partially retained its natural round surface, with or without bark, or which occurs in the form of wafers, particles, sawdust, waste or wood debris:
When it has been obtained, in whole or in part, from Platanus L., including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, and
Where it corresponds to one of the designations of the second part of Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No O 2658/87, which appear in the table below:

NC Code



Firewood in logs, logs, ramets, faggots or similar forms


Wood in platelets or particles other than conifers


Wood waste and scrap (except sawdust), not agglomerated in the form of logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms


Raw wood, coated with paint, dyeing, creosote or other preservatives, whether or not debarked or grossly equated


Wood other than conifers [except for tropical timber specified in Note 1 to Chapter 44 and other tropical woods, oak woods ( Quercus Spp.) or beech wood ( Fagus Spp.)], raw, whether or not debarbied or grossly equated, not coated with paint, dyeing, creosote or other preservatives


Non-coniferous split-chalas; piles and wooden stakes other than conifers, stippled, not sawn longitudinally


Wood other than conifers [except for tropical timber specified in Note 1 to Chapter 44 and other tropical woods, oak woods ( Quercus Spp.) or beech wood ( Fagus Spp.)], sawn or ditched longitudinally, sliced or peeled, planed or not, sanded or collated by digital join, of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm

Plants and plant products from a Member State of the Union which must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate when they are imported into Switzerland
Plants and plant products from Switzerland whose import by a Member State of the Union is prohibited
Plants, excluding fruit and seeds
Plants and plant products from a Member State of the Union whose importation into Switzerland is prohibited
Plants of:
Cotoneaster Ehrh. 4
Photinia davidiana (Dcne.) Cardot 5

1 Introduced by Art. 1 of D n O 1/2004 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 8 March 2004 ( RO 2004 2227 ). New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, 19 Nov 2015, in force since 1 Er Jan 2016 (RO) 2016 799).
2 Regulation (EEC) n O 2658/87 of the Council of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and the Common Customs Tariff (OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1).
3 Council Directive 2000 /29/EC of 8 May 2000 on measures to protect against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community (OJ 2000 L 169, 10.7.2000, p. 1).
4 By way of derogation under this item 4, the entry and transit of these plants by Swiss territory are permitted, but their marketing, production and cultivation are prohibited in Switzerland.
5 By way of derogation under this item 4, the entry and transit of these plants by Swiss territory are permitted, but their marketing, production and cultivation are prohibited in Switzerland.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 2 1

Legislation 2

Provisions of the Union:

Council Directive 69 /464/EEC of 8 December 1969 on the fight against the verruquous gall
Council Directive 74 /647/EEC of 9 December 1974 concerning the control of oeillet wafers
Commission Decision 91 /261/EEC of 2 May 1991 recognising Australia as free from Erwinia amylovora (Burr) Winsl. Et al.
Commission Directive 92/70/EEC of 30 July 1992 laying down detailed rules for the investigations to be carried out in connection with the recognition of protected areas in the Community
Commission Directive 92/90/EEC of 3 November 1992 laying down certain obligations to which producers and importers of plants, plant products or other objects and the conditions of their registration are subject
Commission Directive 92/105/EEC of 3 December 1992 establishing a certain standardisation of plant passports to be used for the movement of certain plants, plant products or other objects within the Community and fixing The arrangements for the issue of such plant passports, as well as the conditions and procedures for their replacement
Commission Decision 93 /359/EEC of 28 May 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC as regards timber Thuja L., originating in the United States of America
Commission Decision 93 /360/EEC of 28 May 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC as regards timber Thuja L., from Canada
Commission Decision 93 /365/EEC of 2 June 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC in respect of thermally treated coniferous wood originating in Canada, and Laying down specific measures concerning the marking system for thermally treated wood
Commission Decision 93 /422/EEC of 22 June 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC with regard to kiln-dried coniferous wood originating in Canada, and Stopping the details of the marking system for kiln-dried wood
Commission Decision 93 /423/EEC of 22 June 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC with regard to kiln-dried coniferous wood originating in the United States Of America, and to stop the details of the marking system for kiln-dried wood
Commission Directive 93 /50/EEC of 24 June 1993 determining certain plants not listed in Annex V, Part A, of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC, including producers, shops or dispatch centres, located in the areas of Production of these plants, must be entered on an official register
Commission Directive 93 /51/EEC of 24 June 1993 laying down rules for the movement of certain plants, plant products or other objects passing through a protected area and for the movement of such plants, plant products or other products Objects originating from and circulating within such protected area
Council Directive 93 /85/EEC of 4 October 1993 concerning the control of bacterial wilt of potatoes
Commission Directive 94 /3/EC of 21 January 1994 establishing a procedure for notification of the interception of a consignment or a pest originating in third countries with imminent plant health hazard
Commission Directive 98 /22/EC of 15 April 1998 laying down the minimum conditions for the conduct of plant health checks in the Community, at inspection posts other than those situated at the place of destination, of plants, products Plants or other articles from third countries
Council Directive 98 /57/EC of 20 July 1998 on combating Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi et al.
Commission Decision 98 /109/EC of 2 February 1998 authorising Member States to take provisional measures to prevent the spread of Thripspalmi Karny in respect of Thailand
Council Directive 2000 /29/EC of 8 May 2000 on measures to protect against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community
Commission Decision 2002/757/EC of 19 September 2002 on provisional emergency measures in the field of plant health to prevent the introduction and spread in the Community of Phytop H Ramorum tora Werres, De Cock & Man in't Veld sp. Nov.
Commission Decision 2002/499/EC of 26 June 2002 authorising derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC on plants Chamaecyparis Spach, Juniperus L. and Pinus L. originating in the Republic of Korea and whose growth is naturally or artificially inhibited
Decision 2002 /887/THIS Of the Commission of 8 November 2002 authorising derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC on plants Chamaecyparis Spach, Juniperus L. and Pinus L. originating in Japan and whose growth is inhibited naturally or artificially
Commission Decision 2004 /200/EC of 27 February 2004 on measures to prevent the introduction and spread of the pepino mosaic virus in the Community
Commission Directive 2004 /103/EC of 7 October 2004 on identity checks and health checks on plants, plant products and other items listed in Annex V, Part B, of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC, which may Be carried out in a place other than the point of entry into the Community or in a nearby area, and establishing the conditions governing such controls
Implementing rules: where the point of entry of plants, plant products and other objects listed in Appendix 1 from third countries is located in the territory of one of the Parties, but the point of destination is located on the Territory of the other Party, documentary, identity and phytosanitary inspections shall be carried out at the point of entry in the absence of a specific agreement between the competent authorities of the port of entry and the point of destination. In the event of a specific agreement between the competent authorities of the point of entry and the point of destination, it must be a written agreement
Commission Directive 2004 /105/EC of 15 October 2004 establishing models for phytosanitary certificates or official re-export certificates, accompanying plants, plant products or other regulated objects By Council Directive 2000 /29/EC, from third countries
Commission Decision 2004 /416/EC of 29 April 2004 on provisional emergency measures concerning certain citrus fruits originating in Argentina or Brazil
Commission Decision 2005 /51/EC of 21 February 2005 authorising Member States to provide for temporary derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC on the import of contaminated land by Pesticides or persistent organic pollutants for decontamination
Commission Decision 2005 /359/EC of 29 April 2005 providing for a derogation from certain provisions of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC with regard to oak logs ( Quercus L.) with bark, originating in the United States of America
Commission Decision 2006 /473/EC of 5 July 2006 recognising certain third countries and certain regions of third countries as free from Xanthomonas campestris (all pathogenic strains in Citrus), This R Angola cospora Carv. And Mendes or Guignardia citricarpa Kiely (all pathogenic strains in the Citrus)
Council Directive 2006 /91/EC of 7 November 2006 concerning the fight against the San José pou
Commission Decision 2007 /365/EC of 25 May 2007 on emergency measures to prevent the introduction and spread in the Community of Rhynchophorus ferrogineus (Olivier)
Council Directive 2007 /33/EC of 11 June 2007 on the control of potato cyst nematodes and repealing Directive 69 /465/EEC
Commission Decision 2007 /433/EC of 18 June 2007 on interim emergency measures to prevent the introduction and spread in the Community of Gibberella circinata Nirenberg & O ' Donnell
Commission Directive 2008 /61/EC of 17 June 2008 laying down the conditions under which certain harmful organisms, plants, plant products and other objects listed in Annexes I to V to Council Directive 2000 /29/EC may be Introduced or circulated within the Community or in certain protected areas of the Community for work for scientific purposes or for scientific purposes or for work on varietal selections
Commission Implementing Decision 2011 /778/EU of 28 November 2011 authorising certain Member States to provide for temporary derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC with regard to seed potatoes Originating in certain provinces of Canada
Commission Implementing Decision 2011 /787/EU of 29 November 2011 authorising Member States to provisionally take emergency measures to protect themselves against the spread of Ralstonia s O Lanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi and Al. From Egypt
Implementing Decision 2012 /138/EU of the Commission of 1 Er March 2012 on emergency measures to prevent introduction and spread Anoplophora chinensis (Forster) in the Union
Commission Implementing Decision 2012 /219/EU of 24 April 2012 recognising Serbia as an unscathed Clavibacter michiganensis Ssp. Sepedonicus (Spieckerman and Kotthoff) Davis and Al.
Commission Implementing Decision 2012 /270/EU of 16 May 2012 as regards emergency measures to prevent the introduction and spread of Epitrix cucumeris (Harris) in the Union, ïEpitrix similarities (Gentner), from Epitrix Subcrinita (Lec.) and Epitrix tuberis (Gentner)
Commission Implementing Decision 2012 /697/EU of 8 November 2012 on measures to prevent the introduction and spread in the Union of gender Pomacea (Perry) (2012/697/EU)
Commission Implementing Decision 2012 /756/EU of 5 December 2012 on measures to prevent the introduction and spread in the Union of Pseudomonas syringae Pv. Actinidiae Takikawa, Serizawa, Ichikawa, Tsuyumu and Goto
Commission implementing Decision 2013 /92/EU of 18 February 2013 on the monitoring, phytosanitary controls and measures to be taken with regard to wooden packaging equipment used for the transport of specified goods From China
Commission Implementing Decision 2013 /413/EU of 30 July 2013 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC with regard to potatoes, other than apples Land for planting, originating in the Akkar and Bekaa regions, in Lebanon
Commission Implementing Decision 2013 /754/EU of 11 December 2013 on measures to prevent the introduction and spread in the Union of Guignardia citricarpa Kiely (all strains pathogenic to Citrus ), as regards South Africa
Implementing Decision 2013 /780/EU of the Commission of 18 December 2013 derogating from Article 13 (1) (ii) of Council Directive 2009 /29/EC concerning timber debarked from Quercus L., Plat A Nude L. and Acer Saccharum Marsh. Originating in the United States of America
Commission Implementing Decision 2013 /782/EU of 18 December 2013 amending Decision 2002/757/EC as regards the requirement for a phytosanitary certificate for the pest Phytophthora ramorum Werres, De Cock & Man in t Veld sp. November for wood-sawn wood Acer Macrophyllum Pursh and Quercus Spp. L. originating in the United States of America
Commission Recommendation 2014 /63/EU of 6 February 2014 on measures to combat Diabrotica virgifera The Conte in the areas of the Union where his presence is confirmed
Commission Implementing Decision 2014 /422/EU of 2 July 2014 establishing measures in respect of certain citrus fruits originating in South Africa aimed at avoiding the introduction and propagation in the Union of Phy L Losticta citricarpa (McAlpine) Van der Aa
Commission Implementing Decision 2014 /917/EU of 15 December 2014 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC with regard to notification of the presence of harmful organisms and measures taken or envisaged by Member States
Commission Implementing Decision 2014 /924/EU of 16 December 2014 providing for a derogation from certain provisions of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC with regard to wood and ash bark ( Fraxinus L.) originating in Canada and the United States of America
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/179 of 4 February 2015 authorising Member States to provide for a derogation from certain provisions of Council Directive 2000 /29/EC with regard to wood packaging materials for conifers (Coniferales) in the form of ammunition boxes originating in the United States of America and placed under the control of the United States Department of Defense
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/789 of 18 May 2015 on measures to prevent the introduction and spread in the Union of Xylella fastidiosa (Wells et al.)

Provisions of Switzerland:

Plant Protection Order of 27 October 2010 (RS 916.20 )
Decree of the DFE of 15 April 2002 on prohibited plants (RS 916.205.1 )
OFAG order of 13 March 2015 on temporary phytosanitary measures (RS 916.202.1 )
OFAG order of 24 March 2015 on the prohibition of imports of certain fruit and vegetables originating in India (RS 916.207.142.3 )
General Decision of the OFEV of 1 Er May 2015 concerning the application of the NIMP 15 standard to imports of goods from third countries in wooden packaging (fosc.ch83 2126265)
General decision of 9 August 2013 concerning measures to prevent the introduction and propagation of the genus Pomacea (Perry) (FF 2013 5917)
Decision of the General Scope of 9 August 2013 on measures to prevent the introduction and spread of Pseudomonas syringae Pv. Actinidiae Takikawa, Serizawa, Ichikawa, Tsuyumu and Goto (FF 2013 5911)
General Decision of the OFAG of 16 March 2015 establishing measures in respect of certain citrus fruits originating in South Africa aimed at avoiding the introduction and propagation of Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine) Van der Aa (FF 2015 2596)
Guideline n O 1 OFAG 1 Er January 2012 for the cantonal phytosanitary services and the monitoring and control organisations for potato cyst nematodes ( Globodera rostochiensis And Globodera pallida )
Management Manual for the Pine Nematode ( Bursaphelenchus xylophilus ) Of the OFEV of 30 March 2015

1 Introduced by Art. 1 of D n O 1/2004 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 8 March 2004 ( RO 2004 2227 ). New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, 19 Nov 2015, in force since 1 Er Jan 2016 (RO) 2016 799).
2 Any reference to an act shall mean, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended no later than 1.7.2015.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 3 1

Authorities to provide on request the list of official bodies responsible for establishing the plant passport

A. European Community

Single authority of each Member State referred to in Art. 1, para. 4, Council Directive 2000/29 /EC of 8 May 2000 2 .


Federal Public Service of Public Health

Food Chain Security and Environment

DG for Animals, Plants and Foodstuffs

Sanitary Policy regarding Animals and Plants

Plant Protection Division

Euro Station II (7 floor)

Victor Horta 40 box 10



NSPP National Service for Plant Protection

17, Hristo Botev blvd., floor 5


Czech Republic:

State Phytosanitary Administration

Bubenská 1477/1

CZ-170 00 PRAHA 7


Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries

The Danish Plant Directorate

Skovbrynet 20

DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Julius Kühn-Institute

Institut für National und Internationale Angelegenheiten der Pflanzengesundheit

Messeweg 11/12

D-38104 Braunschweig


Plant Production Inspectorate

Teaduse 2

EE-75501 Saku Harju Maakond


Department of Agriculture and Food

Maynooth Business Campus

Co. Kildare



Ministry of Agriculture

General Directorate of Plant Produce

Directorate of Plant Produce Protection

Division of Phytosanitary Control

150 Sygrou Ave.

GR-176 71 Athens


General de Agricultura Integrada y Sanidad Vegetal

Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

General de Agricultura

General de Agricultura Integrada y Sanidad Vegetal

C/Alfonso XII, n O 62-2a planta

E-28071 Madrid


Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

Subdirectorate for the Protection of Plants

251, rue de Vaugirard

F-75732 Paris Cedex 15


Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali (MiPAF)

Servizio Fitosanitario

Via XX Settembre 20

I-00187 Roma


Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

Department of Agriculture

Loukis Akritas Ave.

CY-1412 Lefkosia


State Plant Protection Service

Republikas laukums 2

LV-1981 Riga


State Plant Protection Service

Kalvariju str. 62

LT-2005 Vilnius


Ministry of Agriculture

Adm. of Agriculture Technical Services

Plant Protection Service

16, Esch-BP 1904 route

L-1019 Luxembourg


Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Department for Plant Protection and Soil Conservation

Kossuth tér 11

HU-1860 Budapest 55 Pf. 1


Plant Health Department

Plant Biotechnology Center

Annibale Preca Street

MT-Lija, Lja 1915


Plantenziektenkundige Dienst

Geertjesweg 15/Postbus 9102

NL-6700 HC Wageningen


Bundesministerium für Land-und Forstwirtschaft,

Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft

Referat III 9 a

Stubenring 1

A-1012 Wien


The State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service

Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection

42, Mlynarska Street

PL-01-171 Warsaw


Direcção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (DGADR)

Avenida Afonso Costa, 3

PT-1949-002 Lisboa


Phytosanitary Branch

Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and

Rural Development

24th Carol I Blvd.

Sector 3



Phytosanitary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia

Plant Health Division

Ejecelerjeva 6

SI-1000 Ljubljana


Ministry of Agriculture

Department of Plant commodities

Dobrovicova 12

SK-812 66 Bratislava


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Unit for Plant Production and Animal Nutrition

Department of Food and Health

Mariankatu 23

P.O. Box 30

FI-00023 Government Finland



Swedish Board of Agriculture

Plant Protection Service

S-55182 Jönköping

United Kingdom:

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Plant Health Division

Foss House

King's Pool

Peasholme Green


B. Switzerland

Federal Office of Agriculture

CH-3003 Berne

1 Introduced by Art. 1 of D n O 1/2004 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 8 March 2004 ( RO 2004 2227 ). New content according to Art. 1 para. 4 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 (RO 2009 4925).
2 OJ L 169, 10.7.2000, p. 1. Last amended by Directive 2007 /41/EC (OJ L 169, 29.6.2007 p. 51).

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 4 1

Areas under Art. 4 and specific requirements 2

The areas referred to in Article 4 and the specific requirements relating thereto which are to be complied with by both Parties shall be defined in the respective legislative and administrative provisions of the two Parties mentioned below.

Provisions of the Union:

Council Directive 2000 /29/EC of 8 May 2000 on measures to protect against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community
Regulation (EC) n O 690/2008 of the Commission of 4 July 2008 recognising protected areas, exposed to specific plant health hazards, in the Community

Provisions of Switzerland:

Plant Protection Order of 27 October 2010, Annex 12 (RS 916.20 )

1 Introduced by Art. 1 of D n O 1/2004 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 8 March 2004 ( RO 2004 2227 ). New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, 19 Nov 2015, in force since 1 Er Jan 2016 (RO) 2016 799).
2 Any reference to an act shall mean, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended no later than 1.7.2015.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 5 1

Exchange of information

The information referred to in s. 9, para. 1, are as follows:

Notifications of interception of consignments or harmful organisms from third countries or parts of the territories of the Parties and presenting an imminent phytosanitary hazard governed by Directive 94 /3/EC;
Notices referred to in Art. 16 of Directive 2000 /29/EC.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D N O 1/2004 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 8 March 2004, in force for Switzerland since 1 Er Apr 2004 ( RO 2004 2227 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 5

Regarding animal feed

Art. 1 Purpose

1. The Parties undertake to approximate their animal feed legislation in order to facilitate trade in this area.

2. The list of products or groups of products for which the respective legislative provisions of the Parties have been judged to lead to the same results by the Parties, and, where appropriate, the list of legislative provisions Parties whose requirements have been deemed to lead to the same results by the Parties shall be included in an Appendix 1 to be established by the Committee in accordance with Art. 11 of the agreement.

2 Bis . 1 By way of derogation from art. 1 of the Agreement, this Annex shall apply to all products covered by the legislative provisions set out in Appendix 1 referred to in paragraph 1. 2.

3. Both Parties shall remove border controls for products or groups of products included in Appendix 1 referred to in par. 2.

1 Introduced by Art. 1 para. 5 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 2 Definitions

For the purposes of this Annex:

"Product" means the animal feed or any substance used in animal feed;
"Establishment" means any unit of production or manufacturing of a good or holding the product at an intermediate stage before it is put into circulation, including that of processing and packaging or that puts into circulation that product;
"Competent authority" means the authority in one of the Parties to carry out official controls in the field of animal nutrition.
Art. 3 Information Exchanges

Pursuant to Art. 8 of the Agreement, the Parties shall communicate:

The competent authority (s) and their territorial and functional competence,
The list of laboratories responsible for carrying out the control analyses,
Where appropriate, the list of entry points determined in their territory for the different types of products,
Their monitoring programmes to ensure that products are in conformity with their respective legislation concerning animal feed.

The programmes referred to in the fourth indent shall take account of the specific situations of the Parties and, in particular, specify the nature and frequency of checks to be carried out on a regular basis.

Art. 4 General controls for controls

The Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that products intended for shipment to the other Party are checked with the same care as those intended to be put into circulation in their own territory; in particular, they shall ensure that:

Checks are carried out on a regular basis, in the event of suspicion of non-compliance and in a manner proportionate to the objective pursued, and in particular according to the risks and experience acquired;
Controls extend to all stages of production and manufacturing, at intermediate stages prior to release, to release, including importation, and to the use of products;
The controls are carried out at the most appropriate stage for the intended research;
Controls are carried out as a general rule without prior warning;
Controls are also carried out on uses prohibited in the feeding of animals.
Art. 5 Original Control

1. The Parties shall ensure that the competent authorities carry out control of the establishments in order to ensure that they fulfil their obligations and that the products intended for circulation meet the requirements of the Legislative provisions referred to in Appendix 1 referred to in Article 1, applicable in the territory of origin.

2. Where there is a suspicion that these requirements are not met, the competent authority shall carry out additional checks and, if this suspicion is confirmed, take the appropriate measures.

Art. 6 Destination control

1. The competent authorities of the Party of destination may, at the place of destination, verify the conformity of the products with the provisions contained in this Annex by sampling checks and in a non-discriminatory manner.

2. However, where the competent authority of the Party of destination has information to enable it to presume an offence, checks may also be carried out in the course of the carriage of the goods in its territory.

3. If, during a check carried out at the place of destination of the consignment or in transit, the competent authorities of the Party concerned observe the non-conformity of the products with the provisions which are the subject of this Annex, they shall Shall make the appropriate provisions and shall cause the consignor, consignee or other person entitled to do one of the following:

The conformity of products within a time limit to be fixed,
Possible decontamination,
Any other appropriate treatment,
Use for other purposes,
The forwarding to the Party of origin, after informing the competent authority of that Party,
Destruction of products.
Art. 7 Control of products from territories other than Parties

1. Notwithstanding s. 4 first indent, the Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that, when introducing into their customs territories products originating in a territory other than those defined in Art. 16 of the agreement, a documentary check of each lot and a survey identity check be carried out by the competent authorities in order to ensure:

Of their nature,
Of their origin,
Their geographical destination,

In order to determine the customs procedure applicable to them.

2. The Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the conformity of the products is checked by physical inspection prior to their release into free circulation.

Art. 8 Cooperation in the event of infringements

1. The Parties shall assist each other in the manner and under the conditions laid down in this Annex. They ensure the correct application of the legislative provisions concerning products used for animal feed, in particular by granting mutual assistance, by identifying infringements of these legislative provisions and by means of Investigations into them.

The assistance provided for in this Article shall not affect the provisions governing criminal proceedings or mutual legal assistance in criminal matters between the Parties.

Art. Products subject to prior approval

The Parties shall endeavour to make their lists of products identical to those covered by the legislative provisions set out in Appendix 2.

2. The Parties shall inform each other of the requests for authorisation of the products referred to in par. 1.

Art. 10 Consultations and Safeguard Measure

1. The Parties shall consult each other when one of the Parties considers that the other has failed to fulfil an obligation of this Annex.

(2) The Party requesting the consultations shall provide the other Party with all the information necessary for a thorough examination of the case.

3. The safeguard measures provided for in one of the legislative provisions concerning the products and groups of products listed in Appendix 1 referred to in Art. 1, shall be taken in accordance with the procedures laid down in Art. 10, para. 2, of the agreement.

4. If, at the end of the consultations provided for in s. 1 and art. 10, para. 2, point (a), third indent of the agreement, the Parties shall not reach an agreement, the Party which has requested consultations or order the measures referred to in subs. 3 may take the appropriate protective measures in such a way as to permit the application of this Annex.

Art. 11 Working Group on Animal Nutrition

1. The Working Party on Animal Nutrition, referred to as the Working Group, established under Art. 6, para. 7, of the Agreement, shall consider any matter relating to this Annex and its implementation. It shall also assume all the tasks provided for in this Annex.

2. The Working Party shall periodically review the evolution of the internal legislative provisions of the Parties in the areas covered by this Annex. It shall, inter alia, submit proposals to the Committee for updating the Appendices to this Annex.

Art. 12 Obligation to respect secrecy

1. Any information disclosed in any form, in accordance with this Annex, shall be confidential. It is covered by professional secrecy and benefits from the protection afforded to similar information by the laws applicable in the matter by the Party that received it.

2. The principle of confidentiality referred to in s. 1 does not apply to the information referred to in Art. 3.

3. This Annex does not oblige a Party whose legislative provisions or administrative practices require, for the protection of trade secrets, more stringent limits than those laid down in this Annex, to Provide information if the other Party does not make provisions to comply with these more stringent limits.

4. The information collected shall be used only for the purposes of this Annex and may be used by a Party for purposes other than with the prior written consent of the administrative authority that provided it and is, in addition, Subject to the restrictions imposed by that authority.

The s. 1 does not preclude the use of information in the course of judicial or administrative actions subsequently taken for offences under the common criminal law, provided that they have been obtained in the course of legal assistance International.

5. The Parties may, in their minutes, reports and testimony, and in proceedings and proceedings before the courts, rely on evidence, information and documents consulted in accordance with the Provisions of this Article.

Appendix 1 1

Community provisions

Regulation (EC) n O 183/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 January 2005 laying down requirements for feed hygiene (OJ L 35, 8.2.2005, p. 1)

Swiss provisions

Federal Act of 29 April 1998 on Agriculture, as last amended March 24, 2006 (RO 2006 3861)

Ordinance of 26 May 1999 concerning animal feed, last amended on 23 November 2005 (RO 2005 5555)

DFE Order 2 Of 10 June 1999 concerning the white paper on feed, as last amended on 2 November 2006 (RO 2006 5213)

Order of 23 November 2005 on primary production (RO 2005 5545)

DFE Order 3 Of 23 November 2005 concerning hygiene in primary production (RO 2005 6651)

DFE Order 4 November 23, 2005 regulating hygiene in milk production (RO 2005 6667)

1 Introduced by Art. 1 of D n O 1/2007 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 15 June 2007, in force for Switzerland since 1 Er Jul. 2007 ( RO 2007 4675 ).
2 Currently: DEFR (see RO 2012 3631 ).
3 Currently: DEFR (see RO 2012 3631 ).
4 Currently: DEFR (see RO 2012 3631 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 2 1

List of legislative provisions referred to in s. 9

Provisions of the European Community:

Council Directive 70 /524/EEC of 23 November 1970 on additives in feedingstuffs (OJ No O L 270, 14.12.1970, p. 1), as last amended by Directive 98 /19/EC (OJ No O L of 28.3.1998, p. 39)

Council Directive 82/471/EEC of 30 June 1982 on certain products used in feedingstuffs (OJ 1982 n O L 213 of 21.7.1982 p. 8), as last amended by Directive 96 /25/EC (OJ No O L 125 of 23.5.1996 p. 35).

Provisions of Switzerland:

Order of 26 January 1994 on the production and marketing of feed, as last amended on 7 December 1998 (RO 1999 312).

DFE Order 2 Of 1 Er March 1995 on the production and marketing of feed, feed additives and silage agents, last amended January 10, 1996 (RO 1996 208).

1 New content according to Art. 2 of D n O 1/2007 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 15 June 2007, in force for Switzerland since 1 Er Jul. 2007 ( RO 2007 4675 ).
2 Currently: DEFR (see RO 2012 3631 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 6

Seed Sector

Art. 1 Purpose

1. This Annex concerns seeds of agricultural species, vegetables, fruit, ornamental plants and vines.

2. Seeds within the meaning of this Annex shall mean any propagating material or intended for planting.

Art. 2 Recognition of the conformity of legislation

The Parties recognize that the requirements set out in the legislation listed in Appendix 1, first section, result in the same results.

2. The seeds of the species defined in the laws referred to in the first paragraph may be exchanged between the Parties and placed in the trade freely within the territory of the Parties, without prejudice to the provisions of the art. 5 and 6, with, as the sole document certifying compliance with the respective legislation of the Parties, the label or any other document required for the placing on the trade by those laws.

3. 1 A list of the national authorities responsible for the application of the legislation can be found in Appendix 2. A list of the bodies responsible for compliance checks, which is regularly updated, can be obtained from the authorities, including List appears in Appendix 2.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 2/2010 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 13 Dec. 2010, in force for Switzerland since 1 Er Jan 2011 ( RO 2011 471 ).

Art. 3 Reciprocal discovery of certificates

1. 1 Each Party shall recognise for the seeds of the species referred to in the legislation listed in Appendix 1, second section, the certificates defined in par. 2, which have been established in accordance with the legislation of the other Party by the bodies referred to in Art. 2, para. 3.

2. A certificate within the meaning of the first paragraph shall mean the documents required by the respective legislation of the Parties, applicable to the importation of seeds and defined in the second section of Appendix 1.

1 New content according to Art. 2 of D n O 2/2010 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 13 Dec. 2010, in force for Switzerland since 1 Er Jan 2011 ( RO 2011 471 ).

Art. 4 Approximation of laws

(1) The Parties shall endeavour to approximate their laws on the placing in the trade of seeds for the species covered by the legislation set out in Appendix 1, second section, and for species not covered by the Legislation as defined in the first and second sections of Appendix 1.

In the adoption by one of the Parties of a new legislative provision, the Parties undertake to evaluate the possibility of submitting this new sector to this Annex in accordance with the Art Procedure. 11 and 12 of the agreement.

3. When amending a legislative provision relating to a sector subject to the provisions of this Annex, the Parties undertake to assess their consequences in accordance with the Art Procedure. 11 and 12 of the agreement.

Art. 5 1 Varieties

1. Without prejudice to s. 3, Switzerland shall permit the marketing in its territory of seeds of varieties admitted into the Community for the species mentioned in the legislation referred to in Appendix 1, first section.

2. Without prejudice to s. 3, the Community shall permit the marketing in its territory of seeds of varieties admitted in Switzerland for the species mentioned in the legislation referred to in Appendix 1, first section.

3. The Parties shall jointly develop a catalogue of varieties for the species mentioned in the legislative texts referred to in the first section of Appendix 1, in cases where the Community provides for a common catalogue. The Parties shall allow the marketing on their territory of seeds of the varieties listed in this jointly developed catalogue.

4. The provisions of s. 1 to 3 do not apply to genetically modified varieties.

5. The Parties shall inform each other on applications or withdrawals of applications for admission, on entries in a national catalogue and on any amendment thereof. They shall provide each other with a brief description of the main characteristics of the use of each new variety, as well as the characteristics which distinguish a variety of the other known varieties. They shall make available to the other party the files in which, for each admissible variety, a description of the variety and a clear summary of all the grounds on which the admission is based are made. In the case of genetically modified varieties, they provide each other with the results of the risk assessment of their introduction into the environment.

6. Technical consultations between the Parties may be held in order to assess the basis for the admission of a variety to one of the Parties. Where appropriate, the seed working group shall be kept informed of the results of such consultations.

7. In order to facilitate the exchange of information referred to in s. 5, the Parties shall use existing or developing information exchange information systems.

1 New content according to Art. 1 para. 6 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 6 1 Derogations

The derogations from the Community and Switzerland listed in Appendix 3 shall be accepted by Switzerland and the Community, respectively, in the context of the exchange of seeds of the species covered by the legislation set out in Appendix 1, First section.

2. The Parties shall inform each other of any derogation relating to the marketing of seeds that they intend to implement on their territory or part of their territory. In the case of short-term derogations or requiring immediate entry into force, a posteriori information is sufficient.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Art. 5, para. 1 and 3, Switzerland may decide to prohibit the marketing on its territory of seeds of a variety permitted in the Community's common catalogue.

4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Art. 5, para. 2 and 3, the Community may decide to prohibit the marketing on its territory of seeds of a variety permitted in the Swiss national catalogue.

5. The provisions of s. 3 and 4 shall apply in the cases provided for in the legislation of the two Parties contained in the first section of Appendix 1.

6. Both Parties may use the provisions of s. 3 and 4:

Within three years of the entry into force of this Annex for varieties admitted to the Community or in Switzerland before the entry into force of this Annex;
Within three years of the receipt of the information referred to in Art. 5, para. 5, for varieties admitted to the Community or in Switzerland after the entry into force of this Annex.

7. The provisions of s. 6 apply by analogy to varieties of species covered by provisions added under s. 4, to the list in Appendix 1, first section, after the entry into force of this Annex.

8. Technical consultations between the Parties may be held in order to assess the scope for this Annex to the derogations referred to in s. 1 to 4.

9. The provisions of s. 8 shall not apply where the competence to decide on derogations falls within the competence of the Member States of the Community in accordance with the legislative provisions set out in Appendix 1, first section. The provisions of the same paragraph. 8 do not apply to derogations adopted by Switzerland in similar cases.

1 New content according to Art. 1 para. 6 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 7 Third Countries

1. Without prejudice to s. 10, the provisions of this Annex shall also apply to seed placed in trade in both Parties and originating in a country other than a Member State of the Community or Switzerland and recognised by the Parties.

2. The list of countries referred to in par. The species and the scope of this recognition are listed in Appendix 4.

Art. 8 Comparative Trials

Comparative tests shall be carried out in order to monitor ex post samples of seed taken from batches sold in the Parties. Switzerland participates in the Community comparative trials.

2. The organisation of comparative trials in the Parties shall be subject to the assessment of the Working Party "Seeds".

Art. Working Group "Seeds"

1. The Working Group on Seeds, referred to as the Working Group, established under Art. 6, para. 7, of the Agreement shall consider any matter relating to this Annex and its implementation.

2. The Working Party shall periodically review the evolution of the internal laws and regulations of the Parties in the areas covered by this Annex. It shall, inter alia, make proposals to the Committee for the adaptation and updating of the Appendices to this Annex.

Art. 10 Agreement with other countries

The Parties agree that mutual recognition agreements concluded by each Party with any third country may not, under any circumstances, create obligations for the other Party in terms of the acceptance of reports, certificates, authorizations and Marks issued by conformity assessment bodies of that third country, unless there is a formal agreement between the Parties.

Appendix 1 1

Legislation 2

Section I (recognition of the conformity of laws)

A. Provisions of the Union

1. Legislative acts

Council Directive 66 /401/EEC of 14 June 1966 on the marketing of seeds of fodder plants (OJ 125, 11.7.1966, p. 2298/66).
Council Directive 66 /402/EEC of 14 June 1966 on the marketing of cereal seed (OJ 125, 11.7.1966, p. 2309/66).
Council Directive 68 /193/EEC of 9 April 1968 on the marketing of material for the vegetative propagation of the vine (OJ L 93, 17.4.1968, p. 15).
Council Directive 2002/53/EC of 13 June 2002 on the common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species (OJ L 193, 20.7.2002, p. 1).
Council Directive 2002/54/EC of 13 June 2002 on the marketing of beet seeds (OJ L 193, 20.7.2002, p. 12).
Council Directive 2002/56/EC of 13 June 2002 on the marketing of seed potatoes (OJ L 193, 20.7.2002, p. 60).
Council Directive 2002/57/EC of 13 June 2002 on the marketing of seeds of oil and fibre plants (OJ L 193, 20.7.2002, p. 74).

2. Non-legislative acts

Commission Decision 80 /755/EEC of 17 July 1980 authorising the affixing of the particulars prescribed on the packaging of cereal seeds (OJ L 207, 9.8.1980, p. 37).
Commission Decision 81 /675/EEC of 28 July 1981 finding that certain closure systems are 'non-reusable closure systems' under Directives 66/4 0 0/EEC, 66 /401/EEC, 66 /402/EEC, 69 /208/EEC and 70 /458/EEC of the Council (OJ L 246, 29.8.1981, p. 26).
Commission Directive 93 /17/EEC of 30 March 1993 laying down the definition of Community classes of seed potatoes, as well as the conditions and names applicable to these classes (OJ L 106, 30.4.1993, p. 7).
Commission Decision 97 /125/EC of 24 January 1997 authorising the affixing of the particulars prescribed on the packaging of seeds of oil and fibre plants and amending Decision 87 /309/EEC authorising the affixing of Prescribed particulars on the packaging of certain species of forage plants (OJ L 48, 19.2.1997, p. 35).
Council Decision 2003 /17/EC of 16 December 2002 on the equivalence of field inspections of seed-producing crops in third countries and the equivalence of seed produced in third countries (OJ L 8, 14.1.2003, p. 10).
Commission Directive 2003 /90/EC of 6 October 2003 laying down detailed rules for the application of Art. 7 of Council Directive 2002/53/EC with regard to the minimum characters to be taken into account and the minimum conditions to be fulfilled when examining certain varieties of agricultural plant species (OJ L 254, 8.10.2003, p. 7).
Commission Decision 2004 /266/EC of 17 March 2004 authorising the indelible marking of the particulars prescribed on the packaging of seed of fodder plants (OJ L 83, 20.3.2004, p. 23).
Commission Directive 2004 /29/EC of 4 March 2004 on the fixing of minimum characteristics and conditions for the examination of vine varieties (OJ L 71, 10.3.2004, p. 22).
Commission Decision 2004 /842/EC of 1 Er December 2004 on implementing rules according to which Member States may authorise the marketing of seeds belonging to varieties for which a request for the national catalogue of varieties of species of Agricultural plants and vegetable species was presented (OJ L 362, 9.12.2004, p. 21).
Council Decision 2005 /834/EC of 8 November 2005 on the equivalence of controls on conservative selections made in certain third countries and amending Decision 2003 /17/EC (OJ L 312, 29.11.2005, p. 51).
Commission Directive 2006 /47/EC of 23 May 2006 laying down special conditions for the presence of Avena Fatua In cereal seed (OJ L 136, 24.5.2006, p. 18).
Commission Directive 2008 /124/EC of 18 December 2008 limiting the marketing of seeds of certain species of fodder plants and oilseed and fibre plants to seeds that have been officially certified as basic seed or Certified seed (OJ L 340, 19.12.2008, p. 73).
Regulation (EC) n O 637/2009 of the Commission of 22 July 2009 laying down detailed rules for application concerning the eligibility of the variety denominations of agricultural plant species and species of vegetables (OJ L 191, 23.7.2009, p. 10).

B. Provisions of Switzerland 3

Federal Act of 29 April 1998 on Agriculture (RS 910.1 ).
Order of 7 December 1998 on the production and release of propagating plant material (RS 916.151 ).
DFE Order 4 On December 7, 1998, on seeds and plants of field crops, forage crops and vegetable crops (RS 916.151.1 ).
Order of the OFAG of 7 December 1998 on the catalogue of varieties of cereals, potatoes, fodder plants, oil and fibre plants and beet (RS 916.151.6 ).
DFE Order 5 On 2 November 2006 on the production and distribution of propagating material of the vine (RS 916.151.3 ).

Section II (Reciprocal recognition of certificates)

A. Provisions of the Union

1. Legislative acts


2. Non-legislative acts


B. Provisions of Switzerland


C. Certificates required for imports


1 New content according to Art. 3 of D n O 2/2010 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 13 Dec. 2010, in force for Switzerland since 1 Er Jan 2011 ( RO 2011 471 ).
2 Any reference to an act shall mean, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31.7.2010.
3 Local varieties not covered by marketing in Switzerland are not covered.
4 Currently: DEFR (see RO 2012 3631 ).
5 Currently: DEFR (see RO 2012 3631 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 2 1

List of authorities referred to in s. 2, para. 3

A. European Union


Office of Agricultural Coordination/Landbouwbureau


Progress 50/Vooruitgangstraat 50

City Atrium, 6 E Floor/6 Of Verdieping

1210 Bruxelles/Brussel



Executive Agency of Variety Testing

Field Inspection and Seed Control

125, Tzarigradsko Shosse Blvd.

1113 Sofia


Tel. +359 28700375

Fax +359 28706517


Czech Republic

Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture (Ústøední kontrolní a zkušební ústav zemìdìlský)

Division of Seed Materials and Planting Stock (Odbor osiv a sadby)

Za Opravnou 4

CZ-150 06 Prague 5-Motol


Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries

Plant Directorate

Skovbrynet 20

DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Tel. + 45 45263600

Fax + 45 45263610




Osterfelddamm 80

30627 Hannover

Tel. +49 511956650

Fax +49 51195669600



Agricultural Board

Teaduse 2

Saku 75501 Harju county


Fax + 372 6712604


Ministry of Rural Development and Food

Directorate of Plant Production Inputs

6, Kapnokoptiriou Str

Athens 10433


Tel. +30 2102124199

Fax +30 2102124137



Oficina española de variedades vegetales

Ministerio de medio ambiente y medio rural y marino

C/Alfonso XII, 62

28014 Madrid

Tel. +34 913476659

Fax +34 913476703


GNIS-Official Control and Certification Service

44, rue du Louvre

F-75001 Paris

Tel. + 33 142337693

Fax + 33 140284016


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Seed Certification Division

Backweston Farm


Co. Kildare


Tel. + 353 16302900

Fax + 353 16280634


Ente Nazionale Sementi Elette (ENSE)

Via Ugo Bassi

N 8 20159 Milan




Ministry of Agriculture

Natural Resources and Environment,

Department of Agriculture


Tel. + 357 22466249

Fax + 357 22343419


State Plant Protection Service

Seed Control Department

Lielvardes street 36/38

Riga, LV-1006

Tel. + 371 67113262

Fax + 371 67113085



Ministry of Agriculture

State Seed and Grain Service

Ozo 4A

LT-08200 Vilnius

Phone/Fax + 370 52375631


Ministry of Agriculture

Administration of Agricultural Technical Services

Production Services Division

BP 1904

L-1019 Luxembourg

Tel. + 352 457172234

Fax + 352 457172341


Central Agricultural Office

Directorate of Plant Production and Horticulture

1024 Budapest

Keleti Károly u. 24.


Tel. +36 0613369114-Fax +36 0613369011


Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs

Plant Health Department

Seeds and other Propagation Material Unit

National Research and Development Centre

Għammieri Marsa MRS 3300


Tel. +356 25904153

Fax +356 25904120



Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

Postbox 20401

2500 EK The Hague

Tel. +31 703785776

Fax +31 703786156


Federal Office for Food Safety (Bundesamt für Ernährungssicherheit),

Seed Certification Department

Spargelfeldstraße 191

A-1220 Vienna

Tel. +43 5055531121

Fax +43 5055534808



Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service

General Inspectorate

Al. Jana Paw³a II 11, 00-828 Warsaw

Tel. +48 226529290, +48 226202824, +48 226202825

Fax +48 226545221



Direcção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural

Direcção de Serviços de Fitossanidade e de Materiais de Propagação de Plantas

Edifício 1, Tapada da Ajuda

1349-018 Lisbon

Tel. +351 213612000

Fax +351 213613277/22


National Inspection for Quality of Seeds

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

24 Blvd. Carol I, 70044 Bucharest


Tel. +40 213078663

Fax +40 213078663



Ministry for Agriculture

Forestry and Food

Phytosanitary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia

Ejecelerjeva 6

1000 Ljubljana

Slovak Republic

Seed inspection and certification body of the Slovak Republic

Ústredný kontrolný a skúšobný ústav po-nohospodársky v kis lava (UKSUP),

Odbor osív a sadív

Central Controlling and Testing Institute in Agriculture in Bratislava,

Department of Seeds and Planting Materials

Matúškova 21

833 16 Bratislava


Tel. + 421 259880255


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Department of Food and Health

PO Box 30



Tel. +358 916001

Fax +358 916053338



Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket)

Seed Division

Box 83

SE-268 22 Svalöv


Fax + 46 36158308


United Kingdom

Food and Environment Research Agency

Seed Certification Team

Whitehouse Lane, Huntingdon Road

Cambridge CB3 0LF

Tel. +44 1223342379

Fax +44 1223342386


B. Switzerland

Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG

Plant Health and Variety Rights Service

CH-3003 Berne

Tel. +41 313222550

Fax +41 313222634

1 New content according to Art. 3 of D n O 2/2010 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 13 Dec. 2010, in force for Switzerland since 1 Er Jan 2011 ( RO 2011 471 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 3 1


Derogations granted by the European Union and accepted by Switzerland 2

Exempting certain Member States from the obligation to apply to certain species the provisions of Directives 66/4 0 1/EEC, 66 /402/EEC, 68 /193/EEC, 2002 /54/EC and 2002 /57/EC concerning the marketing of propagating material Grape and seed of forage, grain, beet and oilseed and fibre plants:
Commission Decision 69 /270/EEC (OJ L 220, 1.9.1969, p. 8).
Commission Decision 69 /271/EEC (OJ L 220, 1.9.1969, p. 9).
Commission Decision 69 /272/EEC (OJ L 220, 1.9.1969, p. 10).
Commission Decision 70 /47/EEC (OJ L 13, 19.1.1970, p. 26).
Commission Decision 70 /48/EEC (OJ L 13, 19.1.1970, p. 27).
Commission Decision 70 /49/EEC (OJ L 13, 19.1.1970, p. 28).
Commission Decision 70 /93/EEC (OJ L 25, 2.2.1970, p. 16).
Commission Decision 70 /94/EEC (OJ L 25, 2.2.1970, p. 17).
Commission Decision 70 /481/EEC (OJ L 237, 28.10.1970, p. 29).
Commission Decision 73 /123/EEC (OJ L 145, 2.6.1973, p. 43).
Commission Decision 74 /5/EEC (OJ L 12, 15.1.1974, p. 13).
Commission Decision 74 /360/EEC (OJ L 196, 19.7.1974, p. 18).
Commission Decision 74 /361/EEC (OJ L 196, 19.7.1974, p. 19).
Commission Decision 74 /362/EEC (OJ L 196, 19.7.1974, p. 20).
Commission Decision 74 /491/EEC (OJ L 267, 3.10.1974, p. 18).
Commission Decision 74 /532/EEC (OJ L 299, 7.11.1974, p. 14).
Commission Decision 80 /301/EEC (OJ L 68, 14.3.1980, p. 30).
Commission Decision 80 /512/EEC (OJ L 126, 21.5.1980, p. 15).
Commission Decision 86 /153/EEC (OJ L 115, 3.5.1986, p. 26).
Commission Decision 89 /101/EEC (OJ L 38, 10.2.1989, p. 37).
Commission Decision 2005 /325/EC (OJ L 109, 29.4.2005, p. 1).
Commission Decision 2005 /886/EC (OJ L 326, 13.12.2005, p. 39).
Commission Decision 2005 /931/EC (OJ L 340, 23.12.2005, p. 67).
Commission Decision 2008 /462/EC (OJ L 109, 29.4.2005, p. 33);
Authorising certain Member States to restrict the marketing of seeds of certain varieties [see Common catalogue of varieties of agricultural species, twenty-eighth full edition, column 4 (OJ C 302A, 12.12.2009, p. 1)];
Authorising certain Member States to make stricter provisions concerning the presence of Avena fatua In cereal seed:
Commission Decision 74 /269/EEC (OJ L 141, 24.5.1974, p. 20).
Commission Decision 74 /531/EEC (OJ L 299, 7.11.1974, p. 13).
Commission Decision 95 /75/EC (OJ L 60, 18.3.1995, p. 30).
Commission Decision 96 /334/EC (OJ L 127, 25.5.1996, p. 39).
Commission Decision 2005 /200/EC (OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 19);
Authorising, with regard to the marketing of seed potatoes in all or part of the territory of certain Member States, the adoption, against certain diseases, of measures more stringent than those laid down in Annexes I and II Council Directive 2002/56/EC:
Commission Decision 2004 /3/EC (OJ L 2, 6.1.2004, p. 47);
Allowing to also assess on the basis of the results of seed testing and plants the respect of varietal purity standards for seeds of monoclonal apomictic varieties of Poa pratensis :
Commission Decision 85 /370/EEC (OJ L 209, 6.8.1985, p. 41);
Authorising the United Kingdom to apply certain provisions of Council Directives 66 /402/EEC and 2002 /57/EC in respect of Avena strigosa Schreb.:
Commission Decision 2009 /786/EC of 26 October 2009 (OJ L 281/5, 28.10.2009);
Authorising Latvia to apply certain provisions of Council Directives 66 /402/EEC and 2002 /57/EC with regard to species Avena strigosa Schreb . , Brassica nigra (L.) Koch and Hel I Annuus anthus L.:
Commission Decision 2010 /198/EU of 6 April 2010 (OJ L 87, 7.4.2010, p. 34).

1 New content according to Art. 3 of D n O 2/2010 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 13 Dec. 2010, in force for Switzerland since 1 Er Jan 2011 ( RO 2011 471 ).
2 Any reference to an act shall mean, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31.7.2010.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 4 1

List of third countries 2








New Zealand

Serbia and Montenegro

South Africa


United States of America


1 New content according to Art. 3 of D n O 2/2010 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 13 Dec. 2010, in force for Switzerland since 1 Er Jan 2011 ( RO 2011 471 ).
2 Recognition is based on D n O 2003 /17/EC of the Council (OJ L 8, 14.1.2003, p. 10) concerning field inspections of seed-producing crops and seed produced and on D n O 2005 /834/EC of the Council (OJ L 312, 29.11.2005, p. 51) concerning the controls of the conservative selections. In the case of Norway, the EEA is applicable.

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 7 1

Relative to trade in wine products

Art. 1 Objectives

The Parties, on the basis of the principles of non-discrimination and reciprocity, agree to facilitate and promote between them the trade flows of wine-growing products originating in their territories under the conditions laid down in the Annex.

Art. 2 Scope of application

This Annex applies to wine-growing products defined in the legislation referred to in Appendix 1.

Art. 3 Definitions

For the purposes of this Annex and unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Annex, the following shall mean:

"Wine product originating in", followed by the name of one of the Parties: a product within the meaning of s. 2, drawn up in the territory of that Party from grapes wholly harvested in that territory or in a territory defined in Appendix 2, in accordance with the provisions of this Annex;
"Geographical indication" means any indication, including the appellation of origin, within the meaning of Art. 22 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, annexed to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization 1 (hereinafter referred to as "the TRIPS Agreement"), which is recognized by the laws or regulations of a Party for the purposes of the designation and presentation of a wine product referred to in s. 2 originating from its territory or from a territory defined in Appendix 2;
"Traditional reference" means a name traditionally used, which refers in particular to a method of production or to the quality, colour or type of a wine product referred to in Art. 2, and which is recognized by the laws or regulations of a Party for the purposes of the designation and presentation of that product originating in the territory of that Party;
"Protected designation" means a geographical indication or a traditional reference referred to in (b) and (c) and protected under this Annex;
"Designation" means the names used on the labelling, on the documents accompanying a wine product referred to in Art. 2 during carriage, on commercial documents, including invoices and delivery slips, and in advertising;
"Labelling" means all designations and other indications, signs, illustrations or marks that characterise a wine product referred to in Art. 2 and appear on the same container, including its closing device, on the pendant attached to it or on the lining of the neck of the bottles;
"Presentation" means the names used on the containers and their closing devices, in the labelling and on the packaging;
"Packaging" means the protective envelopes, such as papers, mats of all kinds, cartons and cases, used during the transport of one or more containers and/or for their presentation for sale to the final consumer;
"Regulations concerning trade in wine-growing products" means any provision provided for in this Annex;
"Competent authority" means each of the authorities or each of the services designated by a Party with a view to ensuring the application of the regulations concerning the production and trade of wine-growing products;
"Contact authority" means the competent authority or body designated by a Party to ensure appropriate contacts with the contact authority of the other Party;
"Applicant authority" means a competent authority designated for this purpose by a Party and formulates a request for assistance in areas covered by this Title;
"Required authority" means a competent body or authority designated for that purpose by a Party and receives a request for assistance in areas covered by this Title;
"Infringement" means any infringement of the regulations concerning the production and trade of wine products, as well as any attempt to breach that regulation.

1 RS 0.632.20 Annex 1.C

Title I Provisions applicable to import and marketing

Art. 4 Labelling, presentation and accompanying documents

(1) Trade between Parties of wine-growing products referred to in s. 2 originating in their respective territories shall be carried out in accordance with the technical provisions laid down in this Annex. Technical provisions shall mean all the provisions referred to in Appendix 3 relating to the definition of wine products, oenological practices, the composition of such products, their accompanying documents and the arrangements Their transport and marketing.

(2) The Committee may decide to amend the definition of "technical provisions" referred to in s. 1.

(3) The provisions of the acts referred to in Appendix 3 relating to the entry into force of such acts or their implementation shall not apply for the purposes of this Annex.

(4) This Annex does not affect the application of national or European Union taxation rules, nor the measures of controls relating thereto.

Title II Reciprocal protection of the names of wine products referred to in Art. 2

Art. 5 Denominated Names

With regard to wine products originating in the European Union and Switzerland, the following names in Appendix 4 shall be protected:

The name or references to the Member State of the European Union or to Switzerland from which the wine originates;
Specific terms;
Appellations of origin and geographical indications;
Traditional references.
Art. 6 Names or references used to designate the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland

(1) For the purposes of identifying the origin of wines in Switzerland, the names or references to the Member States of the Union used to designate these products:

Are reserved for wines originating in the Member State concerned;
May be used only on wine-growing products originating in the European Union and under the conditions laid down in the legislation and regulations of the European Union.

(2) For the purpose of identifying the origin of wines in the European Union, the name or references to Switzerland used to designate these products:

Are reserved for wines originating in Switzerland;
May be used only on wine-growing products originating in Switzerland and under the conditions laid down in Swiss legislation and regulations.
Art. 7 Other terms

(1) The terms "protected designation of origin", "protected geographical indication" including their abbreviations "PDO" and "PGI", the terms "Sekt" and "crémant" referred to in Commission Regulation (EC) No 607/2009 1 Are reserved for wines originating in the Member State concerned and may only be used under the conditions laid down in the legislation and regulations of the European Union.

(2) Without prejudice to s. 10, the terms "controlled appellation of origin", including its abbreviation " "AOC" And "country wine", referred to in s. 63 of the Federal Agriculture Act 2 Are reserved for wines originating in Switzerland and may only be used under the conditions laid down in Swiss legislation.

The term "table wine" referred to in s. 63 of the Federal Law on Agriculture is reserved for wines originating in Switzerland and can only be used under the conditions laid down in Swiss legislation.

1 OJ L 193, 24.7.2009, pp. 60-139
2 RS 910.1

Art. 8 Protection of Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications

(1) In Switzerland, the designations of origin and geographical indications of the European Union listed in Appendix 4, Part A:

Are protected and reserved for wines originating in the European Union;
May be used only on wine products of the European Union and under the conditions laid down in the legislation and regulations of the European Union.

In the European Union, the designations of origin and geographical indications of Switzerland listed in Appendix 4, Part B:

Are protected and reserved for wines originating in Switzerland;
Can be used only on the wine products of Switzerland and under the conditions established by the Swiss legislation and regulations.

(2) The Parties shall take all necessary measures, in accordance with this Annex, to ensure the reciprocal protection of appellations of origin and geographical indications listed in Appendix 4 and used for designation and Presentation of wines originating in the territory of the Parties. Each Party shall establish the appropriate legal means to ensure effective protection and prevent the use of an appellation of origin or geographical indication set out in the list in Appendix 4 to designate a wine not Originating in the place covered by the said appellation of origin or geographical indication.

(3) Protection under s. 1 applies even when:

SEQ subroman\r0 \h the true origin of the wine is indicated;
SEQ subroman\r0 \h the appellation of origin or the geographical indication is translated, or transcribed or transliterated; or
The indications used are accompanied by terms such as "gender", "type", "manner", "imitation", "method" or other similar expressions.

(4) In the case of homonymy between appellations of origin or geographical indications cited in Appendix 4, the protection shall be granted to each of them as long as the use is in good faith and, in the practical conditions of use Set by the Contracting Parties within the framework of the Committee, fair treatment of the producers concerned is guaranteed and the consumer is not misled.

(5) In the case of homonymy between a geographical indication referred to in Appendix 4 and a geographical indication of a third country, Art. 23, para. 3, of the TRIPS Agreement applies.

(6) In no case shall the provisions of this Annex infringe the right of any person to use for commercial purposes his or her own name or the name of his predecessor, provided that such name is not used in such a way as to induce Consumer in error.

(7) Nothing in this Annex obliges a Party to protect an appellation of origin or geographical indication of the other Party that is cited in Appendix 4 but is not protected or ceases to be protected in the State of origin, or Fallen into disuse.

(8) The Parties declare that the rights and obligations established under this Annex are not valid for any other appellation of origin or geographical indication than those listed in Appendix 4.

(9) Without prejudice to the TRIPS Agreement, this Annex shall supplement and clarify the rights and obligations applicable to the protection of geographical indications in each of the Parties.

However, the Parties shall not avail themselves of the provisions of Art. 24, para. 4, 6 and 7 of the TRIPS Agreement to refuse to grant protection to a name of the other Party, with the exception of the cases referred to in Appendix 5 to this Annex.

(10) The exclusive protection provided for in this Article shall apply to the name 'Champagne' on the list of European Union referred to in Appendix 4 to this Annex.

Art. Relations between appellations of origin and geographical indications and trademarks

(1) Contracting Parties are not obliged to protect an appellation of origin or geographical indication if, having regard to the reputation or reputation of an earlier mark, the protection is liable to mislead the consumer in Error as to the true identity of the wine in question.

(2) The registration of a trade mark for a wine product referred to in s. 2 which contains or consists of an appellation of origin or a geographical indication referred to in Appendix 4 is, in accordance with the law of each Party, refused or partially refused, either ex officio or at the request of an interested party, Where the product in question is not originating in the place indicated by the appellation of origin or the geographical indication.

(3) A registered mark for a wine product referred to in s. 2 which contains or consists of an appellation of origin or a geographical indication referred to in Appendix 4 is, in accordance with the law of each Party, invalidated or partly invalidated, either ex officio or at the request of an interested party, When it relates to a product which is not in conformity with the requirements for the appellation of origin or the geographical indication.

(4) A trade mark, the use of which corresponds to the situation referred to in the preceding paragraph and which has been deposited and registered in good faith or established by good faith use in a Party (including the Member States of the European Union), if that Possibility is provided for in the legislation concerned, before the date of protection of the appellation of origin or the geographical indication of the other Party under this Annex, may continue to be used notwithstanding the protection granted To the appellation of origin or to the geographical indication, provided that no grounds exist Of the cancellation of a trade mark does not exist in the legislation of the Party concerned.

Art. 10 Protection of traditional expressions

(1) In Switzerland, the traditional expressions of the European Union listed in Appendix 4, Part A:

Are not used for the purposes of the designation or presentation of wines originating in Switzerland;
May be used for the purposes of the designation or presentation of wines originating in the European Union only for wines of the origin and category indicated in the Appendix, as well as in the corresponding language, in the Conditions laid down in the legislation and regulations of the European Union.

In the European Union, the traditional expressions of Switzerland listed in Appendix 4, Part B:

Are not used for the purposes of the designation or presentation of wines originating in the European Union;
May be used for the purposes of the designation or presentation of wines originating in Switzerland only for wines of the origin and category indicated in the Appendix, as well as in the corresponding language, under conditions Under Swiss legislation and regulations.

(2) The Parties shall, in accordance with this Agreement, take the necessary measures to ensure the protection, in accordance with this Article, of the traditional expressions listed in Appendix 4 and used for the designation and presentation of Wines originating in the territories of the respective Parties. To this end, the Parties shall provide effective legal protection to prevent the use of such traditional expressions to designate wines that are not entitled to them, even if such traditional expressions are accompanied by terms Such as "type", "type", "manner", "imitation", "method" or other similar expressions.

(3) The protection of a traditional reference shall relate exclusively to:

The language (s) in which it appears in the list in Appendix 4;
The category of wine for which it is protected for the benefit of the European Union or the class of wine for which it is protected for the benefit of Switzerland as set out in Appendix 4.

(4) In the case of homonymy between traditional expressions cited in Appendix 4, the protection shall be granted to each of the traditional expressions, provided that the use is in good faith and that, under the practical conditions of use fixed by the The Contracting Parties within the framework of the Committee, a fair treatment of the producers concerned is guaranteed and the consumer is not misled.

(5) In the case of homonymy between a traditional reference cited in Appendix 4 and a name used for a wine product not originating in the territory of one of the Parties, the latter may be used to designate and present a Wine, provided that it is of traditional and constant use, that its use for that purpose is regulated by the country of origin and that the consumer is not misled on the exact origin of the wine concerned.

(6) This Annex shall in no way affect the right of any person to use for commercial purposes his or her own name or the name of his predecessor, provided that such name is not used in such a way as to induce the consumer to Error.

(7) The registration of a trade mark for a wine product referred to in Art. 2 which contains or consists of a traditional reference referred to in Appendix 4 shall, in accordance with the law of each Party, be refused or partially refused, either ex officio or at the request of an interested party, where the said mark does not concern Wine-growing products originating from the geographical origin attached to the said traditional reference.

A trade mark registered for a wine product referred to in Art. 2 which contains or consists of a traditional reference referred to in Appendix 4 is, in accordance with the law of each Party, invalidated or partly invalidated, either ex officio or at the request of an interested party, where the said mark does not Does not apply to wine-growing products originating from the geographical origin attached to that traditional reference.

A trade mark, the use of which corresponds to the situation referred to in the preceding paragraph, which has been filed and registered in good faith or established by use in good faith in a Party (including the Member States of the Union), before the date of Protection of the traditional reference of the other Party under this Annex, may continue to be used if that possibility is provided for in the relevant right of the Party concerned.

(8) Nothing in this Annex obliges Parties to protect a traditional reference which is cited in Appendix 4 but is not protected or ceases to be protected or has fallen into disuse in its country of origin.

Art. 11 Implementation of protection

(1) The Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that, in the case of export and marketing outside their territory of wine-growing products originating in the Parties, the protected names of a Party under the This Annex shall not be used to designate and present such products originating in the other Party.

(2) To the extent permitted by the relevant legislation of the Parties, the protection conferred by this Annex extends to natural and legal persons as well as to federations, associations and organizations of producers, traders or Consumers whose registered office is located in the territory of the other Party.

(3) If the designation or presentation of a wine product, in particular in the labelling or in official or commercial documents or in advertising, infringers the rights under this Annex, the Parties shall Apply the administrative measures or take the necessary judicial action, in particular in order to combat unfair competition or otherwise prohibit the misuse of the protected name.

(4) The measures and actions referred to in s. 3 are taken, in particular, in the following cases:

Where the translation of the designations provided for by the legislation of the European Union or Switzerland in one of the languages of the other Party reveals a word which may be misleading as to the origin of the wine product so designated or presented;
Where, on the packaging or packaging, on advertisements or on official or commercial documents relating to a product of which the name is protected under this Annex, include indications, marks, names, Entries or illustrations which, directly or indirectly, contain false or misleading representations on the origin, origin, nature or substantial properties of the product;
When a packaging or packaging is used to mislead the origin of the wine product.

(5) This Annex shall be without prejudice to any more extensive protection that the Parties shall grant to names protected by this Annex under their domestic legislation or other international agreements.

Title III Control and mutual assistance of supervisory bodies

Art. 12 Purpose and Limitations

(1) The Parties shall assist each other in the manner and under the conditions set out in this Title. They ensure the correct application of the rules on trade in wine products, in particular by granting mutual assistance, by identifying infringements of this legislation and by investigating them.

(2) The assistance provided for in this Title shall not affect the provisions governing criminal proceedings or mutual legal assistance between Parties in criminal matters.

(3) This Title shall not prejudice national provisions relating to the secrecy of judicial proceedings.

Subtitle I Authorities and addressees of controls and mutual assistance

Art. 13 Contact Authorities

(1) Where a Party designates more than one competent authority, it shall coordinate their actions.

(2) Each Party shall designate a single contact authority. This authority:

Transmits requests for cooperation, for the purposes of this title, to the contact authority of the other Party;
Receives from the said authority such requests that it transmits to the competent authority or authorities of the Party to which it belongs;
Shall represent that Party vis-vis the other Party in the context of the cooperation under this Title;
Communicate to the other Party the measures taken under s. 11.
Art. 14 Authorities and laboratories

The Parties shall:

Communicate to each other the lists regularly updated by the Parties, namely:
The list of competent bodies for the preparation of documents VI 1 and other documents accompanying the transport of wine-producing products pursuant to Art. 4 para. 1 of this Annex and the relevant provisions of the European Union of Appendix 3 (A),
The list of competent authorities and contact authorities referred to in Art. 3 items (j) and (k),
A list of laboratories authorized to carry out the analyses in accordance with s. 17 para. 2,
The list of competent Swiss authorities referred to in box 4 of the accompanying document for the transport of wine products from Switzerland, in accordance with Appendix 3 (B);
Shall consult each other and shall inform itself of the measures taken by each Party concerning the application of this Annex. In particular, they provide each other with each other's provisions and a summary of administrative and judicial decisions which are particularly important for its correct application.
Art. 15 Controls Recipients

Natural or legal persons as well as groups of such persons whose professional activities may be the subject of the controls referred to in this Title shall not impede such controls and shall be obliged to facilitate them Moment.

Subtitle II Control measures

Art. 16 Control Measures

(1) The Parties shall take the necessary measures to ensure the assistance provided for in Art. 12 with appropriate control measures.

(2) These controls are carried out either systematically or by survey. In the case of survey checks, the Parties shall ensure, by the number, nature and frequency of such controls, that they are representative.

(3) The Parties shall take appropriate measures to facilitate the work of the officials of their competent authorities, in particular so that they:

Have access to vineyards, production facilities, the preparation, storage and processing of wine products and the means of transport of these products;
Have access to commercial premises or warehouses and to the means of transport of any person who holds for sale, markets or transports viticultural products or products which may be used in their preparation;
Be able to carry out a census of wine-growing products and of the substances or products which may be intended for their development;
May take samples of wine-producing products held for sale, marketed or transported;
Be able to review the accounting data or other documents relevant to the controls and make copies or extracts thereof;
May take appropriate precautionary measures concerning the production, development, detention, transport, designation, presentation, export to the other Party and the marketing of wine or wine products A product intended for use in their development, where there is a reasonable suspicion of a serious infringement of this Annex, in particular in the case of fraudulent manipulations or public health risks.
Art. 17 Samples

(1) The competent authority of a Party may request a competent authority of the other Party to carry out a sample collection in accordance with the relevant provisions in that Party.

(2) The required authority shall keep the samples taken in accordance with s. 1 and refers in particular to the laboratory to which they are to be submitted for examination. The requesting authority may designate another laboratory for the analysis of parallel samples. To this end, the requested authority shall transmit an appropriate number of samples to the requesting authority.

(3) In the event of disagreement between the requesting authority and the required authority concerning the results of the review referred to in s. 2, an arbitration analysis shall be carried out by a laboratory designated by mutual agreement.

Subtitle III Procedures

Art. 18 Generated Fact

Where a competent authority of a Party has a reasonable suspicion or knowledge of:

That a wine product is not in conformity with the regulations concerning the trade in such products or is the subject of fraudulent actions aimed at obtaining or marketing such a product; and
That this non-conformity is of specific interest to a Party and is liable to give rise to administrative measures or to legal proceedings, it shall inform without delay, through the contact authority of which it Succession, the contact authority of the Party concerned.
Art. 19 Mutual Assistance Requests

(1) A request made under this Division shall be in writing. The documents required to meet these requirements are accompanied by applications. When the urgency of the situation requires, verbal requests may be accepted, but must be immediately confirmed in writing.

(2) Applications submitted in accordance with s. 1 are accompanied by the following information:

Name of the requesting authority;
The measure requested;
The purpose or reason for the request;
The relevant legislation, rules or other legal instruments;
As accurate and complete as possible on the natural or legal persons who are the subject of investigations;
A summary of the relevant facts.

(3) Applications shall be made in one of the official languages of the Parties.

(4) If an application does not meet the formal requirements, it may be requested that it be corrected or completed; however, it is possible to order provisional measures.

(1) At the request of the requesting authority, the requested authority shall provide it with any relevant information enabling it to ensure that the rules on trade in wine products are properly applied, including information Concerning the operations identified or planned which constitute or are likely to constitute an infringement of that regulation.

(2) On the basis of a reasoned request from the requesting authority, the required authority shall exercise, or take the initiatives necessary to carry out, special monitoring or controls in order to achieve the objectives pursued.

(3) The required authority referred to in s. 1 and 2 proceeds as if it acted on its own behalf or at the request of an authority of its own country.

(4) In accordance with the required authority, the requesting authority may appoint agents to its service or to the service of another competent authority of the Party it represents:

In order to collect, on the premises of the competent authorities of the Party where the requested authority is established, information relating to the correct application of the regulations relating to trade in wine products or to Control actions, including the preparation of copies of transport documents and other documents or extracts from registers;
To attend the shares required under s. 2.

The copies referred to in the first indent may be established only in accordance with the authority required.

(5) The requesting authority that wishes to send a designated officer to another Party in accordance with subs. 4, first paragraph, to assist the control operations referred to in the second indent of that paragraph shall notify the required authority in good time before the start of such operations. The officers of the required authority shall ensure at all times the conduct of the control operations.

The officers of the applicant authority:

Produce a written mandate that defines their identity and quality;
Shall enjoy, subject to the restrictions that the law applicable to the required authority imposes on its agents in the exercise of the controls in question:
Access rights under s. 16 para. 3,
A right of information on the results of checks carried out by officials of the authority required under Art. 16 para. 3;
Adopt, during the course of checks, an attitude compatible with the rules and practices imposed on the agents of the Party in whose territory the control operation is carried out.

(6) The reasoned requests referred to in this Article shall be transmitted to the requested authority of the Party concerned through the contact authority of that Party. The same applies to:

Responses to these requests;
Communications relating to the application of s. 2, 4 and 5.

By way of derogation from the first subparagraph, in order to make cooperation between the Parties more effective and quicker, the Parties may, in appropriate cases, allow a competent authority to:

Direct its reasoned requests or communications to a competent authority of the other Party;
Respond directly to requests for reasons or communications from a competent authority of the other Party.

In this case, these authorities shall inform the contact authority of the Party concerned without delay.

(7) The information in the analytical data bank of each Party, comprising data obtained from the analysis of their respective wine-growing products, shall be made available to the laboratories designated for that purpose by the And when requested to do so. The information communications relate only to the relevant analytical data necessary for the interpretation of an analysis made on a sample whose characteristics and origin are comparable.

Art. Decision on mutual assistance

(1) The Party to which the requested authority is responsible may refuse assistance under this Title if such assistance is likely to be prejudicial to the sovereignty, public order, security or other essential interests of the Party.

(2) If the requesting authority requests assistance that it could not itself supply if requested to do so, it shall draw attention to that fact in its application. It is then up to the requested authority to decide how it should respond to this request.

(3) If assistance is refused, the decision and its reasons must be notified to the requesting authority without delay.

Art. Information and documentation

(1) The requested authority shall communicate the results of investigations to the requesting authority in the form of documents, certified copies, reports and similar texts.

(2) The documents referred to in s. 1 may be replaced by computerized information produced, in any form, for the same purpose.

(3) The information referred to in Art. 18 and 20 shall be accompanied by the documents or other useful evidence as well as the indication of any administrative measures or legal proceedings, including:

The composition and organoleptic characteristics of the wine product in question;
Its designation and presentation;
Compliance with the prescribed rules for its production, development or marketing.

(4) The contact authorities concerned by the case for which the mutual assistance process referred to in Art. 18 and 20 has been engaged to inform each other and without delay:

The conduct of investigations, including reports and other documents or means of information;
Administrative or legal action reserved for the operations in question.
Article 23 Fees

The cost of travel resulting from the application of this Title shall be borne by the Party which has designated an agent for the measures referred to in Art. 20 para. 2 and 4.

Art. 24 Confidentiality

(1) Any information disclosed in any form under this Title shall be of a confidential nature. It shall be covered by professional secrecy and shall enjoy the protection accorded to similar information by the laws applicable in the matter by the Party that received it, or by the corresponding provisions applicable to the authorities of the The Union, as appropriate.

(2) This Title shall not oblige a Party whose laws or administrative practices require, for the protection of trade secrets, more stringent limits than those laid down in this Title, to provide Information if the requesting Party does not make provisions to comply with these stricter limits.

(3) The information collected shall be used only for the purposes of this title; they may be used for other purposes in the territory of a Party only with the prior written consent of the administrative authority that provided the information and are, in addition, Subject to the restrictions imposed by that authority.

(4) Le par. 1 does not preclude the use of information in the course of judicial or administrative actions subsequently taken for offences under the common criminal law, provided that they have been obtained in the course of legal assistance International.

(5) The Parties may, in their minutes, reports and testimony, and in proceedings and proceedings before the courts, rely on evidence, information and documents consulted in accordance with the Provisions of this Title.

Title IV General provisions

Art. 25 Exclusions

(1) Titles I and II are not applicable to wine-growing products referred to in s. 2 which:

Transit through the territory of one of the Parties; or
Shall originate in the territory of one of the Parties and shall be exchanged between them in small quantities, on the terms and conditions laid down in Appendix 5 to this Annex.

(2) The application of the exchange of letters between the Community and Switzerland on cooperation in the official control of wines 1 , signed on 15 October 1984 in Brussels, shall be suspended as long as this Annex is in force.

1 RO 1984 1317

Art. 26 Consultations

(1) The Parties shall consult each other when one of the Parties considers that the other has failed to comply with an obligation of this Annex.

(2) The Party seeking consultations shall provide the other Party with all the information necessary for a thorough review of the case.

(3) Where any delay or delay risks endanging human health or ineffectiveness of measures to combat fraud, provisional safeguard measures may be adopted without prior consultation, provided that Consultations shall be initiated immediately following the taking of such measures.

(4) If, at the end of the consultations provided for in s. 1 and 3, the Parties shall not reach an agreement, the Party that has requested consultations or have agreed to the measures referred to in s. 3 may take the appropriate protective measures in such a way as to permit the application of this Annex.

Art. 27 Working Group

(1) The Working Party on Wine Products, hereinafter referred to as the Working Group, established under Art. 6, para. 7 of the Agreement shall consider any matter relating to this Annex and its implementation.

(2) The Working Party shall periodically review the evolution of the internal laws and regulations of the Parties in the areas covered by this Annex. In particular, it shall submit proposals to the Committee with a view to adapting this Annex and its Appendices.

Art. 28 Transitional provisions

(1) Without prejudice to s. 8 para. 10, wine-growing products which, at the time of entry into force of this Annex, have been produced, developed, designated and presented in a manner consistent with the law or the internal regulation of the Parties but prohibited by this May be placed on the market until stocks are depleted.

(2) Except as otherwise provided for by the Committee, marketing of wine products which have been produced, developed, designated and presented in accordance with this Annex, but whose production, development, designation and The submission loses their compliance following an amendment to the said Schedule, may continue until the inventory is depleted.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2012 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 3 May 2012, in force since 4 May 2012 ( RO 2012 3263 ).

Appendix 1

Wine products referred to in s. 2

For the European Union:

Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 on the common organisation of agricultural markets and specific provisions for certain products of the agricultural sector (Single CMO Regulation) (OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, P. 1.), as last amended by Regulation (EU) No 1234/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2010 (OJ L 346, 30.12.2010, p. 11). Products falling under CN codes 2009 61, 2009 69 and 2204 (OJ L 256, 7.9.1987, p. 1.).

For Switzerland:

Chapter 2 of the Ordinance of the DFI of 23 November 2005 on alcoholic beverages as last amended on 15 December 2010 (RO 2010 6391). Products falling under Swiss Customs Tariff Nos. 2009.60 and 2204.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 2

Specific provisions under s. 3 (a) and (b)

Appellation d' origine contrôlée Geneva (AOC Geneva)

1. Geographic Area

The geographical area of the AOC Geneva includes:

The entire territory of the canton of Geneva;
All French communes of:
The parts of the French communes of:

Described in the provisions of the AOC Geneva.

2. Grape production area

The grape production area includes:

On the territory of Geneva: the surfaces forming part of the vineyard cadastre within the meaning of Art. 61 of the Federal Agriculture Act (RS 910.1 ) And whose production is intended for the vinification;
On French territory: the surfaces of the communes or parts of communes referred to in point 1, planted in vines or eligible for replanting rights, representing a maximum of 140 hectares.

3. Wine winemaking area

The wine-making area is restricted to Swiss territory.

4. Decommissioning

The use of the Geneva AOC does not preclude the use of the designations "country wine" and "Swiss wine table" to designate wines originating from grapes from the production area defined in point 2 (b) and decommissioned.

5. Control of the provisions of the AOC Geneva

The Swiss authorities, in particular Geneva, are responsible for the controls in Switzerland.

As regards the physical checks carried out on French territory, the competent Swiss authority mandates a French supervisory body authorised by the French authorities.

6. Transitional provisions

Producers with areas planted with vines that do not appear in the grape production area defined in point 2 (b), but who have used the Geneva AOC previously and legally, may continue to claim them up to the vintage 2013 and the products in question can be marketed until stocks are exhausted.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 3

Lists of acts and technical provisions referred to in Art. 4 on wine-growing products

A. Acts applicable to the import and marketing in Switzerland of wine-growing products originating in the European Union

Legislative reference texts and specific provisions:

Directive 2007 /45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 laying down rules on nominal quantities of products in pre-packaging, repealing Council Directives 75 /106/EEC and 80 /232/EEC, and amending the Directive Council Regulation 76 /211/EEC (OJ L 247, 21.9.2007, p. 17).
Directive 2008 /95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 bringing together the laws of the Member States on trade marks (codified version) (OJ L 299, 8.11.2008, p.25).
Council Directive 89 /396/EEC of 14 June 1989 on indications or marks identifying the lot to which a foodstuff belongs (OJ L 186, 30.6.1989, p. 21), as last amended by Council Directive 92/11/EEC of 11 March 1992 (OJ L 65, 11.3.1992, p. 32).
Directive 94 /36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 1994 on colouring agents intended for use in foodstuffs (OJ L 237, 10.9.1994, p. 13), as amended in OJ L 259, 7.10.1994, p. 33, OJ L 252, 4.10.1996, p. 23 and OJ L 124, 25.5.2000, p. 66.
Directive 95 /2/EC of Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 1995 on food additives other than colours and sweeteners (OJ L 61, 18.3.1995, p. 1), as amended in OJ L 248, 14.10.1995, p. 60, as last amended by Commission Directive 2010 /69/EU of 22 October 2010 (OJ L 279, 23.10.2010, p. 22).
Directive 2000 /13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning the labelling and presentation of foodstuffs and the publicity given to them (OJ 2000 L 109 6.5.2000, p. 29), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No O 596/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 adapting to Council Decision 1999 /468/EC certain acts subject to the procedure referred to in Art. 251 of the Treaty, as regards the regulatory procedure with scrutiny-Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny-Part Four (OJ L 188, 18.7.2009, p. 14).
Commission Directive 2002/63/EC of 11 July 2002 laying down Community methods for the collection of samples for the official control of pesticide residues on and in products of plant and animal origin and repealing the Directive 79 /700/EEC (OJ L 187, 16.7.2002, p. 30).
Regulation (EC) n O 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs and repealing Directives 80 /590/EEC and 89 /109/EEC (OJ L 338, 13.11.2004, p. 4), as last amended by Regulation (EC) n O 596/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 adapting to Council Decision 1999 /468/EC certain acts subject to the procedure referred to in Art. 251 of the Treaty, as regards the regulatory procedure with scrutiny-Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny-Part Four (OJ L 188, 18.7.2009, p. 14).
Regulation (EC) n O 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 concerning the maximum residue limits for pesticides present in or on food and feed for plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91 /414/EEC (OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1), as last amended by Regulation (EU) n O 813/2011 of the Commission of 11 August 2011 (OJ L 208, 13.8.2011, p. 23).
Regulation (EEC) n O Council of 8 February 1993 establishing Community procedures relating to contaminants in foodstuffs (OJ L 37, 13.2.1993, p. 1), as last amended by Regulation (EC) n O 596/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 adapting to Council Decision 1999 /468/EC certain acts subject to the procedure referred to in Art. 251 of the Treaty, as regards the regulatory procedure with scrutiny-Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny-Part Four (OJ L 188, 18.7.2009, p. 14).
Regulation (EC) n O 1234/2007 of the Council of 22 October 2007 on the common organisation of agricultural markets and specific provisions with regard to certain products of this sector (Single CMO Regulation) (OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1.), as last amended by Regulation (EU) n O 1234/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2010 (OJ L 346, 30.12.2010, p. 11).
Regulation (EC) n O 555/2008 of the Commission of 27 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 479/2008 of the Council on the common organisation of the market in wine, as regards aid programmes, trade with third countries, production potential and controls in the sector (OJ L 170, 30.6.2008, p. 1), as last amended by the Regulation (EU) n O 772/2010 of the Commission of 1 Er September 2010 (OJ L 232, 2.9.2010, p. 1).
Regulation (EC) n O 436/2009 Commission of 26 May 2009 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 479/2008 of the Council with regard to the wine locker, the mandatory declarations and the preparation of information for market monitoring, the documents accompanying the transport of products and the registers to be kept in the sector Wine (OJ L 128, 27.5.2009, p. 15), as last amended by the Regulation (EU) n O 173/2011 of the Commission of 23 February 2011 (OJ L 49, 24.2.2011, p. 16).
Without prejudice to the provisions of Art. 24, para. 1 (b) of Regulation (EC) No O 436/2009, any import into Switzerland of wine-growing products originating in the European Union is subject to the presentation of the accompanying document referred to in Art. 24, para. 1, point (a) of that regulation.
Regulation (EC) n O 606/2009 of the Commission of 10 July 2009 laying down certain rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 479/2008 of the Council with regard to the categories of vine products, oenological practices and the restrictions which apply to them (OJ L 193, 24.7.2009, p. 1), as last amended by the Regulation (EU) n O 53/2011 of the Commission of 21 January 2011 (OJ L 19, 22.1.2011, p. 1).
Regulation (EC) n O 607/2009 of the Commission of 14 July 2009 laying down certain rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 479/2008 of the Council with regard to protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications, traditional expressions, labelling and presentation of certain products of the wine sector (OJ L 193, 24.7.2009, p. 60), as last amended by the Regulation (EU) n O 670/2011 of the Commission of 12 July 2011 (OJ L 183, 13.7.2011, p. 6).

B. Acts applicable to the import and marketing in the European Union of wine-growing products originating in Switzerland

Acts to which reference is made:

1. Federal Agriculture Act of April 29, 1998, as last amended June 18, 2010 (RO [Official Collection] 2010 5851).

2. Ordinance of 14 November 2007 on wine-growing and wine import (Wine Order), as last amended on 4 November 2009 (RO 2010 733).

3. Order of the OFAG (Federal Office of Agriculture) of 17 January 2007 concerning the list of varieties allowed for the certification and production of standard equipment and the assortment of grape varieties, as last amended on 6 May 2011 (RO 2011 2169).

4. Federal Act of 9 October 1992 on foodstuffs and common objects (Law on foodstuffs-LDAl), as last amended on 5 October 2008 (RO 2008 785).

5. Ordinance of 23 November 2005 on foodstuffs and common objects (ODAlOUs), as last amended on 13 October 2010 (RO 2010 4611).

6. DFI Ordinance of 23 November 2005 on alcoholic beverages, as last amended on 15 December 2010 (RO 2010 6391).

By way of derogation from art. 10 of the order, the designation and presentation rules apply to products imported from third countries subject to the following regulations:

Regulation (EC) n O 1234/2007 of the Council of 22 October 2007 on the common organisation of agricultural markets and specific provisions with regard to certain products of this sector (Single CMO Regulation) (OJ L 299, 16.11.2007, p. 1.), as last amended by Regulation (EU) n O 1234/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2010 (OJ L 346, 30.12.2010, p. 11).
For the purposes of this Annex, the Regulation shall be adapted as follows:
By way of derogation from Art. 118 sexvicies, para. 1, point (a), category names are replaced by the specific names as laid down in Art. 9 of the DFI prescription on alcoholic beverages;
By way of derogation from Art. 118 sexvicies, para. 1, point (b) indent (i) the words' Protected designation of origin " And " Protected geographical indication " Are replaced by " Controlled appellation of origin " And " Country wine ";
By way of derogation from Art. 118 sexvicies, para. 1, point (f), the indication of the importer may be replaced by that of the producer, auctioneers, dealer or bottler;
Regulation (EC) n O 607/2009 of the Commission of 14 July 2009 laying down certain rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 479/2008 of the Council with regard to protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications, traditional expressions, labelling and presentation of certain products of the wine sector (OJ L 193, 24.7.2009, p. 60.), as last amended by Regulation (EU) n O 670/2011 of the Commission of 12 July 2011 (OJ L 183, 13.7.2011, p.
For the purposes of this Annex, the Regulation shall be adapted as follows:
By way of derogation from Art. 54, para. 1, of the Regulation, the alcoholic strength may be indicated by tenth of a percentage unit in volume;
By way of derogation from Art. 64 and Annex XIV, Part B, the words'half-dry' and 'moelleux' may be replaced by the words'mildly sweet' and 'half-sweet' respectively;
By way of derogation from Art. 62 of the Regulation, the indication of one or more vine varieties shall be permitted if the Swiss wine is produced at least 85 % of the varieties or varieties mentioned.

7. DFI Ordinance of 23 November 2005 on the labelling and advertising of foodstuffs (OEDAl), as last amended on 13 October 2010 (RO 2010 4649).

8. DFI Ordinance of 22 June 2007 on additives permitted in foodstuffs (Additives Ordinance, [OAdd]), as last amended on 11 May 2009 (RO 2009 2047).

9. DFI Ordinance of 26 June 1995 on foreign substances and components in foodstuffs (Foreign Substances and Components Ordinance, OSEC), last amended on 16 May 2011 (RO 2011 1985).

10. Directive 2007 /45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 laying down rules on the nominal quantities of products in pre-packaging, repealing Council Directives 75 /106/EEC and 80 /232/EEC, and amending the Directive Council Regulation 76 /211/EEC (OJ L 2471, 21.9.2007, p. 17).

11. Regulation (EC) n O 555/2008 of the Commission of 27 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 479/2008 of the Council on the common organisation of the market in wine, as regards aid programmes, trade with third countries, production potential and controls in the sector (OJ L 170, 30.6.2008, p. 1), as last amended by the Regulation (EU) n O 772/2010 of the Commission of 1 Er September 2010 (OJ L 232, 2.9.2010, p.1).

For the purposes of this Annex, the Regulation shall be adapted as follows:

Any import of wine products originating in Switzerland into the European Union is subject to the presentation of the accompanying document set out in accordance with the Commission Decision of 29 December 2004 (OJ L 4, 6.1.2005, p. 12);
This accompanying document replaces document VI1 referred to in Regulation (EC) No O 555/2008 of the Commission of 27 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 479/2008 of the Council on the common organisation of the market in wine, as regards aid programmes, trade with third countries, production potential and controls in the sector (OJ L 170, 30.6.2008, p. 1), as last amended by the Regulation (EU) n O 772/2010 of the Commission of 1 Er September 2010 (OJ L 232, 2.9.2010, p.1);
In cases where the Regulation refers to the words "Member State (s)" or "national or Community provisions" (or "national or Community rules"), these terms shall be deemed to refer also to Switzerland or to Swiss legislation;
Wines originating in Switzerland, equivalent to wines with geographical indications, which have a total acidity content, expressed in tartaric acid, less than 3.5 grams per litre, but not less than 3 grams per litre, may be imported, When they are designated by a geographical indication and are derived, at least 85 %, from grapes of one or more of the following vine varieties: Chasselas, Mueller-Thurgau, Sylvaner, Pinot noir or Merlot.

Supporting Document (1) For the transport of wine-growing products from Switzerland (2)

1. Exporter (name and address)

2. Reference Number

4. Competent Swiss authority for the place of departure (name and address)

3. Addressee (name and address)

6. Ship Date

5. Carrier and other indications referring to transport

7. Place of Delivery

8. Description of the product

9. Quantity

10. Additional Indications

11. Lot (number)

12. Certifications (relating to certain wines)

13. Indications for wines exported in bulk

Acquired alcoholic strength:


14. Controls by the competent EU authorities

15. Signatory company and telephone number

16. Name of the signatory

17. Location and Date

18. Signature

(1) In accordance with Annex 7, app. 1, let. B, c. 9 of the EC Treaty of 21 June 1999 between the EC and Switzerland on trade in agricultural products.

(2) The wine-growing area adopted for the purpose of this document is the territory of the Swiss Confederation.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 4

Protected names referred to in s. 5

Part A Protected names for wine-growing products originating in the European Union


Wines with protected designations of origin

Côtes de Sambre and Meuse

Crémant de Wallonie

Hagelandse wijn

Haspengouwse Wijn

Heuvellandse Wijn

Wallonia's quality sparkling wine

Vlaamse mousserende kwaliteitswijn

Wines with protected geographical indications

Vin de pays des Jardins de Wallonie

Vlaamse landwijn

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Controlled appellation of origin AOP English

Gecontroleerde oorsprongsbenaming Dutch AOP

Country wine IGP English

Landwijn IGP Dutch


Wines with protected designations of origin

Toñåíîâãðàä Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Asenovgrad

Áîëðîâî Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Bolyarovo

Áðåñòle Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Brestnik

Âàðíà Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Varna

Âåëèêè Ïðåñëàâ Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Veliki Preslav

Âèäèí Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Vidin

Aðöto Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Vratsa

Âúðáèöà Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Varbitsa

Äîëíàòà íà Ñòðóìà Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Struma valley

Äðàãîåâî Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Dragoevo

Åâêñèíîãðàä Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Evksinograd

Eâàéëîâãðàä Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Ivaylovgrad

ðëîâî Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Karlovo

íàðíááàò Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Karnobat

ålå÷ Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Lovech

ëööa Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Lozitsa

Ëîì Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Lom

á�á�èì�ì�ö Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Lyubimets

Löstery Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Lyaskovets

Ìåëíê Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Melnik

Ìíà Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Montana

Íîâà Çàãîðà Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Nova Zagora

Íîâè Ïàçàð Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Novi Pazar

Íîâî ñåëî Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Novo Selo

Îðõîâèöà Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Oryahovitsa

Ïâëèêåíè Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Pavlikeni

AIàçàðäæèê Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Pazardjik

Ïåðóùèe Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Perushtitsa

Ïëåâåí Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Pleven

Enamâäèâ Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Plovdiv

Ïîìîðå Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Pump

Ðóñå Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Ruse

Ñàð Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Sakar

Ñàíäàíñêè Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Sandanski

Ñâèùâ Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Svishtov

Ñåïòåìâðè Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Septemvri

Ñëàâíöè Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Slavyantsi

Ñëèâåí Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Sliven

Ñòàìáîâî Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Stambolovo

Ñòàðà Çàãîðà Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Stara Zagora

Ñóíãóðëàå Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Sungurlare

Ñóõèíäîë Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Suhindol

úðãîâùå Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Equivalent term: Targovishte

Õàí Êðóì Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Han Krum

To the island Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Haskovo

èñàð Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Hisarya

úðñîi Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Harsovo

×åðíîìðñêè ðàéîí Followed or not of Þæíî ×åðíîìîðéå

Equivalent term: Southern Black Sea Coast

×åðíîìîðñêè ðàéîí-Ñåâåðåí Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Northen Black Sea Region

Whether or not followed by a sub-region and/or a smaller geogra unit Wt I That

Equivalent term: Shivachevo

Øóìåí followed Or not a sub-region and/or a smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Shumen

ßìáîë Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Yambol

Wines with protected geographical indications

Äóíàâñêà ðàâííà

Equivalent term: Danube Plain

" ðàêèéñêèà íèçèíà

Equivalent term: Thracian Lowlands

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Áëàãîðîäíî ñëàäêî âèíî (ÁÑÂ) AOP Bulgare


íàèì�åíîâàíèå ila ïðîçõîä (Ã�ÍÏ) AOP Bulgare

Ãàðàíòðàííííííííîciâàíèå here ïðîèçõîä

(Ï) AOP Bulgarian

Påãèîàëíî âèíî (Regional wine) IGP Bulgarian

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)


(collection) AOP Bulgarian


(young) AOP/IGP Bulgarian


(premium) IGP Bulgarian

Ïðåìèóì îóê, èëè ïúðâî çàðåæäàíå â áúàâà

(premium oak) AOP Bulgarian

Ïðåìèóì ðåçåðâà

(premium reserve) IGP Bulgarian


(reserve) AOP/IGP Bulgarian


(Rosenthaler) AOP Bulgarian

Ñïåöèàëíà ñåëåêöè

(special selection) AOP Bulgare

Ñïåà ëíà ðåçåðâà

(special reserve) AOP Bulgare

Czech Republic

Wines with protected designations of origin

Eechy Whether or not Litomìická

Eechy Whether or not Mìnická

Morava Whether or not Mikulovská

Morava Whether or not Slovácká

Morava Whether or not Velkopavlovická

Morava Whether or not Znojemská

Wines with protected geographical indications



Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Aromatické jakostní šumivé víno

Stanovene oblasti AOP Czech

Aromatický sekt n/a Czech PDO

Jakostní likérové víno AOP Czech

Jakostní perlivé víno AOP Czech

Jakostní šumivé víno stanovené oblasti AOP Czech

Jakostní víno AOP Czech

Jakostní víno odrùdové AOP Czech

Jakostní víno s pøívlastkem AOP Czech

Jakostní víno známkové AOP Czech

V. O.C Czech PDO

Víno originální certifikace Czech PDO

Víno s pøívlastkem kabinetní víno AOP Czech

Víno s pøívlastkem ledové víno AOP Czech

Víno s pøívlastkem pozdní sbìr AOP Czech

Víno s pøívlastkem slámové víno AOP Czech

Víno s pøívlastkem výbìr z bobulí AOP Czech

Víno s pøívlastkem výbìr z cibéb AOP Czech

Víno s pøívlastkem výbìr z hroznù AOP Czech

Víno origininální certifying

(VOC or V.O.C.) Czech IGP

Zemské víno IGP Czech

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Archiving Víno AOP Czech

Burèák AOP Czech

Klaret AOP Czech

Košer, Košer víno AOP Czech

Labín AOP Czech

Mladé víno AOP Czech

Mešní víno AOP Czech

Panenské víno, Panenská sklizeò AOP Czech

Pìstitelský sekt (*) Czech PDO

Pozdní sbìr AOP Czech

Czech AOP Premium

Rezerva AOP Czech

Rùžák, Ryšák AOP Czech

Zrálo na kvasnicích, Krášleno na

Kvasnicích, Školeno na kvasnicích AOP Czech


Wines with protected designations of origin

Ahr followed or not of the name of a smaller geographical unit

Baden followed or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Franken followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Hessische Bergstrasse followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Mittelrhein followed or not of the name of a smaller geographical unit

Mosel followed or not of the name of a smaller geographical unit

Nahe followed or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Pfalz Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Rheingau followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Rheinhessen followed or not of the name of a smaller geographical unit

Saale-Unstrut followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Sachsen followed or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Württemberg followed or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Wines with protected geographical indications



Bayerischer Bodensee
























Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Prädikatswein (Qualitätswein mit Prädikat (*)), Followed by

Eiswein AOP German

Qualitätswein, Whether or not B.A.

(Qualitätswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete) AOP German

Qualitätslikörwein, Whether or not B.A.

(Qualitätslikörwein bestimmter Anbaugebiete) AOP German

Qualitätsperlwein, Whether or not B.A.

(Qualitätsperlwein bestimmter Anbaugebiete) AOP German

Sekt b.A. (Sekt bestimmter Anbaugebiete) AOP German

Landwein IGP German

Winzersekt German AO

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Affentaler AOP German

Badisch Rotgold AOP German

Ehrentrudis AOP German

German AOP Hock

Klassik/Classic AOP German

Liebfrau (en) milch AOP German

Riesling-Hochgewächs German AOP

Schillerwein AOP German

Weissherbst AO German


Wines with protected designations of origin


Equivalent term: Anchialos


Equivalent term: Amynteo


Equivalent term: Archanes


Equivalent term: Gumenissa


Equivalent term: Dafnes


Equivalent term: Zitsa


Equivalent term: Lemnos


Equivalent term: Mantinia

Ìáõñ�äÜöíç Êåöáëëçíßáò

Equivalent term: Mavrodafne of Cephalonia

Ìáõñ�äÜöíç Ðáôñþí

Equivalent term: Mavrodaphne of Patras


Equivalent term: Messenikola

Ìï�Üô�Üôï�� Êåöáëëçíßáò

Equivalent term: Cephalonia Muscatel


Equivalent term: Lemnos Muscatel

ÌïóðÜôïò Ðáôñþí

Equivalent term: Muscatel Patras

ÌïóðÜôïíò Ñßïão Ðáôñþí

Equivalent term: Rio Patron Muscatel

Ìü�Üôïí� Ñüäïão

Equivalent term: Rhodes Muscatel


Equivalent term: Naoussa


Equivalent term: Nemea


Equivalent term: Paros


Equivalent term: Patras


Equivalent term: Peza

ÐëáãéÝ�� Ìåëßôùíá

Equivalent term: Cotes of Meliton


Equivalent term: Rapsani


Equivalent term: Rhodes

Ñïìðüëá Êåöáëëçíßáò

Equivalent term: Robola of Cephalonia


Equivalent term: Samos


Equivalent term: Santorini


Equivalent term: Sitia

Wines with protected geographical indications

Toðéêüò Ïßíïò Êù

Equivalent term: Regional wine of REST

Toðéêüò Ïßíïò Ìáãíçóßáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Magnissia

Áéãáéïðåëáãßôéêïò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Aegean Sea

Áôéêéêüò Ôïéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Attiki-Attikos

Áñáúêüò Tïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Áchaia

ÂåñíôÝá Ïíïìáóßá êáôÜ ðáñÜäïóç Æáêýíèïão

Equivalent term: Verdea Onomasia kata paradosi Zakinthou

Çðåéñù�ôéêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Epirus-Epirotikos

Çñáêëåéþôéêïò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Heraklion-Herakliotikos

Èåóóá�éêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Thessalia-Thessalikos

Èçâáúêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Thebes-Thivaikos

Eñáêéêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Gold O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÈñÜêçò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Thrace-Thrakikos Gold Regional wine of

Éóìáñéêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Ismarikos

E�ïñéíèéáêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Korinthos-Korinthiakos

E�ñçôéêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Crete-Kritikos

Ëáêùíéêüò Ô�ðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Lakonia-Lakonikos

Ìáêåäïíéêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term : Regional wine of Macedonia-Macedonikos

Ìåóçìâñéþôéêïò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Nea Messimvria

Ìåóçíéáêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Messinia-Messiniakos

Ìåôôéêéêïò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Metsovo-Metsovitikos

ÌïíåìâÜóéïò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Monemvasia-Monemvasios

Ðáéáíßôéêïò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of

Ðáëëçíéþôéêïc Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Pallini-Palliniotikos

Ðåëïðïííçóéáêüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Peloponnesiakos

Ñåôóßíá ÁôéêÞò May be accompanied by name d ' A smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Retsina of Attiki

Ñåôóßíá Âïéùôßáò May be accompanied by name d ' A smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Retsina of Viotia

Ñåôóßíá ÃéÜëôñùí Whether or not Evvia

Equivalent term: Retsina of Gialtra

Ñåôóßíá Åõâïßáò May be accompanied by name d ' A smaller geograph unit I That

Equivalent term: Retsina of Evvia

Ñåôóßíá Whether or not Viotia

Equivalent term: Retsina of Thebes

Ñåôóßíá Êáñýóôïão Whether or not Evvia

Equivalent term: Retsina of Karystos

Ñåôóßíá �ñùðßáò 'or' Ñåôóßíá Êïñùðßïão Whether or not Attika

Equivalent term: Retsina of Kropia 'or' Retsina of Koropi

Ñåôóßíá: Whether or not Attika

Equivalent term: Retsina of Markopoulo

Ñåôóßíá ÌåãÜñùí Whether or not Attika

Equivalent term: Retsina of Megara

Ñåôóßíá Ìåóïãåßùí Whether or not Attika

Equivalent term: Retsina of Mesogia

Ñåôóßíá Ðáéáíßíá 'or' Ñåôóßíá Ëéïðíá Whether or not Attika

Equivalent term: Retsina of Peania 'or' Retsina of Liopesi

Ñåôóßíá Ðáëëççò Whether or not Attika

Equivalent term: Retsina of Pallini

Ñåôóßíá Ðéêåñía Whether or not Attika

Equivalent term: Retsina of Pikermi

Ñåôóßíá ÓðÜôùí Whether or not Attika

Equivalent term: Retsina of Spata

Ñåôóßíá ×áëêßäáò Whether or not Evvia

Equivalent term: Retsina of Halkida

Óõñéáíüò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Syros-Syrianos

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíï� ÁâäÞñùí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Avdira

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïc Áãßïão Münïõò, Áãéïñåßôéêïò Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Holly Mountain

Ô�é�ðéêüò Ïßíï� ÁãïñÜò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Agora

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ÁäñéáíÞò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Adriani

Ô�é�ðéêüò Ïßíï� Áíáâýóóïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Anavyssos

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Áñãïëßäáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Áñêáäßáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Arkadia

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Âåëâåíôïý

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Velventos

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Âßëéôóáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Vilitsa

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ãåñáíåßùí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Gerania

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ãñåâåíþí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Grevena

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ÄñÜìáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Drama

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ÄùäåêáíÞóïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Dodekanese

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Åðáíï�

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Epanomi

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Åýâïéáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Evia

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Çëéåßáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Ilia

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Çìáèßáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Imathia

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Èáøáíþí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Thapsana

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Èåóóá�êçò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Thessaloniki

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Éêáñßáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Ikaria

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Éëßïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Ilion

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Éùáííßíùí

Term Equivalent : Regional wine of Ioannina

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Êáñäßôóáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Karditsa

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Êáñýóôïão

Equivalent term : Regional wine of Karystos

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÊáóôïéÜò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Kastoria

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ÊÝñêõñáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Corfu

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÊéóÜìïïïïïïíïïïï

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Kissamos

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÊçììÝíôé

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Klimenti

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ÊïæÜíçò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Kozani

O�ðéêüò Ïßíï�éëÜäá� ÁôáëÜíôçò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Valley of Atalanti

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Êïñùðßïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Koropi

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÊñáíéÜò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Krania

O�ðéêüò Ïßíííííííííïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Krannona

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ÊõêëÜäùí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Cyclades

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíï� Ëáóéèßïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Lasithi

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ëåôñßíùí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Letrines

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ËåõêÜäáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Lefkada

Ô�é�ðéêüò Ïßíï� ËçëÜíôéï�é�éï�­ï�éï�­ï�éï�

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Lilantio Pedio

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÌáíôæáâéíÜôùí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Mantzavinata

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíï� Ìáñêüðïíïíïíïíïíïíïííí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Markopoulo

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Ìáñôßíïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÌåôáîÜôùí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Metaxata

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Ìåôåþñùí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Meteora

O�ðéêüò Ïßíï� Ïðïíôéá Ëïêñßäïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Opountia Lokridos

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ðáããáßïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Pangeon

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ðáñíáóóïý

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Parnasos

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ÐÝëëáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Pella

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ðéåñßáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Pieria

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÐéóÜôéäïäïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Pisatis

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ÐëáãéÝò Áéãéáëåßáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Egialia

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÐëáãéÝò ÁìðÝëïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Ambelos

Ô�é�ðéêüò Ïßíï� ÐëáãéÝ� Âåñôßóêïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Vertiskos

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ðëáãßå� ÐÜéêïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Paiko

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÐëáãéÝò ôïão Áßíïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Enos

ÔÇ�ðéêüò Ïßíï� Ðëáãéþí Êéèáéñþíá

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Kitherona

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ðëáãéþí Êíçìßäïò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Knimida

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíï� Ðëáãéþí ÐÜñíçèáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Parnitha

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ðëáãéþí Ðåíôåëéêïý

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Pendeliko

ÔÇ�ðéêüò Ïßíï� Ðëáãéþí Ðåôñù�ôïý

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Slopes of Petroto

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ðõëßáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Pylia

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ñéôóþíáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Ritsona

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Óåññþí

Equivalent term : Regional wine of Serres

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÓéÜôéóôéóôáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Siatista

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Óéèùíßáò

Equivalent term : Regional wine of Sithonia

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÓðÜôùí

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Spata

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ÓôåñåÜò ÅëëÜäáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Sterea Ellada

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò ÔåãÝáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Tegea

Ôïðéêüò Ïßíïò Ôñéöõëßáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Trifilia

Ô�é�ðéêüò Ïßíï� ÔõñíÜâïão

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Tyrnavos

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò Öëþñéíáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Florina

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ×áëéêïêïêïêï�íáò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Halikouna

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò ×áëêéäéêÞò

Equivalent term: Regional wine of Halkidiki

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Ïíïìáóßá ÐñïÝëåõóçò ÁíùôÝñáò

Ðïéüôçôáò (ÏÐÁÐ)

(appellation of origin of higher quality U (re) AOP Greek

Ïíïìáóßá ÐñïÝëåõóçò Åëåãraisüìåíç (ÏÐÅ)

(d ' Origin contr O (b) AOP Greek

Ïßíïò ãëõêüò öõóéêüò

(natural sweet wine) AOP Greek

Ïßíïò öõóéêþò ãëõêýò

(naturally sweet wine) AOP Greek

ïíïìáóßá êáôÜ ðáñÜäïóç (name

Traditional L (le) IGP Greek

ôïðéêüò ïßíïò

(country wine) IGP Greek

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)


(Agrepavlis) AOP/IGP Greek


(Ampeli) AOP/IGP Greek

Áìðåëþíáò (åò)

(Ampelonas (-ès)) AOP/IGP Greek


(Archontiko) AOP/IGP Greek


(Cava) IGP Greek

Áðü äéáëåêôïýò áìðåëþíåò

(Grand Cru) AOP Greek

ÅéäéêÜ ÅðéëåãìÝíïò

(Great Reserve) AOP Greek


(Kastro) AOP/IGP Greek


(Ktima) AOP/IGP Greek


(Liastos) AOP/IGP Greek


(Metochi) AOP/IGP Greek


(Monastiri) AOP/IGP Greek


(Nama) AOP/IGP Greek


(Nychteri) AOP Greek

Ïñåéíü êôÞá

(Orino Ktima) AOP/IGP Greek

Ïñåéíüò áìðåëþíáò

(Orinos Ampelonas) AOP/IGP Greek


(Pyrgos) AOP/IGP Greek

ÅðéëïãÞ Þ ÅðéëåãìÝíïò

(Reserve) AOP Greek

Ðáëáéù�åß� åðéëåãìÝíïò

(Old Reserve) AOP Greek


(Verntea) IGP Greek

Vinsanto AOP Latin


Wines with protected designations of origin



Alicante Whether or not Marina Alta


Arabako Txakolina

Equivalent term: Txakolí de Álava





Bizkaiko Txakolina

Equivalent term: Chacolí de Bizkaia



Campo de Borja

Campo de la Guardia





Chacolí de Bizkaia

Equivalent term: Bizkaiko Txakolina

Chacolí de Getaria

Equivalent term: Getariako Txakolina


Barberá Conca

Condado de Huelva

Costers del Segre Whether or not Artesa

Costers del Segre Whether or not The Garrigues

Costers del Segre Whether or not Raimat

Costers del Segre Whether or not Riu Corb Valls

Dehesa del Carrizal

Dominio de Valdepusa

El Hierro


Finca Elez

Getariako Txakolina

Equivalent term: Chacolí de Getaria

Gran Canaria





La Gomera

The Mancha

La Palma Whether or not Fuencalient

La Palma Whether or not Mazo Hoyo

La Palma Whether or not Norte of the Palma





Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda

Equivalent term: Manzanilla



Monterrei Whether or not Ladera of Monterrei

Monterrei Whether or not Val de Monterrei



Navarra Whether or not Baja Montaña

Navarra Whether or not Ribera Alta

Navarra Whether or not Ribera Baja

Navarra Whether or not Tierra Estella

Navarra Whether or not Valdizarb

Pago of Arínzano

Equivalent term: Vino de pago de Arinzano

Otazu Pago

Pago Florentino


Bages Pla

Pla i Llevant

Prado de Irache


Rías Baixas Whether or not Condado do Tea

Rías Baixas Whether or not O Rosal

Rías Baixas Whether or not Ribeira do Ulla

Rías Baixas Whether or not Soutomaior

Rías Baixas Whether or not Val do Salbirths

Ribeira Sacra Whether or not Amandi

Ribeira Sacra Whether or not Chantada

Ribeira Sacra Whether or not Quiroga-Bibei

Ribeira Sacra Whether or not Ribeiras do Miño

Ribeira Sacra Whether or not Ribeiras do Sil


Ribera del Duero

Ribera del Guadiana Whether or not Cañamero

Ribera del Guadiana Whether or not Matanegra

Ribera del Guadiana Whether or not Montánchez

Ribera del Guadiana Whether or not Ribera Alta

Ribera del Guadiana Whether or not Ribera Baja

Ribera del Guadiana Whether or not Tierra de Barros

Ribera del Júcar

Rioja Whether or not Rioja Alavesa

Rioja Whether or not Rioja Alta

Rioja Whether or not Rioja Baja


Sierras de Málaga Whether or not Serranía de Ronda




Terra Alta

Tierra de León

Tierra del Vino de Zamora


Txakolí de Álava

Equivalent term: Arabako Txakolina





Valencia Whether or not Alto Turia

Valencia Whether or not Clariano

Valencia Whether or not Moscatel of Valencia

Valencia Whether or not Valentino

Valle de Güímar

Valle de la Orotava

Valles of Benavente


Vinos de Madrid Whether or not Arganda

Vinos de Madrid Whether or not Navalcarnero

Vinos de Madrid Whether or not San Martín de Valdeiglesias



Wines with protected geographical indications

3 Riberas


Sierra Nevada Altiplano


Bajo Aragón

Barbanza e Iria



Campo de Cartagena



Castilla y León



Costa de Cantabria

Cumbres del Guadalfeo

Desierto de Almería

El Terrerazo




Illes Balears

Isla of Menorca


Lederas del Genil


Los Palacios



Norte de Almería

Ribera del Andarax

Ribera del Gállego-Cinco Villas

Ribera del Jiloca

Ribera del Queiles

Serra de Tramuntana-Costa North

Sierra Norte of Sevilla

Sierra Sur de Jaén

Sierras de Las Estancias y Los Filabres



Valle del Cinca

Valle del Miño-Ourense

Valles of Sadacia

Villaviciosa de Córdoba

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

D. O AOP Spanish

D.O.Ca AOP Spanish

AOP Spanish AOP Denominacion

Denominacion of origen calificada AOP Spanish

Vino de calidad con indicación geográfica AOP Spanish

Vino de pago AOP Spanish

Vino de pago calificado AOP Spanish

Vino dulce natural AOP Spanish

Vino generoso AOP Spanish

Vino generoso de licor AOP Spanish

Vino de la Tierra IGP Spanish

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Amontillado AOP Spanish

Añejo AOP/IGP Spanish

Chacolí-Txakolina Spanish PDO

Clásico AOP Spanish

Cream AOP Spanish

Criadera AOP Spanish

Criaderas y Soleras AOP Spanish

Crianza AOP Spanish

Dorado AOP Spanish

Fino AOP Spanish

Fondillón AOP Spanish

Gran reserva AOP Spanish

Lágrima AOP Spanish

Noble AOP/IGP Spanish

Oloroso AOP Spanish

Pajarete AOP Spanish

Pálido AOP Spanish

Palo Cortado AOP Spanish

Primero de Cosecha AOP Spanish

Rancio AOP Spanish

Raya AOP Spanish

Reserva AOP Spanish

Sobremadre AOP Spanish

Solera AOP Spanish

Superior AOP Spanish

Trasañejo AOP Spanish

Vino Maestro AOP Spanish

Vendimia Inicial AOP Spanish

Viejo AOP/IGP Spanish

Vino de Tea AOP Spanish


Wines with protected designations of origin



Alsace Whether or not the name of the ' A vine variety and/or the name of a smaller geographical unit

Equivalent term: Wine of Alsace

Alsace Grand Cru Preceded by Rosacker

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Altenberg of Bergbieten

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Bergheim Altenberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Wolxheim Altenberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Brand

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Bruderthal

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Eichberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Engelberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Florimont

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Frankstein

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Froehn

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Furstentum

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Geisberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Gloeckelberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Goldert

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Hatschburg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Hengst

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Kanzlerberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Kastelberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Kessler

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Kirchberg de Barr

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Kirchberg de Ribeauvillé

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Kitterlé

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Mambourg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Mandelberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Marckrain

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Moenchberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Muenchberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Wow

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Osterberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Pfersigberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Pfingstberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Praelatenberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Rangen

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Saering

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Schlossberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Schoenenbourg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Sommerberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Sonnenglanz

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Spiegel

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Sporen

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Steinen

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Steingrubler

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Steinklotz

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Vorburg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Wiebelsberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Wineck-Schlossberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Winzenberg

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Zinnkoepflé

Alsace Grand Cru Followed by Zotzenberg

Anjou Whether or not Val de Loire

Anjou Coteaux de la Loire Whether or not Val de Loire

Anjou-Brissac Villages Whether or not Val de Loire

Arbois Whether or not Pupillin Whether or not "Sparkling"

Auxey-Duresses Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" Or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"


Equivalent term: Bandol Wine

Banyuls Whether or not "Grand Cru" And/or "Rancio"



Béarn Whether or not Bellocq

Beaujolais Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit Whether or not "Villages" Whether or not "Greater"



Equivalent term: Bellet's Wine

Bergerac Whether or not "Sec"


Blagny Whether or not Côte de Beaune/Côte de Beaune-Villages

Blanquette of Limoux

Blanquette ancestral method



Bonnezeaux Whether or not Val de Loire

Bordeaux Whether or not "Clairet", "Rosé", "Mousseux" Or "Top"

Bordeaux Côtes de Francs

Bordeaux Haut-Benauge


Equivalent term: Côtes de Bourg/Bourgeais

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic Chitry

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic Chalonnaise Coast

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic Côte Saint-Jacques

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" ' Or the name of a smaller geographical unit Côtes d' Auxerre

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic Côtes du Couchois

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic Coulanges-la-Vineuse

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic Spruce

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic High Coast of Beaune

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic High Côtes de Nuits

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic The Chapel of Our Lady

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic The Chapter

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic Montretreat/Montre-cul/En Montre-Cul

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" Or the name of a smaller unit O Graphic Vezelay

Burgundy Whether or not Clairet, "Rosé" , "Ordinary" or "ordinary"


Burgundy pass-all-grain




Bugey Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit Preceded or not by "Vins du>," Mousseux du "," Pétillant "or" Roussette du ", or followed or not of" Mousseux "or" Pétillant " Followed by or not the name of a smaller geograph unit I That



Cabernet of Anjou Whether or not Val de Loire

Cabernet de Saumur Whether or not Val de Loire




Let's hope

Chablis Whether or not Beauroy Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Berdiot Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Gone

Chablis Whether or not Butteaux Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Seaman Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Chatains Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Shaume of Talvat Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Bréchain Coast Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Côte de Cuissy

Chablis Whether or not Fontenay Coast Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Jouan Coast Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Côte de Léchet Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Coast of Savant Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Vaubarousse Coast Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Côte des Prés Girots Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Forests Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Fourthatch Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not The Dead Man Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not The Beauregard Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not The Briefs Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not The Fourneaux Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not The Lys Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Melinots Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Middle Mount Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Tonnerre's Mounted

Chablis Whether or not Montmains Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Morein Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Aloup's Foot Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Roncieres Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Dry Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Troesmes Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Valves Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Vau of Vey Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Vau Ligneau Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Vaucutin Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Vaugiraut Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Vaulorent Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Vaupulent Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not Wind-Ragons Whether or not "First raw"

Chablis Whether or not VosWholesale Whether or not "First raw"


Grand Raw Chablis Whether or not Blanchot

Grand Raw Chablis Whether or not Wholesale

Grand Raw Chablis Whether or not Frogs

Grand Raw Chablis Whether or not The Clos

Grand Raw Chablis Whether or not Preuses

Grand Raw Chablis Whether or not Valwall

Grand Raw Chablis Whether or not Desire








Chassagne-Montrachet Whether or not Côte de Beaune/Côtes de Beaune-Villages

Grillet Castle





Chaume-First Cru of Layon Coteaux






Beaune-les-Beaune Whether or not Côte de Beaune/Côte de Beaune-Villages

Bellegarde Clairette

Clairette of Die

Languedoc Clairette Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Roche Clos

Clos de Tart

Clos de Vougeot

Clos des Lambrays

Clos Saint-Denis





Corse Preceded or not "Wine of"

Corse Whether or not Calvi Preceded or not "Wine of"

Corse Whether or not Coteaux du Cap Corse Preceded or not "Wine of"

Corse Whether or not Figari Preceded or not "Wine of"

Corse Whether or not Porto-Vecchio Preceded or not "Wine of"

Corse Whether or not Sartene Preceded or not "Wine of"



Nîmes Costières

Côte de Beaune Preceded by the name of a smaller geographical unit

Côte de Beaune-Villages

Côte de Brouilly


Roannese Coast

Coast Rôtie

Champagne Coteaux Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Coteaux of Aix-en-Provence

Coteaux of Ancenis Followed by the name of the vine variety

Coteaux of Die

Coteaux of Aubance Whether or not Val de Loire

Coteaux de Pierrevert

Saumur's Coteaux Whether or not Val de Loire

Gienese Coteaux

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Cabrières

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Coteaux de la Méjanelle/La Méjanelle

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Coteaux of Saint-Christol/Saint-Christol

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Coteaux de Verargues/Verargues

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Montpeyroux

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Quatourze

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Saint-Drézéry

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Saint George-d ' Orques

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Saint-Saturnin

Coteaux du Languedoc Whether or not Pic-Saint-Loup

Layon Coteaux Whether or not Val de Loire Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Coteaux du Layon Chaume Whether or not Val de Loire

Coteaux du Loir Whether or not Val de Loire

Coteaux du Lyonnais

Coteaux du Quercy

Coteaux du Tricastin

Coteaux du Vendômois Whether or not Val de Loire

Coteaux Varois en Provence

Côtes Canon Fronsac

Equivalent term: Canon Fronsac

Côtes d ' Auvergne Whether or not Boudes

Comes of Auvergne Whether or not Chanturgue

Comes of Auvergne Whether or not Châteaugay

Comes of Auvergne Whether or not Corent

Comes of Auvergne Whether or not Madargue

Côtes de Bergerac

Côtes de Blaye

Côtes de Bordeaux Saint-Macaire

Castilla of Castillon

Côtes de Duras

Côtes de Millau

Côtes de Montravel

Côtes de Provence

Côtes de Toul

Côtes du Brulhois

Comes of Forez

Côtes du Frontonnais Whether or not Fronton

Côtes du Frontonnais Whether or not Villaudric

Côtes du Jura Whether or not "Sparkling"

Côtes du Lubéron

Côtes du Marmandais

Côtes du Rhône

Côtes du Roussillon Whether or not The Aspres

Côtes du Roussillon Villages Followed by or not the name of a smaller geogr unit A Phic

Côtes du Ventoux

Côtes du Vivarais

Cour-Cheverny Whether or not Val de Loire

Crémant d' Alsace

Crémant de Bordeaux

Crémant de Bourgogne

Crémant de Die

Crémant de Limoux

Crémant de Loire

Crémant du Jura




Equivalent term: Crozes-Ermitage





Fiefs Vendéens Whether or not Brem

Fiefs Vendéens Whether or not Mareuil

Fiefs Vendéens Whether or not Pissotte

Fiefs Vendéens Whether or not Ix




Gascony Floc


Frontignan Preceded or not "Muscat of"


Gaillac Whether or not "Sparkling"

First Coast Gaillac




Grand Roussillon Whether or not "Rancio"


Graves Whether or not "Higher"

Graves of Vayres


Large plant in the nanoscale

Upper Medoc

Upper Montravel

Upper Poitou


Equivalent term: Hermitage/Ermitage/Ermitage



Jasnières Whether or not Val de Loire


Jurançon Followed or not "sec"

The Star Whether or not "Sparkling"

The Great Street

Ladoix Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"

Lalande de Pomerol

Languedoc Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Languedoc Grès de Montpellier

Languedoc La Clape

Languedoc Picpoul-de-Pinet

Languedoc Terrasses de Larzac




The Baux of Provence






Mâcon Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit Whether or not "Superior" or "Villages"

Equivalent term: Pinot Chardonnay-Mâcon

Macvin of the Jura



Maranges Whether or not Clos de la Boutière

Maranges Whether or not The Cross Moines

Maranges Whether or not The Fussière

Maranges Whether or not The Clos of the Loyeres

Maranges Whether or not The Clos of the Kings

Maranges Whether or not The Clos Roussots

Maranges Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"



Marsannay Whether or not "Rosé"

Maury Whether or not "Rancio"




Menetou-Salon Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit Whether or not Val de Loire


Meursault Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"




Saint-Émilion Mountain


Monthelian Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" Or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"

Montlouis-sur-Loire Whether or not Val de Loire Whether or not "Sparkling" or "sparkling"








Equivalent term: Moulis-en-Médoc

Muscadet Whether or not Val de Loire

Muscadet-Coteaux de la Loire Whether or not Val de Loire

Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu Whether or not Val de Loire

Muscadet-Sèvre and Maine Whether or not Val de Loire

Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise

Lunel Muscat

Mireval Muscat

Saint-Jean-de-Minvervois Muscat

Cape Corse Muscat




Equivalent term: Nuits-Saint-Georges

Orleans Whether or not Cléry

Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh Whether or not "Sec"





Pernand-Vergelesses Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" Or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"


Small Chablis Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Pineau des Charentes

Equivalent term: Pineau Charentais





Pouilly-sur-Loire Whether or not Val de Loire

Equivalent term: Blanc Fumé de Pouilly/Pouilly-Fumé


First Côtes de Blaye

First Côtes de Bordeaux Followed by or not the name of a smaller geogr unit A Phic


Puligny-Montrachet Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"

Quarts de Chaume Whether or not Val de Loire

Quincy Whether or not Val de Loire

Rasteau Whether or not "Rancio"


Reuilly Whether or not Val de Loire


Rivals Whether or not "Rancio" Preceded or not "Muscat of"

Romanized (The)

Romanized Contie

Romanée Saint-Living

Rosé of Anjou

Rosé de Loire Whether or not Val de Loire

Riceys Rosé


Roussette of Savoy Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit



Saint Sardos


Saint-Aubin Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" Or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"




Saint-Émilion Grand Cru



Saint Joseph



Saint Nicolas-de-Bourgueil Whether or not Val de Loire

Saint-Péray Whether or not "Sparkling"


Saint-Romain Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" Or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"


Sainte-Croix du Mont

Sainte-Foy Bordeaux


Santenay Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" Or "Côte de Beaune-Villages"

Saumur Whether or not Val de Loire Whether or not "Sparkling" or "sparkling"

Saumur-Champigny Whether or not Val de Loire



Savennières Whether or not Val de Loire

Savennières-Coulée de Serrant Whether or not Val de Loire

Savennières-Roche-aux-Moines Whether or not Val de Loire

Savigny-les-Beaune Whether or not "Côte de Beaune" or "Côte de Beaune-Villages" Equivalent term: Savigny

Seyssel Whether or not "Sparkling"

Task (The)


Touraine Whether or not Val de Loire Whether or not "Sparkling" or "sparkling"

Amboise Touraine Whether or not Val de Loire

Azay-le-Rideau Whether or not Val de Loire

Mestand Touraine Whether or not Val de Loire

Noble Joué Touraine Whether or not Val de Loire




Wine of Entraygues and Fel

Vin d' Estaing

Wine of Savoy Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit Whether or not " Sparkling " Or "Sparkling"

Thouarsais wines

Wines of the Côte de Nuits



Volnay Santenots

Vosnes Romanée


Vouvray Whether or not Val de Loire Whether or not "Sparkling" Or "Sparkling"

Wines with protected geographical indications






Alpes de Haute Provence

Alpes Maritimes







Dauphinoises Balmes





Bouches du Rhône







Cévennes Whether or not Mount Bouquet

Charentais Whether or not Oléron Island

Charentais Whether or not Ré Island

Charentais Whether or not Saint Sornin


Charentes Maritimes


City of Carcassonne

Collines de la Moure

Rhodanian Collines

Grignan County

Tolosan County

Counties Rhodanese


Vermeille Coast

Coteaux Charitois

Coteaux of Bessills

Coteaux de Cèze

Coteaux de Coiffy

Coteaux de Fontcaude

Glanes Coteaux

Coteaux de l' Ardèche

Coteaux de la Cabrerisse

Coteaux of Laurens

Coteaux of Auxois

Coteaux de Miramont

Montélimar Coteaux

Coteaux of Murviel

Narbonne Coteaux

Peyriac Coteaux

Tannay Coteaux

Baronnies' Coteaux

Coteaux du Cher et de l' Arnon

Coteaux du Grésivaudan

Libron Coteaux

Coteaux du Littoral Audois

Coteaux du Pont du Gard

Salagou's Coteaux

Coteaux du Verdon

Coteaux d' Enserune

Coteaux and Terrasses de Montauban

Flavians Coteaux

Catalanes Côtes

Côtes de Ceressou

Gascony's Côtes

Coastal Lastours

Côtes de Meuse

Montestruc's Côtes

Côtes de Pérignan

Côtes de Prouilhe

Côtes de Thau

Côtes de Thongue

Cotes of Brian

Condomois Côtes

Tall of the Tarn

Côtes du Vidourle







Duchy of Uzès

Franche-Comté Whether or not Coteaux de Champlitte



Upper Orb Valley

High Valley of the Aude





Hauterive Whether or not Coteaux du Termenès

Hauterive Whether or not Côtes de Lézignan

Hauterive Whether or not Val d' Orbieu



Hauts of Badens


Beauty Island


Indre and Loire


Garden of France Whether or not Marches of Brittany

Garden of France Whether or not Country of Retz


Loir and Cher




Lot and Garonne

Maine et Loire




Mount Baudile


Grage Mountains



Perigord Whether or not Vin de Domme

Little Crau

Principality of Orange

Puy of Dome

Eastern Pyrenees


Sands of the Gulf of the Lion



Sainte Baume

St. Mary the White

Saône et Loire


Seine et Marne


Tarn and Garonne

Landais Terroirs Whether or not Chalosse Coteaux

Landais Terroirs Whether or not Côtes de L' Adour

Landais Terroirs Whether or not Sables of the Ocean

Landais Terroirs Whether or not Sables Fauves




Val de Cesse

Val de Dagne

Val de Loire

Val de Montferrand

Paradise Valley





Vicomte of Aumelas




Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Controlled ellation AOP French

Controlled Origin Appellation AOP English

Appellation of origin

Wine Top quality Delimited AOP French

Natural sweet wine AOP French

Country wine IGP English

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Ambré AOP French

Clairet AOP French

Claret AOP English

Tuilé AOP French

Yellow wine AOP French

Chateau AOP English

Clos AOP French

Cru Craftsman AOP English

Cru bourgeois AOP French

Cru classified, Whether or not Large,

First Grand, Second, Third,

Fourth, Fifth AOP English

Edelzwicker AOP French

Grand cru AOP English

Out of Age AOP French

Fat-All-Grain AOP French

Premier Cru AOP English

Primeur AOP/IGP English

Rancio AOP French

Selection of noble grains AOP French

On Bold AOP/IGP English

Late Vendanges AOP French

Villages AOP French

Wine of straw AOP French


Wines with protected designations of origin

Aglianico del Taburno

Equivalent term: Taburno

Aglianico del Vulture

Albana di Romagna



Aleatico di Gradoli

Aleatico di Puglia



Alta Langa

Alto Adige Followed by Colli di Bolzano

Equivalent term: Südtiroler Bozner Leiten

Alto Adige Followed by Meranese di Collina

Equivalent term: Alto Adige Meranese/Südtirol Meraner Hügel/Südtirol Meraner

Alto Adige Followed by Santa Maddalena

Equivalent term: Südtiroler St. Magdalener

Alto Adige Followed by Terlano

Equivalent term: Terlaner Südtirol

Alto Adige Followed by Isarco Valle

Equivalent term: Eisacktal/Eisacktaler

Alto Adige Followed by Valle Venosta

Equivalent term: Südtirol Vinschgau

Alto Adige

Equivalent term: Dell' Alto Adige/Südtirol/Südtiroler

Alto Adige "or" dell' Alto Adige Whether or not Bressanone

Equivalent term: Dell' Alto Adige Südtirol/Südtiroler Brixner

Alto Adige/dell ' Alto Adige Whether or not Burgraviato

Equivalent term: Dell' Alto Adige Südtirol/Südtiroler Buggrafler

Ansonica Costa dell' Argentario





Asti Whether or not "Spumante" or preceded or not by "Moscato di"



Bagnoli di Sopra

Equivalent term: Bagnoli


Barbera d' Alba

Barbera d' Asti Whether or not Colli Astiani o Astiano

Barbera d' Asti Whether or not Nizza

Barbera d' Asti Whether or not Tinella

Barbera del Monferrato

Barbera del Monferrato Superiore

Barco Reale di Carmignano

Equivalent term: Rosato di Carmignano/Vin Santo di Carmignano/Vin Santo di Carmignano occhio di pernice


Bardolino Superiore


Bianchello del Metauro

Bianco Capena

Bianco dell' Empolese

Bianco della Valdinievole

Bianco di Custoza

Equivalent term: Custoza

Bianco di Pitigliano

Bianco Pisano di San Torpè




Bolgheri Whether or not Sassicaia

Bosco Eliceo


Brachetto d' Acqui

Equivalent term: Acqui




Brunello di Montalcino

Cacc'e mmitte di Lucera

Cagnina di Romagna

Campi Flegrei

Campidano di Terralba

Equivalent term: Terralba


Candia dei Colli Apuani

Cannonau di Sardegna Whether or not Capo Ferro

Cannonau di Sardegna Whether or not Jerzu

Cannonau di Sardegna Whether or not Oliena/Nepente di Oliena



Capriano del Colle


Carignano del Sulcis



Castel del Monte

Castel San Lorenzo


Castelli Romani


Cerasuolo di Vittoria


Cesanese del Piglio

Equivalent term: Piglio

Cesanese di Affile

Equivalent term: Affile

Cesanese di Olevano Romano

Equivalent term: Olevano Romano

Chianti Whether or not Colli Aretini

Chianti Whether or not Colli Fiorentini

Chianti Whether or not Colli Senesi

Chianti Whether or not Pisane Hill

Chianti Whether or not Montalbano

Chianti Whether or not Montespertoli

Chianti Whether or not Rufina

Chianti Classico


Cinque Terre Whether or not Costa da Posa

Equivalent term: Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà

Cinque Terre Whether or not Costa de Campu

Equivalent term: Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà

Cinque Terre Whether or not Costa of Sera

Equivalent term: Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà



Cisterna of Asti

Colli Albani

Colli Altotiberini

Colli Amerini

Colli Asolani-Prosecco

Equivalent term: Asolo-Prosecco

Colli Berici

Colli Bolognesi Whether or not Hill of Oliveto

Colli Bolognesi Whether or not Riosto Hill

Colli Bolognesi Whether or not Marconiane Hill

Colli Bolognesi Whether or not Monte San Pietro

Colli Bolognesi Whether or not Sergulalle

Colli Bolognesi Whether or not Earth di Montebudello

Colli Bolognesi Whether or not Zola Predosa

Colli Bolognesi Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Colli Bolognesi Classico-Pignoletto

Imola Colli

Colli del Trasimeno

Equivalent term: Trasimeno

Colli dell' Etruria Centrale

Colli della Sabina

Colli di Conegliano Whether or not Fregona

Colli di Conegliano Whether or not Refrontolo

Colli di Faenza

Colli di Luni

Colli di Parma

Colli di Rimini

Colli di Scandiano e di Canossa

Colli Etruschi Viterbesi

Colli Euganei

Colli Lanuvini

Colli Maceratesi

Colli Martani

Colli Orientali del Friuli Whether or not Cialla

Colli Orientali del Friuli Whether or not Rosazzo

Colli Orientali del Friuli Whether or not Schiopettino di Prepotto

Colli Orientali del Friuli Picolit Whether or not Cialla

Colli Perugini

Colli Pesaresi Whether or not Focara

Colli Pesaresi Whether or not Roncaglia

Colli Piacentini Whether or not Gutturnio

Colli Piacentini Whether or not Monterosso Val d' Arda

Colli Piacentini Whether or not Val Trebbia

Colli Piacentini Whether or not Valnure

Colli Piacentini Whether or not Vigoleno

Central Romagna Colli

Colli Tortonesi

Collina Torinese

Levanto Hill

Joniche Hill Taratin

Lucchesi Hill

Novaresi Hill

Saluzzesi Hill

Collio Goriziano

Equivalent term: Collio



Contea di Sclafani

Contessa Entellina




Cortese dell' Alto Monferrato

Corti Benedettine del Padovano


Costa of Amalfi Whether or not Furore

Costa of Amalfi Whether or not Ravello

Costa of Amalfi Whether or not Tramonti

Coste della Sesia


Delia Nivolelli

Dolcetto of Acqui

Dolcetto of Alba

Dolcetto of Asti

Dolcetto delle Langhe Monregalesi

Dolcetto di Diano d' Alba

Equivalent term: Diano d' Alba

Dolcetto di Dogliani

Dolcetto di Dogliani Superiore

Equivalent term: Dogliani

Dolcetto di Ovada

Equivalent term: Ovada Dolcetto

Dolcetto di Ovada Superiore o Ovada



Eloro Whether or not Pachino

Erbaluce di Caluso

Equivalent term: Caluso



Is! Is!! Est !!! di Montefiascone


Falerio dei Colli Ascolani

Equivalent term: Falerio

Falerno del Massico



Fiano di Avellino



Freisa of Asti

Freisa di Chieri

Friuli Annia

Friuli Aquileia

Friuli Grave

Friuli Isonzo

Equivalent term: Isonzo del Friuli

Friuli Latisana






Mantovani Garda



Equivalent term: Cortese di Gavi



Gioia del Colle

Girò di Cagliari

Golfo del Tigullio


Greco di Bianco

Greco di Tufo

Grignolino of Asti

Grignolino del Monferrato Casalese

Guardia Sanframondi

Equivalent term: Guardiolo

I Terreni di San Severino

Irpinia Whether or not Campi Taurasini


Lacrima di Morro

Equivalent term: Lacrima di Morro d' Alba

Lago di Caldaro

Equivalent term: Caldaro/Kalterer/Kalterersee

Lago di Corbara

Lambrusco di Sorbara

Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro

Lambrusco Mantovano Whether or not Oltre Po Mantovano

Lambrusco Mantovano Whether or not Viadanese-Sabbionetano

Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce










Malvasia delle Lipari

Malvasia di Bosa

Malvasia di Cagliari

Malvasia di Casorzo d' Asti

Equivalent term: Cosorzo/Malvasia di Cosorzo

Malvasia di Castelnuovo Don Bosco

Mamertino di Milazzo

Equivalent term: Mamertino





Equivalent term: Martina Franca



Menfi Whether or not Bonera

Menfi Whether or not Feudo dei Fiori



Equivalent term: Del Molise

Monferrato Whether or not Casalese

Monica di Cagliari

Monica di Sardegna




Equivalent term: Montecompatri/Colonna



Montefalco Sagrantino

Montello e Colli Asolani

Montepulciano d' Abruzzo Whether or not Casauria/Terre di Casauria

Montepulciano d' Abruzzo Whether or not Earth dei Vestini

Montepulciano d' Abruzzo Whether or not Teramane Hill

Monteregio di Massa Marittima


Monti Lessini

Equivalent term: Lessini

Morellino di Scansano

Moscadello di Montalcino

Moscato di Cagliari

Moscato di Pantelleria

Equivalent term: Passito di Pantelleria/Pantelleria

Moscato di Sardegna Whether or not Gallura

Moscato di Sardegna Whether or not Tempio Pausania

Moscato di Sardegna Whether or not Tempo

Moscato di Siracusa

Moscato di Sorso-Sennori

Equivalent term: Moscato di Sorso/Moscato di Sennori

Moscato di Trani


Nasco di Cagliari

Nebbiolo of Alba



Nuragus di Cagliari


Oltrepò Pavese


Orta Nova



Pagadebit di Romagna Whether or not Bertinoro


Penisola Sorrentina Whether or not Gragnano

Penisola Sorrentina Whether or not Lettere

Penisola Sorrentina Whether or not Sorrento

Pentro di Isernia

Equivalent term: Pentro








Equivalent term: Ormeasco di Pornassio

Primitivo di Manduria



Recioto di Gambellara

Recioto di Soave




Riviera del Brenta

Riviera del Garda Bresciano

Equivalent term: Garda Bresciano

Riviera Liguria di ponente Whether or not Albenga/Albengalese

Riviera Liguria di ponente Whether or not Final/Finalese

Riviera Liguria di ponente Whether or not Riviera dei Fiori


Romagna Albana spumante

Rossese di Dolceacqua

Equivalent term: Dolceacqua

Rosso Barletta

Rosso Canosa Whether or not Canusium

Rosso Conero

Rosso di Cerignola

Rosso di Montalcino

Rosso di Montepulciano

Rosso Orvietano

Equivalent term: Orvietano Rosso

Rosso Piceno

Rubino di Cantavenna

Ruchè di Castagnole Monferrato


Salice Salentino

Sambuca di Sicilia

San Colombano al Lambro

Equivalent term: San Colombano

San Gimignano

San Ginesio

San Martino

San Severo

San Vito di Luzzi

Sangiovese di Romagna


Sant' Agata de ' Goti

Equivalent term: Sant' Agata dei Goti

Sant' Anna di Isola Capo Rizzuto

Sant' Antio

Santa Margherita di Belice

Sardegna Semidano Whether or not Mogoro



Equivalent term: Moscato di Scanzo




Sforzato di Valtellina

Equivalent term: Sfursat di Valtellina


Soave Whether or not Colli Scaligeri

Soave Superiore







Teroldego Rotaliano


Equivalent term: Moscato di Terracina

Terratico di Bibbona Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Terre dell' Alta Val d' Agri

Earth di Casole

Earth Tollesi

Equivalent term: Tullum


Torgiano rosso riserva

Trebbiano of Abruzzo

Trebbiano di Romagna

Trentino Whether or not Isera/d ' Isera

Trentino Whether or not Sorni

Trentino Whether or not Ziresi/dei Ziresi


Val d' Arbia

Val di Cornia Whether or not Suvereto

Val Polcedvera Whether or not Coronata


Valdadige Whether or not Terra dei Forti

Equivalent term: Etschtal

Valdadige Terradeiforti

Equivalent term: Terradeiforti Valdadige


Valle d' Aosta Whether or not Arnad-Montjovet

Equivalent term: Aosta Valley

Valle d' Aosta Whether or not White of Morgex and the Room

Equivalent term: Aosta Valley

Valle d' Aosta Whether or not Chambave

Equivalent term: Aosta Valley

Valle d' Aosta Whether or not Donnas

Equivalent term: Aosta Valley

Valle d' Aosta Whether or not Enfer of Arvier

Equivalent term: Aosta Valley

Valle d' Aosta Whether or not Nus

Equivalent term: Aosta Valley

Valle d' Aosta Whether or not Torrette

Equivalent term: Aosta Valley

Valpolicella Whether or not Valpantena


Valtellina Superiore Whether or not Grumello

Valtellina Superiore Whether or not Inferno

Valtellina Superiore Whether or not Maroggia

Valtellina Superiore Whether or not Sassella

Valtellina Superiore Whether or not Valgella



Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi

Verdicchio di Matelica

Verduno Pelaverga

Equivalent term: Verduno

Vermentino di Gallura

Vermentino di Sardegna

Vernaccia di Oristano

Vernaccia di San Gimignano

Vernaccia di Serrapetrona




Vin Santo del Chianti

Vin Santo del Chianti Classico

Vin Santo di Montepulciano

Vini del Piave

Equivalent term: Piave

Vino Nobile di Montepulciano



Wines with protected geographical indications


Alta Valle della Greve

Alto Livenza

Alto Mincio

Alto Tirino




Benaco bresciano




Bianco del Sillaro

Equivalent term: Sillaro

Bianco di Castelfranco Emilia





Agliano's Civitella

Colli Aprutini

Colli Cimini

Colli del Limbara

Colli del Sangro

Central Toscana Colli

Colli di Salerno

Colli Trevigiani

Collina del Milanese

Genovesato Hill

Frentane Hill

Pescaresi Hill

Savonesi Hill

Teatin Hill



Costa Viola


Del Vastese

Equivalent term: Histonium

Delle Venezie



Equivalent term: Dell' Emilia



Fontanarossa di Cerda


Fortana del Taro


Equivalent term: Del Frusinate

Golfo dei Poeti La Spezia

Equivalent term: Golfo dei Poeti

Grottino di Roccanova

Isola dei Nuraghi




Marca Trevigiana


Maremma Toscana


Mitterberg tra Cauria e Tel

Equivalent term: Mitterberg/Mitterberg zwischen Gfrill und Toll


Equivalent term: Provincia di Modena


Montenetto di Brescia






Equivalent term: Earth degli Osci







Provincial di Mantova

Provincial di Nuoro

Provincia di Pavia

Provincial of Verona

Equivalent term: Veronese






Ronchi di Brescia

Ronchi Varesini













Terrazze Retiche di Sondrio

Aquilane Earth

Equivalent term: Earth dell' Aquila

Earth del Volturno

Earth di Chieti

Land of Veleja

Earth Lariane



Equivalent term : Toscana



Val di Magra

Val di Neto

Val Tidone




Valle Belice

Valle d' Itria

Valle del Crati

Valle del Tirso

Valle Peligna

Valli di Porto Pino


Veneto Orientale

Venezia Giulia

Vigneti delle Dolomiti

Equivalent term: Weinberg Dolomiten

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

D. O.C AOP Italian

D.O.C.G. AOP Italian

Denominazione di Origin Controllata e Guaranteta AOP Italian

Denominazione di Origin Controllata AOP Italian

Kontrollierte und garantierte Ursprungsbezeichnung AOP German

Kontrollierte Ursprungsbezeichnung AOP German

Vino Dolce Naturale AOP Italian

Inticazione geografica tipica (IGT) IGP Italian

Landwein IGP German

Country wine IGP English

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Alberata Or Vigneti ad alberata AOP Italian

Amarone AOP Italian

Ambra AOP Italian

Ambrato AOP Italian

Annoso AOP Italian

Apianum AOP Italian

Auslese AOP Italian

Buttafuoco AOP Italian

Cannellino AOP Italian

Cerasuolo AOP Italian

Chiaretto AOP/IGP Italian

Italian AOP Ciaret

Chateau AOP English

Classico AOP Italian

Dunkel AOP German

Fine AOP Italian

Arancio AOP Italian Fior

AOP French English

Garibaldi Dolce (or GD) AOP Italian

Governo all' uso toscano AOP/IGP Italian

Italian Gutturnio AOP

Italia Particolare (or IP) AOP Italian

Klassisch/Klassisches Ursprungsgebiet AOP German

Kretzer AOP German

Lacrima AOP Italian

Lacryma Christi AOP Italian

Lambiccato AOP Italian

London Particulate (gold LP or Inghilterra) AOP Italian

Occhio di Pernice AOP Italian

Italian AOP Oro

Passito Or Vino passito Or

Vino Passito Liquoroso AOP/IGP Italian

Italian AOP Ramie

Rebola AOP Italian

Recioto AOP Italian

Riserva AOP Italian

Rubino AOP Italian

Sangue di Giuda AOP Italian

Italian Scelto AO

Italian AOP Sciacchetrà

Sciac-trà AOP Italian

Spätlese AOP/IGP German

Soleras AOP Italian

Stravecchio AOP Italian

Strohwein AOP/IGP German

Sweat AOP Italian

Superiore Old Marsala AOP Italian

Torchiato AOP Italian

Torcolato AOP Italian

Vecchio AOP Italian

Vendemmia Tardiva AOP/IGP Italian

Verdolino AOP Italian

Vergine AOP Italian

Vermiglio AOP Italian

Vino Fiore AOP Italian

Vino Novello Or Novello AOP/IGP Italian

Vin Santo Or Vino Santo Or Italian AOP

AOP/IGP Vivace Italian


Wines with protected designations of origin

Âïõíß ÐáíáãéÜò-Áìðåëßôç

Equivalent term: Vouni Panayias-Ampelitis


Equivalent term: Commandaria

Êñáóïþñéá Ëåìåóïý Whether or not ÁöÜìçò

Equivalent term: Krasohoria Lemesou-Afames

Êñáóïþñéá Ëåìåóïý Whether or not Ëáüíá

Equivalent term: Krasohoria Lemesou-Laona

Ëáüíá ÁêÜìá

Equivalent term: Laona Akama


Equivalent term: Pitsilia

Wines with protected geographical indications


Equivalent term: Larnaka


Equivalent term: Lemesos


Equivalent term: Lefkosia


Equivalent term: Pafos

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Ïßíïò ãëõêýò öõóéêüò AOP Greek

Ïßíïò Åëåãraisüìåíçò Ïíïìáóßáò ÐñïÝëåõóçò (ÏÅÏÐ) AOP Greek

O�ðéêüò Ïßíïò IGP Greek

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Áìðåëþíáò (-åò)


(Vineyard (- s)) AOP/IGP Greek



(Domain) AOP/IGP Greek



(Monastery) AOP/IGP Greek



(Monastery) AOP/IGP Greek


Wines with protected designations of origin

Crémant de Luxembourg

Luxembourger Moselle Followed by Ahn/Assel/Bech-Kleinmacher/Born/Bous/ Bumerange/Canach/Ehnen/Ellingen/Elvange/Erpeldingen/Gostingen/Greveldingen/ Grevenmacher Followed by Controlled ellation

Luxembourger Moselle Followed by Lenningen/Machtum/Mechtert/Moersdorf/ Mondorf/Niederdonven/Oberdonven/Oberwormelding/Remich/Rolling/Rosport/ Stadtbredimus Followed by Controlled ellation

Luxembourger Moselle Followed by Remerschen/Remich/Schengen/Schwebsingen/ Stadtbredimus/Trintingen/Wasserbilig/Wellenstein/Wintringen or Wormeldingen Followed by Controlled ellation

Luxembourger Moselle Followed by the name of the vine variety Followed by Controlled ellation

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Crémant de Luxembourg AOP Français

National mark, followed by:

Controlled appellation
Controlled appellation of origin AOP English

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Chateau AOP English

Grand First Raw

First Raw

Wine classified AOP French

Late Vendanges AOP French

Ice Wine AOP French

Wine of straw AOP French


Wines with protected designations of origin

Badacsony Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain


Balaton-felvidek Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Balatonboglár Followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the Domain

Balatonfüred-Csopak Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain


Bükk Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Csongrád Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Debrõi Hárslevelû


Eger Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Egerszóláti Olaszrizling

Egri Bikavér

Egri Bikavér Superior

Etyek-Buda Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the doma I Ne

Hajós-Baja Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Izsáki Arany Sárfehér


Kunság Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Mátra Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Mór Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Nagy-Somló Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the doma I Ne

Neszmély Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain


Pannonhalma Followed by the name of the sub-region, the municipality or the Domain

Pecs Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain


Somlói Arany

Somlói Nászéjszakák bora

Sopron Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Szekszárd Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain


Tokaj Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Tolna Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Villány Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Villányi védett eredetû classicus

Zala Followed by or not the name of the sub-region, commune or domain

Wines with protected geographical indications

Alföldi Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Balatonmelleki Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit



Duna melléki






Tisza melléki

Tisza völgyi


Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Minõsegregi bor AOP Hungarian

Védett eredetû bor AOP Hungarian

Tájbor IGP Hungarian

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Aszú (3) (4) (5) (6) puttonyos AOP Hungarian

Aszúeszencia AOP Hungarian

Bikavér AOP Hungarian

Eszencia AOP Hungarian

Fordítás AOP Hungarian

Máslás AOP Hungarian

Késõi szüretelésû bor AOP/IGP Hungarian

Válogatott szüretelésû bor AOP/IGP Hungarian

Muzeális bor AOP/IGP Hungarian

Siller AOP/IGP Hungarian

Szamorodni AOP Hungarian


Wines with protected designations of origin



Wines with protected geographical indications

Maltese Islands

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Denominazzjoni ta ' Oriġini Kontrollata (D.O.K.) AOP Maltais

Indikazzjoni eografika Tipika (I. &T) IGP Maltais


Wines with protected geographical indications







Noord Brabant

Noord Holland




Zuid Holland

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Landwijn IGP Dutch


Wines with protected designations of origin

Burgenland Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Carnuntum Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Kamptal Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Kärnten Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Kremstal Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Leithaberg Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Mittelburgenland Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Neusiedlersee Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Neusiedlersee-Hügelland Followed by or not the name of a smaller geograph unit I That

Niederösterreich Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Oberösterreich Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Salzburg Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Steirermark Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Süd-Oststeiermark Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Südburgenland Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Südsteiermark Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Thermenregion Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Tirol Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Grape Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Vorarlberg Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Wachau Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Wagram Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Weinviertel Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Weststeiermark Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Wien Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit

Wines with protected geographical indications





Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Prädikatswein or Qualitätswein AOP German

Besonderer Reife und Leseart, Tracking

Or not to:



Districtus Austriae Controllatus AOP Latin

Qualitätswein or Qualitätswein mit

Staatlicher Prüfnummer AOP German

Landwein IGP German

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Ausstich AOP/IGP German

Auswahl AOP/IGP German

Bergwein AOP/IGP German

Klassik/Classic AOP German

German AOP/IGP Heuriger

Gemischter Satz AOP/IGP German

Jubiläumswein AOP/IGP German

Reserve AOP German

Schilcher AOP/IGP German

Sturm IGP German


Wines with protected designations of origin


Alentejo Whether or not Borba

Alentejo Whether or not Évora

Alentejo Whether or not Granja-Amareleja

Alentejo Whether or not Moura

Alentejo Whether or not Portalegre

Alentejo Whether or not Redondo

Alentejo Whether or not Coengos

Alentejo Whether or not Vidigueira



Beira Interior Whether or not Castelo Rodrigo

Beira Interior Whether or not Cova da Beira

Beira Interior Whether or not Pinhel





Dão Whether or not Alva

Dão Whether or not Besteiros

Dão Whether or not Castendo

Dão Whether or not Serra da Estrela

Dão Whether or not Silgueiros

Dão Whether or not Terras of Azurara

Dão Whether or not Terras of Senhorim

Dão Nobre

Douro Whether or not Baixo Corgo

Equivalent term: Vinho do Douro

Douro Whether or not Cima Corgo

Equivalent term: Vinho do Douro

Douro Whether or not Douro Superior

Equivalent term: Vinho do Douro

Encostas of Aire Whether or not Alcobaça

Encostas of Aire Whether or not Ourem






Equivalent term: Madera/Vinho da Madeira/Madeira Weine/Madeira Wine/Madeira Wine/Vino di Madera/Madeira Wijn


Setúbal Moscatel

Moscatel do Douro






Equivalent term: Oporto/Vinho do Porto/Vin de Porto/Port/Port Wine/Portwein/ Portvin/Portwijn

Ribatejo Whether or not Almeirim

Ribatejo Whether or not Cartaxo

Ribatejo Whether or not Chamusca

Ribatejo Whether or not Coruche

Ribatejo Whether or not Santarém

Ribatejo Whether or not Tomar


Setúbal Roxo



Torres Vedras

Trás-os-Montes Whether or not Chaves

Trás-os-Montes Whether or not Planalto Mirandês

Trás-os-Montes Whether or not Valpaços

Vinho do Douro Whether or not Baixo Corgo

Equivalent term: Douro

Vinho do Douro Whether or not Cima Corgo

Equivalent term: Douro

Vinho do Douro Whether or not Douro Superior

Equivalent term: Douro

Vinho Verde Whether or not Amarante

Vinho Verde Whether or not Ave

Vinho Verde Whether or not Baião

Vinho Verde Whether or not Basto

Vinho Verde Whether or not Cávado

Vinho Verde Whether or not Lima

Vinho Verde Whether or not Monção e Melgaço

Vinho Verde Whether or not Paiva

Vinho Verde Whether or not Sousa

Vinho Verde Alvarinho

Vinho Verde Alvarinho Espumante

Wines with protected geographical indications

Lisboa Whether or not Alta Estremadura

Lisboa Whether or not Estremadura

Península de Setúbal


Vinho Espumante Beiras Whether or not Beira Alta

Vinho Espumante Beiras Whether or not Beira Litoral

Vinho Espumante Beiras Whether or not Terras de Sicó

Vinho Licoroso Algarve

Vinho Regional Azores

Vinho Regional Alentejano

Vinho Regional Algarve

Vinho Regional Beiras Whether or not Beira Alta

Vinho Regional Beiras Whether or not Beira Litoral

Vinho Regional Beiras Whether or not Terras de Sicó

Vinho Regional Duriense

Vinho Regional Minho

Vinho Regional Terras

Vinho Regional Transmontano

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Denominação de origem AOP Portuguese

Denominação de origem controlada AOP Portuguese

DO AOP Portuguese

DOC AOP Portuguese

Indicação de proveniência regulamentada IGP Portuguese

IPR IGP Portuguese

Vinho doce natural AOP Portuguese

Vinho generoso AOP Portuguese

Vinho regional IGP Portuguese

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Canteiro AOP Portuguese

Colheita Seleccionada AOP Portuguese

Crusted/Crusting AOP English

Escolha AOP Portuguese

Escuro AOP Portuguese

Fino AOP Portuguese

Frasqueira AOP Portuguese

Garrafeira AOP/IGP Portuguese

Lágrima AOP Portuguese

Leve AOP Portuguese

Nobre AOP Portuguese

Reserva AOP Portuguese

Velha reserva (or large reserva) AOP Portuguese

Ruby AOP English

Solera AOP Portuguese

Super reserva AOP Portuguese

Superior AOP Portuguese

Tawny AOP English

Vintage, Whether or not Late Bottle

(LBV) Or Character AOP English

Vintage AOP English


Wines with protected designations of origin

Aiud followed by or not the name of the subregion

Alba Iulia Followed by or not the subregion name

Babadag Followed by or not the subregion name

Banat Whether or not Dealuril Tirolului

Banat Whether or not Moldova Nouã

Banat Whether or not Silagiu

Banu Mãrãcine Followed by or not the subregion name

Bohotin Followed by or not the subregion name

Cernãteºti-Podgoria Followed by or not the subregion name

Coteºti Followed by or not the subregion name


Criºana Whether or not Biharia

Criºana Whether or not Diosig

Criºana whether or not followed by Silvaniei

Dealu Bujorului Followed by or not the subregion name

Dealu Mare Whether or not Boldeºti

Dealu Mare Whether or not Breaza

Dealu Mare Whether or not Ceptura

Dealu Mare Whether or not Merei

Dealu Mare Whether or not Tohani

Dealu Mare Whether or not Urlaþi

Dealu Mare Whether or not Valea Cãlugãreascã

Dealu Mare Whether or not Zorem

Drãgãºani followed by or not the name of the sub-region

Huºi Whether or not Vutcani

Iana Followed by or not the subregion name

Iaºi Whether or not Bucium

Iaºi Whether or not Copou

Iaºi Whether or not Uricani

Lechinþa Followed by or not the subregion name

Mehedinþi Whether or not Corcova

Mehedinþi Whether or not Golul Drâncei

Mehedinþi Whether or not Oreturn

Mehedinþi Whether or not Severin

Mehedinþi Whether or not Vânju Mare

Miniº Followed by or not the subregion name

Murfatlar Whether or not Cernavodã

Murfatlar Whether or not Medgidia

Nicoreºti Followed by or not the subregion name

Odobeºti Followed by or not the subregion name

Oltina Followed by or not the subregion name

Panciu Followed by or not the subregion name

Pietroasa Followed by or not the subregion name

Recaº Followed by or not the subregion name

Sâmbureºti Followed by or not the subregion name

Sarica Niculiþel Whether or not Tulcea

Sebeº-Apold Followed by or not the subregion name

Segarcea Followed by or not the subregion name

ãtefãneºti Whether or not Costeºti

Taskrave Whether or not Blaj

Taskrave Whether or not Jidvei

Taskrave Whether or not Mediaº

Wines with protected geographical indications

Colinele Dobrogei Followed by or not the subregion name

Dealuril Criºanei Followed by or not the subregion name

Dealuril Moldovei Or, as appropriate , Dealuril Covurluiului

Dealuril Moldovei Or, as appropriate , Dealurile Hârlãului

Dealuril Moldovei Or, as appropriate , Dealurile Huºilor

Dealuril Moldovei Or, as appropriate , Dealurile Iaºilor

Dealuril Moldovei Or, as appropriate , Dealurile Tutovei

Dealuril Moldovei Or, as appropriate , Terasele Siretului

Dealuril Moldovei

Dealuril Munteniei

Dealuril Olteniei

Dealurile Sãtmarului

Dealuril Transilvaniei

Dealuril Vrancei

Dealurile Zarandului

Terasele Dunãrii

Viile Caraºului

Viile Timiºului

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Wine cu denumire origin controlatã AOP Roumain

(D.O.C.), Followed by:

Cules la maturitate deplinã-C.M.D.
Terror Cules-C.T.
Cules la înnobilarea boabelor-C.I.B.

Wine spumant cu denumire origin AOP Roumain


Vin cu indicaþie geograficã IGP Roumain

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Rezervã AOP/IGP Roumain

Wine of vinotecã AOP Roumain


Wines with protected designations of origin

Bela krajina Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Belokranjec Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Bizeljèan Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Bizeljsko-Sremiè Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard Equivalent term: Sremiè-Bizeljsko

Cviek, Dolenjska Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Dolenjska Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Goriška Brda Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard Equivalent term: Brda

Kras Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Metliška èrnina Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Prekmurje Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard Equivalent term: Prekmurèan

Slovenska Istra Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Štajerska Slovenija Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Teran, Kras Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard

Vipavska dolina Followed by or not the name of a smaller geographical unit and/or the name of a vineyard Equivalent term: Vipava, Vipavec, Vipavèan

Wines with geographical indications

Podravje Possibly followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can also be used in an adjectival form

Posavje Possibly followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can ég A To be used in an adjectival form

Primorska Possibly followed by the expression "mlado vino" the names can also be used in an adjectival form

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Kakovostno vino z zašèitenim AOP Slovenian

Geografskim poreklom (kakovostno vino

ZGP), Whether or not Mlado vino

Kakovostno peneèe vino z zašèitenim AOP Slovenian

Geografskim poreklom (Kakovostno

Vino ZGP)

Penina AOP Slovenian

Vino s priznanim tradicionalnim AOP Slovenian

Poimenovanjem (vino PTP)

Renome AOP Slovenian

Vrhunsko vino z zašèitenim geografskim AOP Slovenian

Poreklom (vrhunsko vino ZGP), Tracked or

Not from:

Pozna trgatev
Jagodni izbor
Suhi jagodni izbor
Ledeno vino
Arhivsko vino, Arhiva
Slamnovino (vino z sušenega grozja)

Vrhunsko peneèe vino z zašèitenim IGP Slovenian

Geografskim poreklom (Vrhunsko

Vino ZGP)

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Mlado vino AOP/IGP Slovenian


Wines with protected designations of origin

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas followed or not of a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Dunajskostredský vinohradnícky

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Galantský vinohradnícky rajón

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Hurbanovský vinohradnícky rajón

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Komáròanský vinohradnícky rajón

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Palárikovský vinohrajón

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Šamorínsky vinohradnícky rajón

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Strekovský vinohradnícky raj

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Štúrovský vinohradnícky rajón

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Followed or not d ' A subregion and/or ' A smaller geographical unit

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Slavský vinohradnícky rajón

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Doorský vinohradnícky rajón

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Hlohovecký vinohradnícky

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Modranský vinohradnícky raj

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Orešanský vinohradnícky rajón

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Pezinský vinohrajón

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Senký vinohradnícky rajón

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Skalický vinohradnícky

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Stupavský vinohradnícky rajón

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Trnavský vinohradnícky raj

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas followed or not of Vrbovský vinohradnícky rajón

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Záhorský vinohradnícky rajón

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Followed or not d ' A subregion and/or ' A smaller geographical unit

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Nitriansky vinohradnícky raj

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Pukanecký vinohradnícky raj

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Radošinský Vinohradní

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Šintavna vinohradnícky rajón

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Tekovský vinohradnícky rajón

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Vrábeats ský vinohradnícky rajón

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Želiezovský vinohradnícky rajón

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Žitavský Vinohradnícky

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Zlatomoravecký vinohrajón

Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Followed or not d ' A subregion and/or ' A smaller geographical unit

Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Fil'akovský vinohradnícky rajón

Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Gemerský vinohradnícky

Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Hontiansky vinohradnícky rajón

Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Ipe-ský vinohradnícky rajón

Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Modrokamencký vinohradnícky rajón

Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Torna-ský vinohradnícky rajón

Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Vinický vinohradnícky raji

Vinohradnícka oblas Tokaj Followed or not by one of the following smaller geographic units: Bara/Èerhov/Èernochov/Malá Tàòa/Slovenské Nové Mesto/Veils ká Tàòa/Vinièky

Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Followed or not by a sub-region and/or a smaller geographical unit

Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas whether or not followed by Krá-ovskochlmecký vinohradnícky rajón

Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Michalovský Vinohradnícky

Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Moldovan vinohradnícky

Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Whether or not Sobranecký vinohradnícky

Wines with protected geographical indications

Južnoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Optionally accompanied by l ' Expression "Oblastné vino"

Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblas Optionally accompanied by l ' Expression "Oblastné vino"

Nitrianska vinohradnícka oblas Optionally accompanied by l ' Expression "Oblastné vino"

Stredoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Optionally accompanied by the expression "Oblastné vino"

Východoslovenská vinohradnícka oblas Optionally accompanied by l ' Expression "Oblastné vino"

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Akostborn víno AOP Slovakian

Akostborn víno s prívlastkom, Followed by: Slovak AOP

Neskorý zber
Výber z hrozna
Hrozienkový výber
Ciberbový výber
The adový zber
Slamové víno

Esencia AOP Slovakian

Forditáš AOP Slovak

Mášláš AOP Slovak

Pestovatev ský sekt AOP Slovakian

Samorodné AOP Slovakian

Sekt vinohradníckej oblasti AOP Slovak

Výber (3) (4) (5) (6) putòový PDO Slovakian

Výberová esencia AOP Slovakian

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Mladé Víno AOP Slovak

Archívne víno AOP Slovakian

Panenská úroda AOP Slovak

United Kingdom

Wines with protected designations of origin

English Vineyards

Welsh Vineyards

Wines with protected geographical indications

England Replaced or not by Berkshire

England Replaced or not by Buckinghamshire

England Replaced or not by Cheshire

England Replaced or not by Cornwall

England Replaced or not by Derbyshire

England Replaced or not by Devon

England Replaced or not by Dorset

England Replaced or not by East Anglia

England Replaced or not by Gloucestershire

England Replaced or not by Hampshire

England Replaced or not by Herefordshire

England Replaced or not by Isle of Wight

England Replaced or not by Isles of Scilly

England Replaced or not by Kent

England Replaced or not by Lancashire

England Replaced or not by Leicestershire

England Replaced or not by Lincolnshire

England Replaced or not by Northamptonshire

England Replaced or not by Nottinghamshire

England Replaced or not by Oxfordshire

England Replaced or not by Rutland

England Replaced or not by Shropshire

England Replaced or not by Somerset

England Replaced or not by Staffordshire

England Replaced or not by Surrey

England Replaced or not by Sussex

England Replaced or not by Warwickshire

England Replaced or not by West Midlands

England Replaced or not by Wiltshire

England Replaced or not by Worcestershire

England Replaced or not by Yorkshire

Wales Replaced or not by Cardiff

Wales Replaced or not by Cardiganshire

Wales Replaced or not by Carmarthenshire

Wales Replaced or not by Denbighshire

Wales Replaced or not by Gwynedd

Wales Replaced or not by Monmouthshire

Wales Replaced or not by Newport

Wales Replaced or not by Pembrokeshire

Wales Replaced or not by Rhondda Cynon Taf

Wales Replaced or not by Swansea

Wales Replaced or not by The Vale of Glamorgan

Wales Replaced or not by Wrexham

Traditional Mentions (Art. 118 duovicies, para. (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007)

Quality (sparkling) wine AOP English

Regional vine IGP English

NB: terms in italics are only information or explanatory text or both and are therefore not subject to the protection provisions referred to in this Annex.

Part B: Protected names for wine-growing products originating in Switzerland

Wines of controlled appellations of origin






Bielersee/Lac de Bienne






Château de Choully

Collex Castle

Crest Castle







Coteau de Bossy

Coteau de Bourdigny

Coteau de Chevrens

Coteau de Choulex

Choully Coteau

Coteau de Genthod

Coteau of the white vine

Coteau of Lully

Coteau de Peissy

Coteau des Baillets

Dardagny Coteaux

Peney's Coteaux

Landecy's Côtes

Coasts of Russin

Côtes-de-l ' Orbe


Domain of the Abbey






Grand Carraz



The Bee

The Coast

The Coudre

The Leaflet


The Landeron


Warring of Jussy











St. Gallen



Ticino Preceded or not by "Rosso del", "Bianco del" or "Rosato del"





City of Neuchâtel





Traditional Mentions


Appellation of origin

Controlled Origin Appellation (AOC)

Attestierter Winzerwy

Beerenauslese/Selection of noble grains


Castle/Schloss/Castello 1


Denominazione di origin

Denominazione di origine controllata (DOC)


Federweiss/Weissherbst 2

Flétri/Strain on Strain

Gletscherwein/Wine of Glaciers

Grand Cru

Indicazione geografica tipica (IGT)

Kontrollierte Ursprungsbezeichnung (KUB/AOC)

The Gerle


Eye-de-Perdrix 3

Gateway/Strohwein/Sforzato 4

First Cru

Soft pressed/Süssdruck




Spätlese/Late Vendange/Vendemmia tardiva 5

On bound (s) /auf der Hefe ausgebaut





Village (s)

Country wine

Table wine

Natural sweet wine 6


Vino da tavola



Traditional Names



Hermitage of Valais or Hermitage of Valais



Johannisberg of Valais

Malneighborhoods of the Valais



Païen or Heida

1 These terms are protected only for cantons with a precise definition, namely Vaud, Valais and Geneva.
2 These terms are protected without prejudice to the use of the traditional German words " Federweisser " For partially fermented musts intended for human consumption in accordance with Art. 3 (c) of the German Wine and Art Act. 40 of R (EC) n O 607/2009 of the Commission.
3 This term is protected without prejudice to art. 40 of R (EC) n O 607/2009 of the Commission.
4 For export to the Union, total alcoholic strength (acquired and power) of 16 % vol.
5 For export to the Union, the natural wealth of sugar must be at least 1 % above the average of the year for the other wines.
6 For the purpose of exporting to the Union, this term refers to a liqueur wine whose characteristics are more stringent in terms of yield and sugar content (initial natural sugar content of 252 g/l).

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 5

Conditions and procedures referred to in s. 8 (9) and 25 (1) (b)

The protection of the names referred to in Art. 8 of the Annex does not preclude the use of the names of the following vine varieties for wines originating in Switzerland, provided that they are used in accordance with Swiss legislation and in combination with a geographical name Clearly indicating the origin of the wine:
In accordance with Art. 25, point (b) and subject to the special provisions applicable to the system of documents accompanying transport, the Annex shall not apply to wine-growing products which:
Are contained in travellers' luggage for private consumption;
Are subject to mailings between private individuals for private consumption;
Are part of personal effects when moving individuals or in the event of succession;
Are imported for scientific or technical experimentation, in maximum quantities of 1 hectolitre;
Are intended for diplomatic representations, consular posts and similar bodies, in respect of the franchises granted to them;
Are part of the provisions of the international means of transport.

Statement by the Commission on Art. 7

The European Union declares that it will not hinder the use by Switzerland of the terms "protected designation of origin" and "protected geographical indication", including their abbreviations "PDO" and "PGI" referred to in Art. 7, para. 1 of Annex 7 of the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on trade in agricultural products, since the Swiss legislative system for agricultural and wine-growing geographical indications will be harmonised With the European Union system.

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 8

Concerning the mutual recognition and protection of names in the sector of spirit drinks and aromatised wine-based drinks

Art. 1

The Parties, on the basis of the principles of non-discrimination and reciprocity, agree to facilitate and promote between them the trade flows of spirit drinks and aromatised wine-based drinks.

Art. 2 1

This Annex applies to spirit drinks and flavoured drinks (aromatised wines, aromatised wine-based drinks and flavoured cocktails of wine-growing products) as defined in the legislation referred to in Appendix 5.

1 New content day according to Art. 1 para. 16 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 3

For the purposes of this Annex:

"Spirit drink originating in", followed by the name of one of the Parties: a spirit drink set out in Appendices 1 and 2 and drawn up in the territory of that Party;
'flavoured drinks originating in', followed by the name of one of the Parties: a flavoured drink listed in Appendices 3 and 4 and drawn up in the territory of that Party,
"Designation" means the names used in the labelling, on the documents accompanying the spirit drink or the flavoured drink during its transport, on the commercial documents, in particular the invoices and delivery bulletins, And in advertising;
"Labelling" means all designations and other indications, signs, illustrations or marks that characterize the spirit drink or the flavoured beverage and appear on the same container, including its closing device, or on the Pendants attached to it or the lining of the neck of the bottles;
"Presentation" means the names used on the containers and their closing devices, in the labelling and on the packaging;
"Packaging" means the protective envelopes, such as papers, mats of all kinds, cartons and cases, used for the transport of one or more containers.
Art. 4

1. The following names are protected:

As regards spirit drinks originating in the Community, those set out in Appendix 1,
In respect of spirit drinks originating in Switzerland, those listed in Appendix 2,
As regards flavoured drinks originating in the Community, those listed in Appendix 3,
For flavoured drinks originating in Switzerland, those listed in Appendix 4.

2. 1 The name 'grape marc' or 'eau-de-vie de marc de raisin' may be replaced by the name 'Grappa' for spirit drinks produced in the Swiss regions of Italian expression from the grapes from those regions and Listed in Appendix 2, in accordance with the Regulation referred to in point (a) of Appendix 5, first indent.

1 New content day according to Art. 1 para. 17 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 5

1. In Switzerland, protected Community denominations:

May not be used otherwise than in accordance with the conditions laid down in the laws and regulations of the Community, and
Reserved exclusively for spirit drinks and flavoured drinks originating in the Community to which they apply.

2. In the Community, protected Swiss denominations:

May not be used otherwise than in accordance with the conditions laid down in the laws and regulations of Switzerland, and
Are reserved exclusively for spirit drinks and flavoured drinks originating in Switzerland to which they apply.

3. Without prejudice to art. 22 and 23 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, contained in Annex 1C to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization 1 (hereinafter referred to as the TRIPs Agreement), the Parties shall take all necessary measures, in accordance with this Annex, to ensure the reciprocal protection of the names referred to in Art. 4 and used to designate spirit drinks or flavoured drinks originating in the territory of the Parties. Each Party shall provide interested Parties with the legal means to prevent the use of a denomination to designate spirit drinks or flavoured drinks not originating in the place designated by that name or the place where The name is traditionally used.

4. 2 The Parties waive the right to use the provisions of s. 24, para. 4, 6 and 7 of the TRIPs Agreement to refuse to grant protection to a name of the other Party.

1 RS 0.632.20
2 New content day according to Art. 1 para. 18 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 6 1

The protection referred to in s. 5 applies even in cases where the true origin of the spirit drink or flavoured beverage is indicated, and where the name is translated, or transcribed or transliterated, or is accompanied by Terms such as "type", "type", "style", "manner", "imitation", "method" or other similar expressions that include graphic symbols that may cause confusion.

1 New content according to Art. 1, para. 1, D n O 2/2012 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 3 May 2012, in force since 4 May 2012 ( RO 2012 3385 ).

Art. 7

In the case of homonymous names for spirit drinks or flavoured drinks, the protection will be granted to each denomination. The Parties shall determine the practical conditions under which the names in question will be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to ensure equitable treatment of the producers concerned and to ensure that the That consumers are not misled.

Art. 8

The provisions of this Annex shall in no case require a preliminary ruling on the right of any person to use his or her own name or that of his predecessor in business for commercial purposes, provided that the name is not used in any way To mislead the public.


Nothing in this Annex obliges a Party to protect a name of the other Party that is not protected or ceases to be protected in its country of origin or has fallen into disuse.

Art. 10

The Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure that, in the event of the export and marketing of spirit drinks or flavoured drinks originating in the Parties outside their territory, the protected names of a Party under this Annex shall not be used to designate and present a spirit drink or flavoured drink originating in the other Party.

Art. 11

To the extent permitted by the relevant legislation of the Parties, the protection conferred by this Annex extends to natural and legal persons as well as to federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders or Consumers whose registered office is established in the other Party.

Art. 12

If the designation or presentation of a spirit drink or a flavoured drink, in particular in the labelling or in official or commercial documents or in advertising, is contrary to this Agreement, the Parties shall Apply the administrative measures or take the necessary judicial action in order to combat unfair competition or otherwise prevent the misuse of the protected name.

Art. 13

This Annex does not apply to spirit drinks and flavoured drinks which:

Transit through the territory of one of the Parties, or
Originate in the territory of one of the Parties and shall be sent to each other in small quantities in the following manner:
Are contained in travellers' personal luggage for private consumption;
Are subject to mailings between private individuals for private consumption;
Are part of personal effects when moving individuals or in the event of succession;
Are imported for scientific or technical experimentation, in maximum quantities of a hectolitre;
Are intended for diplomatic representations, consular posts and similar bodies, imported in respect of the franchises granted to them;
Constitute the provision of international means of transport.
Art. 14

Each Party shall designate the bodies responsible for monitoring the implementation of this Annex.

2. The Parties shall communicate, no later than two months after the entry into force of this Annex, the names and addresses of the above-mentioned bodies. These bodies have a direct and close collaboration between them.

Art. 15

1. If any of the proceedings referred to in s. 14 has reason to suspect:

A spirit drink or a flavoured beverage defined in s. 2 and having or having been the subject of a commercial transaction between Switzerland and the Community shall not comply with the provisions of this Annex or the Community or Swiss legislation applicable to the sector of spirit drinks and Flavoured drinks
That such non-compliance is of particular interest to a Party and is likely to result in administrative measures or legal proceedings,

That body shall immediately inform the Commission and the competent authorities of the other Party.

2. The information provided in application of s. 1 must be accompanied by official documents, commercial documents or other appropriate documents, as well as the indication of possible administrative measures or legal proceedings, such as information relating to the drink Spirit or flavoured drink at issue, on:

The producer and the person holding the spirit drink or flavoured drink,
The composition of the beverage,
Designation and presentation,
The nature of the infringement of the rules on production and marketing.
Art. 16

1. The Parties shall consult each other when one of the Parties considers that the other has failed to fulfil an obligation of this Annex.

(2) The Party requesting the consultations shall provide the other Party with all the information necessary for a thorough examination of the case.

3. Where any delay or delay is likely to endanger human health or to inefficiency measures to combat fraud, provisional safeguard measures may be adopted without prior consultation, provided that Consultations shall be initiated immediately following the taking of such measures.

4. If, at the end of the consultations provided for in s. 1, the Parties shall not reach an agreement, the Party that has requested consultations or have agreed to the measures referred to in s. 1 may take the appropriate protective measures in such a way as to permit the application of this Annex.

Art. 17

1. The Working Party on Spirit Beverages, hereinafter referred to as the Working Group, established under Art. 6, para. 7, of the Agreement shall meet at the request of one of the Parties and in accordance with the requirements for the implementation of the agreement alternately in the Community and in Switzerland.

2. The Working Group shall consider any matter arising from the implementation of this Annex. In particular, the Working Group may make recommendations to the Committee with a view to furthering the objectives of this Annex.

Art. 18

To the extent that the legislation of one of the Parties is amended to protect other names than those listed in the Appendices to this Annex, the inclusion of such names shall take place at the end of the consultations, and A reasonable time limit.

Art. 19

1. Spirit drinks and flavoured drinks which, at the time of entry into force of this Annex, have been produced, designated and presented lawfully, but prohibited by this Annex, may be marketed by the Wholesalers for a period of one year from the entry into force of the agreement, and by retailers until stocks are exhausted. Spirit drinks and flavoured drinks included in this Annex shall no longer be produced outside the limits of their region of origin, upon entry into force of that Annex.

2. Unless otherwise decided by the Committee, the marketing of spirit drinks and flavoured drinks produced, designated and presented in accordance with this Agreement, but whose designation and presentation lose their conformity by As a result of an amendment of the said agreement, may continue until stocks are exhausted.

Appendix 1 1

Geographical indications relating to spirit drinks originating in the European Union

Product Category

Geographic Indication

Country of origin (the precise geographical origin is described in the data sheet)

1. Rhum

Rhum of Martinique


Rhum of Guadeloupe


Rhum of the Meeting


Rhum of Guiana


Galion Bay sugar mill


French West Rhum


Rhum of the French overseas departments


Ron de Málaga


Ron of Granada


Rum da Madeira


2. Whisky/Whiskey

Scotch Whisky

United Kingdom (Scotland)

Irish Whiskey/Uisce Beatha Eireannach/Irish Whisky 2


Whisky español


Whisky breton/Whisky of Brittany


Whisky alsacien/Whisky d' Alsace


3. Eau de vie de cereals

Eau-de-vie de rye de marque nationale Luxembourgish



Germany, Austria, Belgium (German-speaking Community)

Münsterländer Kornbrand


Sendenhorster Korn/Kornbrand


Bergischer Korn/Kornbrand


Emsländer Korn/Kornbrand


Haselünner Korn/Kornbrand


Hasetaler Korn/Kornbrand




4. Wine-of-life

Cognac's Water-de-vie


Water-de-vie des Charentes


Water-de-vie de Jura




(The name "Cognac" May be accompanied by one of the following:



Grande Fine Champagne


Grande Champagne


Little Fine Champagne


Little Champagne


Fine Champagne




Fins Wood


Bons Wood)


Fine Bordeaux


Fine Burgundy






High Armagnac




Blanche Armagnac


Water-de-vie de vin de la Marne


Water-of life of wine originating in Aquitaine


Water-de-vie de vin de Bourgogne


Water-de-vie de vin originates from the East Centre


Water-de-vie de vin originating in Franche-Comté


Water-de-vie de vin originates from Bugey


Eau-de-vie de vin de Savoie


Water-de-vie de vin originating in the Coteaux de la Loire


Water-de-vie de vin des Côtes-du-Rhône


Water-de-vie de vin originating in Provence


Water-de-vie de Faugères/Faugères


Water-eau de vie de vin originates from the Languedoc


Aguardente de Vinho Douro


Aguardente de Vinho Ribatejo


Aguardente de Vinho Alentejo


Aguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos Verdes


Aguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de Alvarinho


Aguardente de Vinho Lourinhã


Ñóíãóðëàðñêà ãðîçäîâà ðàêè/Ãðîçäîâà ðàêè îò Ñóíãóðëàðå/Sungurlarska grozdova rakiya/Grozdova rakiya Of Sungurlare


Ñëèâåíñêà ïåðëà (Ñëèâåíñêà ãðîçäîâà ðàêè/Ãðîçäîâà ðàêè îò Ñëèâåí)/Slivenska perla (Slivenska grozdova rakiya/Grozdova rakiya Sliven)


Ñòðàëäæàíñêà Ìóñêàòîâà ðàêè/Ìóñêàòîâà ðàêè îò Ñòðàëäæà/Straldjanska Muscatova rakiya/Muscatova rakiya Of Straldja


Ïîìîðèéñêà ãðîçäîçäîâà ðàêè/Ãðîçäîâà ðàêè îò Ïîìðèå/Pomoriyska grozdova rakiya/Grozdova rakiya Of Pomorie


Ðóñåíñêà áèñåðíà ãðîçäîâà ðàêè/Áèñåðíà ãðîçäîâà ðàêè îò Ðóñå/Russenska biserna grozdova rakiya/Biserna grozdova rakiya Of Ruse


Áóðãàñêà Ìóñêàòîâ� ðàêè/Ìóñêàòîâ� ðàêè îò Áóðãàñ/Bourgaska Muscatova rakiya/Muscatova rakiya Burgas


Äîáðóäæàíñê� ìóñêàòîâ� ðàêè/Ìóñêàòîâ� ðàê� ðàê� î� Äîáðóäæà/Dobrudjanska muscatova rakiya/Muscatova rakiya Of the Dobrudja


Ñóõèíäîëñêà ãðîçäîâà ðàêè/Ãðîçäîâà ðàêè îò Ñóõèíäîë/Suhindolska grozdova rakiya/Grozdova rakiya Of Suhindol


�ðëîâñê� ãðîçäîçäîâ� ðàêè/Ãðîçäîâ� Ðàê� îò Ã�ðëî�ðëîâî/Karlovska grozdova rakiya/Grozdova Rakiya Karlovo


Vinars Târnave


Vinars Vaslui


Vinars Murfatlar


Vinars Vrancea


Vinars Segarcea


5. Brandy/Weinbrand

Brandy of Jerez


Brandy del Penedés


Brandy Italiano


Brandy ÁôôéêÞò /Brandy Of Attica


Brandy Ðåëïííííííííííííííííííí Of the Peloponnese


Brandy E�åíéêÞò ÅëëÜäáò /Brandy Central Greece


Deutscher Weinbrand


Wachauer Weinbrand


Weinbrand Dürnstein


Pfälzer Weinbrand


Karpatské brandy


Brandy French/Brandy de France


6. Water-grape marc life

Marc de Champagne/Eau-de-vie de marc de Champagne


Marc d' Aquitaine/Eau-de-vie de marc originating in Aquitaine


Marc de Bourgogne/Eau-de-vie de marc de Bourgogne


Marc du Centre-Est/Eau-de-vie de marc originating in the Centre-Est


Marc de Franche-Comté/Eau-de-vie de marc originally from Franche-Comté


Marc du Bugey/Eau-de-vie de marc originally from Bugey


Marc de Savoie/Eau-de-vie de marc originating in Savoie


Marc des Côteaux de la Loire/Eau-de-vie de marc originating in the Coteaux de la Loire


Marc des Côtes-du-Rhône/Eau-de-vie de marc des Côtes du Rhône


Marc de Provence/Eau-de-vie de marc originating in Provence


Marc du Languedoc/Eau-de-vie de marc originating in Languedoc


Marc d' Alsace Gewürztraminer


Marc de Lorraine


Marc of Auvergne


Marc du Jura


Aguardente Bagaceira Bairrada


Aguardente Bagaceira Alentejo


Aguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos Verdes


Aguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de Alvarinho


Orujo of Galicia




Grappa di Barolo


Grappa piemontese/Grappa del Piemonte


Grappa lombarda/Grappa di Lombardia


Grappa trentina/Grappa del Trentino


Grappa Friulana/Grappa del Friuli


Grappa Veneta/Grappa del Veneto


Südtiroler Grappa/Grappa dell' Alto Adige


Grappa siciliana/Grappa di Sicilia


Grappa di Marsala




EizeêïõäéÜ �ñÞôção/Tsikoudia Of Crete




á�ßð�õñï Ìáêåäïíßáò/Tsipouro Of Macedonia


O�óßðïõñï Èåóóá�ßáò/Tsipouro Of Thessaly


Oóßðïões ÔõñíÜâïías /Tsipouro Of Tyrnavos


Eau-de-vie de marc de marque nationale Luxembourgish






9. Fruit life water

Schwarzwälder Kirschwasser


Schwarzwälder Mirabellenwasser


Schwarzwälder Williamsbirne


Schwarzwälder Zwetschgenwasser


Fränkisches Zwetschgenwasser


Fränkisches Kirschwasser


Fränkischer Obstler


Mirabelle of Lorraine


Kirsch of Alsace


Quetsch of Alsace


Framboise of Alsace


Mirabelle of Alsace


Kirsch de Fougerolles


Williams of Orleans


Südtiroler Williams/Williams dell' Alto Adige


Südtiroler Aprikot/Aprikot dell' Alto Adige


Südtiroler Marille/Marille dell' Alto Adige


Kirsch/Kirsch dell' Alto Adige


Südtiroler Zwetschfreeze/Zwetschfreeze dell' Alto Adige


Obstler/Obstler dell' Alto Adige


Gravensteiner/Gravensteiner dell' Alto Adige


Golden Delicious/Golden Delicious dell' Alto Adige


Williams Friuli/Williams


Sliwovitz del Veneto


Sliwovitz del Friuli-Venezia Giulia


Sliwovitz del Trentino-Alto Adige


Distillato di mele trentino/Distillato di mele del Trentino


Williams Trentino/Williams del Trentino


Sliwovitz trentino/Sliwovitz del Trentino


Aprikot trentino/Aprikot del Trentino


Medronho do Algarve


Medronho do Buçaco


Kirsch Friulano/Kirschwasser Friulano


Kirsch Trentino/Kirschwasser Trentino


Kirsch Veneto/Kirschwasser Veneto


Aguardente de fishery da Lousã


Eau-de-vie de apples de marque nationale Luxembourgish


Water-de-vie de poires de marque nationale Luxembourgish


Eau-de-vie de kirsch de marque nationale Luxembourgish


Water-de-vie de quetsch de marque nationale Luxembourgish


Water-de-vie de mirabelle de marque nationale Luxembourgish


Water-de-vie de marque nationale Luxembourgish


Wachauer Marillenbrand


Szatmári Szilvapálinka


Kecskeméti Barackpálinka


Békési Szilvapálinka


Szabolcsi Almapálinka


Gönci Barackpálinka



Hungary, Austria (apricot waters developed exclusively in the following Austrian provinces: Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Steiermark, Wien)

Bošácka Slivovica




Dolenjski sadjevec


ðîíñêà ñëèâîâà ðàêè/Ñëèâîâà ðàêè îò Òðîí/Troyanska slivova rakiya/Slivova rakiya From Troyan,


Ñèëèñòðåíñêà êàéñéåâà ðàêè/Êàéñèåâà ðàêè îò Ñèëèñòðà/Silistrenska kayssieva rakiya/Kayssieva rakiya From Silistra,


�� åðâåëñê� êàéñéåâ� ðàêè/Êàéñèåâ� ðàêè ðàê� îò �åðâåë/Tervelska kayssieva rakiya/Kayssieva rakiya From Tervel,


Ëîâåøêà ñëèâîâà ðàêè/Ñëèâîâà ðàêè îò Ëîâå÷/Loveshka slivova rakiya/Slivova rakiya Of Lovech




Medieșu Aurit Zetea


Valea Milcovului


Buzãu's ã ã


Þuicã de Argeº


Þuicã de Zalãu


Bistrița Ardeleneascã


Horincã de Maramureş


Horincã de Cãchewrzana


Horincã de Seini


Horin Chioar cã


Horincã de Lãpuş


Oaº Turkish


Maramureº Turk


10. Water-de-vie de cider ou de poiré



Calvados Pays d' Auge


Calvados Domfrontais


Water-de-vie de cider de Bretagne


Water-de-vie de poir de Bretagne


Water-de-vie de cider de Normandie


Water-de-vie de poiré de Normandie


Maine Wax Water-de-vie


Aguardiente de sidra de Asturias


Water-de-vie de poire du Maine


15. Vodka

Svensk Vodka/Swedish Vodka


Suomalainen Vodka/Vodka/Vodka of Finland


Polska Wódka/Polish Vodka


Laugarício Vodka


Originali Lietuviðka Degree/Original Lithuanian vodka


Vodka with herbs flavoured with bison herb extract, produced in the plain of Podlasie du Nord/ Wódka zio³owa z Niziny Pó³nocnopodlaskiej aromatyzowana ekstraktem z trawy ¿ ubrowej


Latvijas Dzidrais




Estonian vodka


17. Geist

Schwarzwälder Himbeergeist


18. Gentian

Bayerischer Gebirgsenzian


Südtiroler Enzian/Genziana dell' Alto Adige


Genziana trentina/Genziana del Trentino


19. Spirit drinks at the juniper

Genièvre/Jig/Genever 3

Belgium, the Netherlands, France (Nord (59) and the Pas-de-Calais (62)), Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen)

Grains, Graanjska, Graanganese

Belgium, the Netherlands, France (Nord (59) and the Pas-de-Calais (62))

Jonge jenever, jonge genever

Belgium, Netherlands

Oude july, oude genever

Belgium, Netherlands

Hasseltse jy/Hasselt

Belgium (Hasselt, Zonhoven, Diepenbeek)

Balegemse jenever

Belgium (Balegem)

O ' de Flander-Oost-Vlaamse Graanjska

Belgium (Oost-Vlaanderen)

Peket-Pekêt/Peket-Pékêt de Wallonie

Belgium (Walloon Region)

Genièvre Flanders Artois

France (Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62))

Ostfriesischer Korngenever




Plymouth Gin

United Kingdom

Gin of Mahón


Vilniaus Džinas/Vilnius Gin


Spišská Borovièka


Slovenská Borovièka Juniperus


Slovenská Borovièka


Inovecká Borovièka


Liptovská Borovièka


24. Akvavit/aquavit

Dansk Akvavit/Dansk Aquavit


Svensk Aquavit/Svensk Akvavit/Swedish Aquavit


25. Anise spirit drinks

Anis español


Anís Paloma Monforte


Hierbas of Mallorca


Hierbas Ibicencas


Évora anisada












29. Distilled Anis


Cyprus, Greece

Ïýæï ÌõôéëÞíçò/Ouzo Of Mytilene


AIýæï Ðëùìáñßïão /Ouzo Of Plomari


AIýæï ÊáëáìÜôáò /Ouzo Kalamata


AIýæï ÈñÜêçò /Ouzo Of Thrace


Ïýæï Ìáêåäïíßáò/Ouzo Of Macedonia


30. Bitter or bitter-tasting spirit drink

Demänovka bylinná horká


Rheinberger Kräuter


Trejos devynerios


Slovenska travarica


32. Liqueur

Berliner Kümmel


Hamburger Kümmel


Münchener Kümmel


Chiemseer Klosterlikör


Bayerischer Kräuterlikör


Irish Cream


Palo of Mallorca


Ginjinha portuguesa


Singeverga Licor


Mirto di Sardegna


Liquore di limone di Sorrento


Liquore di limone della Costa d' Amalfi


Genepì del Piemonte


Genepì della Valle d' Aosta


Benediktbeurer Klosterlikör




Ratafia de Champagne


Ratafia Catalana


Anis português


Suomalainen Marjaliköri/Suomalainen Hedelmälikööri / Finsk Bärlikör/Finsk Fruktlikör/Finnish berry liqueur/Finnish fruit liqueur


Grossglockner Alpenbitter


Mariazeller Magenlikör


Mariazeller Jagasaftl


Puchheimer Bitter


Steinfelder Magenbitter


Wachauer Marillenlikör






Allahu Íimelis




Demänovka Bylinný Likér


Polish Cherry


Karlovarská Hoøká

Czech Republic





Cantueso Alicantino


Licor Café de Galicia


Licor de hierbas de Galicia


Genepi of the Alps/Genepì degli Alpi

France, Italy

Ìáóôßàá ×ßïc /Masticha Of Chios


BEAVôñï ÍÜîïSão /Kitro Naxos


ÊïõìêïõÜô ÊÝñêõñáò/Koum Kouat From Corfu


ÔÔåíôïýñá /Tentoura


Poncha da Madeira


34. Cassis Cream

Cassis of Burgundy


Cassis of Dijon


Cassis of Saintonge


Cassis du Dauphiné


Cassis de Beaufort


40. Nocino

Nocino di Modena




Other spirit drinks

Pommeau de Bretagne


Maine Pommeau


Pommeau de Normandie


Svensk Punsch/Swedish Punch


Pacharán navarro








Aguardiente de hierbas de Galicia


Aperitivo Café de Alcoy


Herbero de la Sierra de Mariola


Königsberger Bärenfang


Ostevidßischer Bärenfang




Canarias Ronmiel


Genièvre aux fruits/Vruchtenjy/Jestin met vruchten/Fruchtgenever

Belgium, the Netherlands, France (Nord (59) and the Pas-de-Calais (62)), Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen)

Domaini rum


Irish Poteen/Irish Poitín




Trauktinë Palanga


Trauktinë Dainava


1 New content according to Art. 1, para. 2 of D n O 2/2012 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 3 May 2012, in force since 4 May 2012 ( RO 2012 3385 ).
2 The geographical indication "Irish Whiskey/Uisce Beatha Eireannach/Irish Whisky" Covers whisky/whiskey produced in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
3 Taking into account the protection of the geographical indication "Genièvre" In the EU and the intention expressed by Switzerland to protect the name "Genièvre" As a geographical indication on its territory, the EU and Switzerland have agreed to include the name "Genièvre" In the app. 1 and 2 of Annex 8. The Parties undertake to review the status of this denomination in 2015 in the light of the state of protection of the name "Genièvre" As a geographical indication in Switzerland.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 2 1

Denominations protected for spirit drinks originating in Switzerland

Wine-de-vie water

Valais Wine-de-vie de vin

Brandy of Valais

Milling of grape marc water

Baselbieter Marc

Grappa del Ticino/Grappa Ticinese

Grappa della Val Calanca

Grappa della Val Bregaglia

Grappa della Val Mesolcina

Grappa della Valle di Poschiavo

Marc d' Auvernier

Marc de Dôle du Valais

Fruit life water

Aargauer Bure Kirsch

Abricotine/Eau-de-vie d' apricot du Valais


Baselbieter Mirabelle

Baselbieter Pflümli

Baselbieter Zwetschgenwasser

Bernbieter Kirsch

Bernbieter Mirabellen

Bernbieter Zwetschgenwasser

Bérudge de Cornaux

Canada of Valais

Coing d' Ajoie

Valais Coing


Valais Poire Life Water

Emmentaler Kirsch

Valais Raspberry

Freiämter Zwetschgenwasser

Fricktaler Kirsch

Golden of Valais

Gravenstein of Valais

Kirsch d' Ajoie

Kirsch of the Beerche

Kirsch of Valais

Swiss Kirsch

Lauerzer Kirsch

Luzerner Kernobstbrand

Luzerner Kirsch

Luzerner Pflümli

Luzerner Williams

Luzerner Zwetschgenwasser

Mirabelle of Ajoie

Mirabelle du Valais

Poire of Ajoie

Poire d' Orange de la Baroche

Ajoie Pomme

Valais Pomme

Prune of Ajoie

Prune of the Valais

Imperial Prune of Baroche

Valais Pruneau

Rigi Kirsch

Schwarzbuben Kirsch

Seeländer Kirsch

Seeländer Pflümliwasser


Zuger Kirsch

Water-de-vie de cider ou de poiré

Bernbieter Birnenbrand

Freiämter Theilerbirnenbrand

Luzerner Birnenträsch

Luzerner Theilerbirnenbrand

Water-Gentian's life

Gentian of the Jura

Spirit drinks in the juniper

Goat 2

Genièvre du Jura


Basler Eierkirsch

Bernbieter Cherry Brandy Liqueur

Bernbieter Grisage Blocker

Bernbieter Kirschen Liqueur

Williams of Valais Pear Liqueur

Valais apricot blocker

Valais raspberry baffle

Herbal spirit drinks (or herbal)

Baselbieter Burgermeister (Kräuterbrand)

Bernbieter Kräuterbitter

Herbal life of the Jura

Valais Grass Water

Genpur of Valais

Gotthard Kräuterbrand

Innerschwyzer Chrüter

Luzerner Chrüter (Kräuterbrand)

Walliser Chrüter (Kräuterbrand)


Lie du Mandement

Lie de Dôle du Valais

Lie of the Valais

1 New content according to Art. 1, para. 2 of D n O 2/2012 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 3 May 2012, in force since 4 May 2012 ( RO 2012 3385 ).
2 Taking into account the protection of the geographical indication "Genièvre" In the EU and the intention expressed by Switzerland to protect the name "Genièvre" As a geographical indication on its territory, the EU and Switzerland have agreed to include the name "Genièvre" In the trap. 1 and 2 of Annex 8. The Parties undertake to review the status of this denomination in 2015 in the light of the state of protection of the name "Genièvre" As a geographical indication in Switzerland.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 3

Denominations protected for flavoured drinks originating in the Community



Nürnberger Glühwein

Thüringer Glühwein

Chambéry's Vermouth

Vermouth of Torini

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 4

Appendix 5 1

List of acts referred to in s. 2 relating to spirit drinks, aromatised wines and flavoured drinks

Spirit drinks under code 2208 of the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 2 .
For the European Union :
Regulation (EC) n O 110/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 on the definition, description, presentation, labelling and protection of geographical indications of spirit drinks and repealing Regulation (EEC) No O Council (OJ L 39, 13.2.2008, p. 16), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No O 1334/2008 (OJ L 354, 31.12.2008, p. 34)
For Switzerland:
Chapter 5 of the Ordinance of the DFI of 23 November 2005 on alcoholic beverages, last amended on 15 December 2010 (RO 2010 6391).
Flavoured drinks under codes 2205 and ex 2206 of the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.
For the European Union :
Regulation (EEC) n O 1601/91 of the Council of 10 June 1991 (OJ L 149, 14.6.1991, p. 1), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No O 1882/2003 (OJ L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 1).
For Switzerland:
Chapter 2, section 3, of the Ordinance of the DFI of 23 November 2005 on alcoholic beverages, as last amended on 15 December 2010 (RO 2010 6391).

1 Introduced by Art. 1 para. 21 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products ( RO 2009 4925 ). New content according to Art. 1, para. 2 of D n O 2/2012 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 3 May 2012, in force since 4 May 2012 (RO 2012 3385).
2 RS 0.632.11

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 9

Relative to agricultural products and foodstuffs obtained according to organic production methods

Art. 1 Purpose

Without prejudice to their obligations in relation to products not originating from the Parties, and without prejudice to other existing legislation, the Parties undertake on the basis of non-discrimination and reciprocity, to promote Trade in agricultural products and foodstuffs obtained on the basis of organic production from the Community and Switzerland and in accordance with the laws and regulations set out in Appendix 1.

Art. 2 Scope of application

1. This Annex applies to agricultural products 1 And foodstuffs obtained in accordance with the organic method of production and in accordance with the laws and regulations set out in Appendix 1.

2. ... 2

1 New Expression Under Art. 1 of D No 2/2011 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, 25 Nov 2011, in force since 1 Er Dec. 2011 ( RO 2011 6535 ).
2 Repealed by Art. 1 of D No 2/2011 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, 25 Nov 2011, with effect from 1 Er Dec. 2011 ( RO 2011 6535 ).

Art. 3 Equivalence Principle

The Parties recognize that the respective legislative and regulatory provisions set out in Appendix 1 to this Annex are equivalent. The Parties may agree to exclude certain aspects or products from the equivalence regime. They are set out in Appendix 1.

2. The Parties shall endeavour to make every effort to ensure that the legislative and regulatory provisions specifically covering the products referred to in s. 2 evolve in an equivalent manner.

3. 1 Imports between the Parties of products derived from the organic production method originating in one of the Parties or put into free circulation in the territory of one of the Parties and which are covered by the equivalence provisions referred to in par. 1 does not require the submission of inspection certificates.

1 Introduced by Art. 1 para. 22 of the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).

Art. 4 Free movement of organic products

The Contracting Parties shall take, in accordance with their internal procedures in that regard, the necessary measures for the importation and placing in the trade of the products referred to in Art. 2, to the legislative and regulatory provisions of the other Party set out in Appendix 1.

Art. 5 Labeling

1. In order to develop schemes to prevent the re-labelling of organic products covered by this Annex, the Parties shall endeavour to make every effort to ensure in their legislative and regulatory provisions Respective:

Protection of the same terms in their different official languages to designate biological products;
The use of the same mandatory terms for label declarations for products meeting equivalent conditions.

2. The Parties may require that the products imported from the other Party comply with the labelling requirements, as provided for in their respective legislative and regulatory provisions set out in Appendix 1.

Art. 6 1 Third countries and control bodies in third countries

(1) The Parties shall endeavour to make every effort to ensure the equivalence of the import regimes applicable to products obtained according to organic production and from third countries.

2. In order to ensure an equivalent recognition practice vis-à-vis third countries and control bodies in third countries, the Parties shall establish appropriate cooperation in order to draw on their experiences and Consult prior to the recognition and inclusion of a third country or a monitoring body in the lists established for that purpose in their legislative and regulatory provisions.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D No 2/2011 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, 25 Nov 2011, in force since 1 Er Dec. 2011 ( RO 2011 6535 ).

Art. 7 1 Exchange of information

1. In accordance with Article 8 of the Agreement, the Parties and the Member States shall communicate in particular the following information and documents:

The list of competent authorities, supervisory bodies and their code number, as well as the reports concerning the supervision exercised by the authorities responsible for this task;
The list of administrative decisions authorising the import of products obtained according to the organic mode of production from a third country;
Irregularities or infringements of the laws and regulations set out in Appendix 1 that alter the biological character of a product. The level of communication depends on the severity and extent of the irregularity or offence identified in the Appendix.

2. The Parties shall ensure the confidential treatment of the information referred to in s. 1, third indent.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D No 2/2011 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture, 25 Nov 2011, in force since 1 Er Dec. 2011 ( RO 2011 6535 ).

Art. 8 Working Group on Organic Products

1. The Working Party on Biological Products, hereinafter referred to as the Working Group, established under Art. 6, para. 7, of the Agreement shall consider any matter relating to this Annex and its implementation.

2. The Working Party shall periodically review the evolution of the respective laws and regulations of the Parties in the areas covered by this Annex. In particular, he is responsible:

Verify the equivalency of the legislative and regulatory provisions of the Parties for inclusion in Appendix 1;
To recommend to the Committee, if necessary, the introduction in Appendix 2 of this Annex of the implementing provisions necessary to ensure consistency in the implementation of the legislative and regulatory provisions referred to in the Annex, on the respective territories of the Parties;
To recommend to the Committee the extension of the scope of this Annex to products other than those referred to in s. 2, para. 1.
Art. Backup Measures

1. Where any delay would cause injury that it would be difficult to repair, provisional safeguard measures may be adopted without prior consultation, provided that consultations are initiated immediately after the taking of the Say measures.

2. If the consultations provided for in s. 1 does not permit the Parties to reach an agreement, the Party that has requested consultations or has adopted the measures referred to in s. 1 may take the appropriate protective measures in such a way as to permit the application of this Annex.

Appendix 1 1

List of acts referred to in s. 3 on agricultural products and foodstuffs obtained according to the organic method of production

Regulations applicable in the ' European Union

Regulation (EC) n O 834/2007 of the Council of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No O 2092/91 (OJ L 189, 20.7.2007, p. 1), as last amended by the Regulation (EU) n O 517/2013 of the Council of 13 May 2013 (OJ L 158, 10.6.2013, p. 1),

Regulation (EC) n O 889/2008 of the Commission of 5 September 2008 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 834/2007 of the Council on organic production and labelling of organic products with regard to organic production, labelling and controls (OJ L 250, 18.9.2008, p. 1 ), Last amended by the Implementing Regulation (EU) n O 1358/2014 of the Commission of 18 December 2014 (OJ L 365, 19.12.2014, p. 97),

Regulation (EC) n O Commission of 8 December 2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 834/2007 of the Council as regards the import regime for organic products from third countries (OJ L 334, 12.12.2008, p. 25), as last amended by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/131 of 23 January 2015 (OJ L 23, 29.1.2015, p. 1).

Provisions applicable in the Swiss Confederation

Ordinance of 22 September 1997 on organic farming and the designation of organic products and foodstuffs (Ordinance on organic farming), last amended on 29 October 2014 (RO 2014 3969),

Order of the Federal Department of Economics, Training and Research (DEFR) of 22 September 1997 on organic farming, as last amended on 29 October 2014 (RO 2014 3979).

Exclusion from the Equivalence Plan

Swiss products based on components produced under the system of conversion to organic farming

Products derived from Swiss caprine production where the animals benefit from the derogation provided for in Art. 39 D The Ordinance on Organic Agriculture and the Designation of Organic Products and Foodstuffs 2 .

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 2/2015 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 19 Nov 2015, in force since 31 Dec. 2015 ( RO 2016 911 ).
2 RS 910.18

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 2 1

Implementing rules


1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 2/2015 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 19 Nov 2015, in force since 31 Dec. 2015 ( RO 2016 911 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 10 1

Relative to the recognition of checks on compliance with marketing standards for fresh fruit and vegetables

Art. 1 Scope of application

This Annex shall apply to fruit and vegetables intended for consumption in fresh or dry conditions and for which marketing standards have been fixed or are recognised as alternatives to the general standard by the European Union on the Basis of Regulation (EC) No O Council of 22 October 2007 on the common organisation of agricultural markets and specific provisions for certain products of this sector (single CMO Regulation), excluding citrus fruit.

Art. 2 Purpose

1. The products referred to in Article 1 and originating in Switzerland or the European Union when they are re-exported from Switzerland to the European Union and accompanied by the certificate of conformity referred to in Art. 3, are not subject, within the European Union, to a compliance check with the standards before they are introduced into the customs territory of the European Union.

2. The Federal Office of Agriculture shall be approved as the responsible authority for checks on conformity with European Union standards or equivalent standards for products originating in Switzerland or the European Union when they are Re-exported from Switzerland to the European Union. For this purpose, the Federal Office of Agriculture may order the supervisory bodies referred to in Appendix 1 for the purpose of entrusting them with the control of conformity under the following conditions:

The Federal Office for Agriculture shall notify the authorised bodies to the European Commission.
These supervisory bodies shall issue the certificate referred to in Art. 3.
The mandated agencies must have trained controllers trained by the Federal Office of Agriculture, equipment and facilities necessary for the checks and analyses required by the appropriate control and equipment For the transmission of information.

3. If Switzerland implements, for the products referred to in Article 1, control of conformity to marketing standards before the entry into the Swiss customs territory, provisions equivalent to those laid down in the Annex and allowing products originating in the European Union not to be subject to this type of control shall be adopted.

Art. 3 Certificate of Compliance

For the purposes of this Annex, "certificate of conformity" means:

Either the form provided for in Annex III to the Implementing Regulation (EU) n O 543/2011 of the Commission of 7 June 2011 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 1234/2007 of the Council as regards the sectors of fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables (OJ L 157, 15.6.2011, p. 1),
The Swiss form provided for in Appendix 2 to this Annex,
Either the UN/ECE form, annexed to the Geneva Protocol on the Standardization of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables and Dry and Dried Fruits,
The OECD form, annexed to the OECD Council Decision on the OECD "regime" for the application of international standards to fruit and vegetables.

2. The certificate of conformity accompanies the lot of products originating in Switzerland or the European Union when they are re-exported from Switzerland to the European Union until free circulation on the territory of the European Union.

The certificate of conformity shall bear the stamp of one of the bodies mentioned in Appendix 1 to this Annex.

4. Where the mandate referred to in s. 2, para. 2, shall be withdrawn, the certificates of conformity issued by the supervisory body concerned shall no longer be recognised within the meaning of this Annex.

Art. 4 Exchange of information

1. Pursuant to s. 8 of the Agreement, the Parties shall communicate in particular the list of competent authorities and conformity control bodies. The European Commission shall communicate to the Federal Office of Agriculture the irregularities or infringements found with regard to compliance with the standards in force of lots of fruit and vegetables originating in Switzerland or the European Union When they are re-exported from Switzerland to the European Union and accompanied by the certificate of conformity.

2. In order to assess compliance with the requirements of s. 2, para. 2, 3 E The Federal Office of Agriculture accepts, at the request of the European Commission, that joint control of the authorised agencies can be carried out on the spot.

3. Joint monitoring shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure proposed by the Working Party on fruit and vegetables and decided by the Committee.

Art. 5 Backup clause

1. The Contracting Parties shall consult each other as soon as one of them considers that the other has failed to fulfil an obligation of this Annex.

2. The Contracting Party requesting the consultations shall provide the other Party with all the information necessary for a thorough examination of the case.

3. Where it is found that consignments originating in Switzerland or the European Union, when re-exported from Switzerland to the European Union and accompanied by the certificate of conformity, do not correspond to the standards in force and that all Delay or delay may result in ineffective measures to combat fraud or distort competition, provisional safeguard measures may be adopted without prior consultation, provided that Consultations shall be initiated immediately following the taking of such measures.

4. If, at the end of the consultations provided for in s. 1 or 3, the Contracting Parties shall not reach an agreement within a period of three months, the party which requested the consultations or order the measures referred to in paragraph 3. 3 may take the appropriate protective measures up to the partial or total suspension of the provisions of this Annex.

Art. 6 Working Group on Fruit and Vegetables

1. The Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables, established under Art. 6, para. 7, of the Agreement, shall consider any matter relating to this Annex and its implementation. It shall periodically review the evolution of the internal laws and regulations of the Parties in the areas covered by this Annex.

It shall, in particular, formulate proposals to be submitted to the Committee with a view to adapting and updating the appendices to this Annex.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2013 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of Nov 28, 2013, in force since 17 Dec. 2013 ( RO 2014 349 ).

Appendix 1

Appendix 2


State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 11

Relative to sanitary and zootechnical measures applicable to trade in live animals and animal products

Art. 1

1. Title I of this Annex relates to:

Measures to combat certain animal diseases and the notification of these diseases;
On trade and imports from third countries of live animals, their semen, ova and embryos.
- 1
On the non-commercial movements of pet animals.

2. Title II of this Annex relates to trade in animal products.

1 Introduced by Art. 1 para. 1 of the c. Of 23 Dec. 2008 between Switzerland and the EC amending Annex 11 of the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, provisionally applied since 1 Er Jan 2009, effective from 1 Er Dec. 2009 ( RO 2009 4919 , 2010 65).

Title I Trade in Live Animals, Their Semen, ova and Embryos and Non-commercial Movements of Pets 1

Art. 2

The Parties shall see that they have similar legislation leading to identical results in terms of measures to combat animal diseases and to notify them of such diseases.

2. The legislation referred to in paragraph 2. 1 of this article is the subject of Appendix 1. The application of these laws shall be subject to the specific arrangements laid down in the same Appendix.

Art. 3 1

The Parties agree that the trade in live animals, their semen, ova, embryos and non-commercial movements of pet animals shall be carried out in accordance with the legislation specified in Appendix 2. According to the specific rules and procedures laid down in that Appendix.

1 New content according to Art. 1 para. 3 of the Ac. Dec. 2008 between Switzerland and the EC amending Annex 11 of the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, provisionally applied since 1 Er Jan 2009, effective from 1 Er Dec. 2009 ( RO 2009 4919 , 2010 65).

Art. 4

1. The Parties shall see that they have similar legislation leading to identical results in the import of third countries from live animals, their semen, ova and embryos.

2. The legislation referred to in paragraph 2. 1 of this article is the subject of Appendix 3. The application of these laws shall be subject to the specific arrangements laid down in the same Appendix.

Art. 5

The Parties agree on the zootechnics of the provisions set out in Appendix 4.

Art. 6

The Parties agree that controls on trade and imports from third countries of live animals, their semen, ova and embryos shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions set out in Appendix 5.

Title II Trade in Animal Products

Art. 7 Objective

The objective of this Title shall be to facilitate trade in animal products, between the Parties, by establishing a mechanism for the recognition of the equivalence of sanitary measures applied to such products by the Parties in accordance with the Protection of public and animal health, and improved communication and cooperation on health measures.

Art. 8 Multilateral obligations

This Title shall in no way restrict the rights or obligations of the Parties provided for in the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation and its Annexes, and in particular the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 1 (SPS).

1 RS 0.632.20 Annex 1A.4

Art. Scope of application

The scope of this Title shall initially be limited to the sanitary measures applied by each Party to the animal products listed in Appendix 6.

2. Except as otherwise provided in the Appendices to this Title and without prejudice to the provisions of s. 20 of this Annex, this Title shall not apply to health measures relating to food additives (all additives and dyes, manufacturing aids, essences), irradiation, contaminants (physical contaminants And residues of veterinary medicinal products), to chemicals arising from the migration of substances from packaging materials, to unauthorised chemical substances (unauthorised food additives, manufacturing aids, medicinal products Prohibited veterinarians, etc.), on the labelling of foodstuffs, Medicated foods and premixes.

Art. 10 Definitions

For the purposes of this Title, the following definitions shall apply:

Animal products: animal products covered by the provisions of Appendix 6;
Health measures: sanitary measures defined in Annex A, para. 1 of the SPS Agreement for animal products;
Appropriate level of health protection: level of protection set out in Annex A, para. 5 of the SPS Agreement for animal products;
Competent Authorities:
Switzerland: the authorities mentioned in part (a) of Appendix 7;
European Community: the authorities mentioned in part (b) of Appendix 7.
Art. 11 Adaptation to regional conditions

1. For the purposes of trade between the Parties, measures under s. 2 shall apply without prejudice to s. 2 of this article.

(2) Where a Party considers that it has a special health status with regard to a specific disease, it may request recognition of that status. The Party concerned may also request additional guarantees, in accordance with the agreed status, on the importation of animal products. Guarantees for specific diseases are specified in Appendix 8.

Art. 12 Equivalence

1. Recognition of equivalency requires assessment and acceptance of the following:

Legislation, standards and procedures, as well as the programmes in place to enable control and to ensure compliance with national requirements and those of the importing country;
The documented structure of the competent authority/authorities, their authorities, line-line, operational systems and available resources;
The performance of the competent authority in the implementation of the control programme and the level of guarantee achieved.

As part of this evaluation, the Parties shall take into account the experience already acquired.

2. Equivalency shall be applied to the sanitary measures in force in the animal products sectors or sub-sectors, the legislative provisions, the inspection and control systems or sub-systems or the specific legislative provisions And specific inspection and/or hygiene requirements.

Art. 13 Determination of equivalency

1. To determine whether a sanitary measure applied by an exporting Party reaches the appropriate level of health protection, the Parties shall follow a procedure that includes the following steps:

Identification of the health measure for which recognition of equivalence is sought;
The importing Party explains the purpose of its health measure and, in this context, provides an assessment, depending on the circumstances, of the risk or the risks that the health measure is intended to prevent; it defines its appropriate level of Health protection;
The exporting Party demonstrates that its health measure reaches the appropriate level of health protection of the importing Party;
The importing Party determines whether the health measure of the exporting Party reaches its appropriate level of health protection;
The importing Party accepts the sanitary measure of the exporting Party as equivalent if the exporting Party objectively demonstrates that its measure reaches the appropriate level of protection.

2. Where equivalence has not been recognized, trade may take place under the conditions required by the importing Party to meet its appropriate level of protection, in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 6. The exporting Party may agree to comply with the conditions of the importing Party, without prejudice to the outcome of the procedure established in subs. 1.

Art. 14 Recognition of health measures

1. Appendix 6 lists the sectors or sub-sectors, for which, on the date of entry into force of this Annex, the respective health measures are recognised as equivalent for commercial purposes. For these sectors and sub-sectors, trade in animal products shall be carried out in accordance with the legislation referred to in Appendix 6. The application of these laws shall be subject to the special arrangements laid down in that Appendix.

2. Appendix 6 also lists the sectors or sub-sectors for which the Parties apply different sanitary measures.

Art. 15 1 Animal products: border controls and charges

The controls on trade between the Community and Switzerland of animal products shall be carried out in accordance with Appendix 10.

1 New content according to Art. 1 para. 4 of the c. Of 23 Dec. 2008 between Switzerland and the EC amending Annex 11 of the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, provisionally applied since 1 Er Jan 2009, effective from 1 Er Dec. 2009 ( RO 2009 4919 , 2010 65).

Art. 16 Verification

To strengthen confidence in the effective implementation of the provisions of this Title, each Party shall be entitled to submit the exporting Party to audit and audit procedures, which may include:

An evaluation of all or part of the control programme of the competent authorities, including, where appropriate, a review of inspection and audit programmes;
On-the-spot checks.

The said procedures shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 9.

2. As regards the Community:

The Community shall implement the audit and verification procedures provided for in par. 1;
Member States shall carry out checks at the frontiers provided for in Art. 15.

With regard to Switzerland, the Swiss authorities shall implement the audit and verification procedures provided for in par. 1 and the border controls provided for in Art. 15.

4. Each Party shall be empowered, with the consent of the other Party, to:

Exchange the results and conclusions of its audit and audit procedures and border controls with countries that are not signatories to this Annex;
Use the results and conclusions of its audit and audit procedures and border controls of countries which are not signatories to this Annex.
Art. 17 Notification

1. Insofar as they do not fall within the scope of the relevant measures of art. 2 and 20 of this Annex, the provisions of this Article shall apply.

2. The Parties shall notify:

Within 24 hours, significant changes in health status;
As soon as possible, the epidemiological findings for diseases not covered by s. 1 or new diseases;
Any additional measures exceeding the basic requirements of their respective health measures, taken to combat or eradicate a disease of animals or to protect public health, and any modification of the rules of Prevention, including vaccination rules.

3. Notifications under s. 2 shall be made in writing at the points of contact established in Appendix 11.

4. In the case of serious and immediate concern with regard to public or animal health, an oral notification shall be made to the points of contact set out in Appendix 11, which shall be confirmed in writing within 24 hours.

5. In cases where a Party has serious concerns regarding a risk to public or animal health, consultations shall be held, upon request, as soon as possible, and in any case within 14 days. Each Party shall ensure, in such cases, that it provides all the information necessary to avoid the disruption of trade, and to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution.

Art. 18 Exchange of information and presentation of scientific research and data

The Parties shall exchange relevant information concerning the implementation of this Title on a uniform and systematic basis, in order to provide guarantees, establish mutual trust and demonstrate the effectiveness of the programmes Controlled. Where appropriate, exchanges of officials may also contribute to achieving these objectives.

2. The exchange of information on changes in their respective health measures and other relevant information includes:

The possibility of reviewing proposals for amendments to the regulatory standards or requirements that may affect this title before their ratification. Where appropriate, the Joint Veterinary Committee may be seized at the request of one of the Parties;
Provision of information on the latest developments affecting trade in animal products;
The provision of information on the results of the verification procedures provided for in Art. 16.
3. The Parties shall ensure that scientific documents or data in support of their views/claims are submitted to the relevant scientific bodies. They assess the data in a timely manner and transmit the results of their review to both Parties.
4. The contact points for the exchange of information shall be set out in Appendix 11.

Title III General provisions

Art. 19 Joint Veterinary Committee

1. A Joint Veterinary Committee shall be established, consisting of representatives of the Parties. It shall consider any matter relating to this Annex and its implementation. It shall also assume all the tasks provided for in this Annex.

2. The Joint Veterinary Committee shall have decision-making power in the cases provided for in this Annex. The decisions of the Joint Veterinary Committee shall be carried out by the Parties in accordance with their own rules.

The Joint Veterinary Committee shall periodically review the evolution of the internal laws and regulations of the Parties in the areas covered by this Annex. The Committee may decide to amend the Appendices to this Annex, in particular with a view to adapting and updating them.

4. The Joint Veterinary Committee shall decide by mutual agreement.

5. The Joint Veterinary Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure. Depending on the requirements, the Joint Veterinary Committee may be convened at the request of one of the Parties.

The Joint Veterinary Committee may set up technical working groups, composed of experts from the Parties, to identify and deal with the technical and scientific issues arising from this Annex. Where expertise is required, the Joint Veterinary Committee may also set up ad hoc technical working groups, in particular scientific working groups, whose composition is not necessarily limited to representatives of the Parties.

Art. Backup clause

1. In the event that the European Community or Switzerland intends to implement safeguard measures in respect of the other Contracting Party, it shall inform the other Party in advance. Without prejudice to the possibility of immediate implementation of the envisaged measures, consultations between the competent services of the Commission and Switzerland will be held as soon as possible in order to seek solutions Appropriate. Where appropriate, the Joint Committee may be seized at the request of either Party.

2. In the event that a Member State of the European Community intends to implement provisional safeguard measures in respect of Switzerland, it shall inform Switzerland in advance.

3. In the event that the Community takes a safeguard decision in respect of one of the parts of the territory of the European Community or of a third country, the competent service shall inform the competent Swiss authorities in the shortest possible time. After examining the situation, Switzerland shall adopt the measures resulting from that decision unless it considers that those measures are not justified. In the latter case, the provisions laid down in s. 1 are applicable.

4. In the event that Switzerland takes a safeguard decision in respect of a third country, it shall inform the competent services of the Commission within the shortest possible time. Without prejudice to the possibility for Switzerland to bring into force immediately the measures envisaged, consultations between the competent services of the Commission and of Switzerland shall be held as soon as possible in order to seek the Appropriate solutions. Where appropriate, the Committee may be seized at the request of either Party.

1 New content according to Art. 1 para. 2 of the Ac. Dec. 2008 between Switzerland and the EC amending Annex 11 of the Ac. On trade in agricultural products, provisionally applied since 1 Er Jan 2009, effective from 1 Er Dec. 2009 ( RO 2009 4919 , 2010 65).

Appendix 1 1

Disease Control/Notification Measures

I. Foot and mouth disease

A. Legislation * 2

European Union


Council Directive 2003 /85/EC of 29 September 2003 establishing Community measures to combat foot-and-mouth disease, repealing Directive 85 /511/EEC and Decisions 89 /531/EEC and 91 /665/EEC and amending Directive 92 /46/EEC (OJ 2003 L 306, 22.11.2003, p. 1).

Epizooties Act (LFE; RS 916.40 ) Of 1 Er July 1966, and in particular his art. 1 to 10 B (goals of the fight, measures against highly contagious diseases) and 57 (technical implementing provisions, international collaboration);
Epizooties Ordinance (OFE; RS 916.401 ) Of June 27, 1995, and in particular his art. 2 (highly contagious animal diseases), 49 (handling of pathogenic microorganisms for the animal), 73 and 74 (cleaning, disinfection, disinfestation), 77 to 98 (common provisions on highly contagious diseases), 99 to 103 (measures Specific to the fight against foot-and-mouth disease);
Order of 28 June 2000 on the organisation of the Federal Department of the Interior (Org DFI; RS 172.212.1 ), and in particular his art. 12 (reference laboratory, registration, control and availability of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine).

B. Implementing rules

1. The Commission and the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs are notified of the intention to implement emergency vaccination. In cases of extreme urgency, the notification may relate to the decision taken and its implementation procedures. In any case, consultations are held within the shortest time frame within the Joint Veterinary Committee.

2. Under s. 97 of the Epizooties Ordinance, Switzerland has an emergency plan published on the website of the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs.

The common reference laboratory for the identification of the FMD virus is: The Pirbright Institute, Pirbright Laboratory, Ash Road, Pirbright, Surrey, GU24 0NF, United Kingdom. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of that designation. The functions and tasks of this laboratory are those laid down in Annex XVI to Directive 2003 /85/EC.

II. Classical swine fever

A. Legislation * 3

European Union


Council Directive 2001 /89/EC of 23 October 2001 on Community measures to combat classical swine fever (OJ L 316, 1.12.2001, p. 5).

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 1 to 10 B (goals of the fight, measures against highly contagious diseases) and 57 (technical implementing provisions, international collaboration);
Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 2 (highly contagious animal diseases), 40 and 47 (disposal of animal by-products), 49 (handling of pathogenic microorganisms for animals), 73 and 74 (cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation), 77 to 98 (common provisions concerning Highly contagious diseases), 116 to 121 (finding of swine fever at slaughter, specific measures concerning the control of swine fever);
Order of 28 June 2000 on the organisation of the Federal Department of the Interior (Org DFI; RS 172.212.1 ), and in particular his art. 12 (reference laboratory).
Order of 25 May 2011 concerning the disposal of animal by-products (OESPA; RS 916.441.22 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. The Commission and the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs are notified of the intention to implement emergency vaccination. Consultations are held within the shortest time frame within the Joint Veterinary Committee.

2. If necessary and pursuant to s. 117, para. 5 of the Epizooties Ordinance, the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs lays down technical implementing provisions with regard to the stamping and processing of meat from the zones Protection and surveillance.

3. Under s. 121 of the Ordinance on Epizooties, Switzerland has a plan for the eradication of classical swine fever in wild pigs in accordance with art. 15 and 16 of Directive 2001 /89/EC.

4. Under s. 97 of the Epizooties Ordinance, Switzerland has an emergency plan published on the website of the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs.

5. Implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 21 of Directive 2001 /89/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

6. If necessary, pursuant to s. 89, para. 2, of the Ordinance on Epizooties, the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs shall issue technical implementing provisions with regard to the serological control of pigs in protective zones And monitoring in accordance with Chapter IV of the Annex to Commission Decision 2002 /106/EC 4 .

7. The common reference laboratory for classical swine fever is: Institut für Virologie der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover, 15 Bünteweg 17, 30559 Hanover, Germany. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of that designation. The powers and tasks of this laboratory are those laid down in Annex IV to Directive 2001 /89/EC.

III. African Swine Weigh

A. Legislation * 5

European Union


Council Directive 2002/60/EC of 27 June 2002 laying down specific provisions for the fight against African swine fever and amending Directive 92 /119/EEC as regards Teschen disease and African swine fever (OJ 2002 L 192 20.7.2002, p. 27).

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 1 to 10 B (goals of the fight, measures against highly contagious diseases) and 57 (technical implementing provisions, international collaboration);
Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 2 (highly contagious diseases), 40 and 47 (disposal of animal by-products), 49 (handling of pathogenic microorganisms for the animal); 73 and 74 (cleaning and disinfection), 77 to 98 (common provisions on epizootic diseases) Highly contagious), 116 to 121 (recognition of swine fever at slaughter, specific measures concerning the control of swine fever);
Order of 28 June 2000 on the organisation of the Federal Department of the Interior (Org DFI; RS 172.212.1 ), and in particular his art. 12 (reference laboratory);
Order of 25 May 2011 concerning the disposal of animal by-products (OESPA; RS 916.441.22 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. The European Union reference laboratory for African swine fever is: Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal, 28130 Valdeolmos, Madrid, Spain. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of that designation. The competences and tasks of this laboratory are those laid down in Annex V to Directive 2002/60/EC.

2. Under s. 97 of the Epizooties Ordinance, Switzerland has an emergency plan published on the website of the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs.

3. If necessary, pursuant to s. 89, para. 2, the Epizooties Ordinance, the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs lays down technical implementing provisions in accordance with the provisions of Commission Decision 2003 /422/EC 6 With regard to modalities for the diagnosis of African swine fever.

4. Implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 20 of Directive 2002/60/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

IV. Equine Plague

A. Legislation * 7

European Union


Council Directive 92/35/EEC of 29 April 1992 laying down control rules and measures to combat horse sickness (OJ L 157, 10.6.1992, p. 19).

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 1 to 10 B (goals of the fight, measures against highly contagious diseases) and 57 (technical implementing provisions, international collaboration);
Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 2 (highly contagious animal diseases), 49 (handling of pathogenic micro-organisms for the animal), 73 and 74 (cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation), 77 to 98 (common provisions on highly contagious diseases), 112 to 112 F (specific measures concerning the fight against horse sickness);
Order of 28 June 2000 on the organisation of the Federal Department of the Interior (Org DFI; RS 172.212.1 ), and in particular his art. 12 (reference laboratory);
Order of 25 May 2011 concerning the disposal of animal by-products (OESPA; RS 916.441.22 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. In the case of an outbreak in Switzerland of exceptional severity, the Joint Veterinary Committee will meet to examine the situation. The competent Swiss authorities undertake to take the necessary measures in the light of the results of this examination.

2. The common reference laboratory for equine plague is: Laboratorio de Sanidad y Producción Animal, Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, 28110 Algete, Madrid, Spain. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of that designation. The functions and tasks of this laboratory are those laid down in Annex III to Directive 92 /35/EEC.

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 16 of Directive 92 /35/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

4. Under s. 97 of the Epizooties Ordinance, Switzerland has an emergency plan published on the website of the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs.

Avian Influenza

A. Legislation * 8

European Union


Council Directive 2005 /94/EC of 20 December 2005 on Community measures to combat avian influenza and repealing Directive 92 /40/EEC (OJ L 10, 14.1.2006, p. 16).

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 1 to 10 B (goals of the fight, measures against highly contagious diseases) and 57 (technical implementing provisions, international collaboration);
Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 2 (highly contagious animal diseases), 49 (handling of pathogenic micro-organisms for the animal), 73 and 74 (cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation), 77 to 98 (common provisions on highly contagious diseases), 122 to 122 F (specific measures for avian influenza);
Order of 28 June 2000 on the organisation of the Federal Department of the Interior (Org DFI; RS 172.212.1 ), and in particular his art. 12 (reference laboratory).

B. Implementing rules

The European Union reference laboratory for avian influenza is Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratory Agency AHVLA Corporate Headquarters (Weybridge), Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3NB, United Kingdom. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of that designation. The functions and tasks of this laboratory are those laid down in Annex VII, point 2 of Directive 2005 /94/EC.

2. Under s. 97 of the Epizooties Ordinance, Switzerland has an emergency plan published on the website of the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs.

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 60 of Directive 2005 /94/EC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

VI. Newcastle disease

A. Legislation * 9

European Union


Council Directive 92/66/EEC of 14 July 1992 establishing Community measures to combat Newcastle disease (OJ L 260, 5.9.1992, p. 1).

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 1 to 10 B (goals of the fight, measures against highly contagious diseases) and 57 (technical implementing provisions, international collaboration);
Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (LFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 2 (highly contagious animal diseases), 40 and 47 (disposal of animal by-products), 49 (handling of pathogenic micro-organisms for the animal), 73 and 74 (cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation), 77 to 98 (common provisions concerning Highly contagious diseases), 123 to 125 (specific measures for Newcastle disease);
Order of 28 June 2000 on the organisation of the Federal Department of the Interior (Org DFI; RS 172.212.1 ), and in particular his art. 12 (reference laboratory);
Order of 25 May 2011 concerning the disposal of animal by-products (OESPA; RS 916.441.22 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. The European Union reference laboratory for Newcastle disease is Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratory Agency AHVLA Corporate Headquarters (Weybridge), Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3NB, United Kingdom. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of that designation. The functions and tasks of this laboratory are those laid down in Annex V to Directive 92 /66/EEC.

2. Under s. 97 of the Epizooties Ordinance, Switzerland has an emergency plan published on the website of the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs.

3. The information provided for in Art. 17 and 19 of Directive 92 /66/EEC are the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee.

4. Implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 22 of Directive 92 /66/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

VII. Fish and shellfish diseases

A. Legislation * 10

European Union


Council Directive 2006 /88/EC of 24 October 2006 on animal health conditions applicable to aquaculture animals and products, and on the prevention of certain diseases in aquatic animals and control measures Against these diseases (OJ L 328, 24.11.2006, p. 14).

Epizooties Act of 1 Er July 1966 (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 1 to 10 (epizootic measures) and 57 (technical enforcement provisions, international collaboration);
Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 3 to 5 (covered epizootic diseases), 21 to 23 (registration of aquaculture operations, control of staff and other obligations, health surveillance), 61 (obligations of the owners and the strengthening of a fishing right and the bodies responsible for Monitoring the fishery), 62 to 76 (general control measures), 277 to 290 (common and specific measures for fish diseases, diagnostic laboratory).

B. Implementing rules

1. Currently the farming of flat oysters is not practised in Switzerland. In the event of the appearance of bonamiosis or marteiliosis, the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs undertakes to take the necessary emergency measures in accordance with the regulations of the European Union on the basis of Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

2. In order to combat the diseases of fish and molluscs, Switzerland shall apply the Ordinance on Epizooties, in particular Art. 61 (obligation of owners and tenants of a fishing right and of the bodies responsible for monitoring the fishery), 62 to 76 (general control measures), 277 to 290 (specific measures for aquatic animal diseases, laboratory of Diagnosis) and 291 (animal diseases to be monitored).

3. The European Union reference laboratory for shellfish diseases is: Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), Weymouth Laboratory, United Kingdom. The European Union reference laboratory for fish diseases is: National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmarkiet, Hangövej 2, 8200 Aarhus, Denmark. The European Union reference laboratory for shellfish diseases is: Laboratoire IFREMER, BP 133, 17390 La Tremblade, France. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in connection with the operations arising out of those designations. The functions and tasks of these laboratories are those laid down in Annex VI, Part I, of Directive 2006 /88/EC.

4. Implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 58 of Directive 2006 /88/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

VIII. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

A. Legislation * 11

European Union


Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down the rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (OJ L 147, 31.5.2001, p. 1).

Order of 23 April 2008 on the protection of animals (OPAn; RS 455.1 ), and in particular his art. 184 (stunning);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 );
Act of 9 October 1992 on foodstuffs and common objects (LDAl; RS 817.0 ), and in particular his art. 24 (inspection and sample collection) and 40 (food control);
Order of 23 November 2005 of the DFI on foodstuffs of animal origin (RS 817.022.108 ), and in particular his art. 4 and 7 (parts of the carcass whose use is prohibited);
Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 6 (definitions and abbreviations), 34 (patente), 61 (obligation to announce), 130 (Swiss cheptel surveillance), 175 to 181 (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies), 297 (execution within the country), 301 (tasks of the cantonal veterinarian), 302 (official veterinarian) and 312 (diagnostic laboratories);
Decree of the DEFR of 26 October 2011 on the Book of Feed (OLALA; RS 916.307.1 ), and in particular his art. 21 (tolerance, sampling, methods of ana-lyses and transport), annex 1.2, chi. 15 (land animal products), chi. 16 (fish, other marine animals, their products and by-products), and Schedule 4.1 (substances whose release and use are limited or prohibited);
Order of 25 May 2011 concerning the disposal of animal by-products (OESPA; RS 916.441.22 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. The European Union reference laboratory for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) is: Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratory Agency AHVLA Corporate Headquarters (Weybridge), Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3NB, United Kingdom. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of that designation. The powers and tasks of this laboratory shall be those laid down in Annex X, Chapter B of Regulation (EC) No O 999/2001.

2. Under s. 57 of the Epizooties Act, Switzerland has an emergency plan for the implementation of measures to combat TSEs.

3. Under Art. 12 of Regulation (EC) No O 999/2001, in the Member States of the European Union, any animal suspected of being infected with TSE is subject to an official travel restriction pending the results of a clinical and epidemiological investigation carried out by the authority Competent, or killed for examination in the laboratory under official control.

In accordance with Art. 179 B And 180 A Of the Ordinance on Epizooties, Switzerland prohibits the slaughter of animals suspected of being infected with TSE. Suspected animals must be put to death without bloodshed and incinerated, their brains must be tested in the Swiss reference laboratory for TSE.

Under Art. 10 of the Epizooties Ordinance, Switzerland identifies the bovine animals by means of a uniform, clear and permanent identification system for tracing their mother and herd of origin and finding that they are not descendants of Suspect females or cows with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

Under s. 179 C Of the order on epizootic diseases, Switzerland shall abate animals with BSE, no later than at the end of the production phase, all animals of the bovine species born between one year before and one year after the birth of the infected animal and which, during that period Have been part of the herd, as well as all direct descendants of the infected cows born in the two years preceding the diagnosis.

4. Under s. 180 B Of the Ordinance on Epizooties, Switzerland shall put to death animals with scrapie, their mothers, direct descendants of infected mothers and all other sheep and goats in the herd, except:

Sheep carrying at least one ARR allele and no VRQ alleles, and
Animals less than two months old, intended for slaughter exclusively. The head and organs of the abdominal cavity of these animals shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance concerning the elimination of animal by-products.

Exceptionally, in the case of low-effective breeds, the killing of the flock may be waived. In this case, the herd is placed under official veterinary supervision for a period of two years during which a clinical examination of the animals in the herd is conducted twice a year. If during this period animals are ceded for killing, their heads, including their tonsils, are analyzed at the Swiss TSE reference laboratory.

These measures are reviewed according to the results of animal health surveillance. In particular, the monitoring period is extended to detect a new case of disease within the herd.

In the event of confirmation of BSE in an ovine or caprine animal, Switzerland undertakes to apply the measures laid down in Annex VII to Regulation (EC) No O 999/2001.

5. Under Art. 7 of the Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001, the Member States of the European Union prohibit the use of processed animal proteins in the feeding of farmed animals that are held, fed or raised for the production of foodstuffs. A total ban on the use of protein derived from animals in ruminant feed is applied by the Member States of the European Union.

Under Art. 27 of the ordinance concerning the disposal of animal by-products (OESPA), Switzerland has put in place a total ban on the use of animal proteins in the feeding of livestock.

6. Under s. 6 of Regulation (EC) No O 999/2001 and in accordance with Chapter A of Annex III to that regulation, the Member States of the European Union must set up an annual BSE surveillance programme. This plan includes a rapid BSE test on all cattle older than twenty-four months slaughtered as a matter of urgency, dead on the farm or found ill during the ante mortem inspection and on all animals over 30 months slaughtered for consumption Human.

The rapid BSE tests used by Switzerland are listed in Annex X, Chapter C of Regulation (EC) No O 999/2001.

Under Art. 176 of the Ordinance on Epizooties, Switzerland shall make a mandatory rapid BSE test on all cattle older than forty-eight months who have died or have been killed in other than slaughter, taken to the sick slaughterhouse or Accident.

7. Under Art. 6 of Regulation (EC) No O 999/2001 and in accordance with Chapter A of Annex III to that regulation, the Member States of the European Union must set up an annual scrapie monitoring programme.

Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 177 of the Ordinance on Epizooties, Switzerland has set up a programme for monitoring TSEs in sheep and goats older than 12 months. Animals slaughtered as a matter of urgency, dead on the farm or found ill during the inspection Ante mortem And all animals slaughtered for human consumption were examined during the current period of June 2004 to July 2005. Since all samples have been shown to be negative in relation to BSE, monitoring by sampling of clinical suspect animals, emergency animals and on-farm dead animals is continued.

Recognition of the similarity of legislation on TSE monitoring in sheep and goats will be reconsidered in the Joint Veterinary Committee.

8. The information provided for in Art. 6 and Annex III, Chapter B, and Annex IV (3.III) of Regulation (EC) No O 999/2001 is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee.

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 21 of the Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001 and art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

C. Further information

1. From 1 Er January 2003 and pursuant to the Order of 10 November 2004 concerning the allocation of contributions for the payment of the cost of disposal of animal by-products (RS 916.407 ), Switzerland has put in place a financial incentive for farms where cattle are born and slaughterhouses where cattle are slaughtered, when they comply with the procedures for reporting the movements of animals under the legislation in question. Vigor.

2. Under Art. 8 of Regulation (EC) No O 999/2001 and in accordance with point 1 of Annex XI of that regulation, the Member States of the European Union must remove and destroy the specified risk material (SRM).

The list of SRM removed from cattle includes the skull, excluding the mandible, including the brain and eyes, as well as the spinal cord of cattle older than 12 months; the vertebral column, excluding caudal vertebrae, The spiny and transverse apophyses of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and the median sacred crest and wings of the sacrum, but including the spinal ganglia and spinal cord of cattle older than twenty-four months; Amygdales, intestines, duodenum and mesentery of cattle of all ages.

The list of SRM removed in sheep and goats includes the skull, including the brain and eyes, the tonsils and the spinal cord of sheep and goats older than 12 months or which have a permanent incisor pierced by the Gum, as well as the spleen and ileum of sheep and goats of all ages.

In accordance with Art. 179 D The Ordinance on Epizooties and Art. 4 of the Ordinance on Food of Animal Origin, Switzerland has put in place a policy of withdrawal of animal and human food chains from SRM. The list of SRM removed from cattle includes the vertebral column of animals older than 30 months, the tonsils, the intestines of the duodenum in the rectum, and the mesentery of animals of all ages.

In accordance with Art. 180 C The Ordinance on Epizooties and Art. 4 of the Ordinance on Food of Animal Origin, Switzerland has put in place a policy of withdrawal of animal and human food chains from SRM. The list of SRM removed from sheep and goats includes the non-extracted brain of the skull, the spinal cord with the dura mater ( Dura mater ) And tonsils of animals older than 12 months or in which a permanent incisor has punctured the gum, spleen and ileum of animals of all ages.

3. Regulation (EC) No O 1069/2009 European Parliament and Council 12 And Regulation (EU) n O 142/2011 of the Commission 13 Establish the health rules applicable to animal by-products not intended for human consumption in the Member States of the European Union.

Under Art. 22 of the Order concerning the disposal of animal by-products, Switzerland incinerated the animal by-products of category 1, including specified risk material and dead animals on the farm.

IX. Bluetongue Fever

A. Legislation * 14

European Union


Council Directive 2000 /75/EC of 20 November 2000 laying down specific provisions on measures for the control and eradication of bluetongue (OJ L 327, 22.12.2000, p. 74).

Epizooties Act of 1 Er July 1966 (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 1 to 10 (goals of the fight, measures against highly contagious diseases) and 57 (technical implementing provisions, international collaboration);
Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 2 (highly contagious diseases), 73 and 74 (cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation), 77 to 98 (common provisions on highly contagious diseases), 239 A To 239 H (specific measures for the control of bluetongue);
Order of 28 June 2000 on the organisation of the Federal Department of the Interior (Org DFI; RS 172.212.1 ), and in particular his art. 12 (reference laboratory).

B. Implementing rules

The European Union reference laboratory for bluetongue is: The Pirbright Institute, Pirbright Laboratory, Ash Road, Pirbright, Surrey, GU24 0NF, United Kingdom. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of that designation. The functions and tasks of this laboratory are those laid down in Chapter B of Annex II to Directive 2000 /75/EC.

2. Under s. 97 of the Epizooties Ordinance, Switzerland has an emergency plan published on the website of the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs.

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 17 of Directive 2000 /75/EC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

X. Zoonoses

A. Legislation * 15

European Union


Regulation (EC) n O 2160/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the control of salmonella and other specific zoonotic agents present in the food chain (OJ L 325, 12.12.2003, p. 1).
Directive 2003 /99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents, amending Council Decision 90 /424/EEC and repealing Council Directive 92/117/EEC (OJ L 325, 12.12.2003, p. 31).
Epizooties Act of 1 Er July 1966 (LFE; RS 916.40 );
Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 291 A To 291 E (special provision for zoonoses);
Federal Act of 9 October 1992 on foodstuffs and common objects (LDAl; RS 817.0 );
Ordinance of 23 November 2005 on foodstuffs and common objects (ODAlOUs; RS 817.02 );
DFI Ordinance of 23 November 2005 on hygiene (OHyg; RS 817.024.1 );
Federal Act of 18 December 1970 on the fight against transmissible diseases of man (Epidemic Act; RS 818.101 );
Order of 13 January 1999 on the declaration of transmissible diseases of man (Ordinance on declaration; RS 818.141.1 ).

B. Implementing rules

The reference laboratories of the European Union are as follows:

European Union reference laboratory for the analysis and testing of zoonoses (Salmonella):
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM)
3720 BA Bilthoven
European Union Reference Laboratory for the Control of Marine Biotoxins:
Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria (EASA)
36200 Vigo
European Union reference laboratory for the control of bacteriological and viral contamination of bivalve molluscs:
The laboratory of the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)
Dorset DT4 8UB
United Kingdom
European Union Reference Laboratory for Listeria monocytogenes:
AFSSA-Laboratory for Studies and Research on Food Quality and Agri-Food Processes (LERQAP)
94700 Alfort
European Union reference laboratory for coagulase-positive staphylococci, including Staphylococcus aureus:
AFSSA-Laboratory for Studies and Research on Food Quality and Agri-Food Processes (LERQAP)
94700 Alfort
European Union Reference Laboratory for Escherichia coli, including Verotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC):
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)
00161 Rome
European Union Reference Laboratory for Campylobacter:
Statens Veterinärmedicinska Anstalt (SVA)
751 89 Uppsala
European Union reference laboratory for parasites (in particular Trichinella, Echinococcus and Anisakis):
Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)
00161 Rome
European Union Reference Laboratory for Antimicrobial Resistance:
Danmarks Fødevareforskning (DFVF)
1790 Copenhagen V

2. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of those designations. The functions and tasks of these laboratories are those laid down in Regulation (EC) No O 882/2004 European Parliament and Council 16 .

3. Switzerland shall transmit to the Commission, each year by the end of May, a report on the trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and antimicrobial resistance, including data collected in accordance with art. 4, 7 and 8 of Directive 2003 /99/EC in the previous year. This report shall also include the information referred to in Art. 3, para. 2 (b) of Regulation (EC) No O 2160/2003. This report is forwarded by the Commission to the European Food Safety Authority for the publication of the summary report on the trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and antimicrobial resistance In the European Union.

XI. Other diseases

A. Legislation * 17

European Union


Council Directive 92/119/EEC of 17 December 1992 establishing general Community measures to combat certain animal diseases and specific measures with regard to the vesicular disease of pigs (OJ L 62, 15.3.1993, p. 69).

Epizooties Act of 1 Er July 1966 (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 1 to 10 (goals of the fight, measures against highly contagious diseases) and 57 (technical implementing provisions, international collaboration);
Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 2 (highly contagious animal diseases), 49 (handling of pathogenic micro-organisms for the animal), 73 and 74 (cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation), 77 to 98 (common provisions on highly contagious diseases), 104 to 105 (specific measures for the control of the pig-blister disease);
Order of 28 June 2000 on the organisation of the Federal Department of the Interior (Org DFI; RS 172.212.1 ), and in particular his art. 12 (reference laboratory).

B. Implementing rules

1. In the cases referred to in s. 6 of Directive 92 /119/EEC, the information will be carried out in the Joint Veterinary Committee.

2. The common reference laboratory for pig vesicular disease is The Pirbright Institute, Pirbright Laboratory, Ash Road, Pirbright, Surrey, GU24 0NF, United Kingdom. Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in respect of operations arising out of that designation. The functions and tasks of this laboratory are those laid down in Annex III to Directive 92 /119/EEC.

3. Pursuant to s. 97 of the Epizooties Ordinance, Switzerland has an emergency plan. This contingency plan shall be subject to a technical implementation provision n O 95/65, issued by the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs.

4. Implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 22 of Directive 92 /119/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

XII. Notification of diseases

A. Legislation * 18

European Union


Council Directive 82/894/EEC of 21 December 1982 on the notification of animal diseases in the Community (OJ L 378, 31.12.1982, p. 58).

Epizooties Act of 1 Er July 1966 (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 11 (duty of care and obligation to announce) and 57 (technical implementing provisions, international collaboration);
Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 2 to 5 (covered diseases), 59 to 65 and 291 (reporting requirements, notification), 292 to 299 (monitoring, enforcement, administrative assistance).

B. Implementing rules

The Commission, in cooperation with the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs, is integrating Switzerland into the animal disease notification system, as provided for in Directive 82 /894/EEC.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Veterinary Committee of 17 Dec. 2015, in force since 17 Dec. 2015, with effect from 1 Er Jan 2015 ( RO 2016 819 ).
2 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
3 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
4 Commission Decision 2002/106/EC of 1 Er February 2002 approving a diagnostic manual establishing diagnostic procedures, sampling methods and criteria for the evaluation of laboratory tests for confirmation of classical swine fever (OJ 2002 L 39, 9.2.2002, p. 71).
5 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
6 Commission Decision 2003 /422/EC of 26 May 2003 approving the manual for the diagnosis of African swine fever (OJ L 143, 11.6.2003, p. 35).
7 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
8 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
9 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
10 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
11 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
12 Regulation (EC) n O 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules applicable to animal by-products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No O 1774/2002 (OJ L 300, 14.11.2009, p. 1).
13 Regulation (EU) n O 142/2011 of the Commission of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No O 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules applicable to animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and applying Council Directive 97 /78/EC as regards Certain samples and articles exempted from veterinary checks carried out at the borders under this Directive (OJ L 54, 26.2.2011, p. 1).
14 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
15 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
16 Regulation (EC) n O 882/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of 29 Apr. 2004 on official controls carried out to ensure compliance with the legislation on feed and food and with the animal health and animal welfare provisions (OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1).
17 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
18 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 2 1

Animal health: Trade and marketing

I. Cattle and pigs

A. Legislation * 2

European Union


Council Directive 64 /432/EEC of 26 June 1964 on health police problems relating to intra-Community trade in animals of bovine and porcine species (OJ 121, 29.7.1964, p. 1977).

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 27 to 31 (markets, exhibitions), 34 to 37 B (commerce), 73 and 74 (cleaning, disinfecting and disinfestation), 116 to 121 (classical and African swine fever), 135 to 141 (Aujeszky disease), 150 to 157 (bovine brucellosis), 158 to 165 (tuberculosis), 166 to 169 (enzootic bovine leucosis), 170 to 174 (IBR/IPV), 175 to 181 (spongiform encephalopathies), 186 to 189 (bovine genital infections), 207 to 211 (swine brucellosis), 301 (authorization of livestock units, insemination and seed storage centres, transfer units Embryos, markets and other similar institutions or events);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. Under s. 301, para. 1, let. On the basis of the Epizooties Ordinance, the cantonal veterinarian is responsible for the authorisation of livestock units, markets and other similar establishments or events as defined in Art. 2 of Directive 64 /432/EEC. For the purposes of this Annex, in accordance with Art. 11, 12 and 13 of Directive 64 /432/EEC, Switzerland lists its authorised assembly centres, carriers and traders.

2. Information provided for in s. 11, para. 3 of Directive 64 /432/EEC is carried out within the Joint Veterinary Committee.

3. For the purposes of this Annex, it is recognised that Switzerland meets the conditions laid down in Annex A, Part II, point 7 of Directive 64 /432/EEC as regards bovine brucellosis. In order to maintain the status of the cattle herd officially free of brucellosis, Switzerland undertakes to fulfil the following conditions:

Any animal of the bovine species suspected of being infected with brucellosis must be notified to the competent authorities and subject to the official tests for the research of brucellosis comprising at least two serological tests with the fixation of the complement thus A microbiological examination of appropriate samples taken in the event of an abortion;
During the period of suspicion which shall be maintained until the examinations provided for in point (a) give negative results, the officially free status of brucellosis shall be suspended in the case of the animal comprising the animal or several Suspected bovine animals.

Detailed information on positive livestock and an epidemiological report are provided to the Joint Veterinary Committee. If one of the conditions laid down in Annex A, Part II, point 7, of Directive 64 /432/EEC is no longer fulfilled by Switzerland, the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs shall immediately inform the Commission thereof. The situation is discussed in the Joint Veterinary Committee to review this paragraph.

4. For the purposes of this Annex, it is recognised that Switzerland meets the conditions laid down in Annex A, Part I, point 4 of Directive 64 /432/EEC with regard to bovine tuberculosis. For the purpose of maintaining the status of bovine animals officially free of tuberculosis, Switzerland undertakes to fulfil the following conditions:

An identification system is in place for each bovine to trace back to the herd of origin;
Any animal slaughtered is subject to inspection Post-mortem Conducted by an official veterinarian;
Any suspicion of tuberculosis on an animal alive, dead or slaughtered is notified to the competent authorities;
In each case, the competent authorities shall carry out the necessary investigations to refuel or confirm the suspicion, including downstream research for the herds of origin and transit; when suspected cases of tuberculosis are Discovered at autopsy or at slaughter, the competent authorities submit these lesions to a laboratory test;
The officially-free status of tuberculosis in the herd of origin and transit of suspect cattle is suspended and this suspension is maintained until the clinical or laboratory tests or tuberculin tests have been reversed The existence of bovine tuberculosis;
Where the suspicion of tuberculosis is confirmed by tuberculin tests, clinical or laboratory tests, the status of officially free tuberculosis of the herd of origin and transit is withdrawn;
The officially free status of tuberculosis is not established until all the animals known to be infected have been removed from the herd; the premises and equipment have not been disinfected; all remaining animals, older than six Weeks, have not reacted negatively to at least two official intradermotuberculinizations in accordance with Annex B of Directive 64 /432/EEC, the first being carried out at least six months after the infected animal leaves the herd and the Second at least six months after the first.

Detailed information on the infected herds and an epidemiological report are provided to the Joint Veterinary Committee. If one of the conditions laid down in Annex A, Part II, point 4, first subparagraph, of Directive 64 /432/EEC is no longer fulfilled by Switzerland, the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs shall immediately inform the Commission thereof. The situation is discussed in the Joint Veterinary Committee to review this paragraph.

5. For the purposes of this Annex, it is recognised that Switzerland meets the conditions laid down in Annex D, Chapter I, Section F of Directive 64 /432/EEC with regard to enzootic bovine leucosis. In order to maintain the status of the cattle herd officially free of enzootic bovine leucosis, Switzerland undertakes to fulfil the following conditions:

The Swiss herd is monitored by means of a survey. The volume of sampling is determined in order to assert, with 99 % reliability, that less than 0.2 % of the herds are contaminated with enzootic bovine leucosis;
Any animal slaughtered shall be subject to a post-mortem inspection by an official veterinarian;
Any suspicion during a clinical examination, an autopsy or a meat inspection must be notified to the competent authorities;
In the case of suspicion or the observation of enzootic bovine leucosis, the officially unscathed status shall be suspended in the animal concerned until the receiver is removed;
The receiver shall be removed if, after the removal of the infected animals and, where appropriate, their calves, two serological examinations carried out at least 90 days apart have given a negative result.

If enzootic bovine leucosis has been detected on 0.2 % of the livestock, the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs shall immediately inform the Commission thereof. The situation is discussed in the Joint Veterinary Committee to review this paragraph.

6. For the purposes of this Annex, it is recognised that Switzerland is officially free from bovine infectious rhinotracheitis. For the purposes of maintaining this status, Switzerland undertakes to fulfil the following conditions:

The Swiss herd is monitored by means of a survey. The volume of sampling is determined in order to affirm, with 99 % reliability, that less than 0.2 % of the herds are contaminated with bovine infectious rhinotracheitis;
Farmed bulls over the age of twenty-four months are subject to serological examination on an annual basis;
Any suspicion shall be notified to the competent authorities and shall be subject to official tests for the investigation of bovine infectious rhinotracheitis, including virological or serological examinations;
In the case of suspicion or the observation of bovine infectious rhinotracheitis, the officially unscathed status shall be suspended in the animal concerned until the receiver is removed;
The receiver is removed, if a serological examination carried out not earlier than 30 days after the removal of the contaminated animals, has resulted in a negative result.

Due to the recognition of the status of Switzerland, Commission Decision 2004 /558/EC 3 Is applicable Mutatis mutandis .

The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs shall immediately inform the Commission of any changes to the conditions for recognition of the status. The situation is discussed in the Joint Veterinary Committee to review this paragraph.

7. For the purposes of this Annex, it is recognised that Switzerland is officially free from Aujeszky's disease. For the purposes of maintaining this status, Switzerland undertakes to fulfil the following conditions:

The Swiss herd is monitored by means of a survey. The volume of sampling is determined in order to affirm, with 99 % reliability, that less than 0.2 % of the herds are contaminated with Aujeszky;
Any suspicion is notified to the competent authorities and is subject to the official tests for the investigation of Aujeszky's disease, including virological or serological examinations;
In the case of suspicion, or in the case of Aujeszky's disease, the officially unscathed status shall be suspended in the animal concerned until the receiver is removed;
The receiver shall be removed if, after the removal of the infected animals, two serological examinations of all breeding animals and a representative number of animals of fertilizer made at least twenty-one days apart have given a result Negative.

Due to the recognition of the status of Switzerland, Commission Decision 2008 /185/EC 4 Is applicable Mutatis mutandis .

The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs shall immediately inform the Commission of any changes to the conditions for recognition of the status. The situation is discussed in the Joint Veterinary Committee to review this paragraph.

8. With regard to the transmissible gastroenteritis of swine (GET) and the porcine dysreproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), the issue of possible additional safeguards is being considered as soon as possible by the Joint Veterinary Committee. The Commission shall inform the Federal Office of Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs of the development of this matter.

9. In Switzerland, the Institute for Veterinary Bacteriology of the University of Zurich is responsible for the official control of tuberculosis (TB) within the meaning of point 4 of Annex B of Directive 64 /432/EEC.

10. In Switzerland, the Centre for Zoonoses, Animal Bacterial Diseases and Antibiotic Resistance (ZOBA) is responsible for the official control of antigens (brucellosis) within the meaning of Annex C, point 4 of Directive 64 /432/EEC.

11. Cattle and pigs traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by health certificates conforming to the models set out in Annex F to Directive 64 /432/EEC. The following adaptations shall apply:

For Model 1, under Section C, certifications are adapted as follows:
In point 4, relating to the additional guarantees, the indents shall be supplemented as follows:
< -
Disease: bovine infectious rhinotracheitis,
In accordance with Commission Decision 2004 /558/EC, applicable Mutatis mutandis ; >,
For Model 2, under Section C, the certifications are adapted as follows:
In point 4, relating to the additional guarantees, the indents shall be supplemented as follows:
< -
Aujeszky's disease,
In accordance with Commission Decision 2008 /185/EC, which is applicable Mutatis mutandis ; >.

For the purposes of the application of this Annex, bovine animals traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by supplementary health certificates bearing the following health declarations:

< -
Are identified using a permanent identification system to locate their mother and herd of origin and find that they are not directly descended from suspicious females or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) born in the two years preceding the diagnosis;
Do not come from livestock where a suspected case of BSE is being investigated;
Were born after 1 Er June 2001.

II. Wines and goats

A. Legislation * 5

European Union


Council Directive 91 /68/EEC of 28 January 1991 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in ovine and caprine animals (OJ L 46, 19.2.1991, p. 19).

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 27 to 31 (markets, exhibitions), 34 to 37 B (commerce), 73 and 74 (cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation), 142 to 149 (rabies), 158 to 165 (tuberculosis), 180 to 180 C (scrapie), 190 to 195 (ovine and caprine brucellosis), 196 to 199 (infectious agalaxie), 217 to 221 (arthritis/caprine encephalitis), 233 to 236 (brucellosis of the ram), 301 (authorization of livestock units, insemination and storage centres) Seed, embryo transfer units, markets and other similar institutions or events);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).

B. Implementing rules

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 11 of Directive 91 /68/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

In the event of the appearance or increase of ovine and caprine brucellosis, Switzerland shall inform the Joint Veterinary Committee so that the necessary measures may be adopted in accordance with developments in the situation.

2. For the purposes of this Annex, it is recognised that Switzerland is officially free of ovine and caprine brucellosis. For the purposes of maintaining this Statute, Switzerland undertakes to implement the measures provided for in Annex A, Chapter I, Section II, point 2, of Directive 91 /68/EEC.

3. The ovine and caprine animals traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by health certificates conforming to the models set out in Annex E to Directive 91 /68/EEC.

III. Balanced

A. Legislation * 6

European Union


Council Directive 2009 /156/EC of 30 November 2009 on health police conditions governing the movement of equidae and imports of equidae from third countries (OJ L 192, 23.7.2010, p. 1).

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 112 to 112 F (equine plague), 204 to 206 (dourine, encephalomyelitis, infectious anemia, morve), 240 to 244 (equine contagious metrite);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. For the purposes of s. 3 of Directive 2009 /156/EC, the information is carried out within the Joint Veterinary Committee.

2. For the purposes of s. 6 of Directive 2009 /156/EC, the information is carried out within the Joint Veterinary Committee.

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 10 of Directive 2009 /156/EC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

4. The provisions of Annexes II and III to Directive 2009 /156/EC shall apply Mutatis mutandis To Switzerland.

IV. Poultry and hatching eggs

A. Legislation * 7

European Union


Council Directive 2009 /158/EC of 30 November 2009 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade and imports from third countries of poultry and hatching eggs (OJ L 343, 22.12.2009, p. 74).

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 25 (transport), 122 to 125 (avian and Newcastle disease), 255 to 261 (Salmonella spp.), 262 to 265 (avian infectious laryngotracheitis);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. Pursuant to s. 3 of Directive 2009 /158/EC, it is recognised that Switzerland has a plan specifying the measures it intends to implement for the approval of its establishments.

2. For the purposes of s. 4 of Directive 2009 /158/EC, the national reference laboratory for Switzerland is the Institute for Veterinary Bacteriology of the University of Bern.

3. Art. 8, para. 1, point (a) (i) of Directive 2009 /158/EC, the condition of residence for eggs before shipment is applicable Mutatis mutandis To Switzerland.

4. In the case of consignments of hatching eggs to the European Union, the Swiss authorities undertake to comply with the marking rules laid down in Regulation (EC) No O 617/2008 of the Commission 8 .

5. Art. 10 (a) of Directive 2009 /158/EC, the condition of residence is applicable Mutatis mutandis To Switzerland.

6. Art. 11 (a) of Directive 2009 /158/EC, the condition of residence is applicable Mutatis mutandis To Switzerland.

7. Art. 14, para. 2 (a) of Directive 2009 /158/EC, the condition of residence is applicable Mutatis mutandis To Switzerland.

8. For the purposes of this Annex, it is recognised that Switzerland meets the requirements of Art. 15, para. 2, of Directive 2009 /158/EC with regard to Newcastle disease, and therefore has the status of <not vaccinating against Newcastle> disease. The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs immediately informs The Commission of any changes to the conditions prevailing for the recognition of the status. The situation is discussed in the Joint Veterinary Committee to review this paragraph.

9. Art. 18 of Directive 2009 /158/EC, references on behalf of the Member State of the European Union shall apply Mutatis mutandis To Switzerland.

10. Poultry and hatching eggs traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by health certificates conforming to the models set out in Annex IV to Directive 2009 /158/EC.

11. In the case of shipments from Switzerland to Finland or Sweden, the Swiss authorities undertake to provide, as regards salmonella, the guarantees provided for in the legislation of the European Union.

V. Aquaculture animals and products

A. Legislation * 9

European Union


Council Directive 2006 /88/EC of 24 October 2006 on animal health conditions applicable to aquaculture animals and products, and on the prevention of certain diseases in aquatic animals and control measures Against these diseases (OJ L 328, 24.11.2006, p. 14).

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 3 to 5 (covered epizootic diseases), 21 to 23 (registration of aquaculture operations, control of staff and other obligations, health surveillance), 61 (obligations of the owners and the strengthening of a fishing right and the bodies responsible for Monitor the fishery), 62 to 76 (general control measures), 277 to 290 (common and specific measures for aquatic animal diseases, diagnostic laboratory);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 );
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import and transit of animals by air from third countries (OITA; RS 916.443.12 ).

B. Implementing rules

For the purposes of this Annex, it is recognized that Switzerland is officially free from infectious salmon anaemia and infections at Marteilia refringens And to Bonamia ostreae .

2. The potential application of s. 29, 40, 41, 43, 44 and 50 of Directive 2006 /88/EC is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee.

3. Health police conditions governing the placing on the market of ornamental aquatic animals, aquaculture animals intended for breeding, including in areas of reparkenning, recreational fisheries with repopulation and installations With ornamental species, as well as repopulation and aquaculture animals and animal products intended for human consumption shall be laid down in Art. 4 to 9 of Regulation (EC) No O 1251/2008 of the Commission 10 .

4. Implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 58 of Directive 2006 /88/EC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

VI. Cattle Embryos

A. Legislation * 11

European Union


Council Directive 89 /556/EEC of 25 September 1989 laying down the health police conditions governing intra-Community trade and imports from third countries of embryos of domestic animals of the bovine species (OJ 1989 L 302, 19.10.1989, p. 1).

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 56 to 58 A (embryo transfer);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).

B. Implementing rules

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 15 of Directive 89 /556/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

2. Bovine embryos traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by health certificates conforming to the model set out in Annex C to Directive 89 /556/EEC.

VII. Bovine semen

A. Legislation * 12

European Union


Council Directive 88 /407/EEC of 14 June 1988 laying down the health police requirements applicable to intra-Community trade and imports of semen of animals of the bovine species (OJ L 194, 22.7.1988, p. 10).

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 51 to 55 A (artificial insemination);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. For the purposes of applying s. 4, para. 2, of Directive 88 /407/EEC, it is noted that all centres in Switzerland include only animals which have a negative result in the test of seroneutralisation or ELISA.

2. Information provided for in s. 5, para. 2 of Directive 88 /407/EEC is carried out within the Joint Veterinary Committee.

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 16 of Directive 88 /407/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

4. The bovine semen traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by health certificates conforming to the model set out in Annex D to Directive 88 /407/EEC.

VIII. Pig Sperm

A. Legislation * 13

European Union


Council Directive 90 /429/EEC of 26 June 1990 laying down the animal health requirements applicable to intra-Community trade and imports of semen of animals of the porcine species (OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 62).

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 51 to 55 A (artificial insemination);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. Information provided for in s. 5, para. 2 of Directive 90 /429/EEC is carried out within the Joint Veterinary Committee.

2. Implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 16 of Directive 90 /429/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

The porcine semen which is the subject of trade between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by health certificates conforming to the model set out in Annex D to Directive 90 /429/EEC.

IX. Other species

A. Legislation * 14

European Union


Council Directive 92/65/EEC of 13 July 1992 laying down the animal health conditions governing trade and imports into the Community of animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to the conditions of Health police, the specific Community regulations referred to in Annex A, Section I of Directive 90 /425/EEC (OJ L 268, 14.9.1992, p. 54);
Regulation (EU) n O 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on the non-commercial movement of pet animals and repealing Regulation (EC) No O 998/2003 (OJ L 178, 28.6.2013, p. 1).
Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 51 to 55 A (Artificial insemination) and 56 to 58 A (embryo transfer);
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE: RS 916.443.10 );
Order of 28 November 2014 concerning the import, transit and export of pet animals (OITE-C; RS 916.443.14 );

B. Implementing rules

For the purposes of this Annex, this item shall cover the trade in live animals not subject to Parts I to V of this Appendix, and of semen, ova and embryos not subject to Parts VI to VIII of this Appendix.

2. The European Union and Switzerland undertake to ensure that the exchanges of live animals, semen, ova and embryos referred to in point 1 are not prohibited or restricted for reasons of health policy other than those resulting from The application of this Annex, and in particular any safeguard measures taken in respect of its art. 20.

The ungulates of species other than those referred to in Parts I, II and III of this Appendix, which are the subject of exchanges between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland, shall be accompanied by health certificates conforming to the model To the first part of Annex E, Part I, of Directive 92 /65/EEC supplemented by the certificate in Art. 6, para. A, point 1 (e) of Directive 92 /65/EEC.

4. The lagomorphs traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland are accompanied by health certificates conforming to the model contained in the first part of Annex E to Directive 92 /65/EEC, possibly Completed by the certificate in s. 9, para. Second paragraph of Directive 92 /65/EEC.

This certificate may be adapted by the Swiss authorities in order to resume In exte N So The requirements of s. 9 of Directive 92 /65/EEC.

5. Information provided for in s. 9, para. The third paragraph of Directive 92 /65/EEC is carried out within the Joint Veterinary Committee.

6. Shipments of the European Union to Switzerland of dogs and cats are subject to the requirements laid down in Art. 10, para. 2 of Directive 92 /65/EEC.

The identification system is the one provided for in the Regulation (EU) n O 576/2013. The passport to be used is that provided for in Annex II, Part 3, of the Implementing Regulation (EU) n O 577/2013 15 .

The validity of rabies vaccination and, where appropriate, revaccination, is set out in Annex III to the Regulation (EU) n O 576/2013.

7. The semen, ova and embryos of ovine and caprine species traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by the health certificates provided for in Commission Decision 2010 /470/EU 16 .

8. The semen of the equine species traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by the health certificate provided for in Decision 2010 /470/EU.

9. The eggs and embryos of the equine species traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland are accompanied by the health certificates provided for in Decision 2010 /470/EU.

10. The eggs and embryos of the porcine species traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by health certificates in accordance with Decision 2010 /470/EU.

11. Colonies of bees (ruches or queens with accompanying persons) traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by health certificates conforming to the model in the second part of the Annex E to Directive 92 /65/EEC.

12. Animals, semen, embryos and ova from organisms, institutes or centres approved in accordance with Annex C of Directive 92 /65/EEC which are the subject of exchanges between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be Accompanied by health certificates conforming to the model set out in Annex E, Part III of Directive 92 /65/EEC.

13. For the purposes of applying s. 24 of Directive 92 /65/EEC, the information provided for in par. 2 of the said article is carried out in the Joint Veterinary Committee.

X. Non-Commercial Movement of Pets

A. Legislation * 17

European Union


Regulation (EU) n O 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on the non-commercial movement of pet animals and repealing Regulation (EC) No O 998/2003 (OJ L 178, 28.6.2013, p. 1).

Order of 28 November 2014 concerning the import, transit and export of pet animals (OITE-AC; RS 916.443.14 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. The marking system is that provided for in the Regulation (EU) n O 576/2013.

2. The validity of rabies vaccination, and, where appropriate, revaccination, is defined in Annex III to the Regulation (EU) n O 576/2013.

3. The passport model to be used is that provided for in Annex III, Part 3, of the Regulation (EU) n O 577/2013. Additional requirements for passports are set out in Annex III, Part 4 of the Regulation (EU) n O 577/2013.

For the purposes of this Appendix, for the non-commercial movements of pet animals between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland, the provisions of Chapter II of the Regulation (EU) n O 576/2013, apply Mutatis mutandis . The documentary and identity checks to be carried out in respect of the non-commercial movements of pet animals to Switzerland, from a Member State of the European Union, shall be carried out in accordance with the rules of Art. 33 of the (EU) n O 576/2013.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Veterinary Committee of 17 Dec. 2015, in force since 17 Dec. 2015, with effect from 1 Er Jan 2015 ( RO 2016 819 ).
2 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
3 Commission Decision 2004 /558/EC of 15 July 2004 implementing Council Directive 64 /432/EEC as regards additional guarantees for intra-Community trade in bovine animals in relation to infectious rhinotracheitis Bovine animals and the approval of eradication programmes submitted by certain Member States (OJ L 249, 23.7.2004, p. 20).
4 Commission Decision 2008 /185/EC of 21 February 2008 laying down additional guarantees concerning Aujeszky's disease for pigs intended for intra-Community trade and laying down the criteria for the information to be provided on This disease (OJ L 59, 4.3.2008, p. 19).
5 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
6 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
7 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
8 Regulation (EC) n O Commission of 27 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 1234/2007 of the Council with regard to marketing standards for hatching eggs and poultry chicks (OJ L 168, 28.6.2008, p. 5).
9 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
10 Regulation (EC) n O 1251/2008 of the Commission of 12 December 2008 implementing Council Directive 2006 /88/EC as regards the conditions and certification requirements applicable to placing on the market and importing into the Community Aquaculture animals and products derived from these animals and establishing a list of vector species (OJ L 337, 16.12.2008, p. 41).
11 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
12 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
13 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
14 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
15 Regulations (EU) n O 577/2013 of the Commission of 28 June 2013 concerning the models of identification documents relating to the non-commercial movements of dogs, cats and ferrets, the compilation of lists of territories and third countries and the requirements in Format, presentation and languages applicable to declarations attesting to compliance with certain conditions laid down in the Regulation (EU) n O 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 178, 28.6.2013, p. 109).
16 Commission Decision 2010 /470/EU of 26 August 2010 establishing the models of health certificates applicable to trade in the Union of semen, ova and embryos of equidae, ovine and caprine animals and porcine ova and embryos (OJ L 228, 31.8.2010, p. 15).
17 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 3 1

Importation of live animals, semen, ova and embryos from third countries

I. European Union-Legislation * 2

A. Ungulated, with the exception of equidae

Council Directive 2004 /68/EC of 26 April 2004 establishing the health police rules on the import and transit, in the Community, of certain live ungulates, amending Directives 90 /426/EEC and 92 /65/EEC and repealing the Directive 72 /462/EEC (OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 320).

B. Equided

Council Directive 2009 /156/EC of 30 November 2009 on health police conditions governing the movement of equidae and imports of equidae from third countries (OJ L 192, 23.7.2010, p. 1).

C. Poultry and hatching eggs

Council Directive 2009 /158/EC of 30 November 2009 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade and imports from third countries of poultry and hatching eggs (OJ L 343, 22.12.2009, p. 74).

D. Aquaculture animals

Council Directive 2006 /88/EC of 24 October 2006 on animal health conditions applicable to aquaculture animals and products, and on the prevention of certain diseases in aquatic animals and control measures Against these diseases (OJ L 328, 24.11.2006, p. 14).

E. Cattle Embryos

Council Directive 89 /556/EEC of 25 September 1989 laying down the animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade and imports from third countries of embryos of domestic animals of the bovine species (OJ 1989 L 302, 19.10.1989, p. 1).

F. Bovine semen

Council Directive 88 /407/EEC of 14 June 1988 laying down the health police requirements applicable to intra-Community trade and imports of semen of animals of the bovine species (OJ L 194, 22.7.1988, p. 10).

G. Pig Sperm

Council Directive 90 /429/EEC of 26 June 1990 laying down the animal health requirements applicable to intra-Community trade and imports of semen of animals of the porcine species (OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 62).

H. Other live animals

1. Council Directive 92/65/EEC of 13 July 1992 laying down the animal health conditions governing trade and imports into the Community of animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to conditions, as regards conditions To the specific Community regulations referred to in Annex A Section I of Directive 90 /425/EEC (OJ L 268, 14.9.1992, p. 54).

2. Regulation (EU) n O 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on the non-commercial movement of pet animals and repealing Regulation (EC) No O 998/2003 (OJ L 178, 28.6.2013, p. 1).

I. Other specific provisions

1. Council Directive 96 /22/EC of 29 April 1996 on the prohibition of the use of certain substances having a hormonal or thyrostatic effect and of substances to-agonists in animal speculation and repealing Directives 81 /602/EEC, 88 /146/EEC and 88 /299/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 3).

2. Council Directive 96 /23/EC of 29 April 1996 on control measures to be implemented in respect of certain substances and residues in live animals and their products and repealing Directives 85 /358/EEC and 86 /469/EEC and Decisions 89 /187/EEC and 91 /664/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 10).

II. Switzerland-Legislation * 3

1. Act of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 ).

2. Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ).

3. Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).

4. Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import and transit of animals by air from third countries (OITA; RS 916.443.12 ).

5. Order of 27 August 2008 concerning the import and transit of animal products by air from third countries (OITPA; RS 916.443.13 ).

6. DFI Ordinance of 16 May 2007 on the control of the import and transit of animals and animal products (Ordinance on Controls OITE; RS 916.443.106 ).

7. Order of 28 November 2014 concerning the import, transit and export of pet animals (OITE-AC; RS 916.443.14 ).

8. Order of 18 August 2004 on veterinary medicinal products (OMedV; RS 812.212.27 ).

9. Order of 30 October 1985 concerning emoluments received by the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs (Ordinance on the Fees of the OSAV; RS 916.472 ).

III. Implementing rules

The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs shall, at the same time with the Member States of the European Union, apply the import conditions set out in the acts referred to in Part I of this Appendix. Application and the lists of establishments from which the corresponding imports are authorised. This undertaking shall apply to all appropriate acts irrespective of their date of adoption.

The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs may adopt more restrictive measures and may require additional safeguards. Consultations will be held in the Joint Veterinary Committee with a view to seeking appropriate solutions.

The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs and the Member States of the European Union shall notify each other of the specific import conditions established on a bilateral basis not subject to harmonisation in the Union level.

For the purposes of this Annex, for Switzerland, the institutions approved as a centre approved in accordance with Annex C to Directive 92 /65/EEC shall be published on the website of the Federal Office for Food Safety and Business Veterinarians.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Veterinary Committee of 17 Dec. 2015, in force since 17 Dec. 2015, with effect from 1 Er Jan 2015 ( RO 2016 819 ).
2 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
3 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 4 1

Zootechnics, including imports from third countries

A. Legislation * 2

European Union


Council Directive 2009 /157/EC of 30 November 2009 on pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species (OJ L 323, 10.12.2009, p. 1).
Council Directive 88 /661/EEC of 19 December 1988 on zootechnical standards applicable to animals of the breeding porcine species (OJ L 382, 31.12.1988, p. 36).
Council Directive 87 /328/EEC of 18 June 1987 on the admission to the reproduction of pure-bred breeding cattle (OJ L 167, 26.6.1987, p. 54).
Council Directive 88 /407/EEC of 14 June 1988 laying down the health police requirements applicable to intra-Community trade and imports of semen of animals of the bovine species (OJ L 194, 22.7.1988, p. 10).
Council Directive 89 /361/EEC of 30 May 1989 on animals of purebred sheep and goats (OJ L 153, 6.6.1989, p. 30).
Council Directive 90 /118/EEC of 5 March 1990 on the admission to the reproduction of purebred breeding pigs (OJ L 71, 17.3.1990, p. 34).
Council Directive 90 /119/EEC of 5 March 1990 on the admission to the reproduction of hybrid pig breeders (OJ L 71, 17.3.1990, p. 36).
Council Directive 90 /427/EEC of 26 June 1990 on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae (OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 55).
Council Directive 90 /428/EEC of 26 June 1990 on the exchange of equidae for competitions and laying down the conditions for participation in these competitions (OJ L 224, 18.8.1990, p. 60).
Council Directive 91 /174/EEC of 25 March 1991 on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing the marketing of animals of race and amending Directives 77 /504/EEC and 90 /425/EEC (OJ L 85, 5.4.1991, p. 37).
Council Directive 94 /28/EC of 23 June 1994 laying down the principles relating to the zootechnical and genealogical conditions applicable to imports from third countries of animals, semen, ova and embryos and amending the Directive 77 /504/EEC concerning pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species (OJ L 178, 12.7.1994, p. 66).

Ordinance of 31 October 2012 on breeding (OE; RS 916.310 ).

B. Implementing rules

For the purposes of this Appendix, live animals and animal products traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall circulate within the conditions established for trade between the Member States of the Union European.

Without prejudice to the provisions on zootechnical controls contained in Appendices 5 and 6, the Swiss authorities undertake to ensure that, for its imports, Switzerland applies the same provisions as those covered by the Directive 94 /28/EC of the Council.

In the event of difficulty, the Joint Veterinary Committee shall be seized at the request of one of the parties.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Veterinary Committee of 17 Dec. 2015, in force since 17 Dec. 2015, with effect from 1 Er Jan 2015 ( RO 2016 819 ).
2 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 5 1

Live animals, semen, ova and embryos: Border controls and royalties

Chapter I General provisions-TRACES system

A. Legislation * 2

European Union


Commission Decision 2004 /292/EC of 30 March 2004 on the implementation of the TRACES system and amending Decision 92 /486/EEC (OJ L 94, 31.3.2004, p. 63).

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 );
Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 );
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 );
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import and transit of animals by air from third countries (OITA; RS 916.443.12 );
Order of 27 August 2008 concerning the import and transit of animal products by air from third countries (OITPA; RS 916.443.13 );
DFI Ordinance of 16 May 2007 on the control of the import and transit of animals and animal products (Ordinance on Controls OITE; RS 916.443.106 );
Order of 28 November 2014 concerning the import, transit and export of pet animals (OITE-AC; RS 916.443.14 ).

B. Implementing rules

The Commission, in collaboration with the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs, shall integrate Switzerland into the TRACES computer system, in accordance with Commission Decision 2004 /292/EC.

If necessary, transitional and complementary measures shall be defined in the Joint Veterinary Committee.

Chapter II Veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in trade between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland

A. Legislation * 3

The veterinary and zootechnical controls applicable in trade between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be carried out in accordance with the following acts:

European Union


Council Directive 89 /608/EEC of 21 November 1989 on mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation between them and the Commission with a view to ensuring the proper application of legislation Veterinary and zootechnical (OJ L 351, 2.12.1989, p. 34);
Council Directive 90 /425/EEC of 26 June 1990 on veterinary and zootechnical controls applicable in intra-Community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (OJ 1990 L 224 of 18.8.1990, p. 29).
Epizooties Act of 1 Er July 1966 (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 57;
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 );
DFI Ordinance of 16 May 2007 on the control of the import and transit of animals and animal products (Ordinance on Controls OITE; RS 916.443.106 );
Order of 28 November 2014 concerning the import, transit and export of pet animals (OITE-AC; RS 916.443.14 );
Order of 30 October 1985 concerning emoluments received by the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs (Ordinance on the Fees of the OSAV; RS 916.472 ).

B. Implementing rules

In the cases provided for in Art. 8 of Directive 90 /425/EEC, the competent authorities of the place of destination shall enter without delay in contact with the competent authorities of the place of dispatch. They shall take all necessary measures and shall communicate to the competent authority of the place of dispatch and to the Commission the nature of the checks carried out, the decisions taken and the reasons for those decisions.

Implementation of the provisions of ss. 10, 11 and 16 of Directive 89 /608/EEC and Art. 9 and 22 of Directive 90 /425/EEC is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee.

C. Specific application procedures for animals intended for border grazing

1. Definitions

Packing: a transhumer action to a border area limited to 10 km when consigning animals to a Member State of the European Union or to Switzerland. In the event of duly justified special conditions, greater depth on both sides of the border between Switzerland and the European Union may be authorised by the competent authorities concerned.

Daily Packing: for which, at the end of each day, the animals return to their original operation in a Member State of the European Union or in Switzerland.

2. For grazing between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland, the provisions of Commission Decision 2001 /672/EC 4 , are applicable Mutatis mutandis . However, for the purposes of this Annex, for s. 1 Er Of Decision 2001 /672/EC, the following adaptations shall apply:

The reference to the period 1 Er May to 15 October is replaced by "the calendar year";
For Switzerland, the parties referred to in Art. 1 Er Of Decision 2001 /672/EC and referred to in the relevant Annex are:
Canton of Zurich
Canton of Berne
Canton of Lucerne
Canton of Uri
Canton of Schwyz
Canton of Obwalden
Canton of Nidwalden
Canton of Glarus
Canton of Zug
Canton of Fribourg
Canton of Soleure
Canton of Basel-City
Canton of Basel-Country
Canton of Schaffhausen
Township of Appenzell Outer Rhodes
Canton of Appenzell Rhodes-Interior
Canton of St. Gallen
Canton of Grisons
Canton of Argovie
Canton of Thurgau
Canton of Ticino
Canton of Vaud
Canton of Valais
Canton of Neuchâtel
Canton of Geneva
Canton of Jura.

Pursuant to the Ordinance on Epizooties of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 7 (registration) and the order of 26 November 2011 concerning the data bank on trafficking in animals (BDTA Ordinance; RS 916.404.1 ), and in particular its section 2 (data bank content), Switzerland assigns to each pasture a specific registration code which must be registered in the national cattle database.

3. For grazing between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland, the official veterinarian of the country of dispatch:

Shall inform, on the date of issue of the certificate and at the latest within 24 hours before the expected date of arrival of the animals, by the computerised system of liaison between veterinary authorities provided for in Art. 20 of Directive 90 /425/EEC, the competent authority of the place of destination (local veterinary unit) of the consignment of animals;
Shall examine the animals within 48 hours of their departure for grazing; these animals shall be duly identified;
Issues a certificate in accordance with the model in point 9.

4. For the duration of grazing, animals shall remain under customs control.

5. The holder of the animals shall:

Accept, in a written declaration, to comply with all measures taken in accordance with the provisions of this Annex and to any other measures set up at local level in the same way as any holder originating in a State Member of the European Union or of Switzerland;
Pay the costs of the controls resulting from the application of this Annex;
To cooperate fully in carrying out the customs or veterinary checks required by the official authorities of the country of dispatch or of the country of destination.

On the return of the animals at the end of the grazing season or in advance, the official veterinarian of the country of the place of grazing:

Shall inform, on the date of issue of the certificate and at the latest within 24 hours before the expected date of arrival of the animals, by the computerised system of liaison between veterinary authorities provided for in Art. 20 of Directive 90 /425/EEC, the competent authority of the place of destination (local veterinary unit) of the consignment of animals;
Shall examine the animals within 48 hours of their departure for grazing; these animals shall be duly identified;
Issues a certificate in accordance with the model in point 9.

7. In the event of an outbreak of disease, the appropriate measures shall be taken by mutual agreement between the competent veterinary authorities. The question of possible costs will be considered by these authorities. If necessary, the Joint Veterinary Committee will be seized.

8. In derogation from the provisions for grazing in points 1 to 7, in the case of daily grazing between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland:

Animals do not come into contact with animals from another farm;
The holder of the animals undertakes to inform the competent veterinary authority of any contact of the animals with animals of another operation;
The health certificate defined in point 9 shall be presented each calendar year, to the competent veterinary authorities, when the animals are first introduced in a Member State of the European Union or in Switzerland. This health certificate must be available to the competent veterinary authorities upon request from the competent veterinary authorities;
Points 2 and 3 apply only on the first shipment of the calendar year of the animals to a Member State of the European Union or to Switzerland;
Point 6 does not apply;
The holder of the animals undertakes to inform the competent veterinary authority of the end of the grazing period.

9. Model sanitary certificate for border grazing, or daily grazing and the return of cattle grazing of bovine species:

Model health certificate for border grazing or daily grazing and the return of cattle grazing of bovine species

European Union

Intra-Community certificate

Part I: Details about the batch submitted

I. 1.


I. 2. N O Certificate reference

I. 2.a. N O Local reference:

I. 3. Competent Central Authority

I. 4. Competent Local Authority

I. 5.


I. 6. N O Associated original certificates

N O Accompanying documents

I. 7.

Name Registration Number

I. 8. Country of Origin

ISO Code

I. 9. Region of origin


I. 10. Destination country

ISO Code

I. 11. Destination Region


I. 12.
Place of Origin/Fishing Location
Exploitation 5
Gathering Centre 5
Trader Installation 5
Approved Agency 5
Seed Centre 5
Accredited aquaculture operation 5
Embryos 5
Institution 5
Other 5
Accreditation Number

Postal Code

I. 13.
Destination Location
Exploitation 5
Gathering Centre 5
Trader Installation 5
Approved Agency 5
Seed Centre 5
Accredited aquaculture operation 5
Embryos 5
Institution 5
Other 5
Accreditation Number

Postal Code

I. 14.
Place of Loading

Postal Code

I. 15. Date and Time of Departure

I. 16.
Means of transport
Aircraft 5
Ship 5
Wagon 5
Road Vehicle 5
Other 5

Number (s):

I. 17.
Accreditation Number
Postal Code

Member State

I. 21.

I. 20. Quantity/Quantity

I. 22. Number of packings

I. 23. N O Of seal and n O Of container

I. 25.
Certified animals for/certified products for:

Transhumance 5

I. 26.
Transit by a third country 5
Third Countries ISO Code
Third Countries ISO Code
Third Countries ISO Code
Issue Point Code

Entry point N O The PIF

I. 27.
Transit by Member States 5
Member State ISO Code
Member State ISO Code
Member State ISO Code
I. 28.
Exporting 5
Third Countries ISO Code

Issue Point Code

I. 29. Estimated Transport Time

I. 30. Walking plan

Yes 5 No 5

I. 31.
Identification of animals
Commodity Code (HS Code)

N O Passport

European Union

2005 /22/EC Packing

II. Health Information

II.a. N O Certificate reference

II.b. N O Local reference

Part II: Certification

Health certificate concerning the border grazing or the daily grazing of animals of the bovine species
I, the official veterinarian, certify the following:
A. 1.
Each animal in the lot described above is derived from a farm of origin and from an area which, under Community or national legislation, is not subject to any prohibition or restriction on bovine disease;
A. 2.
Each animal in the lot described above comes from a herd of origin located in a Member State or part of its territory:

(a) having established a monitoring network approved by Commission Decision .../.../ EC of the Commission or, for Switzerland, by the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland of 21 June 1999 (Annex 11, Appendix 2, point I);

(b) is officially recognized as free from leucosis, tuberculosis and brucellosis;

A. 3.
Each animal in the lot described above is a farmed animal (3) Or annuity (1) Which:

(a) has, according to the information available, been in the original operation in the last thirty days or since its birth if it is less than 30 days old, and no animal imported from a third country has been introduced in that country Exploitation during this period, unless it has been isolated from all other animals of the operation;

(b) has not been in contact, in the last thirty days, with animals whose herds do not meet the conditions referred to in point 2;

A. 4.
The animals described above have been inspected on [insert date], within 48 hours of the planned departure, and have not shown any clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease;
A. 5.
The operation of origin and, where appropriate, the authorised assembly centre and the area in which they are situated shall not be prohibited or restricted by a disease of bovine animals under Community law or National
A. 6.
All applicable provisions of Council Directive 64 /432/EEC are complied with;
A. 7.
Animals shall submit the additional guarantees for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular rhinotracheitis, in accordance with Commission Decision 2004 /558/EC, the provisions of which shall apply Mutatis mutandis , in accordance with the Agreement between the European Community and Switzerland of 21 June 1999;
A. 8.
At the time of the inspection, the animals referred to above were capable of carrying out the intended transport in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No O 1/2005 of the Council;
A. 9.
Date of arrival at pasture (6) ...
A. 10. Estimated Start Date of Pasture: ...
Health certificate for the return of cattle grazing of the bovine species (normal or anticipated return)
B. 1.
The animals described above [list of animals upon early return (3) Or list of animals on the associated original certificate (3) (7) (8) ] have been inspected on ... (date of loading of animals or 48 hours prior to departure) and have not presented any clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease;
B. 2.
The grazing area in which the animals have been staying has not been prohibited or restricted by a disease of bovine animals under Community or national legislation, and in particular that there are no cases of tuberculosis, Brucellosis and leucosis were not observed during the pacing period.

* Part A to be completed for the purpose of crossing the border or for the daily grazing, part B to be completed for the return of the border grazing.

The information required to be included in this certificate shall be entered in the computerised system of liaison between veterinary authorities provided for in Art. 20 of Directive 90 /425/EEC on the date of issue of the certificate and no later than 24 hours before the expected date of arrival of the animals.
This certificate shall be valid for ten days from the date of the sanitary inspection carried out in Switzerland or in the Member State of origin. In the case of daily grazing, this certificate is valid throughout the pacing period.
Delete references without object.
In the case of daily grazing, this certificate is valid throughout the pacing period.
This declaration does not exempt carriers from their obligations under the Community provisions in force, in particular as far as the ability of animals to be transported is concerned.
The grazing registration code is indicated in Part I. 13 (licence number) of this certificate.
Where, for health reasons, animals return to their original operation during the grazing period, accompanied by a health certificate, the identification marks shall be removed from the initial list, and that Last must be validated by the official veterinarian.

(8) The number of the health certificate used for the movement of entry into the grazing area is indicated in Part I. 6 of this certificate.

Official Veterinarian or Official Inspector

Name (in capital letters):

Qualification and Title:

Local Veterinarian Unit:

N O Of the UVL:




Chapter III Conditions for trade between the European Union and Switzerland

A. Legislation

For the exchange of live animals, their semen, ova, embryos and the border grazing of bovine animals between the European Union and Switzerland, the health certificates shall be those provided for in this Annex and available in the TRACES systems in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No O 599/2004 of the Commission 5 .

Chapter IV Veterinary checks on imports from third countries

A. Legislation * 6

The controls on imports from third countries shall be carried out in accordance with the following acts:

European Union


Regulation (EC) n O 282/2004 of the Commission of 18 February 2004 on the establishment of a document for the declaration and veterinary control of animals from third countries and introduced into the Community (OJ L 49, 19.2.2004, p. 11);
Regulation (EC) n O 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls carried out to ensure compliance with the legislation on food for animals and foodstuffs and with the provisions relating to Animal health and animal welfare (OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1).
Council Directive 91 /496/EEC of 15 July 1991 laying down the principles relating to the organisation of veterinary checks for animals from third countries introduced into the Community and amending Directives 89/6 6 2/EEC, 90 /425/EEC and 90 /675/EEC (OJ L 268, 24.9.1991, p. 56);
Council Directive 96 /22/EC of 29 April 1996 on the prohibition of the use of certain substances having a hormonal or thyrostatic effect and of substances to-agonists in animal speculation and repealing Directives 81 /602/EEC, 88 /146/EEC and 88 /299/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 3);
Council Directive 96 /23/EC of 29 April 1996 on control measures to be implemented in respect of certain substances and their residues in live animals and their products and repealing Directives 85 /358/EEC and 86 /469/EEC and Decisions 89 /187/EEC and 91 /664/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 10);
Commission Decision 97 /794/EC of 12 November 1997 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 91 /496/EEC as regards veterinary checks on live animals from third countries (OJ L 323, 26.11.1997, P. 31);
Commission Decision 2007 /275/EC of 17 April 2007 on the lists of animals and products to be checked at border inspection posts in accordance with Council Directives 91 /496/EEC and 97 /78/EC (OJ 2007 L 116, 4.5.2007, p. 9).
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 );
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import and transit of animals by air from third countries (OITA; RS 916.443.12 );
Order of 27 August 2008 concerning the import and transit of animal products by air from third countries (OITPA; RS 916.443.13 );
DFI Ordinance of 16 May 2007 on the control of the import and transit of animals and animal products (Ordinance on Controls OITE; RS 916.443.106 );
Order of 28 November 2014 concerning the import, transit and export of pet animals (OITE-AC; RS 916.443.14 );
Order of 30 October 1985 concerning emoluments received by the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs (Ordinance on the Fees of the OSAV; RS 916.472 );
Order of 18 August 2004 on veterinary medicinal products (OMedV; RS 812.212.27 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. For the purposes of applying s. 6 of Directive 91 /496/EEC, the border inspection posts of the Member States of the European Union for veterinary checks on live animals are set out in Annex I to Commission Decision 2009 /821/EC 7 .

2. For the purposes of applying s. 6 of Directive 91 /496/EEC, the border inspection posts for Switzerland are as follows:




Inspection Centre

Type of Approval

Zurich Airport



Center 3

O-Other animals

(including zoos) *

Geneva Airport



Center 2

O-Other animals

(including zoos) *

* By reference to the categories of approval set out in Decision 2009 /821/EC.

Subsequent amendments to the list of border inspection posts, their inspection centres and their type of approval are the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee.

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 19 of Directive 91 /496/EEC and Art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

3. The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs shall apply, simultaneously with the Member States of the European Union, the import conditions referred to in Appendix 3 to this Annex and the implementing measures.

The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs may adopt more restrictive measures and may require additional safeguards. Consultations will be held in the Joint Veterinary Committee with a view to seeking appropriate solutions.

The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs and the Member States of the European Union shall notify each other of the specific import conditions established on a bilateral basis not subject to harmonisation in the Union level.

4. Border inspection posts of the Member States of the European Union referred to in point 1 of this Section shall carry out checks on imports from third countries and destined for Switzerland in accordance with Section A of this Chapter.

5. The border inspection posts of Switzerland referred to in point 2 shall carry out checks on imports from third countries to the Member States of the European Union in accordance with Section A of this Chapter.

Chapter V Specific provisions

1. Identification of livestock

A. Legislation * 8

The controls on imports from third countries shall be carried out in accordance with the following acts:

European Union


Council Directive 2008 /71/EC of 15 July 2008 on the identification and registration of animals of the porcine species (OJ L 213, 8.8.2008, p. 31);
Regulation (EC) n O 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July 2000 establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and on the labelling of beef and beef products and repealing Regulation (EC) N O 820/97 (OJ L 204, 11.8.2000, p. 1).
Epizooties Ordinance of 27 June 1995 (OFE; RS 916.401 ), and in particular his art. 7 to 15 F (registration and identification);
Ordinance of 26 October 2011 on the data bank on animal trafficking (BDTA Ordinance; RS 916.404.1 ).

B. Implementing rules

The application of s. 4 (2) of Directive 2008 /71/EC is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee.
The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 22 of the Regulation (EC) n O 1760/2000 and art. 57 of the Epizooties Act and of Art. 1 of the Ordinance of 23 October 2013 on the coordination of controls on farms (OCCEA, RS 910.15 ).

2. Protection of animals

A. Legislation * 9

European Union


Regulation (EC) n O 1/2005 of the Council of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 64 /432/EEC and 93 /119/EC and Regulation (EC) No O 1255/97 (OJ L 3, 5.1.2005, p. 1);
Regulation (EC) n O 1255/97 of the Council of 25 June 1997 concerning the Community criteria required for supervisory posts and adapting the working plan referred to in the Annex to Directive 91 /628/EEC (OJ L 174, 2.7.1997 p. 1).
Federal Act of 16 December 2005 on the protection of animals (LPA; RS 455 ), and in particular art. 15 and 15 A (principles, international animal transport);
Order of 23 April 2008 on the protection of animals (OPAn; RS 455.1 ), and in particular art. 169 to 176 (international animal transport).

B. Implementing rules

The Swiss authorities undertake to respect the provisions of Regulation (EC) No O 1/2005 for trade between Switzerland and the European Union and for imports from third countries.
In the cases provided for in Art. 26 of Regulation (EC) No O 1/2005, the competent authorities of the place of destination shall immediately enter into contact with the competent authorities of the place of departure.
The implementation of art. 10, 11 and 16 of Council Directive 89 /608/EEC is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee.
The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 28 of the Regulation (EC) n O 1/2005 and art. 208 of the Order of 23 April 2008 on the protection of animals (OPAn; RS 455.1 ).
Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 15 A , para. 3, of the Federal Act of 16 December 2005 on the protection of animals (LPA; RS 455 ), the transit through Switzerland of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs, slaughter horses and poultry of slaughter is only allowed by rail or by plane. This issue will be considered by the Joint Veterinary Committee.

3. Royalties

1. No charges shall be levied for veterinary checks on trade between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland.

2. For veterinary checks on imports from third countries, the Swiss authorities undertake to collect the fees related to the official controls provided for in Regulation (EC) No O 882/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Veterinary Committee of 17 Dec. 2015, in force since 17 Dec. 2015, with effect from 1 Er Jan 2015 ( RO 2016 819 ).
2 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
3 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
4 Commission Decision 2001 /672/EC of 20 August 2001 laying down special rules for the movement of cattle intended to graze during the summer in various mountain areas (OJ L 235, 4.9.2001, p. 23).
5 Regulation (EC) n O 599/2004 of the Commission of 30 March 2004 on the adoption of a harmonised model certificate and inspection report relating to intra-Community trade in animals and products of animal origin (OJ L 94, 31.3.2004, p. 44).
6 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
7 Commission Decision 2009 /821/EC of 28 September 2009 establishing a list of authorised border inspection posts, laying down certain rules concerning inspections carried out by the Commission's veterinary experts and defining the Veterinary units of the TRACES system (OJ L 296, 12.11.2009, p. 1).
8 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
9 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 6 1

Animal Products

Chapter I Sectors where equivalency is recognized in a reciprocal manner

"Animal products intended for human consumption"

The definitions of Regulation (EC) n O 853/2004 apply Mutatis mutandis .

Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.

European Union exports to Switzerland and Switzerland's exports to the European Union

Trading conditions


European Union


Animal Health

Fresh meat including ground meats, meat preparations, meat products, unprocessed fats and melted fats

Domestic gulates

Household Solids

Directive 64 /432/EEC

Directive 2002 /99/EC*

Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )

Yes 1

Meat of farmed game, meat preparations, meat products

Land-based Mammals other than those cited above

Directive 64 /432/EEC

Directive 92 /118/ECE* *

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )


Breeding Ratites


Directive 92 /118/EEC

Directive 2002 /99/EC


Meat of wild game, meat preparations, meat products

Wild ungulate


Other terrestrial mammals

Wild bird feather

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )


Fresh poultry meat, meat preparations, meat products, fats and fats


Directive 92 /118/EEC

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )


Estomacs, bladders and hoses


Wines and goats


Directive 64 /432/EEC

Directive 92 /118/EEC

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )

Yes 1

Bone and bone products

Domestic gulates

Household Solids

Other terrestrial farmed or wild mammals

Poultry, ratites and wild game birds

Directive 64 /432/EEC

Directive 92 /118/EEC

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )

Yes 1

Processed animal proteins, blood and blood products

Domestic gulates

Household Solids

Other terrestrial farmed or wild mammals

Poultry, ratites and wild game birds

Directive 64 /432/EEC

Directive 92 /118/EEC

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )

Yes 1

Gélatine and collagen

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )

Yes 1

Milk and milk products

Directive 64 /432/EEC

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )


Eggs and egg products

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )


Fishery products, bivalve molluscs, tunicate echinoderms and marine gastropods

Directive 2006 /88/EC

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )



Directive 92 /118/EEC

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )


Frogs and frogs' legs

Directive 92 /118/EEC

Directive 2002 /99/EC

Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 )

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 )


1 Recognition of the similarity of legislation on TSE monitoring in sheep and goats will be reconsidered in the Joint Veterinary Committee.

Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.

European Union exports to Switzerland and Switzerland's exports to the European Union

Trading conditions


European Union


Public health

Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down the rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (OJ L 147, 31.5.2001, p. 1).

Regulation (EC) n O 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs (OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 1).

Regulation (EC) n O 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for foodstuffs of animal origin (OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55).

Regulation (EC) n O 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down the specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption (OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 206).

Regulation (EC) n O 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls carried out to ensure compliance with the legislation on food for animals and foodstuffs and with the provisions relating to Animal health and animal welfare (OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1).

Regulation (EC) n O 2073/2005 of the Commission of 15 November 2005 concerning microbiological criteria for foodstuffs (OJ L 338, 22.12.2005, p. 1).

Regulation (EC) n O 2074/2005 of the Commission of 5 December 2005 laying down the implementing measures for certain products governed by Regulation (EC) No O 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the organisation of the official controls provided for in the Regulations (EC) n O 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council and (EC) n O 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, derogating from the Regulation (EC) n O 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Regulations (EC) n O 853/2004 and (EC) n O 854/2004 5 (OJ L 338, 22.12.2005, p. 27).

Regulation (EC) n O 2075/2005 of the Commission of 5 December 2005 laying down the specific rules applicable to official controls concerning the presence of Trichinella in meat (OJ L 338, 22.12.2005, p. 60).

Federal Act of 9 October 1992 on foodstuffs and common objects (LDAl; RS 817.0 ).

Order of 23 April 2008 on the protection of animals (OPAn; RS 455.1 ).

Order of 16 November 2011 concerning basic training, qualifying training and in-service training for persons working in the public veterinary sector (RS 916.402 ).

Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 ).

Order of 23 November 2005 on primary production (OPPr; RS 916.020 ).

Order of 23 November 2005 concerning the slaughter of animals and the control of meat (OAbCV; RS 817.190 ).

Ordinance of 23 November 2005 on foodstuffs and common objects (ODAlOUs; RS 817.02 ).

Ordinance of 23 November 2005 of the DFI on the implementation of the food legislation (RS 817.025.21 ).

Decree of 23 November 2005 of DEFR concerning hygiene in primary production (OHyPPr; RS 916.020.1 ).

The Hygiene Ordinance of 23 November 2005 (OHyG; RS 817.024.1 ).

Ordinance of 23 November 2005 of the DFI concerning hygiene when slaughtering animals (OHyAb; RS 817.190.1 ).

Order of 23 November 2005 of the DFI on foodstuffs of animal origin (RS 817.022.108 ).

Yes with special conditions

Protection of animals

Regulation (EC) n O 1099/2009 of the Council of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of their killing (OJ L 303, 18.11.2009, p. 1).

Federal Act of 16 December 2005 on the protection of animals (LPA; RS 455 ).

Order of 23 April 2008 on the protection of animals (OPAn; RS 455.1 ).

OVF order of 12 August 2010 on the protection of animals at slaughter (OPAnAb; RS 455.110.2 ).

Order of 23 November 2005 concerning the slaughter of animals and the control of meat (OAbCV; RS 817.190 ).

Yes with special conditions

Council Directive 2002/99/EC of 16 December 2002 laying down the health police rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin intended for human consumption (OJ 2002 L 18, 23.1.2003, p. 3. 11).

** Council Directive 92/118/EEC of 17 December 1992 laying down the health police conditions and the sanitary conditions governing trade and imports into the Community of products not subject, as regards those To the specific Community regulations referred to in Annex A Chapter I of Directive 89 /662/EEC and, as regards pathogens, of Directive 90 /425/EEC (OJ L 62, 15.3.1993, p. 49).

Special conditions

(1) Animal products intended for human consumption traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall circulate only under the same conditions as animal products intended for human consumption The object of trade between the Member States of the European Union, also with regard to the protection of animals at the time of their killing. If necessary, these products shall be accompanied by the health certificates provided for in trade between the Member States of the European Union or defined by this Annex and available in the TRACES system.

(2) Switzerland shall draw up a list of its registered establishments, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 31 (registration/approval of establishments) of Regulation (EC) No O 882/2004.

(3) For its imports, Switzerland shall apply the same provisions as those applicable in this field at Union level.

(4) The competent authorities of Switzerland shall not use the derogation from the examination to detect the presence of Trichinella as provided for in Art. 3, para. 2, of Regulation (EC) No O 2075/2005. In the event that this derogation is used, the competent authorities of Switzerland undertake to notify the Commission by written procedure of the list of regions where the risk of the presence of Trichinella in domestic pigs is Officially recognized as negligible. The Member States of the European Union shall have a period of three months from this notification to submit their comments in writing to the Commission. In the absence of any objections from the Commission or a Member State of the European Union, the region is recognised as a region with a negligible risk of the presence of Trichinella and the domestic porcins from that region are Provided examination to detect the presence of Trichinella at slaughter. The provisions of Art. 3, para. 3, of Regulation (EC) No O 2075/2005 then apply Mutatis mutandis .

5) The detection methods described in Annex I, Chapters I and II of Regulation (EC) No O 2075/2005 are used in Switzerland as part of the examination to detect the presence of Trichinella. However, the use of the trichinoscopic examination method as described in Chapter III of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No O 2075/2005.

(6) The competent authorities of Switzerland may derogate from the examination to detect the presence of Trichinella in domestic pig carcases and meat for fattening and slaughter in slaughter establishments Low capacity.

This provision is applicable until 31 December 2016.

Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 8, para. 3 of the Ordinance of the DFI of 23 November 2005 concerning hygiene during the slaughter of animals (OHyAb; RS 817.190.1 ) And art. 9, para. 8, of the decree of the DFI of 23 November 2005 on foodstuffs of animal origin (RS 817.022.108 ), such carcases and meat of domestic pigs intended for fattening and butchery, as well as meat preparations, meat products and processed meat products which come from them bear a stamp of Special safety in accordance with the model set out in the last paragraph of Annex 9 of the Ordinance of the DFI of 23 November 2005 concerning hygiene when slaughtering animals. Such products shall not be traded with the Member States of the European Union in accordance with the provisions of Art. 9 A The decree of the DFI of 23 November 2005 on foodstuffs of animal origin.

(7) Carcasses and meat of domestic pigs intended for fattening and butchery traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland from:

Recognised holdings of Trichinella by the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union;
Regions where the risk of Trichinella in domestic porcupines is officially recognized as negligible;

For which the examination to detect the presence of Trichinella was not carried out in accordance with the provisions of s. 3 of the Regulation (EC) n O 2075/2005, circulate only under the same conditions as those which are traded between the Member States of the European Union.

(8) Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 2 of the Hygiene Ordinance (OHyg; RS 817.024.1 ), the competent authorities of Switzerland may provide for exceptions to art in special cases. 8, 10 and 14 of this order:

To meet the needs of institutions located in mountain regions according to the Federal Law of 6 October 2006 on Regional Policy (RS 901.0 ) And the order of 28 November on regional policy (RS 901.021 ).
The competent authorities of Switzerland undertake to notify these adaptations by written procedure to the Commission. This notification:
Provides a detailed description of the provisions for which the competent authorities of Switzerland consider that adaptation is necessary and indicates the nature of the adaptation concerned;
Describes the foodstuffs and the establishments concerned;
Explains the reasons for adaptation (including, where appropriate, providing a summary of the risk analysis done and indicating any action to be taken to ensure that the adaptation does not compromise the objectives of the The Hygiene Ordinance (OHyg; RS 817.024.1 );
Provides any other relevant information.
The Commission and the Member States of the European Union shall have a period of three months from the date of receipt of the notification to transmit their written observations. If necessary, the Joint Veterinary Committee shall be convened;
For the manufacture of foodstuffs with traditional characteristics.
The competent authorities of Switzerland undertake to notify those adaptations by written procedure to the Commission no later than twelve months after the granting of such derogations, individually or in general. Each notification:
Briefly describes the provisions that have been adapted;
Describes the foodstuffs and the establishments concerned, and
Provides any other relevant information.

(9) The Commission shall inform Switzerland of the derogations and adaptations applied in the Member States of the European Union under Art. 13 of Regulation (EC) No O 852/2004, art. 10 of the Regulation (EC) n O 853/2004, art. 13 of Regulation (EC) No O 854/2003 and art. 7 of the Regulation (EC) n O 2074/2005.

10) In accordance with Art. 179 D The Ordinance on Epizooties and Art. 4 of the Ordinance on Food of Animal Origin, Switzerland has put in place a policy of withdrawal of animal and human food chains from SRM. The list of SRM removed from cattle includes the vertebral column of animals older than 30 months, the tonsils, the intestines of the duodenum in the rectum, and the mesentery of animals of all ages.

11) The European Union reference laboratories for residues of veterinary medicinal products and contaminants in foodstuffs of animal origin are as follows:

For residues listed in Annex I, group A, group A, (1), (2), (3) and (4), group B, (2) (d) and group B, (3) (d), of Directive 96 /23/EC 2 :

RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, part of Wageningen UR

P.O. Box 230

6700 AE Wageningen


For residues listed in Annex I, group B, 1) and group B, 3) e), Directive 96 /23/EC, as well as for carbadox and olaquindox:

Laboratory for Studies and Research on Veterinary Drugs and Disinfectants

ANSES-Fougères Laboratory

35306 cedex ferns


For residues listed in Annex I, group A, 5) and group B, 2) (a), (b) and (e) of Directive 96 /23/EC:

Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL)

Diedersdorfer Weg 1

12277 Berlin


For residues listed in Annex I, group B, (3) (c), of Directive 96 /23/EC:

Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)

Viale Regina Elena, 299

00161 Rome


Switzerland shall bear the costs attributable to it in connection with the operations arising out of those designations. The powers and tasks of these laboratories are those laid down in Title III and Annex VII to Regulation (EC) No O 882/2004.

12) Pending the recognition of the alignment of the legislation of the European Union and of Swiss legislation, for exports to the European Union, Switzerland shall ensure compliance with the following acts and their texts Application:

Regulation (EEC) n O Council of 8 February 1993 establishing Community procedures relating to contaminants in foodstuffs (OJ L 37, 13.2.1993, p. 1);
Regulations (EU) n O 872/2012 of the Commission of 1 Er October 2012 adopting the list of flavouring substances provided for in Regulation (EC) No O 2232/96 of the European Parliament and of the Council, introduction of the list in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No O 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Regulation (EC) n O 1565/2000 of the Commission and Commission Decision 1999 /217/EC (OJ L 267, 2.10.2012, p. 1);
Council Directive 96 /22/EC of 29 April 1996 on the prohibition of the use of certain substances having a hormonal or thyrostatic effect and of substances to-agonists in animal speculation and repealing Directives 81 /602/EEC, 88 /146/EEC and 88 /299/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 3);
Council Directive 96 /23/EC of 29 April 1996 on control measures to be implemented in respect of certain substances and their residues in live animals and their products and repealing Directives 85 /358/EEC and 86 /469/EEC and Decisions 89 /187/EEC and 91 /664/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 10);
Directive 1999 /2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 February 1999 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States on foodstuffs and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation (OJ L 66, 13.3.1999, p. 16);
Directive 1999 /3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 February 1999 establishing a Community list of foodstuffs and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation (OJ L 66, 13.3.1999, p. 24);
Commission Decision 2002/840/EC of 23 October 2002 adopting the list of authorised units in third countries for the irradiation of foodstuffs (OJ L 287, 25.10.2002, p. 40);
Regulation (EC) n O 2065/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2003 on smoke flavourings used or intended for use in or on foodstuffs (OJ L 309, 26.11.2003, p. 1);
Regulation (EC) n O 1881/2006 of the Commission of 19 December 2006 fixing maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs (OJ L 364, 20.12.2006, p. 5);
Regulation (EC) n O 1332/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 concerning food enzymes and amending Council Directive 83 /417/EEC, Regulation (EC) No O 1493/1999 of the Council Directive 2000 /13/EC, Council Directive 2001 /112/EC and Regulation (EC) No O 258/97 (OJ L 354, 31.12.2008, p. 7);
Regulation (EC) n O 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on food additives (OJ L 354, 31.12.2008, p. 16);
Regulation (EC) n O 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on flavourings and certain food ingredients with flavouring properties intended for use in and on foodstuffs and amending the Regulation (EEC) No O 1601/91 of the Council, Regulations (EC) n O 2232/96 and (EC) n O 110/2008 and Directive 2000 /13/EC (OJ L 354, 31.12.2008, p. 34);
Regulation (EU) n O 231/2012 of the Commission of 9 March 2012 laying down the specifications for food additives listed in Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No O 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 83, 22.3.2012, p. 1);
Directive 2009 /32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning extraction solvents used in the manufacture of foodstuffs and their ingredients (OJ 2009 L 141, 6.6.2009, p. 3);
Regulation (EC) n O 470/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 establishing Community procedures for the fixing of residue limits of pharmacologically active substances in foodstuffs of animal origin, repealing Regulation (EEC) No O 2377/90 of the Council and amending Directive 2001 /82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No O 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 152, 16.6.2009, p. 11).

"Animal products not intended for human consumption"

European Union exports to Switzerland and Switzerland's exports to the European Union

Trading conditions


European Union *

Switzerland *

* Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.

Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down the rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (OJ L 147, 31.5.2001, p. 1);
Regulation (EC) n O 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules applicable to animal by-products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No O 1774/2002 (Regulation on animal by-products) (OJ L 300, 14.11.2009, p. 1);
Regulation (EU) n O 142/2011 of the Commission of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No O 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules applicable to animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and applying Council Directive 97 /78/EC as regards Certain samples and articles exempted from veterinary checks carried out at the borders under this Directive (OJ L 54, 26.2.2011, p. 1).
Order of 23 November 2005 concerning the slaughter of animals and the control of meat (OAbCV; RS 817.190 );
Decree of the DFI of 23 November 2005 concerning hygiene during the slaughter of animals (OHyAb; RS 817.190.1 );
Decree of 27 June 1995 on epizootic diseases (OFE; RS 916.401 );
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 );
Order of 25 May 2011 concerning the disposal of animal by-products (OESPA; RS 916.441.22 ).

Yes with special conditions

Special conditions

For its imports, Switzerland applies the same provisions as those under s. 25 to 28 and 30 to 31 and Annexes XIV and XV (certificates) of the Regulation (EU) n O 142/2011, in accordance with art. 41 and 42 of Regulation (EC) No O 1069/2009.

The trade in subjects of categories 1 and 2 is a matter for art. 48 of the Regulation (EC) n O 1069/2009.

Category 3 substances traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be accompanied by the trade documents and health certificates provided for in Chapter III of Annex VIII to the Regulation (EU) n O 142/2011, in accordance with art. 17 of the (EU) n O 142/2011 and art. 21 and 48 of Regulation (EC) No O 1069/2009.

Under Title II, Chapter I, Section 2 of Regulation (EC) No O 1069/2009 and Chapter IV and Annex IX to the Regulation (EU) n O 142/2011, Switzerland lists its corresponding institutions.

Chapter II Other sectors covered by Chapter I

European Union exports to Switzerland and Switzerland's exports to the European Union

These exports will be subject to the conditions laid down for trade in the Union. Thus, where appropriate, a certificate attesting compliance with these conditions will be issued by the competent authorities for the purpose of accompanying the consignments.

If necessary, the certificate templates will be discussed in the Joint Veterinary Committee.

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Veterinary Committee of 17 Dec. 2015, in force since 17 Dec. 2015, with effect from 1 Er Jan 2015 ( RO 2016 819 ).
2 Council Directive 96 /23/EC of 29 Apr. 1996 on control measures to be implemented with regard to certain substances and their residues in live animals and their products and repealing Directives 85 /358/EEC and 86 /469/EEC and Decisions 89 /187/EEC and 91 /664/EEC (OJ 125 of 23.5.1996, p. 10).

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 7 1

Competent Authorities

Part A Switzerland

Health and veterinary control skills are shared between the services of individual Cantons and those of the Federal Office of Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs. The following provisions shall apply:

As regards exports to the European Union, the Cantons are responsible for monitoring compliance with the conditions and production requirements, in particular legal inspections and sanitary certification attesting to compliance with the standards Established requirements;
The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs is responsible for overall coordination, audits of inspection systems and legislative action necessary to ensure uniform application of standards and requirements Within the Swiss market. It is also responsible for imports of foodstuffs of animal origin and other animal products from third countries. Finally, it establishes authorisations for exports of category 1 and 2 animal by-products to the European Union.

Part B European Union

The competences are shared between the national services of the individual Member States of the European Union and the European Commission. The following provisions shall apply:

As regards exports to Switzerland, the Member States of the European Union are responsible for monitoring compliance with the conditions and production requirements, in particular the legal inspections and the health certification attesting to the Compliance with established standards and requirements;
The European Commission is responsible for overall coordination, audits of inspection systems and legislative action necessary to ensure uniform application of standards and requirements within the single market

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Veterinary Committee of 17 Dec. 2015, in force since 17 Dec. 2015, with effect from 1 Er Jan 2015 ( RO 2016 819 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 8

Adaptations to regional conditions


State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 9

Guidelines for audit procedures

For the purposes of this Appendix, "audit" means the assessment of effectiveness.

1 General Principles

Audits shall be carried out jointly by the Party conducting the audit ("auditor") And auditee ("audited") In accordance with the provisions set out in this Appendix. Controls of establishments or facilities may be carried out if necessary.
Audits should be designed to control the effectiveness of the supervisory authority, rather than to reject batches of food or individual establishments. In cases where an audit reveals a serious risk to animal or human health, the auditee takes immediate corrective action. The procedure may include a review of the applicable regulations, the terms of application, the assessment of the final result, the degree of compliance with the measures and subsequent corrective actions.
The frequency of audits should be based on efficiency. A low level of efficiency requires an increase in the frequency of audits; an unsatisfactory performance must be corrected by the auditee to the satisfaction of the auditor.
The audits and decisions they motivate must be transparent and consistent.

2 Auditor Principles

The audit team prepares a plan, preferably in accordance with accepted international standards, which covers the following points:
Scope, scope and scope of the audit;
The date and place of the audit, with a timetable of operations until the final report is drawn up;
The language (s) in which the audit will be conducted and the report written;
Identity of auditors and leader in the case of a group of auditors. Specific professional skills may be required to perform audits of specialized systems and programs;
Schedule of meetings with officials and visits to facilities or facilities, if applicable. The identity of establishments or facilities to be visited should not be declared in advance;
Subject to the provisions on freedom of information, the auditor shall be bound by commercial confidentiality. Conflicts of interest should be avoided;
Compliance with the rules of hygiene and safety of work and the rights of the operator.
This plan should be reviewed in advance with the auditee.

3 Principles of Audit

The following principles shall apply to measures taken by the auditee in order to facilitate the audit:
The auditee is required to cooperate closely with the auditor and should designate competent persons for this purpose. Cooperation may cover the following, for example:
Access to all applicable regulations and standards;
Access to appropriate application programs and records and documents;
Access to audit and inspection reports;
Documentation of corrective measures and sanctions;
Access to facilities.
The auditee is required to implement a documented program to demonstrate to third parties that the standards are met on a consistent and consistent basis.

4 Procedures

4.1 Opening session

An opening meeting should be organized by the representatives of both Parties. During the sitting, the auditor will be responsible for reviewing the audit plan and confirming that adequate resources, documents and other necessary resources are available to carry out the audit.

4.2 Document Review

The examination of documents may consist of a review of the documents and records referred to in s. 3.1, the structures and powers of the auditee and any modification of the food inspection and certification systems since the adoption of this Annex or since the previous audit, with an emphasis on the elements of the system Inspection and certification of the animals or products concerned. This may include a review of relevant inspection and certification records and documents.

4.3 On-Site Audit

The decision to include this step should be based on a risk assessment, taking into account certain factors, such as the products concerned, compliance with the requirements of the industrial sector or the exporting country in the past, the volume of Production and import or export, changes in infrastructure and the nature of national inspection and certification systems.
On-site verification may include visits to production and manufacturing facilities, food processing and storage areas and control laboratories, to verify compliance with the information contained therein. In the documents referred to in point 4.2.

4.4 Follow-up Audit

In cases where a follow-up audit is carried out to verify the correction of deficiencies, it may be sufficient to examine the points which have been considered to require correction.

5 Working Papers

The forms for reporting findings and conclusions should be standardised as much as possible, in order to make the audit as uniform, transparent and effective as possible. Working papers may include lists of elements to be evaluated. Such checklists may cover the following:
Structure and operation of inspection and certification services;
Establishment characteristics and operating procedures;
Health statistics, sampling plans and results;
Application measures and procedures;
Notification and appeal procedures;
Training programs.

6 Closing session

A closing session should be organized by the representatives of both Parties, to which, where appropriate, officials involved in the implementation of inspection and certification programmes could participate. During the sitting, the auditor will present the audit findings. The information should be presented in a clear and concise manner so that the conclusions of the audit are clearly understood.
The auditee should draw up an action plan for correcting the deficiencies, preferably accompanied by a timetable for implementation.

7 Report

The draft audit report shall be sent to the auditee as soon as possible. The Committee is invited to take a position on the draft report within one month; any comments made by the auditee are included in the final report.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 10 1

Animal products: border controls and charges

Chapter I General provisions

A. Legislation * 2

European Union


Commission Decision 2004 /292/EC of 30 March 2004 on the implementation of the TRACES system and amending Decision 92 /486/EEC (OJ L 94, 31.3.2004, p. 63);
Regulation (EC) n O 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down general principles and general requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures for Food safety (OJ L 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1).
Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 57;
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 );
Order of 27 August 2008 concerning the import and transit of animal products by air from third countries (OITPA; RS 916.443.13 );
DFI Ordinance of 16 May 2007 on the control of the import and transit of animals and animal products (Ordinance on Controls OITE; RS 916.443.106 );
Order of 30 October 1985 concerning emoluments received by the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs (Ordinance on the Fees of the OSAV; RS 916.472 ).

B. Implementing rules

The Commission, in cooperation with the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs, shall integrate Switzerland into the TRACES computer system, in accordance with Commission Decision 2004 /292/EC.

2. The Commission, in cooperation with the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs, shall integrate Switzerland into the early warning system laid down in Art. 50 of the Regulation (EC) n O 178/2002 with regard to provisions relating to the frontier of animal products.

In the event of a consignment, container or cargo being rejected by a competent authority at a Swiss border crossing of the European Union, the Commission shall immediately notify Switzerland.

Switzerland shall immediately notify the Commission of any cases of rejection, linked to a direct or indirect risk to human health, of a lot, of a container or of a shipment of food or feed, by a competent authority of a Border crossing and respects the rules of confidentiality set out in s. 52 of the Regulation (EC) n O 178/2002.

Specific measures related to this participation are defined in the Joint Veterinary Committee.

Chapter II Veterinary checks on trade between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland

A. Legislation * 3

The veterinary checks applicable in trade between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions:

European Union


Council Directive 89 /608/EEC of 21 November 1989 on mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation between them and the Commission with a view to ensuring the proper application of legislation Veterinary and zootechnical (OJ L 351, 2.12.1989, p. 34);
Council Directive 89 /662/EEC of 11 December 1989 on veterinary checks in intra-Community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (OJ L 395, 30.12.1989, p. 13);
Council Directive 2002/99/EC of 16 December 2002 laying down the health police rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin intended for human consumption (OJ 2002 L 18, 23.1.2003, p. 3. 11);
Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 57;
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 );
Order of 27 August 2008 concerning the import and transit of animal products by air from third countries (OITPA; RS 916.443.13 );
DFI Ordinance of 16 May 2007 on the control of the import and transit of animals and animal products (Ordinance on Controls OITE; RS 916.443.106 );
Order of 28 November 2014 concerning the import, transit and export of pet animals (OITE-AC; RS 916.443.14 );
Order of 30 October 1985 concerning emoluments received by the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs (Ordinance on the Fees of the OSAV; RS 916.472 ).

B. Implementing rules

In the cases provided for in Art. 8 of Directive 89 /662/EEC, the competent authorities of the place of destination shall contact the competent authorities of the place of dispatch without delay. They shall take all necessary measures and shall communicate to the competent authority of the place of dispatch and to the Commission the nature of the checks carried out, the decisions taken and the reasons for those decisions.

Implementation of the provisions of ss. 10, 11 and 16 of Directive 89 /608/EEC and Art. 9 and 16 of Directive 89 /662/EEC is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee.

Chapter III Veterinary checks on imports from third countries

A. Legislation * 4

The controls on imports from third countries shall be carried out in accordance with the following provisions:

European Union


Regulation (EC) n O 136/2004 of the Commission of 22 January 2004 laying down procedures for veterinary checks at Community border inspection posts on imports of products from third countries (OJ L 21, 28.1.2004, p. 11);
Regulation (EC) n O 206/2009 of the Commission of 5 March 2009 concerning the introduction into the Community of personal packages of products of animal origin and amending Regulation (EC) No O 136/2004 (OJ L 77, 24.3.2009, p. 1);
Regulation (EC) n O 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down the specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption (OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 206);
Regulation (EC) n O 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls carried out to ensure compliance with the legislation on food for animals and foodstuffs and with the provisions relating to Animal health and animal welfare (OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1);
Council Directive 89 /608/EEC of 21 November 1989 on mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation between them and the Commission with a view to ensuring the proper application of legislation Veterinary and zootechnical (OJ L 351, 2.12.1989, p. 34);
Council Directive 96 /22/EC of 29 April 1996 on the prohibition of the use of certain substances having a hormonal or thyrostatic effect and of substances to-agonists in animal speculation and repealing Directives 81/602/EEC, 88 /146/EEC and 88 /299/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 3);
Council Directive 96 /23/EC of 29 April 1996 on control measures to be implemented in respect of certain substances and their residues in live animals and their products and repealing Directives 85 /358/EEC and 86 /469/EEC and Decisions 89 /187/EEC and 91 /664/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 10).
Council Directive 97 /78/EC of 18 December 1997 laying down the principles relating to the organisation of veterinary checks for products originating in third countries introduced into the Community (OJ L 24, 30.1.1998, p. 9);
Commission Decision 2002/657/EC of 12 August 2002 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 96 /23/EC as regards the performance of analytical methods and the interpretation of the results (OJ L 221, 17.8.2002, p. 8);
Council Directive 2002/99/EC of 16 December 2002 laying down the health police rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin intended for human consumption (OJ 2002 L 18, 23.1.2003, p. 3. 11);
Commission Decision 2005 /34/EC of 11 January 2005 laying down harmonised standards for the detection of certain residues in products of animal origin imported from third countries (OJ L 16, 20.1.2005, p. 61);
Commission Decision 2007 /275/EC of 17 April 2007 on the lists of animals and products to be checked at border inspection posts in accordance with Council Directives 91 /496/EEC and 97 /78/EC (OJ 2007 L 116, 4.5.2007, p. 9).
Law of 1 Er July 1966 on epizootics (LFE; RS 916.40 ), and in particular his art. 57;
Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).
Order of 27 August 2008 concerning the import and transit of animal products by air from third countries (OITPA; RS 916.443.13 );
DFI Ordinance of 16 May 2007 on the control of the import and transit of animals and animal products (Ordinance on Controls OITE; RS 916.443.106 );
Order of 28 November 2014 concerning the import, transit and export of pet animals (OITE-AC; RS 916.443.14 );
Order of 30 October 1985 concerning emoluments received by the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs (Ordinance on the Fees of the OSAV; RS 916.472 );
Foodstuffs Act of 9 October 1992 (LDAl; RS 817.0 );
Ordinance of 23 November 2005 on foodstuffs and common objects (ODAlOUs, RS 817.02 );
Order of 23 November 2005 on the implementation of the legislation on foodstuffs (RS 817.025.21 );
DFI Ordinance of 26 June 1995 on foreign substances and components in foodstuffs (OSEC; RS 817.021.23 ).

B. Implementing rules

1. For the purposes of applying s. 6 of Directive 97 /78/EC, the border inspection posts of the Member States of the European Union are: the border inspection posts approved for veterinary checks on animal products and listed in Annex I to the Decision 2009 /821/EC as amended.

2. For the purposes of applying s. 6 of Directive 97 /78/EEC, the border inspection posts for Switzerland are as follows:




Inspection Centre

Type of Approval

Zurich Airport



Center 1

Center 2


HC (2) *

Geneva Airport



Center 2

HC (2), NHC *

* By reference to the categories of approval set out in Decision 2009 /821/EC

Subsequent amendments to the list of border inspection posts, their inspection centres and their type of approval are the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee.

The implementation of on-the-spot checks is the responsibility of the Joint Veterinary Committee, in particular in accordance with Art. 45 of the Regulation (EC) n O 882/2004 and art. 57 of the Epizooties Act.

Chapter IV Health conditions and conditions of control of trade between the European Union and Switzerland

For sectors where equivalence is recognised on a reciprocal basis, the animal products traded between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland shall be subject to the same conditions as the products traded Between Member States of the European Union. If necessary, these products shall be accompanied by the health certificates provided for in trade between the Member States of the European Union or defined by this Annex and available in the TRACES system.

For other sectors, the sanitary conditions set out in Chapter II of Appendix 6 shall remain applicable.

Chapter V Health conditions and conditions for the control of imports from third countries

European Union-Legislation * 5

A. Public Health Rules

1. Directive 2009 /32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning extraction solvents used in the manufacture of foodstuffs and their ingredients (OJ L 141, 6.6.2009, p. 3).

2. Regulation (EC) n O 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on flavourings and certain food ingredients with flavouring properties intended for use in and on foodstuffs and amending the Regulation (EEC) No O 1601/91 of the Council, Regulations (EC) n O 2232/96 and (EC) n O 110/2008 and Directive 2000 /13/EC (OJ L 354, 31.12.2008, p. 34).

Regulation (EC) n O 470/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 establishing Community procedures for the fixing of residue limits of pharmacologically active substances in foodstuffs of animal origin, repealing Regulation (EEC) No O 2377/90 of the Council and amending Directive 2001 /82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No O 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 152, 16.6.2009, p. 11).

4. Regulation (EEC) n O Council of 8 February 1993 establishing Community procedures relating to contaminants in foodstuffs (OJ L 37, 13.2.1993, p. 1).

5. Commission Directive 95 /45/EC of 26 July 1995 laying down specific purity criteria for colouring agents which may be used in foodstuffs (OJ L 226, 22.9.1995, p. 1).

6. Council Directive 96 /22/EC of 29 April 1996 on the prohibition of the use of certain substances having a hormonal or thyrostatic effect and of substances to-agonists in animal speculation and repealing Directives 81 /602/EEC, 88 /146/EEC and 88 /299/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 3).

Council Directive 96 /23/EC of 29 April 1996 on the control measures to be implemented in respect of certain substances and their residues in live animals and their products and repealing Directives 85 /358/EEC and 86 /469/EEC and Decisions 89 /187/EEC and 91 /664/EEC (OJ L 125, 23.5.1996, p. 10).

8. Regulations (EU) n O 872/2012 of the Commission of 1 October 2012 adopting the list of flavouring substances provided for in Regulation (EC) No O 2232/96 of the European Parliament and of the Council, introduction of the list in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No O 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Regulation (EC) n O 1565/2000 of the Commission and Commission Decision 1999 /217/EC (OJ L 267, 2.10.2012, p. 1).

9. Directive 1999 /2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 February 1999 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States on foodstuffs and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation (OJ L 66, 13.3.1999, p. 16).

10. Directive 1999 /3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 February 1999 establishing a Community list of foodstuffs and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation (OJ L 66, 13.3.1999, p. 24).

11. Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down the rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (OJ L 147, 31.5.2001, p. 1).

12. Commission Decision 2002/840/EC of 23 October 2002 adopting the list of authorised units in third countries for the irradiation of foodstuffs (OJ L 287, 25.10.2002, p. 40).

13. Regulation (EC) n O 2160/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the control of salmonella and other specific zoonotic agents present in the food chain (OJ L 325, 12.12.2003, p. 1).

14. Regulation (EC) n O 2065/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2003 on smoke flavourings used or intended for use in or on foodstuffs (OJ L 309, 26.11.2003, p. 1).

15. Directive 2004 /41/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 repealing certain directives relating to the hygiene of foodstuffs and the sanitary rules governing the production and placing on the market of certain products Of animal origin for human consumption, and amending Council Directives 89 /662/EEC and 92 /118/EEC and Council Decision 95 /408/EC (OJ L 157, 30.4.2004, p. 33).

16. Regulation (EC) n O 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for foodstuffs of animal origin (OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55).

17. Regulation (EC) n O 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down the specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption (OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 206).

18. Commission Decision 2005 /34/EC of 11 January 2005 laying down harmonised standards for the detection of certain residues in products of animal origin imported from third countries (OJ L 16, 20.1.2005, p. 61).

19. Regulation (EC) n O 401/2006 of the Commission of 23 February 2006 establishing methods for the collection of samples and methods of analysis for the official control of the levels of mycotoxins in foodstuffs (OJ L 70, 9.3.2006, p. 12).

20. Regulation (EC) n O 1881/2006 of the Commission of 19 December 2006 fixing maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs (OJ L 364, 20.12.2006, p. 5).

21. Regulation (EU) n O 252/2012 of the Commission of 21 March 2012 laying down methods for sampling and analysing samples to be used for official control of dioxin, dioxin-like PCBs and PCBs other than dioxin-like PCBs Foodstuffs and repealing Regulation (EC) n O 1883/2006 (OJ L 84, 23.3.2012, p. 1).

22. Regulation (EC) n O 333/2007 of the Commission of 28 March 2007 laying down methods for sampling samples and methods of analysis for the official control of lead, cadmium, mercury, inorganic tin, 3-MCPD and hydrocarbons. Polycyclic aromatic foodstuffs (OJ L 88, 29.3.2007, p. 29).

B. Animal Health Rules

1. Council Directive 92/118/EEC of 17 December 1992 laying down the health police conditions and the sanitary conditions governing trade and imports into the Community of products not subject, as regards those To the specific Community regulations referred to in Annex A Chapter I of Directive 89 /662/EEC and, as regards pathogens, of Directive 90 /425/EEC (OJ L 62, 15.3.1993, p. 49).

2. Regulation (EC) n O 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down the rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (OJ L 147, 31.5.2001, p. 1).

Regulation (EC) n O 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules applicable to animal by-products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No O 1774/2002 (OJ L 300, 14.11.2009, p. 1).

4. Regulation (EU) n O 142/2011 of the Commission of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No O 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules applicable to animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and applying Council Directive 97 /78/EC as regards Certain samples and articles exempted from veterinary checks carried out at the borders under this Directive (OJ L 54, 26.2.2011, p. 1).

5. Council Directive 2002/99/EC of 16 December 2002 laying down the health police rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin intended for human consumption (OJ 2002 L 18, 23.1.2003, p. 3. 11).

6. Council Directive 2006 /88/EC of 24 October 2006 on animal health conditions applicable to animals and aquaculture products, and on the prevention of certain diseases in aquatic animals and control measures Against these diseases (OJ L 328, 24.11.2006, p. 14).

C. Other specific measures * 6

Interim Agreement on Trade and Customs Union between the European Economic Community and the Republic of San Marino-Joint Declaration-Declaration of the Community (OJ L 359, 9.12.1992, p. 14).

2. Decision 94 /1/EC, ECSC of the Council and the Commission of 13 December 1993 on the conclusion of the Agreement on the European Economic Area between the European Communities, their Member States and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Swiss Confederation (OJ L 1, 3.1.1994, p. 1).

3. Council Decision 97 /132/EC of 17 December 1996 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and New Zealand on health measures applicable to trade in live animals and animal products (OJ 1996 L 57, 26.2.1997, p. 4).

4. Council Decision 97 /345/EC of 17 February 1997 concerning the conclusion of the Protocol on veterinary matters supplementary to the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Principality of Andorra (OJ 1997 L 148 of 6.6.1997, p. 15).

5. Council Decision 98 /258/EC of 16 March 1998 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on sanitary measures for the protection of public and animal health applicable to trade Live animals and animal products (OJ L 118, 21.4.1998, p. 1).

6. Council Decision 98 /504/EC of 29 June 1998 on the conclusion of the interim agreement on trade and accompanying measures between the European Community, of the one part, and the United Mexican States, of the other part (OJ L 226, 13.8.1998, P. 24).

7. Council Decision 1999 /201/EC of 14 December 1998 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Government of Canada on public health and animal health protection measures applicable to trade Live animals and animal products (OJ L 71, 18.3.1999, p. 1).

8. Council Decision 1999 /778/EC of 15 November 1999 concerning the conclusion of a protocol on veterinary matters, complementary to the agreement between the European Community, of the one part, and the Government of Denmark and the local government Of the Faroe Islands (OJ L 305, 30.11.1999, p. 25).

9. Protocol 1999 /1130/EC on veterinary matters supplementary to the Agreement between the European Community, of the one part, and the Government of Denmark and the Local Government of the Faroe Islands, of the other part (OJ L 305, 30.11.1999, p. 26).

10. Council Decision 2002/979/EC of 18 November 2002 on the signature and provisional application of certain provisions of an agreement establishing an association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Chile, of the other part (OJ L 352, 30.12.2002, p. 1).

2. Switzerland-Legislation * 7

Order of 18 April 2007 concerning the import, transit and export of animals and animal products (OITE; RS 916.443.10 ).
Order of 27 August 2008 concerning the import and transit of animal products by air from third countries (OITPA; RS 916.443.13 ).

3. Implementing rules

The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs shall, at the same time with the Member States of the European Union, apply the import conditions set out in the acts referred to in Chapter I of this Appendix. Application and the lists of establishments from which the corresponding imports are authorised. This undertaking shall apply to all appropriate acts irrespective of their date of adoption.
The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs may adopt more restrictive measures and may require additional safeguards. Consultations will be held in the Joint Veterinary Committee with a view to seeking appropriate solutions.
The Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs and the Member States of the European Union shall notify each other of the specific import conditions established on a bilateral basis not subject to harmonisation at the level of The Union.
The border inspection posts of the Member States of the European Union referred to in Chapter III, Part B, point (1) of this Appendix shall carry out the checks on imports from third countries and destined for Switzerland in accordance with Provisions of Chapter III, Part A of this Appendix.
The border inspection posts of Switzerland referred to in Chapter III, Part B, point (2) of this Appendix shall carry out the checks on imports from third countries and destined for the Member States of the European Union in accordance with the Chapter III, Part A, of this Appendix.
Under the provisions of the order of 27 August 2008 concerning the import and transit of animal products by air from third countries (OITPA; RS 916.443.13 ), the Swiss Confederation maintains the possibility of importing beef from cattle potentially treated with promoters of growth. The export of this meat to the European Union is prohibited. In addition, the Swiss Confederation:
Limit the use of such meat for the sole purpose of direct consumer rebate by retail establishments under appropriate labelling conditions;
Limit their introduction to Swiss border inspection posts only;
Maintains an adequate traceability and channelling system aimed at preventing any possibility of subsequent entry into the territory of the Member States of the European Union;
Submits once a year a report to the Commission on the origin and destination of imports and a statement of the checks carried out in order to ensure compliance with the abovementioned conditions;
In case of concern, these provisions will be examined by the Joint Veterinary Committee.

Chapter VI Royalties

1. No charges shall be levied for veterinary checks applicable to trade between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland.

2. For veterinary checks on imports from third countries, the Swiss authorities undertake to collect the fees related to the official controls provided for in Regulation (EC) No O 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls carried out to ensure compliance with the legislation on food for animals and foodstuffs and with the provisions relating to Animal health and animal welfare (OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1).

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Veterinary Committee of 17 Dec. 2015, in force since 17 Dec. 2015, with effect from 1 Er Jan 2015 ( RO 2016 819 ).
2 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
3 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
4 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
5 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
6 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.
7 * Any reference to an act means, in the absence of an indication to the contrary, as an audit reference as amended before 31 December 2014.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 11 1

Contact Points

I. For the European Union:

The Director

Veterinary and International Affairs

Health and Food Safety Branch

European Commission

1049 Brussels, Belgium

II. For Switzerland:

The Director

Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs

3003 Berne, Switzerland

1 New content according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2015 of the Joint Veterinary Committee of 17 Dec. 2015, in force since 17 Dec. 2015, with effect from 1 Er Jan 2015 ( RO 2016 819 ).

State 1 Er January 2016

Annex 12 1

Relative to the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs

Art. 1 Objectives

The Parties agree to promote, inter alia, the harmonious development of designations of origin and geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs (hereinafter referred to as "IGs"), and to facilitate, through their Protection, bilateral trade flows of agricultural products and foodstuffs benefiting from GIs within the meaning of their respective regulations.

Art. 2 Legislative provisions of the Parties

1. The laws of the Parties relating to the protection of IGs in their respective territories allow for a uniform procedure of protection which meets the common objectives of the Parties.

2. These laws include:

An administrative procedure for verifying that the IGs correspond well with agricultural products or foodstuffs originating in a particular region or place, including a specified quality, reputation or other Characteristics can be attributed to this geographical origin;
An obligation that the protected IGs correspond to specific products, which meet a number of conditions listed in a specification, and that those conditions can only be amended in the context of that procedure Administrative;
Implementation of protection by the Parties through official controls;
The right for any producer established in the geographical area concerned and who submits to the control system to benefit from the IG in question, provided that the products concerned comply with the specifications in force;
A procedure prior to protection, allowing any natural or legal person having a legitimate interest to assert his rights by notifying his opposition, in particular if it is the holder of a well-known mark, well-known or well-known and which Exists for a long time.
Art. 3 Pre-protection procedures under the Agreement

Each Party shall submit to a public review and consultation the IGs of the other Party.

Art. 4 Object of Protection

Each Party shall protect the IGs of the other Party listed in Appendix 1.

2. This appendix is likely to be completed in accordance with the procedure referred to in Art. 16.

3. Protection under this Annex shall not prejudice the processing of an individual application for registration in accordance with the respective procedures of the Parties.

Art. 5 Scope of application

By way of derogation from art. 1 of the Agreement, this Annex shall apply to the IGs of Appendix 1, designating products covered by the laws of both Parties as set out in Appendix 2.

Art. 6 Eligibility for protection

The IGs of the Parties shall, in order to be eligible for the protection provided for in this Annex, be previously protected in their respective territories and shall originate from the Parties.

2. The Parties are not obliged to protect an IG of the other Party that is no longer protected in the territory of the other Party.

Art. 7 Scope of protection

1. The IGs listed in Appendix 1 may be used by any operator marketing the products in accordance with the relevant specifications in force.

2. Direct or indirect commercial use of a protected IG is prohibited:

For a comparable product not in accordance with the specification;
For an uncomparable product as long as this use exploits the reputation of this IG.

3. Coverage shall apply in the case of usurpation, imitation or evocation, even if:

The indication of the true origin of the product is indicated;
The name in question is used in translation, transliteration or transcription;
The name used is accompanied by terms such as "type", "type", "manner", "imitation", "method" or other similar expressions.

4. The IGs are also protected against:

Any false or deceptive indication as to the true origin of the product, its source, method of production, its nature or its substantial qualities on the packaging, packaging, advertising or documents relating to the Product;
Any use of a container or packaging to create an erroneous impression on the origin of the product;
Any use of the shape of the product, where the product is distinctive;
Any other practice liable to mislead the public as to the true origin of the product.

5. The IGs listed in Appendix 1 cannot become generic.

Art. 8 Special provisions for certain denominations

The protection of the IG "Bündnerfleisch (Viande des Grisons)" of Switzerland set out in Appendix 1 shall not constitute an obstacle for a transitional period of three years from the entry into force of this Annex to the use on the territory of Of the Union of that name to designate and present certain comparable non-originating products of Switzerland.

The protection of the following IGs of the Union set out in Appendix 1 shall not constitute an obstacle for a transitional period of three years from the entry into force of this Annex to the use in the territory of Switzerland of the Corresponding names to designate and present certain comparable non-originating products of the Union:

Salame di Varzi;
Schwarzwälder Schinken.

3. The protection of the following IGs of Switzerland set out in Appendix 1 shall not preclude a transitional period of five years from the entry into force of this Annex to the use in the territory of the Union of Names Corresponding to designate and present certain comparable non-originating products of Switzerland:


The protection of the following IGs of the Union set out in Appendix 1 shall not constitute an obstacle for a transitional period of five years from the entry into force of this Annex to the use in the territory of Switzerland of names To designate and present certain comparable non-originating products of the Union:

ÖÝôá (Feta);
Grana Padano (including the term "Grana" used on its own).

5. The following homonymous IGs of Switzerland and the Union, set out in Appendix 1, shall be protected and may coexist:

Vacherin Mont-d ' Or (Switzerland) and "Vacherin du Haut-Doubs" or "Mont d' Or" (Union).

Where appropriate, specific labelling measures are foreseen in order to distinguish the products and to exclude any risk of deception.

6. The protection of the IGs "Grana Padano" and "Parmigiano Reggiano" does not exclude, for products intended for the Swiss market, and for which all measures are taken to ensure that they are not re-exported, that the grating and packaging (y They shall be carried out on the territory of Switzerland for a transitional period of six years from the entry into force of this Annex and without the right to use the symbols and References to the Union for these IGs.

7. The IG "Gruyère" on the one hand, and the IGs "ÃñáâéÝñá ÊñÞôçò (Graviera Kritis)", "ÃñáâéÝñá ÁãñÜöùí (Graviera Agrafon)", "ÊåöáëïãñáâéÝñá (Kefalograviera)" and "ÃñáâéÝñá ÍÜîïão (Graviera Naxou)" on the other hand, designate clearly distinct cheeses In particular by their specific geographical origin, their method of manufacture and their organoleptic properties. In this context, the Parties undertake to take all necessary measures to avoid and, where appropriate, stop any misuse or likelihood of confusion between the IG "Gruyère" and the term "ÃñáâéÝñá/Graviera" in the Compliance with the provisions of ss. 13 and 15.

In this respect, the Parties agree, inter alia, that the term "ÃñáâéÝñá/Graviera" cannot, under any circumstances, be translated as "Gruyère", and vice versa.

Art. Relationship to Trademarks

1. Without prejudice to s. 2 of this Article, for the IGs referred to in Appendix 1, the registration of a trade mark corresponding to one of the situations referred to in Art. 7 shall be refused or invalidated, either ex officio or at the request of an interested Party, in accordance with the legislation of each Party. This general obligation applies in particular to the fact that the application for registration of a mark corresponding to the situation provided for in Art. 7, para. 2, let. Be refused in accordance with the legislation of each Party. Trademarks that are not registered in accordance with the above are invalidated.

2. A mark, the use of which corresponds to one of the situations referred to in Art. 7 and in good faith has been registered, registered-or established by use, if that possibility is provided for in the legislation-in the territory of the Party concerned, before the date of entry into force of this Annex, without prejudice to art. 16, para. 3, may continue to be used and renewed notwithstanding the protection of an IG via this Annex, provided that no grounds for nullity or lapse, within the meaning of the laws of the Parties, weigh on that mark.

Art. 10 Relationship to international agreements

This Annex shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Parties under the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization 1 , as well as any other multilateral agreement on intellectual property law to which Switzerland and the Union are Contracting Parties.

Art. 11 Quality to act

The right to act in order to ensure the protection of the IGs in Appendix 1 extends to natural and legal persons legitimately concerned, in particular the federations, associations and organisations of established producers, traders or consumers Or whose seat is established in the territory of the other Party.

Art. 12 Mentions and Symbols

In view of the convergence of the laws of the Parties indicated in Art. 2, each Party shall permit in its territory the marketing of products which may be covered by this Annex and shall bear the references and possible official symbols relating to the IGs, used by the other Party.

Art. 13 Implementation of the Annex and implementing measures

The Parties shall implement the protection provided for in Art. 7 by any appropriate administrative action or legal action, where appropriate at the request of the other Party.

Art. 14 Border Measures

The Parties shall take all necessary measures to enable their respective customs authorities to detain at the border the products on which there is a suspicion that a GI protected by this Annex has been unlawfully removed and which are For import into the customs territory of a Party, export from the customs territory of a Party, re-export, free zone or free warehouse placement, or be placed under one of the following schemes: transit International, customs warehousing, inward or outward processing, or temporary admission On the customs territory of a Party.

Art. 15 Bilateral cooperation

1. The Parties shall assist each other.

2. The Parties shall exchange, regularly or at the request of a Party, any information useful for the proper functioning of this Annex, in particular as regards the evolution of the laws and regulations of the Parties or their IGs (modifications of the terms, symbols and logos; substantial modifications to the specification, cancellation, etc.).

3. The Parties shall inform themselves where one of them, in the context of negotiations with a third country, proposes to protect an IG for an agricultural product or a foodstuff from that third country and that this name has the same name as a protected IG The other Party, in order to give the latter the opportunity to issue an opinion on the protection of the IG in question.

4. The Parties shall consult each other when a Party considers that the other Party has failed to fulfil an obligation arising out of this Annex.

The Committee shall consider any matter relating to the implementation of this Annex, as well as to its development. The Committee may, in particular, decide on amendments to art. 8 and, where appropriate, practical conditions of use to differentiate between homonymous IGs.

6. The working group "AOP/IGP" established under Art. 6, para. 7 of the Agreement shall assist the Committee at the request of the Committee.

Art. 16 Review Clause

1. With regard to newly registered IGs on both sides, the Parties shall carry out the examination and consultation provided for in Art. 3, for protection. The insertion of new IGs in Appendix 1 shall be in accordance with the procedures of the Committee.

2. The Parties undertake to examine the case of the IGs which are not listed in Appendix 1 no later than two years after the entry into force of this Annex.

3. The date referred to in s. 9, para. 2, is the transmission of the application to the other Party.

4. The Parties shall consult each other for further revisions to the Annex.

5. The implementing rules not provided for in this Annex shall, where appropriate, be decided by the Committee.

Art. 17 Transitional provisions

1. Without prejudice to s. 8, the products covered by the IGs set out in Appendix 1 which, at the time of entry into force of this Annex, have been produced, designated and presented lawfully in a manner consistent with the law or the internal rules of the Parties, but Prohibited by this Annex, may be marketed until stocks are exhausted, to the maximum for a period of two years from the entry into force of this Annex.

(2) The above transitional provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis to the IGs subsequently added to Appendix 1 under Art. 16.

3. Except as otherwise provided by the Committee, the marketing of products developed, designated and presented in accordance with this Annex, but whose production, designation, presentation lose their conformity following a modification of the The said annex, may continue until stocks are depleted.

1 Introduced by the Annex to the Ac. Of 17 May 2011 between Switzerland and the EU on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs ( RO 2011 5149 6075). Update according to Art. 1 of D n O 1/2014 of the Joint Committee on Agriculture of 9 Apr. 2014, in force since 9 Apr. 2014 (RO 2014 1057).

Appendix 1

Lists of respective IGs being protected by the other Party

1. List of Swiss IGs

Product type


Protection (1)


Munder Safran



Berner Alpkäse/Berner Hobelkäse


Formaggio de alpe ticinese


The Etivaz




Raclette du Valais/Walliser Raclette




Head of Moine/Cheese of Bellelay


Fribourg Vacherin


Vacherin Mont-d ' Or


Werdenberger Sauerkäse/Liechtensteiner Sauerkäse /



Botzi Poire



Genevan Spiny Cardon


Meat and charcuterie products:

Glarner Kalberwurst




Sausage of Ajoie


Neuchâtel Sausage/Neuchâtel Sausage


Saucisson vaudois


Sausage aux choux Vaudoise


St. Galler Bratwurst/St. Galler Kalbsbratwurst




Dried meat of Valais


Bakery Products:

Valaisan/Walliser Roggenbrot rye bread


Milling products:

Rheintaler Ribel/Ribel


(1) In accordance with the legislation of the Union in force, as set out in Appendix 2.

2. List of Union IGs

The product classes are set out in Annex II to the EC Regulation n O 1898/2006 (OJ L 369, 23.12.2006, p. 1)


Transcription in Latin characters

Protection (1)

Product Type

Gailtaler Almkäse



Gailtaler Speck






Mostviertler Birnmost



Steirischer Kren



Steirisches Kürbiskernöl



Tiroler Almkäse; Tiroler Alpkäse



Tiroler Bergkäse



Tiroler Graukäse



Tiroler Speck



Vorarlberger Alpkäse



Vorarlberger Bergkäse



Wachauer Marille



Waldviertler Graumohn



Butter of Ardenne



Brussels grondwitloof



Cheese of Herve



Gentse azalea



Geraardsbergse Mattentaart



Jambon d' Ardenne



Pasted Pasta



Vlaams-Brabantse Tafeldruif



Ãîðíîîðõîâñêè ñóäæóê

Gornooryahovski sudzhuk



Ëïõêïé �é ÃåñïóêÞðïão

Loukoumi Geroskipou



Bøeznický ležák



Brnìnské pivo/Starobrnìnské pivo



Budìjovické pivo



Budìjovický mìšanský var



Eerná Hora



Èeské pivo



Eeskobudìjovické pivo



Èeský kmín



Chamomilla bohemica



Chodské pivo



Hoøy trubièky



Jihoèeská Niva



Jihoèeská Zlatá Niva



Karlovarské oplatky



Karlovarské trojhránky



Karlovarský suchar



Lomnické suchary



Mariánskolázeòské oplatky



Nošovické kysané zelí



Olomoucké tvarùžky



Pardubický perník



Pohoøelický kapr



Štramberské uši



Tøeboòský kapr



Všestarská cibule



Žatecký chmel



Znojemské pivo



Aachener Printen



Allgäuer Bergkäse



Altenburger Ziegenkäse



Ammerländer Dielenrauchschinken; Ammerländer Katenschinken



Ammerländer Schinken; Ammerländer Knochenschinken



Bayerischer Meerrettich; Bayerischer Kren



Bayerisches Bier



Bayerisches Rindfleisch/Rindfleisch aus Bayern



Bremer Bier



Bremer Klaben



Diepholzer Moorschnucke



Dortmund Bier



Dresdner/Dresdner Stollen/Dresdner/Dresdner



Feldsalat von der Insel Reichenau



Göttinger Feldkieker



Göttinger Stracke



Greußener Salami



Gurken von der Insel Reichenau



Halberstädter Würstchen



Hessischer Apfelwein



Hessischer Handkäse/Hessischer Handkäs



Hofer Bier



Hofer Rindfleischwurst



Holsteiner Karpfen



Hopfen aus der Hallertau






Kulmbacher Bier



Lausitzer Leinöl



Lübecker Marzipan



Lüneburger Heidekartoffeln



Lüneburger Heidschnucke



Mainfranken Bier



Meißner Fummel



Münchener Bier



Nieheimer Käse



Nürnberger Bratwürste; Nürnberger Rostbratwürste



Nürnberger Lebkuchen



Oberpfälzer Karpfen



Odenwälder Frühstückskäse



Reuther Bier



Rheinisches Apfelkraut



Salate von der Insel Reichenau



Salzwedeler Baumkuchen



Schrobenhausener Spargel/Spargel aus dem Schrobenhausener Land/Spargel aus dem Anbaugebiet Schrobenhausen



Schwäbische Maultaschen; Schwäbische Suppenmaultaschen



Schwäbisch-Hällisches Qualitätsschweinefleisch



Schwarzwälder Schinken






Spreewälder Gurken



Spreewälder Meerrettich



Tettnanger Hopfen



Thüringer Leberwurst



Thüringer Rostbratwurst



Thüringer Rotwurst



Tomaten von der Insel Reichenau












¢ ãéïïò Ìáôèáßïò ÊÝñêõñáò

Agios Mattheos Kerkyras



Áêôéíßäéï Ðéåñßáò

Aktinidio Pierias



Áêéíßäéï Óðåñåéïý

Aktinidio Sperchiou







Áðïêïñþíáò ×áíßùí ÊñÞôçò

Apokoronas Chanion Kritis



ÁñíÜêé Åëáóüíáò

Arnaki Elassonas



ÁñécÜíåò ÇñáêëåßïñÞôção

Arxanes Irakliou Kritis



ÁõãïôÜñáï " Ìåóïëïããßïão

Avgotaracho Messolongiou



ÂéÜííííïò Çñáêëåßïção

Viannos Irakliou Kritis



Âüñåéïò Ìõëïðüôáìïò Ñåèýìíçò ÊñÞôçò

Vorios Mylopotamos Rethymnis Kritis







ÃñáâéÝñá ÁãñÜöùí

Graviera Agrafon



ÃñáâéÝñá ÊñÞôçò

Graviera Kritis



ÃñáâéÝñá ÍÜîïão

Graviera Naxou



ÅëéÜ ÊáëáìÜôáò

Elia Kalamatas



Åîáéñåôéêü ðáñèÝíï åëáéüëáäï "Ôñééæçíßá"

Exeretiko partheno eleolado "Trizinia"



Åîáéñåôéêü ðáñèÝíï åëáéüëáäï Èñáøáíü

Exeretiko partheno eleolado Thrapsano



Åîáéñåôéêü ÐáñèÝíï Åëáéüëáäï ÓÝëéíï ÊñÞôçò

Exeretiko Partheno Eleolado Selino Kritis











Eñïýìðá ÁìðáäéÜò Ñåèýìíçò ÊñÞôçò

Throumpa Ampadias Rethymnis Kritis



Èñïýìðá ÈÜóïão

Throumpa Thassou



Èñïýìðá ×ßïão

Throumpa Chiou



ÊáëáèÜêé ËÞíïão

Kalathaki Limnou











ÄïÃïêïêé Äïíïêïse

Katiki Domokou



BEEN Åëáóóüíáò

Katsikaki Elassonas



Êåëõöùôü öõóôßêé Öèééééäáò

Kelifoto, Fthiotidas



ÊåñÜóéá ôñáãáíÜ Ñïäïese

Kerassia Tragana Rodochoriou











ÊïeõìâÜñé ×áíßùí ÊñÞôçò

Kolymvari Chanion Kritis



E�íóåñâïééÜ Áìößóóçò

Konservolia Amfissis



E�ïíóåñâïééÜ Áñôáò

Konservolia Artas



ÉïíóåñâïééÜ ÁôáëÜíôçò

Konservolia Atalantis



E�ïíóåñâïéÜ Ðçë�ßïão Âüëïïão

Konservolia Piliou Volou



�ïíóåñâïééÜ Ñïâßùí

Konservolia Rovion



E�íóåñâïééÜ Óôõëßäáò

Konservolia Stylidas







E�ïñéíèéáêÞ Óôáößäá Âïóôßôóá

Korinthiaki Stafida Vostitsa



Êïõì ÊïõÜô ÊÝñêõñáò

Koum kuat Kerkyras



Êñáíßäé Áñãïëßäáò

Kranidi Argolidas



Eöçôéêü ðáîé�äé

Kritiko paximadi



ÊñïêåÝò Ëáêùíßáò

Krokees Lakonias



E�ñüêï� �ïæÜíç�

Krokos Kozanis



Ëáäïôýñé ÌõôéëÞíçò

Ladotyri Mytiline







ËÝóâïò; ÌõôéëÞíç

Lesvos; Mytilini



Ëões Áóêëçðéåßïíção

Lygourio Asklipiiou







Ìáóôßàá ×ßïão

Masticha Chiou



Ìá�ôé÷Ýëáéï ×ßïéï

Mastichelaio Chiou



ÌÝëé ÅëÜôç� ÌáéíÜëïëéá Âáíßëéá

Meli Elatis Menalou Vanilia







ÌÞëá ÆáãïñÜò Ðçëßïão

Mila Zagoras Piliou



ÌÞëá Íôåëßóéïõò ÐéëáöÜ Ôñéðüëåùò

Mila Delicious Pilafa Tripoleos



ÌÞëï ÊáóôïéÜò

Milo Kastorias







ÎåñÜ óýìççò

Xera syka Kymis



Îýãáëï Óçôåßáò/Îßãáëï Óçôåßáò

Xygalo Siteias/Xigalo Siteias



Îõíïìõèñá ÊñÞôçò

Xynomyzithra Kritis







ÐáôÜôá ÊÜôù Íåõñïêïðßïão

Patata Kato Nevrokopiou



ÐáôÜôá ÍÜîïão

Patata Naxou



ÐåæÜ Çñáêëåßôção

Peza Irakliou Kritis



ÐÝôñéíá Ëáêùíßáò

Petrina Lakonias



Ðção üãáëï ×áíßùí

Pichtogalo Chanion



Ðïñôïééá ÌÜëåìå ×áíßùí ÊñÞôç�

Portokalia Maleme Chanion Kritis







ÑïäÜêéíá ÍÜïõóáò

Rodakina Naoussas











Óáí ÌéÜëç

San Michali



Óçôåßá ËáóéèßïÃŽñÞôção

Sitia Lasithiou Kritis



Óôáößäá Æáêýíèïão

Stafida Zakynthou



Óôáößäá Çëåßáò

Stafida Ilias



Óýêá Âñáâñþíáò Ìáñêïðé�ëïïííïïííïííïííïíïíïíïíïíïíí

Syka Vavronas Markopoulou Messongion







Ôóáêþíéêç ìåëéôæÜíá Ëåùíéäßïão

Tsakoniki Melitzana Leonidiou



Ôóßßëá ×ßïão

Tsikla Chiou



ÖÜâá Óáíôïñßíçò

Fava Santorinis



Öáóüëéá (Ãßãáíôåò ÅëÝöáíôåò) Ðñåóðþí Öëþñéíáò

Fassolia Gigantes Elefantes Prespon Florinas



Öáóüëéá (ðëáêÝ ìåãáëüóðåñìá) Ðñåóðþí Öëþñéíáò

Fassolia (movable megalosperma) Prespon Florinas



Öáóüëéá ãßãáíôåò-åëÝöáíôåò ÊáóôïéÜò

Fassolia Gigantes Elefantes Kastorias



Öáóüëéá ãßãáíôåò åëÝöáíôå� �Üôù Íåõñïêïðßïão

Fassolia Gigantes Elefantes Kato Nevrokopiou



Öáóüëéá êïéíÜ ìåóüóðåñìá ÊÜôù Íåõñïêïðßïão

Fassolia kina Messosperma Kato Nevrokopiou







Öéñßêé Ðçëßïão

Firiki Piliou



Öïéíßêé Ëáêùíßáò

Finiki Lakonias



ÖïñìáÝëëá ÁñÜ÷ùâáò Ðáñíáóóïý

Formaella Arachovas Parnassou



Öõóôßêé Áßãéíáò

Fystiki Eginas



Öõóôßêé ÌåãÜñùí

Fystiki Megaron



×áíéÜ ÊñÞôção

Chania Kritis



Aceite Campo de Calatrava



Aceite Campo de Montiel



Aceite de La Alcarria



Aceite of the Rioja



Aceite de Mallorca; Aceite mallorquín; Oli de Mallorca; Oli mallorquí



Terra Alta Aceite; Terra Alta Oli



Aceite del Baix Ebre-Montsià; Oli del Baix Ebre-Montsià



Aceite del Bajo Aragón



Aceite Monterrubio



Afuega'l Pitu



Ajo Morado de las Pedroñeras



Alcachofa de Benicarló; Carxofa de Benicarló



Alcachofa of Tudela



Medina Sidonia Alfajor



Alubia de La Bãneza-León






Arroz de Valencia; Arròs de València



Arroz del Delta del Ebro; Arròs del Delta de l' Ebre






Avellana de Reus



Azafrán de la Mancha






Berenjena de Almagro



Botillo del Bierzo



Caballa de Andalucia









Calçot de Valls



Carne de Ávila



Cantabria Carne



Sierra de Guadarrama Carne



Carne de Morucha de Salamanca



Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco; Euskal Okela



Castaña de Galicia






Cecina de León



Cereza del Jerte



Cerezas de la Montaña de Alicante



Chirimoya of the Costa Tropical of Granada-Malaga



Chorizo of Cantimpalos



Chorizo Riojano



Chosco of Tineo



Chufa of Valencia



Cítricos Valencianos; Cítrics Valencians



Clementinas de las Tierras del Ebro; Clementines de les Terres de l' Ebre



Calahorra Coliflor



Cordero de Extremadura



Cordero de Navarra; Nafarroako Arkumea



Cordero Manchego



Dehesa of Extremadura



Ensaimada de Mallorca; Ensaimada mallorquina



Espárrago de Huétor-Tájar



Navarra Espárrago






Faba Asturiana



Faba de Lourenzá



Gamoneu; Gamonedo



Garbanzo de Fuentesaúco






Grelos of Galicia









Jamón de Huelva



Jamón de Teruel



Jamón de Trevélez






Judías de El Barco de Ávila



Kaki Ribera del Xúquer



Lacón Gallego



Lechazo de Castilla y León



Lenteja de La Armuña



Lenteja Pardina de Tierra de Campos



The Garrigues



Los Pedrocks






Mantecadas of Astorga



Mantecados de Estepa



Mantequilla de l' Alt Urgell y la Cerdanya; Mantega de l' Alt Urgell i la Cerdanya



Mantequilla de Soria



Manzana de Girona; Poma de Girona



Manzana Reineta del Bierzo



Mazapán de Toledo



Mejillón de Galicia; Mexillón de Galicia



Melocotón de Calanda



Melón de la Mancha



Melva de Andalucia



Miel de Galicia; Mel de Galicia



Miel of Granada



Miel of La Alcarria



Mongeta del Ganxet



Montes de Granada



Montes of Toledo






Nísperos Callosa d' En Sarriá



Pan of Cea



Pan de Cruz de Ciudad Real



Pataca de Galicia; Patata de Galicia



Prades Patatas; Patates de Prades



Pemento da Arnoia



Pemento de Herbón



Pemento de Oímbra



Pemento do Couto



Pera of Jumilla



Pera de Lleida



Rincón de Soto's Peras



Picón Bejes-Tresviso



Pimentón de la Vera



Pimentón de Murcia



Pimiento Asado del Bierzo



Pimiento de Gernika or Gernikako Piperra



Pimiento Riojano



Pimientos del Piquillo de Lodosa



Pollo y Capón del Prat



Pony of Granada



Priego of Córdoba



Queso Store



Queso de Flor de Guía/Queso de Media Flor de Guía/Queso de Guía



Queso de La Serena



Queso de l' Alt Urgell y la Cerdanya



Queso de Murcia



Queso de Murcia al vino



Queso de Valdeón



Queso Ibores



Queso Majorero



Queso Manchego



Queso Nata de Cantabria



Queso Palmero; Queso de la Palma



Queso Tetilla



Queso Zamorano



Quesucos de Liébana






Salchichón de Vic; Llonganissa de Vic



San Simón da Costa



Sidra of Asturias; Sidra of Asturias



Sierra de Cadiz



Sierra de Cazorla



Sierra de Segura



Sierra Mágina






Sobao Pasiego



Sobrasada of Mallorca



Tarta of Santiago



Ternasco de Aragón



Ternera Asturiana



Ternera of Extremadura



Ternera de Navarra; Nafarroako Aratxea



Ternera Gallega



Torta del Casars



Turrón de Agramunt; Torró d' Agramunt



Turrón de Alicante



Uva de mesa embolsada "Vinalopó"



Jerez Vinagre



Vinagre del Condado de Huelva



Kainuun rönttönen



Lapin Poron kuivaliha



Lapin Poron kylmäsavuliha



Lapin Poron liha



Lapin Puikula






Lamb of the Aveyron



Agneau of Lozère



Pauillac Lamb



Lamb of the Périgord



Lamb of Sisteron



Agneau of the Bourbonnais



Limousin lamb



Poitou-Charentes Lamb



Agneau du Quercy



White Ail of Lomagne



Ail of the Drôme



Ail rose of Lautrec



Anchois of Collioure



Landes sand Asperge













Bergamot (s) of Nancy



Butter Charentes-Poitou; Beurre des Charentes; Butter des Deux-Sèvres



Butter of Isigny



Auvergne Blue



Blue of Gex Upper Jura; Blue of Sepmoncel



Blue of Causses



Green-Sassenage Blue



Beef Cattle of the Bourbonnais



Bazas' Beef



Chalosse Beef



Beef of Vendée



Maine Beef



White Rodin of Rethel



Brie of Meaux



Brie of Melun



Venetian Brioche



Brocciu Corse; Brocciu



Camembert of Normandy



Southwestern foie gras (Chalosse, Gascogne, Gers, Landes, Périgord, Quercy)



Cantal; Cantal Forme; Cantalet



Poitou Chabichou






Moissac's Chasselas






Cidre de Bretagne; Cidre Breton



Cidre de Normandie; Cidre Normand



Clementine of Corsica



Coco de Paimpol






Coquille Saint-Jacques des Côtes d' Armor






Isigny's Cream



Fresh smooth cream of Alsace



Crottin de Chavignol; Chavignol



Bresse Dinde









Farine de Wheat noir de Bretagne/Farine de blé noir de Bretagne-Gwinizh du Breizh



Farine de chestnut corse/Farina castagnina corsa



Farine of Petit Epeautre de Haute Provence



Figue de Solliès



Foin de Crau



Fourme d' Ambert; Fourme de Montbrison



Périgord strawberry



Generisse Fleur d' Aubrac






Olive oil of Aix-en-Provence



Olive oil of Corsica; Olive oil of Corse-Oliu di Corsica



Olive oil of Haute-Provence



Olive oil of the Vallée des Baux-de-Provence



Olive Oil of Nice



Olive Oil of Nîmes



Olive oil of Nyons



Essential oil of lavender in Haute-Provence



Oysters Marennes Oléron



Bayonne Jambon



Jambon de l' Ardèche



Dry ham and dry ham of the Ardennes



Adour Kiwi









Puy Green Lens



Berry Green Lentils



Northern Lingot






Nantaise Mâche









Maroilles; Marolles



Melon of the Upper Poitou



Melon du Quercy



Honey of Alsace



Miel de Corse; Mele di Corsica



Honey of Provence



Miel de fir des Vosges



Mirabelles of Lorraine



Sold Mogette



Mont d' or; Vacherin du Haut-Doubs






Moules de Bouchot de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel



Mustard of Burgundy



Munster; Munster-Gerster



Ventoux Muscat






Grenoble Noix



Noix of Perigord



Loué Eggs



Goose of Anjou



Soft Onion of the Cévennes



Nice Olive



Olive of Nîmes



Broken Olives of the Valley of the Baux-de-Provence



Black Olives of the Valley of the Baux of Provence



Black Olives of Nyons






Pastes of Alsace



Auge; Pays d' Auge-Cambremer






Petit Épeautre de Haute-Provence






Spacing pepper; Espelette chili-Ezpeletako Biperra



Drôme's Pintadeau



Leeks of Creations



Potato of the Island of Ré



Limousin Pomme



Apples of Alpes de Haute Durance



Potatoes of Merville



Apples and Pears of Savoy



Pont-l ' Bishop



Auvergne Pork



Franche-Comté Pork



Pork of the Sarthe



Pork of Normandy



Vendée Pork



Pork of the Limousin






Pruneaux d' Agen; Pruneaux d' Agen mi-cuits



Dauphiné Raviole



Reblochon; Reblochon of Savoy



Riz of Camargue









Sainte-Maure de Touraine









Morteau's Sausage/Jesus of Morteau



Saucisson of the Ardèche






Taurus of Camargue



Volume of the Bauges



Tomme of Savoy



Tomme of Pyrenees






Veau de l' Aveyron et du Ségala



Limousin Veau



Volailles of Alsace



Volailles of Ancenis



Volailles of Auvergne



Poultry of Burgundy



Bresse's Poultry



Volailles of Brittany



Wheels of Challans



Cholet's Poultry



Gascony's Poultry



Houdan's Poultry



Janzé's Poultry



Volailles of the Champagne



Drôme's Poultry



Ain's Poultry



Licks of Licques



Poultry of the Orléanais



Loué's Poultry



Volailles of Normandy



Vendée Sizes



Landes' Poultry



Bearn's Poultry



Berry's Poultry



Poultry of the Charolais



Forez's Poultry



Volailles of the Gatinais



Gers' Poultry



Volailles of the Languedoc



Volailles of Lauragais



Maine Poultry



Langres Plateau Poultry



Sèvres Val Volailles



Volailles of the Velay



Budapesti szalámi/Budapesti téliszalámi



Csabai kolbász/Csabai vastagbász



Gönci kajszibarack



Gyulai kolbász/Gyulai pároskolbász



Hajdúsági torma



Magyar szürkemarha hús



Makói vöröshagyma; Makói hagyma



Szegedi fûszerpaprika-õrlemény/ Szegedi paprika



Szegedi szalámi; Szegedi téliszalámi



Clare Island Salmon



Connemara Hill lamb; Uain Sléibhe Chonamara



Imokilly Regato



Timoleague Brown Pudding



Abbacchio Romano



Acciughe Sotto Sale del Mar Ligure



Aceto balsamico di Modena



Aceto balsamico tradizionale di Modena



Aceto balsamico tradizionale di Reggio Emilia



Aglio Bianco Polesano



Aglio di Voghiera



Agnello di Sardegna



Alto Crotonese



Amarene Brusche di Modena



Aprutino Pescarese



Arancia del Gargano



Arancia di Ribera



Arancia Rossa di Sicilia






Asparago Bianco di Bassano



Asparago bianco di Cimadolmo



Asparago di Badoere



Asparago verde di Altedo



Basilico Genovese



Bergamotto di Reggio Calabria-Olio essenziale









Bresaola della Valtellina












Caciocavallo Silano



Canestrato di Moliterno



Canestrato Pugliese






Capocollo di Calabria



Cappero di Pantelleria



Carciofo Brindisino



Carciofo di Paestum



Carciofo Romanesco del Lazio



Carciofo Spinoso di Sardegna



Carota dell' Altopiano del Fucino




Carota Novella di Ispica






Casatella Trevigiana



Casciotta of Urbino



Castagna Cuneo




Castagna del Monte Amiata



Castagna di Montella



Castagna di Vallerano






Chianti Classico









Ciliegia dell' Etna



Ciliegia di Marostica



Cipolla Rossa di Tropea Calabria



Cipollotto Nocerino



Clementine del Golfo di Taranto



Clementine di Calabria



Collina di Brindisi



Romagna Hill



Pontine Hill



Salernitane Hill




Teatin Hill



Coppa di Parma



Coppa Piacentina



Coppia Ferrarese



Cotechino Modena



Crudo di Cuneo



Culatello di Zibello






Fagioli Bianchi di Rotonda



Fagiolo Cannellino di Atina



Fagiolo Cuneo



Fagiolo di Lamon della Vallata Bellunese



Fagiolo di Sarconi



Fagiolo di Sorana



Farina di Castagne della Lunigiana



Farina di Neccio della Garfagnana



Farro di Monteleone di Spoleto



Farro della Garfagnana



Fichi di Cosenza



Fico Bianco del Cilento



Ficodindia dell' Etna



Fiore Sardo






Formaggella del Luinese



Formaggio di Fossa di Sogliano



Formai de Mut dell' Alta Valle Brembana



Fungo di Borgotaro









Grana Padano



Irpinia-Hill dell' Ufita



Kiwi Latina



The Bella della Daunia




Lombardi Laghi







Lardo di Colonnata



Lenticchia di Castelluccio di Norcia



Limone Costa of Amalfi



Limone di Siracusa



Limone di Sorrento



Limone Femminello del Gargano



Limone Interdonato Messina



Liquirizia di Calabria






Marrone della Valle di Susa



Marrone del Mugello



Marrone di Caprese Michelangelo



Marrone di Castel del Rio



Marrone di Combai



Marrone di Roccadaspide



Marrone di San Zeno



Marroni del Monfenera



Mela Alto Adige; Südtiroler Apfel



Mela di Valtellina



Mela Val di No



Melannurca Campana



Melanzana Rossa di Rotonda



Miele della Lunigiana



Miele delle Dolomiti Bellunesi









Monte Etna



Monte Veronese



Monti Iblei



Mortadella Bologna



Mozzarella di Bufala Campana






Nocciola del Piemonte; Nocciola Piemonte



Nocciola di Giffoni



Nocciola Romana



Nocellara del Belice



Oliva Ascolana del Piceno



Pagnotta del Dittaino



Pancetta di Calabria



Pancetta Piacentina



Pane casareccio di Genzano




Pane di Altamura




Pane di Matera



Parmigiano Reggiano




Patata della Sila



Patata di Bologna



Pecorino di Filiano



Pecorino Romano



Pecorino Sardo



Pecorino Siciliano



Pecorino Toscano



Penisola Sorrentina



Peperone di Pontecorvo



Peperone di Senise



Pera dell' Emilia Romagna



Pera mantovana



Pesca di Leonforte



Pesca di Verona



Pesca e nettarina di Romagna



Piacentinu Ennese






Pistacchio Verde di Bronte



Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio



Pomodoro di Pachino



Pomodoro S. Marzano dell' Agro Sarnese-Nocerino



Porchetta di Ariccia



Pretuziano delle Colline Teramane



Prosciutto Amatriciano



Prosciutto di Carpegna



Prosciutto di Modena



Prosciutto di Norcia



Prosciutto di Parma



Prosciutto di Sauris



Prosciutto di S. Daniele



Prosciutto Toscano



Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo



Provolone del Monaco



Provolone Valpadana



Quartirolo Lombardo



Radicchio di Chioggia



Radicchio di Verona



Radicchio Rosso di Treviso



Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco









Ricciarelli di Siena



Ricotta di Bufala Campana



Ricotta Romana



Riso del Delta del Po



Riso di Baraggia Biellese e Vercellese



Riso Nano Vialone Veronese



Riviera Ligure



Robiola di Roccaverano






Salame Brianza



Salame Cremona



Salame di Varzi



Salame d' oca di Mortara



Salame Piacentino



Salame S. Angelo



Salamini italiani alla cacciatora



Salsiccia di Calabria



Salva Cremasco






Scalogno di Romagna



Sedano Bianco di Sperlonga






Soppressata di Calabria



Soprèssa Vicentina



Speck dell' Alto Adige; Südtiroler Markenspeck; Südtiroler Speck



Spressa delle Giudicarie



Stelvio; Stilfser









Terra di Bari



Terra of Otranto



Aurunche Earth



Earth di Siena



Tarentine Earth



Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di Poirino



Toma Piemontese












Uva da tavola di Canicattì



Uva da tavola di Mazzarrone



Val di Mazara






Valle d' Aosta Fromadzo



Valle d' Aosta Jambon de Bosses



Valle d' Aosta Lard d' Arnad



Valle del Belice



Valli Trapanesi



Valtellina Casera



Vastedda della valle del Belìce



Veneto Valpolicella, Veneto Euganei e Berici, Veneto del Grappa



Vitellone bianco dell' Appennino Centrale



Zafferano dell' Aquila



Zafferano di San Gimignano



Zafferano di sardegna



Zampone Modena



Pink Butter-National Mark of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg



Honey-National Mark of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg



Smoked Salts, National Mark of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg



Pork meat, national mark of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg



Boeren-Leidse sleutels



Edam Holland



Gouda Holland



Kanterkaas; Kanternagelkaas; Kanterkomijnekaas



Noord-Hollandse Edammer



Noord-Hollandse Gouda



Opperdoezer Ronde



Druif Westlandse



Andruty Kaliskie



Bryndza Podhalañska



Chleb pr¹dnicki



Fasola korczyñska



Fasola Piêkny Jaoe z Doliny Dunajca/Fasola z Doliny Dunajca



Jab³ka grójeckie



Jab³ka ³ ¹ckie



Karp zatorski



Kie³basa lisiecka



Ko³ocz oel¹ski/ko³acz oel¹ski



Miód drahimski



Miód kurpiowski



Miód wrzosowy z Borów Dolnooel¹skich



Obwarzanek krakowski






Podkarpacki miód spadziowy






Rogal oewiêtomarciñski



Oliwka szyd³owska



Suska sechloñska



Truskawka kaszubska lub Kaszëbskô Malëna



Wielkopolski ser sma ¿ ony



Wioenia nadwioelanka



Alheira de Barroso-Montalegre



Alheira de Vinhais



Ameixa of Elvas



Amedoa Douro



Ananás dos Açores/São Miguel



Anona da Madeira



Arroz Carolino Lezírias Ribatejanas



Azeite de Moura



Trás-os-Montes Azeite



Azeite do Alentejo Interior



Azeites da Beira Interior (Azeite da Beira Alta, Azeite da Beira Baixa)



Azeites do Norte Alentejano



Azeites do Ribatejo



Azeitona de conserva Negrinha de Freixo



Azeitonas de Conserva de Elvas e Campo Maior



Batata de Trás-os-montes



Aljezur Doce Doce



Borrego da Beira



Borrego de Montemor-o-Novo



Borrego do Baixo Alentejo



Borrego do Nordeste Alentejano



Borrego Serra da Estrela



Borrego Terrincho



Butelo de Vinhais; Bucho de Vinhais; Chouriço de Ossos de Vinhais



Cabrito da Beira



Cabrito da Gralheira



Cabrito das Terras Altas do Minho



Cabrito de Barroso



Cabrito Transmontano



Cacholeira Branca de Portalegre






Carne Arouquesa



Carne Barrosã



Carne Cachena da Peneda



Carne da Charneca



Carne de Bísaro Transmonano; Carne de Porco Transmontano



Carne de Bovino Cruzado dos Lameiros do Barroso



Porco Alentejano Carne



Carne Back Azores



Carne Marinhoa



Carne Maronesa



Carne Mertolenga



Carne Mirandesa



Castanha da Terra Fria



Castanha of Padrela



Castanha dos Soutos da Lapa






Cereja da Cova da Beira



Cereja de São Julião-Portalegre



Barroso-Montalegre Shuriça de Carne



Shuriça de Carne de Vinhais; Linguiça de Vinhais



Shuriça doce de Vinhais



Shuriço azedo de Vinhais; Azedo de Vinhais; Chouriço de Pão de Vinhais



Chouriço de Abóbora de Barroso-Montalegre



Chouriço de Carne de Estremoz e Borba



Shuriço de Portalegre



Chouriço grosso de Estremoz e Borba



Shuriço Mouro de Portalegre



Citrinos do Algarve



Cordeiro Bragançano



Cordeiro de Barroso; Anho de Barroso; Cordeiro de leite de Barroso



Farinheira de Estremoz e Borba



Farinheira de Portalegre



Linguiça de Portalegre



Linguiça do Baixo Alentejo; Chouriço de carne do Baixo Alentejo



Lombo Branco de Portalegre



Lombo Enguitado de Portalegre



Maçã Bravo of Esmolfe



Maçã da Beira Alta



Maçã da Cova da Beira



Maçã de Alcobaça



Maçã de Portalegre



Maracujá dos Açores/S. Miguel



Mel da Serra da Lousã



Mel da Serra de Monchique



Mel da Terra Quente



Mel das Terras Altas do Minho



Mel of Barroso



Mel do Alentejo



Mel do Parque de Montezinho



Mel do Ribatejo Norte (Serra d' Aire, Albufeira de Castelo de Bode, Bairro, Alto Nabão



Mel dos Açores



Morcela of Assar de Portalegre



Morcela de Cozer de Portalegre



Morcela de Estremoz e Borba



Ovos moles of Aveiro



Paio de Estremoz e Borba



Paia de Lombo de Estremoz e Borba



Paia de Toucinho de Estremoz e Borba



Painho de Portalegre



Beja Paio



Fishing Rocha do Oeste



Fishing for Cova da Beira



Presunto de Barrancos



Barroso's Presunto



Presunto de Camp Maior e Elvas; Paleta de Campo Maior e Elvas



Presunto de Santana da Serra; Paleta de Santana da Serra



Presunto de Vinhais/Presunto Bísaro de Vinhais



Presunto do Alentejo; Paleta do Alentejo



Queijo de Azeitão



Queijo de cabra Transmontano



Queijo de Évora



Nisa Queijo



Queijo do Pico



Mestiço de Tolosa



Queijo Rabaçal



Queijo São Jorge



Queijo Serpa



Queijo Serra da Estrela



Queijo Terrincho



Queijos da Beira Baixa (Queijo de Castelo Branco, Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa, Queijo Picante da Beira Baixa)



Requeijão Serra da Estrela



Salpicão de Barroso-Montalegre



Salpicão de Vinhais



Sangueira de Barroso-Montalegre



Vitela de Lafões



Topoloveni Magiun



Bruna bönor från Öland



Kalix Löjrom



Skånsk spettkaka






Ekstra Becško oljèno olje Slovenske Istre



Koenevski gozdni med



Nanoški Sir



Prleška tünka



Ptujski lük



Šebreljski želodec



Zgornjesavinjski želodec



Oravský korbáèik



Skalický trdelnik



Slovenská bryndza



Slovenská parenica



Slovenský oštiepok



Tekovský salámový



Zázrivský korbáèik



Arbroath Smokies



Beacon Fell traditional Lancashire cheese



Bonchester cheese



Buxton blue



Cornish Clotted Cream



Cornish Pasty



Cornish Sardines



Dorset Blue Cheese



Dovedale cheese



Exmoor Blue Cheese



Gloucestershire clarifying/perry



Herefordshire clarifying/perry



Isle of Man Manx Loaghtan Lamb




Jersey Royal




Kentish ale and Kentish strong ale




Lough Neagh Eel



Melton Mowbray Pork Pie



Native Shetland Wool



Orkney beef




Orkney lamb




Rutland Bitter




Scotch Beef




Scotch Lamb




Scottish Farmed Salmon




Shetland Lamb




Single Gloucester




Staffordshire Cheese




Swaledale cheese; Swaledale ewes' cheese




Teviotdale Cheese



Traditional Cumberland Sausage



Traditional Grimsby Smoked Fish



Welsh Beef



Welsh lamb



West Country farmhouse Cheddar cheese



White Stilton cheese; Blue Stilton cheese



Whitstable oysters



Worcestershire clarifying/perry



Yorkshire Forced Rhubarb



(1) In accordance with the legislation of the Union in force, as set out in Appendix 2.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix 2

Legislation of the Parties

Legislation of the European Union

Regulation (EU) n O 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 on quality systems for agricultural products and foodstuffs (OJ L 343, 14.12.2012, p. 1).

Regulation (EC) n O Commission of 14 December 2006 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No O 510/2006 of the Council on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs, as last amended by Regulation (EC) No O 628/2008 of 2 July 2008 (OJ L 173, 3.7.2008, p. 3).

Legislation of the Swiss Confederation

Order of 28 May 1997 concerning the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and processed agricultural products, as last amended 1 Er January 2013 (RS 910.12 ; RO 2012 3631).

State 1 Er January 2016

Final Act

Joint Declaration on the Bilateral Agreements between the Member States of the European Union and Switzerland

Joint Declaration on the Tariff Classification of Vegetable Powders and Fruit Powders

Joint Declaration on the Meat Sector

Joint Declaration on the manner in which Switzerland manages its tariff quotas in the meat sector

Joint Declaration on the implementation of Annex 4 on the phytosanitary sector

Switzerland and the European Community, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, undertake to implement as soon as possible Annex 4 on the phytosanitary sector. The implementation of Annex 4 shall be carried out as, for plants, plant products and other objects listed in Appendix A of this Declaration, Swiss legislation is equivalent to Community legislation In accordance with a procedure for the integration of plants, plant products and other objects in Appendix 1 to Annex 4, as well as the laws of the Parties in Appendix 2 to that Annex. This procedure is also intended to supplement Appendices 3 and 4 of the Annex on the basis of Appendices C and D of this Declaration with regard to the Community, on the one hand, and, on the basis of the relevant provisions, as regards Switzerland, on the other hand.

Art. 9 and 10 of Annex 4 shall be implemented upon entry into force of that Annex, with a view to establishing as soon as possible the instruments for the registration of plants, plant products and other items in Appendix 1 to Annex 4, To enter the legislative provisions of the Parties, leading to equivalent results in protection against the introduction and spread of organisms harmful to plants or plant products in Appendix 2 to Annex 4, Register the official bodies responsible for establishing the plant passport in Appendix 3 to Annex 4 and, where applicable, to define the specific areas and requirements relating to them in Appendix 4 to Annex 4.

The "Phytosanitary" Working Group referred to in s. 10 of Annex 4 shall, as soon as possible, examine the Swiss legislative amendments so as to assess whether they lead to results equivalent to the provisions of the European Community in the field of protection against introduction and The spread of organisms harmful to plants or plant products. It shall ensure the gradual implementation of Annex 4 so that it applies rapidly to as many plants, plant products and other objects as may be listed in Appendix A to this Declaration.

With a view to promoting the establishment of legislation leading to equivalent results in protection against the introduction and spread of organisms harmful to plants or plant products, the Parties undertake to conduct Technical consultations.

Appendix A

Plants, plant products and other objects for which the two Parties shall endeavour to find a solution in accordance with the provisions of Annex 4

A. Plants, plant products and other objects originating in the territory of either Party

1 Plants and plant products, when placed in circulation

1.1 Plants for planting with the exception of seeds

Beta vulgaris L.

Humulus lupulus L.

Prunus L. 1

1.2 Parts of plants other than fruits and seeds, but including living pollen for pollination

Chaenomeles Lindl.

Cotoneaster Ehrh.

Crataegus L.

Cydonia Mill.

Eriobotrya Lindl.

Malus Mill.

Mespilus L.

Pyracantha Roem.

Pyrus L.

Sorbus L. except S. intermedia (Ehrh.) Pers.

Stranvaesia Lindl.

1.3 Plants of stoloniferous or tuberous species for planting

Solanum L. and their hybrids

1.4 Plants with the exception of fruit and seeds

Vitis L.

2 Plants, plant products and other objects produced by producers authorized to produce for sale to plant production professionals, other than plants, plant products and other objects that are prepared and ready for use in Sale to the final consumer and for which the (official bodies responsible for) Parties shall ensure that their production is clearly separated from that of other products

2.1 Plants, except seeds

Abies Spp.

Apium graveolens L.

Argyranthemum Spp.

Aster Spp.

Brassica Spp.

Castanea Mill.

Cucumis Spp.

Dendranthema (DC) Des Moul.

Dianthus L. and their hybrids

Exacum Spp.

Fragaria L.

Gerbera Cass.

Gypsophila L.

Impatiens L.: all varieties of New Guinea hybrids

Lactuca Spp.

Larix Mill.

Leucanthemum L.

Lupinus L.

Pelargonium The Heir. Ex Ait.

Picea A. Dietr.

Pinus L.

Populus L.

Pseudotsuga Carr.

Quercus L.

Rubus L.

Spinacia L.

Tanacetum L.

Tsuga Carr.

Verbena L.

2.2 Plants for planting other than seed

Solanaceae , with the exception of plants referred to in point 1.3.

2.3 Plants with roots or with an adherent or associated culture medium




Persea Mill.


2.4 Seeds and bulbs

Allium ascalonicum L.

Allium cepa L.

Allium schoenoprasum L.

2.5 Plants for Planting

Allium porrum L.

2.6 Bulbs and bulbous rhizomes for planting

Camassia Lindl.

Chionodoxa Boiss.

Crocus flavus Weston cv. Golden Yellow

Galanthus L.

Galtonia candicans (Baker) Decne

Gladiolus Ex L.: miniaturized varieties and their hybrids such as Callianthus Marais, G. Colvillei Sweet, G. nanus Hort., G. Ramosus Sleeps. And G. Tugenii Sleeps.

Hyacinthus L.

Iris L.

Ismene Herbert (= Hymenocallis Salisb.)

Muscari Mill.

Narcissus L.

Ornithogalum L.

Puschkinia Adams

Scilla L.

Tigridia Juss.

Tulipa L.

B. Plants and plant products originating in territories other than those mentioned in letter A

3 All plants intended for planting, except

Seeds other than those referred to in point 4
Of the following plants:
Citrus L.
Clausena Burm. F.
Fortunella Swingle
Murraya Koenig ex L.
Poncirus Raf.

4 Seeds

4.1 Seeds from Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Chile, New Zealand and Uruguay



Trifolium Spp.

4.2 Seeds, whatever their origin when it does not concern the territory of either party

Allium cepa L.

Allium porrum L.

Allium schoenoprasum L.

Capsicum Spp.

Helianthus Annuus L.

Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karst. Ex Farw.

Medicago sativa L.

Phaseolus L.

Prunus L.

Rubus L.

Zea mays L.

4.3 Seeds from Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan and the United States of America



X Triticosecale

5 Plants with the exception of fruit and seeds

Vitis L.

6 Parts of plants, with the exception of fruit and seeds


Dendranthema (DC) Des Moul.

Dianthus L.

Pelargonium The Heir. Ex Ait.

Populus L.

Prunus L. (from non-European countries)

Quercus L.

7 Fruit (originating from non-European countries)

Annona L.

Cydonia Mill.

Diospyros L.

Malus Mill.

Mangifera L.

Passiflora L.

Prunus L.

Psidium L.

Pyrus L.

Ribes L.

Syzygium Gaertn.

Vaccinium L.

8 Tubers other than those intended for planting

Solanum tuberosum L.

9 Wood that has completely or partially retained its natural round surface, with or without bark, or which occurs in the form of wafers, particles, sawdust, waste or wood debris

When it has been obtained in whole or in part from the following plants:
Castanea Mill.
Castanea Mill., Quercus L. (including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, originating in North American countries)
Conifers Other than Pinus L. (originating from non-European countries, including wood that has not kept its natural round surface)
Pinus L. (including wood that has not kept its natural round surface)
Populus L. (from countries on the American continent)
Acer saccharum Marsh. (including wood that has not kept its natural round surface, originating in North American countries)
When it is one of the following designations:

NC Code

Description of Goods

4401 10

Firewood in logs, logs, ramets, faggots, or under

Similar forms

4401 21

Wood in platelets or particles:

Of Conifers Originating from non-European countries
4401 22

Wood in platelets or particles:

Other than Conifers
4401 30

Wood waste and scrap, not agglomerated in the form of logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms

4430 20

Raw wood, whether or not debarbied, or roughly equated:

Other than paint, dyeing, creosote or other preservatives
Of Conifers Originating from non-European countries

Raw wood, whether or not debarked, or grossly equarrated:

Other than paint, dyeing, creosote or other preservatives
- - Quercus L.
4403 99

Raw wood, whether or not debarked, or grossly equarrated:

Other than paint, dyeing, creosote or other preservatives
- - other than Conifers , from Quercus L. or Fagus L.
4404 10

Splits: piles, wooden poles and poles, stippled, not sawn longitudinally:

Of Conifers Originating from non-European countries
4404 20

Splits: piles, wooden poles and poles, stippled, not sawn longitudinally:

Other than Conifers
4406 10

Wooden crossings for railways or the like

Not impregnated
4407 10

Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, not planed, sanded or collated by digital join, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm, and in particular beams, planks, friezes, planks, slats:

Of Conifers Originating from non-European countries
4407 91

Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, not planed, sanded or collated by digital join, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm, and in particular beams, planks, friezes, planks, slats:

Of Quercus L.
4407 99

Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, not planed, sanded or collated by digital join, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm, and in particular beams, planks, friezes, planks, slats:

Other than Conifers , tropical wood, Quercus L. or Fagus L.
4415 10

Caisses, crates and cylinders, of wood originating in non-European countries

4415 20

Single pallets, crates and other loading trays, of wood originating in non-European countries

4416 00

Wooden Cuves, including marats, of Quercus L.

Single pallets in pallet boxes (CN code ex 4415 20) also benefit from the exemption if they comply with the standards applicable to the "UIC" pallets and bear a mark attesting to this conformity.

10 Earth and culture medium

Earth and culture medium as such, consisting wholly or partly of soil or organic matter such as parts of plants, humus including peat or bark, other than that made in whole peat.
Earth and culture medium adherent or associated with plants, consisting of all or part of the materials specified in (a) or consisting wholly or partly of peat or other solid inorganic matter intended to maintain the vitality of the plants Plants.

1 Subject to disp. Consideration of the Sharka virus.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix B


Provisions of the European Community:

Council Directive 69 /464/EEC of 8 December 1969 on the fight against the verruquous gall
Council Directive 69 /465/EEC of 8 December 1969 concerning the control of golden nematode
Council Directive 69 /466/EEC of 8 December 1969 concerning the fight against the San José pou
Council Directive 74 /647/EEC of 9 December 1974 concerning the control of oeillet wafers
Council Directive 77 /93/EEC of 21 December 1976 on measures to protect against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants and plant products and against their spread within the Community Last amended by Commission Directive 98 /2/EC of 8 January 1998
Commission Decision 91 /261/EEC of 2 May 1991 recognising Australia as free from Erwinia amylorova (Burr) Winsl. Et al.
Commission Directive 92/70/EEC of 30 July 1992 laying down detailed rules for the investigations to be carried out in connection with the recognition of protected areas in the Community
Commission Directive 92/76/EEC of 6 October 1992 recognising protected areas, exposed to specific plant health hazards, in the Community, as last amended by Commission Directive 98 /17/EC of 11 March 1998
Commission Directive 92/90/EEC of 3 November 1992 laying down certain obligations to which producers and importers of plants, plant products or other objects and the conditions of their registration are subject
Commission Directive 92/105/EEC of 3 December 1992 establishing a certain standardisation of plant passports to be used for the movement of certain plants, plant products or other objects within the Community and fixing The arrangements for the issue of such plant passports, as well as the conditions and procedures for their replacement
Commission Decision 93 /359/EEC of 28 May 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC as regards timber Thuja L., originating in the United States of America
Commission Decision 93 /360/EEC of 28 May 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC as regards timber Thuja L., from Canada
Commission Decision 93 /365/EEC of 2 June 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC in respect of thermally treated coniferous wood originating in Canada, and Laying down specific measures concerning the marking system for thermally treated wood
Commission Decision 93 /422/EEC of 22 June 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC in respect of wood of coniferous-dried conifer originating in Canada, and Stopping the details of the marking system for kiln-dried wood
Commission Decision 93 /423/EEC of 22 June 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC with regard to kiln-dried coniferous wood originating in the United States Of America, and to stop the details of the marking system for kiln-dried wood
Commission Directive 93 /50/EEC of 24 June 1993 determining certain plants not listed in Annex V, Part A of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC, including producers, shops or dispatch centres, located in the production areas Of these plants, must be entered on an official register
Commission Directive 93 /51/EEC of 24 June 1993 laying down rules for the movement of certain plants, plant products or other objects passing through a protected area and for the movement of such plants, plant products or other products Objects originating from and circulating within such protected area
Commission Decision 93 /452/EEC of 15 July 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC on plants Chamaecyparis Spach, Juniperus L. and Pinus L., originating in Japan, as last amended by Commission Decision 96 /711/EC of 27 November 1996
Commission Decision 93 /467/EEC of 19 July 1993 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC as regards oak logs ( Quercus L.) with bark, originating in Canada or the United States of America, as last amended by Commission Decision 96 /724/EC of 29 November 1996
Council Directive 93 /85/EEC of 4 October 1993 concerning the control of bacterial wilt of potatoes
Commission Directive 95 /44/EC of 26 July 1995 laying down the conditions under which certain harmful organisms, plants, plant products and other objects listed in Annexes I to V to Council Directive 77 /93/EEC may be Introduced or circulated within the Community or in certain protected areas of the Community for work for scientific purposes or for scientific purposes or for work on variety selections, as last amended by the Directive Commission of 25 July 1997
Commission Decision 95 /506/EC of 24 November 1995 authorising Member States to take temporary additional measures to protect themselves against the spread of the Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as last amended by Commission Decision 97 /649/EC of 26 September 1997
Commission Decision 96 /301/EC of 3 May 1996 authorising Member States to take temporary additional measures to protect themselves against the spread of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith from Egypt
Commission Decision 96 /618/EC of 16 October 1996 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC in respect of potatoes, other than potatoes intended for use At the plantation, originating in the Republic of Senegal
Commission Decision 97 /5/EC of 12 December 1996 recognising Hungary as free from Clavibacter michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al spp. Sepedonicus (Spieckerman and Kotthoff) Davis et al
Commission Decision 97 /353/EC of 20 May 1997 authorising Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77 /93/EEC on strawberries ( Fragaria L.) for planting, with the exception of seeds, originating in Argentina
Commission Directive 98 /22/EC of 15 April 1998 laying down the minimum conditions for the conduct of plant health checks in the Community, at inspection posts other than those situated at the place of destination, of plants, products Plants or other objects from third countries.

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix C

Official bodies responsible for establishing the plant passport

European Community

Department of Middle Classes and Agriculture

Quality and Plant Protection Service

WTC 3-6 E Floor

Boulevard Simon Bolivar 30

B-1210 Brussels

Tel: + 32-2-2083704

Fax: + 32-2-2083705

Landbrug og Fiskerei


Skovbrynet 20

DK-2800 Lyngby

Tel: + 45-45966600

Fax: + 45-45966610

Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten

Rochusstrasse 1

D-53123 Bonn 1

Tel: + 49-2285293590

Fax: + 49-2285294262

Ministry of Agriculture

Directorate of Plant Produce

Plant Protection Service

3-5, Ippokratous Str.

GR-10164 Athens

Tel: + 30-1-3605480

Fax: + 30-1-3617103

Ministério de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion

Dirección General de Sanidad de la Producción Agraria

Subdirección general de Sanidad Vegetal

M.A.P.A., c/Velazquez, 147 1a Planta

E-28002 Madrid

Tel: + 34-1-3478254

Fax: + 34-1-3478263

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Plant Production Inspection Centre

Plant Protection Service

Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 C, P.O. Box 42

FIN-00501 Helsinki

Tel: + 358-0-134-211

Fax: + 358-0-13421499

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Food Directorate General

Plant Protection Branch

175 rue du Chevaleret

F-75013 Paris

Tel: + 33.1-49554955

Fax: + 33.1-49555949

Ministero delle Risorse Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali

D.G.P.A.A.N. -Servizio Fitosanitario Centrale

Via XX Settembre, 20

I-00195 Roma

Tel: + 39-6-4884293-46655070

Fax: + 39-6-4814628

Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij

Plantenziektenkundige Dienst (PD)

Geertjesweg 15-Postbus 9102

NL-6700 HC Wageningen

Tel: + 31-317-496911

Fax: + 31-317-421701

Bundesministerium für Land-und Forstwirtschaft

Stubenring 1

Abteilung Pflanzenschutzdienst

A-1012 Wien

Tel: + 43-1-711 00/6806

Fax.: + 43-1-711 00/6507

Direcção-geral de Protecção das culturas

Quinta do Marquês

P-2780 Oeiras

Tel.: + 351-1-4435058/4430772/3

Fax: + 351-1-4420616/4430527

Swedish Board of Agriculture

Plant Protection Service

S-551 82 Jönkoping

Tel: + 46-36-155913

Fax: + 46-36-122522

Ministry of Agriculture


16, Esch-BP 1904 route

L-1019 Luxembourg

Tel: + 352-457172-218

Fax: + 352-457172-340

Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry

Plant Protection Service

Agriculture House (7 West), Kildare street

IRL-Dublin 2

Tel: + 353-1-6072003

Fax: + 353-1-6616263

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Plant Health Division

Foss House, Kings Pool

1-2 Peasholme Green

UK-York YO1 2PX

Tel: + 44-1904-455161

Fax: + 44-1904-455163

State 1 Er January 2016

Appendix D

Areas under Art. 4 and specific requirements

The areas referred to in s. 4 and the specific requirements relating thereto shall be defined in the respective legislative and administrative provisions of the two Parties mentioned below:

Provisions of the European Community:

Commission Directive 92/76/EEC of 6 October 1992 recognising protected areas, exposed to specific plant health hazards, in the Community
Commission Directive 92/103/EEC of 1 Er December 1992 amending Annexes I to IV to Council Directive 77 /93/EEC on measures to protect against the introduction and dissemination of organisms harmful to plants or plant products in the Community
Commission Directive 93 /106/EEC of 29 November 1993 amending Directive 92/76/EEC recognising protected areas, exposed to specific plant health hazards, in the Community
Commission Directive 93 /110/EC of 9 December 1993 amending certain annexes to Council Directive 77 /93/EEC on measures to protect against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants and plant products And against their spread within the Community
Commission Directive 94 /61/EC of 15 December 1994 extending the period of provisional recognition of certain protected areas provided for in Article 1 of Directive 92 /76/EEC
Commission Directive 95 /4/EC of 21 February 1995 amending certain annexes to Council Directive 77 /93/EEC on measures to protect against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants and plant products And against their spread within the Community
Commission Directive 95 /40/EC of 19 July 1995 amending Directive 92/76/EEC recognising protected areas, exposed to specific plant health hazards, in the Community
Commission Directive 95 /65/EC of 14 December 1995 amending Directive 92/76/EEC recognising protected areas, exposed to specific plant health hazards, in the Community
Commission Directive 95 /66/EC of 14 December 1995 amending certain annexes to Council Directive 77 /93/EEC on measures to protect against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants and plant products And against their spread within the Community
Commission Directive 96 /14/EC of 12 March 1996 amending certain annexes to Council Directive 77 /93/EEC on measures to protect against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants and plant products and Against their spread within the Community
Commission Directive 96 /15/EC of 14 March 1996 amending Directive 92/76/EEC recognising protected areas, exposed to specific plant health hazards, in the Community
Commission Directive 96 /76/EC of 29 November 1996 amending Directive 92/76/EEC recognising protected areas, exposed to specific plant health hazards, in the Community
Commission Directive 95 /41/EC of 19 July 1995 amending certain annexes to Council Directive 77 /93/EEC on measures to protect against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or products Plants and their spread in the Community
Commission Directive 98 /17/EC of 11 March 1998 amending Directive 92/76/EEC recognising protected areas, exposed to specific plant health hazards, in the Community.

Joint Declaration on the cutting of wine products originating in the Community on the territory of Switzerland

Art. 4, para. 1, in conjunction with Appendix 1, point A, of Annex 7, permits the cutting of wine-making products originating in the Community between themselves or with products of other origins only under the conditions laid down in Annex 7 to Annex 7. Relevant Community legislation or, failing that, by that of the Member States referred to in Appendix 1. Therefore, for these products, the provisions of s. 371 of the Swiss Food Ordinance, of 1 Er March 1995, do not apply.

Joint statement on legislation on spirit drinks and aromatised wine-based drinks

Desiring to establish favourable conditions for the facilitation and promotion of trade in spirit drinks and aromatised wine-based drinks between them and, to that end, to remove the technical barriers to trade in those drinks, the Agree as follows:

Switzerland undertakes to make its legislation equivalent to Community legislation in this field and to start the procedures laid down in that regard now to adapt its legislation no later than three years after the entry into force of the Agreement On the definition, description and presentation of spirit drinks and aromatised wine-based drinks.

Upon the establishment by Switzerland of legislation deemed by the two parties equivalent to Community legislation, the European Community and Switzerland will enter into the procedures for the inclusion in the agricultural agreement of an annex The mutual recognition of their legislation on spirits and aromatised wine-based drinks.

Joint declaration in the field of the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs

The European Community and Switzerland (hereinafter the Parties) agree that the reciprocal protection of appellations of origin (PDO) and geographical indications (PGI) is an essential element of the liberalisation of trade in goods Agricultural and food products between the two Parties. The inclusion in the bilateral agricultural agreement of provisions relating thereto constitutes a necessary complement to Annex 7 of the Agreement on trade in wine-producing products, and in particular its Title II, which provides for the reciprocal protection of Names of these products and in Annex 8 to the Agreement on the mutual recognition and protection of names in the sector of spirit drinks and aromatised wine-based drinks.

The Parties shall provide for the inclusion of provisions concerning the mutual protection of PDOs and PGI in the Agreement on reciprocal trade in agricultural products on the basis of equivalent legislation, both in terms of the conditions of registration PDOs and IPGs as well as control regimes. Such inclusion should take place on a date acceptable to both parties and, at the earliest, when the application of s. 17 of the Regulation (EEC) n O The current composition of the Council for the Community will have been completed. In the meantime, while taking into account the legal constraints, the Parties shall inform themselves of the progress of their work in this field.

Joint Declaration on Annex 11 on sanitary and zootechnical measures applicable to trade in live animals and animal products

The Commission of the EC, in cooperation with the Member States concerned, will closely monitor the development of BSE and the measures to combat it adopted by Switzerland in order to find an appropriate solution. In these circumstances, Switzerland undertakes not to initiate proceedings against the Community or its Member States within the World Trade Organisation.

Joint statement on further additional negotiations

The European Community and the Swiss Confederation declare their intention to enter into negotiations with a view to concluding agreements in areas of common interest such as the updating of Protocol 2 of the 1972 Free Trade Agreement, the Swiss participation in certain Community programmes for training, youth, media, statistics and the environment. These negotiations should be prepared shortly after the conclusion of the current bilateral negotiations.

Declaration by the European Community concerning the so-called "melted" preparations

The European Community declares that it is prepared to consider, in the context of the adaptation of Protocol 2 of the 1972 Free Trade Agreement, the list of cheeses in the composition of the so-called "fondue" preparations.

Switzerland Declaration on the Grappa

Switzerland declares that it undertakes to comply with the definition established in the Community for the name Grappa ( Grape marc life water Or Marc ) Referred to in s. 1, para. 4 (f) of Regulation n O 1576/89 of 29 May 1989.

Declaration by Switzerland on the naming of poultry with regard to the method of farming

Switzerland states that it does not currently have specific legislation on the method of rearing and the naming of poultry.

However, it declares its intention to start the procedures in this respect now in order to adopt, no later than three years after the entry into force of the Agreement, legislation specific to the husbandry and naming of poultry, Which is equivalent to Community legislation in this field.

Switzerland declares that it has relevant legislation, in particular those relating to consumer protection against deception, the protection of animals, the protection of trade marks and against unfair competition.

It states that the existing legislation is applied in such a way as to ensure the appropriate and objective information of the consumer in order to ensure fair competition between Swiss and Community poultry. In particular, it seeks to prevent the use of incorrect or misleading indications, having the effect of misleading the consumer on the nature of the products, the method of rearing and the name of the poultry placed on the Swiss market.

Declaration on the participation of Switzerland in the Committees

The Council agreed that the representatives of Switzerland should participate as observers and for the meetings of the following committees and expert groups:

Research Program Committees; including Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST);
Administrative Commission for the Social Security of Migrant Workers;
Coordination Group on the mutual recognition of higher education diplomas;
Advisory committees on air routes and the application of competition rules in the field of air transport.

These committees meet without the presence of the representatives of Switzerland in the votes.

With regard to the other committees dealing with the areas covered by these agreements and for which Switzerland has adopted the acquis communautaire, or applying it by equivalence, the Commission will consult the experts of Switzerland according to the Art form. 100 % of the EEA Agreement 1 .

1 FF 1992 IV 655

State 1 Er January 2016

Final Act of the Amendment of 23 December 2008 4

Plenipotentiaries of the European Community,

On one hand,

And the Swiss Confederation,

On the other hand,

Meeting on 23 December two mil eight in Paris for the signature of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation amending Annex 11 to the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in Agricultural products adopted the following declaration of Switzerland and attached to this Final Act:

Declaration by Switzerland on the importation of meat that has been the subject of the use of hormones as animal performance enhancers.

Done at Paris, on December 23, two mil eight.

For the Swiss Confederation:

Hans Wyss

For the European Community:

Paul Van Geldorp

Declaration by Switzerland on the importation of meat that has been the subject of the use of hormones as animal performance enhancers

Switzerland states that it will take due account of the final decision of the World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding the possibility of prohibiting the import of meat produced using hormones such as Animal performance enhancers and will therefore re-examine its rules for importing meat from countries that do not prohibit the use of hormones as animal performance enhancers, and align them where appropriate on The Community rules on this matter.

Final Act of the Amendment of 14 May 2009 5

The representatives of the Swiss Confederation,

On one hand,

The European Community,

On the other hand,

Meeting in Brussels on the fourteenth day of May of the year two thousand nine for the signature of the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community amending the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on Trade in agricultural products,

Took note of the following statements and attached to this Final Act:

Joint statement on the updating of Annexes 7 and 8 to the agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on trade in agricultural products;
Community declaration on the methods of management by Switzerland of its tariff quotas.

For the Swiss Confederation:

James of Watteville

For the European Community:

Milena Vicenová

Joint statement on the updating of Annexes 7 and 8 to the agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on trade in agricultural products

Taking into account the evolution of the legislation of the Parties since the preparation and adoption of the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community amending the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on Trade in agricultural products, the Parties undertake, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Agreement, to proceed promptly with the updating of Annex 7 on trade in wine products, on the one hand, and Annex 8 concerning the Mutual recognition and protection of names in the beverage sector Wine-based spirits and drinks, in particular to take account of developments in the Community acquis following the adoption by the European Parliament and the Council of Regulation (EC) No O 479/2008 of 29 April 2008 on the common organisation of the market in wine (OJ L 148, 6.6.2008, p. 1) and Regulation (EC) No O 110/2008 of 15 January 2008 concerning the definition, description, presentation, labelling and protection of geographical indications of spirit drinks (OJ L 39, 13.2.2008, p. 16)

Declaration by the Community on the methods of management by Switzerland of its tariff quotas

The Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Community on trade in agricultural products ('the Agreement ') , entered into force on 1 Er June 2002, opens, inter alia, tariff quotas to facilitate trade in agricultural products between the Parties. In the "Joint Declaration on the Method of Management by Switzerland of its Tariff Rate Quotas in the Meat Sector", annexed to the Agreement, the Parties declare their intention to review together the method of management by Switzerland of its Quotas in the meat sector with a view to achieving a less restrictive management approach to trade. However, such a review has not taken place since 2002.

The question of the method of tender management used by Switzerland was regularly raised at the meetings of the Joint Agriculture Committee of the Agreement. In this context, the Community has repeatedly complained that the use of tenders leads to a reduction in the bilateral tariff preference granted, resulting in an obstacle to trade.

The Community welcomes the opening of bilateral negotiations for the full liberalisation of bilateral trade in the agri-food sector. Liberalisation of trade, in the long term, will resolve this issue. Taking into account, however, the duration of these negotiations and their implementation, the Community requests that, between time and time, the methods of managing the tariff quotas of Switzerland should be managed in such a way as to limit barriers to trade.

Final Act of the Amendment of 17 May 2011 6

Plenipotentiaries of the Swiss Confederation and of the European Union

Meeting on 17 May 2011 in Brussels for the signature of the agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs Amending the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in agricultural products, adopted a joint declaration mentioned below and attached to this Final Act:

Joint Joint Declaration on Homonymous Names,

For the Swiss Confederation:

Johann N. Schneider-Ammann

For the European Union:

Sánder Fazekas Dacian Ciolos

Joint Declaration on Homonymous Names

The Parties acknowledge that the proceedings relating to applications for registration of IGs filed prior to the signing of the Declaration of Intent of 11 December 2009 under their respective laws may be continued notwithstanding the Provisions of this Agreement and, in particular, s. 7 of Annex 12.

In the event of registration of these IGs, the Parties agree that the provisions on homonymous names provided for in Art. 3 para. 3 of the Regulation (EC) n O 510/2006 and Art. 4 A AOP and PGI (RS) Ordinance (RS 910.12 ) Apply. For this purpose, the Parties shall inform themselves beforehand.

If necessary and according to the procedures of art. 16 of Schedule 12, the Committee may consider an amendment to s. 8 to clarify the specific provisions concerning homonymous names.

RO 2002 2147 ; FF 1999 5440

1 Art. 1 al. 1 let. D of the FY 8 Oct. 1999 ( RO 2002 1527 ).
2 Currently: European Union (EU).
3 RS 0.632.401
4 Introduced by Ac. Of 23 Dec. 2008 between Switzerland and the EC amending Annex 11 of the Ac. On trade in agricultural products and in force since 1 Er Dec. 2009 ( RO 2009 4919 , 2010 65).
5 Introduced by the Ac. Of 14 May 2009 between Switzerland and the EC amending Ac. On trade in agricultural products, in force since 1 Er June 2009 ( RO 2009 4925 ).
6 Introduced by the Ac. Of 17 May 2011 between Switzerland and the EU on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs, in force since 1 Er Dec. 2011 ( RO 2011 5149 ).

State 1 Er January 2016